I Don’t Want To Be In Front of the Camera

I Don’t Want To Be In Front of the Camera

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

I don’t want to be in front of the camera!

This is what I hear over and over again from people. I don’t want to be the center of attention. I don’t like the way I look. I don’t like anything about what I put out. I don’t like the sound of my voice. I don’t think I could be good on the spot.

I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to talk about the resistance that you may have to doing any type of content marketing. Especially if you’re talking about what I’m proposing, which is some form of at least daily content on a regular basis.

Whether that be video, whether that be audio, whether that be text, meaning you’re writing something out and send it out to the world over email, over a blog or what have you.

Where do you go from there?

If you’ve got resistance, there’s a whole bunch of things that you can do. Number one, the first thing that I’d recommend doing is think about how can I do the same thing in a different way?

So I don’t want to do video, but how can I get my message out without needing to do video? Can you do audio? Would you be willing to record yourself? You can always have somebody edit it for you afterwards, even if you think you’re going to be slow with it. But is it just your looks that bother you?

If so, do audio. If not, if your voice bothers you, then think of doing texts.

Think of writing. Do you think you could write down a message, a message that you’d want people to hear? Do you know enough about your topic that you can write something different every day or at least about the same things in a different way?

I don’t talk about that many different things. I tend to stick to three main subjects, but I talk about it in a different way every day. Have been for nearly three months now. So that’s the question. Could do you think you could do that?

If it really comes down to the fact that you don’t think you can do any of those things and you are the mover and the shaker in your business, in your organization, in whatever you’re trying to promote.

If you’re the main person and you’re not willing to do those things, then you need to find somebody who is, you need to find somebody who is willing to be the face, the voice, the words of your organization.

And maybe you need to tell them what to say and have them say it in their own way, but you need that person. You have to realize that you may become dependent on that person. If you’ve got that person, you’re going to have to keep using them.

I’m thinking of a few examples just off the top of my head. Colonel Sanders with Kentucky Fried Chicken to this day, I mean he passed away, I don’t know, maybe in the early eighties, I believe, and they have never stopped using his image.

They’re still completely tied to the personality that sold the brand. How about Burt’s Bees? Are you familiar with Burt’s Bees? I think Burt just passed away a couple a year or two ago. Even after the company was sold, they still kept paying Bert to show up to events to do different things.

There’s a movie about that. I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head, but it has to do with Burt’s Bees. Go and look at it. I think it’s called Burt’s Buzz. Maybe, don’t quote me. Check it out though, it’s a good documentary.

When you have a person tied to a brand tied to a company, when they are the brand themselves. It’s so powerful that it’s difficult to remove them once it actually takes hold.

When you have it to where it’s pushing your company forward. Where the image, where the character, where the voice, the face is so tied directly with the company. You got to take that into account ahead of time. So you have to think, if we were to use any type of personality branding, if we were to take that as far as it will go….

Are we going to be okay with that in the long run? Is that what we really want? Is that where we really want to take this company?

It’s a huge advantage, but there’s the disadvantages that all come with it.

There’s a lot of people that are not charismatic at all that have done the same thing. The most classic one is Wendy’s. I don’t know if you were around when Wendy’s, the fast food chain, their owner and founder Dave Thomas used to do the Wendy’s commercials.

He was the least charismatic person of all, but he was easygoing and he wasn’t that easy going in real life from what they say. But in the commercials, he was easy going. He’d read his lines. He wasn’t a good actor, so he didn’t quite act them out. But he played the straight man.

They had all the characters around him do something crazy or say something crazy or act funny. And he played the straight man and people loved it. It was a huge time for Wendy’s back then. And when he passed on, that was tough to be able to replace that character.

It does have a lot to do with personality branding. You see how I’m not focusing too much on the content itself. The content will come out as long as you know something.

If you know something that ties back to your product, that ties back to your service and you can talk about it in multiple different ways, then you’re the person that should be talking. It doesn’t matter if it’s video, it doesn’t matter if it’s audio. It doesn’t matter if it’s text or if it’s a combination of all of those. You need to get the message out.

It’s gotta be consistent because it’s free media. It’s out there. Content marketing, especially if you’re using any type of social media, Facebook, YouTube, what have you, it’s free. It’s out there. People are watching anyways. You don’t need to spend money on advertising. You can then take the content that you’re providing, especially the stuff that starts getting a life of its own.

You could take that, put some advertising dollars behind it and really make it go, but just start, get the content out there. So if you’d like to find out more about how to do this for your own business, if you can see this as possibly being a key to you having your dream business, I want you to go to DreamBizChat.com.

There’s a video there. It’s eight and a half minutes long. Watch it. If you’re an owner or an executive, especially in the self-reliance field, you’re somebody that I’d like to talk to.

Go to DreamBizChat.com. The link is going to be in the description next to this video. Go and check it out. It could be above, it could be below, depending on where you’re watching this.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about content marketing again, and really how long should I persist with at least regular content marketing?

Okay Brian, I agree with you. I see what you’re saying. We probably need some type of daily content going out. How long do we need to do that for?

That’s the question we’re gonna answer tomorrow. Come on back then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Where Should I Put Out Content?

Where Should I Put Out Content?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

So where should you do a video or any type of content?

Hi, this is Brian Pombo with BrianJPombo.com, today coming to you live from Bandon, Oregon. See if you can see some of this behind me. We’re over on the port side near downtown. You can hear the seagulls.

