Don’t Eat Candy From Strangers!

Don't Eat Candy From Strangers!

Be very careful. Don’t eat candy from strangers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live on this very spooky haunted night that here in America we call Halloween.

It is October 31st and since you’re here, I might as well let you know about a spooky deal I have going on called

If you happen to be a business owner or executive and you are interested in taking your business to the next level, go watch the video I have there. It’s free. You don’t have to put it in your email address or anything. Just watch the video at the link is in the description and go check it out.

Tell me what you think.

If you like it, there’s a form there that you could fill out to apply for a free dream business transformation. Only qualified people will be considered.

So we’re going to talk about eating candy from strangers.

I know ever since I was a kid growing up in the eighties and nineties, it was a very big deal.

I mean, stranger danger was a big deal.

It was a discussed by the president of the United States and the first lady about not talking to strangers. There were books everywhere. I remember some of the first books I had were all about not talking to strangers and screaming and running the opposite direction.

If anyone asked you to get into a car that you didn’t know, you know, that type of thing.

Almost to the extreme, and I mean it’s good.

It’s good to teach your children to be safe and to be skeptical, but some things get taken way too far and one of the things is every Halloween and maybe not as much now as it was then, there was always a huge focus on don’t eat any candy until you’ve had someone look over it.

Back then there was even a point where the hospital would say, Hey, bring your candy in and we will x-ray it to make sure that there’s no needles in it or anything of that sort.

This came from the concept that there were a lot of people out there at some point in some cities poisoning people or hiding hypodermic needles in the candy or stuff that would hurt you and so forth.

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s not a whole lot of truth to it. Meaning it’s never really happened.

There was one scenario back in the 70s where one fellow poisoned a couple of things of candy, blamed it on somebody else and gave one of them to his kid because he purposefully killed his own kid with, I believe it was a cyanide or something in the pixie stick. The guy was crazy.

He’s trying to kill his own kid and did it and then blamed it on a neighbor while they were able to prove that it wasn’t the neighbor and that it was him, he ended up getting the death penalty for it.

So the only situation of a stranger killing somebody with candy on Halloween is a lie. It wasn’t a stranger. It was a one time deal that happened in Texas.

It happened quite a while ago and to this day we’re all still scared of strangers poisoning our candy and it causes a lot of these issues.

Happy Halloween. Joe, welcome to the show.

I’ve got Joe watching here on Facebook live and so I want to compare that back to your business and how there are certain things we all do just because it’s always been done and certain fears we always have because we’re always told to fear them.

The most common thing happens to do with taxes and the IRS or advertising.

Sometimes we’re just scared about what type of advertising to do and things of that sort.

A lot of this comes from just the fact that we learned it from someone else who learned it from someone else. And sometimes it’s not based on anything or it’s based on something that is really not that important.

We design our entire business based on how we see most of the time, how we see other people in the industry doing it.

In order to try and compete, we try and first copy them without actually copying them and attempt to make our business look and act and feel like other people in our industry.

For example, when you’re out there looking at advertising, do you ever really, if you were looking at advertising, let’s say online, let’s say you’d never advertised on Facebook before, whose ads would you be looking at first?

More than likely, you’d be looking at people within your industry.

You’d be looking at their ads, you’d be looking at what they’re doing and just by holding yourself in that box, you are automatically going to be stuck.

You’re automatically forcing yourself into a concept that you didn’t really choose and you’re holding yourself in this in this very tight box.

I always encourage my clients to be work way outside their industry and look at other opportunities and other things as opposed to getting all caught up with this is the way we do it and this is the way we always do it.

I’ve been talking with some people in the banking industry and that this is a very common thing because there’s all these fears about legal compliance and regulations being said, both on the state and federal level.

So they’re always so scared about anything new because what if it’s illegal?

Well, you can always find out whether something’s illegal or not.

These are all things that can be tested and looked up, but I’ll oftentimes, they won’t even start to go in a certain direction for the fear of something being illegal or against a particular regulation. Don’t be paralyzed by things that don’t exist.

Just as people have been paralyzed by the fear of eating poisoned cat, Halloween candy, people oftentimes get paralyzed and in business, don’t do it.

Step outside of your comfort zone. Try something new. Be willing to do something even though it’s strange, different, uncomfortable.

Just a quick thought. If you feel like this would fit, these type of advice would fit into your business and you’d like to be able to talk to someone like me who has a little bit of a background in working in multiple industries.

But finding the principles that match and can work across the board.

Definitely go to especially if you’re in the self-reliance field, if, if you’re way outside the self-reliance field, but you’re still like somebody to talk to, you go to and there’s options there.

To be able to set up a strategy session with me where I could talk with you one on one and we can go for a deep dive into your business and kind of look at where you want to take it from here on out.

So hopefully that’s helpful. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.