Should You Podcast?

Should You Podcast?
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For more on Brian’s podcast go to –

Brian’s Benefits From Podcasting

  • A way to get to know other people
  • Could be peers in your industry, or possibly a group of people you want to get to know better.
  • Also helps promote those that are taking time to talk with you.

Is Podcasting Right for you?

  • You’ve got to find out why you would do it.
  • This is important, in-part because it’s not the easiest thing in the world to do.
  • You’ll likely have a learning curve to get them recorded, edited and published.
  • Are you looking to promote yourself or your business?
  • Possibly to promote a specific aspect of what your business has to offer?
  • Will you be making offers on the podcast?
  • Is it going to be entertaining? Why should people listen?
  • Don’t start until you know your reason why.

Benefits To Podcasting

  • While you may not have a lot of followers to start…
  • As the podcast picks up in popularity, people will go back and “binge listen” to old podcasts.
    • Kind of like how people watch TV shows on Netflix, Hulu and HBO for example.
  • To host the show it’s relatively cheap to do.