This is a great example of the fact that you can do content from anywhere.

And if you’re doing live video, you can definitely do content from anywhere, checkout the lighthouse. That’s the Coquille River Lighthouse out there, gorgeous area, lots of fun hanging out with family. Hey Joe, how’s it going?

I’m out in Bandon, Oregon. We’re probably about three hours from where I live in Grant’s Pass, where we normally broadcast from. But this is just to show you if you’re doing any type of content marketing, most of the time you’re going to be doing recorded stuff.

You’re going to be writing emails. You could be doing it from anywhere. One of my heroes in the field of email marketing is Ben Settle. He used to live right here in Bandon, Oregon and he got to choose where he wanted to live and he could write his emails from anywhere.

Look at this. This is not high quality video work here or anything. I’m just trying to show you, even if you’re doing live videos, you could be doing them from wherever you’re at and if you’re doing them daily, you kind of have to do them from wherever you’re at.

So get out there, find some interesting places to go. If you’re doing them recorded, you could do them like my friend Adam The Woo and you can actually make them pretty interesting depending on where you find yourself going.

Don’t worry about the place. The place can all be part of your story. It can all be part of what you’re doing and you can add it into your message.

So today’s message is the same message we’ve been talking about. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, go to DreamBizChat.com.

Go and check out the video I have there where I talk about chance to be able to talk to me about the taking your business from where it’s at to make it an absolute dream business. I’m a business strategist. That’s my job. So yeah, we’re doing them daily.

Yeah. Joe says, do them daily and get more comfortable in front of the camera and talking to other people, eccetera.

Absolutely. I mean, we’ve been doing this over two months now, almost three, and just getting more and more comfortable in front of the camera. Feeling a little bit more at ease of being able to do something from the road like this.

It’s all fun. It’s all part of the fun. Get out there and try something new. It’s all about content marketing. Just getting yourself out there, getting your message out there and doing it consistently over and over and over and over and over again.

One of the big pushers of that is Grant Cardone. Go and look at how Grant Cardone for the past, I don’t know how long he’s been online, but since 2007 at least. He has YouTube videos going all the way back to then.

Grant Cardone is a big pusher of just get out there, get more quantity. Quality will come along as you go along, but it’s never going to be perfect.

You know, right now I’m getting ready to change my shirt. I probably should’ve changed it before I did my video. My baby just spit up all over me. I have a burn on my face from when I ate something that was too hot right here on my lip. And you know, it’s never perfect. It just, it is what it is.

We’ll catch you guys tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re going to still be talking about content marketing from a little bit of a different angle and probably be back in the office. So we’ll see you then have a great one.

Should We Put Out Content?

Should We Put Out Content?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

You may be asking yourself, should we put out content?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo with BrianJPombo.com coming to you from the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

I’m speaking out there to people who are looking to get their message out there, especially into the online universe.

We’ve been talking about content marketing and the question comes up is should we as a company you were whoever you are, should you be putting out content? And that’s a good question to ask.

The reason why you should be putting out content will help determine what content you put out.

Yesterday we talked about what type of content you may look at putting out. But it all goes back to the questions. Like I mentioned yesterday, it’s questions versus answers and a lot of times we get bogged down, especially if you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in a business and you’re in charge of kind of running things.

You get bogged down in trying to get the right answer to things and trying to hit it out of the ballpark right off the bat. Trying to just do it right, get the right answer and what you really should be focused on instead of trying to find the right answer. Trying to find the right questions to ask.

The best way I’ve found of finding the right questions is finding someone that knows more about what you’re looking to venture off into better than you.

So whoever that is and however you need to get them, whether you need to pay them, whether you need to bribe them, whether you need to bring them in or take them out to dinner and pick their brain or what have you.

You’ve got to find someone that knows more about what you’re working on than you or anyone at the company does. In terms of content marketing, get someone that has experience with content marketing, who understands the reasons why behind content marketing.

Before you put it in a whole bunch of time or a bunch of effort or at or like really put yourself into it and focus hard, especially if you’re looking at doing daily stuff on a regular basis.

Like we were talking about, whether it be doing daily videos or daily emails or anything of that sort or blog posts. Companies don’t ask themselves often enough, why are we doing this?

What doesn’t need to be just one reason why you need multiple reasons. Which is why I always recommend having a call to action having something in each piece of content.

It’s something I didn’t even do yesterday, but most of the pieces that you see me put out there, whether it be audio podcasts, daily videos like this, you’re going to see a call to action. You’re going to see me at least one thing that I’m going to recommend that you do, so here it is right here.

If you’re a business owner or an investor and you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self-reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com.

This is a page I had set up specifically for you. There’s a quick little video to watch there. It’s about eight minutes long. Go Watch that video. Learn more about what I offer.

At DreamBizChat.com and what I offer for free is a a conversation with me to help you to develop a game plan to take your business from being successful, being great from where it is and make it an absolute dream business. To hit all the points that it’s currently not hitting for you. How do you go about doing that? So go to DreamBizChat.com if you fit those qualifications, you could fill out an application.

We’ll find out if you fully qualify, see if we can sit down and talk. That’s a call to action. What I did just there, I’m just giving a person a chance to do something specific.

I’m not just blabbing and talking about nothing. I’m giving something specific. So the question you have to have for yourself is before you go out and do content marketing, what is our big term goal for this? Where are we actually taking this?

