What is Customer Lifetime Value?

What is Customer Lifetime Value?


“Know and invest in each customer’s lifetime value.” ~ Les Wunderman

What is lifetime customer value?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to talk about lifetime customer value and it all has to do with a quote that I saw posted over on Rick Cesari’s Facebook page.

If you’re not sure who Rick Cesari is, I have his book right here. One of his books, he’s got quite a handful.

His newest book has to do with video marketing.

You can go and check that out over on amazon.com or on any of his pages. This was a great one that I read a few years back that was really helpful when I was first introduced to direct response marketing. And he had this post of a quote on his Facebook page and it was,

Know and invest in each customer’s lifetime value.

That’s a quote by Les Wunderman, another famous person within the world of marketing and sales.

I wanted to talk a little bit about customer lifetime value because it’s an essential quality of direct marketing or direct response marketing as we know it.

It’s something that isn’t discussed across the board. And it’s surprising. It isn’t because of how valuable it is.

So customer’s lifetime value, how can you possibly know what that is?

Well it comes down to quantifying it.

At some point you have to kind of figure out what your overall customer lifetime value is or at least within particular niches that you serve, depending on which ones you’re talking about. because you may have some that you have multiple purchases through or they get involved in some type of membership and they’re going to have a higher value than somebody who is just a onetime purchaser.

So, where does that take you?

What is customer lifetime value?

It’s about measuring not just on a transaction by transaction basis, but on a customer to customer basis.

How long do they stick with you?

How often do they purchase from you?

It’s not just about tracking it, it’s not just knowing but investing. That’s the cool thing about that quote. I.

t’s about investing into the lifetime value.

It’s about making things better for that customer so that they want to pay you more to get more of what you provide or for you to provide more things and you’re currently providing them.

Customer Centricity is a concept that we talked about in the past.

It’s an idea that if you put them first and you see it from their perspective and you can produce more value for them on a regular basis regardless of what industry you’re in, find out what the customer wants and get it to them.

If you can do more, they’re going to be more valuable to you in the long run and you’ll be able to then find more of them in.

In essence, it’s like I talk about taking that ideal customer, putting them in a copy machine and just copying them over and over and over again.

That’s where your marketing should be focused and where your entire business strategy should be focused is on making your customers more happy, having them be more satisfied, give them more, get them paying more and in turn going out and finding more customers just like them.

Instead of just doing blanket marketing instead of just trying to spread your name and logo around. Actually focusing on finding more of the ideal client and doing that, you’re going to have a happier business.

Everything will get better for you.

So that’s just how it works. I’ve seen it happen over and over again with the clients that I’ve worked with as well as other people that have found these things out on their own.

So if you’d like to be able to work with me or be able to find out some more about the services that I provide and be able to talk about some of these concepts as far as how they apply to your business, go to BrianJPombo.com.

Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

At DreamBizChat.com there’s a little process called the dream business transformation that we discussed there. And you can go find out how you can get quite possibly a free dream business transformation.

Go to DreamBizChat.com link is in the description in case you didn’t have a pen or anything.

Hey, you have a great night. In the meantime, come back here every day. Get out there and let the magic happen.

How Can Celebrities Sell Your Stuff?

How Can Celebrities Sell Your Stuff?


So how can celebrities help you sell your stuff?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you every day from Grants Pass Oregon. Nearly every day, unless I’m somewhere else.

Today we’re going to talk about celebrities and how they can help you sell your products, your services. And we’re going to use the example that we mentioned yesterday from the book by now by Rick Cesari and Ron Lynch.

Ron Lynch is not the actor and voice-over person, comedian. It’s a different Ron Lynch.

This is the same chapter, the biggest knockout in history that we talked about yesterday and it concerns George Foreman, George Foreman and George Foreman’s Grill and the fact that they were able to sell this for the first time over infomercials.

Even though it was an old type of product, even though it had been out on the market before and everything else, it had never been produced as a health product and presented by a well known celebrity by well-known, likable celebrity.

He mentions it here about why George Foreman was such an important part of that situation.

It says successful celebrity branding transfers the value of the person to the product he or she endorses.

See, it’s about the transfer of trust.

That’s a huge thing.

Let me continue. He says, because Foreman was considered a solid citizen who was known to enjoy his food and packed a punch of personality. He made a perfect spokesman for a kitchen must have.

His age and past experience as a finely tuned athlete, helped to make him ideal to endorse the special innovations of solvents that reducing grill.

Salton was the company that created the George Foreman Grill.

It’s that transfer. It’s what people relate back to that person, either in the moment or through past engagement with them. It’s what they relate back to them that can transfer over to a product or service that they’re endorsing.

