One Is The Deadliest Number

One Is The Deadliest Number
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If you get all your business from one media source, one is the deadliest number.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. I’m with and this is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of one being the deadliest number out there. I think that actual quote comes from Dan Kennedy. Don’t quote me on that, but I think it does. Dan Kennedy a marketing genius and the concept is simple.

If you are dependent on any one media source for advertising for a publication, then you’re in big trouble.

It’s only a matter of time before that comes to haunt you. Okay. When we’re talking business, that’s what we’re talking about. I’m going to get into all that.

I’ve got some quick housekeeping to go through. On yesterday’s episode we discussed Frank Hyman and his book Hentopia. This is an awesome book. If you want to find out more, go back to that episode or go to

I’ve got an interview that just popped up today with Frank Hyman. He talks all about his book Hentopia and even if you aren’t interested in chickens, okay. If you’re interested in building a business and learning how you can use the writing of books, the speaking at events and so on, so on and so on, to be able to help you build your business. This is a great episode to listen to. These books are fabulous.

This is put out by Storey Publishing. Look at the quality, I don’t know if you could see that well from here, but it’s really high end stuff.

This is not just some self-published thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with self-publishing, but a story publishing does a great job. This whole book is about how to build habitat from top to bottom, including feeders and everything else for chickens. Even if you’re on…especially if you’re on a budget.

So Hentopia, check that out. Frank Hyman, I told you I was going to show you the book. I’ve showed it to you.

Also, if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products, services, a storyline that encourages people to become more self reliant. You’re somebody I’d like to talk to. Go to Go and check out the video there. It’s self-explanatory. It’ll give you an idea of what I’m offering and it’s free. It’s completely free. go check it out.

Third thing I want to talk about before we talk about this handsome gentleman, we are talking about David and Beth Pruitt who are with A fabulous emergency prep website.

We’re going to be talking more about them later. I spoke with them this morning. Got to hang out with them on their, Mountain View Ranch out in Sam’s Valley. Fabulous time. Salt of the earth people, like my friend Richard used to say, and I look very much forward for you to hear our conversations that we’re having together.

I wasn’t even going to be talking with them about the Mother Earth News Fair, but it came up and they got to tell me what they thought about the Mother Earth News Fair and their experiences with it and why they think it’s so cool.

So, we’ll be talking to them later. That podcast will be coming out after this mini series that we’re putting out right now on the mother Earth News Fair.

Now, the first episode that we have out, I’m getting back to the subject, getting back to the subject. First episode that we’d put out was yesterday. The mini series on the Mother Earth News Fair.

Once again, go to to hear The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. You’re going to want to go to episode eight with this gentleman. His name is Andrew Perkins. Andrew Perkins is the events and business development director, I believe for Ogden Publications.

Ogden Publications are the folks that put out Mother Earth News and they put on the Mother Earth News Fair.

Why do they put on the Mother Earth News Fair? Mother Earth News has been around since the late sixties or seventies, I don’t have the date right in front of me.

They’ve been around for awhile.

They used to have, a whole set up that people can come and see. It was static. It was in one spot and is this horrible? I’m forgetting the name (The Eco-Village). Y

ou’re going to have to go listen to the podcast to find out the name, the name of their setup that you can go and see a physical representation of what their magazine was about. Well, that had gone away years ago. When Ogden took over the publication.

They said, hey, what if we could have something similar? And they said, “why don’t we do an event?” And we could have an event, people can all come and see it. We can have people put on….it’s basically an expo for a homesteading and everything that goes along with Mother Earth News that we’ve talked about on previous episodes.

I got a great interview here with Andrew Perkins, go and listen to it.

One thing he pointed out that I think is so important is how they were able to survive as a magazine.

I mean how many magazines are left anymore? Right? Print is really having a tough time, but look at how they’ve been able to survive. They’ve created a physical environment for people to interact in.

They’ve created community by doing that. I think it’s a point, we don’t even make that much on that episode, but they’ve built up a community. And I found this out and there goes Andrew….my screens gone.

But they up this community and in talking to all the people that are going to be presenting and speaking there, there’s this really tight knit community, really cool people and because of that they’ve been able to survive in an area that most people would say, “well, print dead, it’s done for now.” It’s not done for, it’s just got competition now from online content and so forth.

So it’s not on its own anymore because of the competition. People have to be more creative.

You have-to-have more than one media set.

You can’t just be coming from one spot. You’ll last for awhile, you won’t last forever. This is included in advertising. If you’re advertising and you get most of your people from one area, that’s fine, but you have to diversify. You have to have media diversity.

Media diversification is what is the name of the game.

You got to get out of your comfort zone and grow how many places you are reaching your crowd, your market, whether it be current customers, whether it’s potential customers or whether it’s past customers. You need to be meeting them in every chance that you can. Every format of media possible is the way you got to think about these things.

Otherwise you get bogged down with one thing. All of a sudden that media is gone or that media gets competition that wasn’t there before and your whole business is over. You don’t want that. I don’t want that. So diversify your media goal. Listen to that podcast.

