What You Say May Be Hurting You

What You Say May Be Hurting You

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Is negativity a problem in your workplace? If you’re a business owner, it could start with you.

Best Way to Fight Negative Thoughts?

Best Way to Fight Negative Thoughts?

More Daily Vids➡️ – https://brianjpombo.com/media/brian-j-pombo-live-daily-video-index/

Brian share’s some helpful tips he uses to help with negative thoughts and emotions.

Social Anxiety & Networking

Social Anxiety & Networking

More Daily Vids➡️ – https://brianjpombo.com/media/brian-j-pombo-live-daily-video-index/

Some thoughtful ideas on handling social anxiety to help build relationships and grow your business.

Perfection and Priorities

Perfection and Priorities


Perfection and Priorities.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every day here from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to be talking about the process of business growth and how one of the main things that gets in the way is perfection, perfection, perfection. They’re always trying to perfect, every little piece of what we’re working on, what we’re doing.

As I was going ahead, moving on with a new project, with podcast producer Sean Douglas, and today we’re noticing that I’ve always had a tendency, in certain ways, to get caught up with one little item that doesn’t really have anything to do with the big picture of where we’re going and we’re trying to perfect this one little area of this big thing that we’re trying to do.

This happens. It really became clear to both of us today as we were talking about it.

It happens when you don’t have a clear idea of your priorities.

If you don’t know what the priority is, it’s very easy to get caught up in the perfection trap.

Here’s an example.

I talked to a lot of business owners and a select few end up becoming clients.

And one the first things I do with a client is sit down and really graph out what their priorities are.

Where are they looking at where they see themselves in the next six months, year, five years, 10 years and so forth.

In many cases, they get irritated with that. They don’t like to think about that type of thing because they like to keep things loose.

Most entrepreneurs are very easy going, they’re intense, but they have an easy going nature about their business and they just want to have the freedom to just kind of let it go wherever, wherever it will go.

It’s always good to be flexible. But at the same time, if you do not have a concept of where you’re going, it’s tough to set priorities.

Without priorities you’ll get caught up in little things.

You either won’t pay enough attention to the right things or you pay too much attention or at the same time pay too much attention to the wrong things in the process of moving forward. Because it’s real easy to get to change the focus of where you’re going.

It’s too easy to get caught up with the bright shiny object.

Perfection is one of these things. It’s going too deep into one area that in the end doesn’t matter to your priority of the current time.

And if you don’t have someone there who remembers what the priority is and who could remind you what the priority is at that time, then you’ll get caught up with trying to, you know, shine the hubcaps on your car when you really do need to get the engine running.

This is just a thing that I’ve ran into over and over and over again. And I’m not a perfectionist.

I’m just not that type of person. I’m into quality. I’m into doing things right. I don’t want to have to come back and do it over, over and over again.

I’d rather get it done right the first time, but I’m not much of a perfectionist and at the same time I still get caught up in trying to get this one area just right when really the priority is this area over here. Keep your eyes on what you’re working on perfecting. And if you get caught up in the wrong area, it’s because you’re not paying attention to your priorities.

Hopefully this is helpful to you. If you’d like to talk about your priorities with your business and see if your perfection might be in the wrong spots.

Go to DreamBizChat.com especially if you were in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

I’d love to talk with you.

I offer a free dream business transformation, which basically means that in the end of a half hour to an hour on the phone or over a video chat with me. We’ll come to a conclusion of at least one thing that you can change in the next month that could get you one step closer to having your dream business scenario.

Just the perfect business.

What would be the ideal business for you?

That’s a thought for another night. We’ll go a little bit deeper into that, but hopefully you have a great night and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You On Offense or Defense?

Are You On Offense or Defense?


Are you on offense or defense?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live every day we bring you another little tip, another little question, hopefully help you along with your business today. I’m not in the Orange Office.

I’m in an undisclosed location while I’m at my home. And obviously a badly lit area of the house. But the best I can do at this time of night.

I just wanted to give you a quick concept that is deceptively simple and also extremely deep. And the real question is, and this could be your business, you could take this and look at any one area of your business and ask the same question.

Are you on offense or are you on defense?

Now, if you’re not super familiar with the way that most most sports work, especially today’s professional sports. Offense are the people that have the ball and they’re moving it down the field, they’re working on scoring, they’re on the move. Defense is the side just trying to keep the other side from scoring. That’s offense and defense.

