Life Goals Relate to Business Profits?

Life Goals Relate to Business Profits?

So how do your life goals relate to your business profits?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be discussing a conversation that I had on my podcast with Rick & Elara Bowman of Backyard Green Films. And you can listen to that conversation, it’s been split up into two episodes over at

The links are in the description to those two episodes, part one and part two.

That’s Rick & Elara Bowman.

Now they have started up a company called Backyard Green Films and they produce films straight out of their backyard.

I mean, it’s all done homemade. It’s all done with all their own equipment. Self-funded where they’re building documentaries.

They’ve already made documentaries before.

Right now they’re in the process of finishing up this documentary on the Holstein Dilemma, which is….well, I won’t ruin it for you.

Go and listen to the podcasts about that conversation where they actually discuss what their whole movie is about.

But the piece I wanted to bring to you here today is their concept of real life goals.

How they’ve created a whole lifestyle and it isn’t what many people would consider absolutely ideal.

It’s not about the ideal amount of money that you bring in or the perfect life.

It is more like what do we want to do?

What would be the funnest thing to do?

What would be the most fulfilling thing to do in our life and how can we do that and still hit all the practical points that we know we have to do. We gotta be able to pay the bills, gotta be able to do all those things.

How do we do that and make this work?

They’ve found a way to be able to do it and it’s not about making a certain amount of money.

It’s about having the certain lifestyle that you’re after.

I think that’s one of the most inspiring messages that they bring to these two episodes that they fill up over at It’s the Off the Grid Biz Podcast.

Go and listen to those two episodes and I think it’ll give you a perspective of how you can design your life.

Don’t get caught up on a specific number of how much money you need to make every month.

Yeah, that can be helpful in terms of the long run, but in the short run, you gotta be willing to work within the parameters of what you got in front of you and we’ve only got a short period of time here on earth.

You gotta work with what you’ve got and still be able to make a difference and still do what you’re passionate about and get out there and travel and do what all the things that you want to do.

It doesn’t take a million dollars, multi-millions of dollars to do some amazing things with your life and these are two people that are doing some incredible things.

I got to meet them over at the Mother Earth News Fair, in Albany, Oregon, where we got to meet so many people.

This is part of the series that we’ve put out all on the Mother Earth News Fair. People that we met there and all their interesting stories and how all of that relates back to business and it can be helpful to you, so go and listen to that audio.

You know, within the next week I’m going to be discussing some other really cool things that don’t have anything to do with the podcast.

One of them is a movie that I just finished tonight.

Now if you happen to have Netflix, I’m going to suggest you watch a movie called, and this is funny.

It’s called, Dolomite Is My Name.

This is with Eddie Murphy in it.

If you go and you watch this, it is based on a true real life story of somebody that came from nothing and built an entire persona and built an entire business out of it.

I’ve got to talk about how this relates back to your business.

Now, just to warn you, it’s extremely vulgar.

It’s extremely outrageous and not for kids, but if you can handle that, go and watch, Dolomite Is My Name and we’re going to be talking about that next week.

So I’ll give you some time to watch it.

I don’t want to have any spoilers, but it’s based on a true story and I think it’s actually inspiring and there’s a lot of great lessons in there that you can use and fit directly back into your business.

So if you’d like to be able to work with me and be able to talk some more about how these principles fit into your business, go to and look at the options there.

Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, like Rick & Elara are, go to That link is also in the description

We’ll give you the chance to have a free Dream Business Transformation with me only. Take 60 minutes.

Go and check that out over at

Hey, come on back. Every day I’m doing these daily videos where we discuss another principle, another strategy, or another tactic on how to be able to stand out with your business.

I’m happy to have you here and we’ll see you next time.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Can Corn Man Show You How To Stand Out?

Can Corn Man Show You How To Stand Out?

Can the Corn Man show you how to stand out?

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about this fellow here. This is Charles Wiley.

I got to interview on a very special episode of the Off the Grid Biz Podcast.

There’s a link in the description here.

Go and listen to it. It’s really cool. He’s a cool guy.

We got to meet him over in Albany, Oregon. When we went for the Mother Earth News Fair earlier this year.

Charles Wiley though, really interesting guy.

This is a musician who has done music his entire life, grew up in a musical family and is dealing with the fact that the music industry is completely falling apart and transforming.

Really it’s transformed into something completely different than it was when many of us were younger.

It’s in the process still of transforming. It still hasn’t completely found its base.

At one point you would put out an album, you would get it played on radio stations.

People would go out, purchase the album and that’s how you would make money. You’d also make money doing concerts and going on tour and selling merchandise and things of that sort, that whole model has completely fallen over and gone on in a million different directions.

Music just isn’t what it used to be.

It’s a different industry and Charles didn’t just sit back and suck his thumb. He decided he was going to do something about it.

He was going to try to stand out.

How did he stand out?

He created something called the Corn Man.

What is the corn man?

The corn man is a children’s book. It’s a musical album.

It is an audio reading of the album put out in pieces over time.

The Corn Man goes on and on and on, it keeps becoming something different.

It’s a coloring book.

