Stories Sell Forever

Stories Sell Forever

Stories sell forever.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live here in Grants Pass Oregon. Coming to you from the soon to be new office and headquarters of

Today I’m going to introduce you, if you have not met my plastic hand chair. I know it looks like it’s made of concrete. That’s why I got it. I love it. I love the look of it. It is hollow. It is nothing but plastic.

There’s a story behind the hand chair.

I was living in Chico, California, going to a college there and my father came to town one day and just to come to visit me. We went out and about just kind of looking at stuff. We ended up in this antique shop and downtown Chico. We started talking to the owner and he was showing us on the outside.

He had a whole lineup of these big plastic chairs that are shaped like hands. They all looked identical except they were all made on different colored plastics. So some of them were speckled and neon colors. And this one particularly looked like it was made of concrete, which is why I liked it.

I don’t even remember how much we paid for it honestly.

My dad bought it for me, but I remember it being really expensive for the time, for a large chair shaped like a hand.

But the owner had this big long story about it and we didn’t ask for a story, or anything else. We were already interested in it. But for some reason the story stuck in my head. And the story was that this hand chair that it was, that these were the last of the molds that he had made, uh, that he had these hand chairs made out of.

He originally had these, he was the inventor of this mold and that these hand chairs and it was him and a partner had a business where they were building out these hand chairs. What they ended up doing is they ended up splitting up the partnership, and ended up getting rid of the molds.

So these were the final vinyl molded hand chairs available. He more than likely would never make any more ever again. Not only that, he was going to be closing up shop pretty soon and probably moving away.

He was pretty much done with the business and so he was looking to get rid of these hand chairs.

They were normally somewhere between double and four times the price of what we were getting at four. But this big long story all around this hand chair 20 years ago this thing was bought.

That story is still in my head.

I didn’t want to hear the story. I wasn’t interested in the story.

I still remember what the guy looked like and his story about the silly hand chair and for some reason I wasn’t interested in it. Yes, it would have caused some interest. Yes, it caused the concept that these were rare, you know, that they were tough to find.

That maybe quite possibly we were getting a good deal. All that you can say one way or the other could have been useful to us. Over time you’ll notice, you could see these things, just not anywhere. You could probably get one extremely cheap, they’re probably manufactured in mass in China nowadays, but at the time that guy had a story.

I don’t know whether the story was true, but it got stuck in my head.

It still sells me on this thing. I’m still happy I have it. I’ve stuck with it long-term. I find it comfortable, even though it’s just made out of plastic. But the story sticks.

You got to think about what the story is behind your product or service.

Whatever you’re trying to get out there, make sure there’s a story attached to it or multiple stories. If you want to follow up more on this concept, one of the best books out there that I’ve seen on this so far, I’ve got a load of books that I haven’t even read yet that I know that I know talk about this. But this latest one I got an audio book on and it’s called Story Selling, it’s by Nick Nanton.

There may also be another author with it. I apologize for not bringing it up right away because I haven’t been looking at a physical book.

I’ve been listening to it being read and it’s only being read by one narrator. So I know Nick Nanton was the one on the commercial that sold the audio book that I bought.

The whole book is all about how to use stories in business, in your advertising, in your marketing, in your ability to sell what you have going and how example after example, after example throughout history, how stories have been able to sell things.

I mean if you think about all the way from Jesus to just about any major character person throughout time that has stood out, told stories to get their point across. There’s a reason why is it unlocked something in the brain and allows people to be able to attach onto an idea or concept.

So keep in mind the story, don’t forget about it. Tomorrow I’m going to be on the road in the air.

Who knows where you’ll find me and what we’ll be talking about. I think I’ll be telling you a little bit about a piece of mail that I received and how it can help you to with your marketing and advertising.

So we’ll talk about that tomorrow. Y’all get out there, let the magic happen. Don’t forget about the link is in the description. If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, go to dream Biz link is in the description. Go and check it out. Let me know what you think.

You all have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

One Story Can Instill Trust

One Story Can Instill Trust

One Story Can Instill Trust.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon and another episode of Brian J. Pombo Live. Every day we bring you a new tip, idea, perspective, ways to think and act in your business strategies. Hopefully that’ll be helpful to you somewhere along the line.

Today we’re going to talk about stories.

Again, we talked about them yesterday, how stories can change the message of your business, how you can use them in your marketing and advertising. I’m going to relate with you a story that was related to me years ago and I’ve heard it a couple times since from somebody that’s in the direct marketing field.

He had this story that he likes to tell at the end after discussing a business opportunity with somebody. At the very end, he’ll tell this story and supposedly it’s a true story yet honestly, I heard it from one of the people that was involved in it. So I believe it to be true.

And how it went was he was driving along one time with somebody else and the guys said, hey, you gotta make sure you put your seatbelts on. And he said, well, I don’t know, we’re not going that far. I don’t wear seatbelts that often.

And he said, no, no, no seatbelts saved me and my wife’s life. He said, oh, really? Tell me about it. So then this guy tells him the story. He says, listen, my wife and I, at one time, we never wore seatbelts. And one time we were going out and all of a sudden she said, we’ve got to put our seatbelts on. And so I listened to her, I said, because it seemed right. It was just weird because we never wore a seatbelt. So we put our seatbelts on and sure enough, within a few minutes later down the road, we get hit and the car flips over, totals the car.

And what ends up happening is we’re left there and fine. We were fine, a few scratches here and there, and they told us that if we wouldn’t have been wearing seatbelts, we would have been dead. So he says, from that point on, I always wear my seatbelt because seatbelt saved my life.

