Feel Painted Into A Corner?

Feel Painted Into A Corner?


Feel painted into a corner?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I wanted to bring up the third tier of what we consider the three tiers of BrianJPombo.com and just for review.

What we’ve been talking up until now is being Relationship Reliant and System Based.

The third one is, Reality Grounded.

Oftentimes we find ourselves painted into a corner because we set ourselves up that way to expect a certain result. If you do that, if you get caught up with your goals or get caught up with where you think things are going, you don’t allow flexibility to be able to move forward. I’ll give you an example.

This was a situation with one of my clients where we had discussed what the possibilities were going forward in the future. And when we had a meeting, it became clear, as everything started being laid out, that we were going to have to change slightly and go a slightly different direction.

It wasn’t a big move. In fact, it was original move that was planned that we had moved back to, or at least that was my suggestion, is that we moved back to this original plan.

Now, it would have been real easy to say, well wait, why are we doing that?

I thought we were going in this direction. Now we’re going in this direction. And there was some confusion there after we sat back and looked at it though I said, if you look at the big picture of things, we made the necessary changes, but that also made the original plan more of the the thing that we ought to do.

It made sense, at least from my limited perspective it made sense and that’s what I was recommending.

It’s real easy to get caught up with going in a particular direction and not wanting to pivot, but that flexibility, how do you build that flexibility?

One’s experience is going through enough situations to where you know you have to be flexible or you’ll break.

The main thing that I see that keeps people from being flexible in business is being too emotional. Getting emotionally invested in a particular outcome and that is being anti reality.

If you’re getting caught up with doing things a certain way, there is an emotional comfort zone that we paint ourselves into. It’s painting ourselves into a corner and you don’t quite know your way out of it.

How do you get away from that?

How do you get back to reality?

It’s about stepping back away from your emotional state, noticing that you’re in it, noticing that you’re reacting to something and just stepping back and taking a deep breath and saying, okay, what’s the reality of the situation?

What are we actually looking at?

What am I reacting to?

When you do that, you take that little brief moment to step back and take a look at the big picture. Everything tends to clear up.

Sometimes it means getting up and taking a walk. Sometimes it means, you know, getting a little bit of movement going and getting the blood flow into your brain.

But it all comes back on the inside. Step away from your emotions and come back to reality.

That’s why I talk about being Reality Grounded.

That is really the long-term concept that you want in your business. Reality grounding and then even if you aren’t in the reality state, if you fall into an emotional craziness, you want to make sure that the people that are around you can kinda hold you back and go, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Just wait. Take a deep breath.

If you’ve got people like that around you, then you’ll be able to do the same thing when they’re in that state and we can all balance each other out.

It’s very helpful to have people in your team like that if you like to know whether you are paying the most attention to reality or not, then I suggest bringing people onto your team that help you out with that.

I’m one of those people that you can hire out to be able to work with you on a weekly basis.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and you can look at some of the options that I have available for that. Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com, the link is in the description. If you want to go there directly.

Hey, we’re back here every day with another tip, another concept, either on a real large scale or on something very specific. Sometimes just a simple little tactic that might make a difference for you.

Come back here every day. We’ll go through another one. If you have any questions, leave a comment down below on whatever social media you’re at. Or you could always find all the archives of all of these videos and audios over at BrianJPombo.com.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You Flexible?

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Are you flexible? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

I’m with BrianJPombo.com and I was going to come to you with a completely different topic tonight, but I have to be flexible because tomorrow I am going to be a leaving town to go to The Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon.

We’ve been leading up to this. If you’ve been watching any of these videos, you know that this is the process. This is what we’re going to be doing this weekend. So we’re going to be on our way up there and that’s starting tomorrow and it’s going to be a really busy weekend.

The vehicle that I had planned to take decided to start giving me some trouble and talking back today. So that is not the vehicle we’re going to be taking. We are going to be taken a rental vehicle instead.

So all this stuff happens all at the last minute. Thank goodness it happens now and not during the trip.

You know, you gotta look at the bright side of things and you’ve gotta stay flexible.

You gotta I mean I’m pulling in a late night here because we got a bunch of things that need to go out tonight.

Needs to happen now and a lot of things end up popping up in your way and you just gotta keep moving. Don’t forget you’re not the only one. When these things happen to you, it happens to all of us. It’s part of the process. Remain flexible.

Flexible is the word. Speaking of flexibility, if you are a business owner, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re an executive and you’ve been working at your company for awhile and you’re one of the ones that everyone depends on, you know about flexibility.

And if you’re looking to take your business and flex it out, how about that for a little link there, we’re going to flex out your business and really make it into your dream business.

Go to DreamBizChat.com go and check out the video there. DreamBizChat.com link is in the description. Go Click on it. Go check it out. There’s a video there. Tell you all about it.

I’m not going to go through it today. Go through it just about every single day with you. So go check that out. I got to get my work done. Tomorrow we’re going to be out on the road. Maybe have something fancy to look at. Maybe not, I don’t know, but we’ll show you.

Show you whatever the adventure is that happens when you’re out on the highway and day after that, we’ll be at the Mother Earth News Fair.

Lots of interesting stuff, guaranteed coming up.

Go check out offthegridbiz.com is the podcast. We’ve got new episodes even coming out tonight. Go check it out. Have a good one.