Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #8

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #8


Lesson #1 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-1/

Lesson #2 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-2/

Lesson #3 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-3/

Lesson #4 – https://brianjpombo.com/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-4/

Lesson #5 – https://brianjpombo.com/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-5/

Lesson #6 – https://brianjpombo.com/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-6/

Lesson #7 – https://brianjpombo.com/undercover-billionaire-secret-lesson-7/

Undercover Billionaire lesson number eight.

Hi, I’m Brian Pobo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m going to cover the secret lesson number eight that I learned from watching Undercover Billionaire of the TV show from Discovery Channel.

You can find all the other lessons that we’ve discussed up until this point, I’ll have them linked down below so you could watch those other ones.

So you can also find the rest on BrianJPombo.com and all of this is brought to you by DreamBizChat.com. If you’re a business owner or executive that’s looking to take your business to the next level, go check out DreamBizChat.com. The link is in the description as well.

Hey, let’s talk about a very specific lesson that is encapsulated in the concept of Undercover Billionaire itself. And what it is is he gave himself 90 days to achieve basically to build something up to the value of $1 million.

So what he’s doing, he’s building a business to a million dollar business within a 90 day period.

And what is that? What happens when you, when you say something that’s specific and you put a date on it, you put a specific date and time on it. It’s a goal.

That’s the definition of a goal and that very solid goal setting concept drives the entire show and it drives everything behind what Glenn Stearns is trying to accomplish.

The real problem with it is that he can’t bring the rest of them in on why he needs to have it done in 90 days.

Why does all this have to be accomplish?

Because he can’t say it. He can’t bring more people in fully into that goal and the reason behind the goal and the meaning behind it and so it loses a little bit of an effect there but you can see all the time that is his main focus and so he doesn’t let the little things and all the stuff that falls apart throughout the entire series.

He doesn’t let any of those things get in the way because his main focus is hitting that 90 day goal, hitting that the value number of $1 million and getting to that specific goal with that business in the 90 day period.

That’s powerful.

This is why you really need to have a day and a specific goal that you’re trying to accomplish. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a a value, it doesn’t need to be a dollar amount, but it doesn’t need to be that type of specific.

I would recommend having something that has a numerical value because it’s very black and white. It’s clear cut.

It’s not something that you could kind of go, well maybe you made it, maybe you didn’t make it. You don’t want it to be like that. It’s gotta be clear. If it’s clear, then you know whether you made it or not.

If you didn’t make it, you’ll know by how much you’ll know where to reset the goal from that this is a very specifically a business concept that it’s irreplaceable.

You can’t get a whole lot of people on a team together if there isn’t a very clear understanding of where the finish line is, where we’re starting from, where the finish line is and how long do we have to get there.

Simple concept.

We’ve talked about it a lot on this channel and and our daily discussions.

Hey, come on back again for another talk because I’ve got a few more ideas.

We’re talking Undercover Billionaire and then beyond that we’re going to talk about all types of things, both principles, strategies, and tactics that will help you build your business faster, stronger, and do it in a better way.

Do it in a more meaningful way to you and make it all worthwhile. So hopefully that’s helpful today.

Hey, in the meantime, we’re going to see you back here next time, but in the meantime, you have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Your New Years Resolution?

Your New Years Resolution?


Your New Year’s Resolution?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I wanted to ask you, now that we’re past Christmas a bit, what’s your new year’s resolution?

Do you have one?

Do you ever have new year’s resolutions?

I know they’re kind of silly to begin with. Well, why does one specific date mark a difference at all for how you should behave or act or think about your future. I get it, but when it comes to business, sometimes it’s good to have some mile markers in place to have an idea of where you’re at and where you’d like to be by a certain period of time.

A mark in a year is pretty good option. If there’s one resolution I could recommend if you’ve never had one or don’t know what you would have when it comes to business, it’s a simple one.

The simple thing is pick a number that you want to be at this time next year, you could say it’s revenue. You’d say it’s profits. You could say it’s number of customers.

Pick a number that’s big enough that you’d be able to look back over the past year and say, yeah, I put in some good hard work and we hit that number, we did something, we accomplished something and I could see where to go from here.

