How To Get Attention With Advertising

How To Get Attention With Advertising
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Brian takes us through an experience he got from a mailer he received from Magnetic Marketing|No B.S. Inner Circle

What is A Marketing Funnel?

What is A Marketing Funnel?
Video 289

Pickup Breakthrough Advertising at Brian Kurtz Titans site –

Brian gives an introduction to Marketing Funnels and Eugene Schwartz’s classic – Breakthrough Advertising.

Entering the Conversation In Your Customer’s Head

Entering the Conversation In Your Customers Head

Entering the conversation in your customer’s head.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, filmed live every day from Grants Pass Oregon. We’re here today at headquarters.

Today’s episode is brought to you by We’ll talk a little more about as we get going.

I wanted to refer to the concept.

It’s an old quote talking about entering the conversation in your customer’s own head.

And I believe the quote was from John Collier though I’m not certain on that. Don’t quote me. He’s an old marketing genius and copywriter and he discussed a lot of these concepts and the whole idea behind entering the conversation in your customer’s head.

It is that we’re all having these concepts and ideas and conversations in our head on an ongoing basis about things we care about, about problems that are on our mind about emotions.

These things are always going on and if you have the ability to kind of insert yourself into a conversation that’s already happening, then you have the ability to communicate directly with your customer and be able to help direct them to a solution, hopefully your products and services.

Now, yesterday we talked about the Mandela Effect. The reason why I’m bringing it up again is because of the effect that that video had, particularly over on YouTube.

I had some very positive and negative reactions to that video.

So we had people that probably found us through the hashtag for Mandela Effect.

And came and watched the video where I’m discussing how then the Mandela Effect can be tied back to mass suggestibility.

The idea that when you have a lot of people all saying that one thing is in common, that there’s a huge push from people on the inside to go along with that and to even create memories that don’t exist.

Now, I didn’t realize this would cause a whole storm of comments coming back and people basically saying that I’m full of it.

That there are actually things that happened one way and somehow through some quirk in histories through some powers that be that control things they’ve changed history and have been able to change but have not been able to change our memories. I’m not sure quite how this happens.

I haven’t researched it fully or understand all the theories behind it, but there are a group of people who strongly believe that the Mandela Effect is the sign of something, some greater force at hand.

Some evidence of some tampering with this.

I’m not here to argue whether that’s true or not, all I was doing was taking the concept and tying it back to mass suggestibility because mass suggestibility does exist.

All you have to do is look at Nazi Germany.

All you have to do is look at extreme radical Islamism in the middle East.

All you have to do is take any situation where you had large amounts of people all going along with an idea that we can step back and look at as being absurd and as being all along with, it’s so easily. That’s it in the extreme mass suggestibility is happening via marketing all the time.

If you deny the idea that mass suggestibility happens, you’re probably the most suggestible type of person.

It’s easier for us to think that maybe there’s something else going on besides something as simple as a flaw in a human character or human mentality or what have you. I’ve lived long enough to see it happen enough over and over and over.

I know mass suggestibility exists.

I’m not sure whether the ideas behind the Mandela Effect exist, but I’m open to whatever people may think.

And I’m not out to offend them or to say that say that there isn’t some mystical force beyond what we know when it comes to these concepts of mass memories existing.

So with that in mind, I want to show you what accidentally occurred with that video.

We entered the conversation happening in their heads.

MoneyBags73 ( has a channel all about this.

I may run a website beyond that, but that at has a video channel completely dedicated to this concept and in on all the evidence that has amassed regarding this and so this was something they’re already thinking about.

The fact that I’m bringing in the psychological and marketing end of it is only because I caught them where they’re at with what they’re thinking about.

If I was trying to sell them something directly, all I’d have to do is start with where they’re at.

Take the conversation and direct it back to what I’m selling, whether it be a product, a service, a cause, what have you.

That’s what true marketing is.

True marketing is finding out where your customers at and meeting them there and even using the language they use everything else to be able to communicate a message immediately and build a little bit of trust and rapport.

So that you can then communicate what you’re wanting to communicate to them and hopefully bring them over to your concept or idea.

So for the same reason, that’s why I always bring up dreams.

Haven’t you been thinking about have you been dreaming about this at night?

I know you have because you hear about me talk about it every day, so you never know what’s actually happening.

But maybe if you talk about something often enough, people will go along with it. They’ll try it out, they’ll test it out, especially if it’s free. is free. It’s a free video over there. Go check it out.

