Dan Kennedy’s Top 3 Growth Impactors

Dan Kennedy's Top 3 Growth Impactors

Dan’s Interview with Clint Arthur – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeY-kdvfFtU&feature=youtu.be

Dan Kennedy’s top three growth factors. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon here once again for Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now we’re going to be talking about something that Dan Kennedy just recently brought up and yes, this is the same Dan Kennedy that a few days ago it was announced that he was in hospice and was not thinking that he’s going to be living much longer. We discussed that in some earlier videos. You can go back and look at that.

I wanted to bring up the latest interview that I’ve heard with him was done by a gentleman named Clint Arthur and I’m going to talk about that in a minute. I’ve also got the link in the description, so you can go check that out.

But if you are a business owner or an executive and you are looking to take your business from where it’s at to an absolute dream business, I’m going to encourage you to watch some more of my videos, see if we relate.

If we do go to DreamBizChat.com. At DreamBizChat.com you can watch the quick little video, eight and a half minutes long, gives you an idea of what I call the dream business transformation and if that’ll tell you whether you’d be a good fit for me or not. Just fill out the application and see if you qualify.

This video between Client and Dan is worth watching, worth listening to a Dan Kennedy’s half of it. He’s just coming in over the phone.

I wanted to point out one point that he made that I think applies well I know applies to you and applies to other people when it comes to businesses.

In our latest Off The Grid Biz Podcast episodes. We’ve been discussing, speaking and writing books and how that helps.

One of the things that Clint Arthur teaches is he teaches people how to do public speaking in order to promote whatever they’re looking to promote themselves, how to make themselves more of a celebrity or how, he calls it celebritize yourself.

I first ran into Clint Arthur is a few years back when he wrote a 21 Performance Secrets of Donald Trump. And it’s not a political book, but this was right when Donald Trump started running for president.

And all he did was he took a lot of the performance secrets that he could see exhibited that Donald Trump exhibited and he put it out in a book. So regardless of what you think about president Trump, these are lessons that you could learn that obviously eventually led to his becoming president. So it’s a great book. Great Book by Clinton Arthur. That’s when I was first introduced to him.

I think he did an interview for, I Love Marketing. I think that’s where I heard about him and I’ve been following him ever since. Really great guy. Interesting.

The reason why he was interviewing Dan Kennedy is he was supposed to attend this Living Legends of Entrepreneurial Marketing, which is happening at Carnegie Hall at the end of September.

You go find out more about that at livinglegends2019.com. That is Clint’s event. So you go check that out. I definitely recommend it.

And Martha Stewart is going to be there. A Dan Kennedy was meant to get a lifetime achievement award.

Whether he’ll be able to make it or not, it’s not looking like that’s the case, but from what we know, he’s still kicking. So hopefully Dan can pull through.

The three things that he mentions about business growth, it starts with Clint asking him, and it’s around six minutes in, where he’s asking him basically, Do you see anything that has a greater impact than speaking when it comes to business growth? In terms of your business?

Dan says, speaking has been by far the biggest boost to his business.

And he does a whole lot of things, but speaking has been huge piece of that. He goes through all the reasons why and how you can use speaking to increase your business or whatever deal that you’re working with and whatever you’re trying to promote.

So he says there’s nothing that works better than being on stage and being a walking, talking example of what you’re talking. Whatever you’re discussing, having that real tangible visibility makes the biggest difference for your business.

The second thing he says that other people work on, is getting themselves into the media. Which is another thing that Clint Arthur teaches is how to get yourself into media. That’s already out there.

So whether it be news media, whether it be entertainment, all the different forms of media that are out there. How you can insert yourself into that conversation.

He says that’s another big thing. That’s the second one that he recommends.

The third thing is writing and, or just pushing content, any form of content out into the world, similar to what we’re doing right here. Just pushing content out into the world.

If you’re able to do enough of that, that will also be a huge boost your business. So these are three things just off the top of his head that he says are some of the biggest, expansions in business growth.

These are some things, the tools that you can use. So those are three things. We talk about, all those things a lot here. And I look to talk more about in the future.

