Unabomber Marketing Secrets

Unabomber Marketing Secrets

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What the heck could the Unabomber and marketing have to do with one another? Brian gives you his thoughts on the matter in tonight’s daily vid.

How To Get Attention With Advertising

How To Get Attention With Advertising

More Daily Vids➡️ – https://brianjpombo.com/media/brian-j-pombo-live-daily-video-index/

Brian takes us through an experience he got from a mailer he received from Magnetic Marketing|No B.S. Inner Circle

How To Demand Your Customer’s Loyalty

How To Demand Your Customer's Loyalty


How to demand your customer’s loyalty.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, we’re going to go through some simple steps here today on customer loyalty.

Just a very simple example of how to do it and then, if you can get the principle, the tactics become easy.

Welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live, we do this on a daily basis where we discuss business concepts either in the form of principles, strategies or tactics and today we’re going to be talking about a principle via a tactic.

And before we get to that, I just wanted to remind you, if you own a business or you’re an executive of a business, seven figures and above, go to BrianJPombo.com and check out some of our offerings there.

Also, if you happen to be in the self reliance field, meaning you’re an owner or an executive of a business that helps people to become more self reliant.

I have a special deal just for you over at DreamBizChat.com and it’s all about the dream business transformation. It’s something I normally charge $600 and above for, but for you, if you happen to be in the self-reliance field and you qualify, then you might be able to get it for free.

So go check that out at DreamBizChat.com. It’d be very helpful to you because it’s something you can walk away with and something you could put into play this year immediately after getting off the phone with me. Go and check that out.

Let’s talk about customer loyalty, because this is something that whether you’re a banker or a beekeeper, it’s the same thing.

Everyone should be focused on having your customers come back over and over and over again.

Now, if you’re not in a business where you have repeat customers, you need to get in that business because you’re probably spending all your time chasing the next new customer when, what you should be is keeping your current customers so happy that they’re the ones that are going out getting new customers for you.

That’s the secret sauce right there.

I’m going to show you an example of this.

This is a local company. A, they’re name is Kelly’s Automotive. You can go and look them up, I’m here in Grants Pass, Oregon. By the way, I’m here in the Orange Office. And for those of you who have been watching for a long time, you’re familiar with the Orange Office.

This is in town of Grants Pass, away from my main headquarters.

And you’ll notice that people who have been to the Orange Office know that it’s not completely orange.

There’s some green parts of it too. So I’m here, right in between just for this special segment today.

Like I was saying, Kelly’s Automotive, these people are located in Grants Pass. They also have a garage over in Medford, Oregon and I’m not sure if they’re anywhere else, but they have amazing marketing systems set up and even though I know it’s manufactured, it’s still something to me as a customer.

I know it means something to other customers too.

So how often do you get a hand written card from anybody in the mail anymore?

This is actually from a couple of years ago and I held onto it because they do this quite often, but this was one I’ve always wanted to talk about and this is one they sent out during the month of February.

It’s got the hearts for Valentine’s Day and on the inside it says Kate, thank you. My wife’s name is Kate. She was the one that had taken one of our vehicles and it says, Kate, thank you for your recent visit.

We look forward to serving you in the future, Curtis and the crew.

Simple little writing, now I don’t think Curtis is the manager over there. I don’t think he’s the one that actually wrote this.

The way it looks, it looks like it was probably somebody else that wrote it. But simple, subtle. It doesn’t say anything detailed other than Kate’s name.

Nothing that would tell me that this person actually knew what they were even talking about. But they have it in the process to send out thank you cards on a regular basis for their customers.

When customers come in, what businesses do that anymore?

How many people in your own family or friends do that?

Your best friend. How often do you receive a written note about anything?

And you know what, it’s more important now than it ever was because it’s so rare and makes you stand out.

Something simple like this creates customer loyalty. I’m telling you, they’ve got multiple things that they do that take us back. Every time I have an issue with my car I go back to Kelly’s.

Do I think they’re the the best mechanics ever in the whole area?

I don’t know, because I haven’t bothered to go and look for another mechanic, because they’ve done well by me.

I’ve taken my car in there before, had an issue with it and they said, well, it wasn’t this other thing so we’re not going to charge you as much as we thought we were going to do. Things like that.

Things where they go the extra mile to show respect for the customer and that’s valuable. Simple little things like this show that they care enough.

