Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings

Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings

Merry Christmas and season’s greetings.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Just wanted to wish you all Merry Christmas tonight. It’s Christmas Eve and into the night. And tomorrow’s Christmas.

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas for all of those of you who are celebrating other things just to, happy holidays and so forth.

Have a great night. Always remember that we do business to improve our lives and make things better all around.

So just keep in mind the things that matter most. Family, friends, and your religion and everything else, all that stuff. It’s what matters most.

Keep that in mind and hopefully you take some time off and chill out this holiday season. Hey, have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Make Them Move

How to Make Them Move

How to make the move.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo and welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live, today from inside my car.

It’s late at night. Everyone in the house is asleep and I am not at home. I am way far away in Tracy, California visiting family, but I still wanted to make sure I came out and said hi to you and had a quick little concept for you to take along with you here on the Eve of Christmas Eve.

There’s a concept by a guy named John Carlton. John Carlton is a famous copywriter and a marketing expert and he came up with this idea of thinking about your customer, however you reach them, whatever media you use to reach your prospective customer.

Thinking of that prospective customer as an amorphous blob or slaw like creature that is very immovable, unlikely to do anything on their own.

What is it going to take for them to reach over and reach for the phone or reach for their smartphone and go to a website or do whatever action you’re asking them to do.

Because if you think of them like that, you’re more likely to design a process that will get them to actually move to do what you want them to do. Which is a lot more difficult than it looks and anyone that’s ever done any type of advertising, marketing or anything else knows it’s not as easy as you think unless you have a very clear cut offer and you make sure that there’s some scarcity behind it.

Now what’s scarcity?

Scarcity is the idea that it’s going away, that it’s not going to be there forever, that there may not be that many available of a particular item or that this particular offer isn’t going to be around forever.

These are all concepts of scarcity. And he said that if you think of it on a big long graph and you think of it as the least likely that someone’s going to do something is the offer that comes out and says, Hey, this is always going to be available at this price.

Call me anytime. 24 seven got a million ways for you to get ahold of me, and when you’re ready, you go for it. But you know, you don’t have to do it today. You don’t have to do it tomorrow. It’ll always be here.

That’s the absolute opposite of scarcity and it’s the most unlikely way to get anyone to do anything is if it is completely available and there’s zero pressure to move forward whatsoever.

People are unlikely to do it because even if they really want to, they’ll put it off just because it’s like, well, I’ll get to it eventually. I don’t want to part with my money. I don’t want to do that right now. I’ve got other things I’d rather be doing, so on, so forth.

So on the other end of it is, Hey, this is going away tomorrow.

It’s going away soon. It’s going away in the next hour. And if you don’t do it, you’re going to ruin this for the rest of your life. You’re going to completely hate yourself if you don’t get this done right away.

Those are the two extremes and obviously there’s only so far you can go with the scarcity thing and you don’t want to be think about it or unreal, but at the same sense, you do have to let people know what, what they’re going to lose if they don’t act immediately.

If you put some barriers there to help people, to encourage them to act immediately.

You could say that while that’s manipulative.

Well, if you’re selling something that it really is something that people should have that you believe it’s something that should matter, then it shouldn’t bother you that much to be able to put a little bit of pressure and to let them know what is going to happen if they don’t take you up on it right away.

So it’s just something to keep in mind when following along and building some momentum and trying to get your customers to become customers or perspective customers to become customers.

Trying to get them to do what you want them to do. A little bit of nudge, a little bit of push, I don’t think is all that bad.

As long as you’ve got the right attitude behind it.

Hey, if you’d like to learn more about these concepts or would like to talk with somebody like me who can help take your company to the next level, go to Especially if you are in the self-reliance field, go to the link is in the description.

That’s all I got for today. We’ll be back here tomorrow on Christmas Eve. Hey, in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Why You Should Give Yourself Away

Why You Should Give Yourself Away

Why you should give yourself away.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live everyday. Today no different, from Grants Pass, Oregon here at the headquarters for

Today I’m going to be talking about why you should be giving yourself away. And that is, that goes across the board, especially if you’re in business. If you do anything where you’re exchanging money for your time, I want to talk about why you should be giving yourself away. And it’s a term, it’s a phrase that comes from this book, the Seven Lost Secrets, by Joe Vitale.

This was a 1992 book, about gaining some lessons from an old ad man.

Bruce Barton was kind of a lost figure from time. He’s one of these people that was extremely popular during his time, but it’s kind of been lost in history, except for those who really pay attention to the history of advertising.

A copywriting nerds like me.

But this book, this is really a good intro book, a nice simple read.

I’m gonna tell you what number six is off these last secrets.

I’m not giving away the book here.

There’s six other secrets and there’s more to it. I’m not going to read the chapter all the way through for you, but it’s about giving yourself away.

The whole idea is that if you’re out there, especially if you’re exchanging time for money, especially if you’re exchanging your talents or your knowledge for money, like what I’m doing here.

A lot of the information that I give, I completely give it out there, free of charge and toss it out there and put it out into the world. And it’s not because I don’t want to get paid, I have ways of getting paid.

But if you are not stingy with yourself and your time, the whole idea is that you’re going to get something back. I’ll read you a couple of quotes from Bruce Barton on this.

