Need Less – Get More

Need Less - Get More

Need Less, Get More.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Coming to you live every day. Today we’re coming to you live from Tracy, California. It’s our final night here in Tracy and I wanted to go through with you a little bit about the process of needing, because this really comes down to a negotiation tactic.

And not always in a negotiation principle in negotiations, but it’s a principle that should be present. Something you have to be aware of throughout your entire marketing of your business.

So when you’re taking a look at your business and you’re taking a look at your marketing, you’ve taken a look at what you want to have accomplished with it.

It should be the same concept that you should take into a negotiation.

Whether you’re looking to hire somebody, whether you’re looking to sell somebody your product or bring your product line into.

Let’s say a retail location.

You have to pay very close attention to the need coming from your end.

What do you need out of this situation?

What does an absolute that you absolutely have to walk away with when a need is present, when there is any type of need coming from your end, you’re in trouble.

You’re in trouble in your marketing, you’re in trouble in your sales, you’re in trouble in any form of negotiation whatsoever.

When it comes to business, and this is a concept pretty well outlined out there by a gentleman by the name of Jim camp. He wrote a few books on, I believe one was called, Starting With No and few others where he discusses this concept.

There are audios out there by him. He passed away a few years back, but his stuff is still just as relevant because it’s based on principle.

It’s based on human psychology and NEED is a big thing that you have to watch in yourself.

It’s not just him that says that this is an old Zen principle boot Buddhist principle. It’s also a principle, a present in a Judeo Christian tradition.

And if you look at Eugene Schwartz who was a famous copywriter also passed away a few years back, he used to say the same thing.

You have to really be careful about communicating or having to begin with any type of need for the situation when you’re communicating via marketing.

If you have a need in play, then you’re going to have a very difficult time communicating with the other person because they’re going to be on the defense because they’re being very careful of you being needy.

People do not like doing business with people who need something. If you need something, you’re putting your own needs ahead of their desires.

Here’s a better thing. Need versus want.

It’s important to know what you do want out of a situation, a negotiation, a sales deal, a, a situation in marketing. What do you want in the end from the whole situation, whether you’re putting out an ad, what have you, what are you wanting from it?

But if you need it, you’re in trouble.

You’re going to be out of control and you’re not going to be in a position to really make a solid, um, let’s say communication of what you’re trying to put out there. But if you want to be clear, know what you want, be clear about what you want, honest about what you want as soon as possible and then find out what the other person wants.

That goes back to a lot of our other discussions about finding out what people want and then showing them a way of how to get it.

Clear, clear, clear principle goes to sales, goes to marketing, goes to any form of negotiation is putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and helping them get what they need out of your relationship, whatever that may be.

So hopefully this somewhat useful to you. We go a lot further into this, but just understanding the principle of need and watching how that’s communicated in everything that you do, especially when you’re dealing with online business is something that is can really be helpful to you.

If you’d like to see how it can be helpful specifically to your situation.

Go to especially if you’re in the self-reliance field. link is in the description. Go and check that out.

If you’re an owner and executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people become more self reliant, go check that out.

The link is in the description regardless of where you’re watching or listening to this, and we’re here every single day, so come back tomorrow.

I love to be able to talk with you some more and be sure and leave some of your questions and so forth down in the comments.

You can check out more of these videos going all the way back to earlier in this year, at

Hey, have a great night.

In the meantime, before I see you again, get out there and let the magic happen.

Is Your Business Truly Open?

Is Your Business Truly Open?

Is your business truly open?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live today from Tracy, California on our trip, our California trip, which will be over soon.

I wanted to go over a concept of being open and how open is your business.

And when I’m talking about being open, it really comes down to open with your customers, with your clients, with your employees, with your partners.

Open on an interpersonal level is what I want to talk about.

So I was sitting back tonight and watching a TV show.

Not sure if you’ve ever seen The Prophet. I know it’s shown a couple of different places. They show reruns on CNBC was watching an old rerun of the prophet where he’s working with his fellow, his name is Marcus LeBoldus and he gets brought into companies that are having trouble to help turn him around.

He was working with a company and ended up becoming a partner with them and becoming the majority owner of the company coming in, buying out the other partners.

