How Important is Your Product’s Story?

How Important is Your Product's Story

Checkout The Carpetbaggers Vid –

So how important is your product story?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live brought to you every day here in Grants Pass Oregon or wherever I happen to be today. We’re here in the headquarters undisclosed location for

If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field and you’re somebody that I would like to talk to, go to Check out this video that I have there. It’s eight and a half minutes long.

It’ll give you the chance to take advantage of something that has a $600 value. So go to Check it out. Let me know what you think. We’re going to talk about story today and the stories that revolve around certain products. I have a link down below.

You’ll want to go check this out if you’re interested in the story that I’m about to tell you.

And this link is from a YouTube video from a very well known YouTuber, by the name of The Carpetbagger and he travels around to really off the wall odd places. And cool places too.

It’s funny because he’s at the Chicago, and he’s at the Oddities & Curiosities Expo, I think it was called, and this was about a month ago and a lot of the stuff is really crazy.

I’m just going to warn you, not necessarily everything in it is family friendly, a lot of gross stuff and everything that is at this expo that he’s going to, he’s not doing anything, but he’s showing a lot of the stuff that’s going on there.

But part way through the video, he’s talking to a guy about vampire survival kits. Now what vampire survival kits are, you’ll see these in places like a Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.

I think this guy worked for Ripley’s Believe It or Not. Which they have these places all scattered around the country and places where you’ll find little free show items and so forth. And they’ll have these things called vampire survival kits.

The story behind these things and there’s this big elaborate story about how these were created in the late 18 hundreds with all of the books and everything that were coming out during the time, a brand Stoker’s Dracula and so forth that we’re attracting travelers from America and beyond into Europe and so they started building these cases which were gold like they were called either vampire survival kit or something of that sort of kit of vampire killer kit or what have you and it would have.

The holy water and the the crucifix and the steak that you could use to drive through the heart and everything else.

As there were these big elaborate kits and they have this long story behind them, turns out these stories have been perpetuated through time.

It turns out story about these particular kits that are out there or not true is not true at all. It turns out that the, that this was part of a story that was brought onto a story for these kits that were developed somewhere in the 1970s.

That there was one particular person that started putting these kits together. They would take items up that were older and place them inside of this kid to make it appear older than it really was.

He created this story to go along with it that made the kit seems seemed like it had some history behind it, even though it was history, which was fake unto itself and made to look fake and did that. It had this big long story associated with it.

Your story doesn’t need to be true and I’m not saying go out there and make a lie about your product, but see how important the story is. True or untrue is irrelevant when it comes to the story and marketing.

So it’s also something to keep in mind as a consumer. If you’re hearing his story, never assume that it’s true, but sit back and watch how you react to stories that come out regarding products and services that are out there.

Everything gets sold on a story.

There’s always a story that goes along with your most favorite items.

If you look at Disneyland. One of the most common things get brought up. Anything that’s produced by the Disney company, all of that has this background. Whether you know about it or not, whether you’re old enough to know about it or not.

All this history going back to Walt Disney and his brother, who created this company and everything, they had had a background story behind how it got put together.

And then they have myths that have been perpetuated through time about each of these things. And even the concept of Walt being basically frozen in carbonite after he died just so that he could be unfrozen someday.

All of these things. Some of them are true, some of them are untrue, but the stories are what bind a person to your product or service.

It’s the story that goes behind it and it does matter how you bring it about because it matters whether the right person hears the story. But the story is a huge part of your message and something you really shouldn’t forget.

If you’d like to see how your story affects your products or your lack of story and what you should be looking for and developing a story behind your products and services, then definitely go and look up some of my other videos.

If you’d like to talk to me, go to you’re welcome to sign up for a strategy session with me. And uh, it, like I said, if you’re in the self-reliance field and you’ll want to go to so that’s all we got for today. Tomorrow we’re going to pay attention to story again, give you another angle, the same idea of what they call story selling.

So we’ll talk about that more tomorrow. Have a great night and to get out there and let the magic happen.

Where’s the Best Place to Advertise?

Where's the Best Place to Advertise?

Where is the best place to advertise?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon here in the Blank Office? I don’t even know what to call it yet because there’s nothing here. It’s just me and you.

So today we’re going to be talking about where you would advertise if you were looking to advertise because it’s a common question I get is where should I advertise?

Where’s the best place?

What’s the best bang for your buck right now?

It’s the wrong question. It’s not the right question, but we’re going to answer it one way or the other today because it all has to do with the three ways. Sorry, it’s backwards to me. So it’s tough for me to figure out where to hold things. The three main areas you’ve got to know about your marketing.

Who are you talking about in your market?

And we’ve talked about these on the last couple of videos that we’ve put together. Your message, which is your what.