The same thing’s true in war, that the same thing is true in politics and it’s also true in business.

You will find that when you are on the defense mentally, tactfully, in every way, if you’re on defense, you’re going backwards. You’re not moving in a positive direction.

If you’re on offense, you’re taking ground, you’re going forward one way or the other. If you’re on offense, you know you’re on offense. So the real question is if you take a take a specific area of your business, take that, take the area that is bothering you the most. Here’s one thing that’s true about that area. I can almost guarantee you’re on defense in that area.

You’re feeling like maybe there’s somebody in your business that is holding you back, a coworker, a vendor, someone that you do business with, they’re holding you back and you’re always feeling like you’re defending against that person.

The defensive position doesn’t work long-term.

It’s a necessary position. You’re always going to have to play defense at some point, but if you’re finding yourself in a hole, it’s because you’re constantly on defense in that area of your business.

The areas where you’re on offense or the areas that you find the most fun, you find the most rewarding. You feel like things are moving in a positive direction because they are. Find a way to switch your thought pattern to switch your paradigm in the areas of your businesses and think more offensive.

How can I make things happen here as opposed to reacting to things that happen?

So this isn’t just true in business, it’s true in relationships. Honestly, it’s true, but like I said, true in politics. Anytime you see a politician that spends more time on defense than on offense, that politician does not have long to last. They will be taken down by someone who is more on offense. It’s guaranteed. If you put it in most presidential elections, you can see, take the person who’s been on offense, but now both sides are playing offense and defense the whole time.

Take the person who’s more been more on offense than on defense. There’s usually one or the other. That’s the person who’s winning that election.

We have a president Trump today love him or hate him because he was mostly on offense. The few times he got put on defense during the election cycle. It’s probably the main reason why he wasn’t able to take more than just the electoral college.

Offense and defense defines a lot.

It’s a very, very, very simple paradigm. But if you can recognize it in yourself, if you can recognize it in your business, in your coworkers, in your organization, are you on offense? Are you taking ground?

Do you have a goal that you’re all set to achieve or are you constantly on defense, defending against the marketplace, defending against all the situations that come up?

I come from a farming and ranching background, my family, and the one thing that always bothered me about most with the farmer mentality is it was it’s a very defensive position.

It’s, “Well, we’ll wait and see what the weather does.” You know, and we’ll wait and see what happens here and see what happens. Then see what the price of hay is. I couldn’t stand it. It’s a very tough way to live.

I’m not speaking of all farmers or ranchers, it was just the position that I always saw. I saw a majority of them putting themselves in, but it’s perspective. Really find a way you can be on offense.

I know I’m driving this point into the ground. I just wanted to make a quick point for tonight.

Tomorrow night we’re going to go a little bit further away from mindset. I’m going to tell you a little bit about my story and you can see how it applies to your story. I’d love to love to hear more. Let me know what you thought about tonight’s talk.

Also go to DreamBizChat.com especially if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you help people to become more self reliant through your products or services.

Go to DreamBizChat.com. I’ve got short video there, eight and a half minutes long. Take a take a watch. Listen to what I have to say there. I’d love to hear what you think. And tomorrow, like I said, we’re going to be talking more about the various specific story and see how you relate, have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Getting Seen In Mr. Big’s Limo

Getting Seen In Mr. Big's Limo


Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.

Hey, getting seen in Mr Bigs Limo.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass, Oregon on this nice Sunday evening.

Tonight I’m going to take you back a ways. If you’ve ever seen the movie Wayne’s World from 1992, the original Mike Myers, Dana Carvey classic.

There’s a scene toward the end of the movie and they are trying to get attention for Wayne’s girlfriend, Cassandra. So she’s a singer. She has a band. They’re trying to get attention from this record producer. His name’s Frankie Sharp of Sharp Records, trying to get his attention.

This is one person they’re trying to get the focus of, they just happened to know roundabouts, where his limo is going to be and they happen to know that his limo has a satellite TV in it. At the time, that was how the affluent got to watch anything is through satellite TV.

So what they do is they hatch this big elaborate plan to be able to basically hack into his TV and put their program right in front of him as he’s being driven in his limo so that they could put this message, they could put Cassandra and her band singing a song right in front of them to get his attention. To hopefully lead to a record deal or what have you.

