Where Will Your Business Be In 40 Years?

Where Will Your Business Be In 40 Years?

Where will your business be in 40 years?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live from Grants Pass, Oregon. We come at you alive every day.

Today we’re back at the headquarters for BrianJPombo.com and today I wanted to discuss the concept of legacy for you and your business.

Really I wanted you to take kind of an exercise, that most business owners very rarely take. And that is stepping back and thinking about your business in the long run.

So in the next 20, 40, 80 years, where is your business going to be?

Where’s it going to be when you’re gone?

Where would you want it to be?

What would be the best case scenario?

What’s the worst case scenario?

What are you doing today to make the best case scenario most likely to happen?

This is some pretty long-term goal setting type of thing that most of us don’t really consider or think about.

But I want you to think about this because I had an interview with a RaeJean Wilson of Glory Bee Honey and foods. And that their whole company that handles much more than honey, but they’re, they’re known for their honey.

They’re out of Eugene, Oregon.

Her parents started the company 45 years ago and yet she’s in a position where she’s one of the owners and one of the people in charge now of running this company long-term. Her and her brother and as well and other people in the family and so forth.

So their family took over where their parents left off.

That’s not always the case of what happens. It’s not always the case of of what ends up happening even when the parents wanted or even if you don’t have children or you don’t have anyone that you think is going to be able to take over.

Do you want it to be taken over?

Do you want to be able to sell off to somebody else?

Where is your business going in the long run?

What’s amazing is the things that Glory Bee is doing today is really based off of the legacy that their parents laid out for them. And RaeJean talks about that.

If you want to listen to that podcast interview, it’s on The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

You can listen to it wherever you listen to podcasts.

You could also click on the link that’s in a description for OffTheGridBiiz.com and it’ll take you directly to that official interview.

So the reason why I thought about this is also today I was touring in old Sacramento for a couple hours. Just taking my kids around because they had never been there and we’re just kind of checking it out.

I haven’t been there in years. And there was a institution there called Fat City and Fat City was open by the Fat family. Specifically the person that started the entire franchise of fat restaurants in the Sacramento area.

His name was Frank Fat.

Frank Fat was a immigrant that came over from China and he built up this, kind of, restaurant empire there locally in the Sacramento area and one of them was Fat City, which was opened in the 70s.

Well, I noticed on the door that it said that they were closing down and I had just heard this from somebody else said that is was due to a death in the family and they were closing their doors since the 70s. And that empire started in 1939. So you’re talking about an 80 year empire of restaurants.

I think some of the other restaurants are staying open, but that particular one, Fat City is one of the ones that’s closing.

And that was a major deal because when I worked in Sacramento, it was one of the places that everyone used to go to because it’s right over in Old Sacramento, was kind of an old area if you’ve never been.

It’s very quaint and very cool. And it was a really nice vibe in that restaurant. It’s one of those things that’s going to be missed, but it brought to mind this concept of legacy. And it brought to mind the interview that I had with RaeJean.

It’s important for everyone to kind of sit back and think, okay, where are we going with this?

For next year and the next five years.

But if you could think beyond that, it will bring more power to all the decisions that you’re making today because it will have more of a deeper purpose as opposed to just being, you know, for selfish reasons.

You know, we all need to have those selfish reasons in order for us to get up in the morning and go and do what we need to do at work and to build our business.

But if you’ve got to have something beyond that, that really gives you the energy to really make things happen.

If you need help kind of developing some of these concepts for your own business, I’d love to be able to talk with you that you’d go to BrianJPombo.com and see if you qualify to be able to meet with me and talk to me either through a video chat, through a one-on-one in person, or over the phone.

If you are in the self-reliance field like RaeJean, meaning you’ve have products and services that help people to become more self reliant either through a hobby or through or through a new career or what have you.

You can go check out DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com is a great place with a video, an eight and a half minute video.

See if you qualify for a free Dream Business Transformation with me over the phone virtually.

Or if you live within the next few hours of Southern Oregon, maybe we can even get together one-on-one.

So go check that out, DreamBizChat.com and we’re here every day.

Come on back tomorrow wherever you watch or listen to our video conversations that we have on Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’ll see you tomorrow. So in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

From Gratitude to Goal Setting

From Gratitude to Goal Setting


Gratitude to goal setting.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Filmed every day live.

Today we’re coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon here at the headquarters for BrianJPombo.com and we’re going to be talking about gratitude and goal setting.

