Social Media: 4th Step

Social Media: 4th Step

Part 1 –

Part 2 –

Part 3 –

Marketing Consistency, do you have it in your social media marketing plans?

Social Media: 3rd Step

Social Media: 3rd Step

Part 1 –

Part 2 –

Brian talks about going from online to offline marketing with direct mail.

Social Media: 2nd Step

Social Media: 2nd Step

Part 1 –

Brian continues his conversation from yesterday on social media.

Social Media: Where Do I Start?

Social Media: Where Do I Start?

We all do some Social Media, but what is right for you, and how much should you do on a regular or daily basis?

Trophies Are Worthless

Trophies Are Worthless

Who needs a trophy?

Brian reminds us to keep our eye on the prize of what really matters, when looking to make an impact on our lives and our loved ones.

Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything

Brian and his youngest Lucas have a message for you about timing in life and in your business.

How Are You A Victim?

How Are You A Victim?

Are you a victim, a bully…..both?

Brian talks about how to handle one or the other and how it can help your business.

Passive Income is Fake

Passive Income is Fake

Brian shares his thoughts on why passive income may not be all it’s made out to be.

How To Demand Your Customer’s Loyalty

How To Demand Your Customer's Loyalty

How to demand your customer’s loyalty.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, we’re going to go through some simple steps here today on customer loyalty.

Just a very simple example of how to do it and then, if you can get the principle, the tactics become easy.

Welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live, we do this on a daily basis where we discuss business concepts either in the form of principles, strategies or tactics and today we’re going to be talking about a principle via a tactic.

And before we get to that, I just wanted to remind you, if you own a business or you’re an executive of a business, seven figures and above, go to and check out some of our offerings there.

Also, if you happen to be in the self reliance field, meaning you’re an owner or an executive of a business that helps people to become more self reliant.

I have a special deal just for you over at and it’s all about the dream business transformation. It’s something I normally charge $600 and above for, but for you, if you happen to be in the self-reliance field and you qualify, then you might be able to get it for free.

So go check that out at It’d be very helpful to you because it’s something you can walk away with and something you could put into play this year immediately after getting off the phone with me. Go and check that out.

Let’s talk about customer loyalty, because this is something that whether you’re a banker or a beekeeper, it’s the same thing.

Everyone should be focused on having your customers come back over and over and over again.

Now, if you’re not in a business where you have repeat customers, you need to get in that business because you’re probably spending all your time chasing the next new customer when, what you should be is keeping your current customers so happy that they’re the ones that are going out getting new customers for you.

That’s the secret sauce right there.

I’m going to show you an example of this.

This is a local company. A, they’re name is Kelly’s Automotive. You can go and look them up, I’m here in Grants Pass, Oregon. By the way, I’m here in the Orange Office. And for those of you who have been watching for a long time, you’re familiar with the Orange Office.

This is in town of Grants Pass, away from my main headquarters.

And you’ll notice that people who have been to the Orange Office know that it’s not completely orange.

There’s some green parts of it too. So I’m here, right in between just for this special segment today.

Like I was saying, Kelly’s Automotive, these people are located in Grants Pass. They also have a garage over in Medford, Oregon and I’m not sure if they’re anywhere else, but they have amazing marketing systems set up and even though I know it’s manufactured, it’s still something to me as a customer.

I know it means something to other customers too.

So how often do you get a hand written card from anybody in the mail anymore?

This is actually from a couple of years ago and I held onto it because they do this quite often, but this was one I’ve always wanted to talk about and this is one they sent out during the month of February.

It’s got the hearts for Valentine’s Day and on the inside it says Kate, thank you. My wife’s name is Kate. She was the one that had taken one of our vehicles and it says, Kate, thank you for your recent visit.

We look forward to serving you in the future, Curtis and the crew.

Simple little writing, now I don’t think Curtis is the manager over there. I don’t think he’s the one that actually wrote this.

The way it looks, it looks like it was probably somebody else that wrote it. But simple, subtle. It doesn’t say anything detailed other than Kate’s name.

Nothing that would tell me that this person actually knew what they were even talking about. But they have it in the process to send out thank you cards on a regular basis for their customers.

When customers come in, what businesses do that anymore?

How many people in your own family or friends do that?

Your best friend. How often do you receive a written note about anything?

And you know what, it’s more important now than it ever was because it’s so rare and makes you stand out.

Something simple like this creates customer loyalty. I’m telling you, they’ve got multiple things that they do that take us back. Every time I have an issue with my car I go back to Kelly’s.

Do I think they’re the the best mechanics ever in the whole area?

I don’t know, because I haven’t bothered to go and look for another mechanic, because they’ve done well by me.

I’ve taken my car in there before, had an issue with it and they said, well, it wasn’t this other thing so we’re not going to charge you as much as we thought we were going to do. Things like that.

Things where they go the extra mile to show respect for the customer and that’s valuable. Simple little things like this show that they care enough.

It doesn’t mean that they care personally for me, they care about the customer in general and it makes me want to go back there.

Never have I received one of these from any other mechanic, let alone I can’t name very many businesses that I’ve ever received a thank you card from adding a little piece like this into your system, even if it’s completely manufactured, even if it’s not direct.

