Are You Catching the Clues?

Are You Catching the Clues?

Are you catching the clues?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by If you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you haven’t seen, go and check it out.

There’s a video there. It gives a, basically gives you a chance to take advantage of a special process we call the Dream Business Transformation. It’s a $600 value.

Go to the link is in the description. Now the real question is, are you catching the clues?

Life leaves clues, all along the way. One thing I found in my experience is, I believe in destiny. I believe that things happen for a reason. There I said it. I believe everything happens for a reason. If you don’t believe that, then I don’t know.

You haven’t seen the same things I’ve seen. It’s just one of those things that it happens too often to be random coincidence of the cosmos.

Everything happens for a reason. And I was talking, I told you I was having this talk with my friend Vinny and I was talking him through the process of becoming a business owner, and doing your own thing and having something that you’re building on your own, building over time.

He was giving examples and I don’t even remember the exact example he gave, but he gave examples of things that happened that were like clues that he was going in the right direction. And I’ve seen this over and over again, in my own life. But specifically in business you have to have a keen eye for what seems to be the right way.

I always know by the type of people I’m running into. This is a trend that I’ve seen over the years is that when I start running into a certain type of person, not everybody, but in the course of business, when I start every once in a while run into a type of person where it’s like, I’m glad I met this person in a big way.

Like this person is going to have a dynamic effect on my life or has had a dynamic effect already in the short period of time that I’ve known them.

When I see that and I see that there’s no way I could have gotten to them here if I hadn’t first started over here and gone through the process, if that makes sense. I know that the steps that I took are going in the right direction because I was set up to meet with this person here and just, there’s certain things when you find them, they just kind of ring true.

It’s that aha moment.

It’s like, ah yes, this is what life is all about. Right.

I know this is very airy fairy and other and kind of odd, and it’s not the typical type of business talk, but you have to be intuitive about what you’re doing.

It’s about paying very close attention to clues that the cosmos or God or whatever you want to say leaves for you in your path. And there’s all these little Easter eggs that show up, where it’s like, ahh look at that right there.

You would have never noticed it had you not gone through all the original steps to get to that point. And you could look back and say, okay, everything that I’ve gone through wasn’t an accident because I needed to find this.

I needed to find this person, I needed to discover this truth. And that’s how you know you’re going in the right direction. That’s how you know things happen for a reason.

Because you can see the storyline laying out.

You don’t notice it as you’re going through it. You certainly don’t like to think that all the crap that you go through is part of something greater, especially when you’re going through it. Right? But you’ve just got to believe it. You got to know it.

You’ve gotta be able to look back and see all the chaos that you’ve gone through and realize that there’s something that’s less chaotic about it.

There’s something to it, to it all. So just a quick idea.

Nothing too major, nothing too deep. But something that I’m happy me and Vinny got to talk about and I’m wanting to bring it up with you here today.

So we will be back tomorrow night talking about more business concepts and things to help you grow your business, things to help you go further and to really transform your life, which is what it’s all about, isn’t it?

So you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Dedication Determines Destiny

Dedication Determines Destiny

Dedication determines destiny.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live, we come here every day from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to get a little philosophical on you and I wanted to bring up a quote that I overheard, an audio I was listening to and it was a by a gentleman named Stan Billue. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this guy before.

Stan Billue, he was a sales trainer.

He died back in 2015. Was a sales trainer through the 70s, 80s, 90s, I believe was his prime time. And I heard about Stan from a couple of different sources. But I got his an audio series that he had put together, it was originally a video series, I believe.

I was listening to the audio series from his sales training and this was from if you haven’t been there, go and check it out.

I’m going to talk about Michael Senoff who came up with

He’s a really interesting guy, has a really great business model and something that you could definitely take something from when we’re talking about content marketing and information marketing.

So we’ll talk about that another time. But I want to get back to Stan Billue’s point about determination and destiny.

He brought this up saying that if you’re determined, your creating in a sense your own destiny. And I think that’s true to an extent, but I think I kind of think of it a little bit in reverse.

There was another quote, and I wish I had the author’s name. I know which book it came out of , but I don’t have the book in my hands right now.

So there was a book I read and I believe he was quoting someone else. And in it he said that, desire reveals destiny.

I tend to agree with that and I think determination is a sign of desire.

When you see someone that’s determined, when someone’s really showing the results of determination, if it’s showing up in what they’re doing, if they’re truly determined all the way, then that’s a sign of true desire.

And I think desire reveals destiny as opposed to the other way around. I don’t think that you can create your own destiny, but I do think that you can reveal your own destiny through your actions.

I’ve seen this over and over again, both in my personal life and in others.

Oftentimes when I’m working with somebody new, when I’m working on training somebody new, I look for certain qualities and one of the qualities I look for is a very strong desire to create something bigger and to create something better for themselves.

