Fake It Till You Make It: Yea or Nay?

Fake It Till You Make It: Yea or Nay?


Hey, fake it till you make it, yea or nay? Coming to you today from the inside of my car. This is Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to deal with the issue of fake it till you make it.

Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing?

Well, did you fake it till you made it? Have you made it yet?

If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you feel like you’ve made it to a certain extent, but you’re still have a ways to go to get to where your business is really what you want it to be, then I’m going to suggest that you go to dream Biz chat.com the link is in the description. There’s an eight and a half minute video there. Go Watch it. Let me know what you think.

Fake it until you make it has gotten a really bad rap over the years. Okay, and I’m just gonna point out the elephant in the room here. There are U-Haul boxes in the back of my car.

My family is going to be moving here by the end of the month. Brand new place. Why am I not in the Orange Office right now? I’m too tired to go into the Orange Office right now. I was here, I was thinking about jumping in there, but normally I’ve got a set up lights and do all this other stuff. I’m saying, “you know what? I’m going to come right here. We’re going to talk about fake it till you make it.” I’m going to be real with you while talking about fake it till you make it tell you the truth. So I think there’s two ways of looking at fake it till you make it.

One is the way, the negative way that a lot of people see it, and I think this really comes from people that take the expression, fake it till you make it and they take it to mean you’ve got to fake out other people. So you’ve got to pretend to be something you’re not for the sake of other people until you get your foot in the door until you get, you know, seen or noticed or whatever.

Basically lying. Lying to other people. Lie to other people till you can get what you want. I’ve heard some famous people online talk about how they lied to get where they want and I understand a little white lie here or there that isn’t going to hurt anybody on the same end. I would not encourage it. I would not encourage faking it till you make it in that way.

On the other hand, the expression has, I have usually never heard anybody tell me to fake it till I made it in discussing faking it to other people.

Really faking it until you make it the way I see it has to do with faking yourself out in a sense.

In other words, if you need to be able to rise to an occasion, oftentimes in our mind we’ve got something telling us, well, yeah, but that’s not who you are. You don’t really have money. You aren’t really that type of person. You’re not the type of person that can wear a suit or do anything like that and sometimes you’ve got to fake it. Tying into the dress for success thing, sometimes you have to fake yourself out. You have to act like what you think a person needs to be to be in the position where you’re wanting to go.

Sometimes you have to pretend in order to get there, you have to put in order to get your mind in the right place, you’ve got to fake it till you make it. You may have to wear nicer clothes, you may have to comb your hair. You may have to step up a little bit and talk the way that you think a successful person needs to talk or a business person needs to talk or a salesperson needs to talk. Whatever it is. Sometimes you have to try it until you’re good at it and a lot of times we see that as faking it, but I don’t see anything wrong with faking yourself out in order to get where you want to go.

I think that’s an important thing to remember when it comes to faking it until you make it. Don’t fake it with other people. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Be as real as possible.

People appreciate that you’re going to get more respect over the long run, but in terms of trying to get past your own excuses, sometimes it’s going to take faking it. Sometimes it’s going to say, hey, let’s, let’s pretend that it is possible. Let’s pretend that we actually can go the next mile and do what we need to do. Sorry for the shaky camera work, folks. I’m holding it with my right hand right now. Once again, I’m not going to fake it with you, but I’m always going to try and fake myself out. Now that brings us to another saying that I’ve heard and that’s the 11th commandment.

That, thou shalt not fake thyself out. We’ll talk about that one tomorrow though. If you happen to be a business owner and the self-reliance field, don’t forget to go to DreamBizChat.com otherwise, the rest of you, I will see you tomorrow. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You “Dress for Success”?

Do You "Dress for Success?"


Hi. Do you dress for success? I’m Brian Pombo. The reason why I’m bringing this up today is I am not dressed for success. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today’s topic is a very simple one, but it’s one that I think gets completely thrown aside nowadays when anything goes and that’s the whole concept of your appearance.

How are you appearing and should you always be dressed a certain way?

Should you have a uniform, everything else. So we’ve got a real this conversation back and it goes back to one of the first places that I heard about this concept. There was a book that came out in the 80’s called dress for success that is still popular to this day in many circles. And what it talks about is if you dress basically the general idea is if you dress the way that in most people’s minds, how they see a successful person in their mind, a successful business person, successful business man, business woman, if you dress that way, you will automatically have an up in any situation when it comes to business.

And I think this is true, a true in principle for the most part, but you have to always keep in mind your audience.

The main thing I always take things back to is the who is, who are you trying to reach? Who are you trying to talk to? What are you trying to convince them of? What are you trying to bring to them? Are you trying to convince them that you’re a successful business person? Are you trying to relate with them today? Why am I dressed this way?

I’ll come straight down and I’ll tell you how it relates back to what we’re talking about. I got pulled away on every Wednesday. I’m always hanging out with my family, but today I especially got pulled this way and that way and it just ended up in the clothes that I ended up in it.

There was no real thought behind it. I oftentimes, when I meet you here, I’ll at least put on a nicer shirt called my hair a little bit time. Didn’t permit today, but it’s okay because I’m talking about it. I’m telling you why I’m dressed this way. I’m telling you why I haven’t shaved yet today. And because of that, it can ease the tension.

It can show me to be human and so it serves a purpose too, it’s okay and in any situation that you find yourself in, if you can’t be dressed the exact way you want to be dressed, that’s all right.

But don’t ignore it.

Address it with your audience, address it with your customers, address it with the people that you’re in front of. If you’re in a business, in any form of business situation, address why you’re in the attire you’re in, why you have shaved or haven’t shaved, what you know, address it.

Put it out there just so you could be clear about what’s going on. Now the concept comes up of the uniform. This is a very common thing nowadays and it really got popular when Steve Jobs started talking about the fact that he always just wears blue jeans and a black shirt and the reasons why behind this and other people started successful. People started talking about why they have simplified what they were. Initially someone would think, well, okay, well that puts them in a specific uniform for their audience.

They know what to expect.

They see that person wearing that and it’s comforting to think about it in that, in those senses. And it’s recognizable. It’s brand, you know all that talk. And that’s true. But the reason why Steve Jobs did it is because it’s one less decision he has to think about during the day. Especially when you are the CEO or the head of a company, you’re running your business.

