Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #6

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #6


Lesson #1 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-1/

Lesson #2 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-2/

Lesson #3 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-3/

Lesson #4 – https://brianjpombo.com/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-4/

Lesson #5 – https://brianjpombo.com/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-5/

Undercover Billionaire secrets number six.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Tonight, another handheld classic coming from the car.

Believe it or not, I’ve found myself in a hotel tonight of all places.

Why you may ask?

Well, it turns out that we woke up this morning to snow on the ground, which we haven’t had hardly at all season. In fact, the only time it happened when we were out of town and it dried up pretty quick this time. It happened all at once.

Huge snow storm hits Southern Oregon. I’m in Grants Pass, Oregon and we ended up with the power being out all day long, all into the night. It’s a new new place that we moved into.

Those of you who have been paying attention and we don’t have secondary heating quite set up yet. We’ve got electric heating and that’s about it.

So we don’t have a wood stove or anything of that sort. A lot of the preparations that I’ve been meaning to put into the place have not been put in yet. And so it just was not stable to have the whole family hanging out in this house, with the power out.

So I said, okay, up we go. And we’ve decided to hang out in a hotel tonight.

So everyone’s upstairs sleeping after a long day. And I am down here talking with you and I’m glad to be here because we have to cover the Undercover Billionaire secret lesson number six.

If you haven’t seen the other lessons, be sure and go back and watch the other ones. I’ll have some links down below, but also, you can find more over at BrianJPombo.com not only these, but other video lessons that we’ve gone through.

So today, this is all has to do with the Undercover Billionaire, which is a series on the Discovery Channel. Make sure you go out and watch that.

This isn’t gonna ruin any of it for you. Here’s one of the messages that I got from it, and it’s very apropos to what’s going on today. And that is that you have to have emotional stability to be able to handle what’s coming up against you.

To be able to handle people who are losing their minds, to be able to handle horrible situations. You have to be able to be stable. You have to keep your head.

I always loved the Rudyard Kipling’s poem if go and check that out. You got to Google that one. That’s a great one.

When everyone about you is losing their heads and blaming it on you, you know, that’s like the first line of it.

That’s really how life is that you have to be willing to keep your head when everyone else is losing theirs. And you can see that happening through the Undercover Billionaire when everyone else is kind of going crazy.

He has to remain stable.

Even if he has short little periods where he loses it for a moment, he has to come back to a center and be the center, the eye of the storm.

If you’re going to be a leader in anything, but especially in any form of business venture, you have to be the one that keeps it stable.

In my family, I tend to be the one that keeps it stable. So my whole family’s going bonkers dealing with a different situation. Like tonight I gotta be the one that says, okay, I don’t always know the right thing to do.

I don’t always know the best thing to do, but I can at least hold still and take it one step at a time and you gotta be that way with your business. So good thing.

Go check out the Rudyard Kipling poem, I don’t even know how to say his first name. I always say it wrong. Rudyard Kipling, go check out that poem.

If it’s a fabulous poem, one of my favorites, and go check out Undercover Billionaire.

We’re going to be going over some other secret lessons from the show, uh, as we keep going along. I keep building kind of a larger list as I talked to other people who have seen it.

I love some of the points, the major points that even aren’t even fully brought up through the show. They’re on full display throughout that first season. Go and check that out.

So in the meantime, if you happen to be a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, go and check out DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com, and what it’s all about is there’s a quick video on there that explains my dream business transformation.

Now I’m not selling you anything.

All I’m doing is I’m offering you the chance to be able to sit down with me and so we can look over your business and look over where you’d like to take it and kind of map out what it’s going to take to get there.

Hopefully you can walk away with something for absolutely free.

Go check it out DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description.

You can hear more of these over and wherever you listen to podcasts or watch them wherever you watch videos and you can see and hear both of these at BrianJPombo.com.

Hey, I’m going to be back here tomorrow night regardless of wherever I am. We’ll see what happens, but I’ll be back here and I hope to see you here too. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #5

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #5


Lesson #1 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-1/

Lesson #2 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-2/

Lesson #3 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-3/

Lesson #4 – https://brianjpombo.com/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-4/

Undercover Billionaire secret lessons number five.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you at the very last minutes of this fabulous Wednesday.

Wednesdays always tend to throw me off. For those of you who are regular watchers, it’s the days I’m watching my children at home and my whole days get thrown off. I think last Wednesday I missed, and we do this thing daily, So that’s a no, no.

I wanted to make sure I got in just in the nick of time to cover the Undercover Billionaire secret lesson number five and what these are. These are lessons that I got out of watching the Undercover Billionaire.

Now normally these are a little less shaky and everything else, but I didn’t have enough time to set up my whole prep and I just wanted to come into you nice and raw and talk about the meaning of a cause because it’s very prevalent throughout the show.