If you go and do that, you’ll be happy with the results and using the first of the year as kind of a setting point or allow you to also remember where you’re going from here and what the point is and where you started, at which point you started to the end game.

So just a quick notion, and it’s funny, it’s such a simple concept that how few actually do it. You know, how many of us actually have a number that we say, okay, by this time next year we’re going to be here.

Think about that, consider it.

Tomorrow I’m going to have another resolution for you to kind of think about. Another thing that you might want to add to your list.

But the meantime, if you are a business owner or an executive that’s the self-reliance field, I’m going to recommend you go check out DreamBizChat.com. There’s a quick little video there.

Love to get your input on it. DreamBizChat.com talks all about the Dream Business Transformation. You can find that link in the description.

You click and go directly to it.

Hey, we’ll see you tomorrow. We’re back here every day. Have a good one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

What Is the 1st Key to Growth?

What Is the 1st Key to Growth?


What is the first key to growth in your business?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we are going to be discussing the first key to growth. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the second key.

The first key to growth in your business is something, and these are very simple steps, but you’ll be surprised how many businesses, even if they start them, they never finish them, they never stick to them.

And the first key to growth I’m going to talk about in just a minute, but first but I’ll tell you about DreamBizChat.com go to DreamBizChat.com if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and I will actually walk you through these steps of business growth.

It’s a little process I call the Worthington Method.

And this first key is one of the main ones that is can change everything for our business.

So simple, so easy to miss.

Go DreamBizChat.com and go check out that video. It kind of goes through some of the real basics behind the process. And see if you qualify for a free run through, so the link is in the description.

The first key to growth is something very simple and I’m going to break it up into some pieces, but it’s about defining your destination.

Defining your destination needs to start out very broad.

It needs to start out very broad. This has something to do with what we were talking about yesterday in terms of legacy.

I’m going to bring this back to a conversation that I was having with a couple that owns a business and a very successful website where they were needing to define it themselves and when I’m even going to help them in the future to take it and get it a little bit even more defined.

But the question I always have for people is ideally in the long run, the end game for your business….What do you want it to be?

Where do you want it to end?

What’s the absolute pie in the sky dream come true for your business?

What is it?

What’s that definition?

Obviously it’s not the type of thing that you’re expecting to happen tomorrow or in a year from now. This is probably years and years and years and years down the line.

Where do you see your business?

Do you see it just lasting for a handful of years and then fizzling out?

Do you see it transferring and becoming something way beyond what it is right now, but what is that?

Where do you see it going?

Do you see passing it onto your kids?

That all comes back to the question, of building a legacy that we were talking about yesterday.

But if you can have your idea for that and then say, okay, well let’s talk about the initial steps to getting there and how do we bring that back down to reality. And let’s say in the next year…..and a year is a great point to focus on if you don’t already have yearly goals year or something that’s not so far out that it’s unimaginable, but it’s just far enough that it gives you time to get there.

In most cases, I’ll say 12 months from now. Talk about in a year where we going in a year and we want to get specific.

So if you’re looking to grow your business, a certain percentage, if you’re looking to grow it to a certain level in terms of the amount of money, bringing in maybe a certain amount of customers on a regular basis or a certain amount of customers doing a specific thing, perhaps you own a membership or some type of subscription based business, you may want a certain number of subscribers.

You know that there’s very clear goals that you want to hit and you want to have that very clearly defined if you don’t already. I mean if you’ve really got a fast growing business, perhaps you already have this stuff worked out and you’re ahead of the game by having this first step.

The first step is to really clearly define your destination on the long run.

You know in the end game, in the shorter run about a year and then shorter than that, where are we going to be at at the end of every month?

In order to get us to where we want to be in a year, what’s it going to take?

Where are we at?

And that is the initial thing that most businesses completely fail at. They completely let these things go.

They think that, you know what, we’ll get there, we’ll get there eventually.

We’re just going to take it day by day and that’s all fine and good, but you can’t expect to really get somewhere unless you’re put it up there with a date.

It’s fundamentals of goal setting, right?

Put it up there with a date and a specific end. Not just, I’d like to be bigger. We’d like to be bigger.

