SEO Blunders: #1

SEO Blunders, number one.

I don’t know how many of these I’m going to come out with, so this is number one.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every day from Grants Pass, Oregon, or at least every day that I’m in at Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today I’d like to remind you about if you happen to be a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

I’d love to get your opinion on a quick little video over at the link is in the description in case you forget the name.

Okay, so let’s talk about SEO.

In other words, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

It’s a mouthful for those of you who aren’t used to that one that, but I learned it very early on in my career.

In fact, I started out being self employed in search engine optimization, which basically means I helped business owners get found by the search engines.

Let’s see, it must have been 2009 when I first went off on my own. I was already doing some work of that type for an employer and got pretty good at it.

So I decided to go on my own and make that employer a client and bring on some other clients and show people how to get found online specifically through Google and so forth and we really focused early on on organic search could because paid search really hadn’t picked up at that point.

But now paid search is pretty useful.

I mean you could get found a lot of places by paying Google, by paying other forms of search engines, even things you don’t consider a search engine.

Things like and Facebook are search engines in a way and you can get paid to be found there, but I’m not going to get into those details.

I want to talk about one of the blunders of SEO and I was talking earlier with somebody who had brought up SEO that they were going to be using to get some attention.

It reminded me about all these concepts that I think have gotten lost through time for people who kinda stumbled upon SEO and think that it’s going to be extremely useful.

It can be.

What I found early on was that a lot of the concepts behind SEO tends to teach traffic as being all the same thing.

As long as you can get people come to your website, that’s what you’re after. You just need more numbers, more numbers, more numbers.

Well, not all numbers are equal and you’ll be familiar this if you watch any of these or listened to these episodes on a regular basis that not all traffic and it doesn’t matter if it’s people driving by a McDonald’s, not everyone driving by McDonald’s is equal to what McDonald’s is looking for.

McDonald’s is looking for the people that are hungry initially and then they’re looking secondarily out of the people who are hungry.

People who have been to McDonald’s before are going to be the most likely people to stop at a McDonald’s.

Again, people that enjoy fast food or are into the food that they would have are going to be a smaller and smaller audience.

So there’s a big difference between just anybody walking or driving by McDonald’s and the people that McDonald’s is actually after. Now they know if we get enough people driving by and we’re going to find enough of the right people to come on in, but it’s not always the same when it comes to traffic on a website.

Traffic on a website takes money and time and effort and if you’re a small business or you’re just starting out and start just starting to try and get attention, you can’t just act like every single number.

Everyone that comes to your website is as important as the ones that really matter.

I’ve had this book for quite awhile. I read it years ago, it’s called The Small Army Strategy by, Srinivas Rao.

I don’t know if that’s how you pronounce your name. I’m sorry for butchering it if I did, but I’m pretty sure you could find this on Amazon. I think that’s where I found it.

I don’t even know if anyone recommended it to me, but somehow I found it.

It’s a tiny little book. Really, you could read it in one sitting, but really good information here. And here’s the thing that he talks about when it comes to traffic.

When he talks about the most dangerous metrics and social media, he says, he had a post that went viral on Stumble Upon.

If you’ve been around the internet for a while, you might remember Stumble Upon, it sent over 160,000 visits to my blog in a week. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that all traffic is not equal and traffic doesn’t necessarily equate to revenue.

Do you need traffic?


You don’t need hundreds of thousands of visitors, just a tribe who actually cares.

And this is one of the huge principles that I attempt to teach my clients, is to show them that if they can identify their ideal client and create a tribe around that type of person, have all those people get together, create a community.

You can go back and remarket to them over and over and over again.

Every time you do it, if you’re providing a quality product, you’re going to find an easier sell and it will take you less resources to reach them every single time you get back in touch with them.

That’s what he talks about here all about having a small army strategy.

It’s creating that army and that army brings along with it more new customers in the long run because they become your evangelists so to speak. His whole point about traffic is huge because if you’re just focused on getting a bunch of traffic to your website, you’re going to be really disappointed if you’re wanting them to do a specific thing.

If you are wanting them to do a specific thing, you can gear a lot of your organic SEO, you can gear a lot of that depending on what phrases your looking to get seen by.

But it gets a lot easier and a lot more scientific if you start looking into the paid options when it comes to SEO and really looking at your whole strategy of not just what the first sale is, but what the ongoing sales are to your tribe over time.

If someone comes to your website for the first time, yeah, they might get something the first time, but what else are they getting along the way?

These are all things to think about.

We’re going to talk a little bit deeper about SEO tomorrow and if you have any form of website whatsoever, it’ll be useful.

If you don’t focus a whole lot of your sales online, a lot of these concepts can be taken and reconfigured to the offline world. It’s the same principles. It’s just a different medium.

So we’ll talk to you tomorrow, come on back. I come here every night, every day.

You can always find more over at It should also be in the description, you have a great night.

Now get out there and let the magic happen.