From Gratitude to Goal Setting

From Gratitude to Goal Setting

Gratitude to goal setting.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Filmed every day live.

Today we’re coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon here at the headquarters for and we’re going to be talking about gratitude and goal setting.

Really, in terms of the holiday season, it occurred to me today as I was sitting back and looking at what has occurred over the last couple of years for me. I’m very grateful, for lack of a better word blessings that have happened in my life.

You know, really great things. Stuff you couldn’t even plan for honestly.

A lot of stuff that came with hard work and a lot of the things that I can see in the near future and the present that are all happening because partially from hard work and paying attention and doing what doing what you need to do and at the same time just magical serendipities that just happened along the way.

Stuff you can’t possibly plan for and I was thinking about the holidays and it hit me that we start the holiday season every year, just around Halloween time and Halloween’s fun and it really doesn’t have a deep meeting to it, at least from my perspective.

But then you’ve got Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving is a very specific time of gratitude.

It’s all about being grateful for what you have and what you’ve gone through and the blessings that have happened in your life. I can see that and there’s a lot of people talk a lot about gratitude nowadays or being grateful and some people say there’s different definitions of that.

I’m not gonna go into the depth of those definitions, I think, you know what I mean. It’s all about really giving thanks, for where you’re at and just acknowledging that you’re still alive, you’re still breathing.

If you don’t have great health, you probably have decent health. If you don’t have decent health, you’re still alive. You’re still hanging in there.

So no matter what, you always have something to be grateful for.

Let alone if you’ve had great successes or anything else with your life, but then that always seems to contradict.

I think a lot of us think that that contradicts the concept of goal setting and of, you know, growing into the future and the whole push that they’re even starting right now for new years in terms of setting your resolutions.

The goal setting, the big goal for the new year and all that, all that stuff.

It’s funny to me because I think that both are necessary to an extent. I’m not a big new year’s resolution person and I’m not a big, you know, I’m going to put out a huge post on how all the things I’m thankful for for during Thanksgiving.

I think both those concepts need to be happening all year round.

I know that’s cliche, I know, but I honestly think that those two things specifically need to be happening in conjunction with each other. You can’t just be sitting back and say all how great my life is, how wonderful my life is. All this is just wonderful.

Every day I wake up in the morning, I just look out outside and just just smile and just amazement of how wonderful everything is because if you’re like that, you’ll never go anywhere and you’ll never grow and you’ll never be probably what you’re supposed to be.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t be just full on goal setting all the time.

You shouldn’t be just future, future, future based and just in you’re stuck in your head.

In terms of a selfish goal, that probably isn’t the right way of doing it either, but at the same time though, there’s a balance there.

I think to be able to move forward and to be able to enjoy what you like to have or where you see yourself going in the future. In order to enjoy those rewards, you have to enjoy the rewards you have by being in the present moment right now.

You got to see where you’re at, appreciate where you’re at, and then sit down and go, okay, where are we going next and what am I doing right now?

What am I doing today so that I could eventually end up at this point in the future is specific point that I’m looking to go to.

It’s nothing wrong with that.

You just don’t want to get too caught up in the past or the future.

You want to be right here right now, acknowledge where you’ve been, be happy about it, and then look for the future. And that’s the holiday season obviously.

Then you’ve got Christmas and all the other holidays that you may celebrate in the middle that all have a deeper meaning, but I just appreciate how at the very beginning you got Thanksgiving and at the end of the, of the main holiday season, you’ve got new year’s and it’s all about gratitude and goal setting.

So hopefully that that gives you a little bit of food for thought.

I do these videos because I own a website called named after surprisingly enough, I’m Brian J. Pombo, they J is for Jeffrey.

If you’re wondering, I’ve never said that here, I don’t think.

Also wanting to mention something I mentioned almost every time is is a special project from this year that has to do with business owners and executives who are in the self-reliance field.

So if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, I’d love to get your thoughts on a video free video I have over at

It’s only eight and a half minutes long.

Go take a look at it. If you think it applies to you, uh, fill out the little application underneath and see if you could get a free chance to talk to me directly and help your business go to a specific area that you’re looking to take it to in the future and maybe be able to achieve that new year’s resolution that you’re hoping to get for you and your business.

So this link is in the description and we’re going to see you tomorrow because we see you every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live every day, regardless of where you’re watching this.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, just everywhere. Wherever you’re watching, wherever you’re listening, if you’re listening to us on the podcast, welcome.

You can always find out more every single day from Brian J. Pombo Livee. Have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Why You Need to Stand Out

Why You Need to Stand Out

Why you need to stand out.

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, filmed every day here live in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today I’m here to talk about this guy Godzilla.

I want you to imagine if you will, you turn on the news wherever you catch any glimpse of news.

Let’s say it’s on YouTube or on your TV or in your morning newspaper or wherever you catch to the newest Drudge Report. I don’t care. Wherever you get your news and you see a great big picture of Godzilla walking down the most major metropolitan area near you, would that be newsworthy?

Would anyone be talking about anything else?

If Godzilla were real and he’s walking around, this is one of my favorite little toys.