He says if a man practices doing things for other people until it becomes so much a habit that he is unconscious of it all the good forces of the universe lineup behind him and whatever he undertakes to do.

That was Bruce Barton in 1927 and it uses a bunch of examples of the things that he did during his life where he just didn’t. Sometimes you see, you’ve got to know when to tow the line and when to ask for money and when it’s necessary.

Because it’s absolutely necessary to get paid for the amount of time that you put out there to get paid for the work that you’re doing for others and that’s where you shouldn’t have to worry so much about it and you need to be willing to be able to put some out there in order to get something back.

This is why I put out all these videos on a regular basis.

I mean this among other reasons that I put these out there, these videos and audios for people to partake. It doesn’t bother me. It helps me to be able to put this stuff out there. And I know people are getting value from it because I hear so much back from people, either in comments or personally to me.

People that know me telling me how much they enjoy hearing this stuff.

And the whole idea is for you to do the same. That whenever your expertise is, put it out there. Yes, you get paid for your expertise, but you’re not going to lose any of that by putting some out there for free and giving people a taste and being able to move it forward.

And he takes kind of a universal, almost spiritual look at it from this end, both Joe Vitale and Bruce Barton.

But I think there’s just something just very true about that, about just passing things along.

There was another quote I wanted to give you from this, and it was at the very end. Yeah. Here it is. This was from 1921.

He says, “say to yourself, here I am, a human being, just a little different from anyone who has just a little different from anyone who has ever lived before or will ever live again. I don’t have a hundred percent equipment by any means.

There are some notable lacks in my makeup and no notable points of strength, but this is the hand that has been dealt me, and the game and I must play it and I shall be judged not by what I accomplish in contrast with other men, but by what I make of myself in comparison with what I might have made.” – Bruce Barton.

I think that’s pretty dead on.

It’s a nice simple principle but it’s one of those that I think a lot of people get caught up in and especially if you’re in any form of information marketing that you’re afraid of giving it all away and afraid of giving people too much.

I think about the only thing you should be concerned there is that if you aren’t holding anything back, you may be putting too much out there and giving people too much chew on, too much to think about.

But there’s always gotta be something more and you’ve got to let people know what that’s something more.

So for example, for me, what I do is I have, well like tonight we talk about is a website where people who are business owners or executives of businesses that are in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

That’s a place you can go and watch a quick video that I put together and the video is all about this Dream Business Transformation, which is a process I could take you through in 30 to 60 minutes and the end, what you’d end up with.

Go and watch it at and you’ll see what you have available and it’s free only to people in the self-reliance field. So go check that out.

If you’d like to talk with me about your business, I’m a business strategist. If you’d like some help with any issues going on with your business or a huge goal that you’d like to achieve in your book, you’d like to have somebody to partner up with.

Go to you can find different ways of getting in touch with me there.

So that’s all we have for tonight. Hey, I’m going to catch you next time.

Never Assume What Is “Success”

Never Assume What Is "Success"

Never assume What is “Success.”

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day today from Grants Pass, Oregon.

I apologize for the last few episodes we’ve had been having technical difficulties broadcasting out and have some little glitches. We’re trying to work it out.

Hopefully everything works out better today.

And I want to talk about assuming and what it does, especially when it happens to do with marketing.

So I’m going to give you a concept, a very specific concept, and then bring it out to a very broad principle. What we’re going to cover goes straight into some tactical things here.

I got this postcard, larger postcard in the mail. Merry Christmas from one of the local churches.

I’ve never been to this church. I don’t know anything about them. This is a River Valley Church that meets at Lincoln Savage Middle School over on New Hope Road, and says, Christmas Eve in Murphy.

Now, oftentimes people will show me a piece like this. Sometimes, in fact, one of the most common things I could ask for is my opinion on the usefulness of a particular political mailer, which is a little bit more, but in terms of what they’re trying to achieve.

I like this version because it’s like, what was the point of this mailer?

And you should never assume you know what their concept of success is based on what they wanted to do with it is how I would grade this. I wouldn’t just grade it on a very basic sense of marketing because I can use a million different things that I would improve or not improve on.

But it all depends on what you’re wanting the end user to do what you’re expected to get out of it. Now perhaps them sending this out to everybody.

This was at every door. Yeah. This wasn’t every door a piece of direct mail. So that means it gets sent out. It’s blanketed out there.

It isn’t specifically sent to any one person.

There’s not even an address name on it. It doesn’t even say, the current occupant or anything of that sort. It’s just a local postal customer.

So with that, when you’re buying a piece of mail like this and oftentimes you’ll see this with a postcards, you see a piece of mail that gets sent to everybody.

This is something they call, every door direct mail. It’s done by the post office has been for a number of years now. And it’s an inexpensive way to be able to just blanket something out if you’re trying to get within a specific radius.

So you can just hit the postal routes and so forth that you’re looking to get.

Not just the zip code, but down to the postal routes. So it’s a pretty, pretty interesting, that’s an interesting tactic if you’re understanding anything about direct mail.

But the other thing is, as it says, Merry Christmas from your neighbors at River Valley Church Murphy. So they’re giving you a little bit of a feel good on one side.

On the other side it says, please join us for our second annual Christmas. Even Murphy’s not far from here.