What are you wanting them to do?

What are you trying to tell them to do?

What are you encouraging them to do?

Purchase, buy, whatever. What is your message and then media when and where are you going to deliver the right message to the right people?

If you don’t have these fully fleshed out, it’s really difficult to know who, where and when to contact, who about what. If you know who you’re talking to but you don’t know what you want to tell them to do, that’ll mess up the media concept. If you know what you want people to do but you don’t have it defined exactly who that is on who you want to do that. If you think it’s for everybody, if you have one of these everybody products or services, it’s good for everybody.

I know that’s what everybody says and if it’s good for everybody, it’s good for nobody because it has to be defined. If it’s not defined, you’re going to have a very difficult time and if it truly is something that is for everybody.

If it’s something that everybody wants and everybody’s going to be willing to buy, purchase, or get involved with it, then it doesn’t matter what the media is and it doesn’t matter what they’re charging. But if you know these two things, you’re going to know this one thing a lot better and we’re going to go a little more in depth onto what you’re going to be looking for in terms of that in just a second.

If you’re a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to There’s an eight and a half minute video where I explained the dream business transformation, a completely free situation.

You’d get to chat with me and I’ll be able to flesh out exactly what your dream business scenario would look like and what it would take to get there. I’m not fishing for clients or anything of that sort. I really not sure if I have room in my schedule for anybody new, but I’d like to find out more about what you do and what you’re looking for in the next five to 10 years from your business. Go to that’s what I get out of it.

Let me show you what you’re going to get out of it. Go to if you qualify then we’ll get a chance to talk. So back to advertising.

What’s the best form of advertising?

It all depends. If you know who you’re looking for, if you’re looking for a particular age person, if you’re looking for somebody that’s either online or not online savvy, if you’re looking for, you know, as you define the market, then you know what your message is.

You know what you’re wanting them to do. You’re wanting them to go to a website and download something to give them, give you their email address or something of that sort.

Or you want them to go to Walmart and purchase your product or you want them to come directly to your page and check out all of your products, whatever your message is to this market that will help you really have to define where you shouldn’t be advertising first.

Where are all the different places that you should not? What are all the different forms of media and I mean everything you’ve got to. Do you have a product and a market, a message, and a market that would allow you to put people on street corners waving signs? No. Okay. That’s one less thing to think about, you know, but if you’re, if you have a local based business, that might be something you want to think about.

Even if no one else in your entire industry does that, especially if no one else in your entire industry does it. That’s something to keep in mind about which media to choose.

Are you competing with other people in that same space?

Is it worth competing with other people in that same space?

How else are you differentiating yourself?

All these things have to be kept into mind and your budget has to be kept into mind of how much are you actually looking to spend over what period of time and how long are you willing to work with it.

So for example, let’s say you’ve never done a Facebook ad if you want it, but you’d like to try out Facebook advertising. You believe your market’s on Facebook, you believe that you can get the direct message to them there. So you’re looking into Facebook advertising.

You’re not necessarily going to find the ideal way to use Facebook advertising overnight and I don’t care who’s promising that to you.

It’s going to take time for you to really tool that out, to find the exact step-by-step message and to actually dig in and find your direct market. It’s going to take time to do that in Facebook. Do you have the time and money to figure that out, to finagle that together?

These are all the questions you’ve got to ask.

There’s more questions when you start. We started getting into specifics. That’s when you’ll know whether that’s going to be a good place for you, but you have to know the right questions to ask. Get involved.

If you don’t have a marketing team that’s asking these questions, if you don’t have someone on your side that understands business from the business owner, from the executive point of view, then you’re going to need to talk to somebody who does go and find someone who does.

If you don’t trust me, go and find someone you do trust.

If you’ve enjoyed these conversations, these questions in your mind and you want to flesh it out, bounce it back and forth with somebody. Go to or if you’re outside of the self-reliance field, meaning you don’t have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, you don’t think you fit within that space.

Then go to I have a couple opportunities where you can speak to me one on one. You could even pay directly for a full hour. $600 and up to be able to speak to me, but it’ll be worth your money.

Go check that out. In the meantime, tomorrow we’re going to be discussing a, a concept of storytelling in your marketing, in all forms of marketing.

I’m not just talking directly with advertising. You may be doing free marketing on social media, some things of that sort of things that are time based marketing.

If you’re interested in those types of things, come back tomorrow because we’re going to be talking all about the story and what that means to you. And I’m gonna relate back a very specific story that I just saw on YouTube yesterday.

So come on back and in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Number 1 Thing Everyone Forgets in Advertising

Number 1 Thing Everyone Forgets in Advertising

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon. We are currently not in the Orange Office. We are in the new studio office out of the new headquarters for

It’s all about the WHO. Who are you trying to reach?

