Are You On Offense or Defense?

Are You On Offense or Defense?

Are you on offense or defense?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live every day we bring you another little tip, another little question, hopefully help you along with your business today. I’m not in the Orange Office.

I’m in an undisclosed location while I’m at my home. And obviously a badly lit area of the house. But the best I can do at this time of night.

I just wanted to give you a quick concept that is deceptively simple and also extremely deep. And the real question is, and this could be your business, you could take this and look at any one area of your business and ask the same question.

Are you on offense or are you on defense?

Now, if you’re not super familiar with the way that most most sports work, especially today’s professional sports. Offense are the people that have the ball and they’re moving it down the field, they’re working on scoring, they’re on the move. Defense is the side just trying to keep the other side from scoring. That’s offense and defense.

The same thing’s true in war, that the same thing is true in politics and it’s also true in business.

You will find that when you are on the defense mentally, tactfully, in every way, if you’re on defense, you’re going backwards. You’re not moving in a positive direction.

If you’re on offense, you’re taking ground, you’re going forward one way or the other. If you’re on offense, you know you’re on offense. So the real question is if you take a take a specific area of your business, take that, take the area that is bothering you the most. Here’s one thing that’s true about that area. I can almost guarantee you’re on defense in that area.

You’re feeling like maybe there’s somebody in your business that is holding you back, a coworker, a vendor, someone that you do business with, they’re holding you back and you’re always feeling like you’re defending against that person.

The defensive position doesn’t work long-term.

It’s a necessary position. You’re always going to have to play defense at some point, but if you’re finding yourself in a hole, it’s because you’re constantly on defense in that area of your business.

The areas where you’re on offense or the areas that you find the most fun, you find the most rewarding. You feel like things are moving in a positive direction because they are. Find a way to switch your thought pattern to switch your paradigm in the areas of your businesses and think more offensive.

How can I make things happen here as opposed to reacting to things that happen?

So this isn’t just true in business, it’s true in relationships. Honestly, it’s true, but like I said, true in politics. Anytime you see a politician that spends more time on defense than on offense, that politician does not have long to last. They will be taken down by someone who is more on offense. It’s guaranteed. If you put it in most presidential elections, you can see, take the person who’s been on offense, but now both sides are playing offense and defense the whole time.

Take the person who’s more been more on offense than on defense. There’s usually one or the other. That’s the person who’s winning that election.

We have a president Trump today love him or hate him because he was mostly on offense. The few times he got put on defense during the election cycle. It’s probably the main reason why he wasn’t able to take more than just the electoral college.

Offense and defense defines a lot.

It’s a very, very, very simple paradigm. But if you can recognize it in yourself, if you can recognize it in your business, in your coworkers, in your organization, are you on offense? Are you taking ground?

Do you have a goal that you’re all set to achieve or are you constantly on defense, defending against the marketplace, defending against all the situations that come up?

I come from a farming and ranching background, my family, and the one thing that always bothered me about most with the farmer mentality is it was it’s a very defensive position.

It’s, “Well, we’ll wait and see what the weather does.” You know, and we’ll wait and see what happens here and see what happens. Then see what the price of hay is. I couldn’t stand it. It’s a very tough way to live.

I’m not speaking of all farmers or ranchers, it was just the position that I always saw. I saw a majority of them putting themselves in, but it’s perspective. Really find a way you can be on offense.

I know I’m driving this point into the ground. I just wanted to make a quick point for tonight.

Tomorrow night we’re going to go a little bit further away from mindset. I’m going to tell you a little bit about my story and you can see how it applies to your story. I’d love to love to hear more. Let me know what you thought about tonight’s talk.

Also go to especially if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you help people to become more self reliant through your products or services.

Go to I’ve got short video there, eight and a half minutes long. Take a take a watch. Listen to what I have to say there. I’d love to hear what you think. And tomorrow, like I said, we’re going to be talking more about the various specific story and see how you relate, have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Getting Seen In Mr. Big’s Limo

Getting Seen In Mr. Big's Limo

Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.

Hey, getting seen in Mr Bigs Limo.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass, Oregon on this nice Sunday evening.

Tonight I’m going to take you back a ways. If you’ve ever seen the movie Wayne’s World from 1992, the original Mike Myers, Dana Carvey classic.

There’s a scene toward the end of the movie and they are trying to get attention for Wayne’s girlfriend, Cassandra. So she’s a singer. She has a band. They’re trying to get attention from this record producer. His name’s Frankie Sharp of Sharp Records, trying to get his attention.

This is one person they’re trying to get the focus of, they just happened to know roundabouts, where his limo is going to be and they happen to know that his limo has a satellite TV in it. At the time, that was how the affluent got to watch anything is through satellite TV.

So what they do is they hatch this big elaborate plan to be able to basically hack into his TV and put their program right in front of him as he’s being driven in his limo so that they could put this message, they could put Cassandra and her band singing a song right in front of them to get his attention. To hopefully lead to a record deal or what have you.

Why am I bringing this up?

A huge mindset thing for business owners is a lack of focus and specific lack of focus that almost every business owner I come in contact with is a lack of focus on an ideal market.

I’m not saying that your market isn’t more than your ideal person, but you need to have an ideal person to shoot for in order to really garner attention from the rest of the market.

When I’m saying market, I’m talking people.

I’m talking customers, potential customers, potential clients. That’s what we’re talking about here.

Now, if by the end of this you relate with what I’m saying and you can see yourself in it or you can see that I know what I’m talking about and you’d like to talk with me a little bit deeper about how it relates back to your business.

Let’s just say you’re in my ideal market, which is a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you sell products or services or have a story that encourages people to become more self reliant than you’re the type of person that I’d like to talk to.

This is just my ideal client for right now.

Go to if you fit those qualifications. Now, most of the people, 99.9% of the people watching this don’t fit that.

But if you do fit that and you relate with what I’m talking about, go there and go check out the free video I’ve got there.

You don’t have to put in your email address, anything like that. Just watch the video. It’s eight and a half minutes long and that’ll tell you whether you’d like to take the next step and actually talk with me.

Once again, that doesn’t cost anything either. You just have to fill out the application, see if you qualify beyond that.

So go check out the link is also in the description, regardless of whether you’re listening to this or watching it, wherever you’re at, you can find that link.

So back to the Mr. Big analogy, okay. It’s all about focusing. Even if it comes down to one person, that’s your ideal. Now, if it’s one person, chances are you will be able to get your message in front of that person.

