Feel Painted Into A Corner?

Feel Painted Into A Corner?


Feel painted into a corner?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I wanted to bring up the third tier of what we consider the three tiers of BrianJPombo.com and just for review.

What we’ve been talking up until now is being Relationship Reliant and System Based.

The third one is, Reality Grounded.

Oftentimes we find ourselves painted into a corner because we set ourselves up that way to expect a certain result. If you do that, if you get caught up with your goals or get caught up with where you think things are going, you don’t allow flexibility to be able to move forward. I’ll give you an example.

This was a situation with one of my clients where we had discussed what the possibilities were going forward in the future. And when we had a meeting, it became clear, as everything started being laid out, that we were going to have to change slightly and go a slightly different direction.

It wasn’t a big move. In fact, it was original move that was planned that we had moved back to, or at least that was my suggestion, is that we moved back to this original plan.

Now, it would have been real easy to say, well wait, why are we doing that?

I thought we were going in this direction. Now we’re going in this direction. And there was some confusion there after we sat back and looked at it though I said, if you look at the big picture of things, we made the necessary changes, but that also made the original plan more of the the thing that we ought to do.

It made sense, at least from my limited perspective it made sense and that’s what I was recommending.

It’s real easy to get caught up with going in a particular direction and not wanting to pivot, but that flexibility, how do you build that flexibility?

One’s experience is going through enough situations to where you know you have to be flexible or you’ll break.

The main thing that I see that keeps people from being flexible in business is being too emotional. Getting emotionally invested in a particular outcome and that is being anti reality.

If you’re getting caught up with doing things a certain way, there is an emotional comfort zone that we paint ourselves into. It’s painting ourselves into a corner and you don’t quite know your way out of it.

How do you get away from that?

How do you get back to reality?

It’s about stepping back away from your emotional state, noticing that you’re in it, noticing that you’re reacting to something and just stepping back and taking a deep breath and saying, okay, what’s the reality of the situation?

What are we actually looking at?

What am I reacting to?

When you do that, you take that little brief moment to step back and take a look at the big picture. Everything tends to clear up.

Sometimes it means getting up and taking a walk. Sometimes it means, you know, getting a little bit of movement going and getting the blood flow into your brain.

But it all comes back on the inside. Step away from your emotions and come back to reality.

That’s why I talk about being Reality Grounded.

That is really the long-term concept that you want in your business. Reality grounding and then even if you aren’t in the reality state, if you fall into an emotional craziness, you want to make sure that the people that are around you can kinda hold you back and go, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Just wait. Take a deep breath.

If you’ve got people like that around you, then you’ll be able to do the same thing when they’re in that state and we can all balance each other out.

It’s very helpful to have people in your team like that if you like to know whether you are paying the most attention to reality or not, then I suggest bringing people onto your team that help you out with that.

I’m one of those people that you can hire out to be able to work with you on a weekly basis.

Go to BrianJPombo.com and you can look at some of the options that I have available for that. Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

DreamBizChat.com, the link is in the description. If you want to go there directly.

Hey, we’re back here every day with another tip, another concept, either on a real large scale or on something very specific. Sometimes just a simple little tactic that might make a difference for you.

Come back here every day. We’ll go through another one. If you have any questions, leave a comment down below on whatever social media you’re at. Or you could always find all the archives of all of these videos and audios over at BrianJPombo.com.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Put Off Fixing You?

Do You Put Off Fixing You?


That’s the question today.

Do you put off fixing you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by DreamBizChat.com. Coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon.

If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you are really looking to take your business to another level and not quite sure how to do it, you’re where you’re at but you want to take it to the next level and you want somebody to be able to talk around your ideas, go to DreamBizChat.com. Link is in the description.

There’s a video there you can watch to see if the dream biz chat would work for you. Now today we’re going to talk about putting off fixing yourself. I think a lot of us procrastinate on that we’re like, “Oh, I’ll deal with that later.”

But a specific thing in general that I came across today with an associate of mine and it’s a grudge. If you have a grudge with somebody, if you’ve got a pent up resentment towards someone, especially if you need to work with this person long-term, you’ve got to get it off your plate, you’ve got to get it out of the way.

So a friend of mine came to me and was telling me about this grudge that he had with somebody and he wanted to talk about it a little bit and I said, well in the end you need to talk with that person. You need to get over it.

You either need to find a way to drop it yourself or you’ve got to confront it with that person and tell them what’s going on and either find a way around it or get out of the situation where you have to work with this person.

You got to make sure that you’ve got something good going. He wanted to put it off.

He said, “Yeah, you know, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.”

And I said, well, if you’re telling me all these other things that came about because of it, because one thing leads to another, leads to another to where you can’t stand being in the same room with a person, where you can’t stand listening to them talk, it get to the point where they can……. I know men specifically get to the point where they could have so much rage towards somebody they feel like punching them in the face and it’s not healthy.

These are things you’ve got to get over.

It’s necessary sometimes to have to go so far in one direction that you realize you’ve got to stop and go, okay, wait a second. What’s going on?

This comes back to a point that I like to go back to over and over again about being a reality grounded.