One of the greatest tools that Glenn Stearns wields is the real meaning of a cause. And what he got was the heart of this town. Of Erie, Pennsylvania and really focused in on what they’re all about, about being an underdog, about coming up from the bottom, at onetime being a really hardcore growing city, dropping as their industries plummeted, and then coming back from the grave like a Phoenix.

It’s really inspiring, but it’s more inspiring for the people that lived in that town.

When that became part of the story that he was recounting with all the people he asked to come along, none of them getting paid right away. Okay. He wasn’t paying anybody. They all came along with either the promise of pay, the promise of being part of a great cause.

Never underestimate the power of a meaningful cause, the power of something that’s beyond ourselves, that we can be a part of something bigger than ourselves that we can join in with.

People love that and you’ll always get the right type of people with the right type of cause.

That’s a great lesson and something that you could see that becomes stronger and stronger and stronger throughout the Undercover Billionaire series.

Hey, if you haven’t seen the Undercover Billionaire series, I recommend you go out and check it out. It’s all done. The first season’s all done.

I don’t know if they’re going to have a another season, but the first full season is a whole documentary style story, done at the Discovery Channel. So go check it out.

Also, if you love talking about these types of experiences, talking about how to build business, how to stand out in the crowd, regardless of whatever your cause is, whatever you’re trying to get other people involved in, then make sure you subscribe and check out all my other videos, wherever you’re watching this.

Or you can always check out one’s going all the way back to May of 2019 over at BrianJPombo.com.

If you are a business owner or an executive that’s an a self-reliance field, your cause is dear to my heart. So I’d love to be able to talk with you.

Normally I charge $600 and above to be able to talk with people. But if you’d like to talk with me specifically about your business, go and check out DreamBizChat.com and you can apply to get a free chat with me, DreamBizChat.com.

I would you talk about your business and talk about a very specific plan for you to take your business from where it is to where you want it to be in terms of being your dream business and in the amount of time you want to get it there as much as is reasonable.

So go check that out. DreamBizChat.com, the link is in the description.

Hey, for the rest of you, we’re going to see everybody back here tomorrow. I know I said I was going to be going live on LinkedIn. We’ve been held back a little bit because we haven’t gotten approved yet. You’ve got to get approved over at LinkedIn and if I’m able to make it through that process, I’ll be sure and tell you how that went.

You’re always welcome to check me out, wherever you’re seeing this. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #4

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #4


Lesson #1 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-1/

Lesson #2 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-2/

Lesson #3 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-3/

Undercover Billionaire secret lessons number four.

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’ve been covering some of the secret lessons that I’ve learned by watching the entire first season of Undercover Billionaire from the Discovery Channel. You can go and check out those first three lessons earlier on. I’ll have the links down below and I wanted to kind of go into a fourth lesson here today.

But first I wanted to be sure and plug the website, DreamBizChat.com specifically, it’s for business owners and executives in the self-reliance field.

So if you happen to have products and services that help people become more self reliant, I’d be really interested, interested to hear what you think about the video I have over at DreamBizChat.com. Go check it out. The link is in the description.

Now, I also wanted to chat with you a little bit here about Undercover Billionaire.

If you want to find out the premise of the show and everything else, go back and watch the old episodes or go look it up yourself. You can find old recordings of the show.

I never saw it when it was actually on the air.

I saw it many months later after the final episode. But it’s definitely worth seeing. Now, the fourth concept that was very prevalent throughout this entire thing is the unexpected things happening so much. Like, say Murphy’s Law, that whole idea that if something bad can happen, it will happen.

It’s the idea of things that you just don’t know going in. You could plan everything as perfectly as you want to. And it’s something that I encourage people to do is do as much planning as possible, but you have to also plan for the unknown known’s and the unknown unknown’s as….oh, who was it?

They used to talk about that all the time. Rumsfeld, Donald Rumsfeld talked about how, you’ve got your known known’s, you’ve got your unknown known’s, you’ve got your known unknown’s and your unknown unknown’s.

It’s the known unknown’s and the unknown unknown’s that you really gotta be careful of.

There’s always going to be stuff that you can’t possibly even predict that you don’t know about yet until you come across it. There’s always going to be those things that you can predict that we don’t know about this and we don’t know about that and we don’t know about that.

The the known unknown’s that you can plan a little bit for, but you just don’t know the details until you get there. So until you’re faced with it, you don’t know that all the obstacles you’re going to come up against.

You could see this in this travel of 90 days where he goes from nothing to building $1 million business within 90 days. He comes across it over and over and over again.

Things he could not have possibly predicted, things that he didn’t necessarily have the expertise to even watch for. And these things pop up out of nowhere and ended up causing trouble.

But he’s able to keep a cool head because he can see these things. He knows these things are going to happen.

They’re bound to happen eventually.

