What You Need To Know About Your Customer

What You Need To Know About Your Customer


What do you need to know about your customers? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass Oregon. I don’t know why I do this. Every time I’ve re-adjust myself, nearly every single time we sit down and I introduced myself, I re-adjust myself in my chair. It’s just a little weird thing that I do.

So welcome back. Today, it’s going to hit you hard if you’re a business owner of any type or if you’re an executive in a business and you really take what I have to tell you today to heart, we’re going to discuss marketing. I know marketing, it scares the bejesus out of anybody that doesn’t like talking about marketing or doesn’t like dealing with people that deal in marketing.

There’s a reason why it bothers you so much and if it doesn’t bother you, I’d love to hear what you think about what I have to say today.

I’ve got this water sitting in the background. What I want to talk with you about is this concept that I’ve brought up before, which are the three main steps behind marketing. And they are Market, Message, Media.

In other words, starting out with your who, your end market, your customer, your clientele.

Who is your market?

Who’s going to be buying from you?

What’s the message, what do you want to tell them?

What do you want them to do?

What is your message to them?

And then going to the where and when the media end of things. Where and when are you going to deliver the message to who? Starting up here and going the opposite direction. It’s the opposite of what most people do. Most people start down here, they say, “we’ve got to have Facebook ads.” Okay, what are we gonna do about it?

And then they start thinking about their message in their market and everything. After they start out with a product, they start out somewhere in the message area with a product or a service and then they go, “well, okay, where are we going to talk about this and everything?”

And they cut out the most important thing, which is the WHO, the human being.

On the other end of the purchase is who you should be thinking about most often. Today we’re going to be talking about the WHO, your customer, what do you need to know about them that you either don’t know right now or haven’t thought about hard enough that will make everything else that you do in marketing so much more simple.

The people who you work with, either a marketing firm that you’ve hired, advertising firm that you’ve hired, your marketing team that are in house.

Oftentimes if they are talking about marketing and it confuses you, then they don’t know what they’re talking about. Marketing should not be a confusing thing. Marketing is a simple thing. It’s as simple as this as who, what, where, and when. That’s what marketing is.

All it is is the communication of a message. And this does doesn’t only refer to business either, but if any of this is making sense to you, and I’m going to go a little bit more into the who as we go along here.

But if any of this makes sense to you and you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, you’re someone I’d love to talk to. Go to DreamBizChat.com, the link is in the description. If you go to DreamBizChat.com there’s a video there, eight and a half minutes long.

Go and watch it. Tell me what you think. If you’re interested in what I’m offering there, it’s free and what I’m offering is free. Then fill out the application and see if you qualify for the free chat with me. DreamBizChat.com.

Now back to the concept of the market, the WHO, who you’re going after. When I first heard this, it made perfect sense to me. It made sense and I was also irritated and sad that I hadn’t spent enough time focusing on the WHO and so you want to think about the demographics.

It might be common thing so you know where they live. How old are they? Are they male, female?

What are all the things surrounding this person in specifics and then you want to focus on the psychographics, which are, what is there a thought process that’s leading them to the point of being an ideal customer for you?

What are they thinking?

Where are they coming from?

A great book out there, it’s a nice little short book called Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy. This is a relatively new book. It’s based off of the concepts that he’s always talked about and he’s talked about in many books, but this is a nice simple read if you’re just looking for a primer on a direct response based marketing and so forth.

In here he talks about Market, Message, Media and he discusses questions you need to ask yourself about your market.

Here’s some great ones.

“What keeps them awake at night, staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep as it relates to your product or service.”

That right there is powerful question.

What’s keeping them awake at night that you can help them with?

What are they frustrated about?

What is causing them pain right now as it relates to your product or service?

What is the single biggest problem that you can solve for them?

What do they secretly privately desire most?

Those are some good psychographic questions that you need to be asking. You need to ask where are they at? What area of the world do they live in? Where don’t they live? You know, what are they thinking? What’s going to lead them to not only purchase from you once, but twice or multiple times?

Depending on what your product and surface are is how is that different and you want to think about who is not your market. That’ll be helpful because it helps you to determine how the rest of your marketing goes along.

These are the questions you need to be asking. Who is this person you could go by if you already have clients and customers, who’s your favorite, who’s the best? What would make them even better?

And then you can take it backwards from there. If you’re starting from scratch, even if you don’t have a product or service yet, if you can find a market that wants something that you can help them get it, that’s the secret behind all good business.

It’s as simple as that. Don’t complicate it. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about message, the what and a huge piece of the message that most of us miss, especially in our marketing, especially in our advertising.

You’re not going to want to miss it. We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Getting Seen In Mr. Big’s Limo

Getting Seen In Mr. Big's Limo


Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.

Hey, getting seen in Mr Bigs Limo.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass, Oregon on this nice Sunday evening.

Tonight I’m going to take you back a ways. If you’ve ever seen the movie Wayne’s World from 1992, the original Mike Myers, Dana Carvey classic.

There’s a scene toward the end of the movie and they are trying to get attention for Wayne’s girlfriend, Cassandra. So she’s a singer. She has a band. They’re trying to get attention from this record producer. His name’s Frankie Sharp of Sharp Records, trying to get his attention.

This is one person they’re trying to get the focus of, they just happened to know roundabouts, where his limo is going to be and they happen to know that his limo has a satellite TV in it. At the time, that was how the affluent got to watch anything is through satellite TV.

