Would Your Business Survive Armageddon?

Would Your Business Survive Armageddon?


Can Your Business Survive Armageddon?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking a little bit of emergency preparedness, especially in terms of your business.

Are you a good prepper when it comes to your business?

Have you actually thought of what you were going to do if things really got tough out there? And what, I mean, what do you do with your business? If something really horrible happens, something apocalyptic, let’s say the electrical grid shut down or something of that sort, what would you do?

Well, this was kind of some of the talk of where we were going when we spoke with Michael Foley. He wrote the book, Farming for the Long Haul.

The whole thing’s all about resilience. How do you make things last? How do you make things last pass bad economies?

His whole purpose isn’t directly toward business. He deals a lot with homesteading and farming, but you could take the exact same concept and apply it back to your business. And really ask yourself, are you hitting on all the main points?

Some of the things that he points out is are you involved locally? Is your business, even though you may have an international or national based business, are you involved locally? Do you have a customer base locally that you could depend on if necessary? Do you work one-on-one? Do you have forms of direct sales with people?

All these things are things to keep in mind. We talk about a little bit more they’re on the podcasts. Go and listen to it. Really sharp guy, very educated. He’s spent years as a teacher. He just recently came out with this book.

This is his first book and I think he’d like to come out with more from the way it sounded. We talk a little bit about the book writing process. Talk about public speaking. So if you’re looking at doing either of those things to help propel yourself, your business, your concepts and ideas, you’re going to want to listen to this episode of the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. So go and check it out. The link is in the description. Once again, his name is Michael Foley and he wrote Farming for the Long Haul.

Really good talk that we had there. I really liked it. I got to meet him over at the Mother Earth News Fair this last weekend. So that was lots of fun. In the future, tomorrow we’re going to be switching gears a little bit. We are going to return back to the Mother Earth News Fair and discuss some of the other concepts that we came across there.

Tomorrow we’re going to be discussing something a little bit new.

We’re gonna talk about the psychology behind the relationship and how that ties back in personality and the psychology of that. This is an area we haven’t discussed yet here on the videos.

We’ll probably have a little series of videos where we talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you are a business owner or an executive and you happened to work in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant and really ties into our conversation here with Michael, go and listen to it. If you feel like any of those things hit for you and you’re looking to really tune up your business, I’m sure you’re doing great.

I only work with successful people really. And so if you already have a successful business, you’re the type of person I’d like to talk to. Because if you have a place you’re looking to go and you’re looking to have someone help you to get there, that understands business, that understands your type of business, a self-reliance based business, go to DreamBizChat.com.

You can also find the link in the description. You can go and click on that. If you happen to be listening to this via podcast and aren’t able to see it, it’s DreamBizChat.com talks all about the dream business transformation on that page. It’s a real simple page. It has a video, eight and a half minute video. Go and watch it.

If you think that you qualify, fill out the application. I’d love to be able to chat with you. So until then, next time, like I said, we’re going to be talking about personalities and psychology tomorrow and how it ties back to your business. So we’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Easy Way To Expert Status

Easy Way To Expert Status

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Here’s somebody you gotta listen to, this is Deborah Niemann. She’s going to tell us about the easy way to expert status. I’m not sure if she call it that.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Go over and listen to Deborah Niemann. She’s known as the Thrifty Homesteader. You can find her at thriftyhomesteader.com but before or after you do that, go click on the link that’s in the description going to Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

It’ll take you directly to her interview that I had with her, delightful person to talk to and she has so much experience in the world of homesteading and it’s only from her going out and trying it out. She went out, she tried it out, she started it, and then she started teaching it.

She started teaching in a small way, gotten into it a big way, got into it even bigger way, and now she’s an expert in the field of homesteading in some very specific areas. And you’ll find out by going and listen to that podcast.

I got to hold some things back. I got to get you over there and listen to it. Go listen to the interview. It’s relatively short and the stuff that she has in there, if you’re looking to be an expert in your field or an expert in a new field for you,

I think you’re going to get some good nuggets off of what she’s saying.

All you have to do is translate it back to what you’re doing regardless of whether it’s homesteading or anything else. Take her path and copy it and use it in your own life and you’ll, you’ll be, you’ll be thankful you did.

If you’re looking for any assistance in that, especially if you already have a business that’s successful, if you’re the business owner, if you’re an executive in that business and you’re looking to take it to really be the dream business.

If you’ve got a concept that you’d like to achieve and you’re just wondering what the pathway is to get there, the first step is to develop a plan, a strategy. This is specifically what I do. I’m a business strategist and I help business owners go from point A to point B and really building their dream business even if it’s from scratch.

But if you’re successful that’s the best way to do it is after you’ve already been successful. Taking that car that’s already moving and turning the wheel works a lot easier than if it’s not moving.

Go to DreamBizChat.com if you think that that sounds interesting to you at all, go to DreamBizChat.com is my personal site. It’s got a video there. I go through the details of what that’s all about, but go check that out.

Go check out Debra Niemann’s interview. It’s a great interview and go check out her website at thriftyhomesteader.com and we will see you tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about Frank Hyman.

Remember, it’s the guy that wrote this book (Hentopia). We talked about him before, but I’m going to talk specifically about his interview and some of the nuggets that he left behind. We’ll be talking about that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Self Reliance Is Fake

Self Reliance Is Fake

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Watch as Brian’s 3 month old Lucas Pombo makes his first appearance on Facebook live in what is sure to be a road to stardom!

Why Self Reliance is just a myth.

  • Yes it’s good to have a certain amount of independence, but the need for other people to make an impact on your life is still needed.
  • From the early years (like Lucas right now) to later in life when you need care.
  • It’s noble to learn as much as you can to be self reliant, but then it’s about helping other people.

The One Irreplaceable Ingredient to Grow A Business!

The One Irreplaceable Ingredient to Grow A Business!

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

What is the one irreplaceable ingredient to grow a business?

  • The offer
  • While this may seem like common sense, Brian explains why it’s more of a problem than one might think.
  • are you making it clear enough, often enough, specific enough?
  • are you just promoting a brand name and not making a real offer at all?
  • In marketing circles it’s called a call-to-action or CTA for short
  • you’ve got to tell somebody (the audience) what you want them to do, that’s the offer or call-to-action.