Be Sooo Good
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Checkout Brian’s interview with Janice Cox here –

Be Sooo Good.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon today. The kind of headline of this video is Be Sooo Good.

It’s the beginning of a quote from one of my favorite quotes from Steve Martin, the a comedian, actor, playwright, so forth. And it’s, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”

This is great career advice across the board. It really does say a whole lot and we could go on and on about that quote and what it means to you and your business. But I, for some reason it popped in my mind when I thought of this lady.

This is Janice Cox. Janice, I got to interview a couple of weeks ago, I think it was a couple of weeks ago. All the days are starting to run together here because we’ve been running around so crazy. I’ll get to that in a second.

I just drove back into town from, from the Albany area. I was in Corvallis last night as you, you may recall if you were watching the videos then I was in Corvallis, Oregon. We were in Albany, Oregon for yesterday, the day before for the Mother Earth News Fair, which happens once a year in this area, and also happens at five other places across the United States.

One of the huge influences that got me to go there was this lady right here. This is Janice Cox. When we decided we were going to go, we started interviewing…especially the speakers. Lot of the speakers and people involved with the Mother Earth News Fair.

This was somebody that we talked to and it was great because she was local. So it was one of my first live interviews that I got to do one on one right here in the Orange Office.

A unintentional outlet always ends up here. It’s not a, it’s a horrible place for interviews. We’ve got a really bad echo here. We had the Shockey’s here, a Kirsten & Christopher Shockey , a fermentation fame, which I’ll talk about them later because they had a fabulous talk that was very badly recorded by myself.

They were the first ones I spoke with, but I spoke with Janice after them. We got the recording good. It’s a great episode of the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. You could reach that in the description below, above, wherever you’re watching this. You could see that.

Or you can go to and type in Janice Cox and you can listen to her interview. It’s a nice, nice little quick one and she’s just straight forward. Here’s why the quote reminded me of Janice. It’s not because she is super knowledgeable about what she does, she totally is.

It’s not because she’s an entertaining speaker. I got to see her speak here this last weekend. Yeah, she’s great.

It’s because she’s really a good person and for some reason it kind of hit that quote hit me when I thought of her because she just comes off very genuine. Very good. Very happy and she’s just having a great time with life and it kind of spreads throughout everything she does.

She also connects people. She connected me up with a whole lot of people, pretty indirectly. She mentioned me to people before I even met them one-on-one. So they said, you know, Janice was just talking to me about you. This happened multiple times over the weekend folks.

I only met her once, but I think we connected and everything worked out well. And you know, there’s just a whole lot of great people that we met over the weekend.

Janice is one of them. Go and listen to her story. She specializes in natural beauty, so natural beauty products, things that you can do on your own in a very natural way that makes you not have to go out and buy a bunch of chemicals and stuff and slap that on your face and do all those things.

So she’s also an expert in lavender, which I learned a whole bunch of things going to a talk from her all about lavender that I never thought I would know before. Now I’m seeing it everywhere.

I’m seeing physically lavender everywhere. I’m seeing people talk about lavender. It’s this whole thing, did you know. Go and check out, go check out that episode on Off the Grid Biz. You can also check out her books. I mentioned her earlier because she gave me this just great gift basket of stuff, including her two of her books.

These are just two of them. A natural beauty from the garden and natural beauty for all seasons. Great books. And so go check that out. I’m trying to promote a different podcast, every other time or so that we get together here in the Orange Office.

So come back tomorrow we’re going to be talking about another one and it’s going to be a good one. We got a whole lot of other things that we’re going to be going over this coming week, including a stack of stuff that I brought from the fair that I love to run over with you.

Some very interesting people that I got to meet that hopefully we’ll get to interview in the future and we’ll be talking about business. In ways that you can, do better in your business, grow things out if you have already have a successful business, especially if you’re in the self-reliance field.

The type of people that go to the Mother Earth News Fair, all deal in a very similar areas of self-reliance. And if you’re an owner or an executive in self-reliance, you’re someone either I would love to talk to.

