Entrepreneurial Loneliness?

Entrepreneurial Loneliness?


Entrepreneurial loneliness. Do you suffer from it?

Brian Pombo coming to you from California on the I-5 freeway driving down to go to a wedding. My cousin’s wedding, sorry for the shaky camera work and if there’s any extra noise in the background, I appologize.

I’m sorry it’s so dark, but it’s apropos to our subject matter today. Real quick, I’m going to give a quick plug to, DreamBizChat.com. If you’re a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field. To learn more go check it out. Let me know about the video. I’ve got an eight and a half minute video there you will watch for free.

Go watch it, tell me what you think. DreamBizChat.com.

Entrepreneurial loneliness I think is a very common combination that people deal with. If you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re doing anything on your own and you’re one of the people that’s in charge, it’s real easy to get kind of glow about it because there’s not really anyone to talk to and there’s just points at which you’re going through something you can’t talk to anyone else.

Not necessarily that you’re depressed, but I think anybody that either owns a business or is running a business that you get to a point where there’s nobody to talk to.

The best cure I’ve found for this is finding a sounding board, finding a sounding board, finding somebody who has enough intelligence and possibly that you’re experiencing, owning a business, running a business, someone who can kind of put themselves in your shoes to a certain extent and understand what you’re going through.

Understand the questions that you’re asking over where to go next. Even just being able to put your ideas out there. We’ve discussed earlier about self milking cow that Dean Jackson talks about.

Go watch my video on the self milking cow. It’s the same concept.

Just have somebody, it’s worth your money too. This will really help alleviate the entrepreneurial loneliness that we all go through because it allows you to get your ideas out of your head and just being able to hear your own words makes such a huge difference.

If you think about the times that you’ve really been able to crystallize a concept, oftentimes it’s when you’ve been able to lay it out for somebody else, not necessarily that what they come back with from you or to you. Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

What Can Doctors Teach Us About Customer Service?

What Can Doctors Teach Us About Customer Service?


What can doctors teach us about customer service?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, sent out every day live from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re back in the blank office, the new headquarters for Brian J. Pombo Live.

And you could see behind me, this is some of the bookshelves we haven’t put together yet. So we still got it in pieces. I’m in my baseball cap and tee shirt because Wednesday’s are my day at home with the family.

So just doing odd jobs and looking after the kids. And I wanted to talk about a conversation that I had earlier with with my good friend Jesse.

I know he watches, so he’ll get to hear this. He’ll remember the conversation because we were talking about who’s the one profession that nearly everybody trusts without even thinking about it.

We’ll do what they tell us to do though they don’t have the power of law behind them. They just hold rain over everybody. And there’s a whole bunch of reasons for that. I’m not going to get deeply into all of them, but there’s one specific thing that they do that changes everything.

Of course, I’m talking about doctors, it’s in the title, right?

We’re talking about doctors. Doctors will tell us to do whatever to fix whatever problem we come to them with and most people are going to go along with it. As long as it doesn’t seem too difficult, too painful, we’re all gonna go along with it.

Oftentimes, unless you’re really a Renegade and like to fight with your doctor or like to try alternative medicine, stuff like that. But in general, most people, most of the time we’ll take whatever pill their doctor tells them to.

We’ll do whatever procedure their doctor tells them to, as long as they can prevent pain in. For the most case, we don’t go to the doctors to prevent disease. We just don’t.

It’s not something we go and do and this is why doctors have more pull over us than does a nutritionist or a fitness coach in general. Most of us are going to listen to the doctor a lot more than we will any of those other people. We may take their advice, we may ask them what they think about this and that, but it’s not necessarily something that we’re going to follow through with with a doctor.

There’s an authority figure there that you feel like you have to follow along with that you got to go along with. And there’s the incentive of having a pain or an issue that you know needs to be fixed.

How’s this draw back into business? How’s this go back into everything that we talk about on a daily basis? Well, it all comes back to your business with a concept called prescriptive selling.

I don’t remember who came up with it. I don’t know who first talked about it, but you hear it talked about here and there. And that’s the idea before you sell a product or service to your customers, having a way for them to go step by step to tell you what their problem is, to tell you what their issues are that your product or service solves.

This creates trust because they don’t feel like you’re just selling them blankly. Something that you think they should want based on their demographic, based on their position, based on their career, your solving a problem that they came to you with this.

This is very helpful. If you’ve got a website, for example, let’s say you have a website that has many different products. Let’s say you had a whole bunch of nutritional products, the best thing you can do is take a person through some type of survey.

If nothing else, if it’s even if it’s automated, having some form of survey where you can find out what they need and then prescribe them what you have going. People trust that more. The prescription is trusted so much more than a blanket sale. The blanket sale always comes off. One sided comes off, selfish comes off as you’re selling me something like a person going door to door that you just feel like I’m just the next door in line.