Second, we want to talk about the message.

What do you want them to do?

What are you trying to get them to do?

What are you trying to get across to them?

What are you encouraging them to do?

That’s what the message is all about and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. What’s the number one thing that people forget when they are discussing the message, when they’re putting their message out there? The number one thing they forget when it comes to advertising is they forget to make an offer.

They forget to make a very clear offer. We’ve discussed this before here at Brian J. Pombo Live, but we have to make very clear, you must have an offer, not just any offer, but I’ve always liked the term irresistible offer.

You have to have something that is so irresistible to that target market, whoever they may be. If you’ve got a very clear idea of who you’re trying to reach, the next step is to offer them something that’s a no brainer.

That’s so simple. It’s why wouldn’t they go work for it? That’s the whole idea. It’s gotta be a nice, easy first step for them to be able to take them along your process. It may be something for free. You see this a lot online that people offer something for free and there’s a reason it’s to get that first initial step going.

Once you got that initial step going, you can go further beyond that afterwards, but you’ve got to start somewhere. You have to have that initial irresistible offer in your advertising and your marketing.

Whatever you’re putting out there, it’s gotta be simple.

We’ve got Joe watching here. I know Joe, he’s the owner of a wine company and they will go out and give samples of wine. Well, what’s easier than taking a sample of wine? It’s just there. It’s a WHO’s going to say no unless you don’t like wine and you’re not the market.

So they’re out in grocery stores, in other places, offering people a taste of their wine to dry and get them hooked to get them to try to buy a bottle. It’s that irresistible offer.

How easy can you make it for your target market to take that first step?

That’s what the message, it’s a very interesting thing that most people go and watch a bunch of commercials. Go and watch a commercial on Youtube. Go and watch a commercial on TV. Go and listen to a commercial on the radio.

How many of them are making an offer or saying, if you do this, we’ll do that. If you give us this much money, we’ll give you this thing over here. Most of the time they’re not even making an offer. They’re just telling you about the brand name. They’re telling you about something that they are doing. They’re just putting it out there.

There’s no clear offer.

Now, big companies can get away with doing this and they do all the time because they’re already out there. They’re already known. They’re just reminding you that they exist and they can afford to waste a whole lot of money.

If your a smaller end company, if you’re anywhere under $50 million a year, you got to pay attention to your advertising. You’ve got to pay very close attention to what you’re putting out there and you want to make it all work for you.

There’s no reason to be spending money and spending time and effort on advertising if it’s not working for you. Gotta have an offer. Got to have that irresistible offer.

That message has to be clear and it has to match your market. Whoever you’re going after the WHO. This is why we go and figure out the WHO first, whoever that is.

Talk directly to them. Don’t just say what you think about your product or service. Don’t just go over features.

Discuss the end benefit to this person.

What is their end benefit?

What are they going to walk away with?

What is the feeling they’re going to have after using your product, after using your service?

What do they walk away with?

What is the true in benefit?

What is the emotional satisfaction that they’re getting off of it?

These are important things to be able to get a person to take the next step. Think really hard about your message.

Your message is the what?

What do I want them to do?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a business, doesn’t matter if you’re an organization. We’re all trying to get other people to do the things we want them to do and if you pay attention to this process tomorrow, we’re going to go over how these two things then decide the media.

Then it tells you where and when you need to be delivering this message to your particular market. We’re going to go over that tomorrow. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance space, meaning you have products and services that encourage people to become more self-reliant, you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to the link is in the description. Go and check it out. There’s a quick video there. I love to hear what you think. Go and check it out. That’s an offer. It’s just a simple one that’s completely free.

Even when I’m offering on that page is completely free to you if you qualify, so go check it out.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about media. Get out there and let the magic happen.

YouTube ECommerce Marketing Tutorial

YouTube ECommerce Marketing Tutorial
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Hey folks, this is Brian J Pombo with here coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon today.

Obviously you can’t see me, we’re over on screenshare and we’re going to jump right into it. YouTube ecommerce marketing tutorial. Here we go.

First if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you’d like to experience the dream business transformation, go to dream Biz dream Biz and it’ll take you to this page. It’s a quick little video you could watch that will show you how to take your business….especially if you have an already successful business.

If you really want to take it to that ultimate level of being your dream business. Meaning you’re only putting in the amount of time you want to put in doing the things you love doing the most about your business and outsourcing the rest.

Go to Check this out, watch that video. If you think you qualify, fill out this application below and that will get you a free conversation with me, which at this point in time is a $650 value.

