Using Discomfort to Your Advantage

Using Discomfort to Your Advantage
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Using discomfort to your advantage. That’s tonight’s topic.

Welcome back to the Orange Office, I’m Brian Pombo. We’re here in Grants Pass, Oregon. It is a gorgeous summer night. I’m really enjoying it.

It’s a bit too nice actually. It reminds me of one of my favorite places in the world. If I had to live anywhere in the world, it would be Maui, Hawaii. I would totally live on the island of Maui.

But if I think hard enough about it, I’ll realize that I could have a place in Maui and I can vacation there and enjoy myself, but I don’t think I can live there long term.

And the main reason why is because if I get too comfortable, all my creativity has gone. Every drive that I have to be able to move forward and do something different in my life drains out of my body and I bet you’re the same way and everyone has different things that kind of puts them in that comfort zone, but you have to be really careful about it.

Really careful.

I’m going to give you a great example because I think it ties back to it, and this was last night, we talked about, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. That’s the name of the show. Jerry Seinfeld show on Netflix. And he just had this episode with Eddie Murphy in it.

So I brought up a point yesterday. Go back and watch that.

Today there’s another point that they brought up Eddie Murphy and Jerry Seinfeld talking back and forth about being on stage and how when they did their worse, when they were the most confident and most comfortable. When they just went up there and they didn’t care what happened. That’s actually when they bombed. That’s actually when they didn’t do well. I think this goes across the board.

They said that the nervousness, just even just a little bit of nervousness helped keep them on their toes when they were on stage and made sure they performed to their highest level.

I think this is true across the board. It’s taken me a long time to come to this view. I always knew that getting caught up in your comfort zone was a bad thing and could completely zap you have all your energy and ability to do anything decent.

But when it comes to creativity, a night like tonight, nice warm night where I could just hang out on a hammock outside, it is so demotivating. I didn’t want to come back to the office. I had to go back home, put my kids to bed, everything else.

And I have a late night planned up for myself cause we’ve got a lot of things coming forward that I’ll be telling you more about in the future. But I didn’t want to come back because the whole weather pattern put me in a frame of mind of just giving in, just relaxing and just ease off to sleep.

Comfort’s great for what it is, but don’t get caught up in it and realize that having a little bit of discomfort, a little bit of hunger makes a huge difference to your creativity.

Sometimes a little bit extra, a little bit of extra attention, a little bit of extra nervousness, a little bit of extra of something that we might consider a bad thing.

Conflict could be the thing that you need to engage your creativity.

Whatever that creativity is and I’m not just talking art, I’m talking creativity and everything that you do in life. Anything that’s new and fresh that’s coming from you, a little bit of conflict makes a difference. Walt Disney was famous for….so he organized all his artists and everything to make all the great movies.

Especially the early ones, Snow White, Cinderella, all these hand drawn animated films.

He was famous for pitting two artists against each other. So he would find two people that did not get along and he would put them on the same team. He’d forced them to work together.

This isn’t so that they would eventually get along. The whole purpose was he believed, and the people who were around him would probably attest to this, is that you got kind of a magic creativity that came from the conflict. Whereas if someone got too comfortable their creativity was not as sharp, this is something that you can realize in yourself.

Don’t put yourself in an ideal situation with your day to day life.

If you’re wanting to keep that creativity, you don’t want things to perfect. You don’t want things too comfortable, you’ll lose it. You’ll lose the creativity and the creative edge and the kind of the zest for life.

You probably know people like this who have done well. If you’ve been relatively successful, you probably know people that had been really successful and have gone off and moved off into the sunset.

And you go back and talk to them, the creativity, the spark just isn’t quite there. It’s not quite there because they’re, they don’t have that hunger. They don’t have that edge, that special thing that’s necessary. Keep an eye out for too much comfort in your life.

Too much good food, too much good loving, too much good weather. All that stuff can zap the creativity out of your life and make things more difficult than they would be if you just had a little bit of difficulty in your life at all times.

I’m thinking Princess and The Pea, for some reason. The old story of the mattresses and the princess had to lay on top of this big pile of mattresses and they hit a little tiny pea on the very bottom and they said a princess will always be able to tell when, if there’s any, any level of discomfort whatsoever, even if it’s just a tiny pea at the bottom of a huge stack of mattresses.

Sure enough, this girl could tell and so she was the princess is the old story, you go look it up.

But discomfort has a value in your life. Don’t miss it. If you feel that you’re missing that edge in life, that you’re not quite getting what you want, that you don’t really have the fire. Put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Don’t make it up.

Put yourself in a uncomfortable situation that you know you could still handle, but it’s just uncomfortable enough and you’ll be able to get over that edge.

Tomorrow, well….before we get to that, hey, go to You thought I was going to forget I didn’t. It’s right here at If you are a business owner or an executive in the self reliance field, go to There’s a quick video there. Go and watch it.

Let me know what you think.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about similar issues. Really what it comes down to is another mental state that can change how you negotiate one-on-one.

Whether it be one-on-one sales, whether it be a one-on-one with your employees. All these things really matter and if you don’t pay attention to this one mental state, it could make all the difference between winning and losing on a day to day basis. We’ll see you tomorrow.