YouTube ECommerce Marketing Tutorial

YouTube ECommerce Marketing Tutorial
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Hey folks, this is Brian J Pombo with here coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon today.

Obviously you can’t see me, we’re over on screenshare and we’re going to jump right into it. YouTube ecommerce marketing tutorial. Here we go.

First if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you’d like to experience the dream business transformation, go to dream Biz dream Biz and it’ll take you to this page. It’s a quick little video you could watch that will show you how to take your business….especially if you have an already successful business.

If you really want to take it to that ultimate level of being your dream business. Meaning you’re only putting in the amount of time you want to put in doing the things you love doing the most about your business and outsourcing the rest.

Go to Check this out, watch that video. If you think you qualify, fill out this application below and that will get you a free conversation with me, which at this point in time is a $650 value.

So that aside, let’s take a look at, these guys have a YouTube channel and these videos, if you haven’t seen it, you’ve got to jump over here and watch some of these videos. Look at this. They have over six and a half million subscribers, six and a half million subscribers at this time.

They’re growing all the time. They have videos out on a constant basis. You will not find a video on their channel, on their YouTube channel, that is not a commercial. These are all commercials. This one came out nine hours ago. It has nearly a million views. This one came out five days ago, 2.3 million views.

Why do people watch these commercials, so crazy?

Now they may be at an advertising today’s and maybe a lot of these views come from advertising. I haven’t seen them pop up as ads specifically. These are things that people are watching on their own.

If they subscribe, they literally went and subscribed because they want to watch these every time they’d pop out. So every time a new one comes out, this is popping up in people’s subscription feed and it’s because they’re entertaining.

Me and my kids love watching these things.

So if you look at this, here’s $100 to eat, you click on it. These are commercials. Let me warn you, these are commercials. Of course there’s an ad, so we’ll have to wait for that. But you’re talking about something that is nothing more than a commercial. 10 minute commercial. What’s it about? So this is the owner of the company, I believe he’s the founder of the company.

Here’s some super spicy pickles okay. The whole storyline. I happened to watch this one, the whole storyline of this one is he’s got $100 he is going to offer anyone who has a company $100 if they can get through this entire jar of pickles and they’re super spicy. So He’s going around his company asking people to do it.

They finally get to a point where people are actually doing it here and going through all the comedy that ensues. These are funny videos. These are things you really ought to go and watch them. Very well produced, especially the latest ones.

They put a lot of time and effort, well edited, well filmed, very, very well done. It’s because they put so much time into producing great videos. It’s not just the quality’s great, but the fact that they’re so funny and so well thought out, but each one’s a commercial for something on their website.

They have gag gifts. This is a website made up of gag gifts, basically unique gifts and unusual gift ideas. Just, everything you could think of, there’s a giant gummy worm.

So not only do they put out these things and they get tons of attention for them, everything keeps driving people back to the website. Their name of their channel is, so you go to their website, look at any of their items here.

Let’s check this out. This is a giant sour gummy worm, right? So it looks just like any other ecommerce website. You’ve got all the different categories that you can see. Other things on the website there promise for a flat rate shipping, you know, free shipping over $45 okay, pretty standard right. Over here you’ve got pictures of the items, but you’ve got these videos that they produced on each of the items.

So not only are they using them outward facing, they’re using them for people that come to the website because they’ve got these videos on their website.

It gives them great rank in Google. They’ve got a pretty well done. They’ve got their SEO pretty worked out here. Search engine optimization. For those of you who might be new to this world’s largest sour gummy worm.

If I type that in, look, they’ve got is the first one in their ads. Ah, then you’ve got a result showing up from Amazon, but that looks like one of those that Google pops up to the top, but that’s not typical. Look, all their videos are popping up. Here they are beating on Amazon on the front page.

World’s largest gummy worm is the is the brand name of it, but this is what’s possible. If you can go out there and create great content, put it out there for people to consume.

It’s gotta be entertaining. If it’s entertaining, people will eat it up. It will drive people to your website. Once they’re on the website, you can re-entertain them with other things.

Look you could just click around here and find all these funny videos, nearly everything on here as a funny video attached to it that can check out. So you don’t have to have crazy gifts. Would you have to do is have something entertaining for people to see?

If you do that, you could use it both offsite and onsite. Don’t only have to use YouTube, you can use all the other video channels, all the other distribution places that you can hit up. This is just another form of contact marketing. Hey, we’ll see you next time.

We’re going to have another tactic that we’re going to talk about, these are always fun to talk about, so we’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good one.

Rejection is NOT Your Problem

Rejection is NOT Your Problem
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You may have a lot of problems but rejection ain’t one of them. I’m Brian Pombo with welcome back. We’re here every day at Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m not in the Orange Office today, I am in Grants Pass. Decided to get outside, enjoy some of the nice weather.

Going back to this book, Start With No, by Jim Camp. Wanting to talk a little bit about rejection because it affects you even if you’re an ecommerce owner, even if you own….really no matter what, if you’re looking to do anything that we’ve been talking about.

Including a content marketing, rejection is always kinda there on the tip of your mind somewhere.

Everyone wants to be liked okay. To some extent or another, everyone wants to be liked or at least not disregarded and where does that come from?

What does it really come down to? And I found a great passage here from this book. I wanted to read it to you real quick.

It said, “Fear of rejection is a sign of neediness. Specifically the need to be liked. It’s imperative for the negotiator to understand what rejection is and who can reject you and who cannot. Here’s the point.

Your adversaries in a negotiation cannot reject you. There’s nothing you need from them, so how can they reject you? It’s impossible. The parent can reject a child because the child certainly needs the parent.