Even though the other partners were still engaged with the business, they did not have the clout that they once had, so he was basically in charge and going through and talking to former employees and trying to get an understanding for what went wrong, what went right.

It turns out all the employees hated the person that owned the business originally, but they couldn’t say it and they had all years and years of built up resentment and all these things that they knew that he was doing wrong, but they couldn’t tell him because they were too afraid of getting fired.

What I want to ask you is, the tough question is, do you have a situation like that on your hands?

Are you open enough that you’re willing to handle, head on, all the problems and criticisms that your employees, the people work with you, for you around you, that they have against you and the way you do business?

Are you open enough to be able to take criticism from your own customers and be able to consider what they’re saying?

It doesn’t mean that they’re right, but are you open enough?

Are you asking for it?

Are you out there asking for criticism directly and open to hearing someone else’s point of view?

One thing I found is most business owners is they just are not open to it and they don’t go looking for it. They try to sweep it the rug and they enjoy the fact that they have the power over their employees and so forth and that it keeps everybody in line and keeps everyone from criticizing and what you end up happening is having a very broken company at the end of that.

So do yourself a favor, open things up as soon as possible.

Bring in a third party that can come in and open up communications between you and the people you work with.

It will make a huge difference.

It’s one of the big areas that I look for when I’m working with a new client is somebody that’s open or willing to be more open with the people that they work with. It makes a huge difference in the long run.

Hopefully this is helpful to you.

If you are in the self reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people become more self reliant, go check out The link is in the description and there’s a video there that you could watch, tells you all about what I offer in the dream business transformation.

I’m going to have more details of that in the future and even for people outside of the self-reliance field, if you’re looking to be able to chat with me. And see if there’s any way that I can help you in your business and your business goals for the next year to five years to 10 years, then I’m going to be laying out a method for you, something that you can use on yourself, but also something that you can use, with assistance such as from me.

I’ll be going through that with you in the next following weeks. I’m a still work it out, the details of something, the names and so forth.

Hey Joe, how’s it going? I see Joe’s watching us live right now.

And if you want to watch us live, you can always catch us over on Facebook at on Facebook. At least for now, we may be going live in the future in other places. But for now we’re going live there and you could always find our recordings wherever you’re seeing this. And always at

Hey, I hope you all of you are having a great Thanksgiving day weekend.

We’ll see you tomorrow. We’re back here live every single day. We’ll see you back then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Did Black Friday Earn You Bank?

Did Black Friday Earn You Bank?

Did Black Friday or a new bank?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Black Friday.

Did you know that the Christmas season, the Christmas shopping season has been considered to start on the Friday after Thanksgiving?

Since 1952 was the earliest time that they heard people referring to this era as being the beginning of the Christmas season and the term Black Friday has gone back to 1961, 1961 is the earliest they’ve been able to find people refer to it as that. So this has been around a while.

The whole concept of Black Friday.

The question is, are you making money off that?

And if not, why not?

And if so, why would you want to?

Well, this comes back to the concept of holidays and doing holiday marketing.

So when you’re making any form of reference whatsoever to a holiday that’s existing to something that’s happening the day of, you’re entering the conversation in your customer’s mind.

So you’re, you’re allowing yourself to talk about something that they’re already thinking about in some way or fashion. Whether they agree or disagree with it or not, it doesn’t matter. They’re thinking about it.

It’s there, it’s being discussed. It’s in the social ethos. It’s out there in the ether.

And so that’s what Black Friday is whether you like it or not.

Most of us know a lot of people that think that it’s over overwhelming. It’s outrageous. It’s crazy.

Who would ever go and do something like that.

There’s a lot of people that do not as many as they make it out to look like when you’re watching the evening news, seeing people trample themselves and everything, but it’s still there.

The pressure’s there to get a good sale on the day after Thanksgiving. So you might as well give it a shot.

You might as well offer something. I don’t care if you go out and double your prices on Black Friday.

Don’t ignore it.

Don’t ignore these things that are out there that people are already thinking about.

They’re already talking about go out there and acknowledge that it exists and by doing that you’ll get a person to stop and pay attention to you and say, okay, what are they saying about Black Friday?