Go to The link is in the description. Go and click on it. Go and check it out. There’s an eight and a half minute video real quick. The watch over there describes what it is. If you’re interested, fill out the application and we’ll see if you qualify to be able to talk with me. So see you in the future. See it tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Want A More Simple Life?

Want A More Simple Life?
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Episode with Gary Collins:

Want a more simple life?

Hi, I’m Brian J Pombo with welcome back to the Orange Office. This is Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re talking about simplicity, life simplification, a great little phrase that this fellow made up right here.

This is Gary Collins. Gary Collins is the writer of many books including some one called Off The Grid, which ties right into my Off the Grid Biz Podcast, which I got to interview him on. If you check out the description, you could see the link going back to that interview and I highly recommend you listen to it.

Now at the time of the interview we did it over video chat and he doesn’t look a lot like this. He’s got a beard now and a baseball cap on, so he looked like a completely different person but very sharp guy.

Lots of fun to talk to and he’ll be a lot of fun to listen to make sure and listen to that podcast. He’s got a lot of energy and a lot of the stuff he talks about, it’s really funny because a lot of the stuff he talks about that, uh, I heard someone else saying is a lot of common sense.

He has a lot of solid common sense, but he delivers it in a very confident, straightforward, no bs attitude that makes it a lot of fun.

One of the themes that he has is this concept of life simplification.

And the way I see it is it’s life simplification for the purpose of lifestyle design. So if you can have the ideal life, my friend Tyler says that, it’s a life you don’t need a vacation from. If you could design a life you don’t need a vacation from, what would it be?

And would it be more simple? If you really distilled it down to its most simple form, what would that be? How would that look? If you could just make it as basic as possible just to start out with, just to make your life easier, stress-free, and really be what you want it to be. What would that look like?

That’s what Gary focuses on, that’s his perspective on things. And that’s what he helps people bring people to. He has a series of books. Has a new one coming out called the Simple Life Guide to Financial Freedom.

So we talk a lot about that on the show where he’s talking about financial freedom. He’s talking about, how to really simplify things to be able to get what you want out of life while at the same time not messing people over and really having a good moral life.

Go listen to that because I think it would help you out.

I think it’s very much in terms of a lot of the concepts that we talk about here. He actually lives off the grid. So beyond what most people would off the grid, he lives off the grid, he and lives very much an off the grid lifestyle.

He tries to stay off social media except for business and so forth. And he’s got a lot of cool concepts. Go and listen to that episode.

If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance space, meaning that you have products and services and a lifestyle that promotes self-reliance to others, then you’re somebody I’d like to talk to. Go to At where I’m discussing the dream business transformation.

There’s an eight and a half minute video you can watch. Just go take a look. It’s free to apply and it’s free to take part in the Dream Biz Chat if you’re so interested, if you’re so inclined. And if you qualify, go and check it out. I’m quite a ways off from being able to have any Dream Biz Chats right now or at least two weeks to two months out right now with them. So there is a waiting list, but if you go apply, I will definitely get back to you within the next week and a half or so.

Like I said, we’re kind of backlogged and like on a lot of great episodes on, Off the Grid Biz coming out even tonight. Go and check it out once again. Tomorrow we are going to be discussing, uh, let’s see, what are we going to be discussing?

I don’t know. It probably the next episode of Off the Grid Biz, which is going to be coming out tonight. Ooh, go and check it out. It has to do with, how to have these types of businesses.

How would you have…..we talked about, expert type businesses or adding some expertise into the business that you already have? We’re gonna talk about a person that’s been doing that themselves. They’ve been practicing this concept of learn, do, teach, and it’s just, it’s a constant cycle. I think you’ll find it interesting.

We’ll see it tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Beat The Man

How To Beat The Man
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Link To Interview:

How to beat the man. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re going to be talking about how to beat the man. In other words, the big guy, the one that’s in charge, the one that seems to be running things, the big corporate giant, whoever it is.