It doesn’t mean that they care personally for me, they care about the customer in general and it makes me want to go back there.

Never have I received one of these from any other mechanic, let alone I can’t name very many businesses that I’ve ever received a thank you card from adding a little piece like this into your system, even if it’s completely manufactured, even if it’s not direct.

Now, if you’re in a one person business or a very small business, you’ll be able to write something like that and be able to put a little personal spin on it that really makes an impact and you don’t just do it to get the impact.

You do it to show appreciation.

You do it to show that you care and that you realize that person could take their business anywhere, because I can take my business anywhere.

But because subtle, simple little things like that, simple little processes that help connect you one way or the other with your customer, that’s a great deal. It’s worth it.

It makes me not even go price shopping.

It makes me not go and look for a higher quality.

I know what I’m going to get when I go to Kelly’s Automotive and if you’re smart, you’ll use tactics like this in a meaningful way, as meaningful way as possible, but instill them into your ongoing systems and you’re going to have a relationship.

You’re going to have customer loyalty slowly be built up.

That customer loyalty is priceless because the most expensive thing in any of our businesses is getting the first customer to pay the first money.

It’s getting that one person to spend money the first time.

Once you’ve got someone to spend money with you once, it’s easier to get them to spend money again.

As long as you haven’t completely messed it up. And even sometimes when you mess it up, if you’re apologetic about it and straight-forward about it and maybe give them their money back, oftentimes they’ll come back to you.

People appreciate genuine, sincere gratitude, and that’s all you need.

You just need a little bit of gratitude toward people and they’ll eat it up like nothing. You will demand their customer loyalty and it and you’ll deserve it. So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

We’re going to be back here tomorrow.

Like I said, we’re back here every day and coming back to you with higher quality recordings, hopefully, but you can go back and rewatch or re-listen to any of our old ones in any of the social media that you wish or in any podcast directory that you wish to hear these at.

You can go back and check those out. Also, we’ve got them going all the way back to the very beginning over at BrianJPombo.com so you have a great day.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Never Assume What Is “Success”

Never Assume What Is "Success"


Never assume What is “Success.”

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day today from Grants Pass, Oregon.

I apologize for the last few episodes we’ve had been having technical difficulties broadcasting out and have some little glitches. We’re trying to work it out.

Hopefully everything works out better today.

And I want to talk about assuming and what it does, especially when it happens to do with marketing.

So I’m going to give you a concept, a very specific concept, and then bring it out to a very broad principle. What we’re going to cover goes straight into some tactical things here.

I got this postcard, larger postcard in the mail. Merry Christmas from one of the local churches.

I’ve never been to this church. I don’t know anything about them. This is a River Valley Church that meets at Lincoln Savage Middle School over on New Hope Road, and says, Christmas Eve in Murphy.

Now, oftentimes people will show me a piece like this. Sometimes, in fact, one of the most common things I could ask for is my opinion on the usefulness of a particular political mailer, which is a little bit more, but in terms of what they’re trying to achieve.

I like this version because it’s like, what was the point of this mailer?

And you should never assume you know what their concept of success is based on what they wanted to do with it is how I would grade this. I wouldn’t just grade it on a very basic sense of marketing because I can use a million different things that I would improve or not improve on.

But it all depends on what you’re wanting the end user to do what you’re expected to get out of it. Now perhaps them sending this out to everybody.

This was at every door. Yeah. This wasn’t every door a piece of direct mail. So that means it gets sent out. It’s blanketed out there.

It isn’t specifically sent to any one person.

There’s not even an address name on it. It doesn’t even say, the current occupant or anything of that sort. It’s just a local postal customer.

So with that, when you’re buying a piece of mail like this and oftentimes you’ll see this with a postcards, you see a piece of mail that gets sent to everybody.

This is something they call, every door direct mail. It’s done by the post office has been for a number of years now. And it’s an inexpensive way to be able to just blanket something out if you’re trying to get within a specific radius.

So you can just hit the postal routes and so forth that you’re looking to get.

Not just the zip code, but down to the postal routes. So it’s a pretty, pretty interesting, that’s an interesting tactic if you’re understanding anything about direct mail.

But the other thing is, as it says, Merry Christmas from your neighbors at River Valley Church Murphy. So they’re giving you a little bit of a feel good on one side.

On the other side it says, please join us for our second annual Christmas. Even Murphy’s not far from here.