I think this is from the 85 movie and I’ve had it pretty close to that long. If this Godzilla was walking around. Would anybody be talking about anything else?

Is there any way to possibly ignore that?

If it were real, there isn’t. It’s impossible. Everyone would be talking about it. No one would not be talking about it.

It’s guaranteed that that makes the rounds within 24 hours.

So it’s kind of like 9 11 you know, buildings crumbling to the ground. No one goes without knowing about that around the world when things like that occur, there’s no way you can stop something from that like that from getting out there, from standing out, from convening, from cutting through everything else, everything else that’s going on in a person’s life.

That one thing, Godzilla. Walking down a large street or anywhere really Godzilla shows up anywhere that’s going to be big news, right?

Now, picture if you will, him carrying a sign or having a T-shirt on that had your phone number, your website, no explanation. Just some contact information. Doesn’t say anything else.

How many phone calls do you think you’re going to get?

How do you think your website actually stays up for very long without completely crashing. Is this is an exam, you’re saying?

Well, yeah. But what’s the point?

Godzilla’s not real.

That’s not going to happen, but outrageous things happen. They happen on occasion.

If they happened all the time, they wouldn’t be outrageous. They wouldn’t stand out.

If monsters were walking around on a regular basis, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. You know, school shootings hardly phase us anymore.

If it happens, it’s not that big a deal. It happening 20 years ago, became mainstream news and was something that a lot of people were talking about.

Nowadays, it isn’t because it’s no longer standing out. It’s all about doing something, having something being something that stands out that cuts through the clutter of everyday life and everyday life is more cluttered now than ever before.

Nearly impossible cut through.

There are only a few thingsā€¦..there’s very little things. There’s very little things in life that I have any expertise in that I would actually call expertise or say that I know well enough that I could help somebody with that it’s worth it.

I can’t help a person fix a car.

I can’t help a person, you know, pick their fantasy football teams.

I can’t help a person do just about anything. I’m not the person you want to call. I’m not the person to talk to.

But when it comes to standing out, that’s something I understand.

I have a third eye’s vision of how to do that. I’ve seen it happen enough times. I’ve helped enough people to do it. I’ve seen it not happen often enough that I know what not to do to not stand out.

Standing out has a formula to it.

It has a process to it and here’s what I’m going to suggest you do tomorrow. I want you to sit down or start. You could start today and I want you to pay attention to everyone vying for your attention and I want you to see how many of them actually get it long enough to be memorable.

All the, all the emails that you’re getting in a day, all of the videos that you may be seeing online or or on television in a day, all the commercials, anything that’s vying for your attention that’s wanting you to do something specific.

How many of them actually get enough of your attention to get you to move on anything?

I think you’ll be surprised with how many of them actually do. It’s very low, but most of us aren’t even aware of it.

We don’t even think about it.

But that comes back to you and your business.

If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, you need to be able to cut through the clutter.

You need to stand out at least to your group. To the niche of people, the consumers that are specifically after what you’re providing.

You have to stand out and it doesn’t matter whether it’s business to business or business to consumer. It doesn’t matter because they’re still people and they’re still inundated with information everywhere they go, no matter who they are, they could be completely off the internet and there’s still people trying to get information to them.

So you think just how extreme can we get?

Amish, let’s say they’re Amish.

They see no television. They see no internet. If they’re really deep into the Amish lifestyle and they’re out on a farm, what’s looking to get their attention?

I guarantee there’s still people trying to get their attention.

Not as many as most of us, but there’s still people vying to get their attention.

Who actually breaks through?

Who are the people that break through?

What are the news items you actually pay attention to that you could repeat at the end of the day, well, this happened and that happened and how many of those do you think you’ll still be talking about in a week?

This is the importance of standing out.

I want you to look very closely as to what stands out for you and what you think will stand out for your audience, for your customer, your potential customer, your potential client, and then there’s a science behind it.

And we’re going to talk more and more about this as we go along because it tends to be the number one subject that people ask me about or want me to bring back up again and discuss and what people are looking to do the most in their business.

The people who I help out the most are the people really looking to stand out in a particular area for a particular thing.

So hopefully you found this interesting.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can specifically stand out, go to

My name is in the description, but there’s also another link in the description. That’s for is specifically if you’re a business owner or an executive, you’re a decision maker at your company and your company provides self-reliance based materials for people, whether that be information, whether it be a physical product, whether it be services.

If you help people to become more self-reliant, you’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to and you can apply to see if you can have a chance to be able to talk with me for free.

That’s there’s a video there and that link is in the description wherever you’re watching or listening to this.

Hopefully you found this helpful. We’ll be back here tomorrow and we do this every single day.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. Some me or one of my assistants will find that and bring them to me and I’ll see what I can do about answering them right here on the air.

Have a great day or a great night, wherever you’re at and get out there and let the magic happen.

Perfection and Priorities

Perfection and Priorities

Perfection and Priorities.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every day here from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to be talking about the process of business growth and how one of the main things that gets in the way is perfection, perfection, perfection. They’re always trying to perfect, every little piece of what we’re working on, what we’re doing.