I don’t care how famous they are, I don’t care how guarded they are, I don’t care if they’re the president of the United States. If you’ve got one person or a hundred people that are your ideal client or customer, then you need to focus on them.

Everything around your marketing should revolve around that.

Here’s what I mean.

You got your market right. That’s your who. And if you’ve watched my videos, especially some of the earlier ones, we go through this and I’m going to go through it again because I need to make this perfectly clear for you.

Hopefully you’ll learn from it and be able to do something with it.

Who is your ideal market?

Who is the person?

And you could have demographics. You could say, well, they’re going to be somewhere around this age. They’re going to be this or that gender or both, but they’re going to be of this financial standing.

They’re going to have this in mind. They’re going to have gone through this pattern. They’re going to have done this, done that. Define the ideal.

Here’s why, it’s not just for that. It’s for everything else that you do. This is a foundational point for your business.

If you are not focusing on this, you’re going to be making the wrong guesses on everything else.

Because after you focus in on the market and it doesn’t have to be right.

It just needs to be something. It needs to get you started. You need to get out there and start talking to your ideal person, finding that person, trying to get a conversation going with them.

Once you have your ideal market that allows you to create a clear message, oh look at that our computer went on, go off computer. You’re not supposed to be on for this video.

Message. The message is WHAT?

What do you want to tell them? What do they need to know from you? What are you trying to sell them? What are you trying to encourage them to do? It’s very difficult to answer this message if you don’t know the market. If you don’t know the who, it’s very difficult to know the right words to use when discussing the what with them, when putting it out there.

And then once you know these two things, once you’ve defined that to some sense, these things can always change. You’re not stuck in it. Don’t get so concrete and held on, “oh, what if I make the wrong decision?”.

Start just start this process, but start with the market. Start with the WHO. Go on to the WHAT, then that will help define media, which is the WHERE and WHEN and HOW you’re going to get in touch with somebody. Really the where and when.

Most people start with the media and they go the other direction or they’ll start with the message and then go to media and that you’re lucky if they ever get to market.

But if market is defining your message and if those two things are helping you define your media, because if you know who you’re looking for, you’re going to know more about where to spend advertising dollars or not spend advertising dollars.

Where to put out free media like this right here. Where to go after them. Are they reading magazines? Are they reading any type of periodicals, you know what I’m saying?

Are they reading any physical things that are out there? Are they going to specific websites? Are they even online? I mean are they actively online and where are they at?

What social media do they use, if any? If you don’t know who, it’s really tough to answer this, but most of us start here and we get caught up with, “oh my gosh, Facebook ads are cheap right now. Oh my gosh, everyone’s on Instagram right now. I need to get out.”.

And we get caught up and in love with a media source.

We get the salesman coming through the door saying, you got to be in the yellow pages. You gotta be over here. You gotta do this. You gotta do that. Well, they’ve already chosen their media. They want you to choose the media first.

If you focus on the who, you focus on Mr. Big, all you gotta do is find out what you want them to know and where are they? And if you need to zoom into the back of their limo to get your message directly to them, do it.

But this is a mindset thing. When you switch your mindset on this and you focus on the right things, the other questions that all surround your business get clearer and clearer and clearer.

Hopefully that was useful to you today. Tomorrow we’re going to be dealing with another mindset issue. I’m not going to tell you what it is because I don’t know what it is yet, but a list of ones that I’m going to go through and pick out the one that I think fits best based on how people are reacting to today’s video.

We’ve been getting some great reactions lately from all the other videos. Once again, if you’re interested, go to if you feel like you fit the scenario that I was talking about earlier, go rewatch this.

Get this in your mind, write it down. Actually take some notes for who your market is, your message, what your message is and where your media should be based on that. Okay, you have a great night.

Now get out there and let the magic happen.

Momentum Is Not the Goal

Momentum Is Not the Goal

Momentum is not the goal.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. This is Brian J. Pombo Live and today we’re going to be talking about momentum and that all starts out with getting to the point of momentum and that just comes from showing up.

Just putting in the work, doing what’s necessary to get to the point where things start building on a life of their own.

The reason why I wanted to talk about momentum is that it’s really is has a lot to do with goal setting and mindset of goal setting and we’re going to get right into that.

But first I just wanted to make a quick announcement to those of you who are business owners or executives in self reliance based businesses. I like to implore you to go to There’s a quick video there, eight and a half minutes long.

You could watch it. It talks about the dream business transformation. If you are in a position right now in your business where you’re successful, but you really want to get way up here to your dream business scenario, then the dream business transformation is probably just right for you and for this limited time it’s free. So go to and see if you qualify for a free dream business transformation.

Now onto momentum, this concept was brought to me by Producer Sean because he remembered reading about it in Steve Martin’s biography. Steve Martin, the actor, comedian, his biography Born Standing Up.

If you haven’t read Born Standing Up it’s a great biography. There’s also a great audio book where Steve Martin reads it out loud and it’s, I mean my favorite types of books are biographies. I think you kind of get the best out of somebody’s life.

Especially autobiographies are great too because you re you get the person’s own perspective on it and sometimes those can be pretty darn interesting. Born standing up is a great book.

In it there’s a whole lot of lessons and probably stuff we’ll bring up in the future because both me and Sean really love that book.

The particular point has to do with the Tonight Show, which was hosted by Johnny Carson. This was a show that many people watched. It was on late at night.

Well it’s still on late at night, but at the time when it was on, it was watched by many more percentage of people than it is currently watched by now.

Because of that, when Johnny Carson had a comedian, an up and coming comedian on the show. It kind of marked the beginning of their career. It was like this huge jump because all of a sudden they’re in the spotlight, they’re the national spotlight.

People are seeing them. And depending on how Johnny reacted to you is how good you were considered to have done. And so if you were able to get back on there, it was considered a great thing.

If you see any biography or read anything about any comedian that came up during the 70s and 80s, they always refer to the Tonight Show as being the thing that you were trying to get on to.

And if you look at any of the large comedians that came out during that time, they were either on the Tonight Show or they were on Saturday Night Live.

Those were the breaking out points for a lot of comedic talent and comedic actors. But specifically stand up comedians, they were always trying to get to that point of being on the tonight show and Steve Martin was no exception.

By the time he got there, he got on it and he left and he said, and you’re waiting for something to happen. It’s like I got there now what? It’s like what happens and there isn’t necessarily going to be a bolt of lightning when you’ve hit a point where you can build on and create momentum.

Momentum happens as you’re building up to it.