If you know going in that if you’ve got a clear idea of the direction you’re going in, you have to always expect these things and not be thrown off when they pop up out of the ground or fall out of the sky into your lap. So it’s a quick idea.

It’s common throughout the whole thing and it’s only briefly touched upon, but it’s definitely clear. It’s one of those secret lessons that you can learn by watching this show and also make sure you apply back to your business journey as you’re going along.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you. You can always find out more by going out and watching that show. Like I said, you can find it on YouTube, on iTunes. There’s a couple of places out there.

Also, it’s probably on demand if you have access to the Discovery Channel on demand. So you’ve got those things.

If you want to see any of the old videos, I put out these videos on a daily basis if you want to see any of our old discussions that go and check them out.

Also keep your eyes open for the next ones, because we’ve got some more secret lessons from the Undercover Billionaire coming up over the next few days, so stay tuned.

Oh, you can find out more of the old videos over at BrianJPombo.com and I’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #3

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #3


Lesson #1 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-1/

Lesson #2 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-2/

Undercover Billionaire lesson number three.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live and today I wasn’t quite sure if I was gonna make it here.

I’m quite tired. I’ve had a long day and it’s been one of these things where I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it, but it brings up a great point about what I think the third lesson is from the Undercover Billionaire series and this is a series that’s off of the Discovery Channel.

If you haven’t heard about it, go back and watch my other two videos on it.

There’s no spoilers regarding it, but I definitely recommend going and seeing this TV show called Undercover Billionaire. I’m going to talk about the lessons that I got out of the show that I think are real standout that aren’t necessarily outright in your face.

One of the main lessons that I got, out of all the different ones that I did get off of it was don’t make excuses.

So I could’ve very easily thrown in the towel and made an excuse and not made a video today.

I’ve been pretty consistent with doing these on a daily basis. In fact, this is the 250th episode of Brian J. Pombo Live as much in the row as we possibly could.

I think I may have missed four different episodes, but we’re going to make sure we make those up before the end of the year.

We’re gonna go all the way to 365. And in the meantime, we’re not gonna make any excuses. Now, the real issue that you see over and over again is the communication that he’s had with the people that he works with on this show.

We’re talking about the Glenn Bryant character, or Glenn Stearns in real life. He’s working with a whole bunch of people who are basically his employees, even though they’re not getting paid it at the at the time.

They’re all coming in on a voluntary basis with the idea they’ll eventually have something out of it, but no promises on what they’re actually going to get.

The whole time he’s dealing with different situations where people may not be handling their jobs as well as they could be. And the one thing he always goes back to is he’s watching for people who aren’t making any excuses for their issues.

He had people that were relatively new to working on their own and had a little bit of kickback from them because they weren’t really pulling their weight.

Then he also had people that had worked on their own, and this is later on in the series, he’s deals with a particular person. I’m not going to ruin it for you, but they’re giving a whole lot. Every time he points out something they’re doing wrong, they’ve got an excuse as to why it couldn’t be done any better and why nobody else would be able to do it and why they were not open about the fact that they weren’t able to do it.

That’s really the main issue that you see here.

The main problems he has with people are people who just keep making excuses over why they’re not able to do it, as opposed to being direct and saying very clearly, I have a problem here. This isn’t my strong point. I need some help.

It’s a simple idea, but it’s a human flaw that all of us have come in contact with at some point. Mostly it’s in ourselves.

Mostly we find a point at which we’re making excuses.

The biggest thing you can do in business and in life is to stop making excuses. Don’t make an excuse.

Acknowledge the fault.

Wherever the fault lies, acknowledge that it’s there. You don’t need to necessarily even take the fault on yourself. It doesn’t need to be your fault, but it is your responsibility to get fixed.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, take responsibility for your place, whether it was your fault or not.

Take the responsibility, pick back up and go the next step and do what’s necessary that all the people that he ends up sticking with in the long run throughout the series and the people that end up working with them long-term and ended up getting a big check in the end are the people who aren’t making excuses.

They’re just doing what needs to get done.

It’s a good reminder for all of us and also a good reminder for the type of people you want to surround yourself with.

It’ll make the biggest difference in the long run, I guarantee.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you. If you’d like to be able to work directly with me and see if I can help you in your business on these, not just concepts of TV shows, but also real advice when it comes down to your specific situation.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and see the offerings there.

Also, if you’re in the self-reliance field and you’re looking for the same thing, you’re someone I’d really like to talk to and I have a special deal just for you. If you go to DreamBizChat.com, the link is in the description.

We’re going to be back here tomorrow with number four in the, uh, in Undercover Billionaire saga that we’re going through here talking about the secret lessons from Undercover Billionaire.

Come on back tomorrow.

Tomorrow we’re going to be trying something new if you happen to catch this in time, hopefully we will meet us over on LinkedIn.