It’s, it’s multiple things.

Go and listen to that episode on, link is in the description, for that specific episode where I interview Charles Wiley, the Corn Man.

He could tell you all about standing out.

It’s all about differentiation.

It’s all about being different than everyone else in your field.

It’s being different from anyone else out there and learning how to stand out and we have a great discussion as far as that goes on that podcast.

Go and listen to it.

If you’re looking to stand out, if you’re looking to take your business and really stand out, if you’re in the space that I discuss called the self-reliance space, meaning you help people become more self-reliant either through nutrition like Charles or talking about overall health or you’re helping people to become more self reliant with their resources or you’re helping people to grow their own food or what have you, go to is all for business owners that are in the self-reliance field.

Hi Joe.

I see that, we’ve got some people watching us live here on Facebook, but we’re broadcasting all over the place and just bringing you more messages of how to take your business and really stand out.

Put yourself out there, be different than everybody else, and if you want to learn how to do it specifically, like I said, that link is also in the description.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about goals and how they fit everything.

So you have a great night.

Joe, Gio, great seeing you and we will talk to you tomorrow night.

Y’all have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

SEO Blunders: #3

SEO Blunders, number three.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live podcast and video cast going all across the internet, social media, podcasting, wherever you decide to watch or listen to us. We’re out there.

So welcome, I’m happy to have you back.

For the last two episodes we are talking about SEO Blunders and this is number three.

I think we’re going to stop it on this one because it really is the fundamental point about SEO that a lot of people end up missing.

They end up hanging a whole lot on SEO as an Organic Search. Not just Paid Search.

Paid Search, you start going into a different realm, but if you’re really focused on getting free traffic, you may have a bit of an issue and I’m going to show you why.

It comes down to real basic concepts of sales and understanding who you’re going after and really understanding the crowd that you’re playing with.Now, if you understand them well enough, maybe it’ll work really well for you.

Organic search will, but even at its very best, it’s not good enough.

This comes from a concept from, The Ultimate Sales Machine, by is Chet Holmes.

Chet Holmes passed away a few years back, but this book is still one of those classics.

In here, and I drew this out for you. This is a little sales pyramid that he talks about.

I drew it out for you to just kind of give you a concept, on the dollar store whiteboard here.

Here’s the different concepts.

If you took a pyramid and this, and this represented your entire possible, clientele, customer base, this is everybody that could possibly be a customer of yours. We’re gonna sit somewhere in these percentages.

So the top 3% of the people that are ready to buy right now, as soon as you get in touch with them and tell them what you have, and know what you’re selling, they’re ready to go. That’s 3%, only 3% of the market.

6% to 7% are open.

They’re open to the concept of purchasing from you.

They’re not ready yet, but they’re very open to it.

From here on down, and I did not write in the numbers, but it’s 30%, 30%, 30%.

I was going to write it as we were going along, but this is 30%. They have not thought of your solution yet.

They don’t think they’re ready yet.

They’re not sure if they’re ready.

They’re just not in the looking zone quite yet.

Another 30% really don’t think that they’re interested in what you’re working on and in what you’re offering.

And another 30%, they know they’re not interested in what you’re looking at.

Now, why am I showing this as far as SEO or Search Engine Optimization as we know it?

It concerns people typing something in that they already know they’re going after.

So what you’re really talking about on the best case scenario is really 10% of your entire market of the people that are possible to purchase what you have going.

You’re only dealing with 10% when you’re dealing with SEO.

Search Engine Optimization is the focus on people who already are coming at you.

Now, they’re the best ones.

A very small percentage of who you’re going after of who is possible in the marketplace is possible through SEO, even through paid SEO.

Although paid allows you to at least cut out some of your competition, but if you’re going through a big enough market that that 10% really matters to you, then you’re going to have a whole lot of competition, more than likely in that marketplace, you’re going to have a whole lot of competition within that industry.

If you’re competing with all those people, you’re probably gonna have to do paid search to really be able to stand out, show up on that front page of Google.

That’s what it’s going to take.

So that’s just a quick concept.

SEO unto itself, in the best case scenario is not the game changer. It’s not the end all.

You’re hitting about 10% of the easy pickings of the low hanging fruit as they call it in your market.

So you gotta look, where do we go?

You got to look beyond SEO.

It’s important to understand SEO.

It’s important to win as best as you can in Search Engine Optimization, but don’t make your whole business to be it.

Don’t make it to where you absolutely have to win at SEO.

You’ve got to do your best at SEO and move on and look at all the other options because you’ve got a story to tell and it’s important that you get out there and stand out. If you’re really looking to stand out in your marketplace, I’m going to suggest you go to

Especially if you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that encourage people to become more self reliant.

Then go to

If you are not in that field and you’re still looking to talk with somebody to see how these principles and strategies fit into your business, go to the links are in the description down below or up above, depending on where you’re listening or watching this, we’re going to be back tomorrow.

I’ve got a really interesting concept of very specific example of somebody who is playing in a field that is completely crowded and has the whole, his whole industry has completely gone backwards.

How do you handle something like that?