Tomorrow we are going to be talking about expertise in an interview that I had with Deborah Niemann, who is the Thrifty Homesteader. She’s got a secret to how to become a very well known expert and she did it all. It all happened over many years and, but it happened magically and it’s something that you can copy.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow. We’ll see you back here. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Quality vs. Quantity – Content Marketing

Quality vs. Quantity: Content Marketing
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Quality versus quantity in regards to content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo with and we’re continuing our series of talks on content marketing.

Whether you’re doing daily videos, live videos via social media, on Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube. Whether you are doing podcasting, any type of audio marketing, any type of a recorded content that you’re sending out there of any sort. Or blogs, any type of pay per click content.

What is better, what should you be paying more attention to, quality or quantity?

Should you be super concerned with how valuable is or should you be focused on how much of it you put out there? It’s a little bit of a trick question, isn’t it?

You need both. You need quality and quantity.

The reason why I bring this up is because Frank Kern, a marketing and advertising specialist, was out there and he had mentioned this just recently and I wanted to kind of give my take on it and it ties in beautifully with the other pieces of content marketing that we’ve been talking about.

A few videos ago, we were talking about a binge-watching and that ties into this. Also the fact that if you have a lot of quantity out there, you give the opportunity for people that just may have just ran across you.

They find you a little bit interesting. You give them more to be able to access. More to be able to learn more about you, to get to know, like, and trust you.

That’s where the quantity is very valuable, but you have to have valuable content to begin with. So the arguments really about quality and you don’t need anything all that fancy.

I’m here in an office that I already use, I don’t rent it out just for this. We’ve got this office we already use. I run a few businesses out of here and it’s a big room.

I don’t know if you can tell from the sound. The sound is very echoey in here. If I had my way, I’d be in a smaller office. It would have better sound. I’m not using the direct sound. I’m using my iPhone eight.

I’m not using the direct sound off of it. I’ve got a little lapel mic here that I’ve got linked up and going in through via a adapter. This is a lapel mic that’s made for a cell phone video. It goes through an adapter into the iPhone eight. If you know anything about those things, you’ve got to have an adapter. It if you’re dealing with anything regular. So I’ve got that.

I’ve got a little tripod and I had to go out and get a little adapter to be able to hold my phone because I’ve got a case on my phone and the normal adapter doesn’t work, but I got that.

I got it. It holds my phone, didn’t cost that much, this isn’t a big, expensive, outrageous thing. I ended a couple of lights, that I got extremely inexpensively Chinese made lights off of And that’s it.

And I kind of unfold these things every day. If we’re going to have a talk together from inside the office. Sometimes I do it from outside the office. Sometimes you’ll see some of my older videos did from my car. Sometimes I’ll do it from the park if I’m out with the family and that’s it.

It doesn’t have to be fancy.

The aesthetics doesn’t have to be high quality. It doesn’t have to be high end. It doesn’t have to be magical. It’s good to have things at a good angle so that you’re not horrific. I’ve had to talk with some friends who get kind of a horrific angle, probably too close or too far away or it looks funny and not good enough lighting.

You got to have relatively decent lighting. You gotta be careful with that. You don’t want it too bright and you don’t want it too dark. You don’t want to be off-putting, but at the same sense, it doesn’t have to be magical.

It’s just simple, good enough is good enough when it comes to quality. Where quality matters is the value that you’re providing. Hopefully I’m providing a value to you and you’ve already found use out of what we’ve talked about. And hopefully in the future you’ll be able to find use out of what I’m talking about and you can go back and watch all the other videos and get something out of that.

I cover kind of a wide range, try and stick to my three main pillars of what I like to talk about. Everything has to be system based, relationship reliant and reality grounded.

So those are the three main areas that I focus in and we cover all forms of business and whatever you’re talking about, if you’re trying to reach your ideal customer, you got to find out, okay, what am I going to stick to, what are the topics I’m going to stick to?

And you just, you’ll notice if you watch me enough, I repeat myself a lot. I go back to the same principles a lot. I cover a wide territory, but it’s all under those three main areas. I recommend doing the same thing for you if you’re putting content out there and always, always, always have a call to action.

Here’s my call to action. It’s called Perhaps you’ve heard of it. If this is your first time you’ve seen my videos, you haven’t.

So let me tell you what it is. is a place where I send people who are business owners and executives of self-reliance based companies.

So meaning that you work in or for a company that offers products and services that help people to become more self reliant. Maybe it teaches them a new skill. Maybe it provides products to help them out with a new skill, ways that they can make more money, ways that they can provide more for themselves and for others.

That’s just some of the ideas that might apply to you. And if that’s the case, go to Watch the video. It’s a quick little video. It gives you an idea of what I have available in terms of a free chat with me regarding the creation of a dream business for you.

So that’s all it is.

It’s a call to action, have a simple call to action that you can direct people to. Give a little bit of information, provide a little bit of goodwill as they say. And that’s all that’s really necessary for content marketing.

I like to make it short. It’s available on more places if it’s shorter. If it’s under 10 minutes, it allows me to get on to Instagram and Linkedin easily.

At least nowadays that’s where some of the limitations are at. I like doing it live via Facebook because that allows me to reach a few more people and I’m also on Youtube and through many podcasts and probably a couple other places by the time you’re watching this.

So you can always find more of this at Tomorrow we’re going to be talking still about content marketing, but another angle on it. So come back tomorrow and we’ll see you then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.