The spouse can reject the spouse. The teacher can even reject the student in the early grades when boy and girl truly does need this teacher, but can your adversary in a negotiation really reject you? They don’t have such power. Never, never allow them to believe they do. Rejection is a mentality.”

It’s a mental state and it comes back to neediness like we were talking about yesterday. If you have a neediness, if you have something that you need from the other person, if you need them to buy what you’re doing, if you need them to like you, that’s where your fear of rejection all comes from.

You get rid of the fear of rejection by getting rid of the need.

This is definitely ties in directly with what we were talking about yesterday. Be careful about rejection. If you fear rejection, you just got to back off from that.

The less you care about whether people like you or not, the less you care about whether people buy what you’re selling, the less you’re going to fear rejection.

And it doesn’t matter what the other party ends up saying. It doesn’t matter how people take you, when you put yourself out there on video or through a podcast or through a blog post. You’re just putting something out there.

If people like it, they can take it. If they don’t, they don’t need to. And I like how he compares it back to other things. If you listen to a lot of the language that we talk about rejection and desperation and neediness, it ties back into relationships.

If you’re needy for the other person, that person’s….for one thing, they’re not going to want to be around you as much. Everyone says they want to be needed, and in a sense I guess you could say to some extent, but it’s more like they just want to be liked and they want the other person to want them to like them. But in the long run, no one wants to be clung on to.

That’s why people are always running in a way from anybody that’s trying to really make a hard sale or anything of that sort.

So just be careful about that in your own business. Be careful about the fear of rejection, especially when it comes to developing any type of content marketing. If you are an owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you make products or develop services that help people to become more self reliant, go to the link is in the description.

Go and check that out and tomorrow we are going to be switching gears again. We’re going to be talking about tactics that you could use online with video marketing specifically on Youtube.

This’ll help you, especially if you already do that, but if you don’t, it’ll give you some tips on how to go about doing it. We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

Go to otherwise, we’ll see you then get out there and let the magic happen.

Never Ever, Ever Do This…

Never Ever, Ever Do This....
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Never, ever, ever do this.

Do what I’m going to tell you in just a second.

First, let me introduce myself to everybody that may be new. My name’s Brian Pombo with I’m here in what I lovingly refer to as the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

And today your watching Brian J Pombo Live, a podcast of video vlog, something that we do daily. So be sure and follow us like us. Subscribe wherever you’re at, do whatever so that you can keep seeing these from here on out. If you go onto any of your podcasts dealy bobs, you can listen to us wherever you listen to podcasts.

You just gotta subscribe to it. Brian J Pombo Live. Welcome, we are brought to you by….I’m gonna do a quick commercial. I’m going to get to the subject. Don’t worry. We’ll get there.

Got to do a quick commercial though.

We’re brought to you by, and specifically for business owners and executives, especially ones that are in the self-reliance field. If you have products, services, or a story that relates with people and helps people to become more self reliant, you’re someone I like to talk to.

Go to you can click on the link in the description wherever you’re catching this ad. there’s a quick video there, go watch it, fill out the application. If you think what I talk about in that video applies to you.

Now, what should you never ever, ever do? If you have this problem, if people on your team have this problem, it needs to be exercised like a demon, you gotta exercise that out of them.

I’m telling you, you got to get this out of all the programming of the people on your team, out of all of the programming or the people that you work with. Is this one issue and it is rampant across the United States, I can tell you that for sure.

Especially for people who are new in any type of business or sales or negotiation that happens within the business world.

What is this one thing? It’s called neediness.

You can’t be needy and succeed. You can’t be needy and trusted. It’s a really big deal. Okay. I’m going to give you a great book as one of my book recommendations.

This one’s called, “Start With No”, this is by Jim Camp. He passed away a few years back, but this guy was a negotiations, guru I guess you can say. He actually took his concepts to the FBI, they developed an entire program on negotiations based off of what he talks about and you’ll hear.

You’ll see a lot of people out there that will latch onto a lot of the same concepts he had. He’s not completely unique, but he has a unique way of saying things.

This book, I’ll tell you the truth, it’s a little dry. For most people It’ll be a little dry, but if you can stick with it or you can get ahold of any of his other books or get ahold of any of his other programs that he has out there, there’s still a lot out there.

I know I was turned onto this by Michael Senoff and Ben Settle. They were both promoters of Jim Camp. They have interviews and so forth out there you go check this out.

Now I want to read you a quick passage from this it has to do with neediness.

He says, “In Western culture we see ourselves as buyers, don’t we. We proudly buy and consume as much as we can. The salesperson on the other hand has a problem with his or her self image. The very term sales is being replaced in many fields by business development because the image of the sales person is that of a huckster on the street almost. More important the salesperson is definitely the dependent party in the negotiation. He or she must be prepared to give to compromise while the buyer takes everything he or she can get, after all, the buyer can go elsewhere in most cases, but the poor seller needs the deal. The self image of the individual in the selling role traps him or her in a neediness mode and often leads to bad deals.”

Neediness is very much a perspective thing.

It’s very relative. You can change your perspective on things, but you have to see where the neediness comes from. You’ve got to step back away from your neediness and realize that you’re caught up with something and maybe it means that you need a different job.

Maybe it means that you need to secure your finances elsewhere while you’re trying to grow a business, while you’re trying to move forward with a sales position, something of that sort.

You have to pay attention to that neediness. It eventually has to go away. It needs to go away completely. You at least need to tap down the showing of neediness and it comes from really trying to get a person to buy something, really trying to get a person to buy into something.

