Media - Watch, Listen and Read

Are You Selling Hope?

Are You Selling Hope?
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Talkin’ hope and hopelessness with some thoughts on passive income and Burke Hedges book The Parable of the Pipeline.

Outsource Your Weakness

Outsource Your Weakness
Video 292

In a continued conversation from yesterday, Brian delves deeper into the subject of outsourcing your weaknesses in business.

Know Your Weaknesses?

Know Your Weaknesses?
Video 291

A very important message today as Brian talks about the value of knowing your weaknesses.

Are You A Celebrity?

Are You A Celebrity?

Video 290

Being a niche celebrity may be easier than you think. Join Brian for his latest thoughts on the topic.

What is A Marketing Funnel?

What is A Marketing Funnel?
Video 289

Pickup Breakthrough Advertising at Brian Kurtz Titans site –

Brian gives an introduction to Marketing Funnels and Eugene Schwartz’s classic – Breakthrough Advertising.

Do You Repurpose Your Content?

Do You Repurpose Your Content?
Video 288

Today we delve into the value of repurposing content and touch on the value of transcription at the end.

Luck Defined
Video 287

Will you be prepared when opportunity knocks?

Dynamic Pricing for ECommerce

Dynamic Pricing for ECommerce
Video 286

Pricing in Ecommerce, why it can help build confidence in your customer base or it can drive prospects away from you overtime.

Your Business Should Be An Information Business

Your Business Should Be An Information Business
Video 285

Childhood memories and the wonderful world of self publishing in today’s marketplace.

How to Get Grounded

How to Get Grounded
Video 284

When things go crazy in your life and / or business, what do you do to get yourself grounded again?