We’re in Grant’s Pass technically, but Murphy’s right down the road, a Christmas carols nativity scene, refreshments, a message of hope, 5:00 PM on December 24th Lincoln Savage Middle School with the address.

Find out more about who we are. Visit us online campus about the only thing you can see in terms of a call to action. If we were to guess what the point of this is, the people out to this specific Christmas Eve celebration on Christmas Eve night.

And then, they’re looking to get you to go to their website and they’re looking to make you feel good.

Even if you don’t know anything about them. And this is the first time I realized that River Valley, it is a well known church in town, but I didn’t realize they had a Murphy campus. So that’s my first realization of that.

So it’s a little bit of branding advertising there.

It’s very glossy. It’s very nice, nice feel to it. But the real issue is, is what was the point of it?

If the point was just to make me feel good and to put the bug in my brain of who River Valley Church Murphy was, it did okay on that. I know to most people they’d probably see this and they toss them and they don’t think twice about it.

So those are always tough when you’re looking do any for branding, it’s very difficult to judge whether it worked or not. So that’s one thing you got to keep in mind. Another thing is, is what was the end goal?

Are they looking to see how many strangers show up to this date on this particular time?

That’s something that they can track. That’s something they’ll be able to see and there’ll be like, see whether it worked or not.

I don’t know how wide an area they went over for this. This isn’t that far from us. So it could have been a very targeted area so they should get a good idea of who’s new and who’s coming as long as they’re there checking with people at the door and then they can always look at their website and see if there has been any new people popping in. Any bump in visitors to the website.

So there’s a couple of ways they can judge whether this was worth the money worth the time.

The fact that it’s a nonprofit you tend to see, especially a local nonprofit, you tend to see them not be as detailed with that type of thing.

But when they are, if you run a nonprofit, if you run anything of that sort, then it is something to keep in mind is really being targeted with what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, everything else.

But the bigger picture idea here I want you to think about is don’t get caught up in trying to judge things from an outside perspective because I don’t know, in the end I don’t really know what their point was.

I don’t know what success is for them and oftentimes in our businesses it’s real easy to look at everybody else, including our competitors and say, wow, they’re doing really good.

Look at all the ads that are run running there or look at what they’re doing over here. We should copy that. You don’t know if they’re actually being successful with what they’re doing.

Just because they’ve launched that new product, whether that product’s doing any good, you can’t really tell in even over years and years of time whether they’re doing the right thing because you don’t know what qualifies as success.

Now, if you had inside information that the more you have, the more of a concrete idea you can have and then like for example, if they said, the main thing we want to do is drive people to this website.

I’d say there were many ways that they could have put more attention toward that and less attention towards anything else and they’d be able to up how many people show up to the website.

There’s also ways they could have gotten more people to show up on Christmas Eve.

They could have been made this a whole lot more specific and you really do have to sit here and read through it in order to get the main message and because it’s directing you a couple of different ways, I don’t think it does as well at bringing into mind those calls to action, but see that’s all dependent on what they wanted as success for this.

If they may very well be a success for them. So that’s a simple idea, very much a principle, but it’s core to what I look at when I’m looking at a business.

I can’t look at the outside and tell you whether it’s working or not. I have to know where you’re looking to take things, what the purpose is of your tactics before I can know whether those tactics worked or not.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

If you’d like me to be able to look at your business, go to I’d be happy to be able to take a look at your business.

We’ve got a couple of different options there. Includes strategy sessions starting at $600 and above.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field and you’re interested in the same type of deal, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, then go to that link is in the description. You can go check that out.

There’s a free video there and you can, you can get kind of a deeper idea of what I mean by a strategy session or a Dream Business Transformation.

Hey, I will have another video for you tomorrow. Hopefully have a couple more.

I’m going to have to put some extra videos one of these days, to make up for a day we missed a couple of days ago. So you have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Get Free Publicity For Your Business

How to Get Free Publicity For Your Business

How to Get Free Publicity For Your Business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Coming to you live every day, today from Grants Pass, Oregon here at the headquarters for and today we’re going to be talking about how to get free publicity for your business and what is free publicity?

What is it?

Free publicity is all about getting attention to any type of a free public forum, media and so forth.

I’m going to give you a real quick tip, one of the most unused areas in the terms of publicity.

This doesn’t work as well for local unless you have local versions of these, but it’s podcasts. Podcasts, they’re out there. They’re out there forever.

Most episodes are out there forever.

Even if a podcast keeps producing more episodes, the old episodes, oftentimes as long as the person is still paying their hosting bill, that stuff continues to go on and on forever.

And sometimes other websites will pick them up and put them out there even after the fact. And so you have websites like and so forth that will grab onto these things and sometimes you can’t get rid of them once they’re out there, which is really good for you if you are looking to have that type of impact online.

Now, like I said, if you’ve got local podcasts. Podcasts that have to do with your area, then that’s a great thing to plug into. But if you have more of a national or international flare to your business, then you’re going to want to look for podcasts that have something to do with your niche, with your industry.

Podcasts that people who would become your customer or client. We’d be listening to them.

Is this one which we start out as a video, a vlog that goes out every day, and then the audio gets put out there every day via podcast.