And my friend says to him, you know, it’s a very good story, but seatbelts did not save your life. He says, no, did you just hear me? I just told you the whole thing. Seatbelts totally saved my life. They said, it happened.

Everything else, I am certain the seatbelt saved our life. And he said, it was not the seatbelt that saved your life. It was that little voice on the inside of you and your wife that told you to put the seatbelt on that saved your life.

How my friend use this as he would say. Now if you put yourself in the same perspective, if you’re looking at this opportunity, there’s going to be a small voice that says yay or nay and you got to listen to that voice one way or the other.

Either you move ahead with us or not, but you’ve got to make sure you listen to that small voice. Now just take it from the perspective regardless of whether the story was true or whether the story within the story was true or whether this person was even well-meaning to bring up this story. While he’s in the process of talking to someone about a business opportunity.

Set all that aside as if as if none of that mattered and just look at it strategically.

What is happening psychologically with a person when they hear a story like that from somebody?

For one thing, it’s an engaging story.

It’s one of those that kind of sticks with you. If you’ve listened to it and I said it correctly, it’ll probably stick with you for awhile. It was one of those that always stuck with me because I had heard it years ago and every once a while it’ll pop back up.

Not only in my mind but I’ll hear other people bring it up. It’s one of just one of those that has a stickiness to it. There’s just something innate, whether it be an innate truth or something about it that just makes you want to pay attention to it.

So it has that going for it. It also has the fact that it puts you back on yourself to make a decision versus any type of trickery on the, if a person was selling something or anything like that, trying to push you one way or the other and decision.

It puts you back on yourself to make the decision that automatically makes the person that’s talking about the process, almost like a third person and not an unengaged partner in a sense.

And it leaves you feeling okay about the whole matter that you can go one way or the other and that’s okay.

Whereas if a person’s too salesy and too pushy to try and get you in, sometimes you recoil at that and you want to go the opposite direction.

Or if a person is extremely, you know, kind of a jerk about it, like they don’t even want you to purchase it, then you’re kind of weirded out by that too.

But if a person’s kind of just solid in how they say, hey you can take it or leave it, but look on the inside for it, that innate truth. When you put something like that on your side via a story, all of a sudden that gives great power.

There’s a power behind that because you’re relating with the goodness of the story, whether you’re good or meaning right or not.

Using a good story like that can help relate the right message and put a person in the right frame of mind and give a person kind of the good feelings associated that you would want them associated with you if you’re going to have any type of long-term relationship or if you’re going to sell them on something or anything of that sort.

So this is the value of a powerful story, a powerful story like that I could take and pull that out in any time and use it to fit a certain scenario.

Listen to stories and pay attention to the ones that hit you.

The little parables, the quick little jokes, the little things like this that had meaning, which ones stick with you and which ones don’t and why and how would you go about using that as a way to communicate your message to your audience.

So that’s just one concept. That’s one little idea. One little example of how to use a story to be able to touch people and to be able to make that connection so that you can reach them via the market, whatever you’re wanting them to do.

It’s a great way to be able to break the ice, if nothing else.

Tomorrow I’m going to tell you the story of this chair. This chair is shaped like a hand. You can’t see it that well right now, but tomorrow we’ll look a little closer at it.

I’ve got a story behind this and why after 20 years I still own a large plastic chair shape like a hand.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be helpful to you just like today and we will see you then get out there and let the magic happen.

How Important is Your Product’s Story?

How Important is Your Product's Story

Checkout The Carpetbaggers Vid –

So how important is your product story?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live brought to you every day here in Grants Pass Oregon or wherever I happen to be today. We’re here in the headquarters undisclosed location for

If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field and you’re somebody that I would like to talk to, go to Check out this video that I have there. It’s eight and a half minutes long.

It’ll give you the chance to take advantage of something that has a $600 value. So go to Check it out. Let me know what you think. We’re going to talk about story today and the stories that revolve around certain products. I have a link down below.

You’ll want to go check this out if you’re interested in the story that I’m about to tell you.

And this link is from a YouTube video from a very well known YouTuber, by the name of The Carpetbagger and he travels around to really off the wall odd places. And cool places too.

It’s funny because he’s at the Chicago, and he’s at the Oddities & Curiosities Expo, I think it was called, and this was about a month ago and a lot of the stuff is really crazy.

I’m just going to warn you, not necessarily everything in it is family friendly, a lot of gross stuff and everything that is at this expo that he’s going to, he’s not doing anything, but he’s showing a lot of the stuff that’s going on there.

But part way through the video, he’s talking to a guy about vampire survival kits. Now what vampire survival kits are, you’ll see these in places like a Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.

I think this guy worked for Ripley’s Believe It or Not. Which they have these places all scattered around the country and places where you’ll find little free show items and so forth. And they’ll have these things called vampire survival kits.

The story behind these things and there’s this big elaborate story about how these were created in the late 18 hundreds with all of the books and everything that were coming out during the time, a brand Stoker’s Dracula and so forth that we’re attracting travelers from America and beyond into Europe and so they started building these cases which were gold like they were called either vampire survival kit or something of that sort of kit of vampire killer kit or what have you and it would have.

The holy water and the the crucifix and the steak that you could use to drive through the heart and everything else.

As there were these big elaborate kits and they have this long story behind them, turns out these stories have been perpetuated through time.

It turns out story about these particular kits that are out there or not true is not true at all. It turns out that the, that this was part of a story that was brought onto a story for these kits that were developed somewhere in the 1970s.

That there was one particular person that started putting these kits together. They would take items up that were older and place them inside of this kid to make it appear older than it really was.

