SEO Blunders: #2

SEO blunders. Number two, the long tail.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office where we used to have many of the old talks here again on Brian J. Pombo Live, whether you’re watching this on the mini social networks that we broadcasted on or whether you’re listening to it on our podcast, welcome back.

Today we’re gonna talk about search engine optimization.

This is the second video in this series.

I’m not sure how long we’re going to have this series last, but at least this one and the next one.

Next episode we’re going to talk specifically about one of the fatal flaws behind search engine optimization or S E. O. Today though, we’re going to talk about the long tail.

This is pretty basic simple concept.

If you’re new to SEO, you’ll find this interesting.

If you’re not, you may find it a little boring because I’m going to be covering some of the basics that I think a lot of people miss out on.

When you’re looking to get found in a search engine, you’re looking to get found in Google.

Whether you’re doing organic search or paid search, meaning you’re putting stuff out there in order to get found for free, or whether you’re paying Google or somebody else. In order to show up in the search results, you’ve got to understand the difference between the short tail and the long tail.

I originally heard these terms from Howie Schwartz back in the early two thousands, well, mid 2000 odds, probably around 06 something like that, 2006. It was really interesting because back then Google was pretty wide open in allowing organic search to get a lot of coverage.

It was pretty simple if you do what Google was looking for to be able to show up in Google rankings and it didn’t take much.

But let me pull it back a bit. You’ve got to look at the basics of it and what you’re competing against.

So let’s say you restore old 1969 Mach 1 Mustang.

You restore these cars back to mint condition, you do it on the high end. You find all the best replacement parts, you find everything just, it’s just high-end as you can get as top of the line as you can make it across the board and you sell it for a really premium price.

How would you get found on Google?

What search term would you want people to find you on?

Now let’s go as broad as possible.

What’s the broadest possible term we can put on into Google?

How about “car”?

You know one word, any one word on Google you’re going to have, unless you’ve made up the word, unless it’s your brand name and no one else is even trying for it yet. And if that’s not the case, then you’re going to have a really tough time being found on any one word and you wouldn’t want to be found on a word as broad as car because what does that mean?

That could mean a million different things.

That is not what you’re selling.

You’re selling a very premium, high end specific model, specific make of a specific year that’s restored to the highest premium end.

If you can at all help it, you want to only pay for the traffic that is directly related to you for people who should be finding you versus paying or focusing on people that should not be finding you and most people shouldn’t be finding you.

You should be looking for a very specific concept.

So let’s go back to our example.

You’re selling 1969 Mach one Mustang’s refurbished from the ground up, high end, highest premium style you could possibly go for.

What’s the next thing that they could type in a classic car?

Maybe still it’s not specific enough.

Even if you had people, well that we’re just typing in. Besides the fact that you won’t be able to compete for that and Google, even if you had the money to be able to purchase, to show up every time someone typed in classic car, you wouldn’t want the people just searching for classic car.

They could be researching, they could be just just searching off the top, they could be looking for a picture or they could be…..there’s a million things they could be doing other than being in the market for what you’re selling.

What is the long tail?

The long tail is something to the extent of refurbished 1969 Mach one Mustang and possibly maybe for sale or something of that sort or perhaps the area that you’re selling in.

Let’s say you doing it in Utah, Utah.

Does that make sense?

It’s the long tail and you said, yeah, but hardly anyone’s going to be typing.

Then I said, yeah, but the people that are typing it in are definitely looking for what you have. That’s what you want to do. You want to get as specific as possible and it’s a backwards way of thinking from how you would normally think.

You don’t need a big net, you need a small net, but you need to only catch the fish that you’re going after.

That’s the point of SEO going after the people that are ready and specifically looking for what you have. Now, if you’ve got the idea that you want to focus on as many long tails as possible, not just one, because there’s not going to be very many people searching for just one phrase.

You’ve got to think about every different version of that phrase possible, all the synonyms and so forth that you’d have to replace for those different words.

Trying it with a maybe a different year, just in case they’re searching for something nearby, all those things are the types of things that you’d be writing posts about.

You’d be doing videos on, you make it and you put it into the titles of your pages, the title tags and so forth.

If you know anything about that and what you were talking SEO, hopefully you’re researching into what title tags are and so forth.

The key words that are found within the text that you have available, all these things are things you have to take into account when you’re looking at SEO.

So please, please, please don’t ignore the long tail.

The long tail is how organic search is happening nowadays and if you’re doing paid search, you still want to consider the long tail because that’s going to be your most likely person that’s in.

If you’re selling something that’s the person that’s in your market is the person that’s typing in something specific.

Now the fatal flaw of SEO is hidden in there.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

If you’d like to know how to use SEO strategies and tactics to be able to help your website to be able to help your business as you’re selling online and then you’re going to want to go to, it’s my name.

You can see it right here, wherever you’re watching this, it’s in the description, is the website.

Just set up a time to be able to talk with me and if you could do that, then we can go specifically deep into your specific issue and hopefully be able to help you out with that.

Now, if you are in the self-reliance field, I’m offering a free chance to talk to me. Normally it’s at $600 and above, but if if you would like to talk to me and you’re in the self-reliance field and you’re a decision maker, meaning you’re an owner or an executive in your business, then go to that link is in the description. or you could just type it right into Google.

Take you straight there.

There’s a video on that page telling you all about the dream business transformation that I offer, and it’s 60 minutes, 60 minutes over the phone or on a video chat, check it out.

We’ll see you tomorrow for SEO blunder number three.

You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

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