The fewer decisions you can make during the day that are insignificant than the more willpower for lack of a better word, that you have to be put toward making the decisions that matter. Because that can really wear you down. Making small little decisions over and over and over again. I’m wondering, “do I wear this color or that color?”

So really being clear about your uniform is more for you than even for your clientele, your audience, your coworkers. That’s something to keep in mind.

Don’t ignore the concept of attire.

Don’t think that it doesn’t matter at all in less that’s part of your brand. So a fellow that we had on the podcast Off the Grid Biz Podcast, Gary Collins, who’s brand is called The Simple Life, he has a number of books that are under that title and he has a, has a blog and everything else.

Go and look up. Gary Collins with The Simple Life is very interesting guy.

His whole thing is, I will never wear a suit. I will never wear a tie if there’s somewhere I have to go into a business meeting where they require it, I won’t go. It’s part of his brand. He’s Off the Grid.

He lives off the grid literally where he, he doesn’t, he doesn’t have any electricity that comes off of the grid, off the electrical grid. He produces everything. He’s as self sufficient as he possibly can be. So if that’s part of your brand that he says that nearly every speech he says it on the interviews he does. That’s who he is. So it becomes, in a sense, a uniform. The fact that he wears just what he wants to wear, that he walks around with a baseball cap and a beard.

That’s his brand. That’s who he is, and it’s great that it who he is, is who he is. It’s not just a fake facade, but he addresses it. He doesn’t just let it hang there and go, okay, well who is this guy? You know? Make. Just think about it. Consider what you’re wearing. Consider how it affects your coworkers, how it affects your work environment, how it affects the people you’re doing business with because it does matter. Dressing for success does matter, but don’t overthink it.

Just find something that works for you and make it clear to everybody else what it’s all about. Hope that’s helpful to you tomorrow. Another, another great tip. We’ll talk about some of these concepts that float around, but a lot of times people don’t really dig in and talk about them.

So we’ll talk about more of that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Persistence and The Founder

Persistence and The Founder


Let’s what’s talk about persistence and The Founder. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon, where once again we’re going to have a nice little chat that we call Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the third in an installment all about the movie, The Founder, about Ray Crock. This is the actual Ray Kroc, a picture of him, not Michael Keaton who did an excellent job in the film, but film took a very negative slant on Ray Crock.

And I wanted to be able to bring out some concepts out of the film that I think were kind of put in there, tongue in cheek, but I think it’s good stuff in there. So in the film they show this guy who’s very desperate, the salesman who’s trying to break out and who’s listening to, basically self-development records, something similar to Earl Nightingale, something of that sort. I believe it’s a made up record that he was listening to.

I don’t think it was a real, it was an actual one, but it was built off of and what was being said is the type of things that you would hear of self improvement recordings of the day.

One of the areas where I think he’s shaving or something while he’s listening to this and it’s this quote on persistence and I just wanted to read it to you because I think it’s a good quote. And they have it in there during a little montage and they do it a couple of times during the movie. First time he’s just kind of listening to it in the background. Second time he’s added it to a speech that he’s giving, kind of showing that this guy likes to steal things from other people type of thing.

And it’s kind of the theme of the movie. But I want you to actually listen to the quote because it’s based off of a Calvin Coolidge quote, which is also really good. But I’m going to read this quote from the movie.

It says, Persistence. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent won’t, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won’t ,unrewarded genius is practically a cliche. Education won’t. The world is full of educated fools.

Persistence and Determination alone are all powerful.

Show that you don’t have to be defeated by anything, that you can have. Peace of mind, improved health and a never ceasing flow of energy. If you attempt each and every day to achieve these things, the results will make themselves obvious to you.

While it may sound like a magical notion, it is in you to create your own future.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind or as Ralph Waldo Emerson, “declared a man is what he thinks about all day long.”

There’s a lot of great stuff in there.

The one area I want to point to is persistence and how that relates back to the life of Ray Kroc. Ray Kroc was in his fifties by the time he actually got around to getting involved with the McDonald brothers and taking their franchising and putting it into, you know, high gear I guess you could say. And because of that, that’s what made him a legend in business.

It’s just that one situation when a lot of people would have felt like they were washed up or felt like there was no way to be able to do anything from that point forward. He kept going.

It’s all about persistence.

If you don’t have that attitude in place, you’re going to have a tough time getting over the next hurdle.

So if you’re in a spot, if you’re a business owner, I’m sure you’ve already have some success. You’ve reached a point to where you’ve done well. But if you’re looking to go a little bit further, if you’re a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, you’re someone that I’d like to talk to. Go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description and there’s a video there I’d like you to watch. Go Watch it.

It’s eight and a half minutes long. It’s not that long. Watch it. Tell me what you think, see if it fits you. And if it does, fill out the application and we’ll maybe get a chance to talk. If it doesn’t and if you don’t like the video, leave a comment, let me know.

I’d love to hear what you think. That’s DreamBizChat.com. That’s it for today. Nice quick and simple one. All on persistence. And this will end our story on The Founder.

I’ll go back and make references to this movie again because I think this movie has a lot of little gems hidden in it, whether the producers meant to have him in there or not, it has a lot of lessons about business in it. So onto the next thing tomorrow, I’m going to be a complete surprise, but we’ll see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You Open to Looking at Your Business Differently?

Are You Open to Looking at Your Business Differently?


Are you open to looking at your business differently? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. You can see the orange color right back here behind the tree.

This is Brian J. Pombo Live and today we are gonna re-talk about, is that a word re-talk? We are going to re-bring up the topic of The Founder, that movie that came out a couple of years ago with Michael Keaton as Ray Crock, the innovator behind the current day McDonald’s restaurants.

Are you open to changing your business? And that’s a pretty heavy question.

If you happen to be a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have product services, a storyline that overall encourages people to become more self reliant, you’re someone I like to talk to. Go to DreamBizChat.com. At DreamBizChat.com there’s a quick little video there, eight and a half minutes.

Watch it. Let me know what you think. If you feel like it applies to you, then fill out that quick little application right under their name underneath and we’ll set up a time to be able to talk to each other. Normally I charge $600 and above for consultations, but this one’s completely free on the house because I want to find out more about you and what you do.