I see that occur in their determination and the level of determination really shows you the level of desire. And the more determined a person is, the more they’ve got that burn. They’ve got that desire, they’ve got a drive to actually do something more.

When I see that, I see a person that’s destined to build something big, to make something big, to become something big or what have you. They’re going places. There’s something happening, but it’s something behind them that….I don’t want to get deep into any concepts of predestination or anything like that, but I do believe in a sense of destiny.

And I think that there is no way that you know whether people have it or not, but there are signs of whether they’re destined to go in a specific direction or not at a specific time.

If I bring on a new client and that client doesn’t stick with it and they don’t stage determined to our pre-organized goals and our plan, our action plan, I know they’re not determined.

I know they’re not really moving forward.

That’s a person that’s destined in a different direction.

They’re not necessarily destined in the direction that we had set up for them, or at least not at this particular time. And I’ve learned just to say, Hey, no big deal. We pull back and we walk away from those situations and I suggest doing the same thing.

Instead of trying to control the situations that are going through people’s heads and whether they’re determined or not. You’re not going to be able to make a person determined.

They either are ready to be determined or they’re not, and that maybe they’re not today, but they will be tomorrow.

Or maybe they were yesterday and they’re not today. But you’ve got to see that it’s that there’s something in play behind everything and you could call it psychology, you could call it a spiritual destiny. You can call it anything you want, but there’s something behind the scenes going on in people’s minds and people’s souls, what have you, that determine whether they’re going to move forward with something or not.

Whether they’re going to stick it out and really have the grit necessary to be able to move forward.

Recognize that in people and see what you can do to be able to work with the people that are willing to work, that have the determination to work with you. Let the others go and whether that’s customers or whether it’s partners or whether it’s clients, you’ve got to be able to see that in other people as best as you can and not take it personal if everyone’s got their own deal going on.

I know this is kind of all over the place today.

Hopefully it made sense to you.

If it does, go to check out some of my other videos and or audio. You can listen to these.

Also, if you happen to be listening to it via podcast, you could also listen to him there and that it’s over in the media section of if you’d like to be able to talk with me about how this, these concepts apply to your business.

Go to and click on, I Want To Grow My Business.

And also if you are in the self-reliance field, go to there’s a dream business transformation specifically available to people in the self-reliance field.

Meaning, if you’re a decision maker at your company and you make products and services that help people to become more self reliant, I’d love to talk with you. go and check out the video there, see if it applies to you, see if you qualify and fill out the application itself.

So hopefully that was helpful tonight. Tomorrow we’ll talk about something else.

Maybe I’ll, maybe I’ll touch on Michael Senoff tomorrow or maybe we’ll leave it for another time, but we’re back here every day.

Come on back to the same location and we’ll chat again. Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do Things Happen To You or For You?

Do Things Happen To You or For You?

Do things happen to you or for you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today, coming to you live from Tracy, California outside. It’s quite windy. I apologize if you’re not able to hear me well, but I’m out on the back deck of my father’s house out here in Tracy, California.

Let me see if I can show you a little bit of the view here or looking out. Looking out. Let’s see. Can you see, Oh well of course it would help if my finger were not over the lens. This is a Tracy, California at night.

I see Joseph Costamagna is watching. Hey Joe hanging out here in Tracy. See if I can wipe off the lens. This is all live folks. This is all live. So that kind of gives you a perspective.

So do things happen to you or for you?

And this is from a quote that my friend Sean McNeil posted on Facebook than I really enjoy.

Hey, how’s it going?

Sean McNeil was saying that. Everything either happens to you or for you, says it all depends on your perspective and really everything always depends on your perspective.

If you think about it, and that’s a perfect example and it’s an attitude adjustment and something to keep an eye on yourself is whether you think things happen to you or for you. You say, well, yeah, but that can’t be the only options.

But really it is in a sense, it is because if things happen to you, you’re a victim and things just happen to you constantly and things are just always happening on top of you that the fates are out to get you.

But if things are happening for you, you could say, well that’s pretty self-centered.

What do you mean things happen for you?

But I think it pays to be a little bit self-centered.

You have to see the world from yourself out, because that’s who you are. You have to see how things are coming together for you. And not that everything happens just for you, but from your perspective, you have to see it as they’re happening for you.

You have to have a little bit of that concept of destiny that I like to talk about and you can watch some of my other videos regarding destiny. I think if you don’t, you’re always going to feel like things are happening to you.

You’re still secretly believe in destiny, but you believe that it’s all out to get you. You believe you’re faded to something bad. That’s just no way to live. You gotta be able to see the good things.

You’ve gotta be able to see the shiny things and be able to see the good things that are happening for you because they’re everywhere. Whether you’re taking advantage of them or not, you’ve got opportunity everywhere. You’ve got the ability to do so many things and you could see that other people may not have those same things.