We’d like to have a larger business. We’d like to be a lot bigger than what we are.

It can’t be fuzzy. It’s got to be something specific.

When you’re bringing it down to a date specific date, you also need a specific goal.

Something that’s measurable, it has to be measurable. Otherwise there’s no way to know whether you’re there or not.

You’ll say, well, I’ll know when I get there.

That’s easy to say, but in reality, you’re not going to know when you get there because nothing depends when you get there.

Because after you’re there, then you gotta decide where you’re going to go for the next year or the next six months or what have you.

Something worth thinking about. Very simple step.

And that’s just the first step in business growth.

We’re going to talk more about some of the other steps as we go forward, including tomorrow.

We’re going to talk about the second step.

So come back tomorrow. We’re here every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

You can watch the videos on your favorite social media or you can listen to the audio via podcast. Just type in Brian J. Pombo Live into your favorite podcast aggregator, whether that be iTunes or Google Play or what have you.

And you’ll be able to find us. Obviously they used to call it iTunes, now they call that Apple Podcasts when it comes to podcast, if you weren’t aware.

So go and check that out. You’re welcome to listen to it. And we’re always back here going through some of these processes. I’d love to hear your questions.

Leave a comment down below. If you’re in a place that doesn’t have the ability to leave a comment, go to BrianJPombo.com and click on any given video.

Leave a comment there.

Love to hear from you. I’ll do a little bit of back and forth right here on the show, so have a great night.

We’ll see you tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

From Gratitude to Goal Setting

From Gratitude to Goal Setting


Gratitude to goal setting.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Filmed every day live.

Today we’re coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon here at the headquarters for BrianJPombo.com and we’re going to be talking about gratitude and goal setting.

Really, in terms of the holiday season, it occurred to me today as I was sitting back and looking at what has occurred over the last couple of years for me. I’m very grateful, for lack of a better word blessings that have happened in my life.

You know, really great things. Stuff you couldn’t even plan for honestly.

A lot of stuff that came with hard work and a lot of the things that I can see in the near future and the present that are all happening because partially from hard work and paying attention and doing what doing what you need to do and at the same time just magical serendipities that just happened along the way.

Stuff you can’t possibly plan for and I was thinking about the holidays and it hit me that we start the holiday season every year, just around Halloween time and Halloween’s fun and it really doesn’t have a deep meeting to it, at least from my perspective.

But then you’ve got Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving is a very specific time of gratitude.

It’s all about being grateful for what you have and what you’ve gone through and the blessings that have happened in your life. I can see that and there’s a lot of people talk a lot about gratitude nowadays or being grateful and some people say there’s different definitions of that.

I’m not gonna go into the depth of those definitions, I think, you know what I mean. It’s all about really giving thanks, for where you’re at and just acknowledging that you’re still alive, you’re still breathing.

If you don’t have great health, you probably have decent health. If you don’t have decent health, you’re still alive. You’re still hanging in there.

So no matter what, you always have something to be grateful for.

Let alone if you’ve had great successes or anything else with your life, but then that always seems to contradict.

I think a lot of us think that that contradicts the concept of goal setting and of, you know, growing into the future and the whole push that they’re even starting right now for new years in terms of setting your resolutions.

The goal setting, the big goal for the new year and all that, all that stuff.

It’s funny to me because I think that both are necessary to an extent. I’m not a big new year’s resolution person and I’m not a big, you know, I’m going to put out a huge post on how all the things I’m thankful for for during Thanksgiving.

I think both those concepts need to be happening all year round.

I know that’s cliche, I know, but I honestly think that those two things specifically need to be happening in conjunction with each other. You can’t just be sitting back and say all how great my life is, how wonderful my life is. All this is just wonderful.

Every day I wake up in the morning, I just look out outside and just just smile and just amazement of how wonderful everything is because if you’re like that, you’ll never go anywhere and you’ll never grow and you’ll never be probably what you’re supposed to be.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t be just full on goal setting all the time.

You shouldn’t be just future, future, future based and just in you’re stuck in your head.