If you’re a business person, you’re in a specific industry, chances are you’re not at the tip, tip, tip, tip top of that industry. There’s bigger people that tend to have their sway over the marketplace and can sometimes be the bane of your existence.

If you’re dealing with any form of competition whatsoever, even if it’s just a subtle competition from like we’ve discussed in the past. There’s a way that you can handle that and someone that put it in a really good way. Is this fellow here, his name’s Andy Brennan, I got to interview recently on The Off the Grid Biz Podcasts.

You can listen to it at if you check the description, you’ll see the link going directly to Andy’s podcast episode. He is a co-owner in Aaron Burr Cider. He is the writer of Uncultivated, a new book that’s been out. Go and check that out.

His claim to fame is creating cider out of wild apples. He is from New York state.

He has a whole interesting story that you really ought to go and listen to. Well, one of the points he makes towards the end of the interview, he discusses how there’s one thing that the big guys really can’t do when it comes to competition and there’s a whole bunch of ways to beat out competition.

I have a whole series of videos, regarding the nine different ways of how to beat Amazon at their own game. You go and find those wherever you’re watching these videos.

You could scroll back and find those, just type in “Amazon” (at and see if you can find it. But he mentions a way that ties into a lot of the ways that I have in terms of how to be at all competition.

And I think it’s one of the major ones and it comes down to relationships.

Having one-on-one relationships with your customer base is so huge. It’s so enormous and it’s one of those things that larger companies just can’t do.

Even if they could do, if they could wrap their mind around it, I’m not sure they would. I don’t think they understand how important that is. If you’re able to do this, you can lock in the loyalty from your customers and it’s in a perfectly organic way.

It’s not like you’re doing it just to lock them in and to keep hold of your customers, but even if you were, you’d be able to do that if you focused on the relationship that you have with them versus just the product or what they’re getting out of the product or service that you provide.

Get to know the person, treat them like a human being. You will beat out everybody else. If you’re able to get in physical proximity to them, whether you have to travel or not, do it. Find a way, throw a convention on. Go to a convention where your customers are already hanging out or where your proposed customers hang out.

Get to know them, meet them, let them see you as a person. Put yourself out there as a person.

Write a book like Andy did and put yourself out there as a person. Be vulnerable in that sense. By doing that, you can beat out the big guys because they’re never going to do that, they really won’t.

They could if they really wanted to, but they’re not going to and they want to be able to do it with as much finesse as you can do being a scaled down smart company.

So with that in mind, if you are in the self-reliance field, if you help people either through your products, your service, or the message that surrounds it to be more self-reliant, your someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to, there’s an eight and a half minute video. Go and watch it. Find out more about what the dream business transformation is. It’s a completely free process, but I’d like to find out what you think about that video and find out about what we’re offering.

They’re completely for free for business owners and executives in the self-reliance field. That’s all we got for today.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about, let me see if I can remember. Hold on. It’s coming. It’s coming. Another person that I interviewed on The Off the Grid Biz Podcast, it’s going to be a brand new one.

It’s not even out right now, but it will be out tomorrow, and she has a secret on how to handle adversity, how to look at adversity and handle it in your business if you’re able to handle it the way that she does in the way that she describes….you’re a winner in my book and you’re the type of person that I like to do business with and I know there’s other people that will think the same thing.

So be sure and show up tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Big Why – Little Why

Big Why, Little Why
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Big Why, Little Why. What’s the difference? What’s it all about?

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about big why, a little why and a particular why that this gentleman had.

His name is Frank Hyman. You’ve heard me speak of him before. If you’ve been listening at all this week, we’ve been talking about his book Hentopia, his process in getting this book published.

It’s very, very interesting how it went from a very little why idea to become a really an extension of his bigger why. I’ll tell you about it a little bit right now, but first let me just tell you. If you happen to be in the self-reliance field and you help people to become more self reliant through your products and services, let’s say you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in that business, you’re the type of person I’d like to talk to.