You don’t really care about me. You don’t really care about what my issues are, your just going the next person in line.

The more you can make it about the person that’s true customer service, the more you can make it about their problem, their specific problem.

Even if you have something that everyone has a problem for, even if you have something that literally everyone should own, you still need to bring the person in on the decision process. They’ll trust you more.

They’ll feel like it’s less of a sale. They’ll believe in your product and or service and use it more regularly based on that concept. This is if you’re really looking for a longterm customer, if you’re looking for a onetime customer, these concepts don’t matter as much.

But if you’re looking for someone that wants to come back again and again and again to either get your service or sign up for a subscription and stay on this subscription to purchase other products over and over and over again, that trust is built from the prescriptive sale.

If you’d like to find out more ideas about this, if you’re in the self-reliance field, which is an area that I play to quite a bit and I’m finding out more and more people in the self-reliance field, you can find out more about that. Go to my podcast OffTheGridBiz.com you could hear some examples of self-reliance companies and people that I’ve worked with and have talked to and finding out more about self-reliance.

You could also go to DreamBizChat.com if you’re an owner, a business owner, or executive, and you have products or services that help people become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

There’s also a link in the description, and if you want, if you’re not in that field, but you like to find out some more about me, maybe watch some more videos, maybe learn some more of these concepts or find out how this could apply directly to your business.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and you’re always welcome to come back tomorrow because we do these day after day after day after day, every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live. Tomorrow we’ll be back here in the same spot, bringing you another concept, and I’d love to hear some back and forth.

So leave a comment down below you. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Put Off Fixing You?

Do You Put Off Fixing You?


That’s the question today.

Do you put off fixing you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by DreamBizChat.com. Coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon.

If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you are really looking to take your business to another level and not quite sure how to do it, you’re where you’re at but you want to take it to the next level and you want somebody to be able to talk around your ideas, go to DreamBizChat.com. Link is in the description.

There’s a video there you can watch to see if the dream biz chat would work for you. Now today we’re going to talk about putting off fixing yourself. I think a lot of us procrastinate on that we’re like, “Oh, I’ll deal with that later.”

But a specific thing in general that I came across today with an associate of mine and it’s a grudge. If you have a grudge with somebody, if you’ve got a pent up resentment towards someone, especially if you need to work with this person long-term, you’ve got to get it off your plate, you’ve got to get it out of the way.

So a friend of mine came to me and was telling me about this grudge that he had with somebody and he wanted to talk about it a little bit and I said, well in the end you need to talk with that person. You need to get over it.

You either need to find a way to drop it yourself or you’ve got to confront it with that person and tell them what’s going on and either find a way around it or get out of the situation where you have to work with this person.

You got to make sure that you’ve got something good going. He wanted to put it off.

He said, “Yeah, you know, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.”

And I said, well, if you’re telling me all these other things that came about because of it, because one thing leads to another, leads to another to where you can’t stand being in the same room with a person, where you can’t stand listening to them talk, it get to the point where they can……. I know men specifically get to the point where they could have so much rage towards somebody they feel like punching them in the face and it’s not healthy.

These are things you’ve got to get over.

It’s necessary sometimes to have to go so far in one direction that you realize you’ve got to stop and go, okay, wait a second. What’s going on?

This comes back to a point that I like to go back to over and over again about being a reality grounded.

It’s important to be reality grounded. Whenever you find, “the ground of your being” form of emotional earthquake, you have to keep in mind that something’s wrong.

You got to fix it and you’ve got to fix it as soon as you can. As soon as you are able to see that something’s wrong, take advantage of that inspiration and fix it.

Don’t let it go. You let it go. It will only faster. It will only get worse. It will morph into something else and most of the time if you’ve got a problem with somebody, it’s going to come about….even if that person passes away before you’re able to solve it, it’ll come up in the next version of that person.

A look alike person, someone that smells alike, someone that has the same attitude or the same personality and it will just get worse and worse and worse through time.

That’s why most psychologists and everything, they say that most of our problems with people, when we really have an instinctual issue with somebody right off the bat, it comes back to issues with your parents because you didn’t solve the issue with your parents.

You end up running into, you think about the parent that you got.

You get along with the worst or got along with the worst, and you’ll notice that if you never solved your issues with them, you end up meeting your parent and person after person, after person. Usually you end up marrying that person.

It comes up over and over and over again.

It’s the nature of trauma.

I don’t want to get too deep into this, but this is important for your business. If we’re having a good, serious business talk. Good serious business deals and working with people.

Especially a business that gives you any form of passive income or any type of stability, keep that in mind when you’re running across a person that you just can’t stand, get over it or be direct with them and get it out of the way. Get that concept out of the way.

Don’t just bury it on the inside. Get over your resentments of people and you’ll find life will become a whole lot more easier and your business will become more of a blessing to your life.