What form of marketing is going to hit our ideal client? What call to actions are we going to bring up for them to do every time that we put out a piece of content? Do we have something that we can offer them to do right away?

These are all the questions you need to be asking and if you don’t know the right questions, get in touch with someone who does.

If you’re in this field, go to DreamBizChat.com you could talk to me. My specialty is coming up with the right questions. I don’t have all the answers. You have the answers. You don’t know you have the answers because you don’t necessarily have the right questions.

Find out what the right questions are to ask and that will lead you in the right direction. Help you to build an absolute dream business.

Tomorrow we’ll be talking more about content marketing. We’ll see you then. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

What Type of Content Should I Make?

What Type of Content Should I Make?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

When it comes to content marketing, what type of content should you be making?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon for today’s Brian J. Pombo Live. And today we’re talking about content marketing again.

What kind of content should I make?

This is a common question that I hear from people. I like to break it up into three different areas of surprise, surprise. I love breaking things into threes. It’s just easier for my mind to wrap itself around.

First area would be text, second area audio, third area video. Pick one of those.

Text what I mean by text is just any type of writing, so a blog, any type of writing whatsoever. If you think better by just typing something out or writing something out, if that’s your easiest way to communicate, then go with the text area.

If audio is going to be easy for you, if it’s just easier to just record audio on your phone or a digital recorder, do it that way. If it’s easier to do video to just pull out your phone and just do a quick video like I’m doing right now, then do it that way.

So it all comes back to what’s easiest for you and it’s not just about what’s easiest for you, but what’s easiest to do on a regular basis.

We were talking before about doing daily videos like I’m doing here, doing a daily video. You may be listening to this over a podcast, so that’s the re-purposing of my daily videos.

These daily videos start out over on Facebook. They get spread out to YouTube, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter and so on and so forth. A YouTube especially gets populated out there.

Then we take the audio, send it out via podcast that reaches also via my BrianJPombo.com slash media you can view all the previous, they’ll relisten to all the previous episodes.

It doesn’t really matter which one you pick because any one of those that you pick, text, audio or video can be repurposed afterwards.

Whether you have someone else read your text or someone else do it on video or have they have robots that are getting pretty good at reading text and sounding pretty natural. Uh, you know, if you have Siri on your phone or any other type of reader on your phone, if you have an Amazon Kindle, it can read a book for you. And the voices are actually getting pretty good.

You can have that transferred over to video. You can have the words actually show up on the screen.

There’s a whole bunch of options available. Just start, pick something that you can do daily or at least regularly, maybe even weekly, but start doing something so that you get your voice out there.

You get your ideas out there, you put things out there so that you can bring eventually business back.

Or if you’re doing any form of promotion whatsoever. I work with business people, but it doesn’t matter what you’re looking to promote. You’re looking to promote a cause, you’re looking to promote your music. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to make any money off of it or not.

If you’re looking to get an idea out there, the most important thing is content marketing and doing it online is easy. It’s simple. It’s something you can do, especially nowadays with a Smart Phone. You can do it from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

You just need to get it out there and it’s gotta be regular. And as you do it, you’ll get better and better and better at it.

Great example of this, Russell Brunson, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Russell Brunson. You can go look him up. The guy’s the CEO of and the founder of Click Funnels, which software allows you to build websites and so forth.

Russell started out years ago with a podcast called marketing in my car. I think you could still go here those. If you go to wherever you listen to podcasts, you can go and see if you could find those.

He changed the name of the podcast to Marketing Secrets eventually, but it started out as Marketing In Your Car and all it was was him driving back and forth from work and recording his thoughts of that moment, talking about marketing because that’s kind of his forte.

It’s a great example of a very simple concept, an easy way for him to be able to put out content. Following that he ended up doing video.

He ended up doing a whole bunch of other things and hired video crews and everything else, but started out with nothing more than audio in his car. Wasn’t great quality.

It was just enough for people to get to know him, for him to get his ideas out there, to start formulating them. All the other reasons why I say you should do content marketing, so watch some of those other videos that I talk about content marketing all this week, we’ve pretty much been covering that.

Let’s see what else.

Transcribing, you can transcribe. So I talked about going from text to audio and video. You’re gonna also, obviously go from audio and video over to text, depending on where you’re watching this.

If you go to BrianJPombo.com from a certain point onward, I’ve started transcribing or having my content transcribed. It’s simple to do. It’s actually getting easier and easier and easier with time.

There’s one called Temi. This is an app and a website. T E M I, Temi. If you go there currently, they’re offering transcribing services for 10 cents a minute of audio, so per minute of audio, it’s only cost 10 cents to transcribe.

It’s a really great deal. It uses a artificial intelligence to do it pretty quickly and give you pretty decent transcription. You can go through and fix all the details.

You can add that text to a video if you’re doing video or if you’re just doing audio, you can have some text to be able to put along with the audio wherever you post it.

Even if you’re putting down in podcast. Having the text out there allows people to find it easier through search engines and other things. These are all different ways that people like to consume media.

Start with something that’s simple for you, something that’s easy for you to do regularly. That’s what you should pick.

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about, let’s see, another end of content marketing, and I completely forgot what it was. Usually write these things down. It’s going to be, oh, you know what? I know exactly what it is. And it’s not directly related with content marketing, but it will tie back into it. And that is what is more important in your business.

Having the right answers to everything or having the right questions. That’s kind of a silly question, isn’t it? It might twist your mind around a little bit. Don’t think too hard. We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Daily Content?