Well, I would suggest you listen tomorrow.

Come on back and we’ll talk to you then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

SEO Blunders: #2

SEO blunders. Number two, the long tail.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office where we used to have many of the old talks here again on Brian J. Pombo Live, whether you’re watching this on the mini social networks that we broadcasted on or whether you’re listening to it on our podcast, welcome back.

Today we’re gonna talk about search engine optimization.

This is the second video in this series.

I’m not sure how long we’re going to have this series last, but at least this one and the next one.

Next episode we’re going to talk specifically about one of the fatal flaws behind search engine optimization or S E. O. Today though, we’re going to talk about the long tail.

This is pretty basic simple concept.

If you’re new to SEO, you’ll find this interesting.

If you’re not, you may find it a little boring because I’m going to be covering some of the basics that I think a lot of people miss out on.

When you’re looking to get found in a search engine, you’re looking to get found in Google.

Whether you’re doing organic search or paid search, meaning you’re putting stuff out there in order to get found for free, or whether you’re paying Google or somebody else. In order to show up in the search results, you’ve got to understand the difference between the short tail and the long tail.

I originally heard these terms from Howie Schwartz back in the early two thousands, well, mid 2000 odds, probably around 06 something like that, 2006. It was really interesting because back then Google was pretty wide open in allowing organic search to get a lot of coverage.

It was pretty simple if you do what Google was looking for to be able to show up in Google rankings and it didn’t take much.

But let me pull it back a bit. You’ve got to look at the basics of it and what you’re competing against.

So let’s say you restore old 1969 Mach 1 Mustang.

You restore these cars back to mint condition, you do it on the high end. You find all the best replacement parts, you find everything just, it’s just high-end as you can get as top of the line as you can make it across the board and you sell it for a really premium price.

How would you get found on Google?

What search term would you want people to find you on?

Now let’s go as broad as possible.

What’s the broadest possible term we can put on into Google?

How about “car”?

You know one word, any one word on Google you’re going to have, unless you’ve made up the word, unless it’s your brand name and no one else is even trying for it yet. And if that’s not the case, then you’re going to have a really tough time being found on any one word and you wouldn’t want to be found on a word as broad as car because what does that mean?

That could mean a million different things.

That is not what you’re selling.

You’re selling a very premium, high end specific model, specific make of a specific year that’s restored to the highest premium end.

If you can at all help it, you want to only pay for the traffic that is directly related to you for people who should be finding you versus paying or focusing on people that should not be finding you and most people shouldn’t be finding you.

You should be looking for a very specific concept.

So let’s go back to our example.

You’re selling 1969 Mach one Mustang’s refurbished from the ground up, high end, highest premium style you could possibly go for.

What’s the next thing that they could type in a classic car?

Maybe still it’s not specific enough.

Even if you had people, well that we’re just typing in. Besides the fact that you won’t be able to compete for that and Google, even if you had the money to be able to purchase, to show up every time someone typed in classic car, you wouldn’t want the people just searching for classic car.

They could be researching, they could be just just searching off the top, they could be looking for a picture or they could be…..there’s a million things they could be doing other than being in the market for what you’re selling.

What is the long tail?

The long tail is something to the extent of refurbished 1969 Mach one Mustang and possibly maybe for sale or something of that sort or perhaps the area that you’re selling in.

Let’s say you doing it in Utah, Utah.

Does that make sense?

It’s the long tail and you said, yeah, but hardly anyone’s going to be typing.

Then I said, yeah, but the people that are typing it in are definitely looking for what you have. That’s what you want to do. You want to get as specific as possible and it’s a backwards way of thinking from how you would normally think.

You don’t need a big net, you need a small net, but you need to only catch the fish that you’re going after.

That’s the point of SEO going after the people that are ready and specifically looking for what you have. Now, if you’ve got the idea that you want to focus on as many long tails as possible, not just one, because there’s not going to be very many people searching for just one phrase.

You’ve got to think about every different version of that phrase possible, all the synonyms and so forth that you’d have to replace for those different words.

Trying it with a maybe a different year, just in case they’re searching for something nearby, all those things are the types of things that you’d be writing posts about.

You’d be doing videos on, you make it and you put it into the titles of your pages, the title tags and so forth.

If you know anything about that and what you were talking SEO, hopefully you’re researching into what title tags are and so forth.

The key words that are found within the text that you have available, all these things are things you have to take into account when you’re looking at SEO.

So please, please, please don’t ignore the long tail.

The long tail is how organic search is happening nowadays and if you’re doing paid search, you still want to consider the long tail because that’s going to be your most likely person that’s in.

If you’re selling something that’s the person that’s in your market is the person that’s typing in something specific.

Now the fatal flaw of SEO is hidden in there.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

If you’d like to know how to use SEO strategies and tactics to be able to help your website to be able to help your business as you’re selling online and then you’re going to want to go to, it’s my name.

You can see it right here, wherever you’re watching this, it’s in the description, is the website.

Just set up a time to be able to talk with me and if you could do that, then we can go specifically deep into your specific issue and hopefully be able to help you out with that.