Even after you get to a point that you said is some type of goal and it might be a good goal to reach for, but by the time you get there, you have to have the plan to go next. Because most of the time things don’t lift you up on their own.

When things happen, they almost happen accidentally. Providentially, whatever you want to call it, they happen and they pull you along, but it never happens like by clockwork.

It never happens, just right after this point everything exploded. You could always see that in hindsight, but there’s no way to really pinpoint that.

If you get to a point of notoriety, you have to build off of it.

He realized this himself and realized that he had to build on the momentum of getting to this point and he did.

He got on the show more often. He got to guest host the show. He also went on Saturday Night Live, took every opportunity he could to build on the momentum of his popularity and go further and further and further.

This is a point that is if you run a business or own a business and run a business, we always get to these points where we think, oh, if I could just get here, that’s it. I’ll have it all wrapped up at that point.

It’s usually not the case. Usually you get anywhere near that point. It’s like, wow, that was cool.

But it’s not everything. There’s always something after it. And so always plan to keep moving, keep running.

Keep, you know, use another analogy cranking the well, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the old wells that you had to hand crank the hand pump wells and you had to prime it first with water and you pump and pump and pump and you put some more water in and pump and pump and pump it before the water starts coming.

When it starts coming, you still got to keep pumping until it starts coming out consistently. That’s life.

A lot of us get caught up in the goal setting and we miss the point of life is movement and you gotta always at least plan on more movement.

You don’t need to kill yourself over it. You need to make it consistent though.

There has to be some consistency to what you’re putting out there.

That’s true, not just in the education and the ability for you to produce your, either your products or your services through your company, but in your marketing, you have to have consistency. In your customer service you’ve got to have consistency.

This is where systems all come into play. Just don’t see momentum as being the goal. Momentum is a means to an end it isn’t the end itself. It’s the beginning.

When you start getting that momentum, when you start hitting those points, those small goals, they’re only on the way to the bigger one. Keep going. Don’t stop. Keep it moving. Enjoy what you do.

Make sure it lasts and make your business meaningful. Make it mean something to people beyond just the success that you’re achieving from it.

So I hope you enjoyed that. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the same type of mindset issues. We’ll have another piece around the same type of concept.

In the meantime, don’t forget about

We’ll see you tomorrow. So get out there and let the magic happen.

How Much Free Info Should You Give Away?

How Much Free Info Should You Give Away?

How much free info should you be giving away?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. Feeling a little bit better today. You can probably still hear I have a little bit of a cold or whatever it is and my throat, but feeling well, not feeling 100%, but feeling better enough to be able to get into some really good stuff here.

One thing that I found, well we’ll get into that in a second. I just want to welcome you back.

We’re in Grants Pass, Oregon and this is Brian J. Pombo Live today.

Just as in the past handful of days we’ve been discussing daily content and what it would take if you were interested in putting out daily content or having someone at your company put out daily content on a regular basis, which I recommend doing because we have this free medium of social media.

It is free to put your stuff out there and it’s not great on a free level. That doesn’t mean everyone will see it or everyone you want to see it, we’ll see it. What it means is that people who are searching for your stuff, we’ll see it.

It’s a way to be able to reach out at least in the short run and get to have a feel for what works and what doesn’t work.

In-terms of what people are looking for and what works on your end in-terms of delivery and what you think really needs to get out there.

We can go into more detail and you can watch some of the other videos in terms of why you would do daily content.

But today I’m going to talk about some of the excuses that hold us back from doing daily content.

I know one of the things that was always in the back of my mind was if I’m selling information for a living, so me, I’m a business strategist. I help businesses to basically achieve their dream potential. So take them from wherever they’re at and let’s say they want to make double, triple, quadruple where they’re at in terms of ongoing income and that will allow them to be able to structure themselves the way they want.

Be able to have their business owners and executives can have their own lifestyle apart from the business and be able to build everything that they want out of their business.

I help them to create plans to achieve that. So a lot of what I do is information based, especially in the early days, in order to get attention in order to, create trust between me and potential clients, I’ve got to put out a whole lot of information.

Some of that information is free and some of that information is paid for. So what happens when you’re giving all the information away for free? And not only that, but that other people are given the same information or from your mind, the same information away for free?

I mean we could go on for days about a lot of the issues, the concepts of free information, but I’m just going to lightly touch on it.

So one of the main fears is that you’re going to saturate your marketplace.

You’re going to quench their thirst for the information by giving them too much. There’s a couple of ways to go about do dealing with this.

I’ve heard this from both a Dan Kennedy and from Russell Brunson and one of the most common ways that they talk about doing it is they say what you want to do is provide in your free information.

Especially if you work in the, “how to” field and most information is how to information. Then you provide them WHAT they need to do but not HOW. You hold back on how to do it and you sell them the how to do it. The specifics of the how. The what you could tell them all the details as far as the what.

But the how you don’t want to give them any of that information out front. This can work. This can totally work.

I’ve seen it work on many levels. For me personally myself, I don’t get rich on selling how to information and I am more than willing to go through the how with people. It’s not my thing to hold back on the how or to try and differentiate between what a what is and what the how is.

For me it’s a bit too cerebral and it’s just not the way I function. Here’s how I function. What I do is I will provide everything for free.

I put it all out there and it finally came to me that where my real value is isn’t in the information itself because most of the information that I provided and I send out there to everybody, it’s information everybody could have anyways.

It’s all out there. I got it from somewhere. I’ve learned it from reading and watching what’s happening in the marketplace. And it doesn’t take much to be able to gain this stuff. That’s not really where the value is. The real value is in the consolidation of information.

How it’s put together to make it as useful as possible. So even in these situations, I’m providing you all this free information on all my videos, but it doesn’t become super valuable until I can consolidate it.

Let’s say I took everything that had to do with daily content and I put all of the info that I was bringing to you here for free. I put it all in the format of a book, so we transcribed it and put it into a book.

All of a sudden that’s valuable even though it’s available for free out there. You could go back and you can filter through all my videos and try to find all the ones about daily content and everything else.

But if I take all that and I put it into a book and that’s your focus, that’s what you want is daily content. That book becomes valuable to you, especially if you’re good at retaining information through reading or if you’re good at using books as kind of like textbooks and you can go back and look at it and write notes from it and everything else all depends on how you learn.

But that’s just an example. How you consolidate something creates a convenience factor which then makes it valuable. It’s worth trading money for.

Another thing is though, the big thing, the things I get most money from is taking the principles I’m talking to you about and customizing it to companies.