Why Daily Content?

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

So why should you make daily content?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon.

If there was ever a day that I did not feel like getting on video and talking with you all, today’s the day. I don’t want you to feel guilty about that or anything. The main reason was I just had a long day. I’m tired. I was playing with kids all day and it was just one of these things by the end of the day, and it’s a day I’m not normally in the office, it’s a family day. Wednesdays tend to be for me.

I’m just at a point where I’m done for the day and my mind is shutting down. My Body is shutting down. And so this topic that we’re going to talk about ties in directly because they were very few times.

There’s actually very few times I don’t feel like talking with you because I really enjoy the stuff we’re talking about. This is some of the most exciting things that I’m doing during the day is the few minutes that we get to spend together.

But today is one of those days where it’s like, okay, why? Why are we doing this? Why are we talking with people every day doing this?

It’s a great reminder for myself and maybe this will be new to you.

If you aren’t creating daily content of some sort and putting it out there on a daily basis, and I mean every day if possible. Now you could say, Saturdays and Sundays I don’t do it. That’s fine. But in general, if there’s any way you can make it seven days a week, do it, make it seven days a week. That doesn’t mean it has to be live. See, the one thing I’ve gotten myself into is doing it live every single day.

That could be a little bit difficult for most people. I get it.

Or anybody that you would have at your company that would be doing something of this sort for them to do it every single day live is a little difficult.

But let’s say you are putting out an email every day to your list, to a particular email list that you have. If you were to do that, you could set that up weeks if not months ahead of time, depending on the topics that you’re covering.

Even if you were doing videos, you could record them a lot further ahead of time and not have to worry about doing it. If you’re not doing it live like me. We’ll talk another time about why I do it live, but that’s another story. But just putting something out daily for people to consume, at least once a day.

Having something going out there for you, your company, your organization, whatever your attempting to promote having that is huge.

I’m going to cover four main reasons.

There’s a lot of other reasons why you would want to do something like this. I just came up with four that I thought were some of the most important, and I’ll tell you what they are just straight off the bat and I call it Duplicate, Transform, Repurpose and Multiply.

I’m going to go through those real quick for you.

First Duplicate, the whole idea is to have something that is ongoing. So for you personally, to have something that you can build a habit out of. The fact that I’m duplicating, the fact that I’m doing it day after day after day. We’ve done it over two months now. We’ve got over 60 episodes.

I’m not quite sure what we’re on now, but 60 straight days in a row plus that we’re at, I think we’re closer to 70. That habit becomes automatic. Where I don’t have to fight it every day to come in here and do it. It’s an automatic thing. I know it has to be done. My wife knows it has to be done. My associates know it has to be done.

So I just get out and I make sure it happens. And every once in awhile I’ll have a day where I may not feel like it has to happen, but the habit propels me forward to actually get it done. It makes sense. It actually happens. That’s duplication. It’s all about keeping it duplicate, having a goal over and over again. That’s a personal reason why to do it. And if you would relate to something like that, I suggest you do the same thing.

Number two is Transform.

You have the chance to transform some of your ideas that you may have never put into words before. In a previous talk that we had, I talked about the self milking cow. Go back and watch that. You can just type in “self milking cow Brian Pombo”, into Google. I bet it’ll pop up for you because it’s a concept that not many people are talking about right now. Came from Dean Jackson.

The self milking cow is the idea that most entrepreneurs, most of the visionaries in the company have a difficult time, really stabilizing their concepts, stabilizing their ideas until they can get it out, until they can talk it out.

They need to have someone there to help milk them because it’s difficult to milk themselves, in a sense. It’s a strange analogy but for some reason it works. So daily content helps produce that, especially when you’re doing it live, like I do.

Number three Repurpose.

Being able to take the content afterwards and repurpose it. I’m in the process of building books right now. I’m in the process of building other content based off of these dailies, which is an interesting concept.

Number four is Multiply.

This is more from the aspect of people that are on your end of the screen. The fact that I’m doing it daily makes it where there is more and more and more and more out there for people to watch.

That plays into the binge-watching that we talked about yesterday. Go back and watch that if you need a review, but how the binge-watching culture comes back into it.

Having content out there is important, especially content that never goes away. Whether it be audio, video, text, a text in the sense of being either emails or blogs or both.

So having all of that out there makes a huge difference and having a daily habit, daily content, that’s guaranteed, that’s something people can rely on is a huge, huge piece of that.

We’re going to talk about that more tomorrow as what matters most about daily content. Is it the quality or the quantity? Does it matter? Are they completely tied together or is there specifics about that? We’re going to talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you enjoy these talks we have, if you relate with any of these things that I’m talking about and you happen to be a business owner or an executive that’s in a self-reliance based business, meaning you sell products or services to people to help them become more self reliant in any way. Then you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to DreamBizChat.com at DreamBizChat.com you can fill out an application to talk to me. There’s a quick little video there you can watch. Go and check that out.

Tomorrow like I said, we’re going to be talking about quality versus quantity when it comes to your content marketing, and we’ll talk to you tomorrow about that.

So in the meantime, get out there, let some magic happen. Bye.

Binge-Watching Profits

Binge-Watching Profits

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Binge-Watching profits.

Are you making money off of the binge-watching culture?

