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Need More Traffic?

Need More Traffic?
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Do you really need more traffic?

  • Brian delves into why not all traffic is the same.
  • The focus really isn’t JUST getting more traffic, but getting targeted traffic from the RIGHT PEOPLE to purchase your products or services.
  • 1 Tip – The BEST TRAFFIC could be actually going back to your list and getting in touch with them!

Top 17 Things You Need to Stress & Worry About Endlessly

Top 17 Things You Need to Stress & Worry About Endlessly
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  • Does stress and worry ever solve anything for you?
  • listen in and hear what Brian’s thoughts are on these negative emotions

Be the Wizard – Beware the Wizard

Be the Wizard - Beware the Wizards
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Today’s talk is all about AUTHORITY

  • Brian talks about the power both good and bad when it comes to being an authority or as it concerns this video, being a wizard

Do You Know Your Customers?

Do You Know Your Customers?
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Pillar #3 Relationship Reliant

As seen in the video, Brian says being RELATIONSHIP RELIANT all comes back to the quote below from Bob Burg

“All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust”

  • While we can get focused on many tasks in business, it all needs to come back to person-top-person relationships
  • Do people know, like and trust you as a person or someone that works at your company?
  • If not, it’s hard to build relationships

Pillar #1 Reality Grounded –

Pillar #2 System Based –

Your Business Is A Gooey Mess

Your Business Is A Gooey Mess
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Pillar #2 System Based

  • It’s about having systems in place
  • Both for yourself personally and for your business as a whole
  • A good business needs a heart and good people in place
  • But it all needs to run like a machine

Pillar #1 Reality Grounded –

Your Feelings Are Robbing You Blind

Your Feelings Are Robbing You Blind
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The first of 3 videos about Brian’s 3 Pillars

Pillar #1 – Reality Grounded

  • Being real about your current situation. Not what you want it to be, or hope it will be, but what it is right now.
  • The main benefit of being REALITY GROUNDED is that it helps you back away from being in an emotional state and seeing things in a more logical, rational way.
  • Most people are not rational, they live their live in an emotional state
  • Most people make decisions for emotional reasons first, then back it up with logic

Do You Believe in Scarcity or Abundance?

Do You Believe in Scarcity or Abundance?
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Why the perception of your business and the perception of your life can EFFECT EVERYTHING you do

Tune in as Brian talks about

  • The difference between scarcity and abundance
  • Impact of Edward Bernays on politics and population around the world
  • Why SCARCITY MINDSET holds you back in your business

Secret Shortcut to Fame & Fortune

Secret Shortcut to Fame & Fortune
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Brian talks about Pareto’s Principle – The 80/20 Rule

  • The basic idea is 80 percent of your success comes from 20 percent of your efforts
  • Out of that 20 percent, it could be one primary ACTION-STEP that creates most of the profit
  • By focusing on that step(s), it can create a BOOM in business

In Business is Ambition a Good or Bad Thing?

In Business is Ambition a Good or Bad Thing?
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Tune in and find out if Brian believes Ambition is a GOOD thing or a BAD thing to have

What Is YOUR Business?

What is YOUR business?
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Find out why Brian suggest that your REAL business is in sales and marketing. Not just the products or services you offer.

For more on this, checkout the podcast Brian mentions in today’s video here –