Why am I bringing this up?

A huge mindset thing for business owners is a lack of focus and specific lack of focus that almost every business owner I come in contact with is a lack of focus on an ideal market.

I’m not saying that your market isn’t more than your ideal person, but you need to have an ideal person to shoot for in order to really garner attention from the rest of the market.

When I’m saying market, I’m talking people.

I’m talking customers, potential customers, potential clients. That’s what we’re talking about here.

Now, if by the end of this you relate with what I’m saying and you can see yourself in it or you can see that I know what I’m talking about and you’d like to talk with me a little bit deeper about how it relates back to your business.

Let’s just say you’re in my ideal market, which is a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you sell products or services or have a story that encourages people to become more self reliant than you’re the type of person that I’d like to talk to.

This is just my ideal client for right now.

Go to DreamBizChat.com if you fit those qualifications. Now, most of the people, 99.9% of the people watching this don’t fit that.

But if you do fit that and you relate with what I’m talking about, go there and go check out the free video I’ve got there.

You don’t have to put in your email address, anything like that. Just watch the video. It’s eight and a half minutes long and that’ll tell you whether you’d like to take the next step and actually talk with me.

Once again, that doesn’t cost anything either. You just have to fill out the application, see if you qualify beyond that.

So go check out DreamBizChat.com the link is also in the description, regardless of whether you’re listening to this or watching it, wherever you’re at, you can find that link.

So back to the Mr. Big analogy, okay. It’s all about focusing. Even if it comes down to one person, that’s your ideal. Now, if it’s one person, chances are you will be able to get your message in front of that person.

I don’t care how famous they are, I don’t care how guarded they are, I don’t care if they’re the president of the United States. If you’ve got one person or a hundred people that are your ideal client or customer, then you need to focus on them.

Everything around your marketing should revolve around that.

Here’s what I mean.

You got your market right. That’s your who. And if you’ve watched my videos, especially some of the earlier ones, we go through this and I’m going to go through it again because I need to make this perfectly clear for you.

Hopefully you’ll learn from it and be able to do something with it.

Who is your ideal market?

Who is the person?

And you could have demographics. You could say, well, they’re going to be somewhere around this age. They’re going to be this or that gender or both, but they’re going to be of this financial standing.

They’re going to have this in mind. They’re going to have gone through this pattern. They’re going to have done this, done that. Define the ideal.

Here’s why, it’s not just for that. It’s for everything else that you do. This is a foundational point for your business.

If you are not focusing on this, you’re going to be making the wrong guesses on everything else.

Because after you focus in on the market and it doesn’t have to be right.

It just needs to be something. It needs to get you started. You need to get out there and start talking to your ideal person, finding that person, trying to get a conversation going with them.

Once you have your ideal market that allows you to create a clear message, oh look at that our computer went on, go off computer. You’re not supposed to be on for this video.

Message. The message is WHAT?

What do you want to tell them? What do they need to know from you? What are you trying to sell them? What are you trying to encourage them to do? It’s very difficult to answer this message if you don’t know the market. If you don’t know the who, it’s very difficult to know the right words to use when discussing the what with them, when putting it out there.

And then once you know these two things, once you’ve defined that to some sense, these things can always change. You’re not stuck in it. Don’t get so concrete and held on, “oh, what if I make the wrong decision?”.

Start just start this process, but start with the market. Start with the WHO. Go on to the WHAT, then that will help define media, which is the WHERE and WHEN and HOW you’re going to get in touch with somebody. Really the where and when.

Most people start with the media and they go the other direction or they’ll start with the message and then go to media and that you’re lucky if they ever get to market.

But if market is defining your message and if those two things are helping you define your media, because if you know who you’re looking for, you’re going to know more about where to spend advertising dollars or not spend advertising dollars.

Where to put out free media like this right here. Where to go after them. Are they reading magazines? Are they reading any type of periodicals, you know what I’m saying?

Are they reading any physical things that are out there? Are they going to specific websites? Are they even online? I mean are they actively online and where are they at?

What social media do they use, if any? If you don’t know who, it’s really tough to answer this, but most of us start here and we get caught up with, “oh my gosh, Facebook ads are cheap right now. Oh my gosh, everyone’s on Instagram right now. I need to get out.”.

And we get caught up and in love with a media source.