I hope you have a great night. We’re going to talk about more of where psychology and mathematics enter into marketing. Go out and let the magic happen.

Will They Believe You?

Will They Believe You?

"Luke, I am your father" - Why do so many people get it WRONG? // The Mandela Effect

Will they believe you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Here’s another thought provoking concept to hopefully help you and your business to stand out more from Grants Pass Oregon as usual.

And we’re going to be talking about this man.

Have you ever heard of this man?

That’s what he goes by. This man. There’s a link in the description to a YouTube video that just came out, um, just came out a day or so ago and this is by Hello Greedo. He’s a common YouTube personality and he is talking about the Mandela Effect.

And if you haven’t heard of the Mandela Effect, this has something to do with potential customers and clients, whether you knew it or not, the Mandela Effect is the concept.

You’ve probably heard of it where, they talk about Nelson Mandela and how a lot of people believe that he died back in prison back in the 80s.

But, he really didn’t and survived and got out of prison and became president and everything else over in South Africa. So there’s this whole long thing about Nelson Mandela and how there’s a very common theme that everyone ended up believing in and they’re not quite sure why.

Same thing’s true with the Berenstain Bears, which a children’s book, a lot of people thought it was spelled one way. When it was spelled another whole bunch of things. Go watch the video. He goes through the concept of the Mandela Effect, but one of the most interesting parts of this video is he discusses the concept of this man.

This was a website that somebody put up and they went and talked about and discussed how this man, people are seeing in their dreams that this particular face, people are seeing in their dreams and they’re not sure why, and they have all these testimonials of people saying that they’d seen this and all these stories and who’s it starts being covered on the news.

People start talking about it. People start saying, yes, I dreamed of this man also, and it starts getting into the public consciousness.

Not long after the fellow that came up with the website came out and showed that it was a publicity stunt and that he was trying to show the suggestibility of people. And the host of this video, Hello Greedo, he talks about how he thinks that this is what most Mandela Effect comes down to is just people being suggestible.

And pretty soon people will convince themselves, even create memories that never even happened because other people also believed them. Because our brains are made to kind of go along with the crowd. It’s a strange phenomenon, but it’s all about suggestibility, that a concept can be suggested to you and pretty soon you’ll believe it straight down to the ground.

You will believe it all the way.

It happens in marketing over and over and over again.

So why does something like this form and you’ve got to look at it. If it’s out there, if it’s getting to people, if someone saw this to begin with, if it got out there and it doesn’t matter if he got out through publicity, through a promotion or what have you, which is what happened here.

It started getting caught up in the news and getting covered by different personalities. When you get your idea out there getting coverage, that’s a huge piece of it.

Taking hold.

The fact that it’s repeated over and over again. The fact that there are, people also saying that they agree with it, that they go along with it. That they are for a concept and ideas.

It doesn’t have to be something that’s for sale.

It’s an idea that gets repeated and other people put their mark on it and pretty soon other people start going along with that idea, no matter how crazy or insane the idea might be. This happens throughout marketing accidentally, but also on purpose to people that understand it.

If you understand this concept you can take, you could have a small fraction of the impact, then you go out and take advantage of people’s suggestibility.

But you have to understand that for you to get noticed, for people to really grasp what you have to do, you have to make yourself available to possibly suggest something to somebody so that they can move forward with an idea.

So just like I always talk about Nearly every video that you see on this channel, you can go back and watch the other ones. Any video that you see on or here on this podcast discusses I say it over and over and over again.

Now, let me ask you something.

If you’ve seen or heard any of these episodes before and you tell me you haven’t been to

Now I’m not saying you haven’t watched the video and I’m not saying that you are qualified to go to DreamBizChatcom because it’s for business owners and executives who are in the self-reliance field.

Now, maybe you’ve never been to the website, but right now aren’t you a little bit curious?

After all, I’ve been talking about it for hundreds and hundreds of episodes day after day after day. I’m discussing I hold up this little placard that says I talk about how it’s in the description, all you gotta do is click on the link.

How it’s an eight and a half minute video. You see just me repeating.

It gets people thinking, well, maybe I should go look at it.

Even though it doesn’t apply to me. Maybe I should go look at it.

It’s just a natural thing.

When an idea is repeated, when you’ve found out that somebody that you knew or that multiple people that you knew, business owners that you and enjoyed the experience, would that matter to you?

I bet it would.

Whether you know it or not.

Think about that, but also think about it in-terms of your audience, in-terms of the people you’re trying to reach with your message, whether it be a business, whether it be a cause that you have. If you were trying to reach out to your audience. It takes consistency and giving them the concept of social proof.