Hopefully that’s helpful.

If you like to talk with me about some of these issues as far as what you’re dealing with in your business, go to BrianJPombo.com. If you’re in the self-reliance field, go to DreamBizChat.com and sign up for a free dream business transformation.

If you qualify, go fill out the application.

So you have a great day. Tomorrow we’re going to talk about some more stuff. Come on back. We’re here every day so get out there and let the magic happen in your life.

Would You Call Yourself A Leader?

Would You Call Yourself A Leader?


Would you call yourself a leader?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Live broadcast every day on Facebook live and then rebroadcasts over all the other social networks coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re talking about leadership and whether you consider yourself a leader that oftentimes we’re talking about business ownership, we’re talking about business leadership.

If you’re an executive in your business, one of the determining factors of what really makes a person appeal to what we’re talking about on a daily basis is we do tend to cover a lot of ideas of leadership.

So do you consider yourself a leader or not?

Oftentimes, if you have your own business and you’re doing your own thing, you don’t necessarily think of yourself as a leader, but I’m going to suggest that it’s probably what you should be doing. And the reason why this has come to me is a quote that I heard and I’m going to get to that in a minute, but first I wanted to remind you about DreamBizChat.com.

If you are a business owner in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, perhaps you’re a business owner, perhaps you’re an executive in that field. You work in a company that helps people to become more self reliant from what you teach. Maybe you teach people how or you provide products which allow people to do home brewing or perhaps even beekeeping.

A number of things that are within the self-reliance field, ways that people can start their own hobbies and businesses off to the side. That’s what we’re talking about and it DreamBizChat.com I can show you how to take your business to the next level if you’re really willing to make it into that dream business, go check out the free video at DreamBizChat.com.

The link is in the description. If you happen to forget the name.

So I came across a quote from a friend of mine, his name’s Randy Haugen. He’s a very successful business person and this is the quote that he had leaders believe in the stuff they dream about into existence over a long period of time. I’m going to say that a little slower for you because there’s a lot there.

Leaders believe the stuff they dream about into existence over a long period of time.

The first part of that that I think is most important is the belief part that you have to believe something into existence and it’s the stuff that you dream about. It’s the stuff, not necessarily that you’re dreaming at night when you go to sleep.

It’s the stuff that in your mind you see happening, that it’s very clear to you that this is where you’re going with life and it seems as though this is the direction you’re taking things, but it’s the things that persist. The most important part of that whole quote is I think over a long period of time because it’s what persists in your mind.

It’s the things that don’t go away that are solid and they get more and more clear with time. Those are the things that will end up happening and those are the things you gotta watch for.

It’s not the shiny object of the moment.

It’s not the thing that you’re entranced with for this week. It’s the things that stick over time that you just can’t get rid of, that you just have a feeling things are going to go in that direction. That’s how you know that things are gonna happen for you. And I like how he uses the term leader in that sense because a true leader is a person that’s moving in that direction and they attract people to go along with them.

Not necessarily like followers, but maybe even other leaders. Maybe other people I envision that can see the same thing. We’ll follow along.

We’ll go along in the journey is something that it’s something to consider about yourself and also something to think about whether you’re a leader or not and whether you want to be a leader.

Do you think that you have what it takes to be able to move forward with the idea of your own, with maybe a piece of your business or a specific product or service within your business that you think can attract, for lack of a better word, of following, something to think about.

I love to hear what you think about that.

Leave a comment down below.

You can always go to BrianJPombo.com, See the other talks that we’ve had. We have these daily. I’d love to have you come back. I’d love to get a lot more back and forth with people. We do it on a couple of the social networks. We get a little bit more attention and get a little more back and forth going. So we’re on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook. You can also find all the archives on BrianJPombo.com so you have a great night.

We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.




Well I know I am.

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Daily we come back to you with little tidbits, concepts, ideas, things that will help you be able to build your business a little faster, a little bigger. Today I’m going to talk about exhaustion and the things I look for when I feel exhausted.

So today I’m exhausted. I’m coming to you. No lie. I am tired.

I’m very tired, physically tired. And the reason why is because as those of you who have been watching, I’ve been in the process of moving here in the new office, it’s slowly starting to come together. Got a new bookshelf here. I’m going to have another one just like it. So we’ll be adding that to it. There’ll be not only books, but toys and movies and everything else that I can think of will be stacked on these bookshelves.

Just everything representing me, what I’m all about. I like to have a lot of that stuff around my office just in general to keep me kind of centered and remember who I am. But regardless of that big move. My whole family’s moving and so I could feel it in my body.

You start feeling it in your muscles and everything when you’re moving heavy objects everyday. And so that type of exhaustion, that’s easy to deal with. You know you can, you can survive it and get through it and you know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

The tough thing about exhaustion is when you don’t know exactly what it is.