Customizing it to specific people, customizing it to specific situations. So talking with somebody I can tell real quick by the questions I ask on what the next question is that needs to be asked and what needs to be done next.

If you’re just jumping into this field and just learning all this stuff at once, it’s just kind of all a mishmash. But if you’re talking to someone like me who knows where to take you because of experience and knowledge that becomes valuable then.

Then I don’t have to worry about all the free info I give.

I’ll give out all the free info. Because I know that my real value is in that spot. Now, if your real value is in how, then you don’t want to give that away right away.

You’ve got to find out where your real value is. Where’s your real potential held at?

Just put a value, put a number on that, put a price on that. Start putting it out there, on what you’re going to charge for those types of services, what those services are. Look at different ways of providing it, both in how that both in kind of a DYI sense.

You provide materials for people to kind of go through on their own, but also lead them to being able to work directly with you or you know, all depending on your services and products.

Hopefully that helps out a little bit in terms of concept of information marketing.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about a similar area, but in the meantime, go to especially if you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance space and you’re interested in taking your business from where it’s at to an absolute dream business.

Go to watch the video. If you’re interested, fill out the application and we’ll get to talk, especially if you’re qualified tomorrow.

All new stuff come back then, will see ya. Bye.

Daily Grand Slams

Daily Grand Slams. Do you need to hit a grand slam every day? Hi, I’m Brian J. Pombo Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. We are still in Grants Pass.

I am sitting out in front of the Orange Office. Drove out here to go inside to record and go live to be able to see all you lovely people. Wasn’t quite able to make it in.

You may be able to guess from my voice that I am the walking dead right now. I’m quite sick and you may have noticed yesterday too.

But today it’s been trying, so they can’t all be grand slams. What’s a grand slam? If you’re not a baseball efficient auto than you don’t know that in baseball it’s the best thing. One of the best things that you can do is hit a grand slam, which is you’ve got three other people on base and you hit a home run. So you get four runs in, you’ve scored four points for your team. It’s one of the best things you can do.

You can’t always do it every day. It just probably is not realistic.

Every once in awhile the fate is gonna hand you a sticky, wicket and take you in a different direction.

So today’s one of those days. I wanted to come to you and discuss daily content in terms of information and how much information you should provide. We’re going to move that until tomorrow.

And so I could go into some more detail, bring out the dollar store whiteboard and kind of go through some ideas with you on that.

But for today, I just want to encourage you, if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self reliance space, go to Go and check out the video I have there. It’s only eight and a half minutes long. It goes by quick. I love to hear your feedback on it.

If you think you’d be interested, fill out the application. It’s all completely free. It’s a chance to be able to have a talk with me.

Trust me, I won’t get you sick. I’ve looked this up as a science. Supposedly you can’t get people sick over the interwebs.

We’ll see tomorrow. More details in terms of daily content. Just remember, if you’re doing it daily, it stacks up. It stacks up and stacks up and stacks up. So they don’t all have to be the greatest thing in the world.

Sometimes you’re going to be doing things that I guess you could say are a little bit more relatable where you’re not Mr or Mrs. Perfect. That you sometimes pretend to be, you know, so hopefully I don’t pretend to be that for you, but y’all have a great night and we will see you tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Daily Content Breakdown

Daily Content Breakdown

All right, if you’re interested in making daily content today, we’re going to be covering a daily content breakdown.

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re talking about daily content and yesterday it was our 100th episode. During that episode I was backwards. Let me see am I backwards today? I think I am. Hold on, let me see if I can switch that. Can I switch it during the broadcast? Look at that. Wow. I should have done that yesterday. I didn’t notice until after I was done. It was completely backwards, the entire episode, I had the number 100 showing up on the screen and it showed up backwards as zero zero one which is interesting because the very first episode I did way back in April (It was May).

The first episode I had was also backwards and everything that I showed including the cue card, including that it all showed up backwards.

Of course I did it again on the hundredth episode. So that was just a special little piece of entertainment just for you.

Today we’re going to break down daily content.

If you were thinking of putting out any form of daily content, a lot like some of the people that I’ve been talking to recently, I’m going to break down kind of the things that I’d encourage you to watch for.

These are three items and maybe I’ll go into more depth as we go along. But these are three items that are specifically from a guy named Frank Kern. He’s currently working with Grant Cardone and they have their own advertising agency called Cardone-Kern. You can find them at I’m not here to advertise for them, I don’t get any payment from them or anything else.

But I’ve learned a lot from Frank Kern over the years and he’s been a huge encouragement to myself to actually put on daily content like I do here at Brian J. Pombo Live.

The three things that he says that you’re going to want to look for, that Frank Kern talks about, if you’re putting out any type of regular content, and I suggest daily are these three things.

Number one, Establishing Value, number two, Demonstrating Goodwill, and number three, Making Offers.

You’ll notice that every video that I do, I attempt in most cases to do each of those three things, so let me go through them. I’m going to give you my own definition. I don’t know if they’re Frank Kerns definition or not.

I’ll tell you how I define these and how I tie them back into these videos that you’re watching right now.

Number one, establishing value. Establishing value is in its most basic format. Establishing the fact that you’re going to be presenting value right here right now and that you present value or have something of value for people on a regular basis, either through your business or any point that you’re trying to get across, having something valuable.

I start every episode with a kind of a headline if you will. This is what we’re going to be talking about. Or this is a little curiosity piece that may give you an idea of what we’re going to be talking about and it just kinda starts the ball rolling and shows you that where we’re going.

I tried to put it in perspective of the person viewing or listening, so I’ll call it how to do this or the top such and such for this.

I want to grab attention and talk about it from their perspective as much as possible, as the viewers perspective, your perspective as much as possible. That’s how I go about establishing value.

Number two, demonstrating goodwill. Now in demonstrating goodwill. It’s actually in the process of, of providing value and there’s a whole lot of issues that go along with this, especially if you’re in a form of information or education business because you’re like, “how much do I give away?” How much is too much?

Everything else, tomorrow’s episode, we’re going to be talking about how much information is too much information to give. I’ve talked about it a little bit in past episodes, but we’re going to go into depth on that specific point because there are

If this is the first video you’ve seen, this is the first time you’ve seen this. Let me talk about this and if this is a video, if you’ve seen any of these videos before or heard any of these podcasts before, you’ve heard me discuss and this is the offer that I make to a very specific crowd.

It’s a very small, small, small, tiny amount of the people who are watching or listening or reading the transcript of this afterwards.

This is for business owners and executives of companies that are in the self-reliance field, meaning they have product service or an overall storyline that encourages people to become more self reliant.

