Stop Kicking the Ant Hill!

Stop Kicking the Ant Hill!
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Find yourself struggling with employees that never seem to be “good enough.” The issue might have more to do with you, than you think.

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #7

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #7

Lesson #1 –

Lesson #2 –

Lesson #3 –

Lesson #4 –

Lesson #5 –

Lesson #6 –

Undercover Billionaire secret number seven. The secret lessons from Undercover Billionaire.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. We’ve been covering a series of lessons, secret lessons that things that I caught and people I know caught from the TV show Undercover Billionaire.

You can see the trailer running here in the background underneath me, you can watch it on video and we’re discussing some of the lessons up until this point.

I’ve come up with six. I have a seventh one for you right here. Now the whole idea behind Undercover Billionaire, if you want to find out more, you can go look it up. It’s on the Discovery Channel and it was a show that they had on this last year, late in 2019. You can go back, watch the whole series, I believe it’s eight or nine episodes long.

Go and watch it because really worth watching. You can find out more about the details by watching the other videos that I’ve done on this. But I want to get into point number seven because whether you’ve seen this or not, it’s a great point to keep in mind if you are a business owner, or if you’re managing a business, if you’re some sort of executive and you’re in charge of employees or some type of a working staff of some sort, there’s always a temptation to not only lead the pack but to micromanage.

What’s micromanaging?

Micromanaging is when you get right in it and you focus on all the details of how they’re performing as opposed to focusing on what the result is that you want them to achieve.

Now this is one of the things that Glenn Stearns does throughout the show is when he’s working with people, when he’s bringing people on board onto his team, he gives them something very specific to do.

He’s after a result. He doesn’t care as much how they do it. He doesn’t get a whole lot in the way into how it is accomplished.

He just wants to make sure that the result is accomplished when it isn’t accomplished.

He ends up with excuses and everything else that we talked about before. You’ve got to really stay away from making excuses because that could, that could just cause as long-term trouble in it.

It just gives off the victim hood mentality and that’s one of the things that when he starts butting heads with people, it has usually has to do with that. It’s usually someone making an excuse for the fact that they could not provide a single, a specific result.

Focus on that.

If you’ve got employees, if you’ve got people that you’re working with, don’t micromanage them, don’t get into the nitty gritty of how they do everything.

Focus on their result.

Are they achieving the result or aren’t they achieving the result?

You might be able to help them out on certain specifics, especially if it’s a job that you’ve performed before or have some knowledge of. Try not to get the details of trying to micromanage every little detail.

It drives people nuts and you never have somebody that can help you in the long run. If you’re focused on all the details of what they’re doing versus the result, the end result that you’re hiring them to achieve.

If you can let them come about it on their own and find the the way to the result on their own, they may find a way that you haven’t thought of and it builds confidence in what they’re doing, confidence in where they’re going with it.

It just adds to an overall belief that works across the board, especially if you’re working with someone long-term.

So it’s something to keep in mind, whether they’re a partner or whether they’re an employee.

If you’re working with people, try to focus on results versus micromanaging the details, all the little tactics that they’re involved in. So just a quick lesson.

We’re going to keep going through a few more of these. I’ve got a handful more that I’d like to cover with you before we move onto a different topic.

But we’re every day come on back.

You can check out earlier videos on You can also, if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

I’m going to encourage you to go to Go and watch the video there. I’d love to hear what you think the link is in the description and just come back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, just have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Is Your Business Truly Open?

Is Your Business Truly Open?

Is your business truly open?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live today from Tracy, California on our trip, our California trip, which will be over soon.

I wanted to go over a concept of being open and how open is your business.

And when I’m talking about being open, it really comes down to open with your customers, with your clients, with your employees, with your partners.

Open on an interpersonal level is what I want to talk about.

So I was sitting back tonight and watching a TV show.

Not sure if you’ve ever seen The Prophet. I know it’s shown a couple of different places. They show reruns on CNBC was watching an old rerun of the prophet where he’s working with his fellow, his name is Marcus LeBoldus and he gets brought into companies that are having trouble to help turn him around.

He was working with a company and ended up becoming a partner with them and becoming the majority owner of the company coming in, buying out the other partners.

Even though the other partners were still engaged with the business, they did not have the clout that they once had, so he was basically in charge and going through and talking to former employees and trying to get an understanding for what went wrong, what went right.

It turns out all the employees hated the person that owned the business originally, but they couldn’t say it and they had all years and years of built up resentment and all these things that they knew that he was doing wrong, but they couldn’t tell him because they were too afraid of getting fired.

What I want to ask you is, the tough question is, do you have a situation like that on your hands?

Are you open enough that you’re willing to handle, head on, all the problems and criticisms that your employees, the people work with you, for you around you, that they have against you and the way you do business?

Are you open enough to be able to take criticism from your own customers and be able to consider what they’re saying?

It doesn’t mean that they’re right, but are you open enough?

Are you asking for it?

Are you out there asking for criticism directly and open to hearing someone else’s point of view?

One thing I found is most business owners is they just are not open to it and they don’t go looking for it. They try to sweep it the rug and they enjoy the fact that they have the power over their employees and so forth and that it keeps everybody in line and keeps everyone from criticizing and what you end up happening is having a very broken company at the end of that.