When I talk about white privilege and stuff like this, I think we’re all privileged in our own way. And even the most worst case scenario, worst case situations that occur can be a privilege, can be useful, we could use to our advantage.

Viktor Frankl, the guy that wrote ahh……what’s the name of his famous book?

A Man’s Search for Meaning.

This was a guy that survived the concentration camps and he started taking perspective. It’s great book. You gotta read it, A Man’s Search for Meaning.

Or go listen to the audio. It’s free on YouTube. You go listen to it. The whole idea is that, he was in a concentration camp. He started looking at, if I’m able to survive this, how can I take this and make it useful?

How do I disconnect from the circumstances and look at this objectively and be able to use what I’m going through here to be able to help people. And he did. He was healthier than everybody else. When he got up and left and he went out and took that perspective and spread across the world and just by writing that one book has been able to help millions and millions of people even after he’s died.

So did things happened to him?

Did the Holocaust happen to him or did it happen for him?

It’s all perspective folks.

You got to always keep in mind that your perspective will help determine your destiny. Just a quick thought for tonight. Hope you have a great night.

We’re all going to be back here tomorrow.

If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, maybe you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant. You could tell a lot of my talks and you could watch some my other videos to get a more of a flavor for it. A lot of my talks all revolve around people becoming more self-reliant as entrepreneurs, as business owners, as executives, as people running companies.

The whole concept is how do you become a self-reliant as possible so that you can help others, whether they have the ability to be self-reliant or not. If you are, go to

I’d love for you to watch the video there. It’s eight and a half minutes long. You don’t have to put in your email or anything else. Go watch it. It’s free. If you feel like we’d be a good fit, fill out the application and see if we can sit down and have a little chat.

Love to be able to talk with you and find out more about you. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Free Will & Business Growth

Free Will & Business Growth
More Daily Vids➡️ –

So what does free will or the lack thereof have to do with business growth?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo with Welcome back to the Orange Office on this Saturday. Oh, Saturday evening.

We’re going to be talking about the deep topic of free will, the philosophy of it and how it affects you and your business.

I think a lot of people get into the dark doldrums when it comes to their business because they get confused about this topic. Yesterday we talked about destiny and how destiny affects your view of your business and your business growth.

Today, something that goes along the same lines is free will and there’s an even deeper topic to it that we’re gonna hit on tomorrow.

I’ll clue you in as to what that has to do with. But what is free will free will’s the idea that you’re in control, that you’re in charge. That you have the ability to be able to choose when and where you go and how you do it and your life is your own.

Now, while I would never take away the idea that you’re in charge of yourself in a sense, I really find it hard to believe that most of the things that happen to us is of our own choosing or of our own making.

Think about it.

Did you get to choose your parents or lack thereof? Did you get to choose where you grew up? What country you grew up in? What city you grew up in? What a class you grew up in, in terms of how much money you made? Did you get to choose any of that? Did you get to choose your gender? Did you get to choose your race? Did you get to choose anything that happened to you as a child? The time periods you grew up and was any of this a choice?

No, but how does that affect your life?

It affects it on all levels. It affects your experiences. It affects what you’re used to, what you’re not used to. None of that is really your fault. Really 99% if not more of everything that happens to us isn’t our fault and I was going to save this for tomorrow, but it really is our responsibility isn’t it?

We’ll go more into that later. It’s our, it’s your responsibility, but it’s not your fault. And so free will, I think the way we talk about it is deceiving and it gets us into the point to where, especially if you are a business owner, if you’re an executive, if you’re one of the people in charge of your business, then the feeling is that everything that happens to that business has a whole lot to do with you. And it does.

A whole lot of it has to do with you, but it’s you can’t control what’s happening to you and your business.

You can’t control market conditions. You can’t control any of that stuff.

Would you can control is all of the things you’re doing wrong that is taking you in the wrong direction. You may have some control over that. But the concept of free will is that you’re in charge is that you really have control over this stuff. And the plain fact of the matter is most of us don’t even have charge, real charge over ourselves.

You look at the addictions that everybody has. You look at the, the, even when you talk about workaholics and people that get addicted to their work, addicted to their business work, you talk about all the things that are completely out of your control in a sense. Is it your responsibility to take care of them? When it comes to what happens to us, most of the things throughout our entire life is constantly happening to us.

So our idea of freewill I think is mixed.

I think it’s really messed up and it puts us in a guilt position when things don’t turn out the way we want them to and they never turn out the way we want them to. Like we were talking about destiny yesterday.

It never goes the way you think it’s going to go ever.

Anybody who says they have achieved great success, none of them are going to tell you that they designed the whole thing unless they’re completely lying to themselves.

Something is pushing us forward. Yeah, there’s things we can’t see that are pushing us that are taking us in a certain direction. I believe that.

But are we fully in control? I don’t believe at one second.

