Are You A Celebrity?

Are You A Celebrity?

Video 290

Being a niche celebrity may be easier than you think. Join Brian for his latest thoughts on the topic.

Honesty is Repulsive

Honesty is Repulsive

Honesty is repulsive. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live. Hey, if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance space, go to

Okay, so today we’re going to talk about honesty and how repulsive it is. Hold on one second. Let me fix my audio. Hopefully that helps a little better.

Honesty is repulsive, but in a good way. See if there’s a trick in that and that’s that. First, the more honest you can be with your clients and customers or prospective clients and customers, if you can just be brutally honest with them and tell them your foibles, tell them the drawbacks of what you provide and the reasons why they might want to look at other options and what the good things are about them.

If you do that, you’re going to repulse a lot of people. You’re going to push people away from you. You’re going to show people for who you are and you’re going to push away the people, but they’re all the right people to be pushed away and in the process you’re going to attract the right people.

It’s an idea that many people have discussed in the past. Dan Kennedy’s talk about it, and specifically Ben Settle talks about repulsion marketing.

You can go and check his stuff out. he’s a known for his email writing methods and he talks about repulsion marketing in terms of trying to be as repulsive as possible to the people that he doesn’t want as customers, and by doing that, he automatically attracts the people he does want as customers. Anybody can do this. Anybody can go about pushing away the people that you know will not make good customers.

Honesty is one of the best ways to do this because you can just be straight with them. Say, hey, this probably isn’t for you if you’re this, this, or this, or if you’re looking for this, that and that. If you can do that properly, then you’ll start attracting the right type of people because, and one of the main reasons why is a simple word called trust.

Trust is magical.

And tomorrow we’re going to go into the concept of trust and the meantime. Be as honest and be repulsively honest. Be as honest as you possibly can be when you’re talking to prospective customers and clients and see if you can push them away, see if you can push away the wrong ones.

If you do that, you’ll get more attention from the right ones. I’d love to find out how it goes. Leave me a comment down below if you’ve had experience with this accidentally or purposefully, because I know I had it accidentally for a number of years and I didn’t really realize what was going on and I was afraid that I was pushing away the wrong people, but people that I wanted as clients, but really I was pushing away the right people.

So tomorrow, talk deeper into the trust issue and why it’s so essential to everything that you do. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #5 Willing to Commit to a Long-Term Strategy

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #5 Willing to Commit to a Long Term Strategy
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No.5 Willing to Commit to a Long-Term Strategy
  • Willing to see a plan all the way through to completion.
  • Willing to plan ahead and not be distracted by shiny-objects.

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