As I was going ahead, moving on with a new project, with podcast producer Sean Douglas, and today we’re noticing that I’ve always had a tendency, in certain ways, to get caught up with one little item that doesn’t really have anything to do with the big picture of where we’re going and we’re trying to perfect this one little area of this big thing that we’re trying to do.

This happens. It really became clear to both of us today as we were talking about it.

It happens when you don’t have a clear idea of your priorities.

If you don’t know what the priority is, it’s very easy to get caught up in the perfection trap.

Here’s an example.

I talked to a lot of business owners and a select few end up becoming clients.

And one the first things I do with a client is sit down and really graph out what their priorities are.

Where are they looking at where they see themselves in the next six months, year, five years, 10 years and so forth.

In many cases, they get irritated with that. They don’t like to think about that type of thing because they like to keep things loose.

Most entrepreneurs are very easy going, they’re intense, but they have an easy going nature about their business and they just want to have the freedom to just kind of let it go wherever, wherever it will go.

It’s always good to be flexible. But at the same time, if you do not have a concept of where you’re going, it’s tough to set priorities.

Without priorities you’ll get caught up in little things.

You either won’t pay enough attention to the right things or you pay too much attention or at the same time pay too much attention to the wrong things in the process of moving forward. Because it’s real easy to get to change the focus of where you’re going.

It’s too easy to get caught up with the bright shiny object.

Perfection is one of these things. It’s going too deep into one area that in the end doesn’t matter to your priority of the current time.

And if you don’t have someone there who remembers what the priority is and who could remind you what the priority is at that time, then you’ll get caught up with trying to, you know, shine the hubcaps on your car when you really do need to get the engine running.

This is just a thing that I’ve ran into over and over and over again. And I’m not a perfectionist.

I’m just not that type of person. I’m into quality. I’m into doing things right. I don’t want to have to come back and do it over, over and over again.

I’d rather get it done right the first time, but I’m not much of a perfectionist and at the same time I still get caught up in trying to get this one area just right when really the priority is this area over here. Keep your eyes on what you’re working on perfecting. And if you get caught up in the wrong area, it’s because you’re not paying attention to your priorities.

Hopefully this is helpful to you. If you’d like to talk about your priorities with your business and see if your perfection might be in the wrong spots.

Go to especially if you were in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

I’d love to talk with you.

I offer a free dream business transformation, which basically means that in the end of a half hour to an hour on the phone or over a video chat with me. We’ll come to a conclusion of at least one thing that you can change in the next month that could get you one step closer to having your dream business scenario.

Just the perfect business.

What would be the ideal business for you?

That’s a thought for another night. We’ll go a little bit deeper into that, but hopefully you have a great night and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Selling Info + Your Business

Selling Info + Your Business

Selling info + your business.

I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This right here is a picture of Michael Senoff. Michael Senoff is a dear friend of mine and he doesn’t even know who I am and here’s why. He’s had a website called, Hard To Find Seminars for probably close to 20 years now.

This website’s been out there. It has a whole lot of free information out there that can teach you about business sales, marketing.

He’s gone out and interviewed some of the smartest people out there at the same time. He’s learned a whole lot, has put into play a whole lot and has become an expert unto himself and he imparts his wisdom out into the world.

Whole bunch of this stuff is free. It’s not in a normal blog format or anything of that sort, but what it is is he has pieces of it put out there.

Some of them are full interviews, some of them are just part of interviews.

And he says, hey, if you’d like to hear the rest, go and purchase this product that has this many hours worth of my interviews, or an old seminar from this person or that person.

That’s where his whole website came from. It’s just these interviews and most of them, their the most simplest interviews in the world. They may have a commercial spliced in there or two for his website, but other than that, it’s just plain and simple interview over the phone.

He had this little digital recorder that could plug into a phone. It’s not the greatest quality sound in the world, but you can hear what’s being said. Plus, he has transcripts of all of his conversations that he’s had.

These are amazing conversations that he’s had with some amazing people throughout the years.

I mean, hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of recordings available on that website, both free and to pay for. I’ve bought many of his, I continue to buy many of his products that he has out there, their digital products. They’re just sitting there.

He has created this thing that kind of runs on its own where he has all these things available and things you’re talking 600 thousands of dollars worth of individual products that you can purchase on a whole range of different issues.

Most of them are business related.

So I think I saw some health related stuff on there.

Why is it called hard to find seminars?

Well, it’s because when he first started out, he was selling old seminars, you know, things on tape and CD that, people had bought and then they were reselling.

He was reselling all this stuff on eBay.

And so his original website was hard to find seminars.

As time went on, he started creating his own products. They’re not all seminars.

They aren’t all hard to find, but they are this huge trove of information.

Why am I talking about Michael Senoff?

What’s it have to do with you?

Well for one thing, this is my love letter. Thank you Michael, for all the work that you’ve done through the years and creating this fabulous business for yourself.

Those of you who are watching this, I want you to keep in mind what this could be for you. Any business can have information tacked onto it. You can always have some form of information that you’re selling on the side, regardless of what the business.