He created this story to go along with it that made the kit seems seemed like it had some history behind it, even though it was history, which was fake unto itself and made to look fake and did that. It had this big long story associated with it.

Your story doesn’t need to be true and I’m not saying go out there and make a lie about your product, but see how important the story is. True or untrue is irrelevant when it comes to the story and marketing.

So it’s also something to keep in mind as a consumer. If you’re hearing his story, never assume that it’s true, but sit back and watch how you react to stories that come out regarding products and services that are out there.

Everything gets sold on a story.

There’s always a story that goes along with your most favorite items.

If you look at Disneyland. One of the most common things get brought up. Anything that’s produced by the Disney company, all of that has this background. Whether you know about it or not, whether you’re old enough to know about it or not.

All this history going back to Walt Disney and his brother, who created this company and everything, they had had a background story behind how it got put together.

And then they have myths that have been perpetuated through time about each of these things. And even the concept of Walt being basically frozen in carbonite after he died just so that he could be unfrozen someday.

All of these things. Some of them are true, some of them are untrue, but the stories are what bind a person to your product or service.

It’s the story that goes behind it and it does matter how you bring it about because it matters whether the right person hears the story. But the story is a huge part of your message and something you really shouldn’t forget.

If you’d like to see how your story affects your products or your lack of story and what you should be looking for and developing a story behind your products and services, then definitely go and look up some of my other videos.

If you’d like to talk to me, go to you’re welcome to sign up for a strategy session with me. And uh, it, like I said, if you’re in the self-reliance field and you’ll want to go to so that’s all we got for today. Tomorrow we’re going to pay attention to story again, give you another angle, the same idea of what they call story selling.

So we’ll talk about that more tomorrow. Have a great night and to get out there and let the magic happen.

Where’s the Best Place to Advertise?

Where's the Best Place to Advertise?

Where is the best place to advertise?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon here in the Blank Office? I don’t even know what to call it yet because there’s nothing here. It’s just me and you.

So today we’re going to be talking about where you would advertise if you were looking to advertise because it’s a common question I get is where should I advertise?

Where’s the best place?

What’s the best bang for your buck right now?

It’s the wrong question. It’s not the right question, but we’re going to answer it one way or the other today because it all has to do with the three ways. Sorry, it’s backwards to me. So it’s tough for me to figure out where to hold things. The three main areas you’ve got to know about your marketing.

Who are you talking about in your market?

And we’ve talked about these on the last couple of videos that we’ve put together. Your message, which is your what.

What are you wanting them to do?

What are you trying to tell them to do?

What are you encouraging them to do?

Purchase, buy, whatever. What is your message and then media when and where are you going to deliver the right message to the right people?

If you don’t have these fully fleshed out, it’s really difficult to know who, where and when to contact, who about what. If you know who you’re talking to but you don’t know what you want to tell them to do, that’ll mess up the media concept. If you know what you want people to do but you don’t have it defined exactly who that is on who you want to do that. If you think it’s for everybody, if you have one of these everybody products or services, it’s good for everybody.

I know that’s what everybody says and if it’s good for everybody, it’s good for nobody because it has to be defined. If it’s not defined, you’re going to have a very difficult time and if it truly is something that is for everybody.

If it’s something that everybody wants and everybody’s going to be willing to buy, purchase, or get involved with it, then it doesn’t matter what the media is and it doesn’t matter what they’re charging. But if you know these two things, you’re going to know this one thing a lot better and we’re going to go a little more in depth onto what you’re going to be looking for in terms of that in just a second.

If you’re a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to There’s an eight and a half minute video where I explained the dream business transformation, a completely free situation.

You’d get to chat with me and I’ll be able to flesh out exactly what your dream business scenario would look like and what it would take to get there. I’m not fishing for clients or anything of that sort. I really not sure if I have room in my schedule for anybody new, but I’d like to find out more about what you do and what you’re looking for in the next five to 10 years from your business. Go to that’s what I get out of it.

Let me show you what you’re going to get out of it. Go to if you qualify then we’ll get a chance to talk. So back to advertising.

What’s the best form of advertising?

It all depends. If you know who you’re looking for, if you’re looking for a particular age person, if you’re looking for somebody that’s either online or not online savvy, if you’re looking for, you know, as you define the market, then you know what your message is.

You know what you’re wanting them to do. You’re wanting them to go to a website and download something to give them, give you their email address or something of that sort.

Or you want them to go to Walmart and purchase your product or you want them to come directly to your page and check out all of your products, whatever your message is to this market that will help you really have to define where you shouldn’t be advertising first.

Where are all the different places that you should not? What are all the different forms of media and I mean everything you’ve got to. Do you have a product and a market, a message, and a market that would allow you to put people on street corners waving signs? No. Okay. That’s one less thing to think about, you know, but if you’re, if you have a local based business, that might be something you want to think about.

Even if no one else in your entire industry does that, especially if no one else in your entire industry does it. That’s something to keep in mind about which media to choose.

Are you competing with other people in that same space?

Is it worth competing with other people in that same space?

How else are you differentiating yourself?

All these things have to be kept into mind and your budget has to be kept into mind of how much are you actually looking to spend over what period of time and how long are you willing to work with it.

So for example, let’s say you’ve never done a Facebook ad if you want it, but you’d like to try out Facebook advertising. You believe your market’s on Facebook, you believe that you can get the direct message to them there. So you’re looking into Facebook advertising.

You’re not necessarily going to find the ideal way to use Facebook advertising overnight and I don’t care who’s promising that to you.

It’s going to take time for you to really tool that out, to find the exact step-by-step message and to actually dig in and find your direct market. It’s going to take time to do that in Facebook. Do you have the time and money to figure that out, to finagle that together?