So we’ve got this as a podcast, Brian J. Pombo Live. I also have another podcast, which I’ve mentioned on here before called The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

That has everything to do with businesses that are in the self reliance field where I go and I interview them or people something having to do with business or something having to do with self-reliance in that area or some type of lesson for someone who has a business in the self-reliance field.

So that’s The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. You’ll find that at

Now with those two podcasts, how often do you think I’m hit up to try and get onto my podcast? You’d be surprised. I don’t get hit up hardly at all.

Once in a while someone who knows me and may asked to be on it, but I’m always asking people, I actually have a bumper on the end of my Off The Grid Biz Podcast asking if you know somebody or if you are, he’d be on the show, let me know. And we’ve got a special spot on the website where they can sign up.

So that’s still available.

If you’re interested. Even if you’re interested on coming with me live on here, let me know and we’ll, we’ll see if we can arrange something because I love to have guests and I love to be able to talk to people.

Not that I have a lack of them, especially on The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. I’ve got a huge list of people to get ahold of, but you’re always welcome to jump on it.

So that’s a great idea for publicity. But I want to show you how to take that and go even further with it. And it’s a simple, simple thing.

I’m going to give you an example. So I’ve mentioned before an interview I did with RaeJean Wilson. She is one of the owners, the family of owners at Glory Bee glory Food’s.

Beyond just honey, they have a number of other natural based foods that they put out there on the market.

You can find their stuff just about anywhere.

They’re out of Eugene, Oregon, which isn’t that far North from here. Yeah, interviewed her. Great interview. Really interesting.

You can go and click the link below in the description. Go and listen to that over on The Off the Grid Biz Podcast. Afterward we broadcasted it, her assistant Jesse emailed me and asked me if they could send me a gift.

So I, uh, I had, I sent my address over to them. Turns out it was the wrong address because I transpose two of the addresses.

I’ve got a couple of business addresses and so forth. So I messed that up.

And then I had to, they got the package back and they said, well, what can we do?

I sent them the right address.

Let me this what was in the package, great little envelope. Look at this.

Happy Holidays. It’s got the bees with the a little Rudolph Bee on the end. That’s brilliant.

Happy holiday.

Hey, Brian, thank you for the opportunity to share the family story of Glory Bee.

Happy Holidays,


And with the little inscription on the card and it’s a specific card made just for them.

I got this awesome bag. Look at this. Save the Bee, Glory Bee. Their organization that they’re promoting to help save the whole issues with the bees that have been happening in the colony.

The colony collapses and so forth.

So there’s an awesome bag, which good to have because in Oregon because they just outlawed single use plastic bags.

I really love this.

I’m really happy that they sent that off to me. It’s just such a lovely thing, but look, every time I look at this bag, what am I going to think of?

Just something real simple. Something real subtle.

They gave me a nice little piece of swag, what they call, when it’s inscribed with the name of your business and everything, and it’s just something just a little bit extra, just a little bit.

Not that I’m asking that from any podcast guest. But I’m telling you, if you want to get publicity. If you want to get your name out there, get people talking about you and get in the good graces of the people that have those media sources.

Then that’s the type of thing you do.

You get on there, you thank them for getting you on there.

If you can give them a little gift or a little card, that’s great. If you can’t, it’s no big deal, but keeping their good graces, stay out there in front of them and you too will get constant free publicity and you’ll always be out there in the public eye.

Glory Bee does a great job of that.

She talks a lot about that on the podcast, so go listen to that interview.

If you are in the self-reliance field and you’re a owner or an executive, one of the decision makers at your company, I’d love to be able to talk with you. Go to and watch the video there.

Explains this whole process.

I call the Dream Business Transformation.

Trust me, it’s free. Go check it out. And in the meantime, we’re back here every day.

Yesterday we missed but tomorrow, I think I’m going to give you a two videos for the price of one, just because we missed yesterday’s date.

The Perfect Christmas Gift for Your Friends & Family?

The Perfect Christmas Gift for Your Friends & Family

What is the perfect Christmas gift for your friends and family?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live everyday.

Today from Grants Pass, Oregon here at the head quarters. You heard the ding, that means I forgot to turn my phone off.

Forgot to silence it before I came on the air. Rather forgetful.

If you haven’t noticed yet, yesterday I forgot to plug my microphone all the way in so you couldn’t hear me all that well.

Hopefully you got to hear the message though. Today’s message has to do with a Christmas gift for you and your loved ones. And it’s not something that you can easily wrap up in most cases.

It’s not something that is all that easily delivered or even necessarily even wanted by the other party. That’s right. It’s a trick question in a sense because it’s one of those things that it really is the gift that keeps on giving and we’ll talk a little bit about that.

It’s business ownership. It’s entrepreneurship, it’s doing your own thing and having something that you could work on, either part time or full time, but being able to put as much time as you want into it and being able to have it be yours, that you own it, that you run it and that it means something. It’s deeper.

There’s a lot of opportunities out there that we’re all familiar with and many of us came into owning our own business through different opportunities. Maybe direct sales or network marketing or any of the other kind of little niche projects out there that people get involved in.

And they may not even make money at them. Their introduction, a lot of people call it the introductory drug into the world of entrepreneurship. But it’s somewhere to start.

It’s something you can start with, you can take your time with and start figuring out what business ownership is all about. And if you’re a business owner, let me ask you something.