What are they offering?

Because it’s instantaneous.

If it’s an email or anything else, this is a way to get people to open it up, to pay attention to your marketing, to pay attention to any form of content that you’re putting out there.

The fact that I’m referencing Black Friday on Black Friday is going to get more people watching this than would have otherwise. It’s just the fact of matter and it’s something that you can use yourself.

It’s not just about Black Friday though.

It’s any holiday when you’re talking about any form of holiday, anything that is going through a person’s mind, it gives you a chance to be able to talk about it.

You’re making them stop a split second longer than they would have otherwise. Listen to what you have to say, and hopefully it’ll lead to a sale at some point, somewhere down the line, or at least you get someone listening to you for a little bit, which will eventually lead to a sale beyond that.

Hopefully it is helpful to you if you’d like to know how to take advantage of some of these trends that have been in existence forever and only has to do is just understanding the psychology of your customer. Then go to

If you’re in the self reliance field and you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to the link is in the description.

Hey we’re back here every single day, so come on back tomorrow and we’ll have another little thought for you.

Hopefully that will help you grow your business a little faster, a little quicker, a little bigger.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there. Let the magic happen.

Self-Reliance & Thanksgiving 🦃

Self-Reliance & Thanksgiving 🦃

Self-reliance and Thanksgiving.

I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you on Thanksgiving night, 2019.

Today I want to talk about a topic that kind of surrounds Thanksgiving and how it ties back to your business. So Thanksgiving if you think about is really the ultimate self-reliance story. And if you know enough about the story, it’s really two times.

A lot of times we refer to the 1621 feast that they had that lasted three days and the 50 or so survivors of the Mayflower.

Out of a hundred or so that came over only about 50 or so survived after starving and dying of numerous diseases. About 90 Native Americans that were also there, in actually reading the accounts of this day of Thanksgiving that we oftentimes refer to as Thanksgiving.

It was not a joyful time.

It was pure survival.

I mean, they didn’t really have an abundance of food.

Nothing really turned out the way they wanted.

They hadn’t really created as much corn as they had hoped. They hadn’t created as much food as they were hoping for. They were dependent on the Native Americans to bring all the necessary food to be able to really have a good, uh, good feast.

It lasted three days because everyone was taking advantage of it. After that they were starving again.

They were really at a point famine.

It really isn’t what is proposed through a lot of our holiday traditions. Most of the time when the people of that colony were referring to this great feast of Thanksgiving, they were actually referring to 1623, which was years later after they kinda got their act together, switched around their government structure and everything to make sure that everybody, was basically benefiting themselves as much as possible.

And that everyone was responsible for becoming self-reliant was a huge piece of their change around in government structure.

It changed everything and it made it to where they had an abundance of food on many levels and that really what they refer to as Thanksgiving.

Most of the time you could go back and look at the history of this and look at William Bradford’s recordings of this and all the other people that were writing at the time. It’s very, very interesting history and it has to do with self reliance and it has to do a feast or famine.

A lot of times in our own businesses we get in a situation where we’re not surviving .Or we’re just barely surviving.

We’re at a point of famine and it’s at that point that you need to really pull back and take a look at what you’re doing and really focus on the things that matter most in your business and mainly increasing sales.

And that’s a huge piece.

If you’ve had periods of feast though, you know what it takes to do that.

The whole thing is how do you grow off it?

It’s actually tougher to grow off of feast than off of famine because you’re not quite sure what else to do to succeed even more.

At least when you’re starving, you know where to go from there.

But oftentimes, the people that I’ve found that have some of the toughest times are the people that have already been successful and don’t know where to go from there.

So if you’d love to talk about it, go check out

Go and check out that video and tell me what you think and think of it would help you in your business. And I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving.

This was just a quick message tonight.

Hey, in the meantime, come on back again where I do this every single day right here, Brian J. Pombo Live.

Whether you’re listening to this via podcast or watching the videos, you’re always welcome to come back.

We do this daily.

So see you next time, have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Recharge?

Do you recharge?