We get the salesman coming through the door saying, you got to be in the yellow pages. You gotta be over here. You gotta do this. You gotta do that. Well, they’ve already chosen their media. They want you to choose the media first.

If you focus on the who, you focus on Mr. Big, all you gotta do is find out what you want them to know and where are they? And if you need to zoom into the back of their limo to get your message directly to them, do it.

But this is a mindset thing. When you switch your mindset on this and you focus on the right things, the other questions that all surround your business get clearer and clearer and clearer.

Hopefully that was useful to you today. Tomorrow we’re going to be dealing with another mindset issue. I’m not going to tell you what it is because I don’t know what it is yet, but a list of ones that I’m going to go through and pick out the one that I think fits best based on how people are reacting to today’s video.

We’ve been getting some great reactions lately from all the other videos. Once again, if you’re interested, go to DreamBizChat.com if you feel like you fit the scenario that I was talking about earlier, go rewatch this.

Get this in your mind, write it down. Actually take some notes for who your market is, your message, what your message is and where your media should be based on that. Okay, you have a great night.

Now get out there and let the magic happen.

Momentum Is Not the Goal

Momentum Is Not the Goal


Momentum is not the goal.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. This is Brian J. Pombo Live and today we’re going to be talking about momentum and that all starts out with getting to the point of momentum and that just comes from showing up.

Just putting in the work, doing what’s necessary to get to the point where things start building on a life of their own.

The reason why I wanted to talk about momentum is that it’s really is has a lot to do with goal setting and mindset of goal setting and we’re going to get right into that.

But first I just wanted to make a quick announcement to those of you who are business owners or executives in self reliance based businesses. I like to implore you to go to DreamBizChat.com. There’s a quick video there, eight and a half minutes long.

You could watch it. It talks about the dream business transformation. If you are in a position right now in your business where you’re successful, but you really want to get way up here to your dream business scenario, then the dream business transformation is probably just right for you and for this limited time it’s free. So go to DreamBizChat.com and see if you qualify for a free dream business transformation.

Now onto momentum, this concept was brought to me by Producer Sean because he remembered reading about it in Steve Martin’s biography. Steve Martin, the actor, comedian, his biography Born Standing Up.

If you haven’t read Born Standing Up it’s a great biography. There’s also a great audio book where Steve Martin reads it out loud and it’s, I mean my favorite types of books are biographies. I think you kind of get the best out of somebody’s life.

Especially autobiographies are great too because you re you get the person’s own perspective on it and sometimes those can be pretty darn interesting. Born standing up is a great book.

In it there’s a whole lot of lessons and probably stuff we’ll bring up in the future because both me and Sean really love that book.

The particular point has to do with the Tonight Show, which was hosted by Johnny Carson. This was a show that many people watched. It was on late at night.

Well it’s still on late at night, but at the time when it was on, it was watched by many more percentage of people than it is currently watched by now.

Because of that, when Johnny Carson had a comedian, an up and coming comedian on the show. It kind of marked the beginning of their career. It was like this huge jump because all of a sudden they’re in the spotlight, they’re the national spotlight.

People are seeing them. And depending on how Johnny reacted to you is how good you were considered to have done. And so if you were able to get back on there, it was considered a great thing.

If you see any biography or read anything about any comedian that came up during the 70s and 80s, they always refer to the Tonight Show as being the thing that you were trying to get on to.

And if you look at any of the large comedians that came out during that time, they were either on the Tonight Show or they were on Saturday Night Live.

Those were the breaking out points for a lot of comedic talent and comedic actors. But specifically stand up comedians, they were always trying to get to that point of being on the tonight show and Steve Martin was no exception.

By the time he got there, he got on it and he left and he said, and you’re waiting for something to happen. It’s like I got there now what? It’s like what happens and there isn’t necessarily going to be a bolt of lightning when you’ve hit a point where you can build on and create momentum.

Momentum happens as you’re building up to it.

Even after you get to a point that you said is some type of goal and it might be a good goal to reach for, but by the time you get there, you have to have the plan to go next. Because most of the time things don’t lift you up on their own.

When things happen, they almost happen accidentally. Providentially, whatever you want to call it, they happen and they pull you along, but it never happens like by clockwork.

It never happens, just right after this point everything exploded. You could always see that in hindsight, but there’s no way to really pinpoint that.