What would have happened if you did not ever have a chance to own your own business now?

You could ask any business owner and they all have a different back story. Some of them have always had their own business since they were a little kid.

Some of them have worked almost their entire lives as employees and just recently started their own business and are still trying to find their way around it. Other people, somewhere in between. They stumbled into owning a business.

It wasn’t even something that they meant to do. They ended up buying it from or ended up inheriting it or something of that sort. But it’s life changing, owning a business.

It changes your perspective on things. It changes everything.

On my podcast, The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, which you could find it we interview different business owners.

Well, most of them are business owners, some of them, they’re doing something in the self-reliance field that relates back to business.

But many of them are business owners and they have a completely different perspective. But one thing, unless they’re on their way out, most of them are very thankful for the ability to have owned a business and being able to see things from that perspective and be able to have that type of responsibility.

Either thrust upon them or that they came across it or some of them feel like they couldn’t ever be employed again. And if you’re anything like me, it was life changing.

Owning your own business is a life changing event and it’s one of those things where it’s very difficult to ever imagine yourself going back into full employment in the same way that you may have been at one time.

We could talk about all the different things, all the different advantages to owning your own business, but I think everyone should own their own business at some point.

I don’t think everyone’s an entrepreneur.

I don’t think everyone’s a serial business owner or someone that’s going to take it extremely seriously or necessarily even make a living at it.

But I think everyone should have a chance to own a business at some point and be able to experience that.

I think it builds empathy for others and it allows you to really see how difficult it is to be able to do it and how there is a certain amount of luck you did with it.

But it does take a lot of thought, a lot of hard work, and a lot of persistence, grit, and if you’re a business owner, you should feel proud about that.

But also see what you can do about introducing your friends and family into the same world. They’re not all gonna be great at it.

If they’re not all gonna want to do it here, but how would you go about doing that?

How do you introduce it to someone?

Here’s how I do it. I talk to people and I find out what they’re into and I find out what’s going on. It’s a perfect time of year for those types of conversations.

How have you been doing?

How’s it going?

What are you doing with your time?

How are you like that job?

You enjoy it. You like doing that, you see yourself doing that long-term, where do you see yourself in the long run if you’re not going to be there?

Where do you see yourself, if you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing?

And if the conversation ever comes back to me, I said, you know, I help help people to start their own businesses and I help co successful businesses.

If you were to own any type of business, what would it be?

What would you do?

Could you ever see your cell phone in a business?

I throw these stuff out there and I kind of have a back and forth with people because I like to see their perspective. And I really like to see if every once awhile someone has a desire and they have a point in their life where they’re just looking for something different.

I do my best to encourage them at whatever they’re looking at doing. Encourage them if they want to. Have a site up on Etsy and sell their homemade crafts. I encourage them.

You should too, just do your best to do that. Because I think the more people that have that independent spirit, the more people become more self reliant, which is what I really love.

I love seeing people to become more self-reliant because the more self-reliant they are, the more we can help people who can’t be or won’t be, in some cases.

It ties into a lot of my business model because a lot of the people I ended up helping business owners that are already relatively successful.

The ones that I can help out the most, I’ve found a really cool area that I work in. The Self-reliance field meaning, businesses that help people to become more self reliant in some way or fashion.

Maybe they teach people how to, how to do a skill or they teach something, a way of building a business, or they teach you how to be self reliant, how to basically survive in a bad situation.

All of these different things or within the self-reliance field. It’s so if you’re a business owner or an executive and the self-reliance field and you’d love to have a conversation.

Well because I know I’d like to have a conversation with you then I love to talk with you and find out more about you. Go to

I used to pull this thing out every day, but every once awhile while I was moving it would get lost in the shuffle while I found it again. my little cue card.

Go there and watch the video.

You can also find the link in the description. You can click right on it. Take you right over to it. I’d love to find out what you think.

Whether you’re interested in talking to me or not, definitely drop me a line because it takes you straight to but a very specific page.

That takes you to something we call the Dream Business Transformation.

So go check that out. I mean, let’s say you don’t own a business, but you’re looking to own a business.

Ggo to, on the front page, there’s three little boxes up there, at least currently there’s three little boxes.

By the time you see this video, there may be more, but, you’ll see this one that says, I want to start my business. Click on that, fill it out, and I will get back to you.

Because I do help people to start their own businesses.

Totally different format from what I use to help people that already have a business to move forward with. But it’s definitely something that I encourage everybody to do and I encourage you to encourage others to do it too.

So hopefully that’s helpful. That’s my Christmas message.

We’ve got some more Christmas messages coming up. We do this everyday.

So come on back tomorrow.

You can also check out our old videos and audios over on so you have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Can You Let the Magic Happen?

Can You Let the Magic Happen?

Can you let the magic happen?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We do live every day here. Today we are in Grants Pass, Oregon. In the headquarters of and I wanted to talk a little bit kind of playing off of yesterday’s talk that we had together.

I wanted to talk a little bit about just letting things happen and my sign off at the end every show. I’ll end this one the same way I sign off, what I say is, get out there and let the magic happen.

You may maybe a little bit curious, a little bit different and you may wonder what it means. So it ties directly into how I see handling stress and handling emotional stress and being able to distance yourself from all that and handling things properly.