There goes my picture.

Where’s this man?

There he’s back and let me know if you’ve dreamed about this guy lately, huh?

Have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do Your Ads Do These 3 Things?

Do Your Ads Do These 3 Things?

Do your ads do these three things?

Before I get into what those three things are, I’d like to welcome you back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I’m Brian Pombo, every day we talk about another concept that’ll help you in your business to stand out in your marketplace and your industry and in the world in general.

So today we’re talking about the three things that’ll make an ad any form of advertising. It doesn’t matter what it is, it doesn’t matter whether it’s in person, it doesn’t matter whether it’s alive, it doesn’t matter whether it is on paper, in print, doesn’t matter.

3 things in it and this is a concept that comes directly from a guy named Bill Glazer. I’m going to show you the book that it actually comes from so that you can go back and look this up yourself. It’s good stuff.

As you can see behind me, we’re slowly putting together the main headquarters here at and this is my specific office.

So I’m getting all my books and everything else out. There’s lots of fun coming across a lot of old stuff that I haven’t looked at for a long time.

It’s helping me to be able to come up with concepts to be able to talk with you here on a daily basis.

You can always come back here to Brian J Pombo to go to especially if you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services through your business that help people to become more self-reliant.

Go to dream biz there’s a quick video there you can watch and gives you an idea of what the dream business transformation is all about.

If you’re really looking to take your business to the next level, stand out beyond anyone else that’s out there.

Be able to beat the competition no matter how big they are, no matter if they’re, you’ll want to go to you can find the link in the description if you happen to, forget the name,

The three things that every ad should have.

This is one of my favorite things to be able to talk about when dealing with advertising because it’s so simple.

But these three things are so powerful.

You can find this in the book, Outrageous Advertising that’s outrageously successful by Bill Glazer.

This came out number of years back.

Bill Glazer at the time was running the Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle. He no longer owns and runs that company and now it is currently called the No BS. No BS marketing, Inner circle, I believe is what’s called. Go look that up. It’s a great, great group to belong to.

But this book came out in, let’s see here. I should have had this ready to go. 2009. Everything in it is principle-based. This book will never get old, even though some of the specifics in terms of the forms of media and stuff are no longer set.

Some of the types of media he talks about are not as in vogue now as they were when the book came out. But the principles are the three main things.

Here’s what they are, the three main things that every ad should have and I want you to look out there. Watch video, watch commercials, watch a little pieces of advertise it that pop up on your social media, everything.

See how many of them actually have this because I bet most of them don’t. Number one, it should make an offer of some sort.

Number two, it should give a deadline and number three, it should allow you to track the back end.

There must be a way that you can track the response from the ad to tell you whether the ad was used for nod and he talks about this as being the keys to direct response marketing versus branding, marketing, branding, marketing it.

Well, he says it right here. He says, direct response advertising asks the customer to respond and allows to track that response.

Brand building, on the other hand is advertising that gets your name of your business products or services out there, but you have no earthly idea whether or not it’s paying for itself.

Those are the, it’s the most basic definition. Now there’s things that are in between hybrids of branding and direct response that are becoming more and more common nowadays.

But a large majority of all advertising out there on every level is brand building, advertising and not direct response style advertising. So direct response. Make an offer.

This is as defined by Bill Glazer. It makes an offer, it has a deadline and it can be tracked.

You can track the response from it.

So what’s an offer?

An offer is anything that’s specific in terms of you give us this, we’ll give you that. You come in here and pay us $5, we’ll provide you this thing that is normally $20 whatever.

It’s a very specific offer and you have to do this by July 4th because this is our special July 4th.

Our 4th of July discount that we’re giving.

I had just making that up.

You have a deadline, you have an offer. The deadline helps to initiate people to actually move forward with it.

It’s not necessarily just a bribe or a way of trying to drive people in. It’s a way to get people off their duff to do something because it’s more difficult now to do that in any other time before because of all the distractions, everything else.

So the deadline gets some action going.

The offer is a clear understanding of the customer or potential customer provides this.

You provide that an offer and then being able to track the response, knowing that they’re coming in for that specific concept they’re coming in for that offer and it’s tied to that ad that you put that out there.

If you had those three things, you’re guaranteed to win in the long run. Even if that ad doesn’t pay out because you learned that that ad didn’t pay out, it allows you to tweak that ad in the future or in future ads and be able to make it work in the future.

So just a concept, something that you can take it, start applying to your advertising today.