Now, if you are in the self-reliance field, I’m offering a free chance to talk to me. Normally it’s at $600 and above, but if if you would like to talk to me and you’re in the self-reliance field and you’re a decision maker, meaning you’re an owner or an executive in your business, then go to that link is in the description. or you could just type it right into Google.

Take you straight there.

There’s a video on that page telling you all about the dream business transformation that I offer, and it’s 60 minutes, 60 minutes over the phone or on a video chat, check it out.

We’ll see you tomorrow for SEO blunder number three.

You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

SEO Blunders: #1

SEO Blunders, number one.

I don’t know how many of these I’m going to come out with, so this is number one.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every day from Grants Pass, Oregon, or at least every day that I’m in at Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today I’d like to remind you about if you happen to be a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

I’d love to get your opinion on a quick little video over at the link is in the description in case you forget the name.

Okay, so let’s talk about SEO.

In other words, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

It’s a mouthful for those of you who aren’t used to that one that, but I learned it very early on in my career.

In fact, I started out being self employed in search engine optimization, which basically means I helped business owners get found by the search engines.

Let’s see, it must have been 2009 when I first went off on my own. I was already doing some work of that type for an employer and got pretty good at it.

So I decided to go on my own and make that employer a client and bring on some other clients and show people how to get found online specifically through Google and so forth and we really focused early on on organic search could because paid search really hadn’t picked up at that point.

But now paid search is pretty useful.

I mean you could get found a lot of places by paying Google, by paying other forms of search engines, even things you don’t consider a search engine.

Things like and Facebook are search engines in a way and you can get paid to be found there, but I’m not going to get into those details.

I want to talk about one of the blunders of SEO and I was talking earlier with somebody who had brought up SEO that they were going to be using to get some attention.

It reminded me about all these concepts that I think have gotten lost through time for people who kinda stumbled upon SEO and think that it’s going to be extremely useful.

It can be.

What I found early on was that a lot of the concepts behind SEO tends to teach traffic as being all the same thing.

As long as you can get people come to your website, that’s what you’re after. You just need more numbers, more numbers, more numbers.

Well, not all numbers are equal and you’ll be familiar this if you watch any of these or listened to these episodes on a regular basis that not all traffic and it doesn’t matter if it’s people driving by a McDonald’s, not everyone driving by McDonald’s is equal to what McDonald’s is looking for.

McDonald’s is looking for the people that are hungry initially and then they’re looking secondarily out of the people who are hungry.

People who have been to McDonald’s before are going to be the most likely people to stop at a McDonald’s.

Again, people that enjoy fast food or are into the food that they would have are going to be a smaller and smaller audience.

So there’s a big difference between just anybody walking or driving by McDonald’s and the people that McDonald’s is actually after. Now they know if we get enough people driving by and we’re going to find enough of the right people to come on in, but it’s not always the same when it comes to traffic on a website.

Traffic on a website takes money and time and effort and if you’re a small business or you’re just starting out and start just starting to try and get attention, you can’t just act like every single number.

Everyone that comes to your website is as important as the ones that really matter.

I’ve had this book for quite awhile. I read it years ago, it’s called The Small Army Strategy by, Srinivas Rao.

I don’t know if that’s how you pronounce your name. I’m sorry for butchering it if I did, but I’m pretty sure you could find this on Amazon. I think that’s where I found it.

I don’t even know if anyone recommended it to me, but somehow I found it.

It’s a tiny little book. Really, you could read it in one sitting, but really good information here. And here’s the thing that he talks about when it comes to traffic.

When he talks about the most dangerous metrics and social media, he says, he had a post that went viral on Stumble Upon.

If you’ve been around the internet for a while, you might remember Stumble Upon, it sent over 160,000 visits to my blog in a week. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that all traffic is not equal and traffic doesn’t necessarily equate to revenue.

Do you need traffic?


You don’t need hundreds of thousands of visitors, just a tribe who actually cares.

And this is one of the huge principles that I attempt to teach my clients, is to show them that if they can identify their ideal client and create a tribe around that type of person, have all those people get together, create a community.

You can go back and remarket to them over and over and over again.

Every time you do it, if you’re providing a quality product, you’re going to find an easier sell and it will take you less resources to reach them every single time you get back in touch with them.

That’s what he talks about here all about having a small army strategy.

It’s creating that army and that army brings along with it more new customers in the long run because they become your evangelists so to speak. His whole point about traffic is huge because if you’re just focused on getting a bunch of traffic to your website, you’re going to be really disappointed if you’re wanting them to do a specific thing.

If you are wanting them to do a specific thing, you can gear a lot of your organic SEO, you can gear a lot of that depending on what phrases your looking to get seen by.

But it gets a lot easier and a lot more scientific if you start looking into the paid options when it comes to SEO and really looking at your whole strategy of not just what the first sale is, but what the ongoing sales are to your tribe over time.

If someone comes to your website for the first time, yeah, they might get something the first time, but what else are they getting along the way?

These are all things to think about.

We’re going to talk a little bit deeper about SEO tomorrow and if you have any form of website whatsoever, it’ll be useful.