The most common places you see this in network marketing, any type of party sales, any type of, when a person is involved in any form of direct sales. Where they’re trying to get their friends and family to buy certain products that they have, there’s this neediness that’s attached to it and it makes everyone feel sick to their stomach when someone comes to them and they’re trying to get them to do something.

And that neediness, it’s like it’s calling out for you. You know the feeling being on the other end of it, but do you realize that you might be putting that out there yourself?

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about how your fear of rejection, if you really fear rejection or you resent being rejected, it’s tied to your neediness. We’re going to dig into this neediness topic a little stronger because it might be the one piece that’s really holding back your success in life.

So tomorrow we’ll get onto that. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Using Discomfort to Your Advantage

Using Discomfort to Your Advantage
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Using discomfort to your advantage. That’s tonight’s topic.

Welcome back to the Orange Office, I’m Brian Pombo. We’re here in Grants Pass, Oregon. It is a gorgeous summer night. I’m really enjoying it.

It’s a bit too nice actually. It reminds me of one of my favorite places in the world. If I had to live anywhere in the world, it would be Maui, Hawaii. I would totally live on the island of Maui.

But if I think hard enough about it, I’ll realize that I could have a place in Maui and I can vacation there and enjoy myself, but I don’t think I can live there long term.

And the main reason why is because if I get too comfortable, all my creativity has gone. Every drive that I have to be able to move forward and do something different in my life drains out of my body and I bet you’re the same way and everyone has different things that kind of puts them in that comfort zone, but you have to be really careful about it.

Really careful.

I’m going to give you a great example because I think it ties back to it, and this was last night, we talked about, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. That’s the name of the show. Jerry Seinfeld show on Netflix. And he just had this episode with Eddie Murphy in it.

So I brought up a point yesterday. Go back and watch that.

Today there’s another point that they brought up Eddie Murphy and Jerry Seinfeld talking back and forth about being on stage and how when they did their worse, when they were the most confident and most comfortable. When they just went up there and they didn’t care what happened. That’s actually when they bombed. That’s actually when they didn’t do well. I think this goes across the board.

They said that the nervousness, just even just a little bit of nervousness helped keep them on their toes when they were on stage and made sure they performed to their highest level.

I think this is true across the board. It’s taken me a long time to come to this view. I always knew that getting caught up in your comfort zone was a bad thing and could completely zap you have all your energy and ability to do anything decent.

But when it comes to creativity, a night like tonight, nice warm night where I could just hang out on a hammock outside, it is so demotivating. I didn’t want to come back to the office. I had to go back home, put my kids to bed, everything else.

And I have a late night planned up for myself cause we’ve got a lot of things coming forward that I’ll be telling you more about in the future. But I didn’t want to come back because the whole weather pattern put me in a frame of mind of just giving in, just relaxing and just ease off to sleep.

Comfort’s great for what it is, but don’t get caught up in it and realize that having a little bit of discomfort, a little bit of hunger makes a huge difference to your creativity.

Sometimes a little bit extra, a little bit of extra attention, a little bit of extra nervousness, a little bit of extra of something that we might consider a bad thing.

Conflict could be the thing that you need to engage your creativity.

Whatever that creativity is and I’m not just talking art, I’m talking creativity and everything that you do in life. Anything that’s new and fresh that’s coming from you, a little bit of conflict makes a difference. Walt Disney was famous for….so he organized all his artists and everything to make all the great movies.

Especially the early ones, Snow White, Cinderella, all these hand drawn animated films.

He was famous for pitting two artists against each other. So he would find two people that did not get along and he would put them on the same team. He’d forced them to work together.

This isn’t so that they would eventually get along. The whole purpose was he believed, and the people who were around him would probably attest to this, is that you got kind of a magic creativity that came from the conflict. Whereas if someone got too comfortable their creativity was not as sharp, this is something that you can realize in yourself.

Don’t put yourself in an ideal situation with your day to day life.

If you’re wanting to keep that creativity, you don’t want things to perfect. You don’t want things too comfortable, you’ll lose it. You’ll lose the creativity and the creative edge and the kind of the zest for life.

You probably know people like this who have done well. If you’ve been relatively successful, you probably know people that had been really successful and have gone off and moved off into the sunset.

And you go back and talk to them, the creativity, the spark just isn’t quite there. It’s not quite there because they’re, they don’t have that hunger. They don’t have that edge, that special thing that’s necessary. Keep an eye out for too much comfort in your life.

Too much good food, too much good loving, too much good weather. All that stuff can zap the creativity out of your life and make things more difficult than they would be if you just had a little bit of difficulty in your life at all times.

I’m thinking Princess and The Pea, for some reason. The old story of the mattresses and the princess had to lay on top of this big pile of mattresses and they hit a little tiny pea on the very bottom and they said a princess will always be able to tell when, if there’s any, any level of discomfort whatsoever, even if it’s just a tiny pea at the bottom of a huge stack of mattresses.

Sure enough, this girl could tell and so she was the princess is the old story, you go look it up.

But discomfort has a value in your life. Don’t miss it. If you feel that you’re missing that edge in life, that you’re not quite getting what you want, that you don’t really have the fire. Put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Don’t make it up.

Put yourself in a uncomfortable situation that you know you could still handle, but it’s just uncomfortable enough and you’ll be able to get over that edge.

Tomorrow, well….before we get to that, hey, go to You thought I was going to forget I didn’t. It’s right here at If you are a business owner or an executive in the self reliance field, go to There’s a quick video there. Go and watch it.

Let me know what you think.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about similar issues. Really what it comes down to is another mental state that can change how you negotiate one-on-one.