My name is Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m talking quietly because everyone in the house is asleep right now. And to tell you the truth, I’m getting ready to have a little bit of a recharge myself.

Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving, everything’s going nice and smooth. So I’m taking my time away from my work. Make sure you take time for yourself, make sure you have, you know, what it takes to recharge. Recharge your batteries.

Don’t burn out. Plan times to walk away from work.

It’s just a quick reminder. I know you’ve heard it before. This is nothing new for you, but I’m here to tell you it’s gotta happen.

So go check out I’m not going to talk about too much. Just go check it out. Link is in the description.

We’ll see you back here tomorrow on Thanksgiving. At least for those in the United States. Have a great night.

How to Combat COPPA

How to Combat COPPA

Link To Video Mentioned In Today’s Live

How to combat COPPA.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today coming to you live from Tracy, California. That’s right, we’re driving.

We’ve driven all the way down South to Tracy, California to visit my family for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Had to come down a little bit earlier than usual. I was talking about last night and what we ended up doing is we’re camped out with my family right now, but I wanted to come to you and talk to you a little bit about YouTube and I’ll bounce something that’s happening over there and how it relates back to your business, whether you’re on YouTube or not.

Let me just lay down the scenario if you aren’t aware, there’s this thing called COPPA, which is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

I believe that’s what it is. This is an older act. It’s been around for awhile, but the FTC, I believe are the ones that are changing how they enforce a lot of these things and they’re enforcing with a lot of new fines and so forth.

YouTube is trying to get ahead of the game and kind of take control of this before they get to the point to where they’re being fined heavily or held responsible for the content on their platform.

So what they’re doing is they’re asking every video creator out there, anybody that’s putting out any forms of videos on YouTube to be able to label their stuff of whether it is made for children or not for children.

The stuff that is made for children is going to need to make sure it covers everything that is a available on COPPA.

This is of course within the United States.

So if you’re outside of the United States, I’m not sure how YouTube is treating you, but within the United States, this is for sure something that they are paying attention to and they are holding everybody responsible.

Now, if you get a chance, if you’re interested in this type of thing, go ahead and watch the video that I’ve linked here, the YouTube length that’s in the description, and it’ll give you a concept of what some of the chaos that is compounding out there.

People are very worried because what happens when you have content that isn’t specifically made for children, but at the same time, children can watch it. That’s to say, there’s nothing wrong with children watching it.

Are you still under the same rules?

It’s very vague thing and everything.

So it’s caused all this chaos and people worried about losing their YouTube channels forever or losing the income because a lot of this stuff is tied to income and how much money that you can make and what the ads are that come forth in front of children.

It’s this big tangled mess. I don’t know all the details. I’ve heard enough to know that it’s a huge mess.

Who are the people that are most hurt?

And the video that is linked below is to a YouTube channel called Fresh Baked. They were originally called Fresh Baked Disney.

The whole concept, this guy started by just taking a camera around Disneyland and filming his trips there and filming his ride alongs and everything else. Built this huge following and it’s mainly been through YouTube.

Most of his stuff comes through YouTube.

His income comes through YouTube and he has this huge following all controlled on the YouTube platform.

Here’s the problem that you’ve got to watch for and it has nothing to do with COPPA, although COPPA is a symptom of the problem.

The problem is when you are too dependent on any one platform.

Whether that be YouTube, Facebook, any of the social medias, even if you’re dependent on a specific platform just for your website and that’s the only way that you’re getting new people if you’re dependent on Google.

So that’s just the online side of things.

If you’re dependent offline on the Yellow Pages, for example, is one of those things that’s been dying off pretty quickly over the last 10, 15 years here.

And a lot of these companies that were completely dependent on their Yellow Page ad. They did no other advertising, are now having to find other ways of being able to get connections with people on a local basis.

So it doesn’t matter who you are….


You need media independence.

It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be on all those sources.

It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a YouTube channel. You should.

The problem is you should not be dependent on it.

You shouldn’t be dependent on it for a majority of your money, you have to spread it out.

Whenever you become dependent in any one place, you need to step back and say, okay, how can I diversify where I’m reaching people, how I’m marketing to people?

That’s just a quick tip.

That’s how you beat COPPA.