So do yourself a favor, open things up as soon as possible.

Bring in a third party that can come in and open up communications between you and the people you work with.

It will make a huge difference.

It’s one of the big areas that I look for when I’m working with a new client is somebody that’s open or willing to be more open with the people that they work with. It makes a huge difference in the long run.

Hopefully this is helpful to you.

If you are in the self reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people become more self reliant, go check out The link is in the description and there’s a video there that you could watch, tells you all about what I offer in the dream business transformation.

I’m going to have more details of that in the future and even for people outside of the self-reliance field, if you’re looking to be able to chat with me. And see if there’s any way that I can help you in your business and your business goals for the next year to five years to 10 years, then I’m going to be laying out a method for you, something that you can use on yourself, but also something that you can use, with assistance such as from me.

I’ll be going through that with you in the next following weeks. I’m a still work it out, the details of something, the names and so forth.

Hey Joe, how’s it going? I see Joe’s watching us live right now.

And if you want to watch us live, you can always catch us over on Facebook at on Facebook. At least for now, we may be going live in the future in other places. But for now we’re going live there and you could always find our recordings wherever you’re seeing this. And always at

Hey, I hope you all of you are having a great Thanksgiving day weekend.

We’ll see you tomorrow. We’re back here live every single day. We’ll see you back then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Owners: Are You A Mess?

Business Owners: Are You A Mess?

Are you a mess?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be discussing the concept that a lot of business owners get hit with and that’s the idea that they are an extreme mess of a person on all levels.

We’ll get into that in a second. First I wanted to remind you about

If you’re a business owner or an executive and you happen to be in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, go to link is in the description and you can find out more about it there.

There’s a quick video to watch. It’s all about a dream business transformation. Completely free. Go check it out.

So I was accused by my wife of all people and some other people that I work with during the day of basically being an unorganized mess.

This is something that has haunted me my entire life. And no matter how hard I try not to be, it seems that if I don’t have something that is habitual, if it’s not a constant, it will get dropped along the way.

If it’s something that I don’t enjoy doing and it’s something that doesn’t fit into what I’m really good at.

I wish there was a way around this. I’ve looked over and over again. I’ve read time management books, I’ve read books about organizing. I’ve tried all the different methods, very few fit and have been able to allow me to do what I need to do as a business owner and an executive at my company.

Then I came across Kathy Kolbe. Now I don’t get paid by, Kolbe, the organization or the lady.

But Kathy Kolbe started exploring deeper the concept of conation.

We’ve discussed this on earlier talks here, on the podcast and the video chats.

Conation has to do how you function as a person in terms of when you are in action mode.

So whether you are working or doing schoolwork, when you are in the mode of action, you’re a different area of your brain lights up and his act is active and it’s separate from personality, which is more an affective.

Meaning it has to do with how you deal with people and how you handle emotions and so forth.

That’s the effect of end of your personality and it’s different from the cognitive part of your brain which handles just the regular day to day thinking and memory and things of that sort knowledge.

This is the conative part of the brain. It’s a specific area and what it deals with is you, when you are in action mode, when you are willing things to occur.

She found four separate areas that people tend to be high or low in across the board.

Some people are a lot higher in one and some people are a lot lower, but it seems to all kind of fit together. So that’s, this is one of her books, Conative Connection.

This is a good primer to kind of explain this and the reason why I bring this up is because most entrepreneurs tend to have a large amount of quick start. Now it’s not true across the board, but it is very common for the, especially the the visionary person in the company to have a lot of quick start and what quick start.

It basically means that you have the instinct to set things into motion, the instinct to follow through and get everything done and get all the little pieces done and focus on all the detail.

It’s an idea based concept.

A person who is very focused on building an idea and and not necessarily taking it fully into fruition. I have a whole lot of quick start on her scale. I have an eight in quick start and it’s followed me my entire life and my whole life.

I thought there was something wrong with me.

If you feel the same way, I highly suggest looking into Kathy Kolbe’s work. She has a great podcast out there that you could look up. Just look up Kathy Kolbe, wherever you listen to podcasts.

It is called, Perfectly Obstinate People, is what it’s called, Perfectly Obstinate People.

It almost slipped my mind there for a moment, but it’s called Perfectly Obstinate People. It’s a great podcast to listen to cause she talks about all the different conations, people with different levels. There’s nothing right or wrong about any of them.

It’s just the way that our brains are functioning and they functional.

She claims that she can see the conation in a baby, in a newborn and can follow through and she’s done it with all her children and her grandchildren and has been able to watch the conative abilities all the way through.

So it’s very interesting stuff.

Don’t fret and if I could have some advice for those of you who are unorganized and who are always considered to be a mess, don’t hold it against the people around you. They just don’t understand how someone can be productive.

While at the same time piling things in a seemingly unorganized manner all over the place and having what seems to be to be a very spontaneous lifestyle.

Don’t get worked up about it.

Learn more about yourself and learn how other people function and find people to help fill in the cracks in your life. Because if you’re very high in any of these areas and means that you’re probably going to be very low in the others and you need the help of all four areas in the community of scale to be able to really produce what you want to produce in this world.

Especially if you’re a leader, especially if you’re the boss of your company.

So that’s just a quick little note from me tonight. Have a great night and we’ll see you tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.