Whether it be one-on-one sales, whether it be a one-on-one with your employees. All these things really matter and if you don’t pay attention to this one mental state, it could make all the difference between winning and losing on a day to day basis. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Personality Marketing: Right For You?

Personality Marketing: Right For You?
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Personality marketing, personality marketing. Let me say this right, personality marketing. Is it right for you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Is this thing on? Is this thing on? The only reason why I had the mice gag is because we’re talking about comedians today. I got to see something that, I think just came out, which is really unusual for me.

Let me make sure I get my microphone so you can actually hear me. I don’t normally see things when they first come out. It takes me a while. I catch up real late on these things.

Netflix just put out the latest season as I understand it, just put out the latest season of, uh, comedians in cars getting coffee. Which if you haven’t ever seen it, very worth seeing if you enjoy watching any type of comedians whatsoever.

Jerry Seinfeld hosts the show. He takes a different car out that he thinks represents the person he’s going to be picking up. He picks up a famous person. Quite oftentimes someone that has something to do with comedy, even if they’re not stand up comedians.

In this particular episode, first episode, I saw the thing for it. I said, well, we got to watch that right away. It was Eddie Murphy. If you aren’t familiar with Eddie Murphy, I don’t know what to tell you.

He’s an amazing comedic actor going all the way back to the early eighties is when he first hit the scene, with Saturday Night Live and so forth, go back and watch old Eddie Murphy movies and you’ll be caught up. But Eddie Murphy’s on there with Jerry Seinfeld. They’re talking about comedy and there is great stuff throughout the whole thing.

There are a lot of parallels that come back to personality marketing, I wanted to point out one to you right away, even if you haven’t seen it, this won’t ruin it for you.

In the talk, they’re driving around, they’re sitting drinking coffee, they’re driving around talking.

At one point he talks about being at a point where he had so many people that just liked him and they were there to just see him.

It didn’t matter what he said. They were gonna find it funny because they enjoyed him.

They were already kind of followers. They had already bought in. They were indoctrinated into the Eddie Murphy Colt. That’s not what he said. That’s my own words. But it has a parallel and you can see it across the board.

You take any major personality, even somebody in a small niche, if they have a bit of a following. If they have people that either find them a celebrity or an expert or see them as somebody that’s kind of beyond where they’re at with something, they will adopt kind of a colt like personality to them and it doesn’t matter who they are.

It doesn’t matter if they’re a sports figure. It doesn’t matter if they’re president of the United States. It doesn’t matter who they are.

People will pull this along and the people that ended up following them will follow them blindly, defend them blindly. Just thinking off the top of my head, OJ Simpson, anyone that remembers, he was a popular, very popular football player, professional football player, and he wasn’t all that popular at the time when he got into trouble with the law and had a situation where he was on trial for killing his wife.

He was known, but he wasn’t that popular across the board. People my age and younger, they knew the name.

They saw him in movies like The Naked Gun and everything, but they didn’t know that much him. But he still had a following. He still had people that defended him no matter what came out, no matter how much it looked like he was guilty. You still have people to this day that will defend him, not based on facts or the idea that they watched every hour of his trial because it was all televised.

It has nothing to do with it. They believed in the person, they were stuck on the person.

It’s a very powerful tool, but it obviously it can totally be misused and it’s misused all the time. And if you’re going to adopt personality marketing in your business, you have to realize the potential for one of these things happening.

Let me get back to Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy was talking about everybody just being enamored with him and to the point where he would go out on stage and he tested out and he just stopped talking and just stand there. And he said, and people would laugh and he said one time he held it for 10 minutes and people kept laughing.

He kind of move his face a little bit and he’d kind of look a little funny, or he cleared his throat and people would start laughing. He knew that he was at a special place, and I think I’ve heard him discuss it in other interviews.

He talks about the dangers of having that type of following and how it can go to your head. You can let it go to your head. You can think you’re really hot stuff or whatever else.

There’s a lot of power in personality marketing. I encourage people to use it, but no misuse it and realize that when you’re out there as a personality, when you’re out there doing any type of content marketing and you’re doing it consistently as a person.

You’re going to have people that are FOR YOU and you’re going to have people that are AGAINST you.

The people that are against you can sometimes be just as useful. Who do you think shares more about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez than people who dislike her? I think I see much more memes and everything else from those people than anybody else.

She’s gotten more popular all over the people that disdain her. Same with Donald Trump on the other end. They thrive off of people being against them. It cements the people who are for them into being more for them. It promotes them.

Even though it’s promoting a negative side, it’s still promoting their name and their brand out there. So don’t be scared of negativity. Negativity comes along with building up your personality brand and putting it out there more and more.

These are all things to consider when thinking about having some more personality branding in your business.

Writing books and everything we’re going to talk about in the future because I’ve gotten to interview a lot of amazing writers and all their unique stories about what led them to end up writing books, but the results of them writing a book are all very, very common.

We’re going to talk about that more tomorrow.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field in, and your a business owner, or you’re an executive in a business that helps people to become more self reliant, or you have a story that promotes self-reliance, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to you can find the link in the description.

Wherever you’re watching this, you can find a link. Just click on that.

So just go to, go there, watch the quick video. Tell me what you think of it. If it sounds like something that would interest you, fill out the application. We’ll see if we can talk.

We’ll see you tomorrow when we talk about books and how they can help promote your personality. We’ll see you then.

Your Business Must Be Cheesy

Your Business Must Be Cheesy
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Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. Your business must be cheesy.

I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. This is Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by

Today we’re going to discuss a very important topic, it’s a secret. It’s one of these things that is not talked about often enough. I know you hear me that say that all the time.