The more I’ve seen that the less I get wound up in the day with stresses of the moment. You know, the day to day emotional drains, the getting upset, getting angry, getting scared, all that stuff.

The more you get caught up with all those emotions, not that you shouldn’t have them, we all need emotions, but if the less you get caught up with them and letting them control you, then the more magic happens in your life.

Like absolute magic things you can possibly write yourself. Things you can’t set a goal for, things you can’t possibly dream about.

They happen on their own, but it takes letting them happen.

It’s an anti-willful thing. It’s stepping back and just letting things happen.

I’m not saying that you’d sit down and just be lazy. I’m not saying that you’re not. Go out there and try and get something out of your life and try and make something different and build things and everything else.

But the less effort you put into it, the willful energy effort that you put into it, the better things turn out and the more you’ll see what the next step is to take.

because it becomes real clear when you don’t make it about the emotional give and take when you’re not worried about what someone else is gonna think.

When you’re not worried about what the absolute outcome is in every situation. Sometimes you just gotta do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do with the moment.

The only way you’re going to be able to see that clearly is if you’re not angry and caught up in the conversations in your head and all the little emotions that jump around all of our brains.

So it’s all about letting the magic happen.

I truly believe, at least it has in my life and for the people that I’ve been able to pass this onto, that they’ve been able to implement the same kind of success mindset is the more you step back and let magic happen, the more it will.

It’s automatic as if it’s just meant to happen that way and really most of the trouble that happened in our lives happened because we’re created now.

I’m not saying bad things don’t happen to you whether you like it or not.

Bad things are always going to happen to you.

It’s going to rain, it’s going to pour, you know, bad things or always occur, but they don’t have to stay a bad thing.

They could be a bad situation.

It could be bad weather, but turn out to be a great harvest in the end or lead into something that, it would have never led to without that circumstance that you labeled as bad.

I know that this is kind of all over the place and kind of up in the air, but this is my philosophy in life. And if you’d like to be able to have someone like me on your team or someone like me to be able to talk to, then I suggest reach out and grab that person.

And if it’s me that you love to talk to then go and check out Watch some of my other videos and see if you gel with me on some of these other concepts because I’m looking for business owners to be able to work with people, to be able to build joint ventures with and be able to help really take things to the next level.

And sometimes that takes getting the mindset right for all of us.

It’s never all all flowers and rainbows and all that. We all go through it and it’s good to have someone on your side that kind of has a similar perspective. So go to and if you are in the self-reliance space, meaning you help people to become more self reliant through your products and services that your business provides, I have a special opportunity just for you.

Go to

At, we have got this process called the Dream Business Transformation.

And it’s a onetime sit down over the phone or over a video chat. Go and check it out.

There’s a video that explains how it works over at The link is in the description and really in the long run it’s all about working together with other people.

If you don’t feel like you would juggle someone like me, go and find someone you would be able to work with and reach out to them.

Life is too short to not get out and meet as many people as you can.

Bring as many people on your team and really discover what the magic is that’s sitting out there for you. So hopefully that helps.

We’re going to talk to you tomorrow because we’re back here every day with another topic.

Sometimes we go into more tactical, specific things that you could do within your business. And sometimes it’s more up in the air like today. So we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

What Does Stress Say About Your Business?

What Does Stress Say About Your Business?

What does stress say about your business?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today’s a quick one just about the concept of stress.

This came to me while watching some people handle the stress within their own business today and also I saw a video online where a fellow was talking about how when he started to learn how to relax in business, everything got better.

So what does the stress say about you and your business?

It really says is that you’re not handling things right, and I’m not talking about stress. If you’re thinking like friction, because friction is a natural thing, you know, even a little bit of uncomfortably, that type of friction is necessary.

It’s absolute, it’s guaranteed to happen. You’re going to be uncomfortable in business and it’s a good thing.

What I’m talking about is the emotional stress is the times when you just aren’t handling things properly. And when you don’t handle things properly, you take it home with you.

If you’re lucky enough to have a home. If you have a family at home or what have you, and if you don’t have anyone at home, then you don’t have anyone to take it out on. You can never escape it and it’s mainly because you just aren’t handling things right.

It’s not about the circumstances of your business that’s pulling you down. The circumstances are easy thing to blame. It’s how you’re handling the circumstances and your difficulty in order in enabled that’s getting in the way of you growing your business comes back to that stress.

If you can’t handle the stress right, you’re not going to be able to see opportunity when it comes along.

You’re not going to be able to fix things when they need fixing. It’s all something to think about.

How do you go about handling stress properly?

How I’ve learned how to do it is just backing away from the emotional end of it. If you can back away from an emotional reaction of it and just let it ride and watch it, whatever’s bothering you, watch whatever’s tempting you to be bothered.

If you can just be a little bit separate from it and just watch it from a little bit of a distance, you’ll figure out how to get past it.

Just like you have every other time.

If you pull back far enough, you’ll realize you’ve always had these things. There’s always been something in your way.

There’s always one of these things that’s insurmountable that you can’t get. Imagine you’ll ever get past.

You will get past it one way or the other. You will get past it, but getting stressed about it is going to ruin your health.