It’s not easy.

Having those three things in your ads is not an easy thing to do, but is it effective?


I have not found a more effective way to be able to do advertising than recommend all my clients that they have at least those three items.

There’s many other items that can be added in, a little tricks of the trade and things that you learn along the way that will make your advertising more powerful.

That’ll give it more punch, that all allow you to stand out more. If you want to find out more about that, you can go to watch some of the other videos where I discussed some of these concepts.

You’d go to the media section on you’ll get to see all the other videos and just make sure you subscribe, follow, like wherever you’re watching this.

And I’ll have more pieces like this in the future. So we’ll see you tomorrow.

We’ll go through another concept. Sometimes we go through really broad based business-building concepts because we deal in all forms of business strategy.

Sometimes we deal in the marketing advertising area like Mr. Bill Glazer here. So we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

What’s Your Call-to-Action?

What's Your Call-to-Action?

What is your call to action?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live here in Grants Pass Oregon. Coming to you from the headquarters for and tonight we’re going to be talking about what a Call to Action is and what they have to do with,.I”m going to start right out with my own Call to Action and that is to go to if you haven’t been there, go check it out. the link is in the description. If you just want to click on over, real easy to get to, quick video there to watch application to fill out. If you feel like it applies to you. Otherwise I’d sure love to hear what you think of it.

So that’s a call to action.

What is a call to action?

A call to action is just how it sounds. It’s a call for your perspective customer, client, what have you to act.

It’s a call for them to act, to do something very specific so that you can achieve the goal of your advertisement, of your marketing, of whatever you’re putting out there.

The main goal is to get that the other people, the other person to do something.

I don’t care if you’re even working for a charity and you’re trying to get someone to donate blood. It doesn’t matter what the action is. It doesn’t matter if money exchanges hands. It’s the same concept to get someone to do what you want them to do. One of the main things you have to do, is ask them to do what you want them to do and give them very clear instructions as to how to do it and to not complicate it and not try to offer too many different options for calls to action.

One of the things that we’ve found over the years is that if you give too many options for a person to be able to do the action, you know, let’s say you’re selling a particular thing and the only way to sell it is to get them to purchase it directly from you.

And so you could have them send you a letter in the mail.

I mean you could have them go to a website, you could have them make a phone call to you. If those are the only three ways of doing it, I would suggest not offering each of those three ways. You think, well, if I offer three ways, I’ve got three chances of people doing something.


In actuality, most people if you will give them too many offers, they will get confused and not take any.

Whereas if you just offer one streamlined, and these are all things you can test in your advertising, so I don’t take anything I say for absolute fact, you should test it for you, your market and what you’re doing. But in general, give them one action per piece of advertising per marketing effort per time period or what have you.

However you’re getting in touch with somebody.

Tell them just to make a phone call.

Tell them just to go to one website and do one thing when they get there.

For example, I instruct people quite often on these videos to go to that’s our latest call to action and to fill out the application if they feel like it applies. That’s another Call to Action that tied with it, but it’s all around the same thing.

So go there, watch the video, fill out the application. Those are the three things.

It would work even better if I just said, just go there.

If that was my main point was just to get them there. But most cases, if you’ve got a website, you’re going to want them to do something after they get there.

So those three steps are pretty simple, pretty straight-forward.

If we had more people watching these videos, more people would take the step and we’d be able to really be able to figure out whether it’s a good action step or not. And yet along the line you see how many people show up to a website.

Out of that, how many people watched the video out of that, how many fill out the application. So you can track all these things over time.

And that’s very important when it comes to call to action.

But you’ll see over and over again whether you’re looking at a newspaper or whether you’re watching TV or listening to the radio or watching ads on YouTube, most advertising does not have a clear enough call to action.

They assume that you know what they’re talking about.

For one thing, they assume you know what they’re selling. Oftentimes a soda commercial or or some other commercial doesn’t even show the product.

They just have the name and they want you to remember the name. But if you don’t know the reference to it, if you’re new to the brand, sometimes you don’t even know what they’re selling and or how you would go about getting it so it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

If you want to really make your advertising and marketing dollars, even if you’re just putting out free advertising, if you want to make your time worth it, then what you have to do is have a clear cut called action that’ll tell you how useful your advertising actually is.

When you get it in front of people, do they take the step or not?

Do they the offer that’s tied to the Call to Action, which brings up a whole other point.

There’s three main things that you should have in every piece of advertising you put out there for the most effective advertising.