If you can grasp this, you’ll change your business and therefore will change your life.

If you can wrap your mind around this concept, it’s not what I made up. Once again, this is not an original idea. This particular one is from Dean Jackson, who I’ve spoken about before. A real estate mogul and a marketing guru, you could say. This is a concept that he puts out all the time through his materials.

You can find them for free online, check it out. I don’t get paid by Dean or anything of that sort, but he has a podcast. He has a podcast called More Cheese, Less Whiskers and we’re going to talk about that today.

I have with me the dollar tree whiteboard, on this side of the country (West Coast), we call them Dollar Trees. They’re a Dollar Store. Okay, now follow along. If you can get this, like I said, it’s going to be huge for you.

You’ve got a mouse. This is no corporate brand or anything like that, so don’t get that out of your mind. It’s just a mouse. Let me fix a little bit here, make it look like a real mouse there. Real mouse. As realistic as I can get. Okay. You’ve got a mouse.

What are mice attracted to? They’re attracted to cheese. What are they repelled by….and I just want you think like a cartoon. I don’t want you to think like of actual mice or depending on what type of mice. What are they actually repelled by? I have no idea. But the cartoons tell me, mice are repelled by cats.

Mice love cheese, mice hate cats.

What’s this have to do with business? Your customer. I want you to think about this, your customer, your clients, your potential customer or client is a mouse. You need to provide them more cheese, less whiskers. What’s whiskers?

It’s if a mouse gets a scent, a slight ascent of cheese, it will flow through the air toward the cheese, right? It will do everything it can. It will go through mazes to get to that piece of cheese. It will risk life and limb in a mouse trap. It will do anything for a delicious piece of cheese.

If it gets the slightest hint of a whisker of a cat, it’s gone in the opposite direction. Nothing repels it more than a cat. Nothing attracts it more than cheese. So how’s this fit into your business?

Most of the time the things that we’re providing out there for our potential customer, potential client is whiskers.

We’re giving them the scent of the sales man, of a person wanting something from us. We’ve gotten neediness. Even if you’re putting out commercials, if you’re putting out advertising, why does advertising not work long-term is because people get blind to it.

They just start ignoring it. They start running away from it. They come up with nasty names like spam for it and everything else. Anything they can do to get away from the concept of someone who wants something from them and we’re all the same way. You’re the same way, I’m the same way.

We do everything we can to stay away from the person that wants something that is trying to get us to buy something, trying to separate us from our money. That’s what the cat is. That’s what the whiskers are. What you have to do is provide cheese. What does the mouse want?

All mice different in this case and this scenario when we’re talking customers, all customers are different. You have to think about your ideal customer and what is your ideal customer want? I’ll give you an example. My ideal customer currently, I refer to them more as clients because they’re less and less as customers.

It’s an ongoing client relationship that I have with my clients and they’re in the self-reliance field. They’re a business owner. They have an already successful business, meaning they’re not a startup. They have a business that’s been going and they’re successful. They’re looking to take it to the next level. They’re looking for someone to come along to help them through that process.

That is my ideal mouse. What’s the best cheese for them? I’ll tell you what isn’t cheese for them. I’ll tell you what’s whiskers, is me trying to sell them something.

Me trying to sell them a package deal. Me trying to sell them, get them on the phone, put ads in front of them. It doesn’t work out as well as cheese.

If they’re trying to promote their business, if they’re trying to get things out there, if they’re looking outside the box, which is the type of person that I’m looking for. Then they’re going to look for interview opportunities. They’re going to look for every chance they can to promote. So here’s where the podcast that I came up with that we talked about yesterday Off The Grid Biz Podcast. You can find it at

You’ll hear all the interviews I’ve already done. Many of those people are ideal clients for me. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll ever go through the process with them, but I have a piece of cheese called an interview and I’m just giving away the farm right here.

I’m telling you exactly what my marketing plan is. I’m not going to tell you all of it really, but I’m giving you a big piece of it and I’ll tell them straight out this is a way for me to be able to, if nothing else, learn more about the marketplace.

We’re more about the mice and how they think. You think this is degrading? What’s degrading is when you don’t realize that everyone out there has something they want.

Your job is to get them what they want, not what they need, what they want. They want the cheese.

Help them to get the cheese. You can then help them to get what they need along the process, but they’re not going to listen to you if you’re giving off whiskers. If you’re trying to push your ideas on them, that’s whiskers. You need more cheese. Your business needs to be more cheesy.

We’re going to dig into this over time, but my podcast is a great example of cheese for the right type of mouse. For the type of mouse that I’m looking for, for the clients I’m looking for, for the relationships, the people I’m looking to work with long-term.

Even if they never become clients and I’ve met some amazing people offering this little piece of cheese. They may not ever become clients, but they help me to learn more about the marketplace. They lead the way to building my business and helping me to meet more people and get integrated into the niche that we’re currently looking in.

Included in that is the fact that I’m offering cheese to a whole bunch of people that are going to be speaking and presenting and doing all types of things at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon.

If you’re interested in that type of realm of self reliance, go over there and check it out. If you are a business owner who happened to be in the self-reliance field, go to

You can also find the link in the description, either below or above, depending on where you’re watching this go to

Watch the video. Tell me what you think and fill out the application if you think it applies to you. That’s all we got for today. Tomorrow. More great stuff. We’ll see you then.

How Expos & Trade Shows Can Explode Your Profits

How Expos & Trade Shows Can Explode Your Profits
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How Expos and Trade Shows can explode your profits.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back again to the orange office in Grants Pass, Oregon. I’m with and this is Brian J Pombo Live.