If you’ve been in your business for any amount of time and have any amount of knowledge about it, you are an expert in comparison to most people on whatever the topic is that you deal with on a regular basis.

Having that ability, you have the ability to then put your concepts, put your ideas, put your answers to frequently asked questions onto paper, on audio recording, on the video recording.

And like we said, it’s all about content marketing, but you don’t only need to use content for marketing. You could use content and sell it unto itself for people that are out there looking for that type of content.

You could train people on how to build a business similar to what you’ve built.

Most of the people watching this or a lot of the people that I’ve met that I’m reaching out to, business owners, executives, people that run the company.

If you’ve got that background, you definitely have the ability to create information and it’s a great side business.

Look into Michael’s stuff and see how simple and straight forward his process is, but at the same time has such quality information, quality entertainment and just overall insights into the world.

It’s great stuff. It’s very inspiring.

Anybody can go out there and do what he’s done. Not only that, a lot of his stuff focuses in on the simplicity of how simple it is to go out and make a business on your own.

He has courses on how to use Craigslist and how to use all these different things, that ink that everyone has available to them.

If you’re ever feel like you’re in a rut and you’re not really making it ahead, if you’re still trying to break out in business, look into Michael Senoff’s work.

It’s really good stuff.

So hopefully you found this helpful look into providing information for others. We’ll talk about more about this in the future and how this can benefit you and your business.

Anytime you can tack on side pieces of business onto your business, it makes your core business stronger and it makes everything more secure and gives you the, at that allure, that overall aura to your customers of being something bigger than just your average blank.

However, most people would refer to your industry, to your business if you’re just an average blank.

If you’re just another cookie cutter watch, I’m gonna call it out there.

If what you’re providing is a product is just the typical thing that you can find on or on anyone of your competitors sites. You’re not standing out enough.

You’re not being different enough.

You need to provide more information.

Hopefully you found this helpful. If you have and you’re in the self-reliance field, go to meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

You’re someone I’d love to talk with, and we could have a free conversation over on link is in the description.

You can click on that anytime.

Like I said, hope you found this helpful. Come on back tomorrow. We’re back here every day on Brian J. Pombo Live. Have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Dedication Determines Destiny

Dedication Determines Destiny

Dedication determines destiny.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live, we come here every day from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to get a little philosophical on you and I wanted to bring up a quote that I overheard, an audio I was listening to and it was a by a gentleman named Stan Billue. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this guy before.

Stan Billue, he was a sales trainer.

He died back in 2015. Was a sales trainer through the 70s, 80s, 90s, I believe was his prime time. And I heard about Stan from a couple of different sources. But I got his an audio series that he had put together, it was originally a video series, I believe.

I was listening to the audio series from his sales training and this was from if you haven’t been there, go and check it out.

I’m going to talk about Michael Senoff who came up with

He’s a really interesting guy, has a really great business model and something that you could definitely take something from when we’re talking about content marketing and information marketing.

So we’ll talk about that another time. But I want to get back to Stan Billue’s point about determination and destiny.

He brought this up saying that if you’re determined, your creating in a sense your own destiny. And I think that’s true to an extent, but I think I kind of think of it a little bit in reverse.

There was another quote, and I wish I had the author’s name. I know which book it came out of , but I don’t have the book in my hands right now.

So there was a book I read and I believe he was quoting someone else. And in it he said that, desire reveals destiny.

I tend to agree with that and I think determination is a sign of desire.

When you see someone that’s determined, when someone’s really showing the results of determination, if it’s showing up in what they’re doing, if they’re truly determined all the way, then that’s a sign of true desire.

And I think desire reveals destiny as opposed to the other way around. I don’t think that you can create your own destiny, but I do think that you can reveal your own destiny through your actions.

I’ve seen this over and over again, both in my personal life and in others.

Oftentimes when I’m working with somebody new, when I’m working on training somebody new, I look for certain qualities and one of the qualities I look for is a very strong desire to create something bigger and to create something better for themselves.

I see that occur in their determination and the level of determination really shows you the level of desire. And the more determined a person is, the more they’ve got that burn. They’ve got that desire, they’ve got a drive to actually do something more.

When I see that, I see a person that’s destined to build something big, to make something big, to become something big or what have you. They’re going places. There’s something happening, but it’s something behind them thatā€¦.I don’t want to get deep into any concepts of predestination or anything like that, but I do believe in a sense of destiny.

And I think that there is no way that you know whether people have it or not, but there are signs of whether they’re destined to go in a specific direction or not at a specific time.

If I bring on a new client and that client doesn’t stick with it and they don’t stage determined to our pre-organized goals and our plan, our action plan, I know they’re not determined.

I know they’re not really moving forward.

That’s a person that’s destined in a different direction.

They’re not necessarily destined in the direction that we had set up for them, or at least not at this particular time. And I’ve learned just to say, Hey, no big deal. We pull back and we walk away from those situations and I suggest doing the same thing.

Instead of trying to control the situations that are going through people’s heads and whether they’re determined or not. You’re not going to be able to make a person determined.

They either are ready to be determined or they’re not, and that maybe they’re not today, but they will be tomorrow.

