Is It Who You Know or Who Knows You?

Is It Who You Know or Who Knows You?

Is it who you know or who knows you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to discuss the ongoing, meme that’s kind of out there within the business community. I’ve heard it discussed more and more often ever since Grant Cardone came out and said, it’s not about who you know, it’s who knows you.

What do you think about that?

Do you think that’s true?

I think it’s a huge piece that is always forgotten is that who knows you is very important to how big you can get and how large your ability to network and your ability to grow with your business comes down to how many people know about your business, know about your products, your services, what have you.

But I think it’s both. I think it takes both.

I think it is about who you know, especially initially because no one’s going to know you initially.

It’s about who you know. And then eventually it’s about who knows you. I think those are two major elements that have to come together though you can’t have just one or the other. Otherwise there’s only going to be so large you can grow as a business, as a person that’s looking to create influence or have influence out in the community or the Earth’s community at large.

If you’re looking to get out there and really change things and really make a huge difference and make an impact, dent the universe as they say, then it does come down to who you know and who knows you.

In other words, relationships.

So I’ve talked before about the three pillars that make up a lot of the philosophy that I help train people on.

One of them is relationship reliant.

You need to be relationship reliant. You need to realize that all business is a relationship. Whether they know who you are or not, your customers have a relationship with your product and service.

If there’s a human behind that product or service, even just the likeness of a person, even if it’s someone that doesn’t, isn’t even walking around anymore like Colonel Sanders. If there’s someone there, if there’s an idea of a person there, they’re going to relate with it more and therefore relate with the brand more.

This has been proven over and over through time that people buy from people and people buy from people they trust. We’ve talked about that a lot.

So how do you build that back into your business?

Where do you go from there?

Well, sit back and look at the largest growth patterns that you’ve had in your business.

If you’re new at business, this is a great lesson to understand. Look at other businesses.

Read biographies from people that have done well in business or done well at any form of influence on the planet. It doesn’t matter if they’re a politician or a religious figure. It all comes down to relationships and being able to leverage one relationship to the next.

I was having a discussion today with my podcast producer, Sean E. Douglas, who also is a producer here for our video series. He was saying, if you look at all the different businesses that we have worked in through the years, the one thing is true is you bounce from relationship to relationship, to relationship to relationship.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie to business young and maybe your first exploration into business is something like network marketing or direct sales or stuff like that. Same thing’s true.

The people who are able to bounce from relationship to relationship to relationship, not ignoring their original relationship, but being able to help that grow and have that person introduce you to someone else and then someone else, someone else, whether they’re a customer or a business partner of yours.

Being able to do that long-term builds huge success.

That’s how you have any form of exponential growth in a business, in an organization, in a movement, doesn’t matter. It all comes back to the relationships. Don’t ignore it, just because you may not naturally be a people person. I know some of you out there and saying, I don’t like people. I don’t want to be around people.

I know where you’re coming from on that, but you have to realize the nature of the beast. If you’re looking to make money from people, if you’re looking for people to do something that you want them to do, that you think is in their best interest to do or in the best interest of the earth or your religion or anything else, you’re going to have to have a relationship.

Someone’s going to have to have a relationship.

The person who has the most real direct, clear-cut, authentic relationships, those are the people that are really able to make a huge impact out there.

So keep that in mind as you’re growing.

When you’re looking at business strategies and you’re looking at growth strategies, look at which one will allow me to create more relationships.

I think you’ll find that that will be the best case scenario. That will be the best way for you to grow and not just think of addition, just adding one at a time in a very linear fashion.

You got to think multiplication, you got to think exponential growth in the long run.

How can one become 10 become a hundred and so on and so forth. So hopefully that’s helpful to you. Hey, if you’d like to discuss it.

One of the things that I do is I’m a business strategist so I work with businesses one-on-one. If you’d like to work one-on-one with me or like to find out more about the opportunities there, go to

That’s If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, you can check out a very special offer that we have over at

So if you’ve got products or services for your company that help people to become more self-reliant, go to and watch the video, go and check that out.

I’m back here every day. You’re welcome to watch all the other videos that I have out there. I never take anything down or listen to any of the podcasts, which are just audio versions of the videos over at and at basically any social media that you have access to.

You’ll probably find me around there somewhere and if I’m not somewhere, let me know that you frequent a lot. Let me know. I’d love to find out whether it makes sense to go over there because I like being where people are.

You have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

What Can Doctors Teach Us About Customer Service?

What Can Doctors Teach Us About Customer Service?

What can doctors teach us about customer service?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, sent out every day live from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re back in the blank office, the new headquarters for Brian J. Pombo Live.

And you could see behind me, this is some of the bookshelves we haven’t put together yet. So we still got it in pieces. I’m in my baseball cap and tee shirt because Wednesday’s are my day at home with the family.

So just doing odd jobs and looking after the kids. And I wanted to talk about a conversation that I had earlier with with my good friend Jesse.