If you get to a point of notoriety, you have to build off of it.

He realized this himself and realized that he had to build on the momentum of getting to this point and he did.

He got on the show more often. He got to guest host the show. He also went on Saturday Night Live, took every opportunity he could to build on the momentum of his popularity and go further and further and further.

This is a point that is if you run a business or own a business and run a business, we always get to these points where we think, oh, if I could just get here, that’s it. I’ll have it all wrapped up at that point.

It’s usually not the case. Usually you get anywhere near that point. It’s like, wow, that was cool.

But it’s not everything. There’s always something after it. And so always plan to keep moving, keep running.

Keep, you know, use another analogy cranking the well, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the old wells that you had to hand crank the hand pump wells and you had to prime it first with water and you pump and pump and pump and you put some more water in and pump and pump and pump it before the water starts coming.

When it starts coming, you still got to keep pumping until it starts coming out consistently. That’s life.

A lot of us get caught up in the goal setting and we miss the point of life is movement and you gotta always at least plan on more movement.

You don’t need to kill yourself over it. You need to make it consistent though.

There has to be some consistency to what you’re putting out there.

That’s true, not just in the education and the ability for you to produce your, either your products or your services through your company, but in your marketing, you have to have consistency. In your customer service you’ve got to have consistency.

This is where systems all come into play. Just don’t see momentum as being the goal. Momentum is a means to an end it isn’t the end itself. It’s the beginning.

When you start getting that momentum, when you start hitting those points, those small goals, they’re only on the way to the bigger one. Keep going. Don’t stop. Keep it moving. Enjoy what you do.

Make sure it lasts and make your business meaningful. Make it mean something to people beyond just the success that you’re achieving from it.

So I hope you enjoyed that. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the same type of mindset issues. We’ll have another piece around the same type of concept.

In the meantime, don’t forget about DreamBizChat.com.

We’ll see you tomorrow. So get out there and let the magic happen.

Want A More Simple Life?

Want A More Simple Life?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Episode with Gary Collins: http://offthegridbiz.com/gary-collins-the-simple-life/

Want a more simple life?

Hi, I’m Brian J Pombo with BrianJPombo.com welcome back to the Orange Office. This is Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re talking about simplicity, life simplification, a great little phrase that this fellow made up right here.

This is Gary Collins. Gary Collins is the writer of many books including some one called Off The Grid, which ties right into my Off the Grid Biz Podcast, which I got to interview him on. If you check out the description, you could see the link going back to that interview and I highly recommend you listen to it.

Now at the time of the interview we did it over video chat and he doesn’t look a lot like this. He’s got a beard now and a baseball cap on, so he looked like a completely different person but very sharp guy.

Lots of fun to talk to and he’ll be a lot of fun to listen to make sure and listen to that podcast. He’s got a lot of energy and a lot of the stuff he talks about, it’s really funny because a lot of the stuff he talks about that, uh, I heard someone else saying is a lot of common sense.

He has a lot of solid common sense, but he delivers it in a very confident, straightforward, no bs attitude that makes it a lot of fun.

One of the themes that he has is this concept of life simplification.

And the way I see it is it’s life simplification for the purpose of lifestyle design. So if you can have the ideal life, my friend Tyler says that, it’s a life you don’t need a vacation from. If you could design a life you don’t need a vacation from, what would it be?

And would it be more simple? If you really distilled it down to its most simple form, what would that be? How would that look? If you could just make it as basic as possible just to start out with, just to make your life easier, stress-free, and really be what you want it to be. What would that look like?

That’s what Gary focuses on, that’s his perspective on things. And that’s what he helps people bring people to. He has a series of books. Has a new one coming out called the Simple Life Guide to Financial Freedom.

So we talk a lot about that on the show where he’s talking about financial freedom. He’s talking about, how to really simplify things to be able to get what you want out of life while at the same time not messing people over and really having a good moral life.

Go listen to that because I think it would help you out.

I think it’s very much in terms of a lot of the concepts that we talk about here. He actually lives off the grid. So beyond what most people would off the grid, he lives off the grid, he and lives very much an off the grid lifestyle.

He tries to stay off social media except for business and so forth. And he’s got a lot of cool concepts. Go and listen to that episode.

