How To Disarm Your Prospects

How To Disarm Your Prospects

Let’s talk about how to disarm your prospects.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about disarming your perspective, customers, clients, and anyone that you’re looking to disarm. And to take you seriously, to listen to you as a fellow human being and to hear your message loud and clear.

It’s all about standing out.

If you hear what I’m saying today, you’re going to want to go to is for business owners and executives, decision makers that are in the self-reliance field.

If you’re relating with anything that I say today, go to and check out the video I have there. It’s free.

It’s only eight and a half minutes long and give you an idea of whether a dream business transformation would be right for you or not. So let’s talk about disarming.

What’s it take to disarm and why are people armed to begin with?

Let’s start there. Most people are automatically suspicious, skeptical of anything that would require them to do anything differently than what they’re currently doing. Whether that means paying out money, whether that means spending time somewhere.

Even me trying to get you to go to if this is the first time you’ve heard of that, you’re suspicious.

What’s it all about?

What’s in it for you and why would I want to ever go there?

That suspicion is constant and it comes up right away. Especially if people do not know you, because if they don’t know you, they don’t like you and they don’t trust you for sure.

It’s just automatic.

As you get a person to know you, you’ll get them to like you, you’ll get them to trust you. But that’s a long road and sometimes right off the bat you’re not going to have that.

You may not have that with somebody watching you on an interview or listening to it and you on an interview.

You’re not going to have that when you’re doing public speaking and you’re speaking in front of an audience for the first time, they’re not necessarily going to trust you right off the bat, although it does depend on the venue you’re at, who introduced you, what they said about you and so forth.

But it’s very difficult for that trust to transfer immediately.

Oftentimes people are going to be on guard, they’re going to be armed against you defensively against you, and whatever your message is, whatever you’re wanting other people to do, whether that be a sales deal or otherwise, if you’re wanting someone to do something differently than what they’re doing, they’re armed against you.

So how do you disarm them?

Well, I gave a clue yesterday.

I will not say last week, but it was, yeah, it was only yesterday I gave you a clue when I talked about the fact that it’s really good to recognize the elephant in the room, especially if it’s something obvious.

I’ve got what appears to be a little bit of a black eye.

My whole side of my face is a little swollen here.

My arms are all marked up and swollen and it’s all from poison oak.

So it’s a little embarrassing to walk around with, especially if my arms are all pink from calamine lotion or what have you.

I always try to acknowledge anything that’s a little bit off about me. This is something that I learned from Jim Camp.

Jim camp was a negotiator who trained negotiations. You can read some of his books.

I want one of the books I really like from him.

It’s called, Start With No.

That’s a good one to take a look at, and one of his concepts that he teaches is that, it’s okay to not be okay.

And that’s the purpose of this is one, making yourself feel more comfortable and confident, but at the same time, disarming the prospect, disarming the person who he calls the adversary, disarming the person on the other side of any form of negotiation.

Like I said, it doesn’t matter whether you’re doing public speaking, whether you’re being interviewed, whatever the situation, if you’re in front of somebody new and you’re attempting to get a point across, it’s in your best interest to disarm them.

I’m not saying use this for deep manipulation of any sort. I’m saying recognize something that’s true about you that they call it, you know, damning evidence or what have you, about yourself.

Talk about something that doesn’t feel right.

Talk about something that’s the elephant in the room.

If you do that, you kind of ease the whole feeling of the room.

If you go into a room and you’ve got everything just right and you’re dressed just right and you look just right and you’re fully shaved and everything else the tension is always going to be high.

People are always going to wait for that other shoe to drop. They’re always going to wait.

They’re gonna feel inadequate and if they feel inadequate, they’re even more armed against your message.

But as soon as you show yourself to be human, as soon as you allow yourself to just be seen as who you are and what you are, and allow yourself to show that you’re not perfect.

That you forgot to shave this morning or what have you, that you open up the lines of communication, they let their guard down so to speak, and they’re willing to listen to you a little more because you’re willing to be real them.