So go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description, depending on where you’re at, that might be a live link or not, but it’s DreamBizChat.com.

Now back to The Founder. The concept of being open has to do with Dream Biz Chat as far as where you’re at. But it, there’s also a bigger question that comes up in this movie and it’s regardless of whether you consider Ray Crock the hero or the villain in the story.

That’s irregardless no doubt. Ray Crock took a business that was already successful and made it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times more successful with the method that he took it through. Now partially on accident, partially on just a little bit of extra vision that the McDonald brothers didn’t initially had.

He saw that there was an opportunity to franchise it beyond where it had already gone. I believe they had a handful of, I’ve met maybe up to eight or so restaurants already. And he saw that it could be taken a lot further. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be in every town in America. And so he saw a vision. They didn’t see that vision. They weren’t open to that vision.

Eventually he had everything wrapped up for good or for bad for through honest politics or not. He had everything wrapped up where he owned the land underneath each of those McDonald’s restaurants.

And to this day, the McDonald’s corporation still owns the land and that’s where a majority of their value and wealth comes from, not from the selling of the hamburger.

So he had a vision, he had people around him that were able to take his vision even further. Most of the things that we think about when we think about McDonald’s, the Big Mac, the Egg Mcmuffin, some of the best sandwiches there.

If you could call it food, if the best stuff there were invented by other people. They had nothing to do with Ray Crock. All he did is he knew the things that needed to happen and got ideas from other people or what have you and then executed it.

The McDonald brothers, Maurice and Richard, I believe it was, they did not see the vision. If they would have seen the vision, they would have sat quietly and waited for the big checks to start rolling in.

Instead they took a buyout. They took an early buyout. They were bitter over it all afterwards because they thought they were kind of tricked into selling out, but they sold out and took the money and went with it.

The million dollars or whatever, a piece that they got for their end of McDonald’s, which at that time was a lot more money than it is now, but they did not see the long-term passive income vision of Ray Crock.

The question is, if somebody came to you and suggested taking your business in a slightly different direction, not changing it, but adjusting it to have a different vision, adjusting it to focus in a different area, would you have enough vision, enough clarity of mind to see that what they’re saying is possible?

Just because you didn’t come up with it. Is that threatening to you? Do you think that there might possibly be a different thing that could be done to your business that would completely change it?

I know for a fact that my business is always added to when I’m surrounded by the right people. So the people who I’m always trying to surround myself with, they encourage the good thoughts out of me, but also I attempt to sit back and really take in their ideas for my business.

Now, most of the time I disagree with them because I don’t think they get the idea of what my vision is and I think you’re the same way. I would bet you’re the same way if you’ve already have a successful business. It doesn’t mean it can’t be successful. On a whole other level and you have to ask yourself whether that’s something you want or whether that’s something you’d be willing to stick around for.

Or if you would rather just sell your business off, take the money and run and let someone else make billions off of it in the long run.

Something to consider. It’s something you seriously should consider and think about gold. Go back and watch that movie if you haven’t seen it yet. And if you have re-watch it, The Founder it’s a very good movie.

Like I said, not all the facts are completely correct in it, but if you can get some of the principles out of it I think, I think you’ll find it’s pretty good. I tomorrow I’ve got one more. I got one more principle. I mean I can go on forever for that movie because it’s got so many little nuggets but there’s another principle I really want to point out in there that I think will add to our discussion if you’d like to continue this discussion and see how it applies to your business.

Go to DreamBizChat.com otherwise, we will see you here tomorrow. So get out there. Let the magic happen.

Your Business: Convenient or Authentic?

Your Business: Convenient or Authentic?


Is your business more convenient or authentic? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s been a very nice sunny Sunday here in Grants Pass.

I wanted to talk a little bit about convenience versus authenticity and neither one is necessarily the right way.

But it is something you have to think about to yourself as far as which side your business leans more towards because it’s going to define who you’re going to attract to your business.

And this really goes back to the movie The Founder. Have you seen this movie yet?

The Founder, with Michael Keaton came out a couple of years ago. It’s a all about Ray Crock. Not the inventor of McDonald’s, but the propagator of McDonald’s.

He made McDonald’s a worldwide name, by really taking franchising that had already begun under the McDonald brothers. But he expanded it way beyond their wildest dreams. And so we’re going to talk about that in a second.

But first I just wanted to let you know that if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant, maybe you even have a business story that encourages self reliance and it’s all wrapped up around your product and service.

If that’s the case, I want to implore you to go to DreamBizChat.com.

At DreamBizChat.com you can watch a quick video. It’s eight and a half minutes. It’s me telling you all about the dream business transformation and what takes part there. Now normally I charge a $600 or more for a strategy session of this type, but if you happen to fit within those parameters and you apply, you fill out the application and you qualify. Then we’d be happy to provide you a dream business transformation for absolutely free.

And the whole reason behind this is because I’m looking to find more business owners and executives in the self-reliance field and learning more about the industry and more about you and what makes you tick. Hopefully I can bring some value to you in a very short period of time. Go check that out.

So we’re going to talk about the founder. So the whole storyline is not necessarily, directly factual.

I relate this movie back to a lot of other business owner movies. If you’ve ever seen The Social Network, once again, not a super factual movie, but told a story.

Another one Wolf of Wall Street, even though that the author wrote the book and was involved with the movie, a lot of the facts weren’t really dead on throughout the movie. But if you can get the overall storyline, if you can get the benefits behind the storyline, it doesn’t matter how true it is.

It’s more about the principles that are contained. And I think all of those movies are very similar to The Founder.

It’s one of those that where you see a person who’s really desperate in the very beginning and kind of go through a transformation and you could tell that the people that made the movie are trying to paint him in a certain light and they’re trying to paint the McDonald brothers in another certain light.

I don’t know how true that is. It’s not important. What’s important is, are the principles of business contained within the movie.

One of the things that they show is really a period of time that has, we’ve gone past now we’re actually in a post convenient society in a sense when it comes to business. So you take it back, it’s around 1954, 1955 when….well Ray Crock opened his first McDonald’s in 1955. The whole storyline, and this isn’t ruining anything, but the whole storyline is he comes across the McDonald brothers who have this amazing system that they’ve built to be able to produce really fast food and fast food was not as common then hardly at all.