So that aside, let’s take a look at, these guys have a YouTube channel and these videos, if you haven’t seen it, you’ve got to jump over here and watch some of these videos. Look at this. They have over six and a half million subscribers, six and a half million subscribers at this time.

They’re growing all the time. They have videos out on a constant basis. You will not find a video on their channel, on their YouTube channel, that is not a commercial. These are all commercials. This one came out nine hours ago. It has nearly a million views. This one came out five days ago, 2.3 million views.

Why do people watch these commercials, so crazy?

Now they may be at an advertising today’s and maybe a lot of these views come from advertising. I haven’t seen them pop up as ads specifically. These are things that people are watching on their own.

If they subscribe, they literally went and subscribed because they want to watch these every time they’d pop out. So every time a new one comes out, this is popping up in people’s subscription feed and it’s because they’re entertaining.

Me and my kids love watching these things.

So if you look at this, here’s $100 to eat, you click on it. These are commercials. Let me warn you, these are commercials. Of course there’s an ad, so we’ll have to wait for that. But you’re talking about something that is nothing more than a commercial. 10 minute commercial. What’s it about? So this is the owner of the company, I believe he’s the founder of the company.

Here’s some super spicy pickles okay. The whole storyline. I happened to watch this one, the whole storyline of this one is he’s got $100 he is going to offer anyone who has a company $100 if they can get through this entire jar of pickles and they’re super spicy. So He’s going around his company asking people to do it.

They finally get to a point where people are actually doing it here and going through all the comedy that ensues. These are funny videos. These are things you really ought to go and watch them. Very well produced, especially the latest ones.

They put a lot of time and effort, well edited, well filmed, very, very well done. It’s because they put so much time into producing great videos. It’s not just the quality’s great, but the fact that they’re so funny and so well thought out, but each one’s a commercial for something on their website.

They have gag gifts. This is a website made up of gag gifts, basically unique gifts and unusual gift ideas. Just, everything you could think of, there’s a giant gummy worm.

So not only do they put out these things and they get tons of attention for them, everything keeps driving people back to the website. Their name of their channel is, so you go to their website, look at any of their items here.

Let’s check this out. This is a giant sour gummy worm, right? So it looks just like any other ecommerce website. You’ve got all the different categories that you can see. Other things on the website there promise for a flat rate shipping, you know, free shipping over $45 okay, pretty standard right. Over here you’ve got pictures of the items, but you’ve got these videos that they produced on each of the items.

So not only are they using them outward facing, they’re using them for people that come to the website because they’ve got these videos on their website.

It gives them great rank in Google. They’ve got a pretty well done. They’ve got their SEO pretty worked out here. Search engine optimization. For those of you who might be new to this world’s largest sour gummy worm.

If I type that in, look, they’ve got is the first one in their ads. Ah, then you’ve got a result showing up from Amazon, but that looks like one of those that Google pops up to the top, but that’s not typical. Look, all their videos are popping up. Here they are beating on Amazon on the front page.

World’s largest gummy worm is the is the brand name of it, but this is what’s possible. If you can go out there and create great content, put it out there for people to consume.

It’s gotta be entertaining. If it’s entertaining, people will eat it up. It will drive people to your website. Once they’re on the website, you can re-entertain them with other things.

Look you could just click around here and find all these funny videos, nearly everything on here as a funny video attached to it that can check out. So you don’t have to have crazy gifts. Would you have to do is have something entertaining for people to see?

If you do that, you could use it both offsite and onsite. Don’t only have to use YouTube, you can use all the other video channels, all the other distribution places that you can hit up. This is just another form of contact marketing. Hey, we’ll see you next time.

We’re going to have another tactic that we’re going to talk about, these are always fun to talk about, so we’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good one.

How To Get Rich From Holidays

How To Get Rich From Holidays
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Brian talks about how marketing teams profit from the Holidays and how you can as well.

What Is YOUR Business?

What is YOUR business?
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Find out why Brian suggest that your REAL business is in sales and marketing. Not just the products or services you offer.

For more on this, checkout the podcast Brian mentions in today’s video here –

3 Steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Ads

3 Steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Ads
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Advertising #Marketing #MarketMessageMedia #SelfReliance #BusinessOwner #TheUltmateMarketingPlan #DanKennedy

Dan Kennedy’s definition of Marketing from his book, The Ultimate Marketing Plan

“Getting the right message to the right people via the right media and methods effectively, efficiently and profitably”

3 Steps

Market – The who – who you are trying to reach.

Message – Usually what you are trying to get them to do, or get across to them.

Media – The method by which you are reaching your audience.

  • Most people pay attention to the message or the media first, when they should be paying attention to the market first.
  • It’s all about the who
  • Then you create a message that speaks to them in their language.
  • That will help you define which media to go after and which media you might want to stay away from.