We’re going to talk about those three things tomorrow, so come on back tomorrow.

We do this daily.

You can come back at anytime you go back watch old ones. You could watch old ones over at you click on the media link and that will show you the stream of all the different old ones.

I’ve got the audio versions of it and the video versions that you could watch directly there.

You could also always listen to this on podcast.

Watch these in numerous social media, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, so on and so forth. Instagram.

We’re all over the place, so check that out.

We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The 1 Ad That Will Explode Your Business!

The 1 Ad That Will Explode Your Business!

The 1 Ad That Will Explode Your Business!

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon for Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every week. No, everyday really. Every week, every day coming to you live and having recordings being spread out throughout the internet.

So you could be watching this and one of many locations and we’re always talking about ways to help you and your business to stand out. So today we’re going to be talking about the one ad that can totally explode your business.

And what do you think that is?

What do you think the one ad would be?

Where would it be?

Well, before we get into that, let me just mention, is the home of the dream business transformation. Go check it out. There’s an eight and a half minute video. It’s free to watch. You don’t need to add your email address or anything else.

It’s right there on the front page. go to the link in the description.

So what is the one ad that’ll completely change things for you?

It’s not what you think. The one ad that is going to completely explode your businesses is completely unpredictable. You cannot predict it. There’s no way. It’s a trick question. Honestly. The problem is is that most of us are always searching for that one ad that’s going to blow everything wide open and real advertising tends to not work that way.

Now you will have points where you have an ad where you do some form of marketing and you’re putting out a message and all of a sudden that resonates. Hits at the right time, hits the right market and things go good, but it’s never going to completely explode your business forever. It will. You’ll have a height off of it and then it will level off and that’ll be that.

Yeah you very rarely would you ever have anything that would make such a dynamic change that it would blow your business apart. It was so dynamic.

It just, you don’t see that very often and it’s not something, it’s kind of like the whole concept of going viral.

How do I make a viral video?

Well, if everyone knew how to make a viral video, everyone would be teaching how to make viral videos and everyone would be making viral videos and we’d be inundated with viral videos.

No videos go viral on their own. It’s unpredictable. It comes with the definition of what viral is. It’s that unpredictable thing. So if you’re looking for your ad to completely blow things apart, you’re looking at an advertising completely wrong.

What you should be looking at is consistency.

Consistently putting message out there to the same audience with a very clear cut, a string of events of things that you want them to do, a step-by-step, or at least do this right now, that whole call to action concept, which we’re going to talk about tomorrow, what call to action means.

It’s the idea though of getting the person that’s viewing, hearing, reading what you’re putting out there, getting them to do a very specific step. That is how you should be getting engaging with your advertising.

I was having a discussion earlier today with my friend Patrick, and we were discussing his business and how he was always looking for the, “oh boy, this is going to be it. This is going to be the thing that I do in marketing or advertising his services that this is going to be it.”

And he said it was a realization he came to that. There isn’t an it, there isn’t a one thing that’s gonna change everything. It’s really searching to win the lottery is what you’re trying to do.

And you gotta get out of that lottery mindset and into the focus of, “okay, there’s a science behind this.”

How can I make this work for me?

How can I make it undeniable?

And it comes with consistency and continuing having an ongoing stream of ads. Now, whether you’re paying for the ads or whether you’re doing any form of free advertising, free advertising online or in person or what have you, it doesn’t matter. It’s still an ad. It’s an advertisement.

If you’re encouraging people to do something, you’re advertising to them and it’s better to have that as an ongoing thing versus a singular explosion. You don’t need to hit a grand slam every time. What you need to do is get a base, hit a little baseball lingo, therefore you that you gotta get a base hit as often as possible.

Just hit it just far enough to get to the first base and then the next ad, the next connection that you’re having with the person.

We’ll take to the next step and the next step and the next step.

Take little baby steps, but do it consistently. Have it be ongoing. That’s the ad that’s going to cause your business to explode. It’s the one that’s gonna take it and allow it to explode over time so that you can build up a following.

Hopefully this makes sense to you. If you’d like to see how it can fit directly into your business. Customize this message and these principles that I discuss here and see how they fit into your business and can make things really blow up for you. Go to you’re always welcome to sign up for a strategy session there.

They started a $600 and above, and if you are in the self-reliance field, go to that website I mentioned in the beginning, you might have the chance to speak with me.

Get a strategy session for free.

That’s if you happen to be an executive or a business owner and the self-reliance field, meaning that you offer services or, uh, products that help people to become more self-reliant, go to that’s all for today. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about call to actions.