Everyday we come to you with another tip of a way that you can make huge changes in your business.

Okay, so today we’re going to talk about expos and trade shows and other things like conventions and ways that you can get out there and make a huge change in your business.

It has to do with networking.

Nowadays with social networking, with social media, we all expect to be able to do things online. We all expect to be able to reach people by email, reach people on social media, reach people electronically as much as possible, and do everything from behind a desk.

Really, if you can focus on doing something else, if you can focus on going the next level and taking it out to the physical world, you’re gonna really see the big difference.

I’m doing it myself. So within the self-reliance field, which is one of the areas that I’m focusing in on right now, and I have a podcast, I’ve mentioned it before, it’s The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. Here’s the latest business card.

I’ll tell you more about that in a second.

I’ve got this podcast, right. This gives me a chance to get out there and interview people within the self-reliance field, get to learn more about it, get to learn more about their business.

Because I’m talking to them from a business end and it’s changed everything. So today I was talking with Andrew Perkins. Andrew Perkins, who works for Ogden Publications.

Ogden Publications publishes Mother Earth News. Mother Earth News is a magazine that helps people in the self-reliance field and specifically in homesteading and kind of living off the land and learning how to do things the way people always used to be able to do it, but kind of teaching people how to do it again.

So raising animals, raising your own food, taking care of your own place, that type of deal.

Mother Earth News has been around for a long time, but they realized a few years back that if you’re going to survive as a magazine, you have to expand out. You can’t just be just a print magazine and that’s it.

So they created these Mother Earth News Fairs, there’s six of them that happen across the country. These are basically it’s an expo that gets put on all across the country.

They bring in speakers, they bring in authors to come out, put on workshops, show people how to do things, get people’s hands dirty and really show them all these things that people were interested in who would read the magazine except it’s like alive. It’s right out there for them to see and do. So this is exciting.

I’m going to the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon. It’s on the first weekend of August and I’d love to see you there.

If you’re interested in the self-reliance field as I am a head over to and go buy yourself a ticket.

Head on out there and reach out to me. I’d love to love to come and meet you.

This is one of the reasons why I had these business cards made. So what’s the point of a business card nowadays? It kind of seems, you know, old fashioned right? Well business cards, I dunno, for the past 20 years or so, they’re not all that useful unless you use them right.

The way I see business cards, this is just my way of showing that I have something serious. I’ve got a podcast to be able to interview people. This is cheese. If you’re talking cheese versus whiskers, we’ve talked about this before and we’re going to talk about it tomorrow.

Cheese versus whiskers. This is cheese to the business owners out there that are looking to promote something. It’s a podcast where I’m asking to interview people.

I’m not asking for them to buy anything. I’m not asking for them to listen to me. I’m asking to talk to them and give them a chance to get their point out there. So that’s what this business card means to them. For me. I’m more interested in the other side of the business card. See all these lines. It’s all blank. That’s what I’m interested in.

I’m interested in filling this part out so I will give one of these to somebody and then if they don’t have a card or anything with them that tells me their contact information, I’ll get their name. I’ll get everything I can and have them right here and I get to hold on to that.

You see, that’s the most valuable thing about a business card. It’s showing that you’re serious. It’s showing that you had some pre-thought to this coming forward.

You may have a chance of them remembering you after they take home a card, but more than likely they’re going to put it in a pile with other business cards or it’s going to sit off to the side and get forgotten about. That’s just life.

That’s just how things are people. It’s too easy to forget about those types of things. But I plan on using this business card. We’ve got this whole plan. I’m going with Sean Douglas, my producer.

We’re going to head out there. We’re going to be there for two days, Saturday and Sunday. Get to meet people, get to mingle, get to network a little bit and learn more about the entire niche.

So how can you use this?

Find an expo, a convention, a trade show in the niche that you are working in. What you will find there is you will find people with who are either in your audience, in your customer base, or you’re willing to find people who are playing to your customer base and you want to learn from them.

You want to see what you can do together to be able to meet the same customer base. There’s so many options out there, but that you got to get off your duff out of the office, out of in front of the computer and go out and meet some people. So that’s today’s tips.

Go to if you’re in the self-reliance field, if you are an executive or business owner, go to and go and watch that video there. I’d love to hear what you think about it. There’s an application to fill out if you think it applies to you.

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about more cheese, less whiskers. We’ll see you tomorrow.

How to Rake It In Being Super Lazy

How to Rake It In Being Super Lazy
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Today, we’re going to talk about how to rake it in being super lazy. Sounds counterintuitive I know.

I’m Brian Pombo and we’re going to talk about laziness versus hard work and how I’m going to encourage you to be lazy. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon tonight.

This is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart because I grew up working on a cattle ranch and hard work was rewarded, most of the time when I was employed.

If you can show that you’re working hard and that you’re putting out a lot of effort, you’re rewarded, meaning you get to keep your job, possibly you might get the move your way up a rank or two. But when you become an entrepreneur, when you become self-employed, when you become a business owner of any type, it flips. You aren’t really paid in the long run.

You aren’t paid when you’re getting paid from the marketplace based on how hard you work and how much effort you put into it. Because most of that, well, for one thing, most of it’s invisible. Most of it’s invisible to the marketplace.

Whoever your customer is, they don’t care how hard you worked for the most part.

Sometimes it can be a part of a story and sometimes it can be built into marketing and so on and so forth. For the most part, hard work has nothing to do with how well you’re rewarded. How well you’re rewarded is based on the value they believe they’re getting from you, not what you’re putting into it. So then the question is, how do you create value for them? That takes thinking. It takes smarts. It takes, and this is where they talk about working smart, not working hard.

