3 Steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Ads

3 Steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Ads

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Advertising #Marketing #MarketMessageMedia #SelfReliance #BusinessOwner #TheUltmateMarketingPlan #DanKennedy

Dan Kennedy’s definition of Marketing from his book, The Ultimate Marketing Plan

“Getting the right message to the right people via the right media and methods effectively, efficiently and profitably”

3 Steps

Market – The who – who you are trying to reach.

Message – Usually what you are trying to get them to do, or get across to them.

Media – The method by which you are reaching your audience.

  • Most people pay attention to the message or the media first, when they should be paying attention to the market first.
  • It’s all about the who
  • Then you create a message that speaks to them in their language.
  • That will help you define which media to go after and which media you might want to stay away from.