If you don’t focus a whole lot of your sales online, a lot of these concepts can be taken and reconfigured to the offline world. It’s the same principles. It’s just a different medium.

So we’ll talk to you tomorrow, come on back. I come here every night, every day.

You can always find more over at It should also be in the description, you have a great night.

Now get out there and let the magic happen.

Don’t Eat Candy From Strangers!

Don't Eat Candy From Strangers!

Be very careful. Don’t eat candy from strangers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live on this very spooky haunted night that here in America we call Halloween.

It is October 31st and since you’re here, I might as well let you know about a spooky deal I have going on called

If you happen to be a business owner or executive and you are interested in taking your business to the next level, go watch the video I have there. It’s free. You don’t have to put it in your email address or anything. Just watch the video at the link is in the description and go check it out.

Tell me what you think.

If you like it, there’s a form there that you could fill out to apply for a free dream business transformation. Only qualified people will be considered.

So we’re going to talk about eating candy from strangers.

I know ever since I was a kid growing up in the eighties and nineties, it was a very big deal.

I mean, stranger danger was a big deal.

It was a discussed by the president of the United States and the first lady about not talking to strangers. There were books everywhere. I remember some of the first books I had were all about not talking to strangers and screaming and running the opposite direction.

If anyone asked you to get into a car that you didn’t know, you know, that type of thing.

Almost to the extreme, and I mean it’s good.

It’s good to teach your children to be safe and to be skeptical, but some things get taken way too far and one of the things is every Halloween and maybe not as much now as it was then, there was always a huge focus on don’t eat any candy until you’ve had someone look over it.

Back then there was even a point where the hospital would say, Hey, bring your candy in and we will x-ray it to make sure that there’s no needles in it or anything of that sort.

This came from the concept that there were a lot of people out there at some point in some cities poisoning people or hiding hypodermic needles in the candy or stuff that would hurt you and so forth.

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s not a whole lot of truth to it. Meaning it’s never really happened.

There was one scenario back in the 70s where one fellow poisoned a couple of things of candy, blamed it on somebody else and gave one of them to his kid because he purposefully killed his own kid with, I believe it was a cyanide or something in the pixie stick. The guy was crazy.

He’s trying to kill his own kid and did it and then blamed it on a neighbor while they were able to prove that it wasn’t the neighbor and that it was him, he ended up getting the death penalty for it.

So the only situation of a stranger killing somebody with candy on Halloween is a lie. It wasn’t a stranger. It was a one time deal that happened in Texas.

It happened quite a while ago and to this day we’re all still scared of strangers poisoning our candy and it causes a lot of these issues.

Happy Halloween. Joe, welcome to the show.

I’ve got Joe watching here on Facebook live and so I want to compare that back to your business and how there are certain things we all do just because it’s always been done and certain fears we always have because we’re always told to fear them.

The most common thing happens to do with taxes and the IRS or advertising.

Sometimes we’re just scared about what type of advertising to do and things of that sort.

A lot of this comes from just the fact that we learned it from someone else who learned it from someone else. And sometimes it’s not based on anything or it’s based on something that is really not that important.

We design our entire business based on how we see most of the time, how we see other people in the industry doing it.

In order to try and compete, we try and first copy them without actually copying them and attempt to make our business look and act and feel like other people in our industry.

For example, when you’re out there looking at advertising, do you ever really, if you were looking at advertising, let’s say online, let’s say you’d never advertised on Facebook before, whose ads would you be looking at first?

More than likely, you’d be looking at people within your industry.

You’d be looking at their ads, you’d be looking at what they’re doing and just by holding yourself in that box, you are automatically going to be stuck.

You’re automatically forcing yourself into a concept that you didn’t really choose and you’re holding yourself in this in this very tight box.

I always encourage my clients to be work way outside their industry and look at other opportunities and other things as opposed to getting all caught up with this is the way we do it and this is the way we always do it.

I’ve been talking with some people in the banking industry and that this is a very common thing because there’s all these fears about legal compliance and regulations being said, both on the state and federal level.

So they’re always so scared about anything new because what if it’s illegal?

Well, you can always find out whether something’s illegal or not.

These are all things that can be tested and looked up, but I’ll oftentimes, they won’t even start to go in a certain direction for the fear of something being illegal or against a particular regulation. Don’t be paralyzed by things that don’t exist.

Just as people have been paralyzed by the fear of eating poisoned cat, Halloween candy, people oftentimes get paralyzed and in business, don’t do it.

Step outside of your comfort zone. Try something new. Be willing to do something even though it’s strange, different, uncomfortable.

Just a quick thought. If you feel like this would fit, these type of advice would fit into your business and you’d like to be able to talk to someone like me who has a little bit of a background in working in multiple industries.

But finding the principles that match and can work across the board.

Definitely go to especially if you’re in the self-reliance field, if, if you’re way outside the self-reliance field, but you’re still like somebody to talk to, you go to and there’s options there.

To be able to set up a strategy session with me where I could talk with you one on one and we can go for a deep dive into your business and kind of look at where you want to take it from here on out.