And there’s a few things I always look for and some of this stuff’s complete common sense. I know you already know this, but the things that I’ve gotten good at looking for is one, how well have I been sleeping lately?

So the number one thing that I look at is, have I been sleeping consecutively?

Have I been sleeping enough?

Have I been asleep though sleep that I have been getting?

Have I been getting good sleep?

Secondly, I look at is how I’ve been eating and how much have I been eating?

How often have I been eating and have I been eating the things that I know are good or have I been eating a lot of stuff that I know is going to cause inflammation and everything and just make me feel like garbage. So these are things, if you haven’t dug into your own personal nutrition, as you get older, these things affect you a lot more.

And so you really gotta get good at looking at what you eat.

I never would’ve imagined that everything that I ate had such a dynamic effect on my mental exhaustion, my physical exhaustion.

And that then affects my spirit and how I feel about everything else. So these are the things to keep into effect. And that’s when you’re talking to all physical, but then you gotta look, you gotta step back and look at, okay, what?

Where am I at?

What am I doing on a daily basis?

What are my relationships like with the people I work with, with the people at home, or these things draining me?

You can say psychically or whatever.

Is there something deeper that’s draining and exhausting?

Am I going in the direction I want to be going?

Am I taking the time to smell the roses?

I might be able to hang out with the people that I love, my family, my friends. All these things can be causing this one thing that we call exhaustion. Being tired, be worn out. Keep that in mind the next time that you’re feeling tough.

Look at the physical things first.

Secondly, look at the deeper, the deeper things and where you’re going. If you’d like to talk to someone about how to get over exhaustion and how to take things to the next level with you and your business, I’m available quite oftentimes and we can see if we’d be a good fit.

Go to BrianJPombo.com watch some of my other videos or listen to some of my podcasts.

You can just click on the media link when you get there and if you find that you think we work out well, go and sign up for a strategy session with me.

Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, I’m gonna recommend you go over to DreamBizChat.com.

It’s specifically for business owners and executives in the self-reliance field to help you really take your business to the next level. Take it from where it’s at to really what you’d consider your ideal train business.

So this is Brian Pombo. Come back again tomorrow for another Brian J. Pombo Live.

You have a great night. Now get out there and let the magic happen.

Planning or Intuition?

Planning or Intuition?


Planning or Intuition, which is better?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about the difference between planning and using your gut, your intuition coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon. Sorry for the shaky camera work. I don’t have a tripod with me at the moment.

We’re in the process of moving, going through all this crazy stuff. It’s still got a couple more days of that left and so you can see the bags under my eyes and everything and of course I dropped something that I wanted to show you.

Let me show you what I dropped…DreamBizChat.com.

For those of you who aren’t aware, these videos are brought to you by DreamBizChat.com. You can go to DreamBizChat.com by typing it into your favorite browser or by clicking on the link in the description below.

It’s pretty self explanatory, has to do with the dream business transformation. If you’d like to take your business from where it’s at to where you want it to be, to where it’s really that dream business for you and you’re gonna want to check out DreamBizChat.com.

So let’s talk planning versus intuition.

A lot of people, this is an issue that always comes up eventually with people that I work with because as entrepreneurs, as business owners, as anybody that likes to really take charge of their life, it’s in our nature to trust our instincts and to really try and follow our intuition and I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but at the same time people think, well they’ll think that it’s completely antithetical.

It’s completely opposite from strategy, which if you take strategy and you look at all the synonyms that go along with it, it comes down to planning.

Strategy is just developing a plan in its most basic form, but is that all there is to it is it has to be either be a plan or intuition or can it be both? It can be both. It has to be both.

If you do nothing but just make plans, you’re going to be horribly disappointed in the long run and your plans aren’t going to come out right and you won’t have the right plans. If you’re not really taking heed of your own personal intuition.

At the same time, if you are running purely off intuition, it’s very difficult to get a business up and running. It’s very difficult to keep it going. It’s very difficult to systemize because there are parts of a business that need to be automated. There are parts of a business that need to run like a machine which has no intuition.

I don’t care what anyone says about artificial intelligence and where it’s going. It will never have the intuition that human beings have. We don’t know how to bestow that upon an inanimate object. We can’t even do it with animals. We’re not going to be able to do it with robots, with a computers. That’s my personal opinion.

Intuition’s a magical thing and it needs to, in terms of whether you should be focused on planning or intuition, it needs to be both, but one precedes the other. So intuition proceeds planning, good planning happens when you’re paying very close attention to that small still voice on the inside kind of given you the go ahead of which direction you need to be going.

You can put it together, all the plans in the world, they’re not going to go anywhere good if you aren’t listening to the right side of, of your mind, the right side that that’s, that’s kind of beyond us.