To work more for themselves, to do what they need to do to become as independent as possible.

Those are the people I’m going after and what I’m talking about is helping them go from where they’re at in their already successful business to an absolute dream business. That’s where I’m looking to take them.

If they go to and if you’re one of those people, you go to and go and watch the video there and it takes you through the process and to see if you can have the chance to have a free discussion with me in the future on the phone or on online video.

So that’s it. That’s the offer. That’s one of the simplest offers that I make. It’s not not selling anything, but you could sell something in an offer. It’s a very simple offer.

In my case, you could have it and won’t be more complicated. You could have it be something free. You could have it be something that people paid for. You could have it be something a little bit different every time.

Repetition helps in a sense because more than likely most people are not going to be catching all your videos, catching all your audio or can’t you go all your blogs.

Those are the three areas that I would recommend doing if you’re doing any form of daily content, either some type of video, some type of audio, audio, podcasts, something of that sort or some type of writing, some type of text.

Blogging is a common one that people talk about, but any of those three, if you’re doing those on a daily basis or regular basis, make an offer, have an offer involved somewhere in there. It does a whole lot of things. For one thing, it gives people something to do.

If they feel like they know, like, and trust you or they want to learn more about you, it gives them a direction to go.

And so for example, if you go to, you could type this in or you could go to the description of wherever you’re watching and listening to this and you can find the link. You can either copy and paste it over if it’s not a live link, but in most cases it’s going to be a live link. You just click on and go straight over there.

Having that option for people makes a big difference. So these are the three ways, the three things that you want to have in some form in all of your content that you put out there.

There’s a couple other little things that I’ve learned along the way and I’m learning new things all the time or things to add and so forth.

I’ll give you an idea of one of the things that I have added is a tagline on the end. And kind of a similar flow in the very, very beginning, like I mentioned, having a headline, having kind of a low introduction piece. And at the very end I have a little tagline then I’m going to do right now, and that’s going to be the end of today’s show.

But tomorrow, like I mentioned, tomorrow we are going to be discussing information and how much is too much to give for free when you’re doing any form of content marketing and you’re providing free content out there when is too much, when are you giving away the farm, when you’re wanting people to give you money to be able to get that same information, what we’ll be talking about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Build Your Info Business

How to Build Your Info Business

Hey, do you know what time it is?

100th episode time. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live. Brought to you by

I’m going to take off these outrageous things. This is just to get an attention to get you to stop, to watch the video.

I will be talking about how you can build your info business. If you were looking to put together an information based business similar to my own.

I’m going to give you some tips and it all has to do with the fact that this is the 100th episode today. 100 consecutive episodes!

Every day I come to you live! For those of you on the east coast. Every once in a while I might be right on the cusp of earlier the next day, but in terms of my time, I’m on Pacific time here. In terms of my time, I hit every single day within midnight-to-midnight 100 times in a row.

I didn’t do this because I was looking to do a hundred episodes in a row. I was doing this for a whole lot of reasons and we’re going to get into some of them here today and this all stems from a conversation that I was having with a friend today, his name’s Patrick and I’m going to tell you about that in a minute.

But first I’m going to tell you about our sponsor for these last hundred episodes, whether I mentioned them or not, is which is a special website set up by

Why would you go to well, I’d recommend you go there. If you’re a business owner or an executive of a self-reliance based business, meaning that you provide services or products that help people to become more self-reliant, or you have a storyline that encourages people to become more self reliant, or you’re doing anything in that realm, go to

If you’re a decision maker at your company, organization or otherwise, go to Watch the video there. It’s eight and a half minutes long. Give you an idea of what is all about.

Now onto the talk about the 100th episode, it’s nothing but a marker. It doesn’t mean anything. It means I’ve been doing it a little bit over three months now, and we’ve got Brian J. Pombo Live.

It didn’t start out as that. It just started out as some live videos on Facebook and we started spreading them out throughout, other social media, Linkedin, Youtube, pretty quick.

We started putting them out there and then we finally got on to Instagram. Back logged all the old ones on to Instagram, including these new ones and started doing them daily.

Every day we’re going out there and now we have a podcast called Brian J. Pombo Live, which you may be listening to this on. It’s audio only. So it’s the audio from all these video broadcast that we do.

It’s simple, simple process.

I needed a way to be able to get myself out there, be able to talk about all the random things in life that tie back into business and to try and reach people that I think I would be able to connect with.

And more importantly, that if you feel like you’d connect with me, this is your chance to get to know me without me knowing that you’re getting to know me.

So you have a chance to go and watch all these 100 videos, you’ll get a chance to watch and listen to all the other videos and audios that I’m going to be putting together from here on out. It’s a chance to get out there to show your work.

The term, “show your work” is from a book by Austin Kleon. Go and check that book out. It’s an awesome book. Show Your Work, that really changed my mind in terms of how to think about content marketing and how to think about providing daily content.

It’s all about talking about where you’re at right now, talking about what you’re thinking about, what you’re doing, where you’re going, regardless of whether that’s perfect or not.

And my discussion with Patrick, we were talking about this because he was in a similar place than I’ve been in in the past, which is, you know, “I’m not quite where I want to be.” I’m not quite product ready yet.

I’m not really ready to put myself out there yet because I don’t feel I’m, I’ve got the end product yet. I’m not exactly who I want to be and I don’t know everything and that I want to know in order to go forward.

And if you’re coming from the same place, I recommend start and you don’t need to make a daily video, but try doing something daily if you can. Try doing a daily blog, you could do writing.

If that comes easy and natural to you. You could do a video, you could do audio, you could just do an audio podcast.

Just put it out there. Just start the process.

We’ve talked about a lot of these things before. If you go to my website and type in daily content, you’ll be able to watch or listen to all of the videos and audios where I discuss all the benefits of daily content and there’s a lot of benefits that come from sitting around and doing a hundred of these things over and over and over again.

But in the end it comes back to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST.

So if you want people to get to know you, like you and trust you, then they’re going to be more likely to do business with you or do anything with you or pay attention to what you want them to pay attention to. I mean, you may be running a nonprofit, you may be trying to get….I don’t know…information out there about your view on vaccines.

I don’t know. You’ve got something that you’re trying to promote. You should be doing daily content because people connect with people. You could just put the info out there, but the more you can be a person out there for people that they can get to know, like, and trust you, the more you’ll have the ability to get your message to them.

If you think you have the ability to change their life with your message, it’s up to you to get out there. You got to put the stuff out there. It doesn’t have to be your best foot forward. You can hold stuff back and say, hey, if you want to know more, go to my website.