So hopefully that’s helpful. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Disarm Your Prospects

How To Disarm Your Prospects

Let’s talk about how to disarm your prospects.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about disarming your perspective, customers, clients, and anyone that you’re looking to disarm. And to take you seriously, to listen to you as a fellow human being and to hear your message loud and clear.

It’s all about standing out.

If you hear what I’m saying today, you’re going to want to go to is for business owners and executives, decision makers that are in the self-reliance field.

If you’re relating with anything that I say today, go to and check out the video I have there. It’s free.

It’s only eight and a half minutes long and give you an idea of whether a dream business transformation would be right for you or not. So let’s talk about disarming.

What’s it take to disarm and why are people armed to begin with?

Let’s start there. Most people are automatically suspicious, skeptical of anything that would require them to do anything differently than what they’re currently doing. Whether that means paying out money, whether that means spending time somewhere.

Even me trying to get you to go to if this is the first time you’ve heard of that, you’re suspicious.

What’s it all about?

What’s in it for you and why would I want to ever go there?

That suspicion is constant and it comes up right away. Especially if people do not know you, because if they don’t know you, they don’t like you and they don’t trust you for sure.

It’s just automatic.

As you get a person to know you, you’ll get them to like you, you’ll get them to trust you. But that’s a long road and sometimes right off the bat you’re not going to have that.

You may not have that with somebody watching you on an interview or listening to it and you on an interview.

You’re not going to have that when you’re doing public speaking and you’re speaking in front of an audience for the first time, they’re not necessarily going to trust you right off the bat, although it does depend on the venue you’re at, who introduced you, what they said about you and so forth.

But it’s very difficult for that trust to transfer immediately.

Oftentimes people are going to be on guard, they’re going to be armed against you defensively against you, and whatever your message is, whatever you’re wanting other people to do, whether that be a sales deal or otherwise, if you’re wanting someone to do something differently than what they’re doing, they’re armed against you.

So how do you disarm them?

Well, I gave a clue yesterday.

I will not say last week, but it was, yeah, it was only yesterday I gave you a clue when I talked about the fact that it’s really good to recognize the elephant in the room, especially if it’s something obvious.

I’ve got what appears to be a little bit of a black eye.

My whole side of my face is a little swollen here.

My arms are all marked up and swollen and it’s all from poison oak.

So it’s a little embarrassing to walk around with, especially if my arms are all pink from calamine lotion or what have you.

I always try to acknowledge anything that’s a little bit off about me. This is something that I learned from Jim Camp.

Jim camp was a negotiator who trained negotiations. You can read some of his books.

I want one of the books I really like from him.

It’s called, Start With No.

That’s a good one to take a look at, and one of his concepts that he teaches is that, it’s okay to not be okay.

And that’s the purpose of this is one, making yourself feel more comfortable and confident, but at the same time, disarming the prospect, disarming the person who he calls the adversary, disarming the person on the other side of any form of negotiation.

Like I said, it doesn’t matter whether you’re doing public speaking, whether you’re being interviewed, whatever the situation, if you’re in front of somebody new and you’re attempting to get a point across, it’s in your best interest to disarm them.

I’m not saying use this for deep manipulation of any sort. I’m saying recognize something that’s true about you that they call it, you know, damning evidence or what have you, about yourself.

Talk about something that doesn’t feel right.

Talk about something that’s the elephant in the room.

If you do that, you kind of ease the whole feeling of the room.

If you go into a room and you’ve got everything just right and you’re dressed just right and you look just right and you’re fully shaved and everything else the tension is always going to be high.

People are always going to wait for that other shoe to drop. They’re always going to wait.

They’re gonna feel inadequate and if they feel inadequate, they’re even more armed against your message.

But as soon as you show yourself to be human, as soon as you allow yourself to just be seen as who you are and what you are, and allow yourself to show that you’re not perfect.

That you forgot to shave this morning or what have you, that you open up the lines of communication, they let their guard down so to speak, and they’re willing to listen to you a little more because you’re willing to be real them.

That ability to be comfortable puts forth a confidence and that confidence comes through whether you’re doing an advertising.

Whether you’re doing a YouTube video like this, it shows that you’re a real person and you’re not looking to push one over on them, that you’re just being real, that you’re just being yourself.

So, like I said,, if that makes sense to you and see how you can work this into your current marketing and advertising. You could see it as a tactic or a strategy, but it’s a deep seeded principle that if you come off more confident, confident in a way that is very comfortable and easygoing, that you are, you’re going to communicate your message better to your oncoming audience.

Whether they be a prospect or whether they be a person that you’re just trying to get to do something that’s better for them and their life.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. I hope you have a great night. In the meantime, before we get back together again tomorrow, I want you to get out there and let the magic happen.

Stand Out With Your Words

Stand Out With Your Words

Stand out with your words.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you every day from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to tell you more about how you can stand out, how your company can stand out, how you can stand out, not just up against your competition, but within the minds of your most ideal customers that are out there.

Also how to stand out, really in your entire industry.

How can you be a leader of your industry?

How can you really stand out in those ways?