You know, that we don’t even, we don’t even really understand it completely great book on this Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It’s a really interesting book.

If you’re, if you’re, especially if you’re more, on the intellectual side and you have a tough time fathoming what intuition’s all about. It kind of looks at some of the science behind the intuition, which also saves complete opposite of how we think of what intuition is.

But intuition definitely exists. And to ignore it or to put it down is a great disservice. But at the same time to completely ignore planning and understand the point of having strategy in your business will keep your business from growing. And I’ve worked with a lot of people through the years that have done this, that have trusted intuition solely and not realize that planning is there to do the bidding of intuition.

And as long as it doesn’t go the other way around, you’re in safe hands and things will go, things will go well for you. The best businesses tend to work that way. As soon as you take out one of those elements, either the planning or the intuition, you take those out, then you start getting into trouble.

So just a simple concept, simple idea. If you’d like to talk more about this in terms of how it affects you personally and your business life, go to BrianJPombo.com or if you’re in the self-reliance field, you’re definitely gonna want to check out DreamBizChat.com.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about more of these ethereal concepts, but there are things that directly relate back to your business. So come on back tomorrow. We’ll talk about then in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Looking Zone


Ahhh….The Looking Zone.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live. Today coming to you from a very dark place out in Josephine County, a undisclosed location, but all I’ve got is the light from my dome here. And today we’re going to be talking a little bit about your customer and catching them when they’re in the exact looking zone.

I’m going to talk about a very specific tactic that you can have added to your arsenal in some way.

And we’re talking specifically about direct mail, but don’t get caught up on the medium, because the same thing can be accomplished via email, online through social media. There’s a number of other ways that you can get in touch with people when they’re in the looking zone.

So this is a specific thing and it’s interesting because it ties in well because I’m in the process of moving my family and as we’re doing that, we are starting to get mail at the new place, which is interesting, because we hadn’t even put in for a address change.

So how they found out exactly that we’re moving. I don’t really know. It may have been a DMV change. It may have been something else. I’m just curious because you’ll start seeing that you’ll get mail in your new location, even before you do an address change, a specific address change.

And so they have ways of telling each other. This is one from bed bath and beyond a piece of mail that came in to the Pombo households. That’s us. So we’ll take a look at it and on the outside it says, it says directly what it is, you know, it’s a piece of junk mail. It’s advertising. It says 20% off entire purchase. I mean, that’s the main focus of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Says right there, your move, we can help right there.

It’s labeled, says the dear Pombo household. You’ve found the perfect place. Now it’s time to make it your own. This is very, very, very specific. Direct, timely hitting us. When we’re in the looking zone.

They know their audience, they know who they’re going after and they’re hitting us at one very particular time.

So they’ve gone through the whole process of finding out when people move. Getting those addresses quickly could be that the place just sold could be a number of reasons why they were able to pass to find out that we were coming to this address at the exact address and it’s, but they’ve got this nice little quick little main thing is giant coupon on the bottom.

People don’t even use coupons anymore, but the style of the coupon is still very common. See the little dotted line that denotes that you take out your scissors and cut this out and with a little bar code here and it’s good through November of this year, 20% off and tire purchase and a little ad for their, B and Willow home, new and exclusively ours, one of their new brands that they’re, that they’re selling things as very straight, straight forward, very simple on the back.

I even noticed this the first time, throw it on the back. It says new home needs, find more tips at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It’s got a checklist. I don’t know if you can see that? You can’t see that from there, but you might be able to see it a little bit. I don’t know.

Just trust me, it has a checklist and it’s got like furniture. So it’s got a checklist under furniture tables and chairs, TV stands and entertainment centers, wine racks and cabinets and a whole list. And then it has kitchen, dish rack, soap dispenser, and with little check boxes next to them just to have your little checklist to make sure you got everything during the move. Very smart.

And don’t forget about your windows style, your windows home house-warming registry. You could set up a house warming registry. So if you’re going to have a house warming party, you can have a registry that people can, I mean, registries aren’t just for weddings anymore.

I mean this is for baby showers. You got a house warming registry, decorate your home, hire a decorist from bed bath and beyond. And it’s just brilliant across the board. Everything on this little piece of mail, front and back.

It’s focused on me being in the looking zone because I’m moving.

Okay, who is your ideal client or customer?

What is the ideal time for you to be capturing them?

Is there any possible way that you can find those customers?

What other things are they looking for?

What other items are they shopping for?

What other types of businesses are they going to be going to?

If they’re in the looking zone?

Think very hard about the looking zone and where you’re hitting people in the looking zone. If you’d like to talk more about how the looking zone applies to you in your business and let’s say that you are in the self reliance field.

