What 1 Thing Would Explode Your Business?

What 1 Thing Would Explode Your Business?

What one thing would explode your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you every day from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to discuss what is the one thing that would totally blow your business out of the water in a good way. What would make it completely explode and give you a whole lot of momentum to be able to run off of. There’s one example I wanted to bring up with you and this is an example that came up in conversation with Justin Lair and John DeSpain of Fiber Light Fire Starters.

Fiber Light Fire Starters is a company out of Klamath Falls, which is not that far away here from Grants Pass. And I got to know them because they were at The Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon that I went to. We’ve got all of these episodes on The Off The Grid Biz Podcast interviewing people that we met there.

Well we didn’t meet them there, but we’re told about them afterwards. Janice Cox of Natural Home At Home told us about them and so we track them down and got an interview with them.

Found out what brought them to that same spot and found out a whole bunch about their business experience and how they’ve built up this one product business into multiple products and into a growing business.

One of the amazing concepts that Justin brought out was this idea that they, they had a huge boom as soon as they found the way to get into subscription boxes.

Now do you know what subscription boxes are?

These are those things that you subscribe to in a certain topic and you get a box over and over again every month, usually it’s monthly, and you get a box in the mail with whole bunch of products from different companies that have to do with that one subject.

I can’t remember all the different names for all the ones out there, but one of the most popular ones that I’ve heard of is the one that people use who are into doodling and scribbling and art.

So they’ll get one that has all these artistic things in it that you could use.

I’m sorry, I don’t know. I don’t know the terms or anything. And it’s late, so my brain’s not working.

But you get the idea, these subscription boxes you buy, you get on a monthly basis and they come in the mail with a whole bunch of stuff.

The subscription boxes, nothing more. In most cases, many of these, they don’t make anything of their own. Most of the time they find other companies that are producing products in that niche and they get new materials to be able to into their boxes and then the boxes get sent on to the people who are subscribing.

It’s a great concept in general.

Justin and John got into all got their fire starter products into all of the subscription boxes having to do with outdoors and here’s why it’s important and here’s how they were able to find it.

They knew who their audience was, they knew who their ideal audience was.

If you know who your ideal audience is and if they happen to have subscription boxes, like there’s many, many outdoors subscription boxes.

I can’t remember the number that Justin told me, but go listen to the episode where he discusses this.

The fact that they understood who their ideal market was allowed them to find this area that most people wouldn’t even think of as these subscription boxes and be able to get in to them and that allowed them to find their crowd. So who is your crowd? If you know who your crowd is, if you know what your niche is, if you know the people that love your product or service or would enjoy it, find out how to get to them more often.

They were able to find subscription boxes.

It’s a great way to be able to introduce themselves to new people.

They also found that trade shows worked out really well.

Trade shows the ones that worked out the best for the ones that were specifically in the outdoors niche. So these are all concepts and ideas, but it all comes back to the who, I was having this discussion with my friend Vinny earlier today.

It all starts with the who.

The more you understand who your audience is, the easier it is to figure out how to get to them and what to say to them and really what to sell them. You know, whether it’s services or products.

If you’re going to be expanding your line at all, the most important piece to know is the who your market, who is your market, who are they?

Go listen to that episode with Justin and John.

It’s great.

It’s one of the latest episodes on there, at the time of this recording. Go and listen to it at OffTheGridBiz.com, the direct link is in the description.

And if you’d like to be able to sit back and really study the who from from another person’s perspective of your business and really be able to to pin that down and be able to expand how you get to them. Then let’s talk.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and click on the How to Grow My Business. Or if you’re in the self-reliance field, like Justin and John, go and check out DreamBizChat.com. That link is also in the description, and that happens has to do with the dream business transformation.

You’ll learn all about it by going to that site, so hope you have a great diet. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Physical Side is Business

Physical Side is Business


Let’s talk about the physical side of business.

Hi I’m Brian J. Pombo welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you from Las Vegas, Nevada. Of all places. That’s right.

We’re going to be talking about events. This is only fitting being that I am at a an event, a convention style event right now, and it’s funny how when you’re at an event, especially way outside of the normal place that you would normally be, Las Vegas is quite a distance from Grants Pass Oregon.

When you’re at an event time seems to not work the same way and you don’t behave in the same way you would in any other time. You don’t think the same way. You’re very outside of your element. There’s an advantage to that. When you’re in business, you’re putting on an event.

You can get people to do things, say things, talk about things they normally wouldn’t do, so there’s an advantage, especially on the business end of things. But when you’re the consumer, when you’re on the consumer end or you’re somewhere in between a business to business end of things, sometimes things get switched up mixed up and all the rest.

It’s for this reason that I missed yesterday’s daily talk that we have together here on Brian J. Pombo Live, and I apologize. Today I’m coming back to you with two episodes. This first episode is all about events.

It’s very specific because we put out a podcast earlier this month where it’s only me and Sean E. Douglas, podcast producer extraordinar where we’re sitting and talking about the Mother Earth News Fair.