Go to it’s specifically for business owners and executives in the self-reliance field. Go there. You can click on the link. It’s in the description above, below where it, depending on where you’re watching this, but you click on the link or type it in There’s a quick little video there. It gives you an idea of what the dream business transformation is all about. It’s completely free. Go check it out.

Let’s talk about Frank Hyman here. I interviewed him not long ago, a couple of weeks ago, something like that. I know all the days are, all melding together. I’ve been having a lot of activity happening lately and it’s been super busy. So Frank though is very interesting. He has a very interesting story. It’s a very friendly guy.

He has a great way of speaking. He’s a good storyteller. I really enjoyed listening to him. It’s a conversation I had with him over the phone. So it’s a little… gotta listen to it like you’ll listen to somebody talk on the phone, but it’s not a bad podcast.

Go and listen to the episode. It’s over on you can find the link also in the description down at the bottom. It should be there, it’s a the special episode I did with Frank and he talks all about his business, how he got around to writing this book Hentopia and the process is interesting, I’ll give you the background.

His wife, they were living in an area where they could have chickens, they had enough room to have chickens, she wanted to have chickens and he’s like, I just want to be able to have a vacation for two weeks at a time and if we have chickens, we’re going to be tied at home.

I don’t want to have to be tied at home. So he did some research and found a way where he could still be out and go on two week while she could have her chickens. And so it would all work out perfectly.

As he got into that, he realized this is a lot more simple than people realize. I think I can show people how to do this on the low end. People that don’t have any money whatsoever, I can show them how they can take, let’s say, pallets….old wooden pallets and break them up and make a chicken coop out of it. He talks about all that in here. Really interesting stuff.

It’s all about habitat. It’s all about building the places where your chickens would live if you had chickens, very interesting.

And so that little why of just wanting to make his wife happy, allowing her to be able to have chickens while at the same time allowing him to have his creature comfort of being able to leave town for two weeks at a time.

That little why is also tied to a bigger why because his whole life…..going all the way back to his childhood. He’s kind of been put onto a path of trying to help people that are disadvantaged.

That maybe not economically capable of being able to do everything they want to do. And so this was his way of being able to go out there and he puts on classes and he’s going to be at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon.

He puts on classes to show people how to do this stuff. He wrote the book, he’s planning on writing more books around the same topic to show people that it’s not that tough to get what you want out of life if you’re willing to just be a little bit creative. And he’s certainly been creative with his time.

It’s that entrepreneurial spirit, but that big why of wanting to help people. And while at the same time having fun. That’s another thing he mentions a big point of his life is and wanting to do speaking and all these other things. It’s just to have fun. If he could have fun, he’ll keep doing what he’s doing. Great message.

Go listen to that podcast. This was just me trying to get you to go home and listen to it. If nothing else, go listen to it. Tell me what you think of it because he has a lot of great points to bring up and a lot of great points that would tie back to business, which is why we call it the Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the episode I did after that that came out after that.

You could also listen to that when it’s with Andy Brennan of Aaron Burr Cider. Okay. He’s, he’s from over in New York State and he makes cider out of wild apples and he’s got a very interesting story.

Also another phone interview and it’s a very intriguing interview indeed. The point I want to bring up tomorrow that we’re going to talk about here is his idea of how you can use one secret to be able to beat the big guys.

If you are a company that’s looking to beat the big guys out of their profits and be able to make a huge difference, this is something you can do that they can’t do or can they, maybe they can.

If you’re are one of the big guys and you’re trying to keep one of the little guys from picking you off, this might be a way of doing it also. Hmm. We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Easy Way To Expert Status

Easy Way To Expert Status
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Here’s somebody you gotta listen to, this is Deborah Niemann. She’s going to tell us about the easy way to expert status. I’m not sure if she call it that.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Go over and listen to Deborah Niemann. She’s known as the Thrifty Homesteader. You can find her at but before or after you do that, go click on the link that’s in the description going to Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

It’ll take you directly to her interview that I had with her, delightful person to talk to and she has so much experience in the world of homesteading and it’s only from her going out and trying it out. She went out, she tried it out, she started it, and then she started teaching it.