If you want to beat COPPA, get away from YouTube.

Don’t take yourself off of YouTube.

But make yourself independent from YouTube.

Make it to where you could be found in other places.

Make it to where you could be found in other formats.

It’s easier said than done, but if you realize this early on, then you won’t get caught with some government intrusion or some corporate take over.

That completely changes a platform that you’ve been dependent on up til now.

Hopefully you found this interesting.

Hopefully you found it useful. Hey, go check out,

And if you’re in the self-reliance field, which are the people that I’m, I’m really working on helping right now, but having some great conversations with them over on my podcast at

It’s the Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

You can also find that wherever podcasts are found.

And if you are a business owner or an executive in the self reliance field, go to is all about the dream business transformation.

There’s a quick video there.

Go and watch it and tell me what you think.

Leave a comment or fill out the application over on that page.

Hey, that’s all I got for tonight.

Hope you have a great night, a wonderful Thanksgiving.

We’ll be catching you in the in the future days, day-after-day. I keep coming back, so we’ll see you tomorrow.

Have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.

What’s Your Emergency

What's Your Emergency

Oh boy. Making it in the very nick of time.

What’s your emergency?

Hi this is Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, not coming in live from Grants Pass. Actually, we’re in Redding, California on our way back to California to go meet with some family members for the lovely time of Thanksgiving.

We’re kind of in a situation here where we’re stuck in a hotel because we had to go down a day early and we had to get out late and we wanted to beat some bad weather coming. Actually going two days earlier than expected.

So this is quite fun.

I’m in a stairwell right now and had to get online right away at the last minute of today. I think we’re onto the next day already. For our daily videos. So here we are for this day and the question is, what’s your emergency today?

I got to speak with Dave and Beth Pruitt of

AMP-3 is over at, at You can go and check them out.

They’ve got a great little website on emergency preparedness and very specific on emergency preparedness. Really good stuff.

There’s an interview coming up on The Off The Grid Biz Podcast that I got to interview them today one-on-one with, and this is a two part interview.

So you’re going to want to keep your eyes open for that one.

Their whole deal is helping people to prepare for emergencies long before they happen so that by the time they happen, you know exactly how to handle where to go from there, How does that apply?

We ended up in a little bit of an emergency today where we had to pack super quick and get out before the bad weather was going to hold us back from possibly making the trip altogether, making the trip down south at all.

So we were able to make it in he Nick of time. I was able to get on here and be able to deliver this message to you and really discuss.

I want you to think about all the emergencies that could come up in your business, in your life and ways that you can get around them ahead of time before they happen.

What are the ways that you can help keep emergencies from being too big of a deal?

If you were making or possibly quadruple the income into your business.

If you were making quadruple the income from your business that you’re making right now, would that give you the ability to have the flexibility to be able to deal with any type of emergencies in your business whatsoever?

If all of a sudden your marketing started to fail.

If all of a sudden your ability to reach your customers, in any sense, was shut down something you had no control over whatsoever.

A great example of this is the emergency crisis down in California right now having to do with PGNE.

PG&E is a Pacific Gas & Electric Company and they handle California’s electricity and they’re in a fight with the state over all number of things. They came out and said, well, because of all of the bad weather and everything else, we’re going to have to shut down people’s electricity.

So in some cases could be up to a week that they will be without electricity. Many people across the state found their electricity shut down for really no clear reason why. And what happens when you’re in a situation where you you don’t have that control and it’s taken away from you?

How do you handle it?

How would your business handle it?

Would you be able to handle it if your business had no electricity?

If all the different things that could happen….your website goes down. Would you be able to handle it?

Do you have the resources capable?

Do you have a game plan in case those things happen?

Are you growing quickly enough?

Where if something like that happened, it wouldn’t damage you long-term. If you were shut down for a couple of weeks perhaps, or a month within your business, would it shut your business down completely?

These are all great questions to ask.

You’ve got to think about emergency preparedness, not just for yourself but for your business.

We’re going to talk more about that in the future.

I hope you have a great night.

Go and check out if you haven’t yet and if you have, go back and rewatch the video on

It’s free to watch and it’ll give you an idea of whether you would qualify for a dream business transformation or not.