It was not as common then as it was now. It is now. And they had a focus on quality, a focus on consistency and a focus on system that allowed their stores to pretty much eventually be ran by teenagers full time.

Which was an amazing feat if you actually look at what they were able to do at that time that nowadays McDonald’s isn’t necessarily known for quality, but at that time they were, they were known for a very quality, consistent, inexpensive meal that you could have a very quickly.

It didn’t have the drive through at that point, but they had a drive up area where you can go up to the window and there’d be lines of people waiting to get a McDonald’s burger.

So it’s worth seeing the movie because they go through a lot of the process. And I believe a lot of that’s factual and it’s pretty interesting to see the brilliance behind the convenience of McDonald’s and how that led to the fast food, the fast food movement, and really the fast food nation.

Our entire culture has been shaped by this convenience by making things easier on us. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I think it’s great that things have been made easier and easier for people.

The problem is sometimes they will get too far and you end up making people fat, lazy, all the other things that we associate, the negatives that we associate with a fast food nation with this idea that we have to have everything quick. We have to have it now. It’s gotta be right there in your face. And we’re still in that era to an extent.

But there’s been a backlash.

I saw it pretty often over, going to the Mother Earth News Fair, which I had spoken of a couple of weeks ago. Went to the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon and they really demonize that whole culture. A lot of the speakers, it was a constant thing where they talked about, you know, you have everybody go into McDonald’s and doing this and doing that.

So they’ve had a backlash to convenience and the backlash is what I’d call authenticity. They are looking for authentic things. They’re looking for authentic foods.

So you have people running to organic or you know, any of the buzz words that you know of that are associated with authentic. Authentic, All Natural, you know, weather all these things are true or not.

People are running to authenticity versus convenience.

It doesn’t happen across the board in a lot of places. We’re seeing things becoming more and more convenient. look at Amazon.com, look at all the ways that we’re able to get things delivered to us on a regular basis now as quickly as possible.

You got to step back and take a look at your business. Are you playing more toward the authentic side of things or toward the convenience side of things?

I don’t think either one’s wrong. I’m just wanting to be very clear. I’m not taking a position here, but you have to realize these trends and how they play out. People are not necessarily for the most convenient option anymore.

Oftentimes they’ll pay a lot more for something that may take more to do and may may not be as easy to get, but it has that authentic quality and people go for things.

Yeah, hi Joe, How’s it going? Joe says, they aren’t so quick anymore. It’s true everything starts out super convenient and it doesn’t necessarily stay there. Well, that’s all I got for today. Don’t forget to go to DreamBizChat.com, oh no, it’s upside down.

DreamBizChat.com go and check that out and tomorrow we are going to be talking more about a lesson from The Founder. The movie, The Founder, and see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Self Reliant Customers Suck

Self Reliant Customers Suck


Self reliant customers suck. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we are going to be discussing your choice of an ideal client and why that matters and all the repercussions that come from that and we’re going to be dealing with that by first.

Looking at my ideal client and we’ll talk a little bit about that in a minute. If you happen to be a self-reliant before I completely tear you down, I want to at least pitch you on something.

If you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliant field, meaning you have a products services that help people to become more self reliant, then you’re somebody I’d like to talk to.

Go to DreamBizChat.com. You can watch a quick eight and a half minute video and where I discussed the dream business transformation.

Go check it out. Tell me what you think. Fill out the application if you think you qualify and we’ll let you know whether you can get a free dream business transformation, which normally costs $600 and above. So self-reliance.

Let’s talk a little bit about that space because it’s something I’ve been working in for a little while now.

I’ve been talking with a lot of people in that space. We interview people on a regular basis over. I had a offthegridbiz.com which is the podcast where we interview both business owners and experts within the field of self reliance. And it’s all about do it yourself.

It’s all about it attracts a certain, if it’s not an introverted individual, it attracts the introverted side of people because it’s all about doing things on your own, keeping everyone else out of your business, getting off the grid sometimes actually when it comes to getting off the electrical grid or just being less dependent on other people, here’s why this sucks as a person that is trying to help these business owners to be able to go a little bit further.

It sucks because if you already come from that aspect, you want to do everything on your own. You don’t want to take anyone else’s advice, you’re not looking for any help on anything and so there’s always a a, a kind of a guard up and you could probably see it in yourself.

If you are in the self-reliance field and you enjoy what you’re working in and you enjoy the concepts of self-reliance, you could probably see in yourself that you just want to do things on your own. You just don’t want to have any outside interference. And that’s very, very common and it’s completely understandable.

Let me tell you why you need some help and not necessarily from me. You’re always going to need other people to depend on. You can go and watch my video self reliance’s fake to talk about that. Talks about some of the misnomers that come with the concept of self-reliance.

So you’re always going to need other people and it’s not necessarily someone to come in and help you tell you what to do. What you need to do is find somebody that can help keep you organized, that can help keep you in going in the right direction.

You need to have people that um, expand who you already are, don’t detract or take away from what you already are. Don’t detract or take away from what you’re already providing via products or services.

You need to have people that magnify what you are and what you’re about. That’s what you should look for when you’re looking for any type of help. Whether you’re talking about hiring employees, whether you’re talking about hiring a consultant, whether you’re talking about hiring vendors, find people that magnify what you already project.

Get to know them. Find out more about them before you ever put any money down.

One of the reasons why I put out these videos and support people to be able to get to know me the and hopefully be able to trust me a little bit and kind of see where I’m coming from. If I don’t Gel with you, you shouldn’t be reaching out to me. You sure?

You certainly should not go to DreamBizChat.com. Don’t go there. The link is in the description. Don’t go there. If you don’t feel like we’d be a good fit together or that I’d be able to help you in your current situation.

But here’s how you bring it back to you. How you bring this whole thing back. When you’re sitting back and you’re looking at your ideal client, what are the highs and lows?

What are the reasons why I continue to work with self-reliant clients is because I really enjoy the area and when I find somebody that I can connect with and we can get past that barrier of wanting to do it all on your own, when we can do that, then everything gets better and we have a 10 times better relationship than otherwise.

So think about your ideal client. Think about the person that is most likely to buy your product, most likely to take part in your services.

What are the goods and the bad’s that come along with that person and how can you get around the bad’s and get directly to the goods as soon as possible? How do you gain their trust?