It’s not that you should be afraid of hard work. It’s not that you should run away from hard work, but you need to focus on the right area, the right area.

Somebody in your company needs to be focusing on the customer and what they want and what they’re getting out of it on all levels, not just, okay, I bought this to do a certain thing. It did the thing, I’m happy.

The real question is what did they want beyond that? What do they want after that? Are they as happy as they could be with it? What would make them happier about it?

Getting inside of your customer’s head. That takes thought. That takes planning. That takes getting out there and having that conversation with your customer.

Finding out as much about them as possible, especially your best customers. Finding out as much as possible. So that comes back to you.

Why is being lazy helpful to that? Well, I remember a friend saying once that, if you really want a job well done, give it to a lazy person because they will find a way to do it with the least amount of effort.

If you could do something with the least amount of effort, it will cost the least to be able to produce it. And as long as you’re really focused on the end goal, on what you’re providing the value for the end customer, then you’re going to get where you need to get using the laziest person. Often times, entrepreneurs, business owners, they have a lazy streak.

They have a lazy side and I’m going to tell you, don’t run away from that because I’ll use myself as an example. The things I like doing the least drain me the most of energy. So one person may see it as being lazy, but I am always looking for the thing that drains me and try to find a way to stop doing it.

Maybe I automate it with software. Maybe I outsource it to someone else who really does enjoy doing it, who’s better at doing it than I am.

Maybe I find a way to cut it out completely or replace it with something else. One person may look at that and say, that’s lazy, but for me to be able to maintain proper energy to do the things that I do best within my company, that’s what I’ve got to do.

I’m going to encourage you to do the same thing. Don’t beat yourself up because some little devil on the inside is telling you that it’s lazy. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to provide the best product or service to your customer. They want everything they can get, and it’s your job to provide it for them.

Provide them what they want and wrap it around what they need and you’re going to change lives in the long run.

If this makes sense to you and you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have a self reliant life and you can teach people how to do that or perhaps you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant in any way or fashion.

Maybe it could be in health. I mean I even met somebody that is in the area of beauty which you wouldn’t think would be tied to self-reliance, but I guarantee it can.

If you’re one of those people then I like you to go to At I’ve got a quick little video there that will tell you about the dream business transformation.

What’s the dream business transformation?

It’s a quick phone call, 30 to 60 minutes with me where I can help walk you through the process and help you to design your dream business.

You’ve got a business, you’re doing good at it. I’m sure you’re successful. How would you like to make it completely ideal, as best as possible, or get it as close to as possible as being ideal?

Meaning you put in the amount of time you want to put in, you’re doing the things you enjoy doing the most, and you’re setting other people up, or you’re getting rid of all those things that don’t matter.

Go to if you’re interested in that. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking all about weather events, live events with real people! Weather live events is right for your business or not.

So come back tomorrow. We’ll be talking about that. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Create Consistently, Be Patient for Results

Create Consistently, Be Patient for Results
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Create consistently be patient for results.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. We’re in a different section of the Orange Office right now. I just needed to do a quick video for you.

You may notice my voice sounds a little bit different. It’s because I don’t have my nice microphone so you’re going to have to deal with the unshaven non-microphone Brian Pombo today.

As we talk about creating consistently and being patient for results. This came from the Nathan Barry’s Article that we talked about yesterday all about endurance and endure until you see results and this has to do with content marketing.

This all comes back to content marketing. If you are marketing on a regular basis via social media, via anything online, and this also goes beyond online, any form of content marketing that you’re taking part of. If you’re creating some type of information entertainment that you’re putting out there on a regular basis.

What we’ve been talking about is daily content and that’s some of the best form of content you could be taking part in right now because you can do it all pretty inexpensively, with zero advertising budget.

And so what we’re talking about is create consistently, this is the same theme from yesterday, but these are two steps.

This comes at the end of that Barry’s article where he says, “create consistently and be patient for results.” Those are the two steps. That’s all you really need to do. If you could just remember to do that, if you could take those two phrases, write them down, put them up next to the area that you’re going to be doing your content from.

Whether you’re writing it, whether you’re speaking it out loud on video, whether you’re speaking out loud, just in audio, just recording it, write it down, put it there.

Create consistently, be patient for results. Just have the idea that you’re gonna keep doing this for as long as it takes because it doesn’t take that much money. It doesn’t take that much time. You just have to be consistent with it.

Just get out there, start the process, you’ll learn as you go.

You’ll see what needs to change. Little tweaks here and there. Maybe some equipment when it comes to, if you’re doing video, you might need some lighting and equipment. You might need some audio equipment.

Other than that, you could do it with an iPhone, like what I’m doing right here or with any type of smartphone. When you get past that point, when you’re at the point where you have a business that’s successful, that’s consistently successful and you start running into all the issues that a business owner or an executive in a of that sort starts running into, not having enough time, personal time away from the office, not having enough time to do the things that you need to be able to do.

You’re always focused on helping everyone else do what they need to do or watching over them or babysitting or trying to add a new element into your business that has a been there before and you feel like you’ve got to start everything from scratch and learn how to do it and then pass it along.

All these things start weighing down on you over and over and over again. If you’re already in that place, if you’re not in that place yet, write down this website, if you are in that place, write this down and go there immediately.