I know he watches, so he’ll get to hear this. He’ll remember the conversation because we were talking about who’s the one profession that nearly everybody trusts without even thinking about it.

We’ll do what they tell us to do though they don’t have the power of law behind them. They just hold rain over everybody. And there’s a whole bunch of reasons for that. I’m not going to get deeply into all of them, but there’s one specific thing that they do that changes everything.

Of course, I’m talking about doctors, it’s in the title, right?

We’re talking about doctors. Doctors will tell us to do whatever to fix whatever problem we come to them with and most people are going to go along with it. As long as it doesn’t seem too difficult, too painful, we’re all gonna go along with it.

Oftentimes, unless you’re really a Renegade and like to fight with your doctor or like to try alternative medicine, stuff like that. But in general, most people, most of the time we’ll take whatever pill their doctor tells them to.

We’ll do whatever procedure their doctor tells them to, as long as they can prevent pain in. For the most case, we don’t go to the doctors to prevent disease. We just don’t.

It’s not something we go and do and this is why doctors have more pull over us than does a nutritionist or a fitness coach in general. Most of us are going to listen to the doctor a lot more than we will any of those other people. We may take their advice, we may ask them what they think about this and that, but it’s not necessarily something that we’re going to follow through with with a doctor.

There’s an authority figure there that you feel like you have to follow along with that you got to go along with. And there’s the incentive of having a pain or an issue that you know needs to be fixed.

How’s this draw back into business? How’s this go back into everything that we talk about on a daily basis? Well, it all comes back to your business with a concept called prescriptive selling.

I don’t remember who came up with it. I don’t know who first talked about it, but you hear it talked about here and there. And that’s the idea before you sell a product or service to your customers, having a way for them to go step by step to tell you what their problem is, to tell you what their issues are that your product or service solves.

This creates trust because they don’t feel like you’re just selling them blankly. Something that you think they should want based on their demographic, based on their position, based on their career, your solving a problem that they came to you with this.

This is very helpful. If you’ve got a website, for example, let’s say you have a website that has many different products. Let’s say you had a whole bunch of nutritional products, the best thing you can do is take a person through some type of survey.

If nothing else, if it’s even if it’s automated, having some form of survey where you can find out what they need and then prescribe them what you have going. People trust that more. The prescription is trusted so much more than a blanket sale. The blanket sale always comes off. One sided comes off, selfish comes off as you’re selling me something like a person going door to door that you just feel like I’m just the next door in line.

You don’t really care about me. You don’t really care about what my issues are, your just going the next person in line.

The more you can make it about the person that’s true customer service, the more you can make it about their problem, their specific problem.

Even if you have something that everyone has a problem for, even if you have something that literally everyone should own, you still need to bring the person in on the decision process. They’ll trust you more.

They’ll feel like it’s less of a sale. They’ll believe in your product and or service and use it more regularly based on that concept. This is if you’re really looking for a longterm customer, if you’re looking for a onetime customer, these concepts don’t matter as much.

But if you’re looking for someone that wants to come back again and again and again to either get your service or sign up for a subscription and stay on this subscription to purchase other products over and over and over again, that trust is built from the prescriptive sale.

If you’d like to find out more ideas about this, if you’re in the self-reliance field, which is an area that I play to quite a bit and I’m finding out more and more people in the self-reliance field, you can find out more about that. Go to my podcast you could hear some examples of self-reliance companies and people that I’ve worked with and have talked to and finding out more about self-reliance.

You could also go to if you’re an owner, a business owner, or executive, and you have products or services that help people become more self reliant, go to

There’s also a link in the description, and if you want, if you’re not in that field, but you like to find out some more about me, maybe watch some more videos, maybe learn some more of these concepts or find out how this could apply directly to your business.

Go to and you’re always welcome to come back tomorrow because we do these day after day after day after day, every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live. Tomorrow we’ll be back here in the same spot, bringing you another concept, and I’d love to hear some back and forth.

So leave a comment down below you. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Who Is Your Tribe?

Who Is Your Tribe?

Who is your tribe?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re going to be talking about your tribe, the group of people that you consider, customers, clients, fans, supporters, so on and so forth.

Who are they? What do they have to do?

Do you actually have a group that follow you in a sense that consider you their one and only way in your space?

Before we get deep into that, I want to promote for all business owners, entrepreneurs, executives of businesses that are in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant.

If you are looking to take your business from where it is to where you want it to be and you just need help as far as developing a path, a long-term strategy in order to get there, whether it’s in six months, whether it’s in five years, do you have a step-by-step path on how to get where you’re looking to go, especially if you’re a successful business and you’re looking to scale up?

Well, go to watch the video there and see if it’s something that you’d be interested in because I’m offering for possibly a short period of time, a free conversation with me where I will help you develop or at least start your dream business transformation.

What’s it all about?

Go to and check it out. The link is in the description.

Now let’s talk about tribes.

Oftentimes when people are putting together their business, they focus it almost solely around the concept of what their business is as a service or a product and they focus on developing that service and product as opposed to developing who that product is for.