In terms of a selfish goal, that probably isn’t the right way of doing it either, but at the same time though, there’s a balance there.

I think to be able to move forward and to be able to enjoy what you like to have or where you see yourself going in the future. In order to enjoy those rewards, you have to enjoy the rewards you have by being in the present moment right now.

You got to see where you’re at, appreciate where you’re at, and then sit down and go, okay, where are we going next and what am I doing right now?

What am I doing today so that I could eventually end up at this point in the future is specific point that I’m looking to go to.

It’s nothing wrong with that.

You just don’t want to get too caught up in the past or the future.

You want to be right here right now, acknowledge where you’ve been, be happy about it, and then look for the future. And that’s the holiday season obviously.

Then you’ve got Christmas and all the other holidays that you may celebrate in the middle that all have a deeper meaning, but I just appreciate how at the very beginning you got Thanksgiving and at the end of the, of the main holiday season, you’ve got new year’s and it’s all about gratitude and goal setting.

So hopefully that that gives you a little bit of food for thought.

I do these videos because I own a website called BrianJPombo.com named after surprisingly enough, I’m Brian J. Pombo, they J is for Jeffrey.

If you’re wondering, I’ve never said that here, I don’t think.

Also wanting to mention something I mentioned almost every time is DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com is a special project from this year that has to do with business owners and executives who are in the self-reliance field.

So if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, I’d love to get your thoughts on a video free video I have over at DreamBizChat.com.

It’s only eight and a half minutes long.

Go take a look at it. If you think it applies to you, uh, fill out the little application underneath and see if you could get a free chance to talk to me directly and help your business go to a specific area that you’re looking to take it to in the future and maybe be able to achieve that new year’s resolution that you’re hoping to get for you and your business.

So this DreamBizChat.com link is in the description and we’re going to see you tomorrow because we see you every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live every day, regardless of where you’re watching this.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, just everywhere. Wherever you’re watching, wherever you’re listening, if you’re listening to us on the podcast, welcome.

You can always find out more every single day from Brian J. Pombo Livee. Have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.

PDCA – Plan, Do, Check, Adjust

PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Adjust


P D C A. Plan, Do, Check, Adjust.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to BrianJPombo.com. Today going to be talking about really straight-forward principles.

One of these things.

So simple, easy to discount it, easy to pass it by and not think about it. And especially if you’re a business owner or you’re an executive and you’ve kind of worked your way up and you’re used to being spontaneous.

I know my whole life I’ve always been kind of a more spontaneous character.

I like going by the seat of my pants and I like just trying things out and doing different things and not really doing the tedious stuff.

Trying to stay away from the tedious.

When I first started getting into the world of business, I had people that I looked up to, they said the most important thing for you to do is to do goal setting and all this other stuff.

And the stuff always repelled me.

I never quite knew why till understood more about conation to kind of get a feel for that or look up Kathy Kolbe’s work.

But planning, doing, checking, adjusting.

It’s a big cycle so you plan something out and that’s usually what people talk about when they talk about goal setting, plan something out, I want to do this, I want to do it by this period of time and that’s it.

The plans in place, it’s been written down, I’ve declared it, I’ve repeated it in front of a mirror or whatever, but there’s something more to it than that and it’s all about planning it, doing it and then checking it.

So going back and reviewing what you’ve done to see if it fits the original plan or not, and then adjusting.

You’re either adjusting the plan itself or you’re adjusting how you’re attacking the plan or where you’re going next with it.

Boy, those last things really bothered me too about about checking. I’ve got to go back and look at what I just did. I’d rather just leave that best behind me.

Just keep moving and keep moving.

But that cycle is very important.

Each piece of it’s very important the way I’ve found how to do it for myself. Now maybe you’ve been able to do this for yourself. And you’re more than likely gonna have people that you end up working with.

Either people you’re mentoring or employees or coworkers that are going to have a tough time with it and you’re going to have to walk them through it and you’ve got to be patient with people because not everybody thinks this way.

I’m one of these that doesn’t naturally think that way.

Although I see the value in it.

When you’re running a business long-term, you have to have systematizing, you have to have things that make sense, and you’ve got to keep things on track at least to an extent. And for that, you’ve got a plan.