These are all the questions you’ve got to ask.

There’s more questions when you start. We started getting into specifics. That’s when you’ll know whether that’s going to be a good place for you, but you have to know the right questions to ask. Get involved.

If you don’t have a marketing team that’s asking these questions, if you don’t have someone on your side that understands business from the business owner, from the executive point of view, then you’re going to need to talk to somebody who does go and find someone who does.

If you don’t trust me, go and find someone you do trust.

If you’ve enjoyed these conversations, these questions in your mind and you want to flesh it out, bounce it back and forth with somebody. Go to or if you’re outside of the self-reliance field, meaning you don’t have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, you don’t think you fit within that space.

Then go to I have a couple opportunities where you can speak to me one on one. You could even pay directly for a full hour. $600 and up to be able to speak to me, but it’ll be worth your money.

Go check that out. In the meantime, tomorrow we’re going to be discussing a, a concept of storytelling in your marketing, in all forms of marketing.

I’m not just talking directly with advertising. You may be doing free marketing on social media, some things of that sort of things that are time based marketing.

If you’re interested in those types of things, come back tomorrow because we’re going to be talking all about the story and what that means to you. And I’m gonna relate back a very specific story that I just saw on YouTube yesterday.

So come on back and in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Number 1 Thing Everyone Forgets in Advertising

Number 1 Thing Everyone Forgets in Advertising

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon. We are currently not in the Orange Office. We are in the new studio office out of the new headquarters for

It’s all about the WHO. Who are you trying to reach?

Second, we want to talk about the message.

What do you want them to do?

What are you trying to get them to do?

What are you trying to get across to them?

What are you encouraging them to do?

That’s what the message is all about and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. What’s the number one thing that people forget when they are discussing the message, when they’re putting their message out there? The number one thing they forget when it comes to advertising is they forget to make an offer.

They forget to make a very clear offer. We’ve discussed this before here at Brian J. Pombo Live, but we have to make very clear, you must have an offer, not just any offer, but I’ve always liked the term irresistible offer.

You have to have something that is so irresistible to that target market, whoever they may be. If you’ve got a very clear idea of who you’re trying to reach, the next step is to offer them something that’s a no brainer.

That’s so simple. It’s why wouldn’t they go work for it? That’s the whole idea. It’s gotta be a nice, easy first step for them to be able to take them along your process. It may be something for free. You see this a lot online that people offer something for free and there’s a reason it’s to get that first initial step going.

Once you got that initial step going, you can go further beyond that afterwards, but you’ve got to start somewhere. You have to have that initial irresistible offer in your advertising and your marketing.

Whatever you’re putting out there, it’s gotta be simple.

We’ve got Joe watching here. I know Joe, he’s the owner of a wine company and they will go out and give samples of wine. Well, what’s easier than taking a sample of wine? It’s just there. It’s a WHO’s going to say no unless you don’t like wine and you’re not the market.

So they’re out in grocery stores, in other places, offering people a taste of their wine to dry and get them hooked to get them to try to buy a bottle. It’s that irresistible offer.

How easy can you make it for your target market to take that first step?

That’s what the message, it’s a very interesting thing that most people go and watch a bunch of commercials. Go and watch a commercial on Youtube. Go and watch a commercial on TV. Go and listen to a commercial on the radio.

How many of them are making an offer or saying, if you do this, we’ll do that. If you give us this much money, we’ll give you this thing over here. Most of the time they’re not even making an offer. They’re just telling you about the brand name. They’re telling you about something that they are doing. They’re just putting it out there.

There’s no clear offer.

Now, big companies can get away with doing this and they do all the time because they’re already out there. They’re already known. They’re just reminding you that they exist and they can afford to waste a whole lot of money.

If your a smaller end company, if you’re anywhere under $50 million a year, you got to pay attention to your advertising. You’ve got to pay very close attention to what you’re putting out there and you want to make it all work for you.

There’s no reason to be spending money and spending time and effort on advertising if it’s not working for you. Gotta have an offer. Got to have that irresistible offer.

That message has to be clear and it has to match your market. Whoever you’re going after the WHO. This is why we go and figure out the WHO first, whoever that is.

Talk directly to them. Don’t just say what you think about your product or service. Don’t just go over features.

Discuss the end benefit to this person.

What is their end benefit?

What are they going to walk away with?

What is the feeling they’re going to have after using your product, after using your service?

What do they walk away with?

What is the true in benefit?

What is the emotional satisfaction that they’re getting off of it?

These are important things to be able to get a person to take the next step. Think really hard about your message.

Your message is the what?

What do I want them to do?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a business, doesn’t matter if you’re an organization. We’re all trying to get other people to do the things we want them to do and if you pay attention to this process tomorrow, we’re going to go over how these two things then decide the media.

Then it tells you where and when you need to be delivering this message to your particular market. We’re going to go over that tomorrow. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance space, meaning you have products and services that encourage people to become more self-reliant, you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to the link is in the description. Go and check it out. There’s a quick video there. I love to hear what you think. Go and check it out. That’s an offer. It’s just a simple one that’s completely free.

Even when I’m offering on that page is completely free to you if you qualify, so go check it out.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about media. Get out there and let the magic happen.

What You Need To Know About Your Customer

What You Need To Know About Your Customer

What do you need to know about your customers? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass Oregon. I don’t know why I do this. Every time I’ve re-adjust myself, nearly every single time we sit down and I introduced myself, I re-adjust myself in my chair. It’s just a little weird thing that I do.

