You, “Ryan’s Toy Review” & Product Diversity

You, “Ryan’s Toy Review” & Product Diversity

You, “Ryan’s Toy Review” and product diversity.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live everyday today from Grants Pass, Oregon. Here at the headquarters for and today we’re going to be talking a little bit about my friend Ryan. Ryan doesn’t have a public last name. He’s a character of an actor, a person that’s out there in the public eye via YouTube.

He started a channel called Ryan’s Toy Review and it took off a couple years ago. It really just boomed and this is after quite a few years of him putting out videos. I think he was two, three years old when he first started his parents, but having toys and having him review what he thought about these toys.

They’d buy the toys, bring him home and have him try them out. Well pretty soon it started becoming popular. Toy companies started sending their toys to have them reviewed, giving them free free copies of these toys so that he could try them out on his show.

They started making money off the advertising on YouTube. Everything else.

It grew and grew and grew until eventually… my son’s been a fan for quite a long time of Ryan’s toy review too. To where Ryan ends up getting his own TV show on Nickelodeon or cable network and has tons of merchandise including electric toothbrushes. Like this one here, toothpaste is Colgate.

This is a little kid on here. Okay. He’s young. He’s six, seven years old and he’s now everywhere. When it comes to kids of a certain age, you can’t get away from Ryan. And I’m not here to talk about child exploitation or anything.

After all I had my son Tyler on here last night. It’s easy to put him in front of a camera, he’s better on camera than I am.

I wanted to talk about product diversity though.

When you realize who your market is for your products and services, if you’re a business owner, you’ve got products and services out there. When you realize who the market is, it’s more important than what you’re selling.

So most of us get into business with the concept of, okay, I really like doing this one thing, or I have an idea for a product. I have idea for a service. I enjoy doing this or I have a knack for doing this.

I could probably trade money for this, and it ends up slowly becoming a business. Very few of us start with a type of person and say, okay, now that I’ve gotten to know this type of person, what can I provide to them?

Ryan and his parents and his entire organization, I think they have many employees and within this organization making in the millions of dollars.

He is one of the top people on all of YouTube and has been for awhile now.

Ryan has figured this out or his people have figured this out and that is they found the audience. The audience are children between a certain age and they’re somewhere around Ryan’s age. That audience. Once they found that, then they started producing other channels on YouTube.

Channels are the areas that you could put videos out on. So they start a family channel where their whole family is on it, adventures and doing games and doing much more than just reviewing toys. It just their travels, everything else that they do.

They started including cartoon characters and puppets and other things involved in their shows. They started getting into the merchandising, started seeing this, I think last year or sometime is when I started noticing that these merchandising through Walmart to the major brands like Colgate and started seeing endless amounts of toys, endless amounts of products, of merchandise he didn’t get in to the toothbrush business.

That isn’t what he’s involved in.

What he’s involved in is the marketing to children of a certain age.

When you realize who your market is, what you have to ask yourself is not what do I want want to make, but what do they want that I can provide for them?

What does the same person now, maybe it’s not even anywhere in your, this has nothing to do with a YouTube video. You do videos. A very simple thing to put together.

This is a product completely different from the entertainment end of things, but it’s coming from the same source and all they’ve done is they’ve said, okay, we have somebody who can capture the minds of people of a certain age, the attention of people of a certain age in a certain demographic.

What else can we get to them?

What else can we sell to the same people and that focus on the who is a huge part of what I work with when I work with clients is helping you to really find out and fine tone your who to the point that you aren’t just in the survival product business or the beehive business or whatever type of business you’re in, whatever service or product you provide.

That’s normally how you’d describe yourself, but you shouldn’t be just in that business.

You should be in the who business.

Find out who your who is. The best who that you have, because you probably have a whole bunch of who’s. You probably have a whole bunch of age groups. You probably have men, women, and otherwise all across the board, but the question is, who is your best customer?

Who do you like serving the best?

And then find out what else they’re looking for.

You can find it within your current niche. You can find it within your subject matter, but don’t hold yourself to that. Go beyond that and be more about them and who they are and the more you put yourself out there or have someone in your company out there putting themselves out, then you’re going to have more of the who going in both directions.

They’ll relate more with your who like Ryan here.

They’ll relate more with the who than the what it is that you provide and in the end they’ll connect more wherever that who shows up and whatever that who suggests that they try out. They’re willing to try out. Just a simple little concept, kind of blow your mind apart, but I want you to think big this new year, happy new year, by the way. Happy 2020 and you get out there, but in the meantime, go to I’m not going to let you go yet.

Go to especially if you are in the self-reliance field, you have a business or if you have a business, if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, you’re going to want to check out

If you’re in any other business line, you’d like to talk with me about your business options for that and different products coming out all throughout this next year. Go to you’re also welcome to watch other videos, listen to other podcasts that I have there, and in the meantime, we’ll be back tomorrow and get back together then and you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.