Or maybe they were yesterday and they’re not today. But you’ve got to see that it’s that there’s something in play behind everything and you could call it psychology, you could call it a spiritual destiny. You can call it anything you want, but there’s something behind the scenes going on in people’s minds and people’s souls, what have you, that determine whether they’re going to move forward with something or not.

Whether they’re going to stick it out and really have the grit necessary to be able to move forward.

Recognize that in people and see what you can do to be able to work with the people that are willing to work, that have the determination to work with you. Let the others go and whether that’s customers or whether it’s partners or whether it’s clients, you’ve got to be able to see that in other people as best as you can and not take it personal if everyone’s got their own deal going on.

I know this is kind of all over the place today.

Hopefully it made sense to you.

If it does, go to check out some of my other videos and or audio. You can listen to these.

Also, if you happen to be listening to it via podcast, you could also listen to him there and that it’s over in the media section of if you’d like to be able to talk with me about how this, these concepts apply to your business.

Go to and click on, I Want To Grow My Business.

And also if you are in the self-reliance field, go to there’s a dream business transformation specifically available to people in the self-reliance field.

Meaning, if you’re a decision maker at your company and you make products and services that help people to become more self reliant, I’d love to talk with you. go and check out the video there, see if it applies to you, see if you qualify and fill out the application itself.

So hopefully that was helpful tonight. Tomorrow we’ll talk about something else.

Maybe I’ll, maybe I’ll touch on Michael Senoff tomorrow or maybe we’ll leave it for another time, but we’re back here every day.

Come on back to the same location and we’ll chat again. Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

4 Ways To Appeal To Your Customers

4 Ways To Appeal To Your Customers

4 ways to appeal to your customer base.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I just had a quick thought for you tonight. I want to get it out quick because we’re almost at the end of the night and we’re almost into tomorrow. I got to make sure I hit that window.

This is from the book Tested Advertising Methods.

This is from chapter six, by John Caples, a famous advertiser, and he said, there’s basically four main things that people are appealed to have in some way or form.

And you could look at the bad side of these and you could look at the good side of these.

They each have their good’s and bad’s of it, depending on your perspective.

The first one is sex appeal or sex, and it’s not just, or even primarily the physical act, but also love, affection, friendship, all of those things is something that appeals to people as humans.

These things that appeal to people on a deeper level.

It’s something that kind of appeals to all people in some way, shape, or form. Things you’ve got to take into account when you’re doing any form of advertising, marketing or talking to your customer or prospective customers.

Here’s the second one.

Greed, all things physical and emotional that money can buy.

So that’s greed.

Number three, Fear.

Fear of losing what you have of not gaining what you hope to achieve or both.

Then there’s four Duty, Honor, Professionalism.

Not what’s in it for me, but what’s what is best for those I serve.

The right medicine, the longest lasting sewer pipes, the most effective fire engine.

Those are the four things that John Caples talks about.

Sex appeal, Greed, Fear, Duty, Honor and Professionalism.

He says this comes directly from another person that he discusses in his talks of a person named Han. The person who originally came out with the three appeals and then he added the duty, honor and professionalism to it.

So it’s just a side thought, something we go a whole lot more deeper on.

What makes it right or wrong to appeal to people and to appeal these instincts that they may not even be aware that they have, but how do your products do that?

How do your services do that?

It’s something to keep in mind.

Also, another thing to keep in mind, if you’re in the self-reliance space, you’re a business owner or executive, go to go check out the video there.

That’s all I have for tonight. Get out there, let the magic happen.

Are You Dolemite?

Are you Dolemite?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live everyday from Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re going to discuss the Netflix movie, Dolemite Is My Name. Now if you haven’t seen this movie, I’d go and watch it. I’m not gonna ruin anything so we can talk a little bit about it right now without me giving anything away.

But I’m going to hopefully entice you to go and watch it.

Now this is not for everybody.

If you are sensitive to language, bad language, vulgar language and language with heavy, not just innuendo but downright sexual language and everything else, then this isn’t the right movie for you.

But if you could look past that and look at the meaning, the psychology behind the movie, the psychology of how this character stands out, then I think you’ll really appreciate what I’m about to say.

So this is a movie, it’s got Eddie Murphy in the lead role.

It’s got a whole bunch of other great comedians that are throughout the movie. It takes place in the 1970s.

It is an actual story of a person’s real life, which I wasn’t aware of when I first started the movie.

This is a retelling of the person’s life from a certain point in time.

So this guy was kind of washed up at a point and was always looking to break into the entertainment industry, either as a singer or a comedian or something. And so he was trying to break into standup comedy, which was at that point was just resurging and really coming into its own in the mid seventies.

He was always having a tough time creating the right character that would ignite the audience.

He just could not communicate properly with the audience has himself. What he finds is he takes a character that is talked about in limericks by a few homeless people.

Actually this character called Dolomite that they use over and over again in these overwhelming these dirty limericks. He starts recording them and these little sayings that they have and everything else and he develops a character out of thin air, almost a public domain character if you can.