If you happen to be, we’ve got an offer going on right now over at DreamBizChat.com. The whole idea of it is to have a dream business transformation in less than 60 minutes. We can talk on the phone or over video chat and be able to dissect your business, take it down to the roots and figure out what is necessary for you to take it from where it’s at to where you want it to be and get there in the quickest possible fashion. That’s what I do. I help set up the steps customized to you.

Go and find out more about it at DreamBizChat.com. Quick a little video there that you can find out more about. It’s completely free. We don’t hunt you or try and learn more about you unless you’re interested in finding out more info. So let us know. Go DreamBizChat.com link is in the description.

Otherwise, tomorrow we’re going to be discussing some other things. I don’t remember what we’re going to talk about tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. I do this every day where we sit down, we talk about these concepts.

Hopefully you’ll learn something you could walk away with. If there’s any reason why we want to talk, go to BrianJPombo.com and we can find a find a way to talk some more. If you want to see more of these, go to BrianJPombo.com and click on the media button. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Made Content – Now What?

Made Content Now What?


So I made my content, now what?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today still in grants pass, but I’m coming to you from my car. Why? Because I was looking for that darn piece of mail that we were going to talk about today.

I thought it was at one place. It turned out it was at another and I’m looking all over for it. Can’t find it. I know where it’s at though now because a process of elimination, but today we’re not going to talk about that piece of mail.

Today we’re going to talk about something else.

Then tomorrow we’re going to talk about the piece of mail. Today we’re going to discuss content and how it fits, how it fits into any format that you put it into.

Because all of us have a favorite way of delivering content. If you’re doing any type of content marketing, if you’re not, you ought to be, go and check out my other videos that have to do with content marketing.

It’s good stuff, but content marketing is something you should be taking advantage of. It’s free to do. It’s available to everybody and you ought to be out there in some way. And then there’s three main ways that I would say online that you’re going to be doing.

You’re going to be doing one of these three, at least. You’re going to be either writing something or you’re going to be putting your voice out there, or you’re going to be doing video like I’m doing right now, which includes voice, but also the video and things.

So once you made your content, now what do you do with it?

What’s the point, next?

I want to talk about the point of Repurposing Content. This is a term, I don’t know who came up with this term and when it comes to content marketing, but it’s absolutely what you should be doing is Repurposing your Content.

I’ll give you an example.

Today, I just noticed that somebody that I had friended, this is a speaker who I saw, had to have been probably four or five years ago. I saw this speaker speak live. I went online. I saw that a bunch of my friends were friends with this speaker.

I’m going to be friends with them too because I got to meet him and everything. So I went friended him on Facebook and he’s not the youngest person in the world, so maybe he doesn’t use his Facebook that often.

Well he never friended me and he never, you know, ignored it or anything. It just never got friended and so and so I just kind of left it and I’m going, well maybe he doesn’t remember me anything, not that big a deal.

But what happens is out of nowhere today, he friends me back. So now I have access to a whole lot of stuff that he’s putting out there that I didn’t have access to before.

So I’m going through and I’m looking at his materials that he’s put out there and he had a blog post and it’s written out and it’s a good good size blog post.

This is a guy who is very energetic. He’s got a lot to say, he’s got a great voice and a great presentation style. I wish this was in video. I wish this wasn’t audio. I wish I could hear his voice saying this because it means more.

Everyone likes getting media the way that they like getting it.

I like getting a lot of audio.

I also don’t mind video depending on what the presentation is. So, that’s a great example of a situation where I really like getting my media through my ears and my eyes. I really do. I as opposed to having to read it, I would prefer listing to it.

Here’s another example. This is a older book. It’s called How To Make Maximum Money In Minimum Time, by a guy named Gary Halbert.

Gary Halbert’s, a famous a marketeer marketer, copywriter, and he had a number of newsletters, paper, physical newsletters that he sent out for years back in the eighties and nineties. And he took this book. This book is nothing more than a bunch of articles that he wrote for his newsletters. And all he did was add them all together, bound them up.

He’s got a book that’s re-purposing, taking one media, turning it into another form of media.

Now this is taking print and during it into print. I understand that, but he’s taking something that is considered a newsletter.

People think of a newsletter differently.

They think of a book, but all this is is different chapters in the book. He adds a little bit of an intro saying this was originally put in my newsletters.

Hope you find it useful. These are some of the top ones that I’ve, that I’ve enjoyed and I’m going to talk more about his ideas in the future because it’s great stuff, Gary Halbert.

But that’s a form of Repurposing. So you could do it within the same media. You could do it outside of that media. So for example, here I have a video. We take this video, Sean Douglas, our producer, takes this video.

He takes the audio from it and put that out there in podcast form.

So if you go and look for Brian J. Pombo Live in your favorite podcast provider, either Apple podcasts or Spotify or any of these places, you’ll find all these episodes in audio form.