If you do, be sure and fill out the application directly below the video,

Link is in the description.

Hey, have a great night. We’ll see you tomorrow.

But I’ve got some very important news having to do with YouTube and in fact, David Pruitt who we spoke to earlier today has a great YouTube channel out there at USNERDOC, type that in USNERDOC.

Go and check out his channel over on YouTube, and we’re going to talk about how YouTube is changing some rules, how that may affect you, whether you’re on YouTube or not, and how you can get around them in the long run.

So have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Leverage in Your Business

Leverage in Your Business

Leverage in your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to and Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re on site, I’m working on a rental property right now and I wanted to show you something that reminded me of business. I’m taking these nails out of this piece of wood here and what I’ve got here is a little crowbar thing. This is called a wonder bar.

With this, what you’ve got is you’ve got a very simple principle that allows you to take something that’s a little difficult. You could use like the claws of a hammer, the backend of a hammer to pull this out. You start with this end and pull it out like that.

If you could see that and then that one brought it all the way out.

But I want to show you something so we could get it started with this end, but you get to a point where it’s a little bit more difficult.

So there’s another end here.

That you put in and you pull out that way.

Now why would you use one over the other?

It’s leverage.

It’s the right tool for the right end. It’s also got one on the very end that you could use, so you’ve got this. In that end.

Why do we do this?

Why don’t we use anything else?

This works on a very simple principle of physics called leverage your business needs.


Your business is leverage.

Your business is a chance for you to make your customer’s lives better, easier, simpler, and also if it’s no good, if it doesn’t make your life better and simpler and easier, it’s all about leverage.

It’s about finding little machines.

Your business is a machine.

Finding a machine that makes your life better, that enhances in some way, that brings something better to things within that machine.

There’s points of leverage and there’s things that you could always be making better and better and better.

That’s where the 80/20 principle comes in.

If you don’t know much about that, go look it up or watch some of my videos on it over at

Also check out the media section there for all my other videos.

If you are in the self-reliance field, meaning you help people to do things for themselves, help people to become more and more self-reliant, then you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to

In the meantime, just get out there and let the magic happen.

The Main Thing You Need

The Main Thing You Need

The main thing you need.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got a quick one for you tonight and if I can take my entire philosophy on why I do what I do and why I help business owners in the space that I do. It comes down to one main thing.

If you look at the whole spectrum of what I ended up doing in the process of working with business owners is I help them to one kind of designate what they’re looking to get, what they’re hoping ideally their business is going to provide for them and secondly, mapping out a plan. Thirdly, helping them go through the process for that plan point by point by point and making sure that it works.

Then next setting up systems to help make sure that that plan is going forever, that it has an ongoing life to it.

Then it doesn’t require them constantly that they have the ability, if they desire to be able to step away or at least not be as important to their business as they are in the very beginning.

But if you boil it down to its most basic form, what I’m really hoping people to do is number one, trust themselves.

Having confidence that what you’re doing and that you know what the right thing to do is you just gotta step forward and do it. And to realizing your limitations.

We all have limitations.

There’s just always so much that each of us get.

There’s only so much that we all have that is possible to do unto ourselves that no matter what, if you’re really gonna make a dent in life, if you’re really gonna make a big difference, you’re going to have to trust in other people.

So you’re gonna have to know what you’re good at and be confident in that, but also know what your weaknesses are and where you need other people to fill in.

If I can help you discover those things and help you fill in those things and back you up where you need to be backed up, then my job’s done. That’s what my business life is all about.

And the people that I work with are people that are looking for them and their lives and hopefully I can help.

Well then find a way to find it.

So hopefully that’s helpful for you. If you’d like to be able to talk with me about your business and how it relates back to your life and how we can fill in the gaps. Go to go check that out.

I know this was all just a big, long commercial. Me, me, me, me, me, but hopefully the concept of the pattern helps you, even if you work with me or not.

If you’re able to take some of these concepts and include them into what you’re doing into your life so that you have a clear understanding of where you’re going. Think about your business and what you are able to provide for other people through your products and services.

How can you distill that down into a very straightforward philosophy?