What are they?

Do you need them?

We’ll talk about them tomorrow. We’ll see you then. And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Looking Zone

Ahhh….The Looking Zone.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live. Today coming to you from a very dark place out in Josephine County, a undisclosed location, but all I’ve got is the light from my dome here. And today we’re going to be talking a little bit about your customer and catching them when they’re in the exact looking zone.

I’m going to talk about a very specific tactic that you can have added to your arsenal in some way.

And we’re talking specifically about direct mail, but don’t get caught up on the medium, because the same thing can be accomplished via email, online through social media. There’s a number of other ways that you can get in touch with people when they’re in the looking zone.

So this is a specific thing and it’s interesting because it ties in well because I’m in the process of moving my family and as we’re doing that, we are starting to get mail at the new place, which is interesting, because we hadn’t even put in for a address change.

So how they found out exactly that we’re moving. I don’t really know. It may have been a DMV change. It may have been something else. I’m just curious because you’ll start seeing that you’ll get mail in your new location, even before you do an address change, a specific address change.

And so they have ways of telling each other. This is one from bed bath and beyond a piece of mail that came in to the Pombo households. That’s us. So we’ll take a look at it and on the outside it says, it says directly what it is, you know, it’s a piece of junk mail. It’s advertising. It says 20% off entire purchase. I mean, that’s the main focus of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Says right there, your move, we can help right there.

It’s labeled, says the dear Pombo household. You’ve found the perfect place. Now it’s time to make it your own. This is very, very, very specific. Direct, timely hitting us. When we’re in the looking zone.

They know their audience, they know who they’re going after and they’re hitting us at one very particular time.

So they’ve gone through the whole process of finding out when people move. Getting those addresses quickly could be that the place just sold could be a number of reasons why they were able to pass to find out that we were coming to this address at the exact address and it’s, but they’ve got this nice little quick little main thing is giant coupon on the bottom.

People don’t even use coupons anymore, but the style of the coupon is still very common. See the little dotted line that denotes that you take out your scissors and cut this out and with a little bar code here and it’s good through November of this year, 20% off and tire purchase and a little ad for their, B and Willow home, new and exclusively ours, one of their new brands that they’re, that they’re selling things as very straight, straight forward, very simple on the back.

I even noticed this the first time, throw it on the back. It says new home needs, find more tips at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It’s got a checklist. I don’t know if you can see that? You can’t see that from there, but you might be able to see it a little bit. I don’t know.

Just trust me, it has a checklist and it’s got like furniture. So it’s got a checklist under furniture tables and chairs, TV stands and entertainment centers, wine racks and cabinets and a whole list. And then it has kitchen, dish rack, soap dispenser, and with little check boxes next to them just to have your little checklist to make sure you got everything during the move. Very smart.

And don’t forget about your windows style, your windows home house-warming registry. You could set up a house warming registry. So if you’re going to have a house warming party, you can have a registry that people can, I mean, registries aren’t just for weddings anymore.

I mean this is for baby showers. You got a house warming registry, decorate your home, hire a decorist from bed bath and beyond. And it’s just brilliant across the board. Everything on this little piece of mail, front and back.

It’s focused on me being in the looking zone because I’m moving.

Okay, who is your ideal client or customer?

What is the ideal time for you to be capturing them?

Is there any possible way that you can find those customers?

What other things are they looking for?

What other items are they shopping for?

What other types of businesses are they going to be going to?

If they’re in the looking zone?

Think very hard about the looking zone and where you’re hitting people in the looking zone. If you’d like to talk more about how the looking zone applies to you in your business and let’s say that you are in the self reliance field.

If you happen to be, we’ve got an offer going on right now over at The whole idea of it is to have a dream business transformation in less than 60 minutes. We can talk on the phone or over video chat and be able to dissect your business, take it down to the roots and figure out what is necessary for you to take it from where it’s at to where you want it to be and get there in the quickest possible fashion. That’s what I do. I help set up the steps customized to you.

Go and find out more about it at Quick a little video there that you can find out more about. It’s completely free. We don’t hunt you or try and learn more about you unless you’re interested in finding out more info. So let us know. Go link is in the description.

Otherwise, tomorrow we’re going to be discussing some other things. I don’t remember what we’re going to talk about tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. I do this every day where we sit down, we talk about these concepts.

