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Should You Facebook Live?

Should You Facebook Live?
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Is Hosting Facebook Live’s Right For You & Your Business?

  • Facebook Live’s are having an impact for various people.
  • If you already have a list of followers, Facebook Live’s are a great way to get in front of your people.
  • It’s proven that Facebook is giving quality attention to pages that are doing regular Facebook Live’s.
  • You can also do advertising on top of popular live content or on the page itself as people view content.

Why Brian Is Doing Facebook Lives

  • Helps get his message out there, get his philosophy on business out to viewers.
  • We also take these videos to sites like Youtube and Linkedin
  • Also looking into turning these into a podcast
  • Gives Brian a chance to meet people he might not otherwise have meet

Know, Like & Trust

  • Another value point to all this is it gives people a chance to know, like and trust you.
  • This is especially helpful when you are selling a higher priced product or service.

How to Streamline Customer Service

How to Streamline Customer Service
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Do you think your company is providing good customer service?

  • Brian shares some thoughts from his conversation with Brad James from Beepods and how they’ve had success with helping customers with this area of their company.

Listen to Brian & Brad James of Beepods discuss the systems behind a growing business:

Want to Get Attention?

Want to Get Attention?
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Here’s the principle: Do the same thing… differently.

  • While there are many ways to get someone’s attention, today, Brian will spend some time talking about direct mail and paper catalogs.
  • Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer
  • Travis Lee’s 3D Mail Results

You ARE An Impostor

You ARE An Impostor
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Listen to Brian & Mark C. Robinson of Walkin’ Pets discuss the process of becoming and maintaining a successful e-commerce business:

What is Impostor Syndrome?

  • As Brian points out in today’s video, “It’s when you’ve had a certain amount of success, but you don’t feel like you deserve it.”
  • 1 Tip Brian shares to get over this, is to meet your heros.
  • While they may put off a certain confidence, what we can’t forget is they are human.
  • All of them may vary well have multiple things about them that aren’t perfect in their life or possibly personality, or even business skills.
  • The real problem with impostor syndrome (not feeling worthy) is thinking along the lines of, “I got lucky to have success, but those people didn’t.”
  • There are principals that will increase your odds of success, and habits that can hurt your odds of success.
  • For more on impostor syndrome, check out the podcast Brian did with Mark C. Robinson (linked above) on the Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

Do You Deserve Attention?

Do You Deserve Attention?
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Do you deserve to be known?

Do you believe you should be allowed to be seen?

  • That is, do you think you have a worthy opinion on a subject(s) that others would actually want to hear what you have to say.

Do you feel like you’re not entertaining enough to be heard?

  • Truth is, you really don’t have to be that entertaining or know that much more than others, just a little bit more.
  • The best way to get people to rally to your cause is to put yourself out there and do it consistently.
  • In the end, people buy from those they know, like and trust.

How Wizardry Eliminates Your Competition

How Wizardry Eliminates Your Competition
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Join Brian as he talks about why Content Marketing can help you eliminate competition.

One benefit – it helps people know, like and trust you.

Listen to Brian & Greg Key of Hoss Tools’ conversation that may just change your perspective on “content marketing.”

The One Irreplaceable Ingredient to Grow A Business!

The One Irreplaceable Ingredient to Grow A Business!
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What is the one irreplaceable ingredient to grow a business?

  • The offer
  • While this may seem like common sense, Brian explains why it’s more of a problem than one might think.
  • are you making it clear enough, often enough, specific enough?
  • are you just promoting a brand name and not making a real offer at all?
  • In marketing circles it’s called a call-to-action or CTA for short
  • you’ve got to tell somebody (the audience) what you want them to do, that’s the offer or call-to-action.

3 Steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Ads

3 Steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Ads
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Advertising #Marketing #MarketMessageMedia #SelfReliance #BusinessOwner #TheUltmateMarketingPlan #DanKennedy

Dan Kennedy’s definition of Marketing from his book, The Ultimate Marketing Plan

“Getting the right message to the right people via the right media and methods effectively, efficiently and profitably”

3 Steps

Market – The who – who you are trying to reach.

Message – Usually what you are trying to get them to do, or get across to them.

Media – The method by which you are reaching your audience.

  • Most people pay attention to the message or the media first, when they should be paying attention to the market first.
  • It’s all about the who
  • Then you create a message that speaks to them in their language.
  • That will help you define which media to go after and which media you might want to stay away from.

How to Profit From Distraction

How To Profit From Distraction
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Fidget Spinners & Tactical Distractions In Business

  • A talk about fidget spinners and how they relate back to distraction in your business.
  • Brian talks about how not all companies made money that decided to jump on the fidget spinner bandwagon back in 2017.
  • Some people did make millions of dollars on fidget spinners, but most didn’t make any money at all.
  • As it relates back to business, people can also get caught up in tactical distracts and place too much time and attention to them.

How Do You Handle This / Playing The Long-Game

  • You’ve got to focus first on the long-term strategy of what you are trying to accomplish in your business.
  • what do you want your company to end up looking like, what will it end up being?
  • Anytime you looking for something you want to achieve you’ve got to step back and look at the big picture of where you want to go.
  • Then you narrow things down to a long-term strategy, a long-term plan to help you get to your destination.
  • After that, you look at the tactics you believe are necessary to help you along the way.
  • And tactics can always be changing.
  • Today it could be podcasting, tomorrow it could be something that doesn’t even exist yet.

Should You Podcast?

Should You Podcast?
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For more on Brian’s podcast go to –

Brian’s Benefits From Podcasting

  • A way to get to know other people
  • Could be peers in your industry, or possibly a group of people you want to get to know better.
  • Also helps promote those that are taking time to talk with you.

Is Podcasting Right for you?

  • You’ve got to find out why you would do it.
  • This is important, in-part because it’s not the easiest thing in the world to do.
  • You’ll likely have a learning curve to get them recorded, edited and published.
  • Are you looking to promote yourself or your business?
  • Possibly to promote a specific aspect of what your business has to offer?
  • Will you be making offers on the podcast?
  • Is it going to be entertaining? Why should people listen?
  • Don’t start until you know your reason why.

Benefits To Podcasting

  • While you may not have a lot of followers to start…
  • As the podcast picks up in popularity, people will go back and “binge listen” to old podcasts.
    • Kind of like how people watch TV shows on Netflix, Hulu and HBO for example.
  • To host the show it’s relatively cheap to do.