We’re in Grant’s Pass technically, but Murphy’s right down the road, a Christmas carols nativity scene, refreshments, a message of hope, 5:00 PM on December 24th Lincoln Savage Middle School with the address.

Find out more about who we are. Visit us online RiverValleycc.org/murphy campus about the only thing you can see in terms of a call to action. If we were to guess what the point of this is, the people out to this specific Christmas Eve celebration on Christmas Eve night.

And then, they’re looking to get you to go to their website and they’re looking to make you feel good.

Even if you don’t know anything about them. And this is the first time I realized that River Valley, it is a well known church in town, but I didn’t realize they had a Murphy campus. So that’s my first realization of that.

So it’s a little bit of branding advertising there.

It’s very glossy. It’s very nice, nice feel to it. But the real issue is, is what was the point of it?

If the point was just to make me feel good and to put the bug in my brain of who River Valley Church Murphy was, it did okay on that. I know to most people they’d probably see this and they toss them and they don’t think twice about it.

So those are always tough when you’re looking do any for branding, it’s very difficult to judge whether it worked or not. So that’s one thing you got to keep in mind. Another thing is, is what was the end goal?

Are they looking to see how many strangers show up to this date on this particular time?

That’s something that they can track. That’s something they’ll be able to see and there’ll be like, see whether it worked or not.

I don’t know how wide an area they went over for this. This isn’t that far from us. So it could have been a very targeted area so they should get a good idea of who’s new and who’s coming as long as they’re there checking with people at the door and then they can always look at their website and see if there has been any new people popping in. Any bump in visitors to the website.

So there’s a couple of ways they can judge whether this was worth the money worth the time.

The fact that it’s a nonprofit you tend to see, especially a local nonprofit, you tend to see them not be as detailed with that type of thing.

But when they are, if you run a nonprofit, if you run anything of that sort, then it is something to keep in mind is really being targeted with what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, everything else.

But the bigger picture idea here I want you to think about is don’t get caught up in trying to judge things from an outside perspective because I don’t know, in the end I don’t really know what their point was.

I don’t know what success is for them and oftentimes in our businesses it’s real easy to look at everybody else, including our competitors and say, wow, they’re doing really good.

Look at all the ads that are run running there or look at what they’re doing over here. We should copy that. You don’t know if they’re actually being successful with what they’re doing.

Just because they’ve launched that new product, whether that product’s doing any good, you can’t really tell in even over years and years of time whether they’re doing the right thing because you don’t know what qualifies as success.

Now, if you had inside information that the more you have, the more of a concrete idea you can have and then like for example, if they said, the main thing we want to do is drive people to this website.

I’d say there were many ways that they could have put more attention toward that and less attention towards anything else and they’d be able to up how many people show up to the website.

There’s also ways they could have gotten more people to show up on Christmas Eve.

They could have been made this a whole lot more specific and you really do have to sit here and read through it in order to get the main message and because it’s directing you a couple of different ways, I don’t think it does as well at bringing into mind those calls to action, but see that’s all dependent on what they wanted as success for this.

If they may very well be a success for them. So that’s a simple idea, very much a principle, but it’s core to what I look at when I’m looking at a business.

I can’t look at the outside and tell you whether it’s working or not. I have to know where you’re looking to take things, what the purpose is of your tactics before I can know whether those tactics worked or not.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

If you’d like me to be able to look at your business, go to BrianJPombo.com. I’d be happy to be able to take a look at your business.

We’ve got a couple of different options there. Includes strategy sessions starting at $600 and above.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field and you’re interested in the same type of deal, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, then go to DreamBizChat.com that link is in the description. You can go check that out.

There’s a free video there and you can, you can get kind of a deeper idea of what I mean by a strategy session or a Dream Business Transformation.

Hey, I will have another video for you tomorrow. Hopefully have a couple more.

I’m going to have to put some extra videos one of these days, to make up for a day we missed a couple of days ago. So you have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Standing Out With Direct Mail Grabbers

Standing Out With Direct Mail Grabbers


Standing out with direct mail grabbers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you live every day from Grants Pass Oregon back here.

Today we’re looking specifically at a piece of mail that dropped in and this is one that anyone that’s in Southern Oregon has probably gotten these before from Butler Automotive Group. They sell a Ford’s and Acura’s.

It’s with a large dealerships here locally and if you asked me before which, well, I’ll help go cover that in a second.