He adapts it as himself and he dresses kind of in that 1970s pimp look and gets up on stage as this character and starts talking in rhyme before rap music has even come out.

He is considered that, which I wasn’t even aware of this guy who came up with this Dolomite character is considered to be one of the fathers or grandfathers of rap, modern day rap music.

It all started from him taking someone else’s idea that book steal like an artist, which I’ve discussed before. It’s worth looking into because you could see people do this all throughout time.

He took someone else’s idea, made it his own and through that could do something he couldn’t do just on his own. He needed that inspiration in order to propel him forward.

If you think about it, I was just watching a documentary about Walt Disney and Walt Disney did the same thing.

If you look at all his books, famous characters, all his most famous movies, they were something written by somebody else. His artists put their own spin on it. The writers put their own spin on it and re put it out there in a way that neither side could have done on their own.

None of us think of Snow White in the other than the way that Walt Disney presented it to us.

It became bigger than it was just as a Grimms fairy tale and he did this over and over and over and over again.

It’s taking a whole bunch of different talents, a whole bunch of different ideas and concepts and melding them together to create something new.

You can do this if you’re looking to stand out in your business.

You’re saying, Brian, what’s this have to do with business?

I’m telling you, in any form of marketing that you’re doing, in any form of communicating with your customers or potential customers or previous customers, if you’re communicating with them, you’ve got to get creative and to be creative.

You’ve got to pull from all different sources and there’s lessons throughout that movie and the movie’s name is Dolomite Is My Name, is the name of the movie.

Go and check it out on Netflix. If you have a Netflix subscription, if not, find a friend that does and go and check it out on there.

So it’s a made for TV movie, but it’s a, it’s a great movie unto itself because it shows somebody with a can do attitude that just no matter what finds a way to break out into the next realm and the next realm and the next realm.

And he did this his entire life.

Dolomite Is My Name, with Eddie Murphy.

Fabulous acting fabulous acting from Wesley Snipes and all the other people in that movie.

It’s a very well done movie.

Like I said, not for kids, but check it out. But find a way to be like Dolomite. Find a way to stand out because this guy did something that you haven’t seen another comedian do even since that time.

He took that character and took it into movies and did all these other things that you may not even be aware of, but he influenced so many other people and had so much success onto itself on a cult status.

You can do the same thing in your business.

You can create a character. If you’re not a character, you can put creativity out into the world.

Even if you’re selling glass windows, I don’t know, I’m just making this up is that something is as plain and simple and dull as you can imagine. You can wrap something around it that will attract people.

So if you’d like to be able to talk about this, maybe go back and forth about how you could do this with your business. I’m gonna suggest go to Set up a call with me, it will cost if you haven’t done this before, there is a fee for it at $600 and above, but go and check it out.

I’m going to be having some books and other things available on my website of lower costs that you could also check out.

Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, go to I bring this up every once in awhile.

Sometimes I forget to show you the cue card. go and check it out.

That is for people in the self-reliance field. So if you sell services or products that help people to become more self-reliant in any way or fashion, then you just might qualify for a free dream business transformation over the phone.

That’s free dream business transformation.

Go to it’s because of my interest in the self-reliance field that I’m doing that and I don’t know how long I’ll be doing that for. Link is in the description regardless of where you’re watching or listening to this.

So have a great day.

We’re going to see you back tomorrow cause we’re back here every day. Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Trump Impeachment & Your Business

Trump Impeachment & Your Business

Trump Impeachment & Your Business.

Can it help it?

Can it hurt it?

We’re going to talk about that today.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live, which we go live every single day today from Grants Pass Oregon and these recordings are spread out throughout the internet so that you can be in contact and participate in a little back and forth.

If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms, please leave them wherever you’re seeing this video.

And you can always go to and be able watch any one of these videos.

If you clicked on this for the first time because you saw the headline of Trump Impeachment and your business. You might be curious as to how the Trump impeachment is going to affect your business if there is an impeachment, if the impeachment goes forward, if it doesn’t go forward, will it be good?

Will it be bad?

I’ll tell you how you could make it work either way.

It comes down to content marketing.

So what I’m doing right here is content marketing. I’m content marketing for it’s a very specific type of site for business owners and this headline is going to get the attention of people who own a business in general.

Now, some of the people who watch the show don’t own a business, but a large majority of the people that watch us do own a business. They do practice business and I’m always looking to attract more people who own a business and think about these things.

So how can you use the Trump impeachment your benefit?

Whether it happens or doesn’t happen, but all the controversy around it.

See, I’m not even going to take a side. I’m going to completely let that pass. I’m not going to tell you what I think about Donald Trump.

I’m not going to tell you what I think about the impeachment.

I am using this to prove a point and I’m not using it just as clickbait. Just to bring you in.

I’m going to tell you, if you can take controversial topics of the day that are already in people’s minds and be able to interweave them in any way into a message that you’re trying to present out there to people, that that is a way to bring people in.

But to get people to listen because they’re going to listen a little bit more keenly because you have a conversation that’s already going on in their mind.

Do you have something that’s already in the forefront and gives you, gives them a chance to share a little bit about what you are all about.