It’s important to be reality grounded. Whenever you find, “the ground of your being” form of emotional earthquake, you have to keep in mind that something’s wrong.

You got to fix it and you’ve got to fix it as soon as you can. As soon as you are able to see that something’s wrong, take advantage of that inspiration and fix it.

Don’t let it go. You let it go. It will only faster. It will only get worse. It will morph into something else and most of the time if you’ve got a problem with somebody, it’s going to come about….even if that person passes away before you’re able to solve it, it’ll come up in the next version of that person.

A look alike person, someone that smells alike, someone that has the same attitude or the same personality and it will just get worse and worse and worse through time.

That’s why most psychologists and everything, they say that most of our problems with people, when we really have an instinctual issue with somebody right off the bat, it comes back to issues with your parents because you didn’t solve the issue with your parents.

You end up running into, you think about the parent that you got.

You get along with the worst or got along with the worst, and you’ll notice that if you never solved your issues with them, you end up meeting your parent and person after person, after person. Usually you end up marrying that person.

It comes up over and over and over again.

It’s the nature of trauma.

I don’t want to get too deep into this, but this is important for your business. If we’re having a good, serious business talk. Good serious business deals and working with people.

Especially a business that gives you any form of passive income or any type of stability, keep that in mind when you’re running across a person that you just can’t stand, get over it or be direct with them and get it out of the way. Get that concept out of the way.

Don’t just bury it on the inside. Get over your resentments of people and you’ll find life will become a whole lot more easier and your business will become more of a blessing to your life.

Hopefully that’s helpful.

If you like to talk with me about some of these issues as far as what you’re dealing with in your business, go to BrianJPombo.com. If you’re in the self-reliance field, go to DreamBizChat.com and sign up for a free dream business transformation.

If you qualify, go fill out the application.

So you have a great day. Tomorrow we’re going to talk about some more stuff. Come on back. We’re here every day so get out there and let the magic happen in your life.

Most Important Skill for Scaling Up

Most Important Skill for Scaling Up


What is the most important skill for scaling up?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. We’re coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon. That’s right. I’ve survived all the crazy plane flights and wild weather, the dry, extremely dry weather of Las Vegas. My Lips are still recovering.

If you’re used to living in a little bit more humid place, going to an extremely dry place in the desert like Las Vegas, you’ll notice that one way or the other, you’ll notice it. Not my most noticeable feature is my lips when it comes to handling really arid weather. So, but I’m back.

And today we’re going to be talking about scaling up, but first I just wanted to give a quick plug to DreamBizChat.com. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go check out DreamBizChat.com.

There’s nothing being sold there. It’s nothing more than a video and an application. If you liked the video and you think it applies to you, fill out the application and we’ll see if we can get together and chat. DreamBizChat.com link is in the description.

Now we are talking about scaling up and this comes from a conversation that I had this weekend. I’m sorry for the shaky camera work. I don’t have my tripod with me. So bear with me.

A conversation I had this weekend with a very successful business owner, has owned multiple businesses in multiple fields and let’s call him Ray. His name’s not right, but we’ll say it is for the sake of this conversation.

So I was talking with Ray as he was discussing some of the situations that he’s been dealing with lately and very crazy outrageous situations. And even though he’s been very successful, makes a lot of money, has a lot of money, there are always going to be situations that you have no control over. And it doesn’t matter what the business is.

And this was a point that he was making.

It doesn’t matter what business you run, what business you own. I mean for the sake of conversation, if you’re running an organization, anything of that sort. The same thing’s true.

You’re always going to have the ups and the downs and the crazy things that are completely unpredictable that come about and come along in your path.

He said the difference between those that make it and don’t make it are whether they’re thrown off emotionally by it, whether they let these things shake them, you eventually have to get to the point where you’re not shaken by these things. And this comes back to one of the main pillars that I bring up on a regular basis, which is being reality reliant. Well reality based reality. Grounded I should say is the term I usually use for it. It’s reality grounded. And the whole idea behind that is to not be emotionally grounded but reality grounded to where you see things for what they are and not what your emotions are telling you that they are.

You know, when you get caught up with things and he said that is really the key.

And if you look at his life and what he’s been doing over the past, oh, you know, 10, 20 years, it’s been a progression of taking what he’s already known and scaling up and moving up on top of what he’s already done.

So currently he owns some automotive dealerships and has been pretty successful at this particular style and they’re scaling up. There are going to be opening more than to be doing more with that field. You can’t do that if you can’t deal the daily, nearly daily chaos that comes about with owning a business.

If you don’t have the ability to outsource that to people who are grounded. And if you’re not grounded yourself, you just won’t survive. You’ll get thrown off, you’ll drive yourself a little bit crazy, probably drive yourself into sickness because you can’t handle the stress and the unpredictability that comes with dealing with other people and situations that can’t possibly be predicted.

Good example of this. I like to think of the traditional farmer and all the things anyone that’s ever been in farming long-term, they tend to get a certain behavior. A certain attitude about things because there’s so many things that can go wrong. Just having to do with the weather itself.