It’s going to ruin all the relationships with the people around you and it’s going to make the whole process a whole lot more difficult. Learn how to deal with your stress and you’re going to figure out all those little details in your business that’ll make things better.

I know from experience when I learned well through time, as I’ve learned more and more and more about how to handle stress better, my business has gotten better and the whole path in front of me gets a lot more clearer and hopefully that’s helpful to you.

It’s just a simple, simple concept.

Certainly not something you haven’t heard before, but maybe a nice little reminder during this holiday season because things get kind of tight going into the holidays when everyone’s just trying to push through and get everything done at the last minute.

Something to keep in mind.

If you are a business owner or an executive and you’re in the self-reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, I’d love for you to watch a video.

Go to the link is in the description. Go and click on it. Watch the video there. I love to find out what you think about it.

If you think that you’d be interested in what I’m talking about on that video, fill out the application. We’ll see if we can get together and chat.

Love to talk with you about your business.

Hey, you guys have a great night. We’re going to be back here tomorrow night.

Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

3 People You Do Business With

3 People You Do Business With

Three people you do business with.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day from Grants Pass, Oregon and here once again in the headquarters for

Today I’m going to talk about the different people that you are guaranteed to work with one way or the other. And this is on the book, Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer.

If you haven’t read this one, it’s a classic, absolutely worth reading. It’s not about winning by intimidating but winning through the intimidation of others.

So how do you go about handling that first is really understanding who you’re dealing with. What about human nature is just mutable, it’s just common no matter what.

If you’re dealing in any form of business, you’re going to deal with three different types of people. And he mentions a four fourth type, and I’ll talk about that also, but the main thing is understanding the three because these are the three antagonists that you’re going to run against when it comes to business.

Because oftentimes in business is, I’m looking to get something or give something and get something in return and the other party’s looking to do the same thing.

So I might be providing services and they might be providing money or vice versa, or I’m providing product and they’re providing money and vice versa.

Regardless of whatever business in, you’re in a back and forth type relationship. Best thing about online, a lot of online marketing, e-commerce is that it’s set prices. There’s not whole lot of haggling. They buy it, they get the product, they’re happy with it, and that’s the end of the story. If they’re not happy with it. They return it. You give them their money back.

I mean it’s pretty straight-forward and very simple and hopefully your business works a lot like that, but the more interaction you have with people and the higher the prices that you deal with, you tend to deal with very strange types of people.

If you work around the people long enough.

I read this book years ago and it was right before I had a client and we’re going to call him Phil. And Phil was a client and you’ve probably heard me talk about this previous times because I had so many great interesting stories of Phil even though we only worked for a handful of months together.

This particular client is a type of person that Robert Ringer was talking about. I’m going to read you this section where he talks about the three different types of people. See if these commonalities fit with the people that you work with.

Type number one is the person that lets you know from the outset, either through his words, his actions or both that he’s out to get your chips, poker chips, you know, gambling. He then follows through by attempting to do just that.

That’s time number one.

Type number two who goes to great lengths to assure you that he would never dream of pilfering your chips, often trying to throw you off guard by assuring you that he really wants to see you get everything that’s coming to you.

Then like type number one and without hesitation he goes about trying to grab your chips.

That’s number two.

Number three is the person who’s like number two, assures you that he’s not interested in getting your chips, but unlike number two, however he sincerely means what he says, but there’s a real difference in the end. And that’s due to any one of a number of reasons ranging from his own bungling to his amoral standards for rationalizing what’s right and wrong.

He, like type number one and type number two, still ends up trying to grab your chips, which means that his supposed good intentions are irrelevant to the final outcome.

So in summation, no matter how someone posits himself, you’ll be wise to assume that he will in the final analysis attempt to grab your chips.

In the end, everybody is out for themselves is what Robert Ringer saying, but you are going to run into these types. And they’re either completely honest about the fact that thereafter a certain end goal for themselves and or you get a person who’s completely dishonest but poses as your friend.

Or the person who really wants to be your friend but doesn’t know themselves well enough to end up one wanting everything you got in the end anyways.

I would say that number three is probably who Phil was. Phil, that client.

It was a good thing I had just read this because I was waiting to see what would happen.

One of the things that he really encourages in this book is getting things in writing.

It tends to keep even honest people honest or at least forgetful people on it. So when people forget what happened or what you agreed upon, it’s on paper somewhere so that everyone’s on the same page, so to speak.

That’s huge.

As I was going moving ahead with Phil, he insisted that we not sign anything. We do everything on a handshake, that that was the only honorable way to do it is on a handshake and I’m all for doing that.

The only problem is every time I’ve ever done her on a handshake, somebody ends up changing the deal because it’s not clearly written.

That’s the main problem with it is that somebody, whether they mean to or not, it’s forgotten about what the original terms were. And sure enough, I watched this with Phil as we were going through it.

I said, well, I’ll make the stakes low enough to where I don’t care and I’m going to make sure I get paid ahead of time.

My part of it so that I don’t care if he ends up pulling the rug out from under me and everyone warned me about him and he was super nice and he was going to do everything right and everything else in the end, he forgot our terms were and changed the deal and then made it out to be as if it were my fault.

This is a common thing over and over again.

But I knew going into it and so I didn’t hold it against them. I just realized, okay, that’s a lesson for me. It really did help me out a lot because it showed me something that I had already seen in human nature, but got to see it closer up for a particular type of person, one of those three types.

