How to Profit From Distraction

How To Profit From Distraction
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Fidget Spinners & Tactical Distractions In Business

  • A talk about fidget spinners and how they relate back to distraction in your business.
  • Brian talks about how not all companies made money that decided to jump on the fidget spinner bandwagon back in 2017.
  • Some people did make millions of dollars on fidget spinners, but most didn’t make any money at all.
  • As it relates back to business, people can also get caught up in tactical distracts and place too much time and attention to them.

How Do You Handle This / Playing The Long-Game

  • You’ve got to focus first on the long-term strategy of what you are trying to accomplish in your business.
  • what do you want your company to end up looking like, what will it end up being?
  • Anytime you looking for something you want to achieve you’ve got to step back and look at the big picture of where you want to go.
  • Then you narrow things down to a long-term strategy, a long-term plan to help you get to your destination.
  • After that, you look at the tactics you believe are necessary to help you along the way.
  • And tactics can always be changing.
  • Today it could be podcasting, tomorrow it could be something that doesn’t even exist yet.