We’re going to try a LinkedIn Live for a few episodes here and see if we’re able to do that and see how that works out. We’re testing out a few things. We’ve been doing Facebook Live up until now, either way, wherever you watch this, we’ll be here the next day because we take the recordings and spread it out all over social media and you could find back recordings over on BrianJPombo.com so you have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #2

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #2


Lesson #1 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-1/

Undercover Billionaire secret lesson number two.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I’m going to continue this series that we’re doing on Undercover Billionaire. If you haven’t seen it, it’s on the discovery channel. It’s a series really worth watching so far.

They’ve just put out one season, this was from last year. It’s called Undercover Billionaire, all about the exploits of the very wealthy businessmen Glenn Stearns, as he goes undercover to start from scratch and build himself back up again.

We’re going to talk about some of the lessons that I got out of the show that I think are relatively obvious, but they need to be talked about more than even what the show said.

I’m going to talk about a second lesson to learn. You go back and watch the first lesson and find out a little more about the show over there where you can look it up yourself.

So the second lesson I would say has to do with the power of Human Capital.

The absolute necessity. The one thing they had to take away from him before putting him in a fresh situation and having him start from scratch. They had to take away all of his contacts.

In other words, they gave him a cell phone with none of the connections that he had and he was not allowed to reach out to any of the connections that he had.

He wasn’t able to lean on family. He wasn’t able to lean on any of the people that he had connected with and anybody that has had any form of success in their life. That’s really true success. It’s really, you know, been that been something, something big for yourself where where you’ve, you feel like you’ve actually made something great. You know, the importance that the people around you have had on that.

And if you haven’t, your success will be short lived. It won’t last long. If you understand the importance of human capital, the importance of your contacts, the importance of your relationships.

We talked a little bit about relationship and what builds that yesterday when we’re discussing trust, but today I want to discuss the actual idea of having the relationships to begin with and how important that is. Anybody that builds himself up out of nothing. There’s really no such thing as a self made man.

I’ve talked in other times about self reliance on this channel and we talked about how really self-reliance is somewhat of a misnomer because you’re never really truly self reliant. The whole idea behind self-reliance is that you have as much reliance on yourself as possible so then you can help other people. You see it does matter. It does.

You should try to be as self efficient as possible, but actual self-reliance, actual self-made people, they don’t exist.

Business itself, the pure purest definition of business is the ability for you to be able to trade your ideas, trade your skills, trade anything that you can bring to the table for something else from someone else.

In most cases it’s money. In most cases we trade money initially for what we’re looking to provide for other people and vice versa.

That is what business is. Business is relationships, business is connections.

Who you’re connected with matters most. The main thing that he starts focusing on early in the early episodes is starting to go out there and connect with people, finding people who are then connected to the rest of the city because he’s in a city he’s never been to.

He’s in a city that he hasn’t been involved in and it’s kind of an up and coming city.

It’s one that had kind of peaked during the industrial age, in Pennsylvania, and it had peaked and dropped down and it was just now kind of building itself back up. And so he needed to get in on the inside.

He needed to find people who are familiar with the city, with other people that can connect him with other people. And he did. That’s the amazing thing.

Just the first few episodes you’ll see that he was able to do that. He was able to bounce from one person to the next to the next. It’s not about using people, it’s about understanding the value that every person brings and it’s really in the connections that they have in there. His ability to then grow a team off of those connections tied together with trust like we talked about yesterday, but the people are what matters most.

It’s not as much the ideas. The ideas will come with the right people. It’s not as much, even the execution, the execution comes with the right people.

He learned how to go about doing what he wanted to do as after he had already committed to doing it.

I’m not going to ruin any of it if you haven’t seen it, but you can see it all come about and what he’s basically doing to showing the business cycle that anyone that owns and runs a business, they’re showing it from beginning to end in a very short window, in a 90 day window.

It’s kind of on fast forward in comparison to what most of us end up doing when we go into business for ourselves. So it’s worth seeing, Undercover Billionaire. That’s lesson number two.

Tomorrow we’re going to go over lesson number three.

How many are we going to go over?

I don’t know. So far I definitely have one for tomorrow.

We’re going to go over it then. In the meantime, if you are looking to be able to take your business further, connect with the right people, find the people who can lead you in the right direction and kind of help you to really, I mean one of the toughest things as a business owner is being able to organize your thoughts and being able to a step by step plan, whether you’ve got a deadline or not.

Like this guy had 90 day deadline to be able to achieve a million dollar company.

That’s what he was after.

Then he had 90 days to be able to do it.

Now, whether you have a deadline or not, you should have a plan set up and if you don’t or if you need help in executing that plan, I suggest going out and finding yourself somebody that has a background in that.

Someone who has a direction, who has a concept of how to take a business from step one to step two to step three all the way to the end and can help you out with that. That has experience.