Really, in terms of the holiday season, it occurred to me today as I was sitting back and looking at what has occurred over the last couple of years for me. I’m very grateful, for lack of a better word blessings that have happened in my life.

You know, really great things. Stuff you couldn’t even plan for honestly.

A lot of stuff that came with hard work and a lot of the things that I can see in the near future and the present that are all happening because partially from hard work and paying attention and doing what doing what you need to do and at the same time just magical serendipities that just happened along the way.

Stuff you can’t possibly plan for and I was thinking about the holidays and it hit me that we start the holiday season every year, just around Halloween time and Halloween’s fun and it really doesn’t have a deep meeting to it, at least from my perspective.

But then you’ve got Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving is a very specific time of gratitude.

It’s all about being grateful for what you have and what you’ve gone through and the blessings that have happened in your life. I can see that and there’s a lot of people talk a lot about gratitude nowadays or being grateful and some people say there’s different definitions of that.

I’m not gonna go into the depth of those definitions, I think, you know what I mean. It’s all about really giving thanks, for where you’re at and just acknowledging that you’re still alive, you’re still breathing.

If you don’t have great health, you probably have decent health. If you don’t have decent health, you’re still alive. You’re still hanging in there.

So no matter what, you always have something to be grateful for.

Let alone if you’ve had great successes or anything else with your life, but then that always seems to contradict.

I think a lot of us think that that contradicts the concept of goal setting and of, you know, growing into the future and the whole push that they’re even starting right now for new years in terms of setting your resolutions.

The goal setting, the big goal for the new year and all that, all that stuff.

It’s funny to me because I think that both are necessary to an extent. I’m not a big new year’s resolution person and I’m not a big, you know, I’m going to put out a huge post on how all the things I’m thankful for for during Thanksgiving.

I think both those concepts need to be happening all year round.

I know that’s cliche, I know, but I honestly think that those two things specifically need to be happening in conjunction with each other. You can’t just be sitting back and say all how great my life is, how wonderful my life is. All this is just wonderful.

Every day I wake up in the morning, I just look out outside and just just smile and just amazement of how wonderful everything is because if you’re like that, you’ll never go anywhere and you’ll never grow and you’ll never be probably what you’re supposed to be.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t be just full on goal setting all the time.

You shouldn’t be just future, future, future based and just in you’re stuck in your head.

In terms of a selfish goal, that probably isn’t the right way of doing it either, but at the same time though, there’s a balance there.

I think to be able to move forward and to be able to enjoy what you like to have or where you see yourself going in the future. In order to enjoy those rewards, you have to enjoy the rewards you have by being in the present moment right now.

You got to see where you’re at, appreciate where you’re at, and then sit down and go, okay, where are we going next and what am I doing right now?

What am I doing today so that I could eventually end up at this point in the future is specific point that I’m looking to go to.

It’s nothing wrong with that.

You just don’t want to get too caught up in the past or the future.

You want to be right here right now, acknowledge where you’ve been, be happy about it, and then look for the future. And that’s the holiday season obviously.

Then you’ve got Christmas and all the other holidays that you may celebrate in the middle that all have a deeper meaning, but I just appreciate how at the very beginning you got Thanksgiving and at the end of the, of the main holiday season, you’ve got new year’s and it’s all about gratitude and goal setting.

So hopefully that that gives you a little bit of food for thought.

I do these videos because I own a website called BrianJPombo.com named after surprisingly enough, I’m Brian J. Pombo, they J is for Jeffrey.

If you’re wondering, I’ve never said that here, I don’t think.

Also wanting to mention something I mentioned almost every time is DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com is a special project from this year that has to do with business owners and executives who are in the self-reliance field.

So if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, I’d love to get your thoughts on a video free video I have over at DreamBizChat.com.

It’s only eight and a half minutes long.

Go take a look at it. If you think it applies to you, uh, fill out the little application underneath and see if you could get a free chance to talk to me directly and help your business go to a specific area that you’re looking to take it to in the future and maybe be able to achieve that new year’s resolution that you’re hoping to get for you and your business.

So this DreamBizChat.com link is in the description and we’re going to see you tomorrow because we see you every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live every day, regardless of where you’re watching this.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, just everywhere. Wherever you’re watching, wherever you’re listening, if you’re listening to us on the podcast, welcome.

You can always find out more every single day from Brian J. Pombo Livee. Have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.