Hi, I’m Brian Pambo with BrianJPombo.com. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re going to be discussing this phenomena that a lot of people, it’s been around long enough. A lot of people don’t remember when it wasn’t like this. 10, 15 years ago we were still all focusing on the next big show that was coming up and everyone was watching it on the same night.


Because Network Television had everything all lined up and we had must see TV on Thursday Nights on NBC and all the other different nights with their own titles, with a lineup of top shows that the new one came out at the same time.

The only people that got to see it ahead of time where people on the east coast versus people on the west coast because of the time difference.

Other than that, everyone saw everything at the same time on the same night and if you missed it, you missed it. The only chance you had was of TiVoing it. If you remember Tivo, that was the first chance you actually had to record things in a relatively easy way without having to pull out a VHS cassette and record things.

So other than that, everyone saw things when it was scheduled. Everyone saw things not when they wanted to see them, when they were told it was going to be available to see.

Nowadays it’s about binge-watching.

The whole concept. I mean, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It kind of came about when as Netflix streaming became really popular and they started putting all of the old TV shows where you could watch the entire seasons or you had new TV shows or online only television shows provided by Netflix, provided by Hulu, provided by Amazon Prime.

They started putting these out and people would not just sit and watch one episode of night. They wouldn’t just sit and watch one episode a week. They would go and binge. They’d watch multiple episodes a night, they’d watch it for days on end, the exact same television show. They’d watch it all at once in a great big chunk when they got interested in something they can watch as much as they want, as much as is available of it.

And this is something that not all of us have wrapped our heads around because we grew up in a different culture. And even though we know we’re beyond that point now we don’t realize what a huge change this is and what that means to the consumer out there.

So are you allowing your people to be able to binge consume your product, binge consume your services, binge consume any form of marketing that you’re putting out there?

Because this is where content marketing really comes in handy. So YouTube is one of those places that you can see this happening on a regular basis. I can name two examples off the top of my head.

One, what I mentioned yesterday, Adam The Woo, this guy on YouTube, was putting out daily videos. They were daily, unedited vlogs from his life, not as reality TV as you can get him sitting with a cell phone. And putting it out there for everybody to see. Adam The Woo had been putting these things out for a while.

When I came across him, I had found him through another YouTuber by the name of Justin Scarred. We’ll talk about him another time, but he had mentioned being inspired by this person, by Adam. Adam was doing these daily ones. I started watching his daily ones and I wanted to see more.

I wanted to see where this guy came from. He had talked about all these other things that he had done in his life. I went back and watched every single Daily Woo, which is what he calls him that I’ve watched every episode of The Daily Woo’s, all going all the way back from years on.

I think there was at least a couple of years at that point that he had been doing it.

I went back and watched all of them because I was obsessed. I was interested. I binge-watched the whole thing.

Another person I did this with. It was someone who I was so impressed with his marketing and his ability to get attention and it’s very goofy person, very controversial person and a lot more well known guy named Logan Paul. At one time, Logan Paul, I believe was making more money than anybody else on YouTube.

He had kind of a fall from grace, when he had some issues, publicity issues and so forth. But at the time he was putting out nearly daily Vlogs, nearly daily videos on a regular basis. So I went back and I re-watched all his old stuff to see how he got to the point to where he was today.

Binge-watched it all.

This happens across the board when people get interested in you, if you’re providing any type of content out there, I don’t care if it’s written content via a blog or something of that sort. If it’s video content or if it’s audio content and you’re providing a podcast or something like that.

If you’re putting things out there, keep putting it out. Because people, when they come across you, they’re going to go back and re-watch, re-listen, re-read everything else that you put out.

When I come across a really good author, someone that really speaks to me, I’ll go back, I’ll read all their other books.

It’s not a new phenomenon, “Binge-watching” its’ just a phenomena that’s new to watching. But this is a media sensation that always occurs. It’s just now we can access things so much quicker, so much regularly on demand when we want it.

Put stuff out there that people could consume, put things out there that people can get to know, like, and trust you with.

If you do that, you’ll create a following. You’ll create everything that’s necessary for you to beat out the competition and to make a difference in the world. Which hopefully that’s something that you’re looking to do with your business, with your organization, with your mission in life.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about something completely different yet tied to it all at the same time. I’m going to leave it completely blank for you. We’ll get into that tomorrow.

Get out there, let the magic happen, and you have a great night.

The Adam The Woo Content Technique

The Adam The Woo Content Technique

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Check Out Adam’s Tow YouTube Channels –

Adam The Woo Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/adamthewoo

The Daily Woo Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDailyWoo/featured

Today we’re going to talk about The Adam The Woo Content Technique.

Are we live? It sure appears so.

Today we’re going to go through, this is a dear friend of mine. At least I consider him a friend. Well, we’ve only met once, but I’ve been watching this guy for so many years that I feel like I know him.

His name’s Adam The Woo, and he got famous for traveling around the country in a van, living out of a van and going to all of his favorite spots, which were either abandoned locations or they were a movie filming locations, or they were theme parks.

He just went anywhere and everywhere that he thought was interesting, recorded them and put out some really good content over the years on video. Ended up with a huge following on YouTube.

Here you can see his main channel, Adam The Woo has 372,000 subscribers.

There’s a reason why I’m bringing him up. I’d like to go into more detail of what I like about Adam and everything in the long run. Right now I want to focus on his content strategy because, a few years after he started this, he started a second channel on Youtube called The Daily Woo and now it has 334,000 subscribers.