In the long run. Just a quick thought, something to kind of go back and thinking about your market. When we’re talking about really focusing in on the WHO, on who you’re providing your what to. When you’re thinking about that, really think about the long-term effects and interview them. Get to know them.

One of the things I started on a podcast is just for me to be able to get to know the marketplace more. One of the reasons why I have dream Biz chat.com is so that I can get to know people in this field a lot better and so go and do the same.

Do whatever you can to get around these people, go to events, go to whatever you need to do to get in front of your ideal customer and interview them and get to know them and see if there’s, see if there’s going to be a long-term thing that you can create.

There’s no reason to go into business or to build something out if it isn’t long-term. If you can’t see it really lasting and you can’t see yourself really connecting with your customer, there’s no reason to go for that. You’re just, you’re just signing up for misery otherwise, I mean, right. So tomorrow we’re going to be talking about another example of something you’ve got to pay attention to when you’re putting a frame around your product or service, when you’re starting to define it and starting to talk about the real benefit to the customer, what should you be care of?

Whether it’s convenient or not. Does convenience mean what it used to mean? We’re going to talk a little bit about the movie, the founder, the, the one all about Ray Crock, who, who is famous for making McDonald’s what McDonald’s is today?

Is convenience what it always has been, or is it starting to go backwards? It’s great question. We’re gonna answer that. Dig Right into it tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Dan Kennedy’s Top 3 Growth Impactors

Dan Kennedy's Top 3 Growth Impactors

Dan’s Interview with Clint Arthur – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeY-kdvfFtU&feature=youtu.be

Dan Kennedy’s top three growth factors. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon here once again for Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now we’re going to be talking about something that Dan Kennedy just recently brought up and yes, this is the same Dan Kennedy that a few days ago it was announced that he was in hospice and was not thinking that he’s going to be living much longer. We discussed that in some earlier videos. You can go back and look at that.

I wanted to bring up the latest interview that I’ve heard with him was done by a gentleman named Clint Arthur and I’m going to talk about that in a minute. I’ve also got the link in the description, so you can go check that out.

But if you are a business owner or an executive and you are looking to take your business from where it’s at to an absolute dream business, I’m going to encourage you to watch some more of my videos, see if we relate.

If we do go to DreamBizChat.com. At DreamBizChat.com you can watch the quick little video, eight and a half minutes long, gives you an idea of what I call the dream business transformation and if that’ll tell you whether you’d be a good fit for me or not. Just fill out the application and see if you qualify.

This video between Client and Dan is worth watching, worth listening to a Dan Kennedy’s half of it. He’s just coming in over the phone.

I wanted to point out one point that he made that I think applies well I know applies to you and applies to other people when it comes to businesses.

In our latest Off The Grid Biz Podcast episodes. We’ve been discussing, speaking and writing books and how that helps.

One of the things that Clint Arthur teaches is he teaches people how to do public speaking in order to promote whatever they’re looking to promote themselves, how to make themselves more of a celebrity or how, he calls it celebritize yourself.

I first ran into Clint Arthur is a few years back when he wrote a 21 Performance Secrets of Donald Trump. And it’s not a political book, but this was right when Donald Trump started running for president.

And all he did was he took a lot of the performance secrets that he could see exhibited that Donald Trump exhibited and he put it out in a book. So regardless of what you think about president Trump, these are lessons that you could learn that obviously eventually led to his becoming president. So it’s a great book. Great Book by Clinton Arthur. That’s when I was first introduced to him.

I think he did an interview for, I Love Marketing. I think that’s where I heard about him and I’ve been following him ever since. Really great guy. Interesting.

The reason why he was interviewing Dan Kennedy is he was supposed to attend this Living Legends of Entrepreneurial Marketing, which is happening at Carnegie Hall at the end of September.

You go find out more about that at livinglegends2019.com. That is Clint’s event. So you go check that out. I definitely recommend it.

And Martha Stewart is going to be there. A Dan Kennedy was meant to get a lifetime achievement award.

Whether he’ll be able to make it or not, it’s not looking like that’s the case, but from what we know, he’s still kicking. So hopefully Dan can pull through.

The three things that he mentions about business growth, it starts with Clint asking him, and it’s around six minutes in, where he’s asking him basically, Do you see anything that has a greater impact than speaking when it comes to business growth? In terms of your business?

Dan says, speaking has been by far the biggest boost to his business.

And he does a whole lot of things, but speaking has been huge piece of that. He goes through all the reasons why and how you can use speaking to increase your business or whatever deal that you’re working with and whatever you’re trying to promote.

So he says there’s nothing that works better than being on stage and being a walking, talking example of what you’re talking. Whatever you’re discussing, having that real tangible visibility makes the biggest difference for your business.

The second thing he says that other people work on, is getting themselves into the media. Which is another thing that Clint Arthur teaches is how to get yourself into media. That’s already out there.

So whether it be news media, whether it be entertainment, all the different forms of media that are out there. How you can insert yourself into that conversation.

He says that’s another big thing. That’s the second one that he recommends.

The third thing is writing and, or just pushing content, any form of content out into the world, similar to what we’re doing right here. Just pushing content out into the world.

If you’re able to do enough of that, that will also be a huge boost your business. So these are three things just off the top of his head that he says are some of the biggest, expansions in business growth.

These are some things, the tools that you can use. So those are three things. We talk about, all those things a lot here. And I look to talk more about in the future.

Dan Kennedy is very topical because of his recent announcement of being in hospice. So we hope Dan can pull through and even if he can’t, he’s, he’s lived one hell of a life. It’s been really great listening to a lot of his old audios and stuff that are out there, and it’s great to hear a fresh interview like this.

I’m not sure if this is the last interview that he’s done, but it’s worth going and listening to if you get a chance.

Tomorrow we’re going to be discussing another aspect of how you can be able to promote your business. So come back tomorrow. We’ll be talking about that. Then in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

What Is Business Strategy?

What Is Business Strategy?


What is business strategy?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by BrianJPombo.com. We’re here in Grants Pass Oregon, the jewel of Southern Oregon.

Here in the Orange Office and today we’re going to be talking what is business strategy?

Why am I talking about business strategy?

Well, because it’s what I do for a living business strategy.

I help businesses to help plan what they need to do for the long run to achieve what they want.