If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance space, meaning that you have products and services and a lifestyle that promotes self-reliance to others, then you’re somebody I’d like to talk to. Go to DreamBizChat.com. At DreamBizChat.com where I’m discussing the dream business transformation.

There’s an eight and a half minute video you can watch. Just go take a look. It’s free to apply and it’s free to take part in the Dream Biz Chat if you’re so interested, if you’re so inclined. And if you qualify, go and check it out. I’m quite a ways off from being able to have any Dream Biz Chats right now or at least two weeks to two months out right now with them. So there is a waiting list, but if you go apply, I will definitely get back to you within the next week and a half or so.

Like I said, we’re kind of backlogged and like on a lot of great episodes on, Off the Grid Biz coming out even tonight. Go and check it out once again. DreamBizChat.com. Tomorrow we are going to be discussing, uh, let’s see, what are we going to be discussing?

I don’t know. It probably the next episode of Off the Grid Biz, which is going to be coming out tonight. Ooh, go and check it out. It has to do with, how to have these types of businesses.

How would you have…..we talked about, expert type businesses or adding some expertise into the business that you already have? We’re gonna talk about a person that’s been doing that themselves. They’ve been practicing this concept of learn, do, teach, and it’s just, it’s a constant cycle. I think you’ll find it interesting.

We’ll see it tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Rake It In Being Super Lazy

How to Rake It In Being Super Lazy

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Today, we’re going to talk about how to rake it in being super lazy. Sounds counterintuitive I know.

I’m Brian Pombo and we’re going to talk about laziness versus hard work and how I’m going to encourage you to be lazy. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon tonight.

This is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart because I grew up working on a cattle ranch and hard work was rewarded, most of the time when I was employed.

If you can show that you’re working hard and that you’re putting out a lot of effort, you’re rewarded, meaning you get to keep your job, possibly you might get the move your way up a rank or two. But when you become an entrepreneur, when you become self-employed, when you become a business owner of any type, it flips. You aren’t really paid in the long run.

You aren’t paid when you’re getting paid from the marketplace based on how hard you work and how much effort you put into it. Because most of that, well, for one thing, most of it’s invisible. Most of it’s invisible to the marketplace.

Whoever your customer is, they don’t care how hard you worked for the most part.

Sometimes it can be a part of a story and sometimes it can be built into marketing and so on and so forth. For the most part, hard work has nothing to do with how well you’re rewarded. How well you’re rewarded is based on the value they believe they’re getting from you, not what you’re putting into it. So then the question is, how do you create value for them? That takes thinking. It takes smarts. It takes, and this is where they talk about working smart, not working hard.

It’s not that you should be afraid of hard work. It’s not that you should run away from hard work, but you need to focus on the right area, the right area.

Somebody in your company needs to be focusing on the customer and what they want and what they’re getting out of it on all levels, not just, okay, I bought this to do a certain thing. It did the thing, I’m happy.

The real question is what did they want beyond that? What do they want after that? Are they as happy as they could be with it? What would make them happier about it?

Getting inside of your customer’s head. That takes thought. That takes planning. That takes getting out there and having that conversation with your customer.

Finding out as much about them as possible, especially your best customers. Finding out as much as possible. So that comes back to you.

Why is being lazy helpful to that? Well, I remember a friend saying once that, if you really want a job well done, give it to a lazy person because they will find a way to do it with the least amount of effort.

If you could do something with the least amount of effort, it will cost the least to be able to produce it. And as long as you’re really focused on the end goal, on what you’re providing the value for the end customer, then you’re going to get where you need to get using the laziest person. Often times, entrepreneurs, business owners, they have a lazy streak.

They have a lazy side and I’m going to tell you, don’t run away from that because I’ll use myself as an example. The things I like doing the least drain me the most of energy. So one person may see it as being lazy, but I am always looking for the thing that drains me and try to find a way to stop doing it.

Maybe I automate it with software. Maybe I outsource it to someone else who really does enjoy doing it, who’s better at doing it than I am.

Maybe I find a way to cut it out completely or replace it with something else. One person may look at that and say, that’s lazy, but for me to be able to maintain proper energy to do the things that I do best within my company, that’s what I’ve got to do.

I’m going to encourage you to do the same thing. Don’t beat yourself up because some little devil on the inside is telling you that it’s lazy. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to provide the best product or service to your customer. They want everything they can get, and it’s your job to provide it for them.