It has grown on its own. The reason why he started The Daily Woo was to have a secondary channel where he could do daily vlogging that he had seen other people do on Youtube.

Which was basically nothing more than an unedited video that were usually pretty quick.

These ones are a little longer because now he’s back to editing them. That’s a different story. But he started this channel, if you’ll look at his oldest, this was back over seven years ago, I believe, that he started this channel and they were completely unedited and that you could see a day by day by day.

He went over five years doing every single day, another unedited video where he was showing where he was at.

Maybe given a few thoughts. Maybe, I mean look at these, some of these are under a minute. It’s just him being a goofball, especially in these early ones. But him just putting out content. It wasn’t heavy content. It was light content.

So fast forward to today, I started a podcast for my business called The Off The Grid Biz Podcast and these are edited interviews that I have with people.

I really take my time with them, try to get the best quality interview, try and cut out any extra, umm’s and ahh’s and ums especially that come from me. Because I tend to stutter a lot as you can tell.

And we put out some really good audio here I think that is very thoughtful. I also sit and talk about the deep business concepts that these people have brought up in the interviews.

We’ve only put out seven of these. It’s just started earlier this year. We only put out one or two or three a month at most, but that’s The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

In addition, about a month later, started putting out Brian J. Pombo Live, which is what you’re watching right now.

These are put out on Facebook Live and then they are rebroadcast over Linkedin, Twitter post, a YouTube. We put out in YouTube that Twitter posts the link to the YouTube. Instagram, and then we take the audio and we put it out in podcast format.

So you get in all the places where you find podcasts. You can find Brian J. Pombo Live. Brian J. Pombo Live is completely unedited.

It’s more just a light touch on these topics. Similar to how Adam The Woo has done. I did not intentionally go out and copy Adam The Woo. It was only after the fact that I realized what I was doing.

I had created these two channels that he originally had. Now he no longer updates his Adam The Woo channel. He’s doing all edited content over on The Daily Woo channel but originally he had these best of two worlds available to him and it allows him to do a little bit of both things, allows him to put out content on a regular basis whether he wants to or not.

It’s going out and getting new people. That content has a life of its own.

If you want to learn more about content marketing. Go to DreamBizChat.com and I can show you how to take your business and transform it using things like content marketing. If you aren’t already taking full advantage of all the free organic content sources out there, you definitely want to do that. Go to DreamBizChat.com you’ll see this video.

If you go there and watch that video and then if you feel like you would qualify, fill out the application and we’ll see if you qualify to sit down and talk with me. Either way, this is what we’ve got for today, the very first screen share, look at (screen on the video) that going forever and ever and ever very first screen share video. Hopefully we’ll be able to do more of these in the future. Thanks for coming.

Get out there and let the magic happen in your life.

Fault vs. Responsibility

Fault vs Responsibility

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

What in life is your fault and what is your responsibility?

What’s the difference?

We’re going to talk about that today. Welcome back I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office and Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we are going to discuss fault versus responsibility.

The only other person I’ve ever heard discuss it in these terms is a great philosopher. Perhaps you’ve heard of him. Will Smith otherwise known as the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He discussed it on one of his Facebook posts or something of that sort and he’s the only other person I’ve ever heard use it in these terms.

Fault versus responsibility.

I think a lot of people get messed up because they get caught up with the meaning behind these two words.

So I’m going to define them as best as possible in terms of how we use a modern day. But first the real question is whether you’re ready to take responsibility for your business growth or not?

See the little tie in there?

Go to DreamBizChat.com especially if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, you’re going to want to go to DreamBizChat.com and watch a video. Fill out the application and you can get a free business chat with me to help you come up with the proper game plan to build your dream business in the next six months or less.

Back to the issue, fault versus responsibility. Fault,I think we get confused between these two ideas way too often. Fault really comes down to blame and this blame game that we get caught up in.

We want to say, well wasn’t my fault! It was your fault! And we get all caught up with fault and fault doesn’t really matter that much. It matters only in origin.

In other words, where did the problem start?

And if you’re following along with our deep thoughts from the last couple of days, I honestly believe that most of the problems that we have didn’t it start with us. The way you think is passed down from the generations, from your parents or lack of parents.

You learned via society, via your education, via the people you consider mentors. You learned a thought pattern, whether you knew you were learning it or not. You learned a way of thinking, a way of reacting with your emotions, and it’s all based on the people and things that you were around all your life.

Which you didn’t have much of a choice in. It isn’t that much your fault that you are the way you are, that you think the way you think. Many of the problems, if not most of the problems, if not all the problems you have aren’t your fault.

Now, before you get too caught up with that concept, I want to bring in the other end of it.

It is your responsibility. It’s your responsibility to deal with everything that’s been hoisted on you. Now you could say, “well that’s not fair,” and that’s all fine and good.

We can talk about fairness another time. But the fact of the matter is if it isn’t someone else’s responsibility, it is yours. Legally it’s your responsibility. Morally it’s your responsibility.

There’s something about self-reliance that brings everything back to you being the one responsible, regardless of what happened to you, regardless of all the abuses you’ve gone through, the horrors that you’ve seen in life, everything that’s happened to you is your responsibility now to deal with it.

It’s your responsibility to deal with this mess that’s been handed off to you. That’s life. It really is.

It’s a mess for most of us, okay. Even in the best case scenario, best case situations, best parents, best town that you grew up in, everything was great. You’re still dealing with the mess that is the imperfect life, the imperfect world that we live in.