Can you pull it down to the brass tacks and say the main, what is the main thing that you’re providing for people on an ongoing basis? I’d love to hear your answers. Leave me a comment. Otherwise go to the link is in the description, especially if you’re in this business.

Go and check it out.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Meet Them In-Person?

Do You Meet Them In-Person?

A question for you. Do you meet them in person?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Brought to you live every day from Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re going to be discussing the difference between having an online business. A business that distance versus a business that is one on one with people.

Now, most of the people that end up listening to this podcast or watching these videos oftentimes have a business that is virtual, so at least you probably do your business since from people you probably do most of your business online. This is very common.

Now, if you don’t, then this also applies to you. If you don’t have an online business, I’m going to suggest that you look into adding in online elements that’s talked about at nauseum from everybody out there, right?

But I want to talk to the people that have online businesses initially encourage you to do the opposite of what most people are encouraged you to do.

I’m going to encourage you to meet your customers in-person.

Find a way to meet them in person. It changes the entire dynamic of the relationship that you end up having and how they see you, how they view you.

It’s all changes when they at least have the ability to meet you in person.

So think about anybody that you’ve purchased, anything from online, whether it be a faceless corporation company like or like a company that actually has a personality behind it.

Think of any of the places, maybe you purchase from authors, you know, a book from your favorite author or music from your favorite artists, whatever.

Imagine the difference between having that, that one way relationship of getting it, enjoying it, having fun with it and that’s fine. But then imagine seeing them in concert.

It adds another element to it.

Imagine meeting them and having your book signed.

Imagine being able to go to a convention where where someone’s speaking or that you can actually go up and meet and shake their hand.

It adds an element to everything that so much of our world right now is virtual. We’re all living through our cell phones.

You know, we’re all living through this virtual world where it’s not real enough and you see this being voiced a lot from younger people who don’t feel like they’re really experiencing life, that they feel that they’re missing out.

And a lot of us who got to experience a lot of life pre-internet before the internet got big.

I think we take it for granted and you have to consider the value that you provide when you’re there in person.

It goes both ways.

For one thing, you’re providing a value to them that they appreciate and goes, it goes to a deeper level where they end up seeing you in a different light after they’ve been able to see you in person.

But then there’s also the other side, if you are able to see your customers, talk to them, discuss with them, see what their other interests are like. See them as an actual human being versus just a name on the other end of cyberspace.

If you can do that, you’ll find value in that. Now, there was an interview that I did with Justin Layer and John DeSpain of Fiber Light Fire Starters.

You can find that over on my website and I have a link in the description for that one, that particular episode. One of the main areas that they focus on is going to events specifically.

They’re in the outdoors door niche and so they go to a lot of outdoors events, outdoor based events, and get to really interact one-on-one with their customers. And they spend a lot of time talking about that.

We go back and forth all that well on that interview Off The Grid Biz Podcast that’s at

Go and check that out.

Find a way and I guarantee it, if you have a business that you cannot get in direct contact with your customer or, or whoever you’re going after, there’s a way for you to do it.

Leave a comment down below if you think that there’s not a way and explain to me what your business is.

How there’s not a way for you to get in direct contact with your customer. You need to get in person with them. It’s important for you and it’s important for them.

It can add enormous growth to your business. There are live conferences, conventions about everything and there are many of those that you can plug into.

Even if you don’t go officially, you know, paying for a table or a booth, maybe you go with your t-shirt on that has the name of your business and you just go around and talk to people.

It just takes getting out there and having the discussions and bringing the real world into the virtual world.

You’ll be happy you did.

You’ll be happy what you gain from it, but you’ll also be happy with what your customers gained from it.

So if you’d like to be able to talk about some of these issues regarding your business, I’d love to be able to talk with you, especially if you’re in the self reliance field like Justin and John from Fiber Light Fire Starters, go to

There’s a little video there you can watch. Go check it out. The link is in the description.

Also, we have my other materials over at Including videos just like this one.

So you have a great night.

We’re going to see you back here tomorrow where we’ll go through another concept that will hopefully help your business and really take you out of where you’re at and put you exactly on track to where you want to be.

So you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.