So these are things you have to consider when you’re doing any form of content marketing.

It doesn’t just mean video.

It could be audio, it could be text, any form of text writing across the internet, articles, maybe blog entries. What ever it is, any form of content that you’re putting out there for people to see.

I don’t care if it’s an ad in a newspaper, any type of content that you’re putting out there on a regular basis.

You can always use news items to your benefit because it’s a way to bring people in and a way to connect with them on something that they already know exists.

So how did I come up with Trump Impeachment?

It’s really simple. I was looking for something to talk about today.

I pulled up a new site and what’s in the news?

What’s in the top of the news today?

Of course it’s all what’s having to do with the impeachment inquiry currently going on at the time of this video recording.

You can do the same thing.

Especially the most controversial websites.

The Drudge Report is a great one that a lot of people go to regardless of what you think about Matt Drudge or the way he runs his website.

He’s good at fomenting controversy and if you wanted to know what’s on people’s minds, you go to a website like that or any of the major news websites, anything that’s out there that is showing what people are already seeing, what people are already thinking of.

That’s just a quick little tip from me to you. I’ve got these tips every day.

Sometimes they’re a little bit more broad. Sometimes they’re a little bit more specific.

We’ll talk principles, we’ll talk strategies, and we’re going to talk tactics.

This is a nice, simple little tactic that you can use in your content marketing.

Hope you enjoyed it.

If you’d like to find out more about tactics like this, like I said, go to

If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, then I’d love to talk with you.

Go to for the Dream Business Transformation.

You could have a free opportunity to be able to talk directly to me and I can help you come up with some of these concepts for your business to take you from wherever you’re at to where you want to be and help you design a long-term strategy to get there.

So that’s free for me to you.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, hope you have a great night. Come back again tomorrow and you have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Scared to Stand Out?

Scared to Stand Out?

Are you scared to stand out?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you every day here from Grants Pass Oregon.

Today we’re going to be talking about standing out specifically in the area of content marketing.

If you’re getting out there and doing any form of content marketing and what that would be is anything like writing, doing audio, doing video like this.

Putting yourself out there, putting your business out there, anything that involves people seeing you and your business on a regular basis. That’s what we’re talking about.

Are you scared to do that?

I’ll tell you why this came up. It’s because I was talking with my friends Jamie and Sandy. Hi Jamie and Sandy, they’re watchers of the show.

I was talking with them about their concept to start out with a podcast.

They have these ideas of putting together a podcast as soon as they go live, I’ll be sure and announce it here and we’ll send you a link for them because it’s pretty exciting about what they’re looking at doing.

As I was talking with them I remembered going through it my first time. Which was really earlier this year is when we started going live.

When we started the podcast, The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, which you can find it

And the Brian J. Pombo Live video cast, which also comes out in podcast form, which you may be listening to currently. We also have the video version of this that goes out live over currently over Facebook live and then spread out through all of the social media universe.

So when I first started out, the fear that’s always there, and even long before I started, but when I was tempted to start. When I was thinking about starting, one of the main fears that stops a person from going forward is the idea that you just don’t have it together enough yet, that you just can’t produce quality enough content for people to like that you’re just not going to be what you need to be. And it’s going to be embarrassing and it’s going to look bad on your business and it’s going to be out there in the internet forever.

The real problem with that idea is it’s a complete flaw because it takes into account that people are actually going to be paying attention and they’re not.

I hate to tell you, unless you already have a huge following that you are going to be putting this out to and in that case, more than likely they already LIKE you.

They already think something of you and you’re way ahead of the game to have a following like that.

But other than that, if you’re like most of us, you’re starting out pretty close at square one and you do not have a huge following, you do not have a huge audience.

It’s going to take a long time to build that up. If you’re not doing any type of paid advertising, anything of that sort, it’s going to take a while to build up momentum to where people are actually paying attention.

Look regardless of where you’re watching this, you can look and you’ll see there’s probably not a whole lot of views at the time that this is coming out.

I do not get a huge amount of views on most of this.

The ones that I do get though, both see me on LinkedIn when they see me on YouTube and they see it come up over and over and over again.

They don’t watch every single time, but they watch it every once in awhile and they’ll catch me and the people that I’ve brought on as clients and the people that I’ve started up relationships because of this. Because of this little interaction that we have here.

It all happened from them just watching a little bit at a time and starting from nothing and me doing everything by the seat of my pants in a sense, starting out from square one and learning how to do it every step of the way.

And watching other people and seeing how they do it and adapting and taking their ideas that I think might work. Trying them out and see if they fit my style and doing my own thing and keep building and building and building and building on it until we have something a little bit more valuable as we go along.

You just have to get out there and start it.

You’re in the meantime, the best thing and the worst thing is nobody’s watching, nobody’s listening, nobody’s watching and nobody’s reading.

So get out there and start your craft at the most important part is consistency.

Consistency is the key to content marketing.

Which is why I highly recommend any form of content marketing you do.

You have to have it on a schedule, you have to do it regularly, whether that be weekly, monthly, and I always prefer a daily thing, something that you’re doing at least five times a week that you can mark it off on the calendar over and over and over again.