I happen to be one of those people so it’s very self serving for me to say this, but go to BrianJPombo.com if you’d like to find out more about me and see if I’d be somebody that would help be able to help you in your business.

I tend to work best with people who are already have successful businesses up and running.

Most of the businesses I work with are seven figures and up. I don’t hold it to that, but in general, those are the ones that I tend to work with the most because they tend to have everything already running and going in the right direction.

Now, if you are in the self-reliance field and you are interested in taking part and being able to hopefully get some value out of my advice or my help, then go to DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com, the link is in the description. Go and check that out.

Especially if you are a decision maker at your company in the self reliance field.

Go to DreamBizChat.com.

Hey, the rest of you have a great night. We’re going to be back here tomorrow. You have a good one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #1

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #1


Undercover Billionaire secret lesson number one.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I’m going to be talking about The Undercover Billionaire, which is a TV show that was first shown last year, 2019 on the discovery channel.

If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure and go out and see it. Now, nothing I’m not going to give away any spoilers or anything, but I’m going to tell you the premise of the show and kind of hopefully encourage you to go and watch it because it really is worth the worth.

The journey, I think it’s nine episodes long. Excuse me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s something like that. Now it’s well worth it. It’s all one big storyline, documentary style TV show.

It follows a fellow by the name of Glenn Stearns and he’s a very well known, if not a billionaire and definitely a multimillionaires, built billion dollar, multi-billion dollar companies and it follows him going through the process of pretty close to scratch in a world that he’s never been in before.

He always had this theory that he could start with just about nothing and start in a town he’s never been in and be able to build his way up to a million dollar company in less than 90 days from the absolute bottom.

What they did is they said, okay, we’re going to take you to this town. They dropped him off into town. He’s never been to, they gave him a cell phone without any contacts in it, a Smartphone. They gave him a pickup truck, an old pickup truck, and they gave him a hundred dollar bill.

He had the clothes on his back and that’s it. A hundred dollar bill, cell phone, and a pickup truck.

So where does he go from there?

How does he go about finding a place to live?

How does he go about making enough money so he can eat?

How does he go about building a business from that point forward?

And you follow him along in this journey and it’s very, very interesting whole lot of lessons and I’m going to reveal some of what I think are the secret lessons that are available.

Now let’s deal with lesson number one.

The first lesson. These are in no particular order. I’m going back and reviewing the show based on some of the things that I got out of it and the things that I’ve heard from other people who have seen it that I think are important to note.

The one thing that’s really important to note is the importance of honesty.

In other words, if you’re looking to instill any type of trust, foster any type of trust with your partners, with your customers, with your clientele and your employees or whoever you’re working with. If you’re looking to have long-term trust, you have to have full honesty as much as possible.

Obviously there’s certain things that don’t need to be known or said out loud, but you can’t say something that’s dishonest or lead people in the wrong direction because that in the long run, it ruins the trust factor and if there’s no trust, you can’t have a long-term relationship.

Without a long-term relationship, you’re going to have issues with income.

If you’re looking at building any type of regular ongoing income into your company, you’ve got to have trust. Trust is so important.

Now, how’s this come back to undercover billionaire?

Well, one of the things that he has to do is he has to go by a different name instead of Glenn Stearns, I believe it’s Glenn Bryant is what he’s going by and so he has to go by a different name.

He can’t be completely honest about the fact that he said that he’s worth so much money and has built major company companies before.

He has all these things going against him and you can see how that that comes and kind of bites him in the butt through the show.

One of the reasons why is because the people that he’s building friendships with, not using any of his original contacts or anybody that he knows in any form of business.

He’s going out and meeting people and then building up trust. That’s really difficult to do when you’re not giving them the full story.

Not only that, he has all these parameters, he’s got to do everything in 90 days. He’s going to do all these things and he can’t be completely honest as to why that’s the case.

Because of that, there’s these trust issues that he has throughout the show with the people he’s working with. It’s very, very telling and something that you have to keep in mind, even though you’re not out there taking part in basically what is a game show?

You’re not going out there and doing that.

So it’s more important than anything for you to be as honest as possible and to bring people in and build that trust both with your partners, like I said, or with your clientele themselves.

Just a brief idea, one little concept, one little nugget I got out of that show that I think shows really crystal clear within that show. Go and watch it.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, but I bought it through YouTube. So you could buy the whole season through YouTube.

You can buy or you can buy it episode by episode. You could try that on iTunes also or if you’ve got it on demand, on discovery channel, go and check it out.

Hey, if you like to find out more about how you can instill trust in your community and with your customer base.

I’m going to recommend going to BrianJPombo.com that’s my website.

You can find out more about me and you can see if we can get on the phone or video chat and talk a little bit about your business and what we can do to make it a little bit better and build that trust long-term so that you can really have something that has long-term passive income for you and your family.

Also if you’re in the self reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, then you’re going to want to go to DreamBizChat.com. The link is in the description.