I want to show you one specific thing about this piece of junk mail that I lovingly refer to a junk mail. Because I work a lot and in junk mail, I help people to use even physical direct mail like this to get attention.

It’s all about standing out.

If you can stand out with your customers, you have a chance of being heard and then eventually take them down the line of being known, liked, and trusted.


How do you get known?

First you got to stand up.

You got to be rise above everything and oftentimes when we get a bunch of stuff in the mail, we parse through it pretty quick.

Pay attention, next time you grab the mail and you’ve got a handful of things, what are you doing?

You’re looking for, okay, what’s the stuff I don’t need?

What does this stuff that I don’t even need to think about, look at or do anything else with?

One of these would normally be something that you would just kind of toss aside the differences with this particular one is that it comes with a little key.

That’s an actual physical key.

Now it hasn’t been cut specifically so that it works on anything, but it’s one of those deals that they send you an actual key, taped on here and it says your odds of winning this SUV is one in 71,158 if you received a key and your confirmation code matches the prize board, you are the winner of a 2019 Ford Escape SC or 25,000 cash.

That’s all this is.

This is a representative.

But many people don’t know why, something like this is in a piece of mail and it’s because it stops you.

It stops you and in the industry, it’s referred to as lumpy mail or as a grabber.

I remember Gary Halbert, a famous marketing genius, used to talk about grabbers.

Often times they talk about those being in an envelope, but this is an example of a free mailer that is, you know, it’s a regular mailer that you normally just kind of toss aside, but this grabs your attention.

It’s a little heavier and if you’re feeling something a little lumpy in it and you’re going to pay attention to this little key, whether you’ve received one of these before or not.

I always notice this little key when it shows up it comes a couple times a year that they do this same deal over and over again.

I can tell you it probably works for them because they do it over and over and over again.

So it must be working.

It must be worth tossing in a little bit of extra metal and plastic into the cost of the mailer to get that extra little attention to make you stop a little. Just a little bit and pay a little closer attention to their little piece of mail here rather than just tossing it aside like every other piece of junk mail that just kinda comes through and it’s obvious.

It’s obvious right off the right off the bat. It’s an ad, but this little grabber stops you.

It’s all about standing out.

Now I don’t know whether it works for them or not.

They may just be doing it because they’ve always done it.

It’s funny how businesses can work sometimes.

I’d love to find out if you are in the Southern Oregon area and you know anything about the Butler Automotive Group or the marketing people that work with them to to build this little thing.

I’d be interested to know how well it works for them because I could tell you, I could always talk about a piece of mail like this with the keys a few times a year.

It was always one of those things that’s always on my mind, but I couldn’t tell you which automotive group did it.

I really couldn’t.

I knew it was one of the big ones, but I couldn’t tell you that it was Butler Automotive Group.

So it’s not a name recognition thing that they were going for.

They’re going for specific people. I think specific people that are in the market for a car and just trying to get your attention, that split second longer may just do the trick.

That’s just one example.

There are a million examples.

I love lumpy mail.

I love any type of mail that’s different and odd and off the wall.

Most people don’t know you can mail just about anything.

There are people that mail coconuts that all you do is you, if you put a label on it and you can fit the postage on it, you can get it through the mail.

As long as it’s not hazardous or anything.

Well, I know you can do something’s alive. You can send chicken eggs through the mail, you can send chickens in the mail, but you got to do it a special way.

But you could take a coconut and hollow it out and seal it back together and you could have that be a mailer.

I mean there were a million things out there. 3D Mail Results, I think I’ve talked about on here before.

3DMailResults.com I think is the website. They’ve got some great examples of lumpy mail, but I just want you to think of the concept of standing out about being just just different enough, it a little bit more attention.

Now, if you could be more different, if you could be more outrageous, if you could stand out a whole lot more, that’s a key to really being able to capture people’s imaginations and to get them to pay attention a little bit longer so that they get to that point with it.

They Know, they Like and they Trust you and that leads the way to having an ongoing customer or client.

So just a little piece. If you’d like to see how you can standout more as a business, then I’d love to be able to talk to you.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and you could also go to a DreamBizChat.com especially if you are a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that encourage people to become more self reliant.

Go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description above, below, depending on where you’re watching or listening to this so you have a great day.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Looking Zone


Ahhh….The Looking Zone.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live. Today coming to you from a very dark place out in Josephine County, a undisclosed location, but all I’ve got is the light from my dome here. And today we’re going to be talking a little bit about your customer and catching them when they’re in the exact looking zone.