This is part of the whole recap for the 2019 Mother Earth News Fair extravaganza that we went through. So go and listen to that podcast. It’s episode 20 minutes. I’ve got the link in the description also in the description.

If you’re a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance space, you’re going to want to go check out DreamBizChat.com and it’ll tell you more about it when you get there. It’s just a quick video.

You don’t need to add in your email or anything else. Just go watch the video. Tell me what you think. So go and listen to this episode.

It’s only me and Sean talking, no interview or anything of that sort. It’s just very simple. What you’re seeing right now, if you’re watching this on video or hearing via podcast, is a very tired individual. I’m up early today. I’m going to go get some breakfast, get out there and get involved in a live physical event, whatever industry you’re in, find an event that you can plug into.

There are so many benefits and we talk about that from a business perspective on that podcast. Oh, very similar to how we’re talking in the interviews that we’ve had with speakers and experts and exhibitors from the Mother Earth News Fair. You’ve got to start digging into this.

There’s so much value from physical connection. Even if you have an electronic store, you know, if you’re just on a website doing e-commerce or you have a local business, there are huge advantages to physically meeting up with your clientele or potential clientele.

Even if you don’t get any new business, being able to interact with them one on one in a convention, an expo, any type of live event. Even to the extent of a smaller life events, local live events, a farmer’s market, a growers market, anything that’s very quick and easy to get to.

It doesn’t have to cost you a bunch of money, but get out there and meet your clients. Press the flesh, shake some hands, get to know them as people.

The physical world is out there. Don’t ignore it because your competitors more than likely are tomorrow. Well not tomorrow. Later today, I’m going to bring you another episode and what we’re going to talk about while your guests is as good as mine, so have a great one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

What Is YOUR Business?

What is YOUR business?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Find out why Brian suggest that your REAL business is in sales and marketing. Not just the products or services you offer.

For more on this, checkout the podcast Brian mentions in today’s video here – http://offthegridbiz.com/dave-zook-horizon-structures/

How Can Your Story Make You More Money?

How Can Your Story Make You More Money?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

David Pruett’s Youtube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/USNERDOC/videos

Listen in as Brian talks about the importance of your origin story and sharing it with others.

A Major Secret to Success

A Major Secret to Success

A Major Secret to Success, with Sean Douglas.

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4



Brian & Sean went out to an event and met David & Beth Pruett from Amp-3.net

  • Today’s conversation is about the value of getting out and mixing it up with people in the target market you work in or want to work in.

For us, that’s getting to know people in the off grid, homesteading niche.

Are You Grabbing the Public’s Attention?

Are You Grabbing the Public's Attention?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Are you getting the attention you want?

Listen to Brian & Ann Molloy of Neptune’s Harvest discuss the highs and lows of running a family business: http://offthegridbiz.com/ann-molloy-neptunes-harvest/

  • Brian shares a recent podcast conversation he had with Ann Molloy from Neptune’s Harvest and how well she know the business and the products they offer.
  • You need to have someone on your staff that can do the same thing. And doesn’t mind getting out in the market place to promote the company.
  • That is to say, you need someone that can hold themselves out as an expert.

How to Streamline Customer Service

How to Streamline Customer Service

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Do you think your company is providing good customer service?

  • Brian shares some thoughts from his conversation with Brad James from Beepods and how they’ve had success with helping customers with this area of their company.

Listen to Brian & Brad James of Beepods discuss the systems behind a growing business: http://offthegridbiz.com/brad-james-beepods-beekeeping/

You ARE An Impostor

You ARE An Impostor

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Listen to Brian & Mark C. Robinson of Walkin’ Pets discuss the process of becoming and maintaining a successful e-commerce business: https://offthegridbiz.com/mark-c-robinson-walkin-pets/

What is Impostor Syndrome?

  • As Brian points out in today’s video, “It’s when you’ve had a certain amount of success, but you don’t feel like you deserve it.”
  • 1 Tip Brian shares to get over this, is to meet your heros.
  • While they may put off a certain confidence, what we can’t forget is they are human.
  • All of them may vary well have multiple things about them that aren’t perfect in their life or possibly personality, or even business skills.
  • The real problem with impostor syndrome (not feeling worthy) is thinking along the lines of, “I got lucky to have success, but those people didn’t.”
  • There are principals that will increase your odds of success, and habits that can hurt your odds of success.
  • For more on impostor syndrome, check out the podcast Brian did with Mark C. Robinson (linked above) on the Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

How Wizardry Eliminates Your Competition

How Wizardry Eliminates Your Competition

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Join Brian as he talks about why Content Marketing can help you eliminate competition.

One benefit – it helps people know, like and trust you.

Listen to Brian & Greg Key of Hoss Tools’ conversation that may just change your perspective on “content marketing.” http://offthegridbiz.com/greg-key-hoss-tools-gardening/