You’ve got to take that plan into action.

You gotta do it, you gotta check to make sure that you did it right and then you’ve got to adjust to get yourself back on track. You’ve got to do that over and over and over again.

But it’s really easy for a lot of us flighty types to not go back and do all that important work. And we either forget the original plan and make a new plan or we forget to check what we did to make sure it fits and then we wonder why the original plan isn’t working.

You know, it’s crazy like that.

So what’s the key?

What’s the key to making this happen?

Whether you’re good at it or bad at it, you have to be in connection with other people. If you want to be able to duplicate your efforts and other people through employees, through associates, what have you, you’ve got to be willing to work with them and realize your strong points and their strong points and no matter who has the weak points and the strong points planning, doing, checking and adjusting is one of those natural laws of things.

If you wanting to make progress towards a specific end, you have to have these pieces in place.

You may call them something else.

You may have a slightly different way of explaining how you do it, but it all consists of those actions, planning, doing, checking, adjusting, rotating it.

Starting at the beginning, planning, doing, checking, adjusting and doing that over and over and over again.

And if you do that and you’ve got pieces of your business that have to have that type of ongoing tediousness to them, then you’ll get where you need to go. But you got to have team members on board that can keep you on track or you’ve got to keep the people on track that don’t naturally stay on track.

Hopefully you find this helpful.

If you’d like to have somebody that can help you through this process or any of the other processes I talk about in order to really grow your business, to take it from where it’s at.

Maybe double where you’re at right now or triple where you’re at, but have a point in time that you want to get there and you just need somebody to just kind of hold your feet to the fire in a nice way.

Then I’d love to be able to talk with you about it. Go to BrianJPombo.com also, if you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people become more self-reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com is a chance for you to have a free conversation with me.

Normally they cost $600 and above, but if you go to DreamBizChat.com and you qualify, then you can get a free chat with me. Check out the description, the is there, or you can just type in DreamBizChat.com that’ll take you straight there and you could watch the quick video there.

Hopefully you have a great night. We’re going to be back here again tomorrow like we are every day.

We’re here in Grants Pass today, but maybe we’ll be somewhere else tomorrow.

We’ll see you then.

In the meantime, have a great night and, and get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Is My Business Not Growing Faster?

Why Is My Business Not Growing Faster?


Why is my business not growing faster?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. We come to you every day with another live concept and currently exclusively through Facebook Live.

Then we take that recording, push it out to all the other social media, both video and audio format so you can listen to this on podcasts.

Just type in Brian J. Pombo Live.

Welcome back, today I’m going to cover an issue that is core to what I deal with, with all of my clients, especially from the very beginning. And it’s why I’ve referred to myself for a number of years now as a business growth strategist.

The main question on most people’s minds when I talk to them about their business is why isn’t my business growing faster?

And the question I have back to them is the most telling question of all.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running a multi-million dollar business or if you’ve just started and it’s just a few years old. The same question’s always there and it’s the most telling, and I’d say 90, 95% of the business owners I ask show exactly why they’re businesses and growing fast enough.

When I ask them this question, the question I ask back is what we refer to in the business is the Dan Sullivan question.

If you haven’t heard about this before, this will be interesting to you and I’m going to recommend that you ask yourself this question.

I’m going to be doing a big lead up to this, because this question is based off of a concept called The Dan Sullivan Question written by a guy named Dan Sullivan. He wrote a book called The Dan Sullivan Question. I can go and look up, and they have an ebook on it.

It’s not a long book but it gets straight to the point of what the Dan Sullivan question is.

Frank Kern has brought it up.

Russell Brunson has brought it up.

A whole lot of other marketing experts have mentioned this and have talked about it for years.

It’s a simple straight forward question, but here it is.

If you and I were sitting down a year from now and looking bout back over the last 12 months, what would have had to have happened in your business for you to feel happy about the success?

Something to that extent.

It’s not perfectly word for word with the Dan Sullivan question is, but that’s the concept and it doesn’t need to be for a year.

It could be for six months. It could be for five years, could be for three years what have you.

If people have a concept of their goals, it’s usually for a year.