Go to or go to wherever you’re wanting them to go to. But give them a taste. Give them a feel for who you are.

Let them know what you’re all about and just move, just move. Just get it out there. Don’t hold it to yourself. If you hold to yourself, nothing’s ever gonna happen.

Yesterday we were talking about learn, do, teach. It’s the teaching element that will change you as a person and change your business. I can’t believe how far I’ve come with a hundred episodes of this and how far I can only imagine where it’s going to take us because I’ve had people come into my life that were all on the outskirts, but because I had this content out there, it just gave them a little bit more of a nudge to get in contact with me, to connect with me and to start whole new adventures.

Like my adventures in the future with Patrick. I’ve had there’s a number of other people, Denise, I’m not going to name them all.

All you have out there who reached out to me because I was doing a little bit more to reach out to you. And so if you’re one of those people, definitely reach out to me. Go and even if you don’t think you qualify for the Dream Biz Chat, go to go connect with me.

I love to meet up with you. Come back 100! My 100 went away. I want it on the screen. There it is.

We just have a good time. It’s all about having a good time, getting out there, letting people know who you are, and hopefully in watching these videos, you get to know me a little bit. It’s not all about me. It’s about relationships.

So go out there, put yourself out there and find the people that want to meet you. Get them coming towards you versus you having to fish for them. All right. I hope that made sense to you. I hope that means something to you.

Tomorrow I’m going to talk a little bit more about the elements that you could have when talking about daily content. If you’re going to do it from scratch, what are the things that I need to have in place?

Well, you get a little bit of a clue by watching these. You watch a few of these. You’ll see all the similar elements over and over again. I’m going to talk about them directly.

Talk about how you can have the same thing and hopefully they’ll be a little bit of help for you and we’ll catch you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Learn, Do and Teach

Learn, Do and Teach

Learn, do and teach.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon for another Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re talking about learning, doing, and teaching. How do all these things rolled together? What does it all mean? What am I trying to say today? What I’m trying to say is a very simple, straightforward message and it’s the simplest messages that I have that I think have the greatest impact. If you’re able to wrap your mind around them.

At least they have in my life, that’s why I’m passing them on to you. None of this stuff’s original. This is all stuff I’ve gotten from somewhere else, but it’s made a difference to me. And that ties into today’s message itself.

Before we get into that, I just wanted to let you know that I’m a business strategist. If you weren’t aware, and if you were in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant, I’m gonna give you a little tip.

Go to, over there. I’m working with business owners who are and also executives of businesses that are in the self-reliance field and giving them a chance to have a free talk with me regarding their business. Show them how we could take business strategy moves to take them from point a where they are today in their business and really make their business their dream business.

It’s called the dream business transformation. Go and check it out, see if you qualify. We were talking about learn, do, teach. Let me show you here.

I don’t know how drawing this out is gonna matter whatsoever. It may not. It helps me to think about it better. Even if you can’t read my writing. We have Learn, we have Do and we have Teach.

This is a cycle. It’s constant, constantly going. If you’re missing one of the pieces of this cycle, it may be why you feel stuck. It may be why you feel like your business isn’t going anywhere.

It may be why that you think that everyone around you is dumber than they actually are. At some point in the cycle, sometimes we get stuck. Oftentimes it’s in the Doing place.

So you’ve learned how to do what you do for a living. You’ve learned it somehow. Maybe you’ve learned at the school of hard knocks. You’ve taught yourself. Maybe you’ve learned it from mentors. Maybe you read it out of a book. Somehow you Learned it and now you’re Doing it.

The real question is, can you Teach it? Have you taught it?

If you do not teach it to somebody else, if you do not pass on the training, the things you’ve learned that’s allowed you to make money and to be able to make a difference in this world, you’re not able to teach that.

You’re going to feel stuck. I guarantee it.

You’re going to be in a place where you have a difficult time moving and you’re not sure what to do next and you’re scared about teaching because you don’t want to learn this special.

You don’t want to lose this special knowledge to someone else that you may think that it’s your, it’s your edge in the market, but I’m going to tell ya, you have to teach things. You have to move on.

You have to let the information go because your edge in the market cannot just be some proprietary information. It can’t be just what you do. You may not pass on exactly how you do. You do what you do.

Of course, not that’d be stupid. You need to teach some of what you know. You need to teach some of the principles of what you know.

Go back and watch my video, all about principles, strategies, and tactics. We’ll hit back on that again, that this is a great thing to go over today because back to school season, a lot of people are going back to school today.

A lot of kids are going back to school today. This is one of the things I think is missing out of the school system is they teach you how to do something.

You’re lucky if you get a chance to actually do it in school, if they actually give you a chance to physically do what you’re learning and it’s really tough to learn things if you’re not given a chance to do it, but it’s really extremely difficult.

There’s a huge piece of the learning process is in teaching and in old times, schools in America, they had all the students from the different grades all in the same room and you would have someone from an older grade teaching you more than the teacher themselves.

The teacher was just there as a guide. They’d have someone teaching you what you need to know and it’s a it. It helped. It didn’t just, it wasn’t just for the purpose of making life easier for the teacher because there was only one teacher.

It helped because it helped the person that originally learned that had done it. It allows them to learn more as they’re teaching. That’s the real value in teaching.

This is where information, business and content marketing come so useful. Yes, it’s useful because you’re putting it out there.

Yes, it gives you a chance to be able to meet new customers, be able to put your, uh, your information out there and make you appear to be smarter and all those great things.

But really you learn so much through your teaching. This also reminds me, I was in a Future Farmers of America in High School, FFA and they have a motto and it’s learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live and living to serve.

And I think this ties into it at the same time, learn, do, teach. This should be a constant thing. It should never stop. And it should start melding together as you’re learning. You’re doing your teaching.

The quicker that these things can all stick together, the quicker that you learn and that you’re practicing it and that you’re teaching it. If you could do it all in the same day, regardless of the skill, that’s the secret. This is the secret to information marketing information businesses.

We’ve talked about a lot of those on here. If you’d like to learn how you can make your business an information business, you may just provide products for people. You may just provide services, but if you want to know how to add that information element and really get good at the teaching end of things and add a whole new dimension to your entire business, that’s a huge piece of what I do. The strategies that we teach here at go to

Tomorrow is a very special day. It’s our 100th consecutive episode of Brian J. Pombo Live! Every single day I get on Facebook and do one of these lives. We then rebroadcast it through Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube, and audio podcast.