Provide them what they want and wrap it around what they need and you’re going to change lives in the long run.

If this makes sense to you and you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have a self reliant life and you can teach people how to do that or perhaps you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant in any way or fashion.

Maybe it could be in health. I mean I even met somebody that is in the area of beauty which you wouldn’t think would be tied to self-reliance, but I guarantee it can.

If you’re one of those people then I like you to go to DreamBizChat.com. At DreamBizChat.com I’ve got a quick little video there that will tell you about the dream business transformation.

What’s the dream business transformation?

It’s a quick phone call, 30 to 60 minutes with me where I can help walk you through the process and help you to design your dream business.

You’ve got a business, you’re doing good at it. I’m sure you’re successful. How would you like to make it completely ideal, as best as possible, or get it as close to as possible as being ideal?

Meaning you put in the amount of time you want to put in, you’re doing the things you enjoy doing the most, and you’re setting other people up, or you’re getting rid of all those things that don’t matter.

Go to DreamBizChat.com if you’re interested in that. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking all about weather events, live events with real people! Weather live events is right for your business or not.

So come back tomorrow. We’ll be talking about that. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Create Consistently, Be Patient for Results

Create Consistently, Be Patient for Results

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Create consistently be patient for results.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. We’re in a different section of the Orange Office right now. I just needed to do a quick video for you.

You may notice my voice sounds a little bit different. It’s because I don’t have my nice microphone so you’re going to have to deal with the unshaven non-microphone Brian Pombo today.

As we talk about creating consistently and being patient for results. This came from the Nathan Barry’s Article that we talked about yesterday all about endurance and endure until you see results and this has to do with content marketing.

This all comes back to content marketing. If you are marketing on a regular basis via social media, via anything online, and this also goes beyond online, any form of content marketing that you’re taking part of. If you’re creating some type of information entertainment that you’re putting out there on a regular basis.

What we’ve been talking about is daily content and that’s some of the best form of content you could be taking part in right now because you can do it all pretty inexpensively, with zero advertising budget.

And so what we’re talking about is create consistently, this is the same theme from yesterday, but these are two steps.

This comes at the end of that Barry’s article where he says, “create consistently and be patient for results.” Those are the two steps. That’s all you really need to do. If you could just remember to do that, if you could take those two phrases, write them down, put them up next to the area that you’re going to be doing your content from.

Whether you’re writing it, whether you’re speaking it out loud on video, whether you’re speaking out loud, just in audio, just recording it, write it down, put it there.

Create consistently, be patient for results. Just have the idea that you’re gonna keep doing this for as long as it takes because it doesn’t take that much money. It doesn’t take that much time. You just have to be consistent with it.

Just get out there, start the process, you’ll learn as you go.

You’ll see what needs to change. Little tweaks here and there. Maybe some equipment when it comes to, if you’re doing video, you might need some lighting and equipment. You might need some audio equipment.

Other than that, you could do it with an iPhone, like what I’m doing right here or with any type of smartphone. When you get past that point, when you’re at the point where you have a business that’s successful, that’s consistently successful and you start running into all the issues that a business owner or an executive in a of that sort starts running into, not having enough time, personal time away from the office, not having enough time to do the things that you need to be able to do.

You’re always focused on helping everyone else do what they need to do or watching over them or babysitting or trying to add a new element into your business that has a been there before and you feel like you’ve got to start everything from scratch and learn how to do it and then pass it along.

All these things start weighing down on you over and over and over again. If you’re already in that place, if you’re not in that place yet, write down this website, DreamBizChat.com if you are in that place, write this down and go there immediately. DreamBizChat.com.

You’ll see a video where I explain what a Dream Biz Chat is. It’s what we call it, the dream business transformation and all it takes is 30 to 60 minutes on the phone or on a video chat with myself. And I will take you through the steps and apply all the lessons that we’re talking about here, principles, strategies, tactics that we talk about here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

We can directly relate it back to your business and show you how it will fit to take you from where you’re at right now, to where you want to be in terms of creating your dream business. Taking it from being really successful to being absolutely ideal for you in your life, so that you can keep going and keep building and take it the next step beyond that.

So that’s what we have for today. Tomorrow we are going to be veering away a little bit from content marketing, going more back into the mindset concepts. We’ll talk, we’ll see more of you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.