She started teaching in a small way, gotten into it a big way, got into it even bigger way, and now she’s an expert in the field of homesteading in some very specific areas. And you’ll find out by going and listen to that podcast.

I got to hold some things back. I got to get you over there and listen to it. Go listen to the interview. It’s relatively short and the stuff that she has in there, if you’re looking to be an expert in your field or an expert in a new field for you,

I think you’re going to get some good nuggets off of what she’s saying.

All you have to do is translate it back to what you’re doing regardless of whether it’s homesteading or anything else. Take her path and copy it and use it in your own life and you’ll, you’ll be, you’ll be thankful you did.

If you’re looking for any assistance in that, especially if you already have a business that’s successful, if you’re the business owner, if you’re an executive in that business and you’re looking to take it to really be the dream business.

If you’ve got a concept that you’d like to achieve and you’re just wondering what the pathway is to get there, the first step is to develop a plan, a strategy. This is specifically what I do. I’m a business strategist and I help business owners go from point A to point B and really building their dream business even if it’s from scratch.

But if you’re successful that’s the best way to do it is after you’ve already been successful. Taking that car that’s already moving and turning the wheel works a lot easier than if it’s not moving.

Go to if you think that that sounds interesting to you at all, go to is my personal site. It’s got a video there. I go through the details of what that’s all about, but go check that out.

Go check out Debra Niemann’s interview. It’s a great interview and go check out her website at and we will see you tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about Frank Hyman.

Remember, it’s the guy that wrote this book (Hentopia). We talked about him before, but I’m going to talk specifically about his interview and some of the nuggets that he left behind. We’ll be talking about that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

One Is The Deadliest Number

One Is The Deadliest Number
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If you get all your business from one media source, one is the deadliest number.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. I’m with and this is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of one being the deadliest number out there. I think that actual quote comes from Dan Kennedy. Don’t quote me on that, but I think it does. Dan Kennedy a marketing genius and the concept is simple.

If you are dependent on any one media source for advertising for a publication, then you’re in big trouble.

It’s only a matter of time before that comes to haunt you. Okay. When we’re talking business, that’s what we’re talking about. I’m going to get into all that.

I’ve got some quick housekeeping to go through. On yesterday’s episode we discussed Frank Hyman and his book Hentopia. This is an awesome book. If you want to find out more, go back to that episode or go to

I’ve got an interview that just popped up today with Frank Hyman. He talks all about his book Hentopia and even if you aren’t interested in chickens, okay. If you’re interested in building a business and learning how you can use the writing of books, the speaking at events and so on, so on and so on, to be able to help you build your business. This is a great episode to listen to. These books are fabulous.

This is put out by Storey Publishing. Look at the quality, I don’t know if you could see that well from here, but it’s really high end stuff.

This is not just some self-published thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with self-publishing, but a story publishing does a great job. This whole book is about how to build habitat from top to bottom, including feeders and everything else for chickens. Even if you’re on…especially if you’re on a budget.

So Hentopia, check that out. Frank Hyman, I told you I was going to show you the book. I’ve showed it to you.

Also, if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products, services, a storyline that encourages people to become more self reliant. You’re somebody I’d like to talk to. Go to Go and check out the video there. It’s self-explanatory. It’ll give you an idea of what I’m offering and it’s free. It’s completely free. go check it out.

Third thing I want to talk about before we talk about this handsome gentleman, we are talking about David and Beth Pruitt who are with A fabulous emergency prep website.

We’re going to be talking more about them later. I spoke with them this morning. Got to hang out with them on their, Mountain View Ranch out in Sam’s Valley. Fabulous time. Salt of the earth people, like my friend Richard used to say, and I look very much forward for you to hear our conversations that we’re having together.