It makes a difference. It’s just a little recommendation as you’re building out your content marketing empire. People that I work with specifically on the paid side. The people I work with tend to be business owners.

They tend to be executives at businesses that are already successful.

They already have a following and then they’re just trying to include some of these elements to create a more consistency to be able to grow what they currently have, to take whatever they’re currently doing and make it 10 times better.

If that sounds like you, go to and sign up for a session with me.

If you are in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services, you’re in some form of a niche or an industry that it helps people to become more self-reliant. Then go to is specifically for business owners and executives and decision makers at businesses who are in the self-reliance field. Go and check that out.

The link is in the description regardless of where you’re seeing hearing or reading this.

Hopefully you enjoyed this.

If you like to see more of these videos, go to and click on media.

You’ll see a whole the rest of the media that we’ve been putting out, and you could always hear our interviews over on so there’s a few places that you can check us out on.

Hopefully you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

They All Go Lame – Dan Kennedy

They All Go Lame - Dan Kennedy

They All Go Lame.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m bringing up a quote from Dan Kennedy, a famous marketing guru, who said, “they all go lame.”

Now, what’s that mean?

Well, this is in reference to the YouTube news that just came out.

If you’re using YouTube at all, chances are you got an email that came from them discussing changes in the user agreement between YouTube.

What they basically came out and said is that they have the ability to now get rid of you as long as they don’t find you commercially viable.

Now everyone’s asking, what’s this all mean?

Chances are, they’re not going to do anything with this yet, but they’re putting it in place so that they can knock somebody out who they, who isn’t getting enough views. In the long run, you gotta face it, YouTube is probably not going to be free.

This is a lesson that you could take way beyond YouTube and take across and actually beyond social media.

If you’ve got a really good deal with a third party, if you’re working with a third party in your business, chances are that good deal may not last forever. Chances are it’s going to go lame eventually.

Now, Dan Kennedy was referring mainly to people in the idea of whether you have employees, whether you have partners, whether you hire somebody to run your business for you or whatever.

Never think that you’re going to be able to depend on them forever.

It just won’t happen.

They all go lame.

It’s a term from his horse racing and the idea that that eventually horses run out. Eventually they’re done and they gotta be let go.

It’s the same thing with people and it’s the same thing with companies, because companies are based on people.

Eventually they’re going to let you down. They’re not going to perform like they once performed.

It’s just a fact of life that we all have to get through is that we’re all changing.

We’re all going to be different 10, 20 years from now.

If we’re lucky enough to still be alive, everything doesn’t necessarily get better. It just changes. It’s always different.

So you can’t depend on any one source for ever.

You can’t always depend on it.

Another example, I’m working with a, we were working with another company in my night time business where I also run a Brian J. Pombo & Associates and we were working with a supplier and it got to a point where the supplier got bought out because it wasn’t being well-run.

The supplier was bringing up that was coming into the relationship, they were doing business a whole lot differently from the original supplier. So we had to eventually go and look for another one.

It’s just one of those things, a lot of people got disappointed. A lot of people got blown out and said, Oh my gosh, how can I not deal with the same situation?

Why can’t we just have something don’t last forever?

They all go lame.

It’s just a matter of time. If you have that perspective than if somebody lasts, if a company lasts for you, if a good situation lasts for a good period of time, great, you’re ahead of the game.

That’s fabulous, but you always have to expect it to all fall apart. You always have to expect people to let you down. Not that you don’t expect the best from people, but you have to give them the ability to be human and companies are run by humans and eventually they’ll let you down.

If your get doing all your advertising through one medium like YouTube, you have to be ready to switch it up at some point.

You have to be willing to enter into your mind.

Another way of advertising, you have to have enough avenues available.

You’ve got to have your fishing pole and enough parts of the lake in order to really be secure in order to have the most security possible.

So think about this with your business, all the third party vendors that you deal with, all the different people that are providing you either advertising, marketing, any of the situations that you’re dependent on, how many of those are you only dependent on that one company, that one person.

What happens if, if the worst case scenario happens.

What happens when that person gets hit by a car?

You know what happens when that company gets bought out or somebody runs away with a whole bunch of the money and the whole thing folds you.

You just never know where things are when things are going to go wrong.

Don’t be dependent on any one person, any one company for your success.

Have it spread out, have it be diversified in that sense and I think you’ll be happy if you want to see how this can fit into your business and your business life and you want to get on the phone with me or on a video chat.

I’d love to talk with you. Go to That’s my name, Brian J. Pombo and you can go and click on the button that says Help Me To Grow My Business.

There’s an option there for us to be able to talk if you qualify.

Also, if you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services, people will become more self reliant. I’d love to be able to talk with you and I’m offering a free session. What we call a dream business transformation over at

You can find that link in the description.

Go check it out.

Hopefully this was helpful to you. Love to see it tomorrow when we go over a whole other idea. Sometimes we’re hitting something more tactical.

Sometimes we talk about something a little more strategic, or we talk about hardcore principles, but come on back. We’ll talk about something tomorrow too.

So have a great night.

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.