There’s a special free offer just for you, DreamBizChat.com.

In the meantime, we’ll be back here tomorrow. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Feel Painted Into A Corner?

Feel Painted Into A Corner?


Feel painted into a corner?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I wanted to bring up the third tier of what we consider the three tiers of BrianJPombo.com and just for review.

What we’ve been talking up until now is being Relationship Reliant and System Based.

The third one is, Reality Grounded.

Oftentimes we find ourselves painted into a corner because we set ourselves up that way to expect a certain result. If you do that, if you get caught up with your goals or get caught up with where you think things are going, you don’t allow flexibility to be able to move forward. I’ll give you an example.

This was a situation with one of my clients where we had discussed what the possibilities were going forward in the future. And when we had a meeting, it became clear, as everything started being laid out, that we were going to have to change slightly and go a slightly different direction.

It wasn’t a big move. In fact, it was original move that was planned that we had moved back to, or at least that was my suggestion, is that we moved back to this original plan.

Now, it would have been real easy to say, well wait, why are we doing that?

I thought we were going in this direction. Now we’re going in this direction. And there was some confusion there after we sat back and looked at it though I said, if you look at the big picture of things, we made the necessary changes, but that also made the original plan more of the the thing that we ought to do.

It made sense, at least from my limited perspective it made sense and that’s what I was recommending.

It’s real easy to get caught up with going in a particular direction and not wanting to pivot, but that flexibility, how do you build that flexibility?

One’s experience is going through enough situations to where you know you have to be flexible or you’ll break.

The main thing that I see that keeps people from being flexible in business is being too emotional. Getting emotionally invested in a particular outcome and that is being anti reality.

If you’re getting caught up with doing things a certain way, there is an emotional comfort zone that we paint ourselves into. It’s painting ourselves into a corner and you don’t quite know your way out of it.

How do you get away from that?

How do you get back to reality?

It’s about stepping back away from your emotional state, noticing that you’re in it, noticing that you’re reacting to something and just stepping back and taking a deep breath and saying, okay, what’s the reality of the situation?

What are we actually looking at?

What am I reacting to?

When you do that, you take that little brief moment to step back and take a look at the big picture. Everything tends to clear up.

Sometimes it means getting up and taking a walk. Sometimes it means, you know, getting a little bit of movement going and getting the blood flow into your brain.

But it all comes back on the inside. Step away from your emotions and come back to reality.

That’s why I talk about being Reality Grounded.

That is really the long-term concept that you want in your business. Reality grounding and then even if you aren’t in the reality state, if you fall into an emotional craziness, you want to make sure that the people that are around you can kinda hold you back and go, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Just wait. Take a deep breath.

If you’ve got people like that around you, then you’ll be able to do the same thing when they’re in that state and we can all balance each other out.

It’s very helpful to have people in your team like that if you like to know whether you are paying the most attention to reality or not, then I suggest bringing people onto your team that help you out with that.

I’m one of those people that you can hire out to be able to work with you on a weekly basis.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and you can look at some of the options that I have available for that. Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com, the link is in the description. If you want to go there directly.

Hey, we’re back here every day with another tip, another concept, either on a real large scale or on something very specific. Sometimes just a simple little tactic that might make a difference for you.

Come back here every day. We’ll go through another one. If you have any questions, leave a comment down below on whatever social media you’re at. Or you could always find all the archives of all of these videos and audios over at BrianJPombo.com.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Make Your Life Easier

Make Your Life Easier


Make your life easier.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. You know, we’re always talking about business ownership, entrepreneurship, that’s one of the worst things about this whole way of life about starting your own deal and getting out there and making it from the ground up is it’s tough.

It’s not easy, and there’s only so much you can do on your own. There’s only so many hours in the day. There’s only so much effort you can put out. There’s only so much energy you can put out on a regular basis.

There’s a limit to it all and you can hire more people. That’s somewhat helpful as long as you hire the right people for the right jobs.

But the toughest thing is really growing past a certain point to where you really can’t feel like you can keep all the plates spinning, you know, so to say.

Don’t know if you remember, or if you’ve ever seen the videos of the Ed Sullivan Show where they would have that guy with the sticks that they would stand up and he’d start spinning a plate and it would keep spinning.

The plates would be balancing and spinning on the end of the stick as the stick kind of moves and then he’d go over here and he’d start some more plates spinning and keep those spinning and go back and he’d hit the other plates.

Then he’d set up another one and he get those plates spinning and that’s how business ownership feels sometimes.

How do you get around it?

How do you make your life easier?

The word that matters the most in business when it comes to growth is system. You have to systemize, you have to have the pieces of your business that run like a machine. And most business owners fight this at every angle.

We really do. We fight it because we want it to be alive like us. We want every end of our business to be that way.