There’s always difficulty going into this with people because the great fear is that you’re going to make it appear more simple than it actually is. Really, that’s impossible because what I do is extremely simple.

I’m just going to give it all away today. I’m going to tell you exactly what it is that I do and show you how, how fundamentally simple it is.

That honestly, if you just watched enough of these videos, if you got to see enough of the programs that I have available on my site and took advantage of all the free stuff that I provide, you’d be able to do a lot of this yourself.

Because really all I do is change the way your brain works. Because at one time someone had to change the way that my brain worked.

Let me start with the concept of an entrepreneur because whether you are a business owner or whether you are an executive of a company, your brain has been trained by the business owner at some point.

And most business owners brains work backwards, not from how they should to start the business.

They start the business for all the right reasons. It’s like, I want to be my own boss, I want to do my own thing. I’m creative. I want to just be able to express myself, be able to put my ideas out there, be able to produce the products or services that I want and just that is a great spirit to have. It’s a great direction to go in.

The problem is during that process, most of us as entrepreneurs, we end up adapting all of these bad habits that go along with it and they become institutionalized. A bad habits like, “Hey if I’m thinking it, if I’m feeling it, it needs to happen and it needs to happen now.”

So whether we expected of ourselves to go out and have it done or whether we hire people to go out and do it, everything tends to run off of a whim, off of the feeling of the moment, and you miss a whole lot of the value that comes along with system.

System is a boring thing. It runs against most entrepreneurs guts.

We want things to run from us on a regular basis and just exude out of us and that’s important. It’s always important to have a vision person at a company. What you also need is an operations person.

You need at least one person that can help build a system that can pick up the pieces and run with what the entrepreneur has come up with, with what the visionary has come up with and be able to institutionalize it and make it function properly with purpose.

The problem with entrepreneurs is our purpose is of the moment. But a business needs to have a long-term purpose too. There has to be pieces that it’s working towards. It can’t just be the feeling of the moment.

So take that to today. A lot of the issues that you’re having is based off this.

It’s based off of the fact that your an animal. You are an absolute animal and everything and you’re a system of the weather. You are just a creature that just is constantly moving and changing things and it’s detrimental to your long-term business.

It’s helpful in certain pieces. It’s helpful on the outskirts, on the creativity, pointed outward and growing. As you grow a business, you need to be pointed outward. The inside of your business needs stability. Stability comes from having a very clear, achievable purpose. So it comes down to this.

We go back into the entrepreneur’s brain and we come up with ideally, what is your ideal in terms of where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years? Where do you see your company at five to 10 years?

What point are all the elements that you would need from a company to for you to feel secure, happy with it, to feel like you’ve achieved something from where it is right now? Where are you looking to get to? And you start from where you are right now.

Now I know this seems super, super simple, but the effect, the problem is that most entrepreneurs start here and they start heading that direction. They did get distracted, they get distracted, they get distracted by this and that, and pretty soon they lose track of what the ideal is.

What needs to happen is you need to start from the ideal and go backwards. You need to start from there and say, okay, what’s it gonna take to get there and plot out all of the points in between. Now, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t gonna wander.

But what it means is you got to know what the next point is and you can go all over the place as long as you realize where the next point is. And you know that that’s continuing to point to the ideal to where you’re going.

Once again, seems super duper simple and you would think that everyone would eventually find their way to doing this.

The problem is they don’t.

I’ve worked with very large companies. I’ve worked with very small companies and if there was a visionary at the company, whether it be the entrepreneur or the business owner, the executive, whoever the visionary is, they get caught up with the shiny object of the moment.

It’s just a personality thing. It’s a combination thing. They get caught up with with details and sometimes they miss the forest for the trees. If you’re looking to actually achieve something to put purpose behind everything that happens at your company. Sometimes you just need another person there to help either keep you on track, keep your company on track or help kind of deliver you to keep everything clear and deliver you in the right direction.

Even if you know you can take it from there. That’s what business strategy’s all about. If you’re interested in business strategy, you can find out more at BrianJPombo.com.

If you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

Dream Biz chat.com is the place specifically for people in the self-reliance field, business owners and executives.

This is a free pass to be able to meet with me. If you meet the qualifications, go watch the video, see if you meet it, fill out the application and we’ll go from there. Tomorrow…..Yesterday we talked about Dan Kennedy, who’s very sick, possibly on his way out of this lovely world. And I kind of bared my soul a little bit about my thoughts on Dan.

I’ll continue talking about Dan till the day I die because so much of his concepts in or weave in with mine.

I’ve learned so much and been able to apply so much of what he says. So I’ll keep bringing up his ideas. Tomorrow we’re going to bring up a very specific idea that he just used recently, and we’re a, it was brought to my attention by Sean, the Producer. And so we’re going to hopefully get to that tomorrow. Come back then and we will talk about it. Have a great night.

Dan Kennedy – Life Changer

Dan Kennedy - Life Changer

Dan Kennedy Life-Changer. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today’s a more of a serious tone. The reason is, is that a writer, speaker, marketing guru, Dan Kennedy has come out publicly and announced that he’s on his deathbed and will be no longer with us within a few days is the diagnosis. By some people’s account, he’s already passed away. I don’t know what’s true and what isn’t.

It’s always tough to tell with Dan, because he’s not online himself.

So everything comes through other channels. So I’m going to talk a little bit about Dan Kennedy and what he’s meant to me. This is not a typical video. I do these every day.

If you’re listening to this via podcast, this is not a typical one.

I suggest you listen or watch one of the other ones, if this is your first time here. Because what I do is I help business owners, and specifically I’m looking for, I’m currently recruiting business owners and executives that are in the self-reliance field.

Meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant. I’m recruiting them to be able to have discussions with them and see if we could do business together over the long run. If that describes you, go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description or just type in DreamBizChat.com.

I won’t go through the details of that this time. You can find out about that on more videos. There’s also a video on that page.

Now, this is going to be more about my story of how I came across Dan Kennedy and what his work has meant to me.

We’ll see if I can get through this. Because, he’s made quite an impact on my life.

So in 2012, I was still purchasing books on a regular basis from a physical bookstore.