So what they do is they hatch this big elaborate plan to be able to basically hack into his TV and put their program right in front of him as he’s being driven in his limo so that they could put this message, they could put Cassandra and her band singing a song right in front of them to get his attention. To hopefully lead to a record deal or what have you.

Why am I bringing this up?

A huge mindset thing for business owners is a lack of focus and specific lack of focus that almost every business owner I come in contact with is a lack of focus on an ideal market.

I’m not saying that your market isn’t more than your ideal person, but you need to have an ideal person to shoot for in order to really garner attention from the rest of the market.

When I’m saying market, I’m talking people.

I’m talking customers, potential customers, potential clients. That’s what we’re talking about here.

Now, if by the end of this you relate with what I’m saying and you can see yourself in it or you can see that I know what I’m talking about and you’d like to talk with me a little bit deeper about how it relates back to your business.

Let’s just say you’re in my ideal market, which is a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you sell products or services or have a story that encourages people to become more self reliant than you’re the type of person that I’d like to talk to.

This is just my ideal client for right now.

Go to DreamBizChat.com if you fit those qualifications. Now, most of the people, 99.9% of the people watching this don’t fit that.

But if you do fit that and you relate with what I’m talking about, go there and go check out the free video I’ve got there.

You don’t have to put in your email address, anything like that. Just watch the video. It’s eight and a half minutes long and that’ll tell you whether you’d like to take the next step and actually talk with me.

Once again, that doesn’t cost anything either. You just have to fill out the application, see if you qualify beyond that.

So go check out DreamBizChat.com the link is also in the description, regardless of whether you’re listening to this or watching it, wherever you’re at, you can find that link.

So back to the Mr. Big analogy, okay. It’s all about focusing. Even if it comes down to one person, that’s your ideal. Now, if it’s one person, chances are you will be able to get your message in front of that person.

I don’t care how famous they are, I don’t care how guarded they are, I don’t care if they’re the president of the United States. If you’ve got one person or a hundred people that are your ideal client or customer, then you need to focus on them.

Everything around your marketing should revolve around that.

Here’s what I mean.

You got your market right. That’s your who. And if you’ve watched my videos, especially some of the earlier ones, we go through this and I’m going to go through it again because I need to make this perfectly clear for you.

Hopefully you’ll learn from it and be able to do something with it.

Who is your ideal market?

Who is the person?

And you could have demographics. You could say, well, they’re going to be somewhere around this age. They’re going to be this or that gender or both, but they’re going to be of this financial standing.

They’re going to have this in mind. They’re going to have gone through this pattern. They’re going to have done this, done that. Define the ideal.

Here’s why, it’s not just for that. It’s for everything else that you do. This is a foundational point for your business.

If you are not focusing on this, you’re going to be making the wrong guesses on everything else.

Because after you focus in on the market and it doesn’t have to be right.

It just needs to be something. It needs to get you started. You need to get out there and start talking to your ideal person, finding that person, trying to get a conversation going with them.

Once you have your ideal market that allows you to create a clear message, oh look at that our computer went on, go off computer. You’re not supposed to be on for this video.

Message. The message is WHAT?

What do you want to tell them? What do they need to know from you? What are you trying to sell them? What are you trying to encourage them to do? It’s very difficult to answer this message if you don’t know the market. If you don’t know the who, it’s very difficult to know the right words to use when discussing the what with them, when putting it out there.

And then once you know these two things, once you’ve defined that to some sense, these things can always change. You’re not stuck in it. Don’t get so concrete and held on, “oh, what if I make the wrong decision?”.

Start just start this process, but start with the market. Start with the WHO. Go on to the WHAT, then that will help define media, which is the WHERE and WHEN and HOW you’re going to get in touch with somebody. Really the where and when.

Most people start with the media and they go the other direction or they’ll start with the message and then go to media and that you’re lucky if they ever get to market.

But if market is defining your message and if those two things are helping you define your media, because if you know who you’re looking for, you’re going to know more about where to spend advertising dollars or not spend advertising dollars.

Where to put out free media like this right here. Where to go after them. Are they reading magazines? Are they reading any type of periodicals, you know what I’m saying?

Are they reading any physical things that are out there? Are they going to specific websites? Are they even online? I mean are they actively online and where are they at?

What social media do they use, if any? If you don’t know who, it’s really tough to answer this, but most of us start here and we get caught up with, “oh my gosh, Facebook ads are cheap right now. Oh my gosh, everyone’s on Instagram right now. I need to get out.”.

And we get caught up and in love with a media source.

We get the salesman coming through the door saying, you got to be in the yellow pages. You gotta be over here. You gotta do this. You gotta do that. Well, they’ve already chosen their media. They want you to choose the media first.

If you focus on the who, you focus on Mr. Big, all you gotta do is find out what you want them to know and where are they? And if you need to zoom into the back of their limo to get your message directly to them, do it.

But this is a mindset thing. When you switch your mindset on this and you focus on the right things, the other questions that all surround your business get clearer and clearer and clearer.

Hopefully that was useful to you today. Tomorrow we’re going to be dealing with another mindset issue. I’m not going to tell you what it is because I don’t know what it is yet, but a list of ones that I’m going to go through and pick out the one that I think fits best based on how people are reacting to today’s video.

We’ve been getting some great reactions lately from all the other videos. Once again, if you’re interested, go to DreamBizChat.com if you feel like you fit the scenario that I was talking about earlier, go rewatch this.

Get this in your mind, write it down. Actually take some notes for who your market is, your message, what your message is and where your media should be based on that. Okay, you have a great night.

Now get out there and let the magic happen.