So welcome back. Today, it’s going to hit you hard if you’re a business owner of any type or if you’re an executive in a business and you really take what I have to tell you today to heart, we’re going to discuss marketing. I know marketing, it scares the bejesus out of anybody that doesn’t like talking about marketing or doesn’t like dealing with people that deal in marketing.

There’s a reason why it bothers you so much and if it doesn’t bother you, I’d love to hear what you think about what I have to say today.

I’ve got this water sitting in the background. What I want to talk with you about is this concept that I’ve brought up before, which are the three main steps behind marketing. And they are Market, Message, Media.

In other words, starting out with your who, your end market, your customer, your clientele.

Who is your market?

Who’s going to be buying from you?

What’s the message, what do you want to tell them?

What do you want them to do?

What is your message to them?

And then going to the where and when the media end of things. Where and when are you going to deliver the message to who? Starting up here and going the opposite direction. It’s the opposite of what most people do. Most people start down here, they say, “we’ve got to have Facebook ads.” Okay, what are we gonna do about it?

And then they start thinking about their message in their market and everything. After they start out with a product, they start out somewhere in the message area with a product or a service and then they go, “well, okay, where are we going to talk about this and everything?”

And they cut out the most important thing, which is the WHO, the human being.

On the other end of the purchase is who you should be thinking about most often. Today we’re going to be talking about the WHO, your customer, what do you need to know about them that you either don’t know right now or haven’t thought about hard enough that will make everything else that you do in marketing so much more simple.

The people who you work with, either a marketing firm that you’ve hired, advertising firm that you’ve hired, your marketing team that are in house.

Oftentimes if they are talking about marketing and it confuses you, then they don’t know what they’re talking about. Marketing should not be a confusing thing. Marketing is a simple thing. It’s as simple as this as who, what, where, and when. That’s what marketing is.

All it is is the communication of a message. And this does doesn’t only refer to business either, but if any of this is making sense to you, and I’m going to go a little bit more into the who as we go along here.

But if any of this makes sense to you and you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, you’re someone I’d love to talk to. Go to, the link is in the description. If you go to there’s a video there, eight and a half minutes long.

Go and watch it. Tell me what you think. If you’re interested in what I’m offering there, it’s free and what I’m offering is free. Then fill out the application and see if you qualify for the free chat with me.

Now back to the concept of the market, the WHO, who you’re going after. When I first heard this, it made perfect sense to me. It made sense and I was also irritated and sad that I hadn’t spent enough time focusing on the WHO and so you want to think about the demographics.

It might be common thing so you know where they live. How old are they? Are they male, female?

What are all the things surrounding this person in specifics and then you want to focus on the psychographics, which are, what is there a thought process that’s leading them to the point of being an ideal customer for you?

What are they thinking?

Where are they coming from?

A great book out there, it’s a nice little short book called Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy. This is a relatively new book. It’s based off of the concepts that he’s always talked about and he’s talked about in many books, but this is a nice simple read if you’re just looking for a primer on a direct response based marketing and so forth.

In here he talks about Market, Message, Media and he discusses questions you need to ask yourself about your market.

Here’s some great ones.

“What keeps them awake at night, staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep as it relates to your product or service.”

That right there is powerful question.

What’s keeping them awake at night that you can help them with?

What are they frustrated about?

What is causing them pain right now as it relates to your product or service?

What is the single biggest problem that you can solve for them?

What do they secretly privately desire most?

Those are some good psychographic questions that you need to be asking. You need to ask where are they at? What area of the world do they live in? Where don’t they live? You know, what are they thinking? What’s going to lead them to not only purchase from you once, but twice or multiple times?

Depending on what your product and surface are is how is that different and you want to think about who is not your market. That’ll be helpful because it helps you to determine how the rest of your marketing goes along.

These are the questions you need to be asking. Who is this person you could go by if you already have clients and customers, who’s your favorite, who’s the best? What would make them even better?

And then you can take it backwards from there. If you’re starting from scratch, even if you don’t have a product or service yet, if you can find a market that wants something that you can help them get it, that’s the secret behind all good business.

It’s as simple as that. Don’t complicate it. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about message, the what and a huge piece of the message that most of us miss, especially in our marketing, especially in our advertising.

You’re not going to want to miss it. We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Don’t Forget What Day It Is

Don't Forget What Day It Is

Don’t forget what day it is.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. I’m sure you’ve heard about it all day. If you’re watching this today, or if you were paying attention on social media at any time during the last 24 to 48 hours really, because people talk about it all week long.

And that’s the anniversary of 9/11 September 11th, 2001 today. I am not just going to talk about 9/11 itself. I want you to never forget what day it is, especially if you’re doing in. And I’m going to, I’m going to do it. I’m going to use this opportunity to tie it back into business. So if that bothers you, leave now.

I think we’re all aware of what 9/11 was. And if not, I suggest you go and look it up. Go look up some video, find out what it was all about.

There’s a lot of people talking about the details, but it’s important that you realize that it’s on everybody else’s mind. So if you’re out putting together any type of content for your market and you’re doing anything that’s timely is important for you to be able to take note of what the day is.

For example, today’s 9/11 everyone’s in that frame of mind. They’re gonna have been reminded via social media and every other format out there, then evening news, everything.

We’re going to be talking about 9/11, they’re going to be talking about the anniversary of the Twin Towers going down the Pentagon getting bombed and the plane going down. That was meant to hit another target.

People were going to be talking about it. You could try to ignore it, but you’re ignoring what’s already going on inside of your viewers mind, of your customer’s mind, of your reader’s mind, whoever you’re talking to at whatever time period.