It can’t be just plain and simple. It can’t be when it comes to, you know, accounts receivable, when it comes to taking out the garbage. There’s just certain parts of your business that just need a system behind them.

They need to have an ongoing predictable thing that happens every day or week or month or each year.

Automatic automation has to take place in your business at some point for it to grow past a certain point. If you’re at the million dollars and above figure may have noticed this. Then you get to a certain point where you start bumping your head up against the ceiling.

You need to bring people on who can help you systemize who can create systems.

A great book that discusses this is The E-Myth, a very popular book by Michael Gerber. If you haven’t read this book or listen to the audio version, go and get it.

The most recent version is called the E-Myth Revisited. Now that’s not a sequel. It’s the original book that they’ve added to it. That’s kind of considered the main one that people go to.

But The E-Myth is a fabulous book on why system is necessary no matter where you go.

The whole idea is you focus on what works best, what takes the least amount of human interaction and what’s the simplest way of doing a certain thing and then put it into stone and say, this is how we’re going to do it until we find a better way of doing it.

Everything has to have some form of system so that you can set it going and go work on the other thing or go and fix the other part of your business that needs fixing. And it is a way of maintaining things that I’ve seen over and over again.

The businesses that keep getting stuck and not able to grow are the ones where the business owner or the business manager is trying to be everything at every point.

They create a bottleneck for their company.

If that sounds like you, then you’re going to need some help. You need to get somebody that’s gone through this over and over again and it’s help other people out of it. Find that person.

If you don’t have that person on your team. I happened to be one of these types of people. I don’t work with everybody, but you’re welcome to go see what’s available over at BrianJPombo.com and see if we’d be a good fit.

Also, if you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products or services that help people to become more self reliant, go and check out DreamBizChat.com.

If you’re not sure if you’re in the self-reliant field, go check out DreamBizChat.com and see if you fit into the description and you’re welcome to fill out the application for a free sit down with me.

Those normally cost $600 and above, but a DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description.

Tomorrow, we’re going to talk about another aspect. Being System Based is what I consider one of the three major tiers of BrianJPombo.com. The other one being Relationship Reliant, which we talked about on the last video, and we’re going to talk about the third one tomorrow. So come back.

Then in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Is It Who You Know or Who Knows You?

Is It Who You Know or Who Knows You?


Is it who you know or who knows you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to discuss the ongoing, meme that’s kind of out there within the business community. I’ve heard it discussed more and more often ever since Grant Cardone came out and said, it’s not about who you know, it’s who knows you.

What do you think about that?

Do you think that’s true?

I think it’s a huge piece that is always forgotten is that who knows you is very important to how big you can get and how large your ability to network and your ability to grow with your business comes down to how many people know about your business, know about your products, your services, what have you.

But I think it’s both. I think it takes both.

I think it is about who you know, especially initially because no one’s going to know you initially.

It’s about who you know. And then eventually it’s about who knows you. I think those are two major elements that have to come together though you can’t have just one or the other. Otherwise there’s only going to be so large you can grow as a business, as a person that’s looking to create influence or have influence out in the community or the Earth’s community at large.

If you’re looking to get out there and really change things and really make a huge difference and make an impact, dent the universe as they say, then it does come down to who you know and who knows you.

In other words, relationships.

So I’ve talked before about the three pillars that make up a lot of the philosophy that I help train people on.

One of them is relationship reliant.

You need to be relationship reliant. You need to realize that all business is a relationship. Whether they know who you are or not, your customers have a relationship with your product and service.

If there’s a human behind that product or service, even just the likeness of a person, even if it’s someone that doesn’t, isn’t even walking around anymore like Colonel Sanders. If there’s someone there, if there’s an idea of a person there, they’re going to relate with it more and therefore relate with the brand more.

This has been proven over and over through time that people buy from people and people buy from people they trust. We’ve talked about that a lot.

So how do you build that back into your business?

Where do you go from there?

Well, sit back and look at the largest growth patterns that you’ve had in your business.

If you’re new at business, this is a great lesson to understand. Look at other businesses.

Read biographies from people that have done well in business or done well at any form of influence on the planet. It doesn’t matter if they’re a politician or a religious figure. It all comes down to relationships and being able to leverage one relationship to the next.

I was having a discussion today with my podcast producer, Sean E. Douglas, who also is a producer here for our video series. He was saying, if you look at all the different businesses that we have worked in through the years, the one thing is true is you bounce from relationship to relationship, to relationship to relationship.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie to business young and maybe your first exploration into business is something like network marketing or direct sales or stuff like that. Same thing’s true.

The people who are able to bounce from relationship to relationship to relationship, not ignoring their original relationship, but being able to help that grow and have that person introduce you to someone else and then someone else, someone else, whether they’re a customer or a business partner of yours.

Being able to do that long-term builds huge success.