And one way to do it is with your words.

So how do you go about doing that so that a lot of your communication is going to happen by words, you know, it’s gonna at least start with words. So this video has its own title, it has hashtags and a description and everything else that goes along with it.

That those are all words. And those words matter, the order of those words matter.

So studying a little bit of copywriting will help out a lot.

What’s copywriting?

Copywriting is basically the art and science of communicating via advertising. So any form of copywriting that we’re discussing is the idea of trying to get somebody to do something.

You’re trying to tell somebody they need to buy this or they need to look into this or they need to, you know, apply for this or that.

That’s what copywriting is.

The more you can learn about copywriting, the better.

There’s some great books out there. I know I have a few books on copywriting. Let me see if I have any that are clearly visible. David Ogilvy was a amazing advertiser and a copywriter. He had a lot of great books. We’ll go into those in the future, but this is a great one.

Here’s a real simple one, really small and it’s not one of those that you need to read front to back.

This is, Words That Sell.

What this is, is it is a simple, almost the thesaurus for copywriters, for anybody that’s looking to make something a little bit more interesting.

You can flip through these pages and get to the area. Here’s something on moneymaking and they’ve got a bunch of phrases that you would use in moneymaking top dollar, top salary, profit from turn your blank into gold.

Hot sellers. It just talks about all the different things having to do with money making.

Let’s get to another page here that might be a little bit different when you’re talking about something being comfortable. Here’s all the different descriptive words and phrases that you may not have thought of.

A cottony, fuzzy, furry, restful, placid, hospitable, toasty, warm, cool as a summer breeze.

These are all phrases that are used over and over and advertising and there’s a reason why.

It’s because they bring up pictures, they bring up feelings and all you have to do is go through it and see what fits into what you’re doing.

Maybe it will help you come up with ideas way to get past writer’s block and so forth. Not only for like titles of videos, but like I said, that’s, that’s like the smallest format.

A title in a video, a title for a podcast, a description for a podcast or a video.

But also when you’re talking any form of long form writing, even to the point of just emails, if you’re sending out emails on a regular basis to a list. If you’re doing any form of newsletter, whether it be electronic or paper newsletter, we’ll talk about paper newsletters more in the future cause there’s a lot of interesting stuff regarding paper and you wouldn’t think there would be, but we’ll talk about that later.

In any form of ads, advertising, outright advertising that’s being put out there, whether it’s online or offline. All of those things contain words and words are quite often the thing that will draw person.

The only thing that draws a person in a little bit faster, maybe a picture, they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

But if you’ve got the right words, it can make a picture stand out even more.

So it’s all about thinking about your words a little bit more or having somebody on your team that’s handling your advertising that understands the power of words.

This is a great book, good one to have on your shelf.

Words That Sell, Richard Bayan, it’s a classic. I’ve heard it recommended by many people.

If you’re wondering how you can take some of these concepts like I’m talking about and be able to apply it to your business, go to a

It’s specifically for people in the self reliance fields. So if you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, you’re a decision maker at your company, meaning you’re an owner or an executive at the company, then you’re going to want to go to and that’s your chance to be able to talk to me directly.

Normally a chat with me, for an hour long would would cost upwards of 600 and above, but at if you do qualify, you can get a free chat. It’s not a sales thing.

You’ll actually walk away with the beginnings of a dream business transformation.

So that’s something I promise. It only takes 60 minutes to able to achieve at least a start with creating an outline, a plan of how to take your business from where it’s at to where you want it to be and all the steps that are going to take to get there.

Now, I know I look funny today.

I’ve got a little bit of a black guy.

This is just a side story. This is from a Poison Oak, I believe, and I’ve got it all over the side of my face.

I’ve got it all over my arms.

I’m not sure if you see, and I’ve got calamine lotion all over me.

It’s important to recognize the elephants that are in the room, whether they’re known or unknown, to be able to recognize the things that may hold you back or may distract people.

We’re going to talk about that a little bit tomorrow. Why it’s okay to not be okay. We’ll talk about that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Use All You Got

How to Use All You Got

How do you use all you got.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to be talking about how to use all you got if you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive in charge of a business and this is an idea that I think it’s going to grab you if you pay attention to this concept.

I’ll give you the example. This package came to me today. This is an package. It’s yellow all the way around. It’s got the smiley face on the tape.

That’s where I’m innocent of Amazon or at least what they’re doing today.

Then this showed up, Liberty Mutual Insurance, these stupid commercials with the guy and the a Ostrich and the, and it’s like a cop car, except with the Liberty Mutual on the side, yellow.

We customize your insurance so that you only pay for what you need.


The whole thing’s branded to Liberty Insurance, even the bottom of the box, top of the box, you open it up and on the tab it says scan to get started on a customized Liberty Mutual Insurance.

Quote number one, open Amazon app number two, tap on camera icon number three, go to camera number four, center smile code and tap start.

I went and did this on my smart phone just out of curiosity and that’s what they’re banking on and it says right here, Amazon is not affiliated with Liberty Mutual Insurance. Meaning they don’t own Liberty Mutual Insurance, but I mean they’re partnered up with them.