And this doesn’t matter whether you’re farming soybeans or whether you’re a rancher with cattle. Weather will always happen to the farmer and so they’re always dealing with it and it’s completely unpredictable. I mean it’s predictable somewhat to the week and the season and so forth.

Beyond that, you don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know which crops are going to do well and which crops aren’t. You just have to be able to ride the wave.

You gotta think about this in terms of your business where you fallen off the horse, where you haven’t been able to make it, where you haven’t been able to scale up to the level you’re thinking of.

Is it because you’re trying to handle things that you shouldn’t be handling?

This should be outsourced?

Is it because, you are trying to handle the the things that are causing emotional instability for you. Is it because you’re putting people in charge that are emotionally unstable.

All these things are things that I’ve seen over and over again and my friend Ray agrees and I was so happy to hear him say that without any prompting whatsoever because it’s definitely, it’s something that I agree with.

Your emotional stability will allow you to scale up properly because you will expect the unexpected and not be thrown off and not label it as positive or negative right off the bat because it all leads to the same place if you’re able to ride the wave.

So hopefully that’s a little helpful for you. A little bit interesting to talk about. If you’d like to talk to me a little further, go to BrianJPombo.com and click on the link that most applies to you if you will. As I said, if you’re in the self-reliance field, go to DreamBizChat.com. Tomorrow I told you today we were going to be talking about the next podcast episode, but tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the next podcast episode because it really some really interesting stuff transpired on the last interview and I’d love to tell you about it, so we’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #10 Willing to Take Responsibility

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #10 Willing to Take Responsibility

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

To be a winner in Brian’s book, you have to be willing to take responsibility.

  • Being the leader of the business means you have the final say, but it also means you know how and when to involve others
  • Having solid relationships with the people you do business with
  • Are you willing to let the buck stop with you

Past Vids On This Topic

1 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-1-willing-to-price-appropriately/
2 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-2-willing-to-stand-out/
3 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-number-3-willing-to-interact-with-customer-base/
4 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-4-willing-to-invest-in-media/
5 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-5-willing-to-commit-to-a-long-term-strategy/
6 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-6-willing-to-go-beyond-chasing-customers/
7 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-7-find-the-who-not-learn-every-how/
8 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-8-under-promise-and-over-deliver/
9 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-9-willing-to-define-stick-to-your-principles/

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #9 Willing to Define & Stick to Your Principles

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #9 Willing to Define & Stick to Your Principles
#9 – Are You Willing to Define & Stick to Your Principles?
  • At what point are you willing to bend on your principles
  • What’s most important about HOW and WHY you do your business
  • A lot of times as business owners, we keep ourselves really busy and never stop to think about our principles
  • As Brian points out, while WE many not spend much time thinking about our principles, OUR CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS DO!
  • listen in on today’s video to find out more on this

Past Vids On This Topic

1 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-1-willing-to-price-appropriately/
2 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-2-willing-to-stand-out/
3 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-number-3-willing-to-interact-with-customer-base/
4 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-4-willing-to-invest-in-media/
5 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-5-willing-to-commit-to-a-long-term-strategy/
6 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-6-willing-to-go-beyond-chasing-customers/
7 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-7-find-the-who-not-learn-every-how/
8 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-8-under-promise-and-over-deliver/

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #1 Willing to Price Appropriately

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #1 Willing to Price Appropriately

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Brian’s Top 11 Signs of A Winner:

1 – Willing to Price Appropriately
  • Don’t play the lowest-price game
  • You don’t need to be the highest priced company, but you’ve got to have it match with your ideal prospects or clients.
  • who are you wanting to get?
  • If you have a bad pricing strategy, you’re not going to last long with what Brian does

5 Strange Reasons to Hire A Strategist

5 Strange Reasons to Hire A Strategist

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Brian talks about Frank Kern’s list of 5 strange reasons to hire a strategist

  1. Actual Advisor
  2. Accountability Partner
  3. “Bad Cop”
  4. Confidant
  5. Sounding Board

Why DreamBizChat.com?

Why DreamBizChat.com?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Brian reveals what DreamBizChat.com is all about

  • Do you need More Free Time
  • Spend more time with Friends, Family, Travel
  • More Creative Space to focus on a vision you have for your company
  • Yet because your bogged down with time consuming tasks, you never seem to “get around” to those ideas
  • While it takes time to get to your ideal “dream” business situation….
  • When you get to that point, it helps you be the best you can be for not only your business, but other important areas of your life as well

Least Sexiest Solutions to Your Business Growth

Least Sexiest Solutions to Your Business Growth

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

The three ways that you could dynamically change your business

Acquisition – New people / customers that are coming into your company

Ascension – Increasing transaction size per customer

Monetization – Increasing the number of transactions you get per customer

  • Most companies tend to focus on Acquisition but not enough on Ascension or Monetization.
  • Monetization is likely the least focused on of the three by most companies.

Need More Traffic?

Need More Traffic?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Do you really need more traffic?

  • Brian delves into why not all traffic is the same.
  • The focus really isn’t JUST getting more traffic, but getting targeted traffic from the RIGHT PEOPLE to purchase your products or services.
  • 1 Tip – The BEST TRAFFIC could be actually going back to your list and getting in touch with them!