Are You On Offense or Defense?

Are You On Offense or Defense?

Are you on offense or defense?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live every day we bring you another little tip, another little question, hopefully help you along with your business today. I’m not in the Orange Office.

I’m in an undisclosed location while I’m at my home. And obviously a badly lit area of the house. But the best I can do at this time of night.

I just wanted to give you a quick concept that is deceptively simple and also extremely deep. And the real question is, and this could be your business, you could take this and look at any one area of your business and ask the same question.

Are you on offense or are you on defense?

Now, if you’re not super familiar with the way that most most sports work, especially today’s professional sports. Offense are the people that have the ball and they’re moving it down the field, they’re working on scoring, they’re on the move. Defense is the side just trying to keep the other side from scoring. That’s offense and defense.

The same thing’s true in war, that the same thing is true in politics and it’s also true in business.

You will find that when you are on the defense mentally, tactfully, in every way, if you’re on defense, you’re going backwards. You’re not moving in a positive direction.

If you’re on offense, you’re taking ground, you’re going forward one way or the other. If you’re on offense, you know you’re on offense. So the real question is if you take a take a specific area of your business, take that, take the area that is bothering you the most. Here’s one thing that’s true about that area. I can almost guarantee you’re on defense in that area.

You’re feeling like maybe there’s somebody in your business that is holding you back, a coworker, a vendor, someone that you do business with, they’re holding you back and you’re always feeling like you’re defending against that person.

The defensive position doesn’t work long-term.

It’s a necessary position. You’re always going to have to play defense at some point, but if you’re finding yourself in a hole, it’s because you’re constantly on defense in that area of your business.

The areas where you’re on offense or the areas that you find the most fun, you find the most rewarding. You feel like things are moving in a positive direction because they are. Find a way to switch your thought pattern to switch your paradigm in the areas of your businesses and think more offensive.

How can I make things happen here as opposed to reacting to things that happen?

So this isn’t just true in business, it’s true in relationships. Honestly, it’s true, but like I said, true in politics. Anytime you see a politician that spends more time on defense than on offense, that politician does not have long to last. They will be taken down by someone who is more on offense. It’s guaranteed. If you put it in most presidential elections, you can see, take the person who’s been on offense, but now both sides are playing offense and defense the whole time.

Take the person who’s more been more on offense than on defense. There’s usually one or the other. That’s the person who’s winning that election.

We have a president Trump today love him or hate him because he was mostly on offense. The few times he got put on defense during the election cycle. It’s probably the main reason why he wasn’t able to take more than just the electoral college.

Offense and defense defines a lot.

It’s a very, very, very simple paradigm. But if you can recognize it in yourself, if you can recognize it in your business, in your coworkers, in your organization, are you on offense? Are you taking ground?

Do you have a goal that you’re all set to achieve or are you constantly on defense, defending against the marketplace, defending against all the situations that come up?

I come from a farming and ranching background, my family, and the one thing that always bothered me about most with the farmer mentality is it was it’s a very defensive position.

It’s, “Well, we’ll wait and see what the weather does.” You know, and we’ll wait and see what happens here and see what happens. Then see what the price of hay is. I couldn’t stand it. It’s a very tough way to live.

I’m not speaking of all farmers or ranchers, it was just the position that I always saw. I saw a majority of them putting themselves in, but it’s perspective. Really find a way you can be on offense.

I know I’m driving this point into the ground. I just wanted to make a quick point for tonight.

Tomorrow night we’re going to go a little bit further away from mindset. I’m going to tell you a little bit about my story and you can see how it applies to your story. I’d love to love to hear more. Let me know what you thought about tonight’s talk.

Also go to especially if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you help people to become more self reliant through your products or services.

Go to I’ve got short video there, eight and a half minutes long. Take a take a watch. Listen to what I have to say there. I’d love to hear what you think. And tomorrow, like I said, we’re going to be talking more about the various specific story and see how you relate, have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.