That ability to be comfortable puts forth a confidence and that confidence comes through whether you’re doing an advertising.

Whether you’re doing a YouTube video like this, it shows that you’re a real person and you’re not looking to push one over on them, that you’re just being real, that you’re just being yourself.

So, like I said,, if that makes sense to you and see how you can work this into your current marketing and advertising. You could see it as a tactic or a strategy, but it’s a deep seeded principle that if you come off more confident, confident in a way that is very comfortable and easygoing, that you are, you’re going to communicate your message better to your oncoming audience.

Whether they be a prospect or whether they be a person that you’re just trying to get to do something that’s better for them and their life.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. I hope you have a great night. In the meantime, before we get back together again tomorrow, I want you to get out there and let the magic happen.

Rejection is NOT Your Problem

Rejection is NOT Your Problem
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You may have a lot of problems but rejection ain’t one of them. I’m Brian Pombo with welcome back. We’re here every day at Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m not in the Orange Office today, I am in Grants Pass. Decided to get outside, enjoy some of the nice weather.

Going back to this book, Start With No, by Jim Camp. Wanting to talk a little bit about rejection because it affects you even if you’re an ecommerce owner, even if you own….really no matter what, if you’re looking to do anything that we’ve been talking about.

Including a content marketing, rejection is always kinda there on the tip of your mind somewhere.

Everyone wants to be liked okay. To some extent or another, everyone wants to be liked or at least not disregarded and where does that come from?

What does it really come down to? And I found a great passage here from this book. I wanted to read it to you real quick.

It said, “Fear of rejection is a sign of neediness. Specifically the need to be liked. It’s imperative for the negotiator to understand what rejection is and who can reject you and who cannot. Here’s the point.

Your adversaries in a negotiation cannot reject you. There’s nothing you need from them, so how can they reject you? It’s impossible. The parent can reject a child because the child certainly needs the parent.

The spouse can reject the spouse. The teacher can even reject the student in the early grades when boy and girl truly does need this teacher, but can your adversary in a negotiation really reject you? They don’t have such power. Never, never allow them to believe they do. Rejection is a mentality.”

It’s a mental state and it comes back to neediness like we were talking about yesterday. If you have a neediness, if you have something that you need from the other person, if you need them to buy what you’re doing, if you need them to like you, that’s where your fear of rejection all comes from.

You get rid of the fear of rejection by getting rid of the need.

This is definitely ties in directly with what we were talking about yesterday. Be careful about rejection. If you fear rejection, you just got to back off from that.

The less you care about whether people like you or not, the less you care about whether people buy what you’re selling, the less you’re going to fear rejection.

And it doesn’t matter what the other party ends up saying. It doesn’t matter how people take you, when you put yourself out there on video or through a podcast or through a blog post. You’re just putting something out there.

If people like it, they can take it. If they don’t, they don’t need to. And I like how he compares it back to other things. If you listen to a lot of the language that we talk about rejection and desperation and neediness, it ties back into relationships.

If you’re needy for the other person, that person’s….for one thing, they’re not going to want to be around you as much. Everyone says they want to be needed, and in a sense I guess you could say to some extent, but it’s more like they just want to be liked and they want the other person to want them to like them. But in the long run, no one wants to be clung on to.

That’s why people are always running in a way from anybody that’s trying to really make a hard sale or anything of that sort.

So just be careful about that in your own business. Be careful about the fear of rejection, especially when it comes to developing any type of content marketing. If you are an owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you make products or develop services that help people to become more self reliant, go to the link is in the description.

Go and check that out and tomorrow we are going to be switching gears again. We’re going to be talking about tactics that you could use online with video marketing specifically on Youtube.

This’ll help you, especially if you already do that, but if you don’t, it’ll give you some tips on how to go about doing it. We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

Go to otherwise, we’ll see you then get out there and let the magic happen.

Never Ever, Ever Do This…

Never Ever, Ever Do This....
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Never, ever, ever do this.

Do what I’m going to tell you in just a second.

