4 Ways To Appeal To Your Customers

4 Ways To Appeal To Your Customers


4 ways to appeal to your customer base.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I just had a quick thought for you tonight. I want to get it out quick because we’re almost at the end of the night and we’re almost into tomorrow. I got to make sure I hit that window.

This is from the book Tested Advertising Methods.

This is from chapter six, by John Caples, a famous advertiser, and he said, there’s basically four main things that people are appealed to have in some way or form.

And you could look at the bad side of these and you could look at the good side of these.

They each have their good’s and bad’s of it, depending on your perspective.

The first one is sex appeal or sex, and it’s not just, or even primarily the physical act, but also love, affection, friendship, all of those things is something that appeals to people as humans.

These things that appeal to people on a deeper level.

It’s something that kind of appeals to all people in some way, shape, or form. Things you’ve got to take into account when you’re doing any form of advertising, marketing or talking to your customer or prospective customers.

Here’s the second one.

Greed, all things physical and emotional that money can buy.

So that’s greed.

Number three, Fear.

Fear of losing what you have of not gaining what you hope to achieve or both.

Then there’s four Duty, Honor, Professionalism.

Not what’s in it for me, but what’s what is best for those I serve.

The right medicine, the longest lasting sewer pipes, the most effective fire engine.

Those are the four things that John Caples talks about.

Sex appeal, Greed, Fear, Duty, Honor and Professionalism.

He says this comes directly from another person that he discusses in his talks of a person named Han. The person who originally came out with the three appeals and then he added the duty, honor and professionalism to it.

So it’s just a side thought, something we go a whole lot more deeper on.

What makes it right or wrong to appeal to people and to appeal these instincts that they may not even be aware that they have, but how do your products do that?

How do your services do that?

It’s something to keep in mind.

Also, another thing to keep in mind, DreamBizChat.com if you’re in the self-reliance space, you’re a business owner or executive, go to DreamBizChat.com go check out the video there.

That’s all I have for tonight. Get out there, let the magic happen.