Before most of us were on Amazon Prime, if Amazon Prime existed back then, it was nothing like what it is now. Every year I would get a pile of gift cards from friends and family to Barnes & Noble, which was, it was kind of an interesting thing because I had worked at Barnes & Noble for a handful of years when I was younger.

For some reason I think it was just a safe, a gift for people to give. And so I ended up with that for quite a few number of years in a row. And so in December of 2011, I received a bunch of these.

I then went in and got a big old pile of books as I would do on occasion is I’d walked into Barnes & Noble, pick out some books that sounded interesting or I had heard recommended from other people.

One of those books is this one is the No B.S. Price Strategy by Dan Kennedy. If you ever see his writings, it’s almost always written Dan S. Kennedy, I think that differentiate him from some of the other Dan Kennedy’s out there and Jason Marrs, this unto itself, if you’re interested in pricing strategy of businesses, is an interesting book.

It is not his best book but it is an amazing book. If you had never run across anything from Dan Kennedy before, which I had not, I had heard about him. Everyone had talked about him for a number of years.

I had been involved in marketing circles for quite awhile. Had never actually read any of his articles or books or heard any of his speeches, nothing of the sort.

When I came across this book, I had heard about it discussed on podcasts and so forth. And so I grabbed it and it was interesting because it has kind of this cartoony cover and everything.

It was very odd. It was very different and it kind of stood out.

I had not seen another book about pricing strategy because it always amazed me is how do companies price their products and services.

Where do they start? Where does it come from?

The answer might surprise you. I’ve had other videos about price and strategy and I’ll talk about that in the future. This book blew my mind.

The writing style through completely threw me for a loop because Dan has a very, direct, frank but very clear way of writing that I just fell in love with. I just ate this book up and I didn’t read it right away. I actually didn’t read it till February.

In February, I was gifted a trip to Hawaii. It was my first time to Hawaii. We were in Hawaii, the big island, and I got to sit by the pool and it was the funnest time ever reading this book by the pool.

It sparked something in me because, a lot of what he talks about are the principles of direct response marketing.

This is where Dan Kennedy comes from and what he’s all about. If you’re not familiar with direct response marketing and you’ve been involved with any other form of marketing, it’s really wild to come across this whole new world.

He opened up a world for me at a time when my business was kind of all over the place and I wasn’t quite sure how to stand out, how to be different, how to provide a really ultimate service.

I could put a whole bunch of hard work in, but I can never feel like I could make a science out of the marketing process. Dan gave that to me. He introduced me to this world. I didn’t learn everything from him, but he directed me to all the other people that I ended up learning from in the long run.

That mindset shift changed my entire life. It changed how I work in my marketing business, but also in other businesses that I own.

Those of you who work with me and other businesses know that I see things a little bit differently than other people in the business in those businesses. It’s because of Dan Kennedy.

Two other books I want to give if you’re interested in finding out more about Dan Kennedy or direct response marketing, either one of these are really good primers.

This is the Ultimate Marketing Plan. This was one of the first ones that I read in this, he discusses the Market, Message, Media Match that we talked about a couple of days ago. That’s a concept that I got directly from Dan Kennedy and to this day completely changes things.

I’ve sat down with politicians, I’ve sat down with business owners, I’ve sat down with leaders of nonprofit organizations. I always bring it back to that concept, that core principle.

That’s the best thing about Dan Kennedy is he focuses on core principles. He doesn’t get caught up in the tactics but deals with core principles and says, start with this and apply this to your business. Apply this to your venture or whatever you’re doing. Very clear cut way of thinking Dan has.

This is also, this is a No B.S. Direct Marketing.

Direct marketing is another way of…..it’s kind of a broader sense in talking about direct response marketing or advertising. This is another great book, great primer if you’re brand new to this world.

My very favorite book from Dan Kennedy is his biography. It’s actually a whole bunch of essays that are autobiographical and it’s called, My Unfinished Business. Great book.

It’s really funny because I was just inspired out of nowhere to pick up this book and…..by the way, this is what Dan looks like. I was inspired to pick up this book a few months ago. I don’t know why. I very, very, very rarely will read a book front to back more than once after I’ve read it once.

Even if it’s a great book, I’ll go back and I’ll look at the parts that I highlighted or, or wrote in. I will go back and look for specific sections.

This is one that I was inspired to re-read front to back. And as I’m reading, I’m going, this is really great stuff. I understand why I’m reading it again. I’m getting more out of it. I’m applying some of it to our videos and so forth. It’s just a very good picture of a of a very private person.

So my unfinished business also a great read, but I highly recommend you read his how to stuff first and get a concept for who he is and what he’s about and see if it speaks to you the same way it’s spoken to me. He has had an organization for a number of years called many different names.

I think it was originally called like Dan Kennedy’s Inner Circle. It was eventually changed to Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle. GKIC I think it was called that for a great number of years.

When I got involved with it. It was called that. They had newsletters, conferences you can go to. Because of that organization, I was able to meet Dan Kennedy once in a very uncomfortable way, which I’ll tell you about that story another time. And now it is called the No B.S. Inner Circle.

You can go and look that up. They got a great organization. I would highly recommend getting involved with them. I’m looking to get involved with them again sometime it’s just I’ve been so overwhelmed with things to do in my own business, I haven’t needed any extra.

But if you’re needing an inspiration, that’s a great place to look.

Every once in a while you come across one of those characters, these people in life that you never even get to know one on one. He wouldn’t know me from anybody, but has had such a huge impact on my life. So that’s all I gotta say for today.

Tomorrow I’ll bring back more concepts of pieces out of my life that hopefully can be helpful to you. One piece about him that could be helpful to you. And that’s how do you become immortal?

If I had a subtitle for this one, because Dan Kennedy’s legacy will live beyond, and it really comes from being prolific.

So putting a lot of yourself out there, either through writing or talking or videotaping, you’re talking like we’re doing now of being as prolific as possible, getting yourself out there, giving as much out as possible.

And I don’t mean just for free, but giving your concepts as much as possible and charging for them when necessary.

That’s an absolute, you have to do that to be able to make it valuable enough for people on the other side. So your most valuable information you have to charge for it.

If you do those things and you get to the point where you could be honest. Dan is a very private individual, but when he’s honest, he’s really honest about himself and just puts it all out there.

I recommend you do the same and you will connect with people.