First, let me introduce myself to everybody that may be new. My name’s Brian Pombo with I’m here in what I lovingly refer to as the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

And today your watching Brian J Pombo Live, a podcast of video vlog, something that we do daily. So be sure and follow us like us. Subscribe wherever you’re at, do whatever so that you can keep seeing these from here on out. If you go onto any of your podcasts dealy bobs, you can listen to us wherever you listen to podcasts.

You just gotta subscribe to it. Brian J Pombo Live. Welcome, we are brought to you by….I’m gonna do a quick commercial. I’m going to get to the subject. Don’t worry. We’ll get there.

Got to do a quick commercial though.

We’re brought to you by, and specifically for business owners and executives, especially ones that are in the self-reliance field. If you have products, services, or a story that relates with people and helps people to become more self reliant, you’re someone I like to talk to.

Go to you can click on the link in the description wherever you’re catching this ad. there’s a quick video there, go watch it, fill out the application. If you think what I talk about in that video applies to you.

Now, what should you never ever, ever do? If you have this problem, if people on your team have this problem, it needs to be exercised like a demon, you gotta exercise that out of them.

I’m telling you, you got to get this out of all the programming of the people on your team, out of all of the programming or the people that you work with. Is this one issue and it is rampant across the United States, I can tell you that for sure.

Especially for people who are new in any type of business or sales or negotiation that happens within the business world.

What is this one thing? It’s called neediness.

You can’t be needy and succeed. You can’t be needy and trusted. It’s a really big deal. Okay. I’m going to give you a great book as one of my book recommendations.

This one’s called, “Start With No”, this is by Jim Camp. He passed away a few years back, but this guy was a negotiations, guru I guess you can say. He actually took his concepts to the FBI, they developed an entire program on negotiations based off of what he talks about and you’ll hear.

You’ll see a lot of people out there that will latch onto a lot of the same concepts he had. He’s not completely unique, but he has a unique way of saying things.

This book, I’ll tell you the truth, it’s a little dry. For most people It’ll be a little dry, but if you can stick with it or you can get ahold of any of his other books or get ahold of any of his other programs that he has out there, there’s still a lot out there.

I know I was turned onto this by Michael Senoff and Ben Settle. They were both promoters of Jim Camp. They have interviews and so forth out there you go check this out.

Now I want to read you a quick passage from this it has to do with neediness.

He says, “In Western culture we see ourselves as buyers, don’t we. We proudly buy and consume as much as we can. The salesperson on the other hand has a problem with his or her self image. The very term sales is being replaced in many fields by business development because the image of the sales person is that of a huckster on the street almost. More important the salesperson is definitely the dependent party in the negotiation. He or she must be prepared to give to compromise while the buyer takes everything he or she can get, after all, the buyer can go elsewhere in most cases, but the poor seller needs the deal. The self image of the individual in the selling role traps him or her in a neediness mode and often leads to bad deals.”

Neediness is very much a perspective thing.

It’s very relative. You can change your perspective on things, but you have to see where the neediness comes from. You’ve got to step back away from your neediness and realize that you’re caught up with something and maybe it means that you need a different job.

Maybe it means that you need to secure your finances elsewhere while you’re trying to grow a business, while you’re trying to move forward with a sales position, something of that sort.

You have to pay attention to that neediness. It eventually has to go away. It needs to go away completely. You at least need to tap down the showing of neediness and it comes from really trying to get a person to buy something, really trying to get a person to buy into something.

The most common places you see this in network marketing, any type of party sales, any type of, when a person is involved in any form of direct sales. Where they’re trying to get their friends and family to buy certain products that they have, there’s this neediness that’s attached to it and it makes everyone feel sick to their stomach when someone comes to them and they’re trying to get them to do something.

And that neediness, it’s like it’s calling out for you. You know the feeling being on the other end of it, but do you realize that you might be putting that out there yourself?

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about how your fear of rejection, if you really fear rejection or you resent being rejected, it’s tied to your neediness. We’re going to dig into this neediness topic a little stronger because it might be the one piece that’s really holding back your success in life.

So tomorrow we’ll get onto that. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.