Keep your eye out for those three types and don’t let them throw you off.

Just realize in the end, most people are after getting their end of the deal.

Here’s the fourth type of person, the fourth type of person that he refers to, he doesn’t it go over it in this book.

But he just makes slight reference to it is the person who gains when you gain. So if you’re in a business situation where the people you’re working with only gain when you gain, then you’re in a pretty good situation because you have nothing to fear.

They’re out to see that you make money.

Because they make money and I always look for more and more deals like that. Sometimes they exist. Just make sure you get everything written down. Make sure everything’s kept up on board so that people have an encouragement to stay honest.

Hey, I hope this helped you. It’s just a quick little idea.

Go and get this book. If you haven’t read it yet, if you have read it, go and read it again.

The worst thing about that book, there isn’t a very good audio book out there about it, that I’ve been able to find.

So for those of you who don’t like reading, have preferred listening, that’s a tough one to get.

Hey, have a great night.

We’re going to see you tomorrow when we come back.

In the meantime, go to especially if you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in the self-reliance space and you’ve got products and services or become more self reliant.

Go to the link is in the description.

Go watch the video there. Let me know what you think.

Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Path Over Plan – Carly Fiorina

Path Over Plan - Carly Fiorina

Path over Plan.

Hi, I’m Brian welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day here from Grants Pass, Oregon. Here at the headquarters for

Today I wanted to talk about this concept of the path over the plan.

I first heard this termed in an interview with Carly Fiorina.

Carly ran for Senate in California as a politician. Was a business person, made into a politician. She also ran for president. Still a number of things like that. I’m not here to get into politics or talk about whether I like her or not. It’s irrelevant.

What I heard though, something that stopped me in my tracks and she talked about path over plan and said that a lot of times we get caught up with the plan and when it doesn’t go right, we forget where the next step is.

This comes back to the kind of the three big things that I think business owners get confused about and it has to do with what are we talking about right now?

Are we talking about tactics?

Are we talking about strategies or are we talking about principles?

One of the most common things you see is people getting caught up with the tactics.

So her getting caught up with YouTube or getting caught up with this new product. It’s that tactic.

It’s a temporarily exciting thing that we’re getting caught up in the action and the action really doesn’t have much meaning unless there’s a plan behind it, which is the strategy.

The strategy, should proceed the tactic. If you’ve got a strategy behind the tactic, the tactic means more.

It’s based off of something deeper, but there’s another level deeper than that is most of the time we don’t as business owners.

If we are strategy focused then we get too overly focused on strategy and we haven’t spent enough time thinking about the principles that should proceed the strategy, the principles of the deeper thing.

And so if you get too caught up with strategy……and this is coming from a business strategist, okay, my main areas and helping businesses to plan, hench, The Worthington Method that we’ve been discussing in previous videos, hits a lot of the concepts that I bring to you here have to do with their strategy base.

Because most companies do not have any sense in long-term strategy.

But that strategy has to be based on principles.

It has to be based on something that means something to you that is taking you somewhere important.

And those principals, they have to be true. If they’re not true, the whole thing falls apart.

The tactics fall apart and everything falls apart, if the principles aren’t true, If the real clear in destination isn’t true, if everything about that is not true, then it’s like a formula and the whole formula falls apart.

So here’s a couple pieces out of Carly’s book.

I haven’t read it, but the book is, Find Your Way.

So you can go and track that down. I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet, but this is where she actually has a section or a chapter on it and I found an excerpt and it’s called the path over the plan. And says that the dirty little secret of a destination mindset of living life on plan is that if it fails to deliver what it promises every time for people who adopt an on planned approach to life, there are only three outcomes, each devastating in its own way.

And then she outlines what those three outcomes.

These are the three things that you end up with when you have some type of long-term strategy you get there. But you can’t sustain it, or you get there but it can’t sustain you so it doesn’t fit.

It doesn’t fit with what you want or you never get there at all. Those are the three things that most often happen when it comes to our strategies, to our plans, and that should always take you back to the path.

In other words, the principles.

You’ve got to take yourself back to why are we doing this?

Starting with why, by Simon Sinek is also a great, great book and you could find speeches from him on YouTube. Just understanding the real why behind everything. The principles is what matters most.

The path proceeds the plan.

It’s more important.

You always have to have it in the background. You always have to go back to it when the plan doesn’t seem to be going right. Just a simple concept.

Once again, a lot more deeper, a lot more on principles, kind of broad based idea. Hopefully it’s helpful to you.

If you’d like to help with your business when it comes to either the principles, the strategies, or the tactics. I’d love to be able to talk with you it. Go to and click on help me grow my business.

Now, if you are in the self-reliance field, go to At you’ll see a video there. Go watch it. It’s quick. It’s only eight and a half minutes long and you don’t have to sign in forward or anything.

Just watch that.

If it makes sense to you, fill out the application.

I’d love to be able to talk with you in the future. Glad you came here today.

I’m here every day, come back again.

You can find the rest of the videos going all the way back to, let’s see….it was may of earlier this year, were well over 200 videos in for this first main section of BrianJPombo Live.

So go to and you can watch all the past videos and you can catch us on all your favorite social media. So have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.