That’s how you have any form of exponential growth in a business, in an organization, in a movement, doesn’t matter. It all comes back to the relationships. Don’t ignore it, just because you may not naturally be a people person. I know some of you out there and saying, I don’t like people. I don’t want to be around people.

I know where you’re coming from on that, but you have to realize the nature of the beast. If you’re looking to make money from people, if you’re looking for people to do something that you want them to do, that you think is in their best interest to do or in the best interest of the earth or your religion or anything else, you’re going to have to have a relationship.

Someone’s going to have to have a relationship.

The person who has the most real direct, clear-cut, authentic relationships, those are the people that are really able to make a huge impact out there.

So keep that in mind as you’re growing.

When you’re looking at business strategies and you’re looking at growth strategies, look at which one will allow me to create more relationships.

I think you’ll find that that will be the best case scenario. That will be the best way for you to grow and not just think of addition, just adding one at a time in a very linear fashion.

You got to think multiplication, you got to think exponential growth in the long run.

How can one become 10 become a hundred and so on and so forth. So hopefully that’s helpful to you. Hey, if you’d like to discuss it.

One of the things that I do is I’m a business strategist so I work with businesses one-on-one. If you’d like to work one-on-one with me or like to find out more about the opportunities there, go to BrianJPombo.com.

That’s BrianJPombo.com. If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, you can check out a very special offer that we have over at DreamBizChat.com.

So if you’ve got products or services for your company that help people to become more self-reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com and watch the video, go and check that out.

I’m back here every day. You’re welcome to watch all the other videos that I have out there. I never take anything down or listen to any of the podcasts, which are just audio versions of the videos over at BrianJPombo.com and at basically any social media that you have access to.

You’ll probably find me around there somewhere and if I’m not somewhere, let me know that you frequent a lot. Let me know. I’d love to find out whether it makes sense to go over there because I like being where people are.

You have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You Catching the Clues?

Are You Catching the Clues?


Are you catching the clues?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by DreamBizChat.com. If you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you haven’t seen DreamBizChat.com, go and check it out.

There’s a video there. It gives a, basically gives you a chance to take advantage of a special process we call the Dream Business Transformation. It’s a $600 value.

Go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description. Now the real question is, are you catching the clues?

Life leaves clues, all along the way. One thing I found in my experience is, I believe in destiny. I believe that things happen for a reason. There I said it. I believe everything happens for a reason. If you don’t believe that, then I don’t know.

You haven’t seen the same things I’ve seen. It’s just one of those things that it happens too often to be random coincidence of the cosmos.

Everything happens for a reason. And I was talking, I told you I was having this talk with my friend Vinny and I was talking him through the process of becoming a business owner, and doing your own thing and having something that you’re building on your own, building over time.

He was giving examples and I don’t even remember the exact example he gave, but he gave examples of things that happened that were like clues that he was going in the right direction. And I’ve seen this over and over again, in my own life. But specifically in business you have to have a keen eye for what seems to be the right way.

I always know by the type of people I’m running into. This is a trend that I’ve seen over the years is that when I start running into a certain type of person, not everybody, but in the course of business, when I start every once in a while run into a type of person where it’s like, I’m glad I met this person in a big way.

Like this person is going to have a dynamic effect on my life or has had a dynamic effect already in the short period of time that I’ve known them.

When I see that and I see that there’s no way I could have gotten to them here if I hadn’t first started over here and gone through the process, if that makes sense. I know that the steps that I took are going in the right direction because I was set up to meet with this person here and just, there’s certain things when you find them, they just kind of ring true.

It’s that aha moment.

It’s like, ah yes, this is what life is all about. Right.

I know this is very airy fairy and other and kind of odd, and it’s not the typical type of business talk, but you have to be intuitive about what you’re doing.

It’s about paying very close attention to clues that the cosmos or God or whatever you want to say leaves for you in your path. And there’s all these little Easter eggs that show up, where it’s like, ahh look at that right there.

You would have never noticed it had you not gone through all the original steps to get to that point. And you could look back and say, okay, everything that I’ve gone through wasn’t an accident because I needed to find this.

I needed to find this person, I needed to discover this truth. And that’s how you know you’re going in the right direction. That’s how you know things happen for a reason.

Because you can see the storyline laying out.

You don’t notice it as you’re going through it. You certainly don’t like to think that all the crap that you go through is part of something greater, especially when you’re going through it. Right? But you’ve just got to believe it. You got to know it.

You’ve gotta be able to look back and see all the chaos that you’ve gone through and realize that there’s something that’s less chaotic about it.

There’s something to it, to it all. So just a quick idea.

Nothing too major, nothing too deep. But something that I’m happy me and Vinny got to talk about and I’m wanting to bring it up with you here today.

So we will be back tomorrow night talking about more business concepts and things to help you grow your business, things to help you go further and to really transform your life, which is what it’s all about, isn’t it?

So you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.