What Is Business Strategy?

What Is Business Strategy?


What is business strategy?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by BrianJPombo.com. We’re here in Grants Pass Oregon, the jewel of Southern Oregon.

Here in the Orange Office and today we’re going to be talking what is business strategy?

Why am I talking about business strategy?

Well, because it’s what I do for a living business strategy.

I help businesses to help plan what they need to do for the long run to achieve what they want.

There’s always difficulty going into this with people because the great fear is that you’re going to make it appear more simple than it actually is. Really, that’s impossible because what I do is extremely simple.

I’m just going to give it all away today. I’m going to tell you exactly what it is that I do and show you how, how fundamentally simple it is.

That honestly, if you just watched enough of these videos, if you got to see enough of the programs that I have available on my site and took advantage of all the free stuff that I provide, you’d be able to do a lot of this yourself.

Because really all I do is change the way your brain works. Because at one time someone had to change the way that my brain worked.

Let me start with the concept of an entrepreneur because whether you are a business owner or whether you are an executive of a company, your brain has been trained by the business owner at some point.

And most business owners brains work backwards, not from how they should to start the business.

They start the business for all the right reasons. It’s like, I want to be my own boss, I want to do my own thing. I’m creative. I want to just be able to express myself, be able to put my ideas out there, be able to produce the products or services that I want and just that is a great spirit to have. It’s a great direction to go in.

The problem is during that process, most of us as entrepreneurs, we end up adapting all of these bad habits that go along with it and they become institutionalized. A bad habits like, “Hey if I’m thinking it, if I’m feeling it, it needs to happen and it needs to happen now.”

So whether we expected of ourselves to go out and have it done or whether we hire people to go out and do it, everything tends to run off of a whim, off of the feeling of the moment, and you miss a whole lot of the value that comes along with system.

System is a boring thing. It runs against most entrepreneurs guts.

We want things to run from us on a regular basis and just exude out of us and that’s important. It’s always important to have a vision person at a company. What you also need is an operations person.

You need at least one person that can help build a system that can pick up the pieces and run with what the entrepreneur has come up with, with what the visionary has come up with and be able to institutionalize it and make it function properly with purpose.

The problem with entrepreneurs is our purpose is of the moment. But a business needs to have a long-term purpose too. There has to be pieces that it’s working towards. It can’t just be the feeling of the moment.

So take that to today. A lot of the issues that you’re having is based off this.

It’s based off of the fact that your an animal. You are an absolute animal and everything and you’re a system of the weather. You are just a creature that just is constantly moving and changing things and it’s detrimental to your long-term business.

It’s helpful in certain pieces. It’s helpful on the outskirts, on the creativity, pointed outward and growing. As you grow a business, you need to be pointed outward. The inside of your business needs stability. Stability comes from having a very clear, achievable purpose. So it comes down to this.

We go back into the entrepreneur’s brain and we come up with ideally, what is your ideal in terms of where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years? Where do you see your company at five to 10 years?

What point are all the elements that you would need from a company to for you to feel secure, happy with it, to feel like you’ve achieved something from where it is right now? Where are you looking to get to? And you start from where you are right now.

Now I know this seems super, super simple, but the effect, the problem is that most entrepreneurs start here and they start heading that direction. They did get distracted, they get distracted, they get distracted by this and that, and pretty soon they lose track of what the ideal is.

What needs to happen is you need to start from the ideal and go backwards. You need to start from there and say, okay, what’s it gonna take to get there and plot out all of the points in between. Now, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t gonna wander.

But what it means is you got to know what the next point is and you can go all over the place as long as you realize where the next point is. And you know that that’s continuing to point to the ideal to where you’re going.

Once again, seems super duper simple and you would think that everyone would eventually find their way to doing this.

The problem is they don’t.

I’ve worked with very large companies. I’ve worked with very small companies and if there was a visionary at the company, whether it be the entrepreneur or the business owner, the executive, whoever the visionary is, they get caught up with the shiny object of the moment.

It’s just a personality thing. It’s a combination thing. They get caught up with with details and sometimes they miss the forest for the trees. If you’re looking to actually achieve something to put purpose behind everything that happens at your company. Sometimes you just need another person there to help either keep you on track, keep your company on track or help kind of deliver you to keep everything clear and deliver you in the right direction.

Even if you know you can take it from there. That’s what business strategy’s all about. If you’re interested in business strategy, you can find out more at BrianJPombo.com.

If you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

Dream Biz chat.com is the place specifically for people in the self-reliance field, business owners and executives.

This is a free pass to be able to meet with me. If you meet the qualifications, go watch the video, see if you meet it, fill out the application and we’ll go from there. Tomorrow…..Yesterday we talked about Dan Kennedy, who’s very sick, possibly on his way out of this lovely world. And I kind of bared my soul a little bit about my thoughts on Dan.

I’ll continue talking about Dan till the day I die because so much of his concepts in or weave in with mine.

I’ve learned so much and been able to apply so much of what he says. So I’ll keep bringing up his ideas. Tomorrow we’re going to bring up a very specific idea that he just used recently, and we’re a, it was brought to my attention by Sean, the Producer. And so we’re going to hopefully get to that tomorrow. Come back then and we will talk about it. Have a great night.