If you’re watching this, then you’re possibly watching on Facebook. You could be watching it on YouTube, you could be watching on LinkedIn or Instagram, all the different places that we have the video available, and then we have it transcribed.

We take it to Temi.com which is a great transcription service, owned by rev.

If you may be with them and they transcribe this, we can then take that. What that does is it just takes what I’m saying and puts it into words. We take those words, put it on a blog post. Now we have a blog post.

If I were to take enough of those blog posts, toss them all together, I have a book.

You see re-purposing, do the content once, have it Repurposed over and over again, and you’re getting more use out of it. You’re expanding your audience because not everybody likes taking in content the same way.

Hopefully some of these ideas were useful to you if you found it useful. If you like to get someone on your team like me to be able to help you out, to expand your business, take it where you wanted to go.

Go to DreamBizChat.com. I play almost primarily to business owners and executives, people running businesses that are in the self-reliance field. So if you have products and services that help people become more self reliant to go and check out DreamBizChat.com I’ve got an eight and a half minute video that you could watch. You don’t have to add your email and nothing else.

It’s right there on the front page. Go and watch that video and tell me what you think. I have an application. If you’re interested in talking with me, we could set up a time to chat.

Otherwise, if you’re in any other industry, go to BrianJPombo.com and click on the appropriate link tomorrow. We, I’ve got a piece of mail. It’s not really that important, but it’s a point that I wanted to make. It’s a piece of mail, piece of junk mail that I got that I want to be able to talk with you about. So tomorrow we’re going to talk about that and how it can help you in your business. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Who Is Your Tribe?

Who Is Your Tribe?

Who is your tribe?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about your tribe, the group of people that you consider, customers, clients, fans, supporters, so on and so forth.

Who are they? What do they have to do?

Do you actually have a group that follow you in a sense that consider you their one and only way in your space?

Before we get deep into that, I want to promote DreamBizChat.com for all business owners, entrepreneurs, executives of businesses that are in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant.

If you are looking to take your business from where it is to where you want it to be and you just need help as far as developing a path, a long-term strategy in order to get there, whether it’s in six months, whether it’s in five years, do you have a step-by-step path on how to get where you’re looking to go, especially if you’re a successful business and you’re looking to scale up?

Well, go to DreamBizChat.com watch the video there and see if it’s something that you’d be interested in because I’m offering for possibly a short period of time, a free conversation with me where I will help you develop or at least start your dream business transformation.

What’s it all about?

Go to DreamBizChat.com and check it out. The link is in the description.

Now let’s talk about tribes.

Oftentimes when people are putting together their business, they focus it almost solely around the concept of what their business is as a service or a product and they focus on developing that service and product as opposed to developing who that product is for.

That’s why most of the things I talk about, I take all the way back to focusing back on your perspective, client and customer. You’ve got to think about them as much as possible first because that’s where most of your, your marketing is going to lead you to.

That’s where most of your communications are going to lead you to. Any focus that you have back onto growing your business is gonna have to come back to the WHO.

One of my three pillars that I focus on is called relationship reliant, which means you got to have a relationship in a sense. Even if you don’t actually know who they are, you have to have a relationship with your prospective customers.

You have to put yourself out there either personally or as a brand or as a team of brand or a team of people that are producing a brand. So you really gotta put it out there.

This all comes back to a conversation that I had. I’m sorry, I’m getting distracted. My wife is texting me on my phone while I am attempting to do some form of communication with you.

So let me come back. This all comes back to a conversation that I had with a guy named Uncle Mud.

Seriously, this is what he goes by. Uncle Mud, his real name’s Chris McClellan, but he somehow he picked up this moniker and we talk about it on the show that he’s known as Uncle Mud because he has gotten good at natural building.

So that’s when they put buildings together, made out of what most people will consider useless junk and also mud and something called cob, which is an Adobe like substance of mud. It’s clay and and Straw and so forth that you put together.

He knows all about this stuff. He’s learned how to do it really well and he shows people how to build structures out of it, including a rocket mass heaters, which you’ve never heard of.

It’s worth looking into. It’s really interesting. Pizza ovens, stoves, new and full on houses and cottages all out of very simple items. And his message is much more deeper than mud. It has to do with developing your life and one of the main aspects that we talk about in our conversation is developing a community.

Now, some of this stuff has happened accidentally or has happened serendipitously for him, but you can take these concepts and use it yourself. So think about that.

Go out there and listen to this episode of the off the grid Biz podcast. This conversation I have with uncle mud, that link is also in the description or you can go to off the grid is.com for the Off the Grid Biz Podcast.

I believe it’s podcast number 22. I don’t have it right in front of me but I think that’s where it is. Go check it out. Conversation with Chris McClellan, also known as Uncle Mud. Really great guy. Really interesting conversation.

Tomorrow, I mentioned this quite a few episodes ago, I got a piece of mail that is bringing all types of ideas into my mind on, on the how you should be running your business.