Hopefully you’ll learn something you could walk away with. If there’s any reason why we want to talk, go to and we can find a find a way to talk some more. If you want to see more of these, go to and click on the media button. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Stories Sell Forever

Stories Sell Forever

Stories sell forever.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live here in Grants Pass Oregon. Coming to you from the soon to be new office and headquarters of

Today I’m going to introduce you, if you have not met my plastic hand chair. I know it looks like it’s made of concrete. That’s why I got it. I love it. I love the look of it. It is hollow. It is nothing but plastic.

There’s a story behind the hand chair.

I was living in Chico, California, going to a college there and my father came to town one day and just to come to visit me. We went out and about just kind of looking at stuff. We ended up in this antique shop and downtown Chico. We started talking to the owner and he was showing us on the outside.

He had a whole lineup of these big plastic chairs that are shaped like hands. They all looked identical except they were all made on different colored plastics. So some of them were speckled and neon colors. And this one particularly looked like it was made of concrete, which is why I liked it.

I don’t even remember how much we paid for it honestly.

My dad bought it for me, but I remember it being really expensive for the time, for a large chair shaped like a hand.

But the owner had this big long story about it and we didn’t ask for a story, or anything else. We were already interested in it. But for some reason the story stuck in my head. And the story was that this hand chair that it was, that these were the last of the molds that he had made, uh, that he had these hand chairs made out of.

He originally had these, he was the inventor of this mold and that these hand chairs and it was him and a partner had a business where they were building out these hand chairs. What they ended up doing is they ended up splitting up the partnership, and ended up getting rid of the molds.

So these were the final vinyl molded hand chairs available. He more than likely would never make any more ever again. Not only that, he was going to be closing up shop pretty soon and probably moving away.

He was pretty much done with the business and so he was looking to get rid of these hand chairs.

They were normally somewhere between double and four times the price of what we were getting at four. But this big long story all around this hand chair 20 years ago this thing was bought.

That story is still in my head.

I didn’t want to hear the story. I wasn’t interested in the story.

I still remember what the guy looked like and his story about the silly hand chair and for some reason I wasn’t interested in it. Yes, it would have caused some interest. Yes, it caused the concept that these were rare, you know, that they were tough to find.

That maybe quite possibly we were getting a good deal. All that you can say one way or the other could have been useful to us. Over time you’ll notice, you could see these things, just not anywhere. You could probably get one extremely cheap, they’re probably manufactured in mass in China nowadays, but at the time that guy had a story.

I don’t know whether the story was true, but it got stuck in my head.

It still sells me on this thing. I’m still happy I have it. I’ve stuck with it long-term. I find it comfortable, even though it’s just made out of plastic. But the story sticks.

You got to think about what the story is behind your product or service.

Whatever you’re trying to get out there, make sure there’s a story attached to it or multiple stories. If you want to follow up more on this concept, one of the best books out there that I’ve seen on this so far, I’ve got a load of books that I haven’t even read yet that I know that I know talk about this. But this latest one I got an audio book on and it’s called Story Selling, it’s by Nick Nanton.

There may also be another author with it. I apologize for not bringing it up right away because I haven’t been looking at a physical book.

I’ve been listening to it being read and it’s only being read by one narrator. So I know Nick Nanton was the one on the commercial that sold the audio book that I bought.

The whole book is all about how to use stories in business, in your advertising, in your marketing, in your ability to sell what you have going and how example after example, after example throughout history, how stories have been able to sell things.

I mean if you think about all the way from Jesus to just about any major character person throughout time that has stood out, told stories to get their point across. There’s a reason why is it unlocked something in the brain and allows people to be able to attach onto an idea or concept.

So keep in mind the story, don’t forget about it. Tomorrow I’m going to be on the road in the air.

Who knows where you’ll find me and what we’ll be talking about. I think I’ll be telling you a little bit about a piece of mail that I received and how it can help you to with your marketing and advertising.

So we’ll talk about that tomorrow. Y’all get out there, let the magic happen. Don’t forget about the link is in the description. If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, go to dream Biz link is in the description. Go and check it out. Let me know what you think.

You all have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

One Story Can Instill Trust

One Story Can Instill Trust

One Story Can Instill Trust.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon and another episode of Brian J. Pombo Live. Every day we bring you a new tip, idea, perspective, ways to think and act in your business strategies. Hopefully that’ll be helpful to you somewhere along the line.

Today we’re going to talk about stories.

Again, we talked about them yesterday, how stories can change the message of your business, how you can use them in your marketing and advertising. I’m going to relate with you a story that was related to me years ago and I’ve heard it a couple times since from somebody that’s in the direct marketing field.