You got to keep in mind what the day is, what is going on. Because if you ignore that and you come out with something goofy on 9/11 people won’t necessarily get angry at you, but your missing a major point.

You’re missing a chance to be able to connect whenever you’re putting out timely things, especially if you’re doing it on a regular basis. Pay attention to what holiday it is. Pay attention to what’s going on in the world. Pay attention to the conversation that’s already going on in their mind.

It’s a simple concept, but maybe you won’t be surprised how often it’s completely broken. If you scroll through your Facebook feed, if you scroll through anything that’s, uh, anything that you’re looking at right now in terms of social media or online media, how often do you see an advertisement or someone who’s trying to get you to buy something or anything of that sort?

Someone who’s trying to get your attention, who’s ignoring what’s going on right now? What’s going on in a person’s mind? Have you ever, have you ever watched television during Christmas, maybe Christmas Day, and you see something that pops up where they don’t recognize the fact that it’s Christmas and it’s kind of off putting on the day of, you know.

Especially if you’ve been celebrating it and you’re doing all these things and you sit down and it just, they treat it like it’s just another day and they’re missing the point. They’re missing where you’re at, they won’t connect with you. Keep that in mind. Always trying to connect with the people you’re trying to reach. What’s the point of doing it otherwise if you can’t do that.

So hopefully you’ve had some nice solemn thoughts today about the circumstances all surrounding the jarring, controversial, outrageous situation that happened 18 years ago.

On this day. It’s, it’s important to think about maybe, maybe one of these days I’ll get a little deeper on the subject. Maybe one of these years we’ll get a little deeper onto it and how it, how it affects your psychology.

But in the meantime, it’s just a simple point. Always remember what day it is when you’re reaching out to talk to people. You have a great night. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking more about the a three, three concepts of marketing and how you can apply it to what you’re doing right now, and I bet you’re breaking some of the rules.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Another Reason Why We Should NOT Work Together

Another Reason Why We Should NOT Work Together

Here’s another reason why we should NOT work together.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re talking about a very simple concept. About a reason why you should not work with certain people, whether it be me or whether it be somebody else, whether it be an employee, whether it be a partner and investor.

Here’s a good reason why you shouldn’t.

Where does it come to? It comes to trust. It comes back to that whole trust thing, but even previous to trust on the most subtlest level, so we’ve talked about the quote people do business with and refer business to people who they Know, Like and Trust. Know is pretty simple.

You have to have knowledge of the person to begin with before you’re ever going to do business with them. You’re going to have to have knowledge of them, their business, their product, their service, what have you.

You have to Know about it first.

There’s no way you could do business with someone you don’t know about. So Know is an absolute.

Like is one that I’d like to talk about a little bit more today and Trust is something a lot more deeper, when you’re talking long-term, it’s something that can be built up over time. It’s also something that can be depleted over time even though you may start out trusting somebody.

Let’s talk about Like though, because like is a pretty simple concept and it’s not something that you can describe all that well. You either Like something or you don’t Like something and if you don’t Like something you’re going to know right away.

So if you’re watching my videos, you’re either going to Like me or not Like me. Pretty much right off the bat. And if you don’t Like me, you shouldn’t ever work with me. Don’t work with people you don’t Like.

Now where am I getting? Where’s all this coming from? I mentioned yesterday, I saw this video a couple months back from Damon John. It’s an interview setting. It’s just a clip off of some something that he had put together.

It’s 43 seconds long. I’ve got the link in the description. You can go watch it yourself off of Linkedin. He may have had it on some of his other social media. That’s just where I happened to see it. So Daymond John from Shark Tank and FUBU fame.

He’s discussing how if he doesn’t like the person, if he can’t stand listening to the person or talking to the person, he’s not going to go into business with the person. And this seems really simple, but don’t miss the power there.

The power is, there’s a part of business you can’t control.

I’ve had clients that I could tell just didn’t Like me and I knew that just over a matter of time, it wasn’t going to work out. If I was in a better position, I would’ve been able to tell them right off the bat, Hey, I don’t think this is going to work out. I don’t think we’re a good fit. You don’t have to go into detail. But if you don’t Like the person, don’t pain yourself into going and working with them.

If you’ve got to interact with a person on a regular basis, there has to be something a little deeper underneath everything, a reason for being together other than just trying to get financial gain from each other. So just a simple concept. Go watch that Daymond John video.

If you are an executive or a business owner that’s in the self-reliance field, you’re someone I like to talk to.

Go to, if you do Like me. I don’t care if you Like me or not. But if you do Like me, if you Like the the type of concepts that we talk about here on the videos, then go to

I’d love to be able to talk with you one on one show you how these concepts, principles, strategies apply to your business directly. the eight and a half minute video. Go and watch it.

The link is in the description so you can go and click on it or just type in into Google or your browser. So have a great day tomorrow going to be talking about something else, some other business topic.

I don’t even know what we’re talking about tomorrow. So your guess is as good as mine and it’ll be a nice little surprise. So we’ll catch back to you again tomorrow. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Lottopreneur: Are You One?

Lottopreneur: Are You One?

Lottoprenuer: Are you one? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of a Lottopreneurs. This is a term that was coined by producer Sean Douglas, producer of our podcasts Both the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. And this one right here, Brian J. Pombo Live, which you can actually hear the audio from on all the places that you listen to podcasts.

Just go look up Brian J. Pombo Live. Otherwise you can always watch the videos on numerous social media platforms, including Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube. Brian J. Pombo Live is what we call it.

So today we’re talking about being a Lottopreneur and I was reminded of childhood and how one of the most common things that we would say to each other in my family, not just my immediate family, but my extended family.