You don’t have to be, you don’t have to be outrageous. He’s a very straight-forward, no nonsense, conservative type of guy. But for some reason he’s connected with a whole lot of people.

If you go out and you go to a dankennedytribute.com I’ve got the link in the description also. You’ll probably be able to see what other people have said. You’ll get to see a letter directly from him, which is an odd thing if you think about it.

If you know that you’re going to die and you actually have enough time to be able to write letters and talk to people, that’s….I think that’s a bit of a blessing.

So it’s cool, cool thing. I’m happy you could join me here today and we’ll see you here tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

5 Excruciating Steps to Become A Business Strategist

5 Excruciating Steps to Become A Business Strategist


Five excruciating steps to become a business strategist. Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass, Oregon. Tonight we’re going to be talking about what led me to become a business strategist.

Kind of give you a little bit of background about me because I’m always being asked, “you know, how did you end up in this field?” “Do you have degrees,” and so on and so forth about this.

So I’m gonna just give you a brief background of this and also let you know that if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products or services that help people become more self-reliant, that again can depend more upon themselves as opposed to on others.

Be a little bit more independent. If that describes you, go to DreamBizChat.com watch the quick video there. I’m not selling anything. Merely talking about the chance that you can have a free chat with me.

Normally I charge $600 and above a for strategy sessions like this. If you happen to be in that field, if you happen to be in a decision maker position, you’re someone I’d like to talk to, go to DreamBizChat.com, talks all about the dream business transformation.

Like I said, just a quick video.

Go take a look, let me know if you’re interested or if you don’t like the video, let me know. I’d love to hear it.

So let’s talk about business strategy or really what led me to business strategy, which is a really strange world. I’m going to start, a few years back, let’s see….around around 2007, I started out working with a national radio talk show host, actually with a few radio talk show hosts.

But I would talk about one specifically in which I was brought on to help out with Internet basic basic internet outreach and social media. And I ended up going a lot into podcasting because it was when podcasting was first starting out.

So I was brought on board. Did I have any background on this? No. I had no degrees in online anything because of my age.

I’m 40 now, so that kind of gives you an idea, but you could do the math. Back in 2007 where I was at that time, there weren’t a whole lot of people that had a whole lot of ideas concerning social media, podcasting, and I had some experience just as a consumer and as someone that’s a pretty quick learn.

I knew a little bit of html and I knew some basic internet stuff, so I was hired to kind of help out in that area.

Now as I was helping out in that area, I found that certain things, certain forms of blogging, certain forms of podcasting was getting attention from the search engines.

Back then Yahoo was still relatively still had a little bit of pull and especially Google. You can see, if you did certain things on your website, if you did certain things with your social media, you got attention from Google and Yahoo and that became a field known as search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO.

So when I went all out on my own, SEO was still relatively new craft. And so I learned all about SEO. I got hired from a number of local people and people just kind of referrals and I got to learn all about search engine optimization. I could help somebody if they had a local business, if they had a larger business, be able to control a certain amount of what they got seen out there online through the search engines.

Now what happened after that?

Well, there was this huge push from Google. It was a change called Penguin and Panda, that there were these major changes that Google made in their algorithm that made it more difficult.

Not quite as simple to be able to get attention as easy as it was through free mediums, which was my specialty doing or what we now know is organic search.

It’s still very possible. I’m still pretty decent in SEO and I know people who are even better at it than I am.

But search engine optimization kinda changed and it became more of a thing that, I would call, local marketing is what I got. Well, no, let’s say, local online marketing really.

So local, online marketing. I got good at helping local people get attention, not just through SEO, but beyond that I started learning about all forms of online marketing and different ways that people could get attention through online marketing.

As I started going, I started realizing that the same principles that worked online work offline also, and that most people weren’t using it.

So I really became good at all in all, all types of marketing and started getting actually really good at what they call Direct Response Marketing.

Somewhere around 2012 I was introduced to Dan Kennedy who introduced me to this world of direct response marketing, which is a really huge world. If you don’t know anything about it, look into it.

It’s really, really interesting stuff because it takes marketing and turns it in from this black witchcraft thing into an actual science and it has a long history.

It works if you’re paying attention to the numbers and everything else you could make marketing pay for you.

That’s how I slowly got into this field. What ended up happening though is I realized that when I was talking with business owners, they’d bring me in to consult with them on marketing, on overall marketing.

I start very broad with them and, and we zoom in on marketing eventually and I started realizing that most of the problems that they thought they had, they did not relate back with marketing.

If they thought they had a marketing problem, really they were focused on, well, I want to get caught up with the next tactic. I want to get on Youtube, I want to do social media, I want to do this.

They got caught up with a tactic and they missed the entire principle behind why you would ever use that tactic.

They got caught up with a media like I talked about a few days ago when we talk about focusing on your market first, the WHO and then going into the WHAT and then talking about the WHERE and the WHEN. That’s what ends up happening.

Business owners get caught up in the media way before they start focusing in on who they’re going after, what they want them to do.

So it occurred to me that the people with the real problems have a problem with overall business strategy. And when I started talking to people directly about business strategy, about how to start real broad on your whole business and then zooming in a little closer and a little closer, a little closer, basing it all on your goals.

Basically what do you want out of your business? And then going all down from there and then defining marketing and all the details of marketing and everything else in the business.

Defining what you’re doing in each of those places based off the principle of what you want out of your business. I’m sorry, I keep hitting the camera here and shake it. Sorry about that. That’s the whole principle of business strategy. So that’s how I became a business strategists.

It wasn’t easy. It’s not something I thought I was going to be as a child for sure. I never planned to be a business strategist. I don’t know where this will go from here, but I’ve been in business strategy for awhile now. Really love it.

Love the type of people I’ve been able to talk to. If you’re someone that has an idea of what you want out of your business, you want to get way up here, but you’re successful, but you’re down here somewhere and you’re just not sure what the steps are to get there. Hire somebody like me.

Go and find somebody like me. And if you’re lucky, find someone that’s giving it away at a discount or for free.

DreamBizChat.com specifically for people in the self-reliance field. But if you are not in the self-reliance field and you’re interested, go to BrianJPombo.com and go check out what I offer there.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about what specifically is business strategy and how can it change your business. This is just some background videos to kind of give you an idea of my mindset, see how it can help you in your mindset.

You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.