So where do you go from here?

Realizing that it’s not your fault. You can quit playing the blame game and quit saying, well, it was my parents fault. Well, it wasn’t their fault either because it was their parents’ fault and their parents fault in their parents.

We can play the blame game over and over and over again talking about whose fault it is. In reality, it’s our responsibility to deal with whatever we’ve got on top of us, and in the same sense, it’s the other person’s responsibility to take care of their thing.

Now, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try and help people. But the best way of helping people, I honestly believe because I’ve seen it over and over again, the best ways to teach a man to fish versus fish for them.

You fish for them to keep them surviving if necessary, to keep them from starving, but in the long run, you’ve got to teach them how to fish themselves. The more we can teach people how to become self-reliant, how to depend more on themselves, the better people they’ll become and the more they’ll be able to help other people to be that way also.

In the long run even though we’re responsible for ourself. We can provide abundance to the rest of everybody else, the extras that we ended up getting, because you never just have just enough for yourself.

The better and better you get at something, the more you end up with abundance.

The more you end up with more than enough than you’ll ever need, and you’re always able to give that off to somebody else. And that’s a great thing. But it’s important that you’re responsible for yourself.

You’re responsible, your family, for your children, grandchildren, what have you. Take that responsibility. Don’t worry about the fault. Quit playing the blame game. Take the responsibility. Realize that it may not be your fault.

Here’s another scenario.

Somebody comes, takes their car, crashes in into the side of your house. Okay, whose fault was it? What was the person that crashed into the side of your house? Now they could say, “well, I was trying to avoid this situation over here, so it’s their fault.” And the fault, the blame game can go on and on and on and on right?

But really it wasn’t your fault that they crashed into the side of your house, but whose responsibility is it to fix it? Well that person, even if they were drunk or whatever else, they may have to pay some form of restitution, but they’re not going to sit there and fix your house.

The police aren’t going to come out and fix your house. It’s your responsibility to fix your house. It wasn’t your fault at all, had nothing to do with you, but you’re the one left having to fix the house.

Everything in life is constantly happening to us, but it’s our responsibility to take care of it from there.

If you agree with me, go over to BrianJPombo.com check out some of my other videos there.

You go into the media section and check that out and if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, like I said, DreamBizChat.com is where you want to go because I love to talk with you. I’m not looking to sell you anything straight off the bat, I’d like to find out more about you and your business and what you’re looking to achieve.

If there’s a way we can work together in the long run, that’d be great. But really I’d like to find out more about you and your business. So go fill out the application and we’ll see if we can get together.

Tomorrow we are going to be looking into some tactics, some specific tactics used on YouTube and I’m going to show you a friend of mine, how I was able to take some of the things that he has done and been successful with on Youtube and applied it back into my business.

I’ll show you how you can apply it to yours.

We’ll see it tomorrow.

Free Will & Business Growth

Free Will & Business Growth

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

So what does free will or the lack thereof have to do with business growth?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo with BrianJPombo.com. Welcome back to the Orange Office on this Saturday. Oh, Saturday evening.

We’re going to be talking about the deep topic of free will, the philosophy of it and how it affects you and your business.

I think a lot of people get into the dark doldrums when it comes to their business because they get confused about this topic. Yesterday we talked about destiny and how destiny affects your view of your business and your business growth.

Today, something that goes along the same lines is free will and there’s an even deeper topic to it that we’re gonna hit on tomorrow.

I’ll clue you in as to what that has to do with. But what is free will free will’s the idea that you’re in control, that you’re in charge. That you have the ability to be able to choose when and where you go and how you do it and your life is your own.

Now, while I would never take away the idea that you’re in charge of yourself in a sense, I really find it hard to believe that most of the things that happen to us is of our own choosing or of our own making.

Think about it.

Did you get to choose your parents or lack thereof? Did you get to choose where you grew up? What country you grew up in? What city you grew up in? What a class you grew up in, in terms of how much money you made? Did you get to choose any of that? Did you get to choose your gender? Did you get to choose your race? Did you get to choose anything that happened to you as a child? The time periods you grew up and was any of this a choice?

No, but how does that affect your life?

It affects it on all levels. It affects your experiences. It affects what you’re used to, what you’re not used to. None of that is really your fault. Really 99% if not more of everything that happens to us isn’t our fault and I was going to save this for tomorrow, but it really is our responsibility isn’t it?

We’ll go more into that later. It’s our, it’s your responsibility, but it’s not your fault. And so free will, I think the way we talk about it is deceiving and it gets us into the point to where, especially if you are a business owner, if you’re an executive, if you’re one of the people in charge of your business, then the feeling is that everything that happens to that business has a whole lot to do with you. And it does.

A whole lot of it has to do with you, but it’s you can’t control what’s happening to you and your business.

You can’t control market conditions. You can’t control any of that stuff.

Would you can control is all of the things you’re doing wrong that is taking you in the wrong direction. You may have some control over that. But the concept of free will is that you’re in charge is that you really have control over this stuff. And the plain fact of the matter is most of us don’t even have charge, real charge over ourselves.

You look at the addictions that everybody has. You look at the, the, even when you talk about workaholics and people that get addicted to their work, addicted to their business work, you talk about all the things that are completely out of your control in a sense. Is it your responsibility to take care of them? When it comes to what happens to us, most of the things throughout our entire life is constantly happening to us.

So our idea of freewill I think is mixed.