Now, if you’re in a one person business or a very small business, you’ll be able to write something like that and be able to put a little personal spin on it that really makes an impact and you don’t just do it to get the impact.

You do it to show appreciation.

You do it to show that you care and that you realize that person could take their business anywhere, because I can take my business anywhere.

But because subtle, simple little things like that, simple little processes that help connect you one way or the other with your customer, that’s a great deal. It’s worth it.

It makes me not even go price shopping.

It makes me not go and look for a higher quality.

I know what I’m going to get when I go to Kelly’s Automotive and if you’re smart, you’ll use tactics like this in a meaningful way, as meaningful way as possible, but instill them into your ongoing systems and you’re going to have a relationship.

You’re going to have customer loyalty slowly be built up.

That customer loyalty is priceless because the most expensive thing in any of our businesses is getting the first customer to pay the first money.

It’s getting that one person to spend money the first time.

Once you’ve got someone to spend money with you once, it’s easier to get them to spend money again.

As long as you haven’t completely messed it up. And even sometimes when you mess it up, if you’re apologetic about it and straight-forward about it and maybe give them their money back, oftentimes they’ll come back to you.

People appreciate genuine, sincere gratitude, and that’s all you need.

You just need a little bit of gratitude toward people and they’ll eat it up like nothing. You will demand their customer loyalty and it and you’ll deserve it. So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

We’re going to be back here tomorrow.

Like I said, we’re back here every day and coming back to you with higher quality recordings, hopefully, but you can go back and rewatch or re-listen to any of our old ones in any of the social media that you wish or in any podcast directory that you wish to hear these at.

You can go back and check those out. Also, we’ve got them going all the way back to the very beginning over at so you have a great day.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You Growing on Purpose?

Are You Growing on Purpose?

Are you growing on purpose?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be talking about the purpose of purpose in your business.

The real question is, is one of the main things that’s holding back growth in your company, the fact that you don’t have a real purpose for every section of your company.

So if you take your company and you divide it up into sections and maybe you already have it worked out, your marketing, so on and so forth. But, however you would divide up your company into little sections, will each of the people in charge be able to say the purpose behind what they’re doing?

What is their purpose?

The reason why the book, Start With Why, by Simon Sinek. It really brings this into task on a large scale for your whole business.

But really it comes down to each individual piece of your business.

Why is everyone doing what they’re doing?

What is their purpose?

What is the long-term purpose?

What is the one thing that won’t change regardless of all the actions and all the concepts, all the ideas, the things that they’re going to be doing through time.

A lot of those things, strategies and so forth will change, but the purpose shouldn’t change and it’s the one thing I’ve seen that is one of the main impeachments to growth.

When I’m brought into a company, we take a look at everything that they’re doing and we take a look at the things that aren’t working and more often than not, when I sit down and I say, well, what’s the point?

Why are you doing this?

You will get 10 different opinions from five different people around the table.

Everyone’s got a different idea of why there may be a purpose behind it, but if everyone doesn’t agree on what that purpose is, is it a real purpose?

Is it a real why?

Is there a real reason why we’re moving forward with this and is that any way to actually be able to grow?

If everyone’s doing it for a different reason, if everyone’s doing it to a different end over and over and over again, oftentimes it’s company wide.

The company itself lacks purpose, but it really comes down to each individual person and each individual section of a company is what is your purpose?

And if you can’t answer that question, you need to determine what is the one thing that we aren’t going to change?

What is the one thing that will not change?

When that isn’t there, when it’s not agreed upon by everybody, then you have chaos and you have a lack of being in definition.

It’s the lack of direction.

I was just watching a documentary on the Walt Disney company and how, during periods of time, the one thing that you see that’s common, the periods of time when they had very difficult time growing and started going backwards in many ways was when they disagreed on what their purpose was.

There was a point at which, the executives of the company, their purpose was to save money and the people in the individual sections, imagineering and so forth. They wanted to make something emotional and something that would relate with people and all of the things that we think of Disney doing.

It wasn’t there though, because they did not have a cohesive purpose. There was not agreed upon purpose and without that agreed upon purpose, you can’t all move in the right direction and it will fight itself.

It’ll all fall apart in the long run. So hopefully you could see this within your own company and if you aren’t, you got to bring in a third party, bring somebody in to help ask these questions to really get everybody on the right track.

I’m one of these types of people that can do this type of thing.

If you’d be interested in having me come in and take a look at your company and help you to kind of assess whether you’re going in the right direction or not, what you already know, whether you’re going in the right direction, but find out why and find out how can we go in the right direction.

If that’s something you’d like me to do, I only work with certain types of companies and you could find out more over at

You can also, if you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning your company helps people to go in the direction of self-reliance in any way or fashion go to, a little concept there called the dream business transformation.

Kind of gives you an idea of how these things can help you. So hopefully that makes sense.

Today we’re providing you, not a live recorded video, but it’s recorded live.

It’s just recorded live here and not broadcast directly right away, which is okay because most people don’t watch me live anyways and hopefully the quality is a little bit better.

So let me know whether you like this and whether you’re getting a nice clear picture coming over to your end of the internet.

Hey, come on back tomorrow, we got more topics to go over, more ideas big and small in terms of how to make your business better and how to make your life better because you’ve got a better business.

So have a good one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.