You may be listening to it there, but show up tomorrow for the hundredth show. I don’t know what we’re going to do. Maybe we’ll have a cake. Maybe we’ll have a party. Who knows?

We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great night.

How Your Will Can Determine Your Destiny

How Your Will Can Determine Your Destiny

How your will can determine your destiny.

I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Once again, this is one of our Brian J. Pombo Live talks.

Today we are continuing our three part series all on the psychology of your customer’s brain and delving deep into the Cognitive.

We didn’t spend too much time on the Cognitive. Cognitive is how much they know what they know about you, what they think about you, things that they have learned about you and anything involving your product or service.

Second thing would be the Affective, which we talked about yesterday. You can go back and watch that video. And the third thing today is all about the third part of the mind called the Conative. And when we’re talking about conation, we’re talking about you’re doing an action mode. It’s a completely different part of the brain. And the real question is, how do you do an act?

How do you put out effort? How do you build? How are you creative when you’re working in any sort?

So whether it be when you were in school, how did you handle things and also at work in your current job or at your favorite job, how was it different? How does it function differently and how did you relate back with it?

It’s less of an emotional end of things and it’s more of the logic that of what drives you to do what you do. So when I’m talking about will, I’m talking about in a will in the sense of action, in the sense of effort, in the sense of building something.

Putting something together, doing something when you feel like you’re at your highest in your action mode, where are you at? So this is a concept that’s been really promoted the most that

I’ve heard by a lady named Kathy Kolbe. You can find out all about her research and all about her at She has a podcast out there called Perfectly Obstinate People.

You can go and check that out wherever you listen to podcasts. That’s an interesting one. This is one of the books that I’ve read by her called Conative Connection, Acting on Instinct. This is a pretty good primer.

She has a few other books and I’ve heard other people say that those are also good for first timers when it comes to learning all about conation and her basic concept comes from four different action modes that we all have.

But there’s going to be ones that you perform better at and there’s going to be ones that you not only perform less at but you perform almost the negative end of those action modes.

So let me tell you about ’em real quick. There’s four of them. These are my a levels right here. It’s a four ,four, eight and a three. And these are four modes, I’m sure you can’t read it where you’re at, but this first one’s a fact finder, then follow through, quick start and implementer.

Those are the four modes. Let me explain to you what those are and you can kind of get a feel for which one you think you might be a little bit higher on.

Fact finder is, I’m reading this right out of the book, precise, judicious and thorough. This mode deals with detail and complexity, seeking to be both objective and appropriate. Keen at observing and gathering information. People who lead with this mode sometimes discover that information facts means more to them than to others.

Sometimes they could be too judicious, seeming overly cautious as they wait for more data. Okay, that’s the fact finder mode.

So whether you feel like you’re more that way or less, that way will determine about where you would be in that red level there.

The second modes called follow through. So think about this and whether you relate with this or whether you know someone, you work with, someone who seems a lot more this way than you are. Follow through as methodical and systematic. This mode is focused and structured and brings order and efficiency.

People who lead with this mode are meticulous at planning, programming and designing and predictably and predictability is essential to their being. Every organization needs people who lead with this strength in their operations, accounts receivable and design functions. Obviously there are times when an intense need for order can get out of hand.

That’s the follow through mode.

So people who are high in this follow through, but it’s funny the person that pops into my mind because I’m relatively low on follow through. You can see it’s a four right there. That’s relatively low. I’m thinking of a friend Joanne, who works for one of my clients, she is extremely high and follow through and she handles a lot of the bookkeeping and stuff. It’s very useful at times and other times it almost seems over the top how specific she can be about things. But that’s the follow through mode.

The third mode is quick start.

You can say I’m very high end quick-start.

This is an eight level here and that’s what I relate mostly with, with an affinity toward risk. This mode is spontaneous and intuitive, flexible and fluent with ideas.

People who lead with this mode, our deadline and crisis oriented, they need an atmosphere of challenge and change and sometimes they can be impatient. So that’s very sad. I have the most of that level.

And here’s the implementer mode. The fourth mode, these people are hands on and craft oriented. This mode brings tangible qualities to actions. People who lead with this mode have a strong sense of three dimensional form and substance and the ability to deal with the concrete. So out of these four modes, people tend to be a little bit stronger in one or two of these than others.

Every once in a while you’ll find somebody who is more in the middle of all of them. You have a little bit of all of these things and she calls that a facilitator and these are people that get along with just about anybody and they can help fill in the cracks. When they’re in different positions, either in jobs or as a business owner, they can do a little bit of everything.

And so they’re really good. If you’re a business owner and you find you don’t need a whole lot of extra people to be able to help you out, you can kind of do a little bit of everything. And so you’re very stable on your own. They tend to be more facilitators.

So how would you find out where you are on these levels? You’d go and take a test over at it’s called The Kolbe Index A. I believe that’s what it’s called. It was called that when I took it. It costs a little bit to take, I don’t know what it costs right now. At the time I did it, I think it was 50 bucks, but it is one of the most useful tests that I’ve ever taken. I’ve learned the most about me and what makes me tick.

And these are these are numbers.

The strange things about these numbers is that they don’t change heavily over time.

As long as you’re in a stable position in terms of your career, you tend to test pretty well at this. If you’re a little bit of influx and you don’t quite know where you are in the world when it comes to your business or your career, I’ve heard that your numbers can be a little bit off. But overall this is something that she claims you can actually see in a baby.

You can see in children and since I’ve been learning about this, I can see with my children where they land, at least on the high points on these things. It’s very interesting because it follows your entire life.

It’s kind of hard-wired in your brain, your Conative mode.

This can change how you handle employees. If you’re a business owner and you have employees, if you deal with coworkers, this is extremely useful. Look into the Kolbe Index and Conative.

The Conative of end of things, can really make a huge difference in your business, in your job and so forth. If you’re a business owner or an executive, and if you happen to be in the self-reliance field, you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to If you found any of this interesting or any of my other talks interesting, go Watch the video there. It’s eight and a half minutes.

Give you an idea of what it would be like for us to be able sit down and talk about your business and maybe I can help take it from where it’s at, as successful as it may be, and take it to that dream business.

That perfect ideal that you’re really after in your business. So go there, check it out. Go check out Kathy Kolbe.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the learn, do, teach cycle. I’ve mentioned it in the past. I’m going to go a little bit deeper into it tomorrow.

This affects everybody and I bet it can improve you and your business, so you have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

How Do Your Feelings Define Your Actions?

How Do Your Feelings Define Your Actions?