I wasn’t even going to be talking with them about the Mother Earth News Fair, but it came up and they got to tell me what they thought about the Mother Earth News Fair and their experiences with it and why they think it’s so cool.

So, we’ll be talking to them later. That podcast will be coming out after this mini series that we’re putting out right now on the mother Earth News Fair.

Now, the first episode that we have out, I’m getting back to the subject, getting back to the subject. First episode that we’d put out was yesterday. The mini series on the Mother Earth News Fair.

Once again, go to to hear The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. You’re going to want to go to episode eight with this gentleman. His name is Andrew Perkins. Andrew Perkins is the events and business development director, I believe for Ogden Publications.

Ogden Publications are the folks that put out Mother Earth News and they put on the Mother Earth News Fair.

Why do they put on the Mother Earth News Fair? Mother Earth News has been around since the late sixties or seventies, I don’t have the date right in front of me.

They’ve been around for awhile.

They used to have, a whole set up that people can come and see. It was static. It was in one spot and is this horrible? I’m forgetting the name (The Eco-Village). Y

ou’re going to have to go listen to the podcast to find out the name, the name of their setup that you can go and see a physical representation of what their magazine was about. Well, that had gone away years ago. When Ogden took over the publication.

They said, hey, what if we could have something similar? And they said, “why don’t we do an event?” And we could have an event, people can all come and see it. We can have people put on….it’s basically an expo for a homesteading and everything that goes along with Mother Earth News that we’ve talked about on previous episodes.

I got a great interview here with Andrew Perkins, go and listen to it.

One thing he pointed out that I think is so important is how they were able to survive as a magazine.

I mean how many magazines are left anymore? Right? Print is really having a tough time, but look at how they’ve been able to survive. They’ve created a physical environment for people to interact in.

They’ve created community by doing that. I think it’s a point, we don’t even make that much on that episode, but they’ve built up a community. And I found this out and there goes Andrew….my screens gone.

But they up this community and in talking to all the people that are going to be presenting and speaking there, there’s this really tight knit community, really cool people and because of that they’ve been able to survive in an area that most people would say, “well, print dead, it’s done for now.” It’s not done for, it’s just got competition now from online content and so forth.

So it’s not on its own anymore because of the competition. People have to be more creative.

You have-to-have more than one media set.

You can’t just be coming from one spot. You’ll last for awhile, you won’t last forever. This is included in advertising. If you’re advertising and you get most of your people from one area, that’s fine, but you have to diversify. You have to have media diversity.

Media diversification is what is the name of the game.

You got to get out of your comfort zone and grow how many places you are reaching your crowd, your market, whether it be current customers, whether it’s potential customers or whether it’s past customers. You need to be meeting them in every chance that you can. Every format of media possible is the way you got to think about these things.

Otherwise you get bogged down with one thing. All of a sudden that media is gone or that media gets competition that wasn’t there before and your whole business is over. You don’t want that. I don’t want that. So diversify your media goal. Listen to that podcast.

Tomorrow we are going to be talking about expertise in an interview that I had with Deborah Niemann, who is the Thrifty Homesteader. She’s got a secret to how to become a very well known expert and she did it all. It all happened over many years and, but it happened magically and it’s something that you can copy.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow. We’ll see you back here. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How Expos & Trade Shows Can Explode Your Profits

How Expos & Trade Shows Can Explode Your Profits
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How Expos and Trade Shows can explode your profits.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back again to the orange office in Grants Pass, Oregon. I’m with and this is Brian J Pombo Live.

Everyday we come to you with another tip of a way that you can make huge changes in your business.

Okay, so today we’re going to talk about expos and trade shows and other things like conventions and ways that you can get out there and make a huge change in your business.

It has to do with networking.

Nowadays with social networking, with social media, we all expect to be able to do things online. We all expect to be able to reach people by email, reach people on social media, reach people electronically as much as possible, and do everything from behind a desk.

Really, if you can focus on doing something else, if you can focus on going the next level and taking it out to the physical world, you’re gonna really see the big difference.