You can think about as in any type of celebrity endorsement, if you keep your eyes open when you’re watching TV or watching YouTube or watching anything that has commercials, celebrity endorsements are huge nowadays.

You have to ask yourself, who are they appealing to when this person is endorsing?

Who are they impaling to when that person’s endorsing, what does that saying?

Put yourself in the shoes of the person that’s interested in what’s being sold and does it do the job?

It’s a very interesting concept. You have to think about the nature of celebrity.

What is celebrity?

Celebrity is a person that’s really well known.

That’s really what makes a celebrity. Is there anything else that you could use to define a celebrity?

Yeah, they may be well known for something specific. So they may be an athlete, a former athlete, they may be a movie movie star of some sort or a television star, but they all have the same thing in common.

Celebrity means known and what do we talk about when we’re talking about getting your business going and really getting attention.

It’s about being known, liked and trusted.

So celebrities are already known and the really good ones are already liked to some extent. And with that comes an element of trust.

Just automatically there’s going to be trust associated, but there’s specific types of trust, specific type of celebrities for the specific market.

It all depends on who you’re trying to get your product or service to.

What celebrities would those type of people be interested in?

A celebrity does one major thing really well. It makes a person stop. Even if the person doesn’t know, like the celebrity, if they know who it is, they will stop for a split second longer to pay attention to go, What’s this person saying?

What’s that person saying?

Why are they on this newspaper ad?

Why are they here on this banner, on this website?

What’s going on here?

It’s a quick second, but they will that second can make the difference between a sale and not a sale. It can make the difference of them attention or complete glaze over as just another ad. It’s just hear and gone immediately.

That’s what celebrities all about.

So he talks about a whole bunch of different celebrities situations, but also an interesting one. It’s the celebrities he was able to make. So these are people that have an element that could make them a celebrity and he turns them into a celebrity. So, I don’t know if you got any of that.

You guys remember this guy?

The Juice Man, Jay Cordage passed away a few years ago, but Jay Cordage had this machine called the juice man machine and he was trying to get it out there.

He was doing show a live live events where Rick found him. He saw him at a live event. He saw that he had this charisma and that he was bringing people along and yeah, he was a good pitchman.

He was good at selling the product, but he said he saw that he was good at teaching. .

At the same time he’s teaching about nutrition.

He’s talking about each of the items that he’s putting in and why he puts it in and everything else. I mean, look, they sold a book along with, or a came free, I don’t remember exactly what the pitch was, but this went along with the juice man juicer when you bought it.

I was able to get a copy of this from somebody else, but it’s still great stuff. The juice man became a celebrity to the point that Jim Carey impersonated him on the show that Jim Carey was on back then, In Living Color, back in their early nineties, great stuff.

But they made a celebrity out of nobody out of somebody that was just walking the street.

I mean, he wasn’t a nobody.

This guy went out, started a company, started a product from scratch, put himself out there, but from himself putting himself out as a celebrity, he got a TV guy to take him and make him an even bigger celebrity by putting him out there in the public’s view that this is the nature of celebrity.

It’s the known, liked and trusted.

If you don’t have a celebrity, make a celebrity.

Get out there and get your products and services in the hands of the people that matter most. That’s what it’s all about and celebrity can be a great help in that.

Hey, hope you found this interesting. Hope you found that useful.

If you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com I’ve got a quick video there that gives you an incentive to try something completely new called the dream business transformation.

It’s free if you qualify. So go check it out. DreamBizChat.com you can see the link in the description and we will see you tomorrow where we’ll have another tip, another little conversation about these concepts.

Have a great day and get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You Selling Urgency?

Are You Selling Urgency?


Are you selling urgency?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live from Grants Pass Oregon.

Tonight we’re going to be talking about the concept of urgency and first I’m going to be discussing DreamBizChat.com go to DreamBizChat.com if you’re looking to get from where you are to reach your dream business potential DreamBizChat.com.

You can go and check out the link in the description.

It’s completely free, no heavy sales pitch or anything. Just a chance for me to possibly be able to interview you. Learn a little bit about who you are. That’s DreamBizChat.com.

So today we’re going to talk about this book.

This is one from a couple of years back. This is By Now by Rick Cesari and Ron Lynch with Tom Kelly. And Rick Cesari, I’m not sure if he still runs, Cesari Direct, but that was his company at least at the time.

I know he still does a lot of work online that you can go and do a search and find out about him.

This is a fellow that the whole concept is Buy Now.

So it’s creative marketing that gets customers to respond to you and your product. And what he’s doing is he’s going through and telling stories of all of the infomercials that he’s worked on because he did a whole lot of infomercial work on television, especially when it was really hot in the 90’s and 2000’s and talks about a lot of great examples.