One of the most common questions that we had, especially like during the 80’s when you had Lifestyles Of The Rich and Famous on TV and the California Lottery first came into being.

Because I was living in California at the time, the whole question was what would you do if you won the lottery and what would you do if you had more money than you knew what to do with million dollars plus, you know, what would you do?

What’s the first thing you would do? What’s the second thing you would do? What would you do if you won the lottery? And that’s kind of a fun kind of brain teaser idea, especially when you’re young because it’s just so mind boggling how much money that could possibly be and what it would be able to do for you. Yeah, The Big Spin.

Joe is joining us here on the chat and he mentioned The Big Spin, which was the TV show associated with the California Lottery that you got to go on.

If you got certain things, on scratchers and so forth, you’d show up on this show and spin a big wheel and be able to make more money that way. So you had that, you had the lotto in California, which is the actual numbers that you would pick and they picked those out and so on and so forth. And people have this across the country in different states.

The lottery, the concept of lottery. Well the idea of the lottery is fun, but it’s a, it’s gambling. Don’t, don’t get confused and think that it is something that is real or something that you can depend on.

The problem is a lot of people take the lottery mentality of luck being the main thing that they’re falling back on. They look at people that have made it in life and they say, “wow, that person sure is lucky.”

And sure there’s a point to luck.

There’s a concept behind luck, which is what I consider luck if I consider it anything at all. It’s everything that you don’t have any control over.

So market conditions, all the things that you don’t have any direct control over and there’s a lot, there’s a lot of things you don’t have control over, but a lot of times we think that everything is that way and it’s not. If you didn’t have any control over anything, then you wouldn’t be able to see similar characteristics of people that have been able to make it in life when it comes to making a lot of money in business and so on and so forth.

But if you take all those people aside, you will see common characteristics across the board, so there’s more than just luck to it. The problem is most of us, especially if you’re coming from a lower to middle class background, when you start going into business, you go into it with this “lotto mentality” and it’s the Lottopreneur.

It’s the idea that I’m going to hit it big. If I just go at it and go at it and go at it, eventually my number’s going to come up and then I’ll hit it big.

It’s the wrong way of thinking about it.

Instead of thinking about the, the concept that I’m going to have to do the right steps in order to make it, I’m going to have to find what the market wants. I’m going to have to find what people want and show them how to get it through my products, my services.

If you’re not looking at it from a scientific point of view, you’re getting caught up in this idea that, well, if I just work really hard, I’ll deserve it. I’ll deserve the big prize at the end. I’ll get to go on the big spin and really get the big bucks because I’m a good person.

It’s all the wrong attitude and I see it over and over and over again, not just with people who interview to be clients or people that have strategy sessions with me, but even people that I have on my own podcast, we’ll have this concept somewhere deep in there.

And I think we all deal with it to some extent at some point in our lives. But you eventually have to grow up out of the Lotto Mentality, the lottery mentality, and really look at what do I need to be doing differently because business is a very simple concept.

It’s find out what the market wants and bring it to them at a price at which you can make a profit off of.

So you have to be able to deliver something for less than and have them want it more than what it took to produce it.

That’s all there is to it. That’s the science behind it. Is there a luck? Yeah, well hitting on the right one at the right time and everything, that’s all things that you can’t control. But the science behind businesses, a simple one, you just have to learn it. The science behind everything tied to it. Marketing, all these other things. These are sciences.

The unpredictable part is the human part because people don’t run by logic. They run by emotions.

So then you’ve got to backtrack and think, you know, what do people really want and how can I get it to them? And how can I communicate that I have it for them? And you could have the greatest product in the world, but if you’re not able to communicate that to your market, you’re not gonna get anywhere. And that comes back to marketing.

That comes back to the communication between the person that has something wanting to provide it to the person that doesn’t have it, whether it be a product service, what have you. So it’s just a different way of looking at these things. You got to step back. You have to also be careful not just about your own mindset, but about the mindset of those around you.

So if you have investors, you got to make sure not to get involved with people that have a huge lottery mindset when it comes to investing in your company because they’re going to be expecting something from you that you’re not going to be able to provide, or they’re going to expect a bigger win than is actually realistically possible.

You’re going to have to look at this. If you’re dealing with any type of partnerships, whether it be, you know, temporary partnerships or long-term partnerships in business, you’ve got to make sure that that person doesn’t come at it with unrealistic expectations and will expect more than what’s really legitimately going to happen.

And you got to watch it with your employees and coworkers, people that you’re working around and made sure that they don’t drag you into that mentality. But you’ve got to do your best to kind of pull them up out of it, pull them up out of that dream world in their head and bring them back to reality in terms of what you can actually expect in the long run.

What’s realistic being reality basis. A huge part of my philosophy, if that’s something that you agree with and let’s say, well you’re somebody I’d like to talk to if you agree with that. So you can go to and sign up for a strategy session with me. If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, then I’m going to give you a special address.

That’s that takes you to a specific page on with a video that explains what the dream business transformation is all about. You can click on the link in the description.

Otherwise, we’re going to see you tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re going to be discussing back into the trust model and, and I’m going to bring up something that Damon John from Shark Tank fame said on social media.

So come back tomorrow and we’ll talk about that. You all have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Do They Trust You?

Do They Trust You?

That’s all fine, but do they trust you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s a lovely day today. A little overcast, nice weather. I was hanging out with my family today, and Wednesday’s to do that. Tend to spend a lot less time in the office, a lot more time with my family.

Let’s talk a little bit about trust and how that affects your business.