I’m doing it myself. So within the self-reliance field, which is one of the areas that I’m focusing in on right now, and I have a podcast, I’ve mentioned it before, it’s The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. Here’s the latest business card.

I’ll tell you more about that in a second.

I’ve got this podcast, right. This gives me a chance to get out there and interview people within the self-reliance field, get to learn more about it, get to learn more about their business.

Because I’m talking to them from a business end and it’s changed everything. So today I was talking with Andrew Perkins. Andrew Perkins, who works for Ogden Publications.

Ogden Publications publishes Mother Earth News. Mother Earth News is a magazine that helps people in the self-reliance field and specifically in homesteading and kind of living off the land and learning how to do things the way people always used to be able to do it, but kind of teaching people how to do it again.

So raising animals, raising your own food, taking care of your own place, that type of deal.

Mother Earth News has been around for a long time, but they realized a few years back that if you’re going to survive as a magazine, you have to expand out. You can’t just be just a print magazine and that’s it.

So they created these Mother Earth News Fairs, there’s six of them that happen across the country. These are basically it’s an expo that gets put on all across the country.

They bring in speakers, they bring in authors to come out, put on workshops, show people how to do things, get people’s hands dirty and really show them all these things that people were interested in who would read the magazine except it’s like alive. It’s right out there for them to see and do. So this is exciting.

I’m going to the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon. It’s on the first weekend of August and I’d love to see you there.

If you’re interested in the self-reliance field as I am a head over to and go buy yourself a ticket.

Head on out there and reach out to me. I’d love to love to come and meet you.

This is one of the reasons why I had these business cards made. So what’s the point of a business card nowadays? It kind of seems, you know, old fashioned right? Well business cards, I dunno, for the past 20 years or so, they’re not all that useful unless you use them right.

The way I see business cards, this is just my way of showing that I have something serious. I’ve got a podcast to be able to interview people. This is cheese. If you’re talking cheese versus whiskers, we’ve talked about this before and we’re going to talk about it tomorrow.

Cheese versus whiskers. This is cheese to the business owners out there that are looking to promote something. It’s a podcast where I’m asking to interview people.

I’m not asking for them to buy anything. I’m not asking for them to listen to me. I’m asking to talk to them and give them a chance to get their point out there. So that’s what this business card means to them. For me. I’m more interested in the other side of the business card. See all these lines. It’s all blank. That’s what I’m interested in.

I’m interested in filling this part out so I will give one of these to somebody and then if they don’t have a card or anything with them that tells me their contact information, I’ll get their name. I’ll get everything I can and have them right here and I get to hold on to that.

You see, that’s the most valuable thing about a business card. It’s showing that you’re serious. It’s showing that you had some pre-thought to this coming forward.

You may have a chance of them remembering you after they take home a card, but more than likely they’re going to put it in a pile with other business cards or it’s going to sit off to the side and get forgotten about. That’s just life.

That’s just how things are people. It’s too easy to forget about those types of things. But I plan on using this business card. We’ve got this whole plan. I’m going with Sean Douglas, my producer.

We’re going to head out there. We’re going to be there for two days, Saturday and Sunday. Get to meet people, get to mingle, get to network a little bit and learn more about the entire niche.

So how can you use this?

Find an expo, a convention, a trade show in the niche that you are working in. What you will find there is you will find people with who are either in your audience, in your customer base, or you’re willing to find people who are playing to your customer base and you want to learn from them.

You want to see what you can do together to be able to meet the same customer base. There’s so many options out there, but that you got to get off your duff out of the office, out of in front of the computer and go out and meet some people. So that’s today’s tips.

Go to if you’re in the self-reliance field, if you are an executive or business owner, go to and go and watch that video there. I’d love to hear what you think about it. There’s an application to fill out if you think it applies to you.

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about more cheese, less whiskers. We’ll see you tomorrow.