The one main example I wanted to bring up with you tonight is the fact is the one for the George Foreman Grill and who doesn’t remember the George Foreman Grill.

You could still find them being sold in the stores, but at one time they were sold via infomercial and it was all about George Foreman.

George Foreman was this former boxer.

He had just recently done well at that time, but he was older, for a champion for a heavyweight champion. He definitely was older in age and a lot of people remembered him from his past because when he was younger he was the Olympic champion.

He had this whole long past and so he had a real connection.

There was a celebrity into that.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow about how celebrity can affect your advertising and even if you’re a smaller advertiser, even if you think you can’t afford celebrities using the elements of celebrity in your advertising can make a big difference or your marketing.

So George Foreman Grill, it was named after him.

Where did it come from?

Well, he makes reference to this in here where he discusses the different types of items that were brought to them by this company.

Salton is the ones that came up with the George Foreman Grill. It had existed for a long time. It was not a new concept. It was basically a waffle iron that was on a little bit of a slant and it wasn’t sold as any type of healthy grill or anything of that sort.

It was sold as a taco maker, so you put like ground beef in it and prepare all the inside of your taco in this thing and it would allowed you to be able to drain the grease out easily. But that was kind of a secondary feature just because it’s a typical thing that you do when making ground beef tacos is you have to drain out the grease before you, before you put it into the tortilla. So that’s what it was. It was a taco maker of all things and they had a very tough time.

They had it at trade shows, they had a tough time selling it and he said, this is very similar to another one of their items, which was a bagel maker.

He said, the problem is is that nobody wanted a bagel maker.

Really, there wasn’t a huge urgency for a bagel maker. Most people either buy their bagels at the store, especially nowadays, a lot of people, you’d just buy them at the store or the grocery store. They’ve got ones from major companies or sometimes the grocery store bake some themselves.

You’d get bagels there or people pick up a bagel or a donut or whatever on their way to work as part of their normal habit, all that sort.

So why would they need a bagel maker?

And he put his finger on, he said, the problem is is that there wasn’t a question of urgency for these people.

So he says it right here. He says, these are some of the first questions entrepreneurs and new inventors need to ask themselves, is my product solving a problem?

Will I be able to instill a sense of urgency in a consumer’s purchasing decision?

That’s the question.

Can you put that out there?

Can you instill a sense of urgency?

It doesn’t mean you have to, it doesn’t mean this is a necessity, but it was. It is something to be able to communicate a message to people. If it has urgency tied to it, people are more likely to pay attention.

They’re more likely to take that first step in purchasing at least your initial product. If you have a line of products. Having that initial product being something that has urgency tied to it is a big, big deal.

Now, how did they do that?

With the George Foreman Grill, they mainly had to take out the concept of this being a taco maker and they made it into a health product.

And so you have this, this very jovial person in George Foreman has a great personality.

He was very easygoing, very likable, talking about how he needed to get more healthy. It was funny because it was already part of his persona in the fact that he had to get healthy, a lot more healthier than he was.

He had gained a whole bunch of weight in between, in and out of boxing and then coming back into it. So as he got back into boxing and he had to get back into shape and do all these things.

He had already presented this to the public. He had done McDonald’s commercials and other things where it showed him getting into shape.

And so that was already part of his persona. And then he just pushed that onto this.

He says, Hey, I’m no longer no longer a professional boxer. I’m going into my 50’s here.

I’m at that age where I need to watch this stuff. And so he made that all about the grill.

This grill was about grilling anything, any type of made and where you can drain the fat out immediately. And so it became a health product.

It was the exact same grill. They put his name on it, they had his persona there.

There was a whole bunch of other things that he brought to the table that was very new, but it created urgency because it’s like, Hey, you’re not getting anything or you’re not getting any healthier if you’re wanting to do this.

Let’s do it. Get this, get this grill.

It’s inexpensive, call for it and you can, you can be on the same track I man. And so that it changed the whole persona, exact same product, different story behind it, different process, a slight amount of urgency being placed on it.

Especially within the terms of if you understand how an infomercial works. It’s like if you call right now, you’ll get this, this, this, and this.

That’s how the infomercial works.

It works off of a little bit of urgency to get people to act.

So that’s the concept. That’s a very subtle concept of urgency.

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about same story, same product, same book by now, which is definitely a good one.

Going go out and check out this book. This is one of my favorites, I love going back because he goes through very specific stories to teach principles and the principles never go away.

They’re very straight-forward principles, for marketing, sales, and just communicating.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about, like I said, celebrity and how it affects your marketing on all levels and using the George Foreman grill as an example.

So have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.