Dan Kennedy is very topical because of his recent announcement of being in hospice. So we hope Dan can pull through and even if he can’t, he’s, he’s lived one hell of a life. It’s been really great listening to a lot of his old audios and stuff that are out there, and it’s great to hear a fresh interview like this.

I’m not sure if this is the last interview that he’s done, but it’s worth going and listening to if you get a chance.

Tomorrow we’re going to be discussing another aspect of how you can be able to promote your business. So come back tomorrow. We’ll be talking about that. Then in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Want A More Simple Life?

Want A More Simple Life?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Episode with Gary Collins: http://offthegridbiz.com/gary-collins-the-simple-life/

Want a more simple life?

Hi, I’m Brian J Pombo with BrianJPombo.com welcome back to the Orange Office. This is Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re talking about simplicity, life simplification, a great little phrase that this fellow made up right here.

This is Gary Collins. Gary Collins is the writer of many books including some one called Off The Grid, which ties right into my Off the Grid Biz Podcast, which I got to interview him on. If you check out the description, you could see the link going back to that interview and I highly recommend you listen to it.

Now at the time of the interview we did it over video chat and he doesn’t look a lot like this. He’s got a beard now and a baseball cap on, so he looked like a completely different person but very sharp guy.

Lots of fun to talk to and he’ll be a lot of fun to listen to make sure and listen to that podcast. He’s got a lot of energy and a lot of the stuff he talks about, it’s really funny because a lot of the stuff he talks about that, uh, I heard someone else saying is a lot of common sense.

He has a lot of solid common sense, but he delivers it in a very confident, straightforward, no bs attitude that makes it a lot of fun.

One of the themes that he has is this concept of life simplification.

And the way I see it is it’s life simplification for the purpose of lifestyle design. So if you can have the ideal life, my friend Tyler says that, it’s a life you don’t need a vacation from. If you could design a life you don’t need a vacation from, what would it be?

And would it be more simple? If you really distilled it down to its most simple form, what would that be? How would that look? If you could just make it as basic as possible just to start out with, just to make your life easier, stress-free, and really be what you want it to be. What would that look like?

That’s what Gary focuses on, that’s his perspective on things. And that’s what he helps people bring people to. He has a series of books. Has a new one coming out called the Simple Life Guide to Financial Freedom.

So we talk a lot about that on the show where he’s talking about financial freedom. He’s talking about, how to really simplify things to be able to get what you want out of life while at the same time not messing people over and really having a good moral life.

Go listen to that because I think it would help you out.

I think it’s very much in terms of a lot of the concepts that we talk about here. He actually lives off the grid. So beyond what most people would off the grid, he lives off the grid, he and lives very much an off the grid lifestyle.

He tries to stay off social media except for business and so forth. And he’s got a lot of cool concepts. Go and listen to that episode.

If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance space, meaning that you have products and services and a lifestyle that promotes self-reliance to others, then you’re somebody I’d like to talk to. Go to DreamBizChat.com. At DreamBizChat.com where I’m discussing the dream business transformation.

There’s an eight and a half minute video you can watch. Just go take a look. It’s free to apply and it’s free to take part in the Dream Biz Chat if you’re so interested, if you’re so inclined. And if you qualify, go and check it out. I’m quite a ways off from being able to have any Dream Biz Chats right now or at least two weeks to two months out right now with them. So there is a waiting list, but if you go apply, I will definitely get back to you within the next week and a half or so.

Like I said, we’re kind of backlogged and like on a lot of great episodes on, Off the Grid Biz coming out even tonight. Go and check it out once again. DreamBizChat.com. Tomorrow we are going to be discussing, uh, let’s see, what are we going to be discussing?

I don’t know. It probably the next episode of Off the Grid Biz, which is going to be coming out tonight. Ooh, go and check it out. It has to do with, how to have these types of businesses.

How would you have…..we talked about, expert type businesses or adding some expertise into the business that you already have? We’re gonna talk about a person that’s been doing that themselves. They’ve been practicing this concept of learn, do, teach, and it’s just, it’s a constant cycle. I think you’ll find it interesting.

We’ll see it tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.