I think it’s really messed up and it puts us in a guilt position when things don’t turn out the way we want them to and they never turn out the way we want them to. Like we were talking about destiny yesterday.

It never goes the way you think it’s going to go ever.

Anybody who says they have achieved great success, none of them are going to tell you that they designed the whole thing unless they’re completely lying to themselves.

Something is pushing us forward. Yeah, there’s things we can’t see that are pushing us that are taking us in a certain direction. I believe that.

But are we fully in control? I don’t believe at one second.

Tomorrow we’re going to go over fault versus responsibility. What’s the difference between those two and how that difference can completely change how you view Your Business and how you view “your role” in your business?

If you like some of these talks, I’m going a little bit deeper now. We’re not going to go too deep, but we’re hitting on some of these goofy subjects that people don’t usually talk about when it comes to business.

If you like this, if you relate with some of this, you don’t have to agree with me. But I’d love to hear your take on it. Leave a comment down below or send me a message and tell me some of your thoughts on it.

If you’re an executive or a business owner that’s in the self-reliance field is certain that I’m studying right now and I love to get to talk with you a little more.

Go to DreamBizChat.com there’s a little section there that has to do with the dream business transformation. It’s a phone call that I have with people where we just get on the phone for 30 to 60 minutes and we talk about your dream business. What would you actually like to have in the most ideal scenario?

Obviously you’ve got a great business, I’m sure you’ve been successful, but how would it be just perfect for you personally?

Go to DreamBizChat.com there’s a eight and a half minute video that you can watch and love to hear your take on that. You’re welcome to fill out the application if you think that it fits you.

So tomorrow we’re going to talk about fault versus responsibility.

You have a great night.

Destiny & Business Growth

Destiny & Business Growth

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

So what does personal destiny have to do with business growth?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon.

I’m with BrianJPombo.com and today we’re going to have a little talk about destiny. What’s it all about? Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

One thing that I’ve noticed through time, there’s certain principles that I’ve stuck with or that have stuck with me, I should say. I haven’t been able to drop them ever since I was a kid.

Something got caught in my mind. I don’t remember my parents ever bringing it up. I don’t remember it coming from a single movie, although I can probably name some movies that it’s tied to.

But the concept that everything happens for a reason, I’ve never been able to drop it. Everything I’ve ever seen in my life ends up coming back to that fundamental. Can I say truth?

You know, it’s something that is just fundamentally true for me and no matter what,

I can’t get around it. I see it in everything and it’s not that everything that happens in life, you automatically see what the reason is behind it. It takes a long time for things to start gelling and for you to see why something happened the way it did, especially tragedy and really rotten things when they happen, but eventually it all comes around and it all starts to make sense.

That’s the scary thing about life is how much everything ends up making sense. I know I’m getting a little deep on you here today. This is deep thoughts with Brian Pombo.

You remember the Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy on Saturday Night Live? If not, go and look. Go and look those up. Deep thoughts. I’d like to have a few of these videos where we could have some, some of these deeper discussions.

I’d like to know from you, do you believe in destiny?

Do you believe that everything has somewhat of a purpose and Shakespeare put it? Do you believe we’re all players? You know, and the world’s merely a stage that we’re kind of acting something out that’s kind of beyond our control.

I’ve seen too much of life to not believe that that’s somewhat of the case. I can’t, I don’t have as much control over myself as I would think I would have and we’d get into freewill.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow and what that has to do with your, but how does destiny play into your business? If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, you must feel that there’s a certain amount of growth that happens and a certain amount of movement that happens via your business that you had nothing to do with.

You must have seen success at some point that you didn’t guess was happening, but it was, it didn’t come from the same place that you thought it was going to come from. It didn’t come from the client or the customer that you thought it was going to come from or the product line that you thought was going to take off. Maybe it didn’t. It came from some place out of the ordinary, and there’s a million stories like this.

I haven’t known a single successful business person that hasn’t had things unexpected, completely unexpected that ended up leading to their success.

Not that they didn’t want success, not that they didn’t plan on being successful, but that it never happens the way they thought it would have happened.

It’s almost like there’s something else behind it. I’m not going to get into religion or anything like that. There was no need to. But I do believe that there’s some type of destiny.

I believe that there’s a reason why you’re here listening to me. And if you think the same thing, if you can connect with some of the, these concepts I’m talking about, I think you’re the type of person I’d like to talk a little more with.

So one of the areas I work in is I work with business owners and executives that are in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant. Whether that be in the homesteading area, whether you, you help people, with their animals and pets, whether you actually help people to, survive in emergency situations. You’re probably the type of person I like to talk to.

Go to DreamBizChat.com, DreamBizChat.com there’s a little video there.

Take a look at it and if you agree with some of the concepts there, fill out the fill out the little application and we’ll see if we can sit down and talk. But destinies definitely a part of all of our businesses, if you sit back long enough, you’ll start to see it that there’s a reason behind it all.

It’s not that you know exactly what that reason is or you exactly know where it’s going. It’s not that you don’t have any control over it, but there’s a reason why we’re sitting here today and I think there’s a reason why we connect it up. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

If you think I’m completely insane, leave a comment or, or send me a message cause I’d love to take this conversation a little further. I just need a little bit of back and forth. So we’re going to see you tomorrow. We’re going to talk about free will and what it has to do with your business. Is it real? Is it an illusion? I don’t know. Let’s see.

Tomorrow. Have a great day.