Who Is Your Tribe?

Who Is Your Tribe?

Who is your tribe?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about your tribe, the group of people that you consider, customers, clients, fans, supporters, so on and so forth.

Who are they? What do they have to do?

Do you actually have a group that follow you in a sense that consider you their one and only way in your space?

Before we get deep into that, I want to promote DreamBizChat.com for all business owners, entrepreneurs, executives of businesses that are in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant.

If you are looking to take your business from where it is to where you want it to be and you just need help as far as developing a path, a long-term strategy in order to get there, whether it’s in six months, whether it’s in five years, do you have a step-by-step path on how to get where you’re looking to go, especially if you’re a successful business and you’re looking to scale up?

Well, go to DreamBizChat.com watch the video there and see if it’s something that you’d be interested in because I’m offering for possibly a short period of time, a free conversation with me where I will help you develop or at least start your dream business transformation.

What’s it all about?

Go to DreamBizChat.com and check it out. The link is in the description.

Now let’s talk about tribes.

Oftentimes when people are putting together their business, they focus it almost solely around the concept of what their business is as a service or a product and they focus on developing that service and product as opposed to developing who that product is for.

That’s why most of the things I talk about, I take all the way back to focusing back on your perspective, client and customer. You’ve got to think about them as much as possible first because that’s where most of your, your marketing is going to lead you to.

That’s where most of your communications are going to lead you to. Any focus that you have back onto growing your business is gonna have to come back to the WHO.

One of my three pillars that I focus on is called relationship reliant, which means you got to have a relationship in a sense. Even if you don’t actually know who they are, you have to have a relationship with your prospective customers.

You have to put yourself out there either personally or as a brand or as a team of brand or a team of people that are producing a brand. So you really gotta put it out there.

This all comes back to a conversation that I had. I’m sorry, I’m getting distracted. My wife is texting me on my phone while I am attempting to do some form of communication with you.

So let me come back. This all comes back to a conversation that I had with a guy named Uncle Mud.

Seriously, this is what he goes by. Uncle Mud, his real name’s Chris McClellan, but he somehow he picked up this moniker and we talk about it on the show that he’s known as Uncle Mud because he has gotten good at natural building.

So that’s when they put buildings together, made out of what most people will consider useless junk and also mud and something called cob, which is an Adobe like substance of mud. It’s clay and and Straw and so forth that you put together.

He knows all about this stuff. He’s learned how to do it really well and he shows people how to build structures out of it, including a rocket mass heaters, which you’ve never heard of.

It’s worth looking into. It’s really interesting. Pizza ovens, stoves, new and full on houses and cottages all out of very simple items. And his message is much more deeper than mud. It has to do with developing your life and one of the main aspects that we talk about in our conversation is developing a community.

Now, some of this stuff has happened accidentally or has happened serendipitously for him, but you can take these concepts and use it yourself. So think about that.

Go out there and listen to this episode of the off the grid Biz podcast. This conversation I have with uncle mud, that link is also in the description or you can go to off the grid is.com for the Off the Grid Biz Podcast.

I believe it’s podcast number 22. I don’t have it right in front of me but I think that’s where it is. Go check it out. Conversation with Chris McClellan, also known as Uncle Mud. Really great guy. Really interesting conversation.

Tomorrow, I mentioned this quite a few episodes ago, I got a piece of mail that is bringing all types of ideas into my mind on, on the how you should be running your business.

What’s a piece of mail have to do with your business?

Well, come on back tomorrow and you’ll see. So thanks for coming. Get out there and let the magic happen.