Business Owners: Are You Lonely?

Business Owners: Are You Lonely?

Business owners. Are you lonely?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon at the headquarters for and I’m going to talk a little bit about the loneliness that comes along with being a business owner.

Now being an entrepreneur, being a business owner, doing things on your own.

I was reminded of this lesson from an old black and white movie, an old British movie called The Man In The White Suit. If you haven’t seen this, track it down. Go and watch it.

It’s a great old British movie with Alec Guinness. It’s the guy who originally played Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was when he was younger and I believe it was the 1950s or early fifties (1951 actually), is when this movie came out.

It’s called The Man In The White Suit. And the concept behind it is an entrepreneurial guy who came up with a perfect form of material that never wears out and it’s completely stain resistant and everything else.

Well, what ends up happening is his own company turns against him because they don’t want to sell something that will put them out of business, where they only sell one and they never get to sell another one again.

The unions are against him because they’re going to be out of work because, because he’s come up with something that’s so fabulous, he’s got just everybody from every direction is against him. It really reminds me of a metaphor for the trials of the entrepreneur that if you’re really doing things right, you’ve got enemies coming from every corner and it’s really an interesting story. Go and watch it.

It’s a little slow, you know, it’s an older movie, so it’s a little slower. And the humor is very dry, British humor. But I find it hilarious.

I think it’s a great movie.

Also, along those same lines, there’s this loneliness that comes with everyone kind of being against you because when you’re the visionary, when you’re the visionary in your organization and you’re running things, you’re building things.

No one else can see what you can see.

I have a friend named John who says it’s kinda like a dog running after a rabbit in like high grass and nobody else can see the rabbit and the dog’s just going nuts going after this rabbit out in the field.

You can see it clearly, but most other people can’t see it.

So the people that are working with you can’t see it. Your partners can’t see it. Your wife or husband can’t see it. And so there’s this loneliness that’s natural, that’s very natural in entrepreneurship.

And how do you get around that?

Well, one thing to do is to recognize it and to realize that it’s not just you, it’s all of us and it’s something we all have in common. So you want to surround yourself with other entrepreneurial minded people, other people that are going through the same thing.

Find groups, networking groups and other things, other places you can connect with people. Also have some people on your team that understand that have experience with it.

So I highly suggest reaching out and finding a consultant or a friend or an advisor or somebody that you can work with that can help work you through these issues.

Because so much of the entrepreneurial journey is a mindset deal.

It’s all about where your head’s at and and keeping everything straight so that you can get done what you know you need to get done.

So it’s one of the things that I offer along with everything else that you can find out more about the processes and projects that I offer over at

If you’re in the self-reliance field, which is an area that’s very close and dear to my heart, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant and you’re gonna want to go to

It will take you to a specific page at which shows you a video, kind of give you a concept that I call the Dream Business Transformation. Go and check that out.

Otherwise, we’re back here every day. You can go back and watch all the old videos or listen to the old audios and podcasts regarding everything that we’ve talked about all the way back to April of last year, I believe is where we started.

No it was May of last year we started our podcast, which we’ll be talking more about that as we go ahead. Also, the original Off The Grid Biz Podcast, which you can hear interviews with movers and shakers within the self-reliance field.

So once again,, and Go and check those out. Otherwise, we’ll see you back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.