What usually comes back is a long pause and a thinking process behind it.

That’s if they really understood the question, they’ll sit there and think about it and that tells me usually exactly what I needed to know. Here’s what’s missing there. If you don’t know what that is, if it isn’t on the tip of your tongue, if you don’t know clearly where you plan on being in a certain period of time. Now, maybe your goal is for five years and so within one year you don’t have all the math worked out.

That’s not usually the issue though.

What usually comes back as, well, I like to do this, I like to see this happen.

I’d like to see this no longer there and oftentimes it comes back very vague and what you need is something specific for your business. This is the problem with goal setting is goal setting can sometimes be all over the place.

It can sometimes be too specific.

It can sometimes be unclear.

There’s a whole bunch of problems with setting goals, but the worst problem with saying a goal is those that don’t have anything for their business in terms of business growth, in terms of really knowing what you’re wanting, what you want your business to be, you have to have something quantifiable.

Most of the time it’s got to have a number attached.

This is why having some form of profit margin or some concept of revenue in terms of numbers that you’re looking to get back within a year is extremely helpful because then you know whether you’d made it or not.

If you don’t have those guidelines, if you don’t have what they call, you know, KPIs.

If you don’t have those, then what are the chances you’re going to get there?

Here’s the problem.

Most people aren’t growing fast enough because they don’t have a set date when they’re going to achieve something and you say, well, yeah, but that’s minor.

I know why I want my business to be bigger.

Yeah, but you can know you want your business to be bigger and not have it clarified like that.

You may have thought about it once, written it down and then you lose that piece of paper.

You know? I know I’ve been there.

The real problem is, I know exactly the concept. In fact, I’m always having to reintroduce this concept to myself.

Even though I’m working with business owners on a daily basis who are having this issue in their business is something we all have to be reminded of. And it’s something that you need at least your executive board, at least the people at the top of your business, they all need to know what the number is.

They need to know when it needs to be done by and everyone’s gotta be on the same track.

It’s not important that you hit the number.

What’s important is that you focus on one thing to get done, one major achievement for the year, that you focus in that direction.

Otherwise everyone’s got a separate focus and they’re all going different ways.

Even within yourself, especially if you’re the visionary, if you’re really the entrepreneurial mind of the operation, it’s really easy to get distracted.

It’s really easy to be pushed a million different ways.

In fact, sometimes it’s impossible not to.

If you’ve got the right personality or the right combination, that can really throw you off.

So the simplicity of this is having a goal, having a number, keep that in mind.

If you are need help in extracting that number and finding out what it is that would really make a difference in your business, what is the one thing that you should be focusing on?

Then you want to get on a phone call with somebody and you’re welcome to get a phone call with me.

I’m Brian J. Pombo. You go to BrianJPombo.com, you’ll see how to spell my name, right in the description, and if you are in the self-reliance field, meaning if you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant in any way, go to DreamBizChat.com.

You can have a chance to have a free conversation with me and we can discuss this very topic or something similar to it. DreamBizChat.com.

It’s all about transforming your business into that Dream Business concept for you.

Hopefully that made sense for you tonight. You have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Momentum Is Not the Goal

Momentum Is Not the Goal


Momentum is not the goal.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. This is Brian J. Pombo Live and today we’re going to be talking about momentum and that all starts out with getting to the point of momentum and that just comes from showing up.

Just putting in the work, doing what’s necessary to get to the point where things start building on a life of their own.

The reason why I wanted to talk about momentum is that it’s really is has a lot to do with goal setting and mindset of goal setting and we’re going to get right into that.

But first I just wanted to make a quick announcement to those of you who are business owners or executives in self reliance based businesses. I like to implore you to go to DreamBizChat.com. There’s a quick video there, eight and a half minutes long.

You could watch it. It talks about the dream business transformation. If you are in a position right now in your business where you’re successful, but you really want to get way up here to your dream business scenario, then the dream business transformation is probably just right for you and for this limited time it’s free. So go to DreamBizChat.com and see if you qualify for a free dream business transformation.

Now onto momentum, this concept was brought to me by Producer Sean because he remembered reading about it in Steve Martin’s biography. Steve Martin, the actor, comedian, his biography Born Standing Up.