If you go here, it takes you on the Amazon app to a commercial paid commercial right there on Amazon to get a quote.

How do they do this?

How do they go about capturing this?

Amazon saw that they can advertise themselves on the outside of their boxes and anybody that gets Amazon boxes on a regular basis notices that they put little ads on the outside.

Oftentimes it’s for TV shows on their Amazon Prime Network or things of that sort.

Now they can charge other people money to put ads on their boxes because they know. Think of all the people that are going to the person delivering it is going to see it.

If it’s sitting there at your office or at your home or in front of your house, everyone’s going to see it.

It is a portable billboard. It’s brilliant.

Really they’re taking something that a lot of people completely take for granted. A cardboard box. So many companies deliver it and there’s nothing on the outside except for a little bit of, you know, fold here type of type of messaging on the outside.

No one takes real use of subtle things like this, but that’s what it’s all about.


What are the pieces of your business that you could be using?

Where do the pieces that you could be selling to somebody else?

What are the pieces that you can be taking apart and offering in in other ways that you’ve never done before?

It’s all about resourcefulness.

If you want to find out how you can make your business more resourceful, then you need to hire someone that has a background in it, they can see it in other companies. Go to especially if you’re the owner or executive of your company.

And especially if you’re in a self-reliance based company, you’re somebody I’d like to talk to.

Go to the link is in the description.

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about a similar topic. These type of things come up over and over and over again, and the more you look around, the more you see him.

Do you see them too?

I’d love to find out more who let leave me a comment down below.

Go to and watch more of these videos or be sure to listen to our podcast. You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Ideal Client: More Than One?

Ideal Client: More Than One?

Ideal Client: Do you need more than one?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, filmed and sent out to live every day from Grants Pass Oregon here in the headquarters.

Today we’re talking again about customer centricity that we talked about yesterday.

We were discussing how if you really want to focus and find the best people and be able to do really last long with your customers, you gotta be customer centric. You have to think of them first.

You have to consider where they’re coming from, especially your ideal customers.

Your ideal clients, however you refer to them, the people that pay you the money, you know, in the end, who are they?

Sometimes when sitting down with new clients will start talking about the ideal customer and they’ll get bogged down because they think that you only need one type of ideal customer.

Most businesses, if you’ve been around for a while, if you’ve been able to keep things going as a business, you may just have more than one ideal customer.

You may have an ideal customer profile of one type and then you’ll have another type and possibly another type. Especially if you offer more than one type of product or service you, some of them may play towards certain audiences versus others and that’s okay to have more than one ideal audience.

But the best thing to do if at all possible is to take your marketing and advertising and focus them on one market at a time. That way you can control some of it when it comes to advertise, especially if you’re doing online advertising, you can target it directly to them.

You can have it show only to them and you know you’ll save money and be able to see the effectiveness of that ad.

That’s one of the huge portions. The huge ideas behind direct response advertising is being able to really focus in on an ideal market, on an ideal group of people.

Then see whether your ad actually had an effect or not or any form of marketing that you’re using. So the reason why this came up is I was having a conversation with a couple of partners that I have and we were putting together a new presentation that’s going to be going out there and we notice that we have more than one audience that we’re going to be speaking to. And most of the time I would say, Hey, focus on just one if you can, but in this specific, there was no way to get around it.

You’re going to be talking to multiple different types of people all at the same time.

So how do we incorporate all those pieces in without having it hurt?

One or the other. And one way of doing that, this is a specific little tip that if you are trying to reach an ideal audience on a regular basis, and this was something that my partner brought up.

He said, even if you just have dog whistle concepts within this presentation and the whole point was is that if one audience knows what you’re talking about and the other audience doesn’t, as long as you don’t overly focus on it, it doesn’t matter.

You just want to say it in a way that hits that audience the way it needs to and then you continue going on reaching the other audience.

This is just one example of how you would go about doing that if you’re handling two audiences at a time, you can speak differently without causing any type of friction in that process.

I hope that makes sense to you one way or the other. It’s good to at least know who your main ideal client is, who your main audience is. And then from there, knowing what all the sub audiences are and being sure you know who you’re talking to at any given time with any form of communication.

Whether it be marketing, advertising, sales, or whether it be direct communication with your customers.

Keep always keep in mind who you’re talking to and what they’re wanting and what they’re thinking and trying to enter that conversation already going on in your customer’s mind like we talked about before.

If you’d like to discuss some of these concepts in terms of how it directly affects you and your business and you are, then I suggest going to and take a look at some of the offerings there and also if you are in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant.

I’m going to suggest that you go to a at you have the opportunity to sign up for a free one-on-one with me and that is at the link is in the description.

You go watch the video there, explains a little bit what the dream business transformation is all about.

Dream business transformation. Hopefully I said that clearly, so hopefully this was helpful to you.

If not, come back tomorrow and we’ll have something else where we discuss business concepts, ideas that basically show you how to stand out in your marketplace, industry, in front of the people that you’re trying to get your message to.

So have a great night. We’ll see you next time and get out there and let the magic happen.