Is It Who You Know or Who Knows You?

Is It Who You Know or Who Knows You?

Is it who you know or who knows you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to discuss the ongoing, meme that’s kind of out there within the business community. I’ve heard it discussed more and more often ever since Grant Cardone came out and said, it’s not about who you know, it’s who knows you.

What do you think about that?

Do you think that’s true?

I think it’s a huge piece that is always forgotten is that who knows you is very important to how big you can get and how large your ability to network and your ability to grow with your business comes down to how many people know about your business, know about your products, your services, what have you.

But I think it’s both. I think it takes both.

I think it is about who you know, especially initially because no one’s going to know you initially.

It’s about who you know. And then eventually it’s about who knows you. I think those are two major elements that have to come together though you can’t have just one or the other. Otherwise there’s only going to be so large you can grow as a business, as a person that’s looking to create influence or have influence out in the community or the Earth’s community at large.

If you’re looking to get out there and really change things and really make a huge difference and make an impact, dent the universe as they say, then it does come down to who you know and who knows you.

In other words, relationships.

So I’ve talked before about the three pillars that make up a lot of the philosophy that I help train people on.

One of them is relationship reliant.

You need to be relationship reliant. You need to realize that all business is a relationship. Whether they know who you are or not, your customers have a relationship with your product and service.

If there’s a human behind that product or service, even just the likeness of a person, even if it’s someone that doesn’t, isn’t even walking around anymore like Colonel Sanders. If there’s someone there, if there’s an idea of a person there, they’re going to relate with it more and therefore relate with the brand more.

This has been proven over and over through time that people buy from people and people buy from people they trust. We’ve talked about that a lot.

So how do you build that back into your business?

Where do you go from there?

Well, sit back and look at the largest growth patterns that you’ve had in your business.

If you’re new at business, this is a great lesson to understand. Look at other businesses.

Read biographies from people that have done well in business or done well at any form of influence on the planet. It doesn’t matter if they’re a politician or a religious figure. It all comes down to relationships and being able to leverage one relationship to the next.

I was having a discussion today with my podcast producer, Sean E. Douglas, who also is a producer here for our video series. He was saying, if you look at all the different businesses that we have worked in through the years, the one thing is true is you bounce from relationship to relationship, to relationship to relationship.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie to business young and maybe your first exploration into business is something like network marketing or direct sales or stuff like that. Same thing’s true.

The people who are able to bounce from relationship to relationship to relationship, not ignoring their original relationship, but being able to help that grow and have that person introduce you to someone else and then someone else, someone else, whether they’re a customer or a business partner of yours.

Being able to do that long-term builds huge success.

That’s how you have any form of exponential growth in a business, in an organization, in a movement, doesn’t matter. It all comes back to the relationships. Don’t ignore it, just because you may not naturally be a people person. I know some of you out there and saying, I don’t like people. I don’t want to be around people.

I know where you’re coming from on that, but you have to realize the nature of the beast. If you’re looking to make money from people, if you’re looking for people to do something that you want them to do, that you think is in their best interest to do or in the best interest of the earth or your religion or anything else, you’re going to have to have a relationship.

Someone’s going to have to have a relationship.

The person who has the most real direct, clear-cut, authentic relationships, those are the people that are really able to make a huge impact out there.

So keep that in mind as you’re growing.

When you’re looking at business strategies and you’re looking at growth strategies, look at which one will allow me to create more relationships.

I think you’ll find that that will be the best case scenario. That will be the best way for you to grow and not just think of addition, just adding one at a time in a very linear fashion.

You got to think multiplication, you got to think exponential growth in the long run.

How can one become 10 become a hundred and so on and so forth. So hopefully that’s helpful to you. Hey, if you’d like to discuss it.

One of the things that I do is I’m a business strategist so I work with businesses one-on-one. If you’d like to work one-on-one with me or like to find out more about the opportunities there, go to

That’s If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, you can check out a very special offer that we have over at

So if you’ve got products or services for your company that help people to become more self-reliant, go to and watch the video, go and check that out.

I’m back here every day. You’re welcome to watch all the other videos that I have out there. I never take anything down or listen to any of the podcasts, which are just audio versions of the videos over at and at basically any social media that you have access to.

You’ll probably find me around there somewhere and if I’m not somewhere, let me know that you frequent a lot. Let me know. I’d love to find out whether it makes sense to go over there because I like being where people are.

You have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.