The Adam The Woo Content Technique

The Adam The Woo Content Technique
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Check Out Adam’s Tow YouTube Channels –

Adam The Woo Channel –

The Daily Woo Channel –

Today we’re going to talk about The Adam The Woo Content Technique.

Are we live? It sure appears so.

Today we’re going to go through, this is a dear friend of mine. At least I consider him a friend. Well, we’ve only met once, but I’ve been watching this guy for so many years that I feel like I know him.

His name’s Adam The Woo, and he got famous for traveling around the country in a van, living out of a van and going to all of his favorite spots, which were either abandoned locations or they were a movie filming locations, or they were theme parks.

He just went anywhere and everywhere that he thought was interesting, recorded them and put out some really good content over the years on video. Ended up with a huge following on YouTube.

Here you can see his main channel, Adam The Woo has 372,000 subscribers.

There’s a reason why I’m bringing him up. I’d like to go into more detail of what I like about Adam and everything in the long run. Right now I want to focus on his content strategy because, a few years after he started this, he started a second channel on Youtube called The Daily Woo and now it has 334,000 subscribers.

It has grown on its own. The reason why he started The Daily Woo was to have a secondary channel where he could do daily vlogging that he had seen other people do on Youtube.

Which was basically nothing more than an unedited video that were usually pretty quick.

These ones are a little longer because now he’s back to editing them. That’s a different story. But he started this channel, if you’ll look at his oldest, this was back over seven years ago, I believe, that he started this channel and they were completely unedited and that you could see a day by day by day.

He went over five years doing every single day, another unedited video where he was showing where he was at.

Maybe given a few thoughts. Maybe, I mean look at these, some of these are under a minute. It’s just him being a goofball, especially in these early ones. But him just putting out content. It wasn’t heavy content. It was light content.

So fast forward to today, I started a podcast for my business called The Off The Grid Biz Podcast and these are edited interviews that I have with people.

I really take my time with them, try to get the best quality interview, try and cut out any extra, umm’s and ahh’s and ums especially that come from me. Because I tend to stutter a lot as you can tell.

And we put out some really good audio here I think that is very thoughtful. I also sit and talk about the deep business concepts that these people have brought up in the interviews.

We’ve only put out seven of these. It’s just started earlier this year. We only put out one or two or three a month at most, but that’s The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

In addition, about a month later, started putting out Brian J. Pombo Live, which is what you’re watching right now.

These are put out on Facebook Live and then they are rebroadcast over Linkedin, Twitter post, a YouTube. We put out in YouTube that Twitter posts the link to the YouTube. Instagram, and then we take the audio and we put it out in podcast format.

So you get in all the places where you find podcasts. You can find Brian J. Pombo Live. Brian J. Pombo Live is completely unedited.

It’s more just a light touch on these topics. Similar to how Adam The Woo has done. I did not intentionally go out and copy Adam The Woo. It was only after the fact that I realized what I was doing.

I had created these two channels that he originally had. Now he no longer updates his Adam The Woo channel. He’s doing all edited content over on The Daily Woo channel but originally he had these best of two worlds available to him and it allows him to do a little bit of both things, allows him to put out content on a regular basis whether he wants to or not.

It’s going out and getting new people. That content has a life of its own.

If you want to learn more about content marketing. Go to and I can show you how to take your business and transform it using things like content marketing. If you aren’t already taking full advantage of all the free organic content sources out there, you definitely want to do that. Go to you’ll see this video.

If you go there and watch that video and then if you feel like you would qualify, fill out the application and we’ll see if you qualify to sit down and talk with me. Either way, this is what we’ve got for today, the very first screen share, look at (screen on the video) that going forever and ever and ever very first screen share video. Hopefully we’ll be able to do more of these in the future. Thanks for coming.

Get out there and let the magic happen in your life.

What Is YOUR Business?

What is YOUR business?
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Find out why Brian suggest that your REAL business is in sales and marketing. Not just the products or services you offer.

For more on this, checkout the podcast Brian mentions in today’s video here –