If you haven’t read Born Standing Up it’s a great biography. There’s also a great audio book where Steve Martin reads it out loud and it’s, I mean my favorite types of books are biographies. I think you kind of get the best out of somebody’s life.

Especially autobiographies are great too because you re you get the person’s own perspective on it and sometimes those can be pretty darn interesting. Born standing up is a great book.

In it there’s a whole lot of lessons and probably stuff we’ll bring up in the future because both me and Sean really love that book.

The particular point has to do with the Tonight Show, which was hosted by Johnny Carson. This was a show that many people watched. It was on late at night.

Well it’s still on late at night, but at the time when it was on, it was watched by many more percentage of people than it is currently watched by now.

Because of that, when Johnny Carson had a comedian, an up and coming comedian on the show. It kind of marked the beginning of their career. It was like this huge jump because all of a sudden they’re in the spotlight, they’re the national spotlight.

People are seeing them. And depending on how Johnny reacted to you is how good you were considered to have done. And so if you were able to get back on there, it was considered a great thing.

If you see any biography or read anything about any comedian that came up during the 70s and 80s, they always refer to the Tonight Show as being the thing that you were trying to get on to.

And if you look at any of the large comedians that came out during that time, they were either on the Tonight Show or they were on Saturday Night Live.

Those were the breaking out points for a lot of comedic talent and comedic actors. But specifically stand up comedians, they were always trying to get to that point of being on the tonight show and Steve Martin was no exception.

By the time he got there, he got on it and he left and he said, and you’re waiting for something to happen. It’s like I got there now what? It’s like what happens and there isn’t necessarily going to be a bolt of lightning when you’ve hit a point where you can build on and create momentum.

Momentum happens as you’re building up to it.

Even after you get to a point that you said is some type of goal and it might be a good goal to reach for, but by the time you get there, you have to have the plan to go next. Because most of the time things don’t lift you up on their own.

When things happen, they almost happen accidentally. Providentially, whatever you want to call it, they happen and they pull you along, but it never happens like by clockwork.

It never happens, just right after this point everything exploded. You could always see that in hindsight, but there’s no way to really pinpoint that.

If you get to a point of notoriety, you have to build off of it.

He realized this himself and realized that he had to build on the momentum of getting to this point and he did.

He got on the show more often. He got to guest host the show. He also went on Saturday Night Live, took every opportunity he could to build on the momentum of his popularity and go further and further and further.

This is a point that is if you run a business or own a business and run a business, we always get to these points where we think, oh, if I could just get here, that’s it. I’ll have it all wrapped up at that point.

It’s usually not the case. Usually you get anywhere near that point. It’s like, wow, that was cool.

But it’s not everything. There’s always something after it. And so always plan to keep moving, keep running.

Keep, you know, use another analogy cranking the well, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the old wells that you had to hand crank the hand pump wells and you had to prime it first with water and you pump and pump and pump and you put some more water in and pump and pump and pump it before the water starts coming.

When it starts coming, you still got to keep pumping until it starts coming out consistently. That’s life.

A lot of us get caught up in the goal setting and we miss the point of life is movement and you gotta always at least plan on more movement.

You don’t need to kill yourself over it. You need to make it consistent though.

There has to be some consistency to what you’re putting out there.

That’s true, not just in the education and the ability for you to produce your, either your products or your services through your company, but in your marketing, you have to have consistency. In your customer service you’ve got to have consistency.

This is where systems all come into play. Just don’t see momentum as being the goal. Momentum is a means to an end it isn’t the end itself. It’s the beginning.

When you start getting that momentum, when you start hitting those points, those small goals, they’re only on the way to the bigger one. Keep going. Don’t stop. Keep it moving. Enjoy what you do.

Make sure it lasts and make your business meaningful. Make it mean something to people beyond just the success that you’re achieving from it.

So I hope you enjoyed that. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the same type of mindset issues. We’ll have another piece around the same type of concept.

In the meantime, don’t forget about DreamBizChat.com.

We’ll see you tomorrow. So get out there and let the magic happen.