He had this story that he likes to tell at the end after discussing a business opportunity with somebody. At the very end, he’ll tell this story and supposedly it’s a true story yet honestly, I heard it from one of the people that was involved in it. So I believe it to be true.

And how it went was he was driving along one time with somebody else and the guys said, hey, you gotta make sure you put your seatbelts on. And he said, well, I don’t know, we’re not going that far. I don’t wear seatbelts that often.

And he said, no, no, no seatbelts saved me and my wife’s life. He said, oh, really? Tell me about it. So then this guy tells him the story. He says, listen, my wife and I, at one time, we never wore seatbelts. And one time we were going out and all of a sudden she said, we’ve got to put our seatbelts on. And so I listened to her, I said, because it seemed right. It was just weird because we never wore a seatbelt. So we put our seatbelts on and sure enough, within a few minutes later down the road, we get hit and the car flips over, totals the car.

And what ends up happening is we’re left there and fine. We were fine, a few scratches here and there, and they told us that if we wouldn’t have been wearing seatbelts, we would have been dead. So he says, from that point on, I always wear my seatbelt because seatbelt saved my life.

And my friend says to him, you know, it’s a very good story, but seatbelts did not save your life. He says, no, did you just hear me? I just told you the whole thing. Seatbelts totally saved my life. They said, it happened.

Everything else, I am certain the seatbelt saved our life. And he said, it was not the seatbelt that saved your life. It was that little voice on the inside of you and your wife that told you to put the seatbelt on that saved your life.

How my friend use this as he would say. Now if you put yourself in the same perspective, if you’re looking at this opportunity, there’s going to be a small voice that says yay or nay and you got to listen to that voice one way or the other.

Either you move ahead with us or not, but you’ve got to make sure you listen to that small voice. Now just take it from the perspective regardless of whether the story was true or whether the story within the story was true or whether this person was even well-meaning to bring up this story. While he’s in the process of talking to someone about a business opportunity.

Set all that aside as if as if none of that mattered and just look at it strategically.

What is happening psychologically with a person when they hear a story like that from somebody?

For one thing, it’s an engaging story.

It’s one of those that kind of sticks with you. If you’ve listened to it and I said it correctly, it’ll probably stick with you for awhile. It was one of those that always stuck with me because I had heard it years ago and every once a while it’ll pop back up.

Not only in my mind but I’ll hear other people bring it up. It’s one of just one of those that has a stickiness to it. There’s just something innate, whether it be an innate truth or something about it that just makes you want to pay attention to it.

So it has that going for it. It also has the fact that it puts you back on yourself to make a decision versus any type of trickery on the, if a person was selling something or anything like that, trying to push you one way or the other and decision.

It puts you back on yourself to make the decision that automatically makes the person that’s talking about the process, almost like a third person and not an unengaged partner in a sense.

And it leaves you feeling okay about the whole matter that you can go one way or the other and that’s okay.

Whereas if a person’s too salesy and too pushy to try and get you in, sometimes you recoil at that and you want to go the opposite direction.

Or if a person is extremely, you know, kind of a jerk about it, like they don’t even want you to purchase it, then you’re kind of weirded out by that too.

But if a person’s kind of just solid in how they say, hey you can take it or leave it, but look on the inside for it, that innate truth. When you put something like that on your side via a story, all of a sudden that gives great power.

There’s a power behind that because you’re relating with the goodness of the story, whether you’re good or meaning right or not.

Using a good story like that can help relate the right message and put a person in the right frame of mind and give a person kind of the good feelings associated that you would want them associated with you if you’re going to have any type of long-term relationship or if you’re going to sell them on something or anything of that sort.

So this is the value of a powerful story, a powerful story like that I could take and pull that out in any time and use it to fit a certain scenario.

Listen to stories and pay attention to the ones that hit you.

The little parables, the quick little jokes, the little things like this that had meaning, which ones stick with you and which ones don’t and why and how would you go about using that as a way to communicate your message to your audience.

So that’s just one concept. That’s one little idea. One little example of how to use a story to be able to touch people and to be able to make that connection so that you can reach them via the market, whatever you’re wanting them to do.

It’s a great way to be able to break the ice, if nothing else.

Tomorrow I’m going to tell you the story of this chair. This chair is shaped like a hand. You can’t see it that well right now, but tomorrow we’ll look a little closer at it.

I’ve got a story behind this and why after 20 years I still own a large plastic chair shape like a hand.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be helpful to you just like today and we will see you then get out there and let the magic happen.