That’s why most of the things I talk about, I take all the way back to focusing back on your perspective, client and customer. You’ve got to think about them as much as possible first because that’s where most of your, your marketing is going to lead you to.

That’s where most of your communications are going to lead you to. Any focus that you have back onto growing your business is gonna have to come back to the WHO.

One of my three pillars that I focus on is called relationship reliant, which means you got to have a relationship in a sense. Even if you don’t actually know who they are, you have to have a relationship with your prospective customers.

You have to put yourself out there either personally or as a brand or as a team of brand or a team of people that are producing a brand. So you really gotta put it out there.

This all comes back to a conversation that I had. I’m sorry, I’m getting distracted. My wife is texting me on my phone while I am attempting to do some form of communication with you.

So let me come back. This all comes back to a conversation that I had with a guy named Uncle Mud.

Seriously, this is what he goes by. Uncle Mud, his real name’s Chris McClellan, but he somehow he picked up this moniker and we talk about it on the show that he’s known as Uncle Mud because he has gotten good at natural building.

So that’s when they put buildings together, made out of what most people will consider useless junk and also mud and something called cob, which is an Adobe like substance of mud. It’s clay and and Straw and so forth that you put together.

He knows all about this stuff. He’s learned how to do it really well and he shows people how to build structures out of it, including a rocket mass heaters, which you’ve never heard of.

It’s worth looking into. It’s really interesting. Pizza ovens, stoves, new and full on houses and cottages all out of very simple items. And his message is much more deeper than mud. It has to do with developing your life and one of the main aspects that we talk about in our conversation is developing a community.

Now, some of this stuff has happened accidentally or has happened serendipitously for him, but you can take these concepts and use it yourself. So think about that.

Go out there and listen to this episode of the off the grid Biz podcast. This conversation I have with uncle mud, that link is also in the description or you can go to off the grid for the Off the Grid Biz Podcast.

I believe it’s podcast number 22. I don’t have it right in front of me but I think that’s where it is. Go check it out. Conversation with Chris McClellan, also known as Uncle Mud. Really great guy. Really interesting conversation.

Tomorrow, I mentioned this quite a few episodes ago, I got a piece of mail that is bringing all types of ideas into my mind on, on the how you should be running your business.

What’s a piece of mail have to do with your business?

Well, come on back tomorrow and you’ll see. So thanks for coming. Get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Be Everywhere

How to Be Everywhere
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  • Part of finding your ideal customers is being EVERYWHERE…they are
  • Listen in as Brian explains an old marketing term taught by Howie Schwartz called – Conversation Domination

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #10 Willing to Take Responsibility

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #10 Willing to Take Responsibility
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To be a winner in Brian’s book, you have to be willing to take responsibility.

  • Being the leader of the business means you have the final say, but it also means you know how and when to involve others
  • Having solid relationships with the people you do business with
  • Are you willing to let the buck stop with you

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Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #9 Willing to Define & Stick to Your Principles
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Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #9 Willing to Define & Stick to Your Principles
#9 – Are You Willing to Define & Stick to Your Principles?
  • At what point are you willing to bend on your principles
  • What’s most important about HOW and WHY you do your business
  • A lot of times as business owners, we keep ourselves really busy and never stop to think about our principles
  • As Brian points out, while WE many not spend much time thinking about our principles, OUR CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS DO!
  • listen in on today’s video to find out more on this

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Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #8 Under Promise and Over Deliver

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #8 Under Promise and Over Deliver
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8 – Willing to Under-Promise, Over-Deliver, but never be ‘too-nice’.
  • Brian shares how Robert Ringer’s book ‘Winning Through Intimidation’ changed the way he views clients.
  • Quick note: As Brian points out in the video, don’t get hung up on the title of the book, it’s not really about what the title may suggest

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Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #7 Find the WHO & Not Learn Every HOW

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #7 Willing to find the WHO & Not learn every HOW
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What does WHO Not HOW mean?

  • Early on in your business, it can make sense to figure out HOW to take on new challenges in your business
  • As you expand, it’s more important to figure out WHO you can hire to take on various tasks
  • Especially areas that you’re not that strong at
  • Find the WHO. WHO can do this for me?
  • Rather than asking HOW can I figure this out on my own

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Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #6 Willing To Go Beyond Chasing Customers

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #6 Willing To Go Beyond Chasing Customers
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6 – Willing to go beyond chasing customers. Going beyond the one-sale per customer paradigm.
  • While new customers are fine, you have to focus on more than that to be a winner in Brian’s book
  • Brian walks through Acquisition, Ascension and Monetization, what they mean and how they can help your business

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Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #5 Willing to Commit to a Long-Term Strategy

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #5 Willing to Commit to a Long Term Strategy
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No.5 Willing to Commit to a Long-Term Strategy
  • Willing to see a plan all the way through to completion.
  • Willing to plan ahead and not be distracted by shiny-objects.

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