You’ll see a video where I explain what a Dream Biz Chat is. It’s what we call it, the dream business transformation and all it takes is 30 to 60 minutes on the phone or on a video chat with myself. And I will take you through the steps and apply all the lessons that we’re talking about here, principles, strategies, tactics that we talk about here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

We can directly relate it back to your business and show you how it will fit to take you from where you’re at right now, to where you want to be in terms of creating your dream business. Taking it from being really successful to being absolutely ideal for you in your life, so that you can keep going and keep building and take it the next step beyond that.

So that’s what we have for today. Tomorrow we are going to be veering away a little bit from content marketing, going more back into the mindset concepts. We’ll talk, we’ll see more of you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How Long Do I Persist With Daily Content?

How Long Do I Persist With Daily Content?
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Another question that keeps popping up is how long do I persist with daily content?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. I’m with and today we’re going back to the conversation on content marketing and specifically will daily marketing.

If you’re doing any type of daily content, which I highly, highly, highly encourage you to do and you can watch the last oh really, the past week of videos that we’ve been doing on content marketing, I do these videos every single day.

We call it Brian J Pombo Live. You can go and listen to them if you just want to hear them over again. You go to any podcast directory, in any places where you listen to podcast and type in Brian J Pombo Live and you can go back and listen to these.

You can go back and watch them just about anywhere, YouTube, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and find out more about whether content marketing is good for you.

Especially daily content marketing, which seems really overwhelming but it’s a great deal on so many levels.

We’ve talked about a whole bunch of reasons why, but the real question today is. How long should you persist with it?

This comes back to an article that I ran across, it was promoted by Russell Brunson. He was talking about it and it was great because it was just perfect, just directly into what we’re talking about here with daily content. It answered the question right in the title of the article. The articles by Nathan Barry. Go and find it at it just came out recently.

The name of the article is, Endure Long Enough To Get Noticed. That’s the answer, right there. You just endure long enough to get noticed.

What does getting noticed mean? It’s going to mean getting noticed within your…basically getting enough views, getting enough reads, getting enough listens, get enough downloads depending on whatever you’re doing.

Whether you’re doing blogs, whether you’re doing emails, whether you’re doing a videos or audios or what have you. Regardless of what you’re doing, if you’re doing it daily, you gotta measure it.

You got to pay attention to how many people are looking at it as best as you can tell, you can’t always tell exactly, but you can get some idea. And what you want to see is which topics and what things that you’re talking about in the way that you’re talking about them, which ones really start to catch on that people start sharing.

People start talking back and forth with you on which ones are those. And once you find that, expand it out a little more, put out some more content.

The stuff that is getting the most attention, that’s getting the most activity. Those are the things you could start putting advertising behind. And if not, even if you just keep doing daily content, there’s so much value both for yourself and developing your message, but also value for other people to be able to catch your stuff.

So this is the point that Nathan Barry makes.

He said, and it goes back to our idea about binge-watching. Okay, and what we were saying if you missed it, is if you go on to Netflix, you go onto any of these services that have on demand video.

The big thing that’s happened in recent times is called binge-watching.

We don’t just sit down and watch a show the night that it comes out at the time that it comes out at. What we do is we’ll say, hey, I think I’m going to watch this show.

We’ll watch the first few episodes, we’ll go back, watch the first few episodes, and then watch a large portions of the show at a time. We don’t just wait once a week and watch one at a time. We’ll go back and watch them all, all at the same time as as many as we can fit in during our TV time or on our phones or whatever.

We’re going to watch that show. That’s binge-watching. Binge-watching isn’t even possible if you’re just catching it from the first episode and it’s like a show that’s shown on television.

HBO still has a lot of things that they put on streaming, but they’ve got things on television ahead of time and so something like game of Thrones, it comes out, it’s episodic, it comes out one week and then another week and then another week.

But a person now after the show has been out, can go back and rewatch all of them. How many people actually caught game of Thrones? If you’re a game of Thrones fan, how many of you actually came across it at the first episode when it first came out and you sat around waiting for the next one and the next one? Most people didn’t. Most people caught it seasons in. Let alone episodes, far in.

That’s how binge-watching becomes possible is because there’s already a backlog of episodes. You need to create that backlog of yourself, of your own content.

You have to have that backlog out there because people, you can’t expect people to catch your first episode. Anything that you’re really interested in, any TV shows that you really became interested in.

It’s not because you caught it right from the very beginning, you caught it years down the line. So the whole idea is endure long enough to get noticed.

You just need to do this long enough before you can start to build on it. And then from there you could always add advertising dollars to it. You could always take the same content, repurpose it, put it out, take it out and put it out as a book.

A lot of the stuff that I’m producing here, we’re redeveloping right now to create books out of.

The podcasts that I create that are all audio, The Off The Grid Biz Podcast,

Go and check that out. We’re making books out of the episodes that people can then purchase and I can send them to people and so on and so forth. This is where you need to go with things and if you’re already selling things, if you already have something that you’re putting out there, services or products, especially if you are in the self-reliance field, you’re somebody I’d like to talk to.

I’m looking to talk to business owners and executives in the self-reliance field. Go to a, I almost said you go there too, but I want you to go to That link is right below the title here in the description. Depending on where you’re watching this, maybe below, maybe above

Click on that. Go there, watch the video. The video is quick. It gives you an idea of what I’m proposing.

What I’m really proposing is for us to sit down and to have a little chat about how to take your business from where it is to create the absolute dream business scenario for you. Meaning that you’re going to put in the right amount of time, you’re going to put the right amount of effort in the right areas.

That’s perfect for you. It’s a very personal conversation that we’re going to be talking about, but I do this specifically right now almost exclusively for people in the self-reliance field, so go to Check that out.

Tomorrow I’m going to be talking about one other point that Nathan Barry brought up in his article, so we’ll talk to you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.