Big Why – Little Why

Big Why, Little Why
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Big Why, Little Why. What’s the difference? What’s it all about?

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about big why, a little why and a particular why that this gentleman had.

His name is Frank Hyman. You’ve heard me speak of him before. If you’ve been listening at all this week, we’ve been talking about his book Hentopia, his process in getting this book published.

It’s very, very interesting how it went from a very little why idea to become a really an extension of his bigger why. I’ll tell you about it a little bit right now, but first let me just tell you. If you happen to be in the self-reliance field and you help people to become more self reliant through your products and services, let’s say you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in that business, you’re the type of person I’d like to talk to.

Go to it’s specifically for business owners and executives in the self-reliance field. Go there. You can click on the link. It’s in the description above, below where it, depending on where you’re watching this, but you click on the link or type it in There’s a quick little video there. It gives you an idea of what the dream business transformation is all about. It’s completely free. Go check it out.

Let’s talk about Frank Hyman here. I interviewed him not long ago, a couple of weeks ago, something like that. I know all the days are, all melding together. I’ve been having a lot of activity happening lately and it’s been super busy. So Frank though is very interesting. He has a very interesting story. It’s a very friendly guy.

He has a great way of speaking. He’s a good storyteller. I really enjoyed listening to him. It’s a conversation I had with him over the phone. So it’s a little… gotta listen to it like you’ll listen to somebody talk on the phone, but it’s not a bad podcast.

Go and listen to the episode. It’s over on you can find the link also in the description down at the bottom. It should be there, it’s a the special episode I did with Frank and he talks all about his business, how he got around to writing this book Hentopia and the process is interesting, I’ll give you the background.

His wife, they were living in an area where they could have chickens, they had enough room to have chickens, she wanted to have chickens and he’s like, I just want to be able to have a vacation for two weeks at a time and if we have chickens, we’re going to be tied at home.

I don’t want to have to be tied at home. So he did some research and found a way where he could still be out and go on two week while she could have her chickens. And so it would all work out perfectly.

As he got into that, he realized this is a lot more simple than people realize. I think I can show people how to do this on the low end. People that don’t have any money whatsoever, I can show them how they can take, let’s say, pallets….old wooden pallets and break them up and make a chicken coop out of it. He talks about all that in here. Really interesting stuff.

It’s all about habitat. It’s all about building the places where your chickens would live if you had chickens, very interesting.

And so that little why of just wanting to make his wife happy, allowing her to be able to have chickens while at the same time allowing him to have his creature comfort of being able to leave town for two weeks at a time.

That little why is also tied to a bigger why because his whole life…..going all the way back to his childhood. He’s kind of been put onto a path of trying to help people that are disadvantaged.

That maybe not economically capable of being able to do everything they want to do. And so this was his way of being able to go out there and he puts on classes and he’s going to be at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon.

He puts on classes to show people how to do this stuff. He wrote the book, he’s planning on writing more books around the same topic to show people that it’s not that tough to get what you want out of life if you’re willing to just be a little bit creative. And he’s certainly been creative with his time.

It’s that entrepreneurial spirit, but that big why of wanting to help people. And while at the same time having fun. That’s another thing he mentions a big point of his life is and wanting to do speaking and all these other things. It’s just to have fun. If he could have fun, he’ll keep doing what he’s doing. Great message.

Go listen to that podcast. This was just me trying to get you to go home and listen to it. If nothing else, go listen to it. Tell me what you think of it because he has a lot of great points to bring up and a lot of great points that would tie back to business, which is why we call it the Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the episode I did after that that came out after that.

You could also listen to that when it’s with Andy Brennan of Aaron Burr Cider. Okay. He’s, he’s from over in New York State and he makes cider out of wild apples and he’s got a very interesting story.

Also another phone interview and it’s a very intriguing interview indeed. The point I want to bring up tomorrow that we’re going to talk about here is his idea of how you can use one secret to be able to beat the big guys.

If you are a company that’s looking to beat the big guys out of their profits and be able to make a huge difference, this is something you can do that they can’t do or can they, maybe they can.

If you’re are one of the big guys and you’re trying to keep one of the little guys from picking you off, this might be a way of doing it also. Hmm. We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.