I don’t care whether you’ve got a local based business or whether you’ve got a large e-commerce in Pyre or whether you’ve got a real tight business with only you and maybe a handful of other, uh, employees. It doesn’t matter. Trust matters as long as there’s only two places. Well, there’s one main place that trust doesn’t matter.

Trust doesn’t matter if you’re selling short-term, if you’re selling one time products or services to people.

And it doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, you just get in, you sell it, you make the money, you move on.

If you’re doing that type of business, and I don’t think most of the people that I’m talking to do that. But if you’re doing that type of business, trust doesn’t matter because you just move on to the next and you don’t care much about reviews online or anything of that sort.

You’re just care about finding the next person, the next person, the next person, the next person and you don’t have to worry about repeat business.

But if you’re in any other type of business where you’re more concerned about repeat business, where you you’d like to get a customer, once you realize it takes a whole lot to get that customer to buy one time, you might as well have them buying over and over and over again or getting involved in a subscription or getting them involved in a membership or some form of action where you build trust over time.

Where they like you more and more and more and more as time goes on as opposed to less and less and less the more interaction that they have with you or your product or service.

That’s where trust comes in.

It seems like real fluffy concept, but it’s real. It’s a real thing that exists in the human mind. And I’m gonna prove it to you in a second that we can take this all back to this quote. I know I bring it up nearly every other video that we sit here together, but it’s that quote from Bob Burg that, I’m paraphrasing it.

It’s basically discussing that, you know, if you set aside everything else people do business with people that they Know, Like, and Trust.

And it’s a great quote. Because it’s so simple and it seems like one of those things that’s been around for a really long time and it’s not that old of a quote. It’s only a handful of years old and, but it’s, it’s really held true.

If you go and you look it up and see all the articles and everything else that had been written about that one quote. And it comes down to the simplicity of those three words.

Know, Like, Trust and among these, Trust is the greatest.

And if you’ll listen to Dean Jackson, he’s one of my heroes really within the marketing world and business strategy world. He’s the one that I first heard say that it’s really in that order. First they Know you, then they Like you and then they Trust you.

So that’s a cool concept because it really does kind of have to go on that or no one’s going to trust you if they don’t at least know who you are or know what your product is or know what your services. And so it’s Know, Like, Trust. They Know you and then they Like you a little and then they Trust you.

The interesting thing about Trust, and there’s a whole lot you can get into the psychology of this.

One of my favorite books on it, very simple con book that’s called no BS Trust-Based Marketing and it’s by Dan Kennedy who I also talk about a lot and Matt Zagula. Go and look up this book highly, highly, highly recommend it.

There’s some great parts in it, especially the first half of it hits on some major points. The last half of it goes into details of tactics. But the first half he discusses that Trust is not necessarily irrational thing. Most of the time it isn’t, it isn’t rational. It’s based on a handful of items that they’ve been able to detect. One of them is just, there’s an affinity but it really comes down to just being familiar.

It’s familiarity. Just being familiar with a person, seeing them enough times, being around them. If they have any form of omnipresence in your life, meaning, you Know you see their stuff on social media, you see ads from them, whatever.

Just the fact that you’re familiar with them makes you more Trusting than anyone else that they would consider versus you in your category and whether you consider them competition or not, it’s that customer Trust you on simple things like that.

It doesn’t make you the best choice. It just means you were there first. You built that relationship even though it’s not necessarily a give and take. You may not even know who who they are, but the fact that you’re there and they know who you are makes you more likely to be trusted.

Something that simple is such a huge piece of where you should be thinking about in your advertising, not caring so much about trying to sell the item, the product, the service, instead selling the Trust factor, putting yourself out there as a human or having someone as a spokesperson.

That’s a human that you’re going to use long-term that represents your company.

Another great example from that book was Chrysler when Chrysler hired Lee Iacocca, and I think that was back in the back of the eighties or nineties. Lee Iacocca took over Chrysler and the whole problem was Chrysler had a Trust issue with the brand.

Well, he put himself forward. He didn’t make a big deal about specifics of the features of the cars. He said, if you find he had a commercial that he put out there, he says, if you find a better car than ours buy it.

And it was just this simple straight-forward concept saying I’m willing to back it up with my personal guarantee and because of that he built a relationship. He built Trust back with the American people.

Chrysler came out of the gutter based on Lee Iacocca’s leadership, but it’s also his marketing prowess. He understood that if he put a person out there and put a face behind it and someone that was believable that you can go a long way in that.

So some ideas to keep in mind and you got to think what are we doing in our company?

What am I doing in my business to establish trust with the end customer? And this only matters if you’re wanting to keep them long-term. If you’re wanting them to buy over and over and over again or get involved in your continuity. That’s the only reason why Trust matters.

But if that matters to you, if you’re looking for those type of people, you have to look closely at how Trust affects every piece of marketing, sales and anything that you’re putting out there. Customer service out back into the world, how are you paying attention to Trust?

Where is Trust being focused on the go read that. A No B.S. Trust-Based Marketing book. That’s a good one. There’s a lot of other ones as I come up with them and then come back across my library, I’ll bring them up to you.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about something, a little bit of a twist on all of these concepts.

I can’t get into any more of that because I forgot exactly what I’m talking about tomorrow, but I know it’s around the same lines. So we’ll talk back with you tomorrow. If you are wanting to talk with someone who understands Trust-Based marketing and see if you can kind of bounce some ideas off of them, that’s me. If you’re in the self-reliance field and you own the business or you’re a decision maker, perhaps an executive in that business, go to

The link is in the description. It’s a quick little video there. Go and watch it if it makes sense to you. Go fill out the application for a free conversation with me. You have a great day, and in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.