What’s a piece of mail have to do with your business?

Well, come on back tomorrow and you’ll see. So thanks for coming. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Most Important Skill for Scaling Up

Most Important Skill for Scaling Up


What is the most important skill for scaling up?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. We’re coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon. That’s right. I’ve survived all the crazy plane flights and wild weather, the dry, extremely dry weather of Las Vegas. My Lips are still recovering.

If you’re used to living in a little bit more humid place, going to an extremely dry place in the desert like Las Vegas, you’ll notice that one way or the other, you’ll notice it. Not my most noticeable feature is my lips when it comes to handling really arid weather. So, but I’m back.

And today we’re going to be talking about scaling up, but first I just wanted to give a quick plug to DreamBizChat.com. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go check out DreamBizChat.com.

There’s nothing being sold there. It’s nothing more than a video and an application. If you liked the video and you think it applies to you, fill out the application and we’ll see if we can get together and chat. DreamBizChat.com link is in the description.

Now we are talking about scaling up and this comes from a conversation that I had this weekend. I’m sorry for the shaky camera work. I don’t have my tripod with me. So bear with me.

A conversation I had this weekend with a very successful business owner, has owned multiple businesses in multiple fields and let’s call him Ray. His name’s not right, but we’ll say it is for the sake of this conversation.

So I was talking with Ray as he was discussing some of the situations that he’s been dealing with lately and very crazy outrageous situations. And even though he’s been very successful, makes a lot of money, has a lot of money, there are always going to be situations that you have no control over. And it doesn’t matter what the business is.

And this was a point that he was making.

It doesn’t matter what business you run, what business you own. I mean for the sake of conversation, if you’re running an organization, anything of that sort. The same thing’s true.

You’re always going to have the ups and the downs and the crazy things that are completely unpredictable that come about and come along in your path.

He said the difference between those that make it and don’t make it are whether they’re thrown off emotionally by it, whether they let these things shake them, you eventually have to get to the point where you’re not shaken by these things. And this comes back to one of the main pillars that I bring up on a regular basis, which is being reality reliant. Well reality based reality. Grounded I should say is the term I usually use for it. It’s reality grounded. And the whole idea behind that is to not be emotionally grounded but reality grounded to where you see things for what they are and not what your emotions are telling you that they are.

You know, when you get caught up with things and he said that is really the key.

And if you look at his life and what he’s been doing over the past, oh, you know, 10, 20 years, it’s been a progression of taking what he’s already known and scaling up and moving up on top of what he’s already done.

So currently he owns some automotive dealerships and has been pretty successful at this particular style and they’re scaling up. There are going to be opening more than to be doing more with that field. You can’t do that if you can’t deal the daily, nearly daily chaos that comes about with owning a business.

If you don’t have the ability to outsource that to people who are grounded. And if you’re not grounded yourself, you just won’t survive. You’ll get thrown off, you’ll drive yourself a little bit crazy, probably drive yourself into sickness because you can’t handle the stress and the unpredictability that comes with dealing with other people and situations that can’t possibly be predicted.

Good example of this. I like to think of the traditional farmer and all the things anyone that’s ever been in farming long-term, they tend to get a certain behavior. A certain attitude about things because there’s so many things that can go wrong. Just having to do with the weather itself.

And this doesn’t matter whether you’re farming soybeans or whether you’re a rancher with cattle. Weather will always happen to the farmer and so they’re always dealing with it and it’s completely unpredictable. I mean it’s predictable somewhat to the week and the season and so forth.

Beyond that, you don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know which crops are going to do well and which crops aren’t. You just have to be able to ride the wave.

You gotta think about this in terms of your business where you fallen off the horse, where you haven’t been able to make it, where you haven’t been able to scale up to the level you’re thinking of.

Is it because you’re trying to handle things that you shouldn’t be handling?

This should be outsourced?

Is it because, you are trying to handle the the things that are causing emotional instability for you. Is it because you’re putting people in charge that are emotionally unstable.

All these things are things that I’ve seen over and over again and my friend Ray agrees and I was so happy to hear him say that without any prompting whatsoever because it’s definitely, it’s something that I agree with.

Your emotional stability will allow you to scale up properly because you will expect the unexpected and not be thrown off and not label it as positive or negative right off the bat because it all leads to the same place if you’re able to ride the wave.

So hopefully that’s a little helpful for you. A little bit interesting to talk about. If you’d like to talk to me a little further, go to BrianJPombo.com and click on the link that most applies to you if you will. As I said, if you’re in the self-reliance field, go to DreamBizChat.com. Tomorrow I told you today we were going to be talking about the next podcast episode, but tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the next podcast episode because it really some really interesting stuff transpired on the last interview and I’d love to tell you about it, so we’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.