Tomorrow we’re going to go over fault versus responsibility. What’s the difference between those two and how that difference can completely change how you view Your Business and how you view “your role” in your business?

If you like some of these talks, I’m going a little bit deeper now. We’re not going to go too deep, but we’re hitting on some of these goofy subjects that people don’t usually talk about when it comes to business.

If you like this, if you relate with some of this, you don’t have to agree with me. But I’d love to hear your take on it. Leave a comment down below or send me a message and tell me some of your thoughts on it.

If you’re an executive or a business owner that’s in the self-reliance field is certain that I’m studying right now and I love to get to talk with you a little more.

Go to there’s a little section there that has to do with the dream business transformation. It’s a phone call that I have with people where we just get on the phone for 30 to 60 minutes and we talk about your dream business. What would you actually like to have in the most ideal scenario?

Obviously you’ve got a great business, I’m sure you’ve been successful, but how would it be just perfect for you personally?

Go to there’s a eight and a half minute video that you can watch and love to hear your take on that. You’re welcome to fill out the application if you think that it fits you.

So tomorrow we’re going to talk about fault versus responsibility.

You have a great night.

Destiny & Business Growth

Destiny & Business Growth
More Daily Vids➡️ –

So what does personal destiny have to do with business growth?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon.

I’m with and today we’re going to have a little talk about destiny. What’s it all about? Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

One thing that I’ve noticed through time, there’s certain principles that I’ve stuck with or that have stuck with me, I should say. I haven’t been able to drop them ever since I was a kid.

Something got caught in my mind. I don’t remember my parents ever bringing it up. I don’t remember it coming from a single movie, although I can probably name some movies that it’s tied to.

But the concept that everything happens for a reason, I’ve never been able to drop it. Everything I’ve ever seen in my life ends up coming back to that fundamental. Can I say truth?

You know, it’s something that is just fundamentally true for me and no matter what,

I can’t get around it. I see it in everything and it’s not that everything that happens in life, you automatically see what the reason is behind it. It takes a long time for things to start gelling and for you to see why something happened the way it did, especially tragedy and really rotten things when they happen, but eventually it all comes around and it all starts to make sense.

That’s the scary thing about life is how much everything ends up making sense. I know I’m getting a little deep on you here today. This is deep thoughts with Brian Pombo.

You remember the Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy on Saturday Night Live? If not, go and look. Go and look those up. Deep thoughts. I’d like to have a few of these videos where we could have some, some of these deeper discussions.

I’d like to know from you, do you believe in destiny?

Do you believe that everything has somewhat of a purpose and Shakespeare put it? Do you believe we’re all players? You know, and the world’s merely a stage that we’re kind of acting something out that’s kind of beyond our control.

I’ve seen too much of life to not believe that that’s somewhat of the case. I can’t, I don’t have as much control over myself as I would think I would have and we’d get into freewill.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow and what that has to do with your, but how does destiny play into your business? If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, you must feel that there’s a certain amount of growth that happens and a certain amount of movement that happens via your business that you had nothing to do with.

You must have seen success at some point that you didn’t guess was happening, but it was, it didn’t come from the same place that you thought it was going to come from. It didn’t come from the client or the customer that you thought it was going to come from or the product line that you thought was going to take off. Maybe it didn’t. It came from some place out of the ordinary, and there’s a million stories like this.

I haven’t known a single successful business person that hasn’t had things unexpected, completely unexpected that ended up leading to their success.

Not that they didn’t want success, not that they didn’t plan on being successful, but that it never happens the way they thought it would have happened.

It’s almost like there’s something else behind it. I’m not going to get into religion or anything like that. There was no need to. But I do believe that there’s some type of destiny.

I believe that there’s a reason why you’re here listening to me. And if you think the same thing, if you can connect with some of the, these concepts I’m talking about, I think you’re the type of person I’d like to talk a little more with.

So one of the areas I work in is I work with business owners and executives that are in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant. Whether that be in the homesteading area, whether you, you help people, with their animals and pets, whether you actually help people to, survive in emergency situations. You’re probably the type of person I like to talk to.

Go to, there’s a little video there.

Take a look at it and if you agree with some of the concepts there, fill out the fill out the little application and we’ll see if we can sit down and talk. But destinies definitely a part of all of our businesses, if you sit back long enough, you’ll start to see it that there’s a reason behind it all.

It’s not that you know exactly what that reason is or you exactly know where it’s going. It’s not that you don’t have any control over it, but there’s a reason why we’re sitting here today and I think there’s a reason why we connect it up. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

If you think I’m completely insane, leave a comment or, or send me a message cause I’d love to take this conversation a little further. I just need a little bit of back and forth. So we’re going to see you tomorrow. We’re going to talk about free will and what it has to do with your business. Is it real? Is it an illusion? I don’t know. Let’s see.

Tomorrow. Have a great day.