How do your feelings define your actions?

Hi this is Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

I got some books I want to tell you about. And today we’re continuing our series all on human psychology and the three different modes, of three different parts of your brain, the Cognitive, the Affective and the Conative. Today we’re going to talk about….your feelings.

How do you feel, not just right now but in general?

How do you feel, how does your mind go about feeling things? How is that different from other people that you know, especially different from your spouse, from your significant other, from other people that you may have been attracted to now or in the future?

It’s almost always the opposite when it comes to Affective.

This is a very, very clear thing, is that at some point that there is something that’s dynamically different between you and the person you’re most interested in. And very oftentimes it’s on the Affective of scale.

So we’re going to go through that a little bit. I’m going to go through the four parts of human personality, the four-part model. I’m going to tell you about a couple of books, a couple things to look into.

If you’re interested in this, you want to find out some more personally, my favorite thing to look at is called the D I S C model, the DISC model.

And one of the best people out there talking about it today that I have found. It’s a guy named Dr Robert Rome. This is one of his top books in terms of that it’s a positive personality profiles. He’s got different colors here representing the D I S or C.

This is Dr Rome right here. I’ve got to see him. I’ve got to meet him in person a couple times. He’s given speeches at conventions and conferences that I’ve been at. Really fond of him. He’s a great speaker.

You can see some of his videos on YouTube and so forth. Robert Rome, go and check out Positive Personality Profiles. That’s a really good book.

Another good book. The, she doesn’t use the D I S C but this was actually the original book that I read on this and it’s called Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer.

This is a pretty much a classic in the field of personality theory. I think this came out, let me see…..yeah, 1983. The original version of this came out and she uses the original terminology from one of the first people that ever started discussing personality theory, which was Hippocrates.

If you’ve ever heard of the Hippocratic Oath, famous, famous Greek Hippocrates came up with the four different personality theory and she uses those. That terminology, but it’s the same concept. You can, you could tie that back to DISC and I’ll tell you more about what that is in a second. Just hold on. This is my favorite book and you can tell by how worn out it is.

My favorite book on personalities is called Getting to Know You. This is by Chris Carey.

He passed away a number of years ago. If you know about this book, if you know about Chris Carey and if you know his family or anybody that holds the rights to this book, let me know. I would love to see this republished and I love to do it myself if necessary, because this is such a great book. I’ve passed it on to countless others that have read it.

I’ve never heard of bad review back from it. It’s a very simplified version of the entire DISC profile. I believe he learned a lot of his stuff from Dr Rome. I know they work together at some point. Those are some ways that you could find out more about this.

Let me tie it down. We can find out more about you and about which areas in DISC that you are strongest in. Now, the basic theory says that we all have a little bit of each of these traits.

At some point we may have a lot or a little across the board, but at some point you probably have two that are stronger than the other and this is how you define it. So if we divide this up into a quadrant and we see D, I, S, C.

Everyone’s got a little bit of each of these four and I’ll define for you what these are. It first comes down to are you more task oriented or are you more people oriented. Now you say, well in certain circumstances I’m more task oriented and in certain circumstances I’m more people oriented.

It just depends on what the circumstances and I completely understand. But when you feel like you’re at your highest and when you feel like you’re at your most.

Are you more of a people person and more in the relationship mode or are you more in task mode and more of a working mode task or people oriented?

Are you more one way or the other?

Pick one of those, you know, it doesn’t have to be perfect. You can always change it later.

Like Robert Rome says. And then the second thing that you go by is, are you more um, outgoing? Or introverted?

Maybe there are better words for this. This is just how I would say it just off the top of my head.

Are you more outgoing or introverted?

Are you more task or people?

Pick one of those and sure, I know for myself, I tend to be a little bit more extroverted in general, but not in all cases. I’m introverted a lot, especially with people I don’t know in circumstances that are new to me, you would think I’m a very quiet, very to myself person.

At my highest though I’m more outgoing and at my highest I’m actually more task oriented than people oriented. So just using myself as an example, my top one is what they call D and it’s a more, more determined task oriented, outgoing individual if you, if your highest is on the D end of things.

If I had to pick a secondary trait, it would actually be the S. which it tends to be the opposite of what D is. S is very reserved and sensitive.

They are people oriented, but introverted. If you are mainly S you are going to have more of those types of traits and I can go into more detail. You go into a lot more detail on each of these.

I as a person that is people oriented and outgoing, so people you know that like to talk a lot like, like to be the center of attention and are very much more about people as opposed to tasks. If they’re outgoing and people oriented, that makes them an I.

If you know anybody that’s task oriented and introverted tend to be high intellectuals tend to be very thoughtful about very particular subjects.

They tend to be more higher C oriented. So you tend to have two of these that are your highest and that’s kind of how you would define people. And the funny thing is is by going through Affective, you can see people’s traits and how they hold themselves.

Once again, it has very much only to do with the feeling side of you and in terms of how you work with people, that is where DISC mainly concentrates its efforts. Not all people define it by these things.

For example, Chris Carey and getting to know you instead of saying outgoing and introverted, he actually says fast and slow, but for some reason that still tends to be the same thing.

For some reason the people who are outgoing tend to be a little faster and introverted tend to be a little slower. This isn’t perfect science, this is all theory.

But you get to know DISC well and it will change how you relate with yourself and how you relate with people. You can be a quick study of where a person’s coming from.

You can back off from people that are more introverted and give them the space necessary and you can be more outgoing with a person that’s more outgoing and more interactive with a person that that’s that way.

There’s a number of ways that you can handle this, but it will change your relationships, everything else. Just if you learn the Affective of model. But it isn’t everything.

Another thing is the Conative model, which I talked about before that Kathy Colby discusses. We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

If you enjoy this type of talk, if you want to know how this type of talk and work with your employees, with your coworkers, with your vendors, what have you. In your specific situation, if you’d like to talk about how this can fit to actually make your business better and you happen to work in the self-reliance field.

If you have product services, a story that promotes self-reliance in your business and you’re the business owner or you’re an executive, you’re a one of the main people in that business, a decision maker. You’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to Link is in the description. Watch the video. Fill out the form. If you’re interested in talking with me and I’d be happy to talk with you tomorrow. Like I said, we’re going to be talking about the Conative, which is all about how you act, how you do, how you work basically.

In your work mode, in the different part of the brain lights up. It’s not specifically a feeling part of you, it’s how you work. It’s how you produce. It’s how your creative, that is the Conative.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow, just a brief crash course, but we’ll see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.