I’m going to talk about a very specific tactic that you can have added to your arsenal in some way.

And we’re talking specifically about direct mail, but don’t get caught up on the medium, because the same thing can be accomplished via email, online through social media. There’s a number of other ways that you can get in touch with people when they’re in the looking zone.

So this is a specific thing and it’s interesting because it ties in well because I’m in the process of moving my family and as we’re doing that, we are starting to get mail at the new place, which is interesting, because we hadn’t even put in for a address change.

So how they found out exactly that we’re moving. I don’t really know. It may have been a DMV change. It may have been something else. I’m just curious because you’ll start seeing that you’ll get mail in your new location, even before you do an address change, a specific address change.

And so they have ways of telling each other. This is one from bed bath and beyond a piece of mail that came in to the Pombo households. That’s us. So we’ll take a look at it and on the outside it says, it says directly what it is, you know, it’s a piece of junk mail. It’s advertising. It says 20% off entire purchase. I mean, that’s the main focus of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Says right there, your move, we can help right there.

It’s labeled, says the dear Pombo household. You’ve found the perfect place. Now it’s time to make it your own. This is very, very, very specific. Direct, timely hitting us. When we’re in the looking zone.

They know their audience, they know who they’re going after and they’re hitting us at one very particular time.

So they’ve gone through the whole process of finding out when people move. Getting those addresses quickly could be that the place just sold could be a number of reasons why they were able to pass to find out that we were coming to this address at the exact address and it’s, but they’ve got this nice little quick little main thing is giant coupon on the bottom.

People don’t even use coupons anymore, but the style of the coupon is still very common. See the little dotted line that denotes that you take out your scissors and cut this out and with a little bar code here and it’s good through November of this year, 20% off and tire purchase and a little ad for their, B and Willow home, new and exclusively ours, one of their new brands that they’re, that they’re selling things as very straight, straight forward, very simple on the back.

I even noticed this the first time, throw it on the back. It says new home needs, find more tips at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It’s got a checklist. I don’t know if you can see that? You can’t see that from there, but you might be able to see it a little bit. I don’t know.

Just trust me, it has a checklist and it’s got like furniture. So it’s got a checklist under furniture tables and chairs, TV stands and entertainment centers, wine racks and cabinets and a whole list. And then it has kitchen, dish rack, soap dispenser, and with little check boxes next to them just to have your little checklist to make sure you got everything during the move. Very smart.

And don’t forget about your windows style, your windows home house-warming registry. You could set up a house warming registry. So if you’re going to have a house warming party, you can have a registry that people can, I mean, registries aren’t just for weddings anymore.

I mean this is for baby showers. You got a house warming registry, decorate your home, hire a decorist from bed bath and beyond. And it’s just brilliant across the board. Everything on this little piece of mail, front and back.

It’s focused on me being in the looking zone because I’m moving.

Okay, who is your ideal client or customer?

What is the ideal time for you to be capturing them?

Is there any possible way that you can find those customers?

What other things are they looking for?

What other items are they shopping for?

What other types of businesses are they going to be going to?

If they’re in the looking zone?

Think very hard about the looking zone and where you’re hitting people in the looking zone. If you’d like to talk more about how the looking zone applies to you in your business and let’s say that you are in the self reliance field.

If you happen to be, we’ve got an offer going on right now over at DreamBizChat.com. The whole idea of it is to have a dream business transformation in less than 60 minutes. We can talk on the phone or over video chat and be able to dissect your business, take it down to the roots and figure out what is necessary for you to take it from where it’s at to where you want it to be and get there in the quickest possible fashion. That’s what I do. I help set up the steps customized to you.

Go and find out more about it at DreamBizChat.com. Quick a little video there that you can find out more about. It’s completely free. We don’t hunt you or try and learn more about you unless you’re interested in finding out more info. So let us know. Go DreamBizChat.com link is in the description.

Otherwise, tomorrow we’re going to be discussing some other things. I don’t remember what we’re going to talk about tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. I do this every day where we sit down, we talk about these concepts.

Hopefully you’ll learn something you could walk away with. If there’s any reason why we want to talk, go to BrianJPombo.com and we can find a